The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 07, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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-. ,B MBfc ,1 1 I -L1...L.1 WMM Bl
i assrassse sBB-arawaw
tobiohis amusimzbts. .
in i Ira.
..'.Mr wife's riiy
.'Bet Owlet IhiW
Lrrlr. ."Bk Coaveiet Stalker'
Star a.-..,.........,..-.......... . .Vaudeville
Thousande of men and women were
jammed, packed and cruahed together
' at the bis department a tore of Kennerd
Adams, over on Wtlllania avenue, all
"day today.-The occaalon U the open.
Ing of the great fire aale at that place.
The building haa three floors 100x109
feet, and all were crowded With active
shoppers. Thouaanda of dollara' worth
of goods were sold, and every one waa
. a bargain deal The aale had been ad
vertised m The Journal for three day a.
and the inaaa of the people attracted to
ma bsjo la aoundant confirmation .that
The Journal la read in almost every
home." In fact there la not much need
In advertising- In any other medium la
the city. Thle la the medium that the
people read. The aale will be continued
all next week, or until ail damaged
goods are .sold. . . .. .
, . At . the People's Forum at I o'clock
tomorrow evening in the Belllng-Hirsoh
hall. Tenth and Washington streets, an
interesting dlacuaalon On the proposed
smendmetut to the local option law will
take place. - The dlacuaalon for and
saalnst the amendment will be led re
spectively fey A! Crofton, atterney for
tne Wholesale Liquor Dealers' associa
tion, and. C. M. Van Pelt, attorney for
the Anti-Saloon lea rue of Oregon. All
are cordially invited. . . - - -,. .
Tou are anvloua to have a ault that is
fashionable and becoming aa well as ne
that give you good service. We
- invite you to call and examine our stock,
They are aulta with excellence and all
who wear them say they get the worth
or their money. We make any ault In
the bouse for f 25, no more, no less. Bat
Infection guaranteed, Unique Tailoring
Co., 309 Stark street, near Sixth.
' - - At Cnampoeg, May t, will be cole
' brated the anniversary of the birth of
-.American civil government in Oregon,
The celebration will be under the aus
pices of Matthleu Cabin, Native Sons of
Oregon and the Hon. Charles V. Gallo
way of McMlnnvllle will deliver the
principal address. F. X. Matthleu, who
. caat the deciding vote In the convention
; of May J, IMS, will be pTesent.
Joseph Amato was rearrested this
. .morning on the charge of selling toban,
co to minors. He was taken on this
. charge several- daya ago, but -was al
, lowed to go pending -another Investiga-
' tlon of the case, it waa learned that
. . he had gone out and began selling lo
bs coo to children again. He will be
' tried before Judge .Praser: this after
. . Just a few hours before be leaped to
"his death yesterday afternoon, Homer
"' H. Hallock appeared at the county
: ; clerks office and registered as a Re
. . publican voter by Deputy County Clerk
- ' R. R. McCann. - Mr. Hallock declared
that he waa a native of New Tork. that
he waa. 60 yeara old and that for tt
years he had been a citizen of Oregon.
Mineral Springs Hotel company, )em-
aeea Amoa II. St Martin hot springs,
- Canon, Washington, la without doubt
.the best health resort in the northwest.
Hot mineral batha for cure of rheuma
tism, atomach, liver and kidney trou-
.' bles. Excellent table, electric lights and
steam heati Una trout Ashing. Take
' steamer Spencer or Regulator boats.
Japanese Dusting ; Compound for
sprinkling on the floora-before sweep-
, ing A highly meritorious article. . No
... store or public building ahould be swept
- without first sprinkling with Japanese
- - Duatlesa Compound. Trade aupplied by
F. E. Beach Co.. the pioneer, paint
'company, its Flrat street. -
Articles of Incorporation ; for " the
" Banker : . Lumbermen's - bank were
' filed In the office of County Clerk
Frank B. Fields this morning. The in
corporators are D. C. Pelton, Robert T.
Piatt and John A. Keating. The cap
ital stock Is given at $360,000.
' John P. ' Murphy, the Infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Murphy, died
yesterday after a brief illness, and was
burled -tola afternoon. The "funeral
services were held in St. Mary's eathe-
dVal and . Intorment was In Rlverview
. cemetery. . . , -.-
Mrs. Idella Woodbury, who was
.thought to have been lost in a. Mon
tana train wreck, left this afternoon
for her borne In Maine. She will visit
her paretvta In thai state, and will re
turn to Portland in the summer.
" White Temple. Sunday. , 10:10, Dr.
Ixmghbrldge of India. 7:30, Dr. Brough
er's toplo, "Does the Servant Girl Re-
' celve Fair Treatment?" giving facts se
cured, directly from mistresses and
.maids. Special music. .
Until - further - notice; commencing
Sunday, April I, HOC. the Mississippi
avenue care will croas the river west
erly over steel bridge and easterly over
Burnslde bridge. Portland Railway com
pany. . ' -
"Leeron'sV From the Chamber of Com
merce Fire" la Dr. House's toplo Sun
day evening- at First Congregational
b- enure n, rarx ana maaison streete, raim
sermon In the morning.
Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on
easy weekly payments. 61 down and 60
' cents per week. All mainsprings II; all
"-. watches cleaned f I. Metsger ft Co., Ill
' Sixth street. - :i
' Butler's Mawn fertiliser rejuvenates
.' ths shabby lawn) his sweet peas and
lawn grass got gold medal at the fair,
lit Front, between Yamhill and Taylor.
Concrete Construction Co., 701 Cham
ber of Commerce, manufacturers of
I ' ennercts stone blocks. Contractors for
all kinds of cement work. Tel. Main 110.
" in ihe courtroom of the county court
this morning was held a meeting of the
road supervisors. County Judge Lionel
- R. Webster and Commissioners W. ' JU
The Scottish
; Covenanters
' ; IN -. '-.
A C;! SzzX tzr Hzzm
Tkeaaas Bieaardaoa) SecUree that ne'er
before ko'e sot
' Before the pabile tat a piste that eetaied
le aim bo but.
Al te Its erlgla, be says, a-eiakbig ens
"1 sslle'a the are started ta a bottle ef
Muaua's Dry.
As bow, it started, aad like UabtaiBg
beraed tae lid
yroca off the aioiMier selldhig yes bat
your Ufe II did.
But happy ray ef eeatart ql des-
eutlua's rouad
My lanndry'll eleasee my Uses' St ais
Uay eraaj a pouad."
- . i
AaJ "en we wilt wash, stareh and
.ka (except baud worst all kLad t
Hues at tbe sniall charts ef sts eeale
a sound. After we bare elesmee tbe
tsrsMats that atust be Ironed by band
tue boueewife can boa - toes serMlf.
Use eer telephoae. -
VeX Bfala, S8.,-.,.
judge ku:it co:i:g to
. listeh tp pleas.
Will Allow Appeals 4o Bo Pr
fected by Williamson. Van
': 1 Gesner and IJIggs. v "
United States District Judgs'W. H.
Hunt of Montana la en route to Port
land, where he will hold court next
week for1 the purpose fit allowing ap
peala to be perfected by Congressman 3,
N. Williamson, , Dr. Van Oesner and
Marion R. Biggs, convicted last summer
In the land - fraud prosecutions. The
time for appeal expires April 14, and
ss Judge Hunt presided -at the trial
it Is necessary that be should also pre
side when the bill of exceptions filed by
each defendant la aettled.
. It Js said that -Congreaaman William
son proposes to appeal to both the. Unit
ed States supreme court and 'the cir
cuit court of appeala. Hla caae would
be carried - to the supreme court, it
Is said, on constitutional grounds. His
co-defendants will probably take their
appeal only to the circuit court of ap
peal. , . ... -
, Another land - fraud ease In. which
Judge Hunt presided whlls In Portland
last aummer waa that In which W. N.
Jonea and Thaddeua 8. Potter were de
f endanta. Sentence has never been pro
nounced upon theae defendants and this
msy bs done by Judge Hunt during his
stay.' -- ' - -- - . .
-United States Circuit Judge W. N.
Gilbert said this morning that Francis
j. . xieney would not no in Portland to
resume the land fraud trials before next
June. In the Interval, the trial of Con,
gressman Hermann in Washington may
take place. ..; ..... -..
All churches, auditoriums and public
School buildings In Portland will be In
spected by Chief Campbell of the fire
department and . Fire Marshal Roberta.
A resolution that thla be done waa In
troduced before the city executive board
yeaterday afternoon by Max Fleiachner
Lutd-unanimously adopted. "
Thla action la in keeping with the cru
sade made by "the executive board for
better fire protection in public build
ings, primarily aimed at theaters. The
playhouse are being made to comply
with the law and it was the opinion
of the board that the churches, other
places of public assembly end school
buildings needed attention. The board
has received reports that 'many of the
churches sre rire traps snd that several
school buildings are not fit to house tbe
The members of the board are going
to make a thorough Inveatlgation, after
which Tecommendatlona will be made
where changes sre found to be neces
sary. .. . ,., -
Art Stadeats' league Formed.
The Sketch club held a meeting for
reorganisation, under the name of the
Oregon Art Students league,- at the Art
museum,- Wednesday evening, - March
14. The following officers were elected:
President, Dr. Richard Nunn; . vice-
president Mies Edna C. Breyman; treas
urer, II. F. Wants; secretary, Miss A. B.
Crocker; executive - committee, Miss
Agnes L. Jamleson, Mlsa Nelly Fox,
Mlaa Elva Humason, Mlsa Edna Brey
man, Mlsa Crocker, Dr. Nunn and Mr.
Wants. At present the league haa no
Instructors, - but olaaaea - are - being
formed In drawing, painting and clay
modeling, .at the Art - museum, by the
voluntary association of atudenta. Any
one Interested In thla work may obtain
Information concerning it by applying
at the Art museum, or by addressing
the secretary, at 174 Porter street,
Building Ooatlaoes Brisk.
The following building permits have
been 'Issued: John Drlecoll. cottage,
Sacramento str-et, between Grand and
Union avenues, coat 11.100; R. Breyer,
photograph gallery, Vancouver avenue.
between Knott and Russell atreeta, coot
tSOO; D. Lefevre, flats, corner Halaey
and Larabee streets, cost fS,000; Scott
ft Blaker. two cottages. East Grant, be
tween East Thirty-fourth and East
Thirty-fifth streets, cost f 1.000; J. M.
Wallace, corner East Yamhill and East
Thirty-seventh streets, cost $1,600) W.
O. Campbell, ootta-e, - Vancouver ave
nue, between - Beech and .... Fremont
atresia, eost 1800. - -
LJghtner and T. C. Barnes were present
and a general outline of road -work for
spring and summer was discussed.
Several of ths supervisors told of the
Improvements thst nave been mads' In
their districts during ths past year, and
the needs - of the communities were
pointed out The meeting waa sort of
an Informal discussion of road work In
Multnomah county, and all seemed Im
pressed with the fact thst Multnomah
county should have ths flneat country
roads in ths stats. . '
Herman Moeller, C. A. Bell and' A. C.
Mcintosh -have filed articles of Incor
poration for the Star Investment com
pany, its capital, stock being $5,000.
We are still gelling eye glasses at $1,
a perfect fit guaranteed or money 're
funded. Metsger Co., ill Sixth street
Richards Sunday French dinner with
wine, $1.00 per cover; to : p. ra.
Service unexcelled. Webber's orchestra.
C. E. Walborn. furniture repairing; pol
ishing, packing, shipping. TeL East $1(1.
Panama hats cleaned and blocked. Work
guaranteed. . Ill Fourth St Paolfio 107.
'Acme Oil Co. sells ths best safety foal
oils snd Sn gasolines. Phone Kast Tit.
Women's exohanara. Ill Tenth 'atreat
lunch,. 11 tot.
Milwaukie Country Club.
1 jtm Aft alea mnA C Wl mnA mm, f-b.
ellweod and Oresoa Cltv ear- at rirat
and Aids.
Robert 8, McCarl Plunges Into
River ' When Stream Is ,
Rimmed With Ice. '
Year It Up Next Thuraday McCarl
Says H Feels Well and Has Gained
' Five Pounds Swarn From Fifty to
Hundred Tarda Every Morning.
Clad in ' an ordinary ' bathing ' suit,
Robert 8. MoCarl. of a local grain ex
porting company, has enjoyed a swim in
the Willamette river every morning for
the past year. , The It months he has
been indulging in ths praottco will closs
next Thursday.
. By ths performance, ths young man,
who Is but IS years old, not -only won
the plaudits of his acquaintances, but
also a substantial wager. He also
emerged from the performance with five
pounds more of -flesh, and a healthier
glow than when he started. - '
On April II. 101. Mr. MoCarT, to
gether with a number of companions,
took a plunge and a ' short swim in
."-' " V',f-f"-'-l
Robert S. McCarl.
the river. The water was .extremely
cold and the teeth of soma of ths party
soon began to chatter. After taking
a few strokes, nearly all of them waded
ashore and put on . their clothes ,
quickly aa possible.
"It la too cold for enjoyment"- they
said. "No one could possibly endure
such treatment regularly for any great
leng-th of time. -
"I can and I Intend to prove It" 'an
swered McCarl ' calmly. "1" am going
to try lt-every morning for a year."
"It can't be done," assarted half a
doseu.-"We would like to make a wager
witli you on -that proposition."
The ' upshot of the matter was the
making of a bet ' After arranging for
some one to watch McCarl to see that
he carried out the term,e of his agree
ment, ths members of ths party dis
persed. It was agreeable to all concerned for
the awlmmlng to take place at a point
near the foot of Lane atreet South Port
land, In ths vicinity of the young man's
home. It was stipulated In the verbal
contract that he ahould take the. plunge
at S o'clock every morning and swim
from 60 to 100 yards.
- Promptly at that hour ths young ath
lete appeared at the river and went
through the ablutions with mors relish
than dread. It , was . seldom that he
swam loss than 100 yarda and ot
sionally he would go much farther. The
occupanta of a couple of houseboats near
by watched ' him and will teatif y that
he carried out hla part or the contract'
faithfully. : -;
"I believe that the cold-water bath
and exercise did me a great deal of
ffoou, saia Mouari. Al any rats I
gained several pounds In weight and
never felt better. I enjoyed the pastlms
so much that I Intend to continue the
practice this spring and summer.
in January and Marcn me cold snaps
which made most people ahlver even to
look at the river did not atop McCarl.
In tbe middle of March the temperature
got down degrees. Ice had formed
along tbe edge of the river and the
hills were covered with snow. But these
did-hot deter htm. -His friends believe
that he wonld have taken his morning
plunge if It had been necessary to cut
the Ice with an ax.- - '
Physically, McCarl Is a fins specimen
of vigorous young manhood. Not more
than the average height he weighs ITS
pounds, and his muscles ars like Iron,
lie la well known In athletio circles.
- .- Piofsiiod S-took' Oaaaeer woods. ; 7
Allen Lewis' Bsst Brand.
Do You Want
a Piano?
- Having made different arrange
ment a, ws are going to closs out
our entire present stock of pianos
: within ths next few weeks.
Tou may possibly never again
be able to buy on of the highest
grade pianos' for such a low pries
aa ws will quote you at this time.
It will pay you to see us.
If you do not feel quite ready
to -buy ws caa arrange first pay
ment to suit youf convenience
and make the easiest terms to fol
. lOW. .... ,.
Dundore Piano Co.
1S4 Sh St Opp. Oregosiaa Bldg.
Victor Talking Machines, Sheet
Music, Small Instruments.
W S .: :. .2
i" l" I
A'' "
1 is" i "f lr iim in utmm iwniMwi ht.ii mmi
Two Hundred Sixty.Two Thou
sand Dollars Worth of .
Goods for Orient.
One Hundred Sixteen. Thousand Dol
, lars Worth "of Flour, Mostly for
Hongkong Small Herd of Angora
Goats Confined Between Decks. .
With a cargo valued at $2(2.101, the
Oriental liner Arabia, left down at 1
o'clock this afternoon, bound tor Hong
kong and way ports. - Her principal
shipment t9,l(t barrels of flour, worth
$ll.r, will be distributed among Im
porters st ths various ports. - The main
consignment goes through to Hongkong.
- The manifest shows that 178,000 feet
of lumber will be delivered at Japanese
rorts. Its value being placed at $10,760,
The size of this shipment can best bs
appreciated when It la learned that It
would be sufficient to - make a full
eargo for the average ' coaster which
losds at Portland. Even a greater
amount of lumber has been contracted
for to go out on the other, steamers , of
the' line In May, June and July. . Aboat
175 tons of machinery is also on the
Arabia, the value of which is $85,000.
In importance as. regards value cotton
comes nsxt on ths manifest- Ths ship
ment comprises J. 160 bales, which ars
worth 160.000. Of this smount 400
bales goes to Kobe and ths rest to
- Ths small herd of Angora goats was
driven on board this morning, and will
occupy a limited runway between decks,
where they will be fed bran, ahorta.
tin cana ana otner aeucaciee. partic
ular care haa been taken to make their
apartment 'ao strong and tight that
they will be unable to escape and gain
access to me - riour. iderore being
snipped tney were shorn of their wool.
Stripped of their coats thsy sre val
ued at 1250. according to tbe manifest
There Is a large assortment of other
freight on the steamer, including -40
tona of paper, 45 tons of plain wlrs and
It tons of insulated wire.
-About a week from today the Ara
gonla Is due to arrive from ths .far, east
She sailed from Tokohama for Port
land on March $0, and by making an
ordinary passage should put in sn ap
pearance April 15. Nearly all -of her
space for the outward trip has been en
Costa mioa. " Bepalraa and Creneraily
Overhauled, Will Bail for Portland.
Word has been received by the local
officials of the San Francisco A Port--
lana Bteamahlp company that the
steamer Costa Rica will sail from Ban
Francisco for Portland next Thursday
in place of ths Senator, which will go
in service on the Nome run from Puget
sound. , ,,
WhUs the Costa Rica is not noted for
speed. It 4s said shs has been artven an
extenslvs overhauling and will make a
far better showing than last fall, when
shs' was on ths Portland-San Francisco
routs. During- the past two months
that shs has been Idle extensive alter
ations and Improvements . have been
made to her sngins rooms. As a re
sult. It le expected that shewlll easily
develop a speed of 11 knots an hour.
Her - freight apace has also-been-considerably
enlarged. William Mason,
first offloer of the Senator, "Will be cap
tain of her and E. Houghton chief en
gineer. . - u , - -
The company officials say they ars
confident that the Costa Rlca will soon
bs supplsnted by a larger, faster and
more modern boat They do not ex
pect to be made acquainted with the
Identity of ths nsw eraft until R.. P.
Schwerin. vice-president - and general
manager .of ths lins, returns to San
Francisco. The last heard from htm ha
was en routs from New Tork to Pan
ama, After making a short stay on
the Isthmus he will come north.
BrlUsk Bark Balmor aad Ship Clack
manaanshlra Beady to SalL
Two more vessels the British bsrk
Balmore and British ship Clackman
nanshire have cleared at the custom
house with lumber cargoes aggregating
1,457.294. feet of fir. The Balmore's
cargo comprises 1.119,745 feet and Is
valued at $14,000. ' She has nesrly a full
crew of sailors and ths captain' expects
to leave down Monday morning, bound
for Genoa. Italy. .
Ths Clackmannanshire's cargo meas
ures 1.? 17,551 feet and 1s valued at $17,
$60, which will be taken to Port Pirle.
Australia. Captain Ewlng, her master,
says he Is in nscd of seven more sea
men to make up a full complement, and
does . not know how long hs will be
obliged to remain in port Hla ship
has been here sines February t. the
work of loading her having proceeded
unusually slow on account of the large
number of other vessels at ths same
Whlls ths American Bark Harry Morse
has completed her cargo for, Boston,
shs has not cleared as yet and pre
sumably is waiting until it Is known
Just when she can get a crew.
V X. Peterson Says Xs Is doing to
. Baa Sxeursloa to Coble.
- Somewhere near April 20. J. U. Peter,
son, owner of the craft says that the
stesmsr Elder will bs pumped out and
raised from ths rooks en- whtoh she has
been resting In the Columbia river for
the last It months.' - - -
Mr. Peterson declares that "when hs
knows definitely the dale on which thla
event will be done be Intends to
charter ths steamer Telephone and run
an excursion down to Gobls from Port
land. He believes that more people
would be anxious to make ths trip than
ths Telephone has a license for carry
ing. Should thla contingency arise hs
declares that hs will engage another
boat to assist In handling ths crowds.
Bnsslaa Bark Fsaaia aad Frsaok Ship
Taabaa Beach Falmouth MoatTa "bats.
The Russian bsrk Fennla and French
Ship Vauban arrived at Falmouth- at
the same hour yesterday with whest
cargoes from Portland. Ths Russian
had IT days the start of ths Frenchman
from the mouth of ths Columbia river.
Both - made unusually slow passages.
Ths Fennla sailed on November 1 snd
ths Vauban, November 19. and each
should have reached her destination a
month earlier. On the outward passage
Wilbur G. Kerns, candidate for the Republican Nomination for
County Auditor, Is a Native Bon of Oregon, born and educated in this
Mr. Kerns has never held office, but has been Deputy' under County-
Clerk Frank B. Fields. He has large acquaintance and many enthuslaatlo
friends who ars loyally aupporUng ais- -candidacy.--
Patrons of the Clerk's oflics will generally recognise Mr. Kerns'
fitness for the otflcs of County Auditor by reason of hjs courtesy and "
diligent attention to duly. , . , ,
X v . " vans to .xn. DM stba." v -.
I v.,.v ,;
- - "Make dirt r as Panama
titb tm cogassii.
from Portland the run Is made much
more quickly than in coming from Eu
rope. Thla Is said to bo due to the in.
variable eastern trend of the wind at
Caps Horn., .
One hundred boat knees-, were taken
down to St Johns yssterday afternoon
on the steamer C M. Walker.- Ths
timbers will bs used by ths St Johns
Shipbuilding company, which la build
ing a large barge.
Aside from ths German ship. Emllle,
the British bark Bankburn Is consid
ered fully due at Portland. She sailed
from Yoltal for -the Columbia river on
December It. -
PI verJB alley .jarilXIgo dowa-toOwB
landing- on ths lower Columbia thl
evening and assist In recovering a gaso
line . engine which was lost' overboard
from the steamer Mascot Thuraday. The
'engine la valued at $300.
The steamers Capital City and Dalles
City of the Regulator line's fleet were
placed In aervlce thla morning between
Portland and The Dalles. ..
The French ahlp Crlllon moved this
morning from the Messey to Columbia
dock No. S, where shs began taking on a
cargo of grain for the United Kingdom.
Laden with a cargo of lumber, ths
barkentlne Portland left ' down from
Stella this morning bound for San Pe-
Tomorrow the French bark . General
Neumayer will be taken down to the
drydock, where shs will bs cleaned and
Carrying (15.000 feet of lumber ths
steamer Cascade sailed thla morning for
Ban Franclaco.
On Tutsday morning United States In
spectors Edwards and Fuller will make
an. Inquiry Into the collision which re
sulted near the mouth of the Willamette
a .couple . of - weeks sgo . between, the
steamers Columbia and Despatch.
- The barkentlne T. M. Emigh arrived
from San Pedro at about noon and
moored at the Portland mill, where aha
will be supplied with a lumber cargo.
Captain Baxter or the British ship
Blahtoch is in ths city from Astoria and
says that bs baa not been notified that
hla vessel haa been chartered to load
grain on the Sound for Europe, aa was
reported a few days ago. f
Astoria, April T. Arrived down at 4
and sailed at J:60 a. m., steamer Senator,
for San Francisco. Arrived down at
and aalled at 10 a. m., steamer Cascade,
for Ban Francisco. Called at 1:40 a. m.,
schooner W. F. Jewett for Redondo,
Arrived at a. m.. United - States
ateamer Perry. Sailed at 11 a. m.,
achooner Mabel Oale, for San Francisco.
Arrived down at t:4t a. m., French ahlp
Jules Qommes. .
San - Francisco, April T. Sailed at
11:30 a. m- steamer Columbia, for Port
land. Arrived, ateamer F. A. Kilburn,
from Portland and way porta
Astoria, April (. Arrived down at
11:30 p. m., schooners Mabel Oale and
W." F. Jawett Left up at !:$ p. m.,
barkentlne T. P. Emigh.
. San - Francisco, - April - 0. Sailed,
schooner Louis, for Astoria.
" Falmouth,- April 4. Arrived, Russian
bark Fennla and French ahlp Vauban.
from Portland. ' -
St. Johna. April T. Passed at t:50 a.
nt, barkentlne T. P. Emigh.
Astoria. April T. Condition of tbe bar
at I a. m-. smooth; wind west; weather
cloudy. . . , . j .
J. E. Bennett was awarded ths con
tract yesterday by ths board of school
directors for . making additions to ths
Sunnyslde, East .Twenty-eighth street
snd the Holman public schools for $3S,
171. Six rooms will bs built on each
of the school buildings and other Im
provements mads. , The bid was consid
ered low.
Superintendent of Construction Jones
wss directed to draw up ths contracts
immediately aa ths contractor la anxious
to prepare for the work. It la ths de
sire of ths members of the board to
have the Improvements finished by ths
opening of ths fall tern la September,
v : ., '
svad save ia.000 miles s rraarta." . ;
Candidate of ths People and not ths
choice of ths Banks, and . Corpora
tions. .
- Judgo Ryan's record as a publio
officer proves him a man of business
ability, well fitted to Derfonn ever'
"duty requ!redo?"the 6tateTreaaurer.
Being neither officer, stockholder,
sgent, or employe of any banking In
stitution, hs is under no obligation
Id - any corporation and stands
squarely on the following platform:
"That the FUNDS Of the Stats be
long to ths PEOPLE, and should not
be USED for the BENEFIT of any
TUTION; that MONEYS of the Stats
which- should be .. PAID- INTO the
Stats Treasury. . That the State
Treasurer should bs PROHIBITED
from speculating or using the Stats
Funds for hla personal benefit re
ceiving for . his services . only ths
salary allowed by law; that It be
made unlawful for the State Treas
urer to have any Interest either di
rectly or indirectly. In any BANK In
which any of the moneys of ths
Stats are deposited or loaned."
Thla platform Is a good one, and
as ths other prominent candidates
for this office sre all BANKERS or
EMPLOYES Of BANKS. It looks as
if Judge Ryan . will surely be the
Treaaurer. , .''.
Wilt not deplete our bunkers. We will
alwaya have abundance of both
aad blacksmith's coal house cot
from all ths mines at lowest prices.
Vr'Tn Con! Ci..
Austin Cox
The Goal Strilie
- m a --
'iJUaJ lU-Lt
washed and kept moist with Poad'e i
Extract will heal, quickly. Running
ores should be cleanKd sail with
hot water sn4 bandaged with cot
ton pad moistened with fsad't Ex
tract. - It kill the gtnrn which exists
la ever sore, and tends te purue
the. adjacent . tissues., Pood'
Extract draws from the blood all
dead matter aad reduces laflam
matioa. No unhealthy eeaditioa caa
exist where Poad'e Extract is ttatd
freel. ' ... '.' '; , .'-'-.'
Wittk Hsntl it mt lit ism thing.
On, mmmljiu irvtatf Miln
Wittk Hautl tffirtd si " tit imt
thing" Jiflf-Hw mtr ibvum Is
etmtmin wood thoftl r VmaVsAyre
knth. AmtmtA V. . . f a I ,., m
o Portland
' ' . TRAVELalaua,
Kverythlng to sat and
It eoets no mora la ths -
Portland Hotel
than elsewhere In the city,
weekday night from S:$S to It,
b a
t - jrzt. miI
i4,k I!B i liEILIG "TE5
Wsshuigtaa " .--: , . ,uial.-
Monday. - Teeadaf - aad ' Wedaaaday Sigkta,
asrlf . 10 aad 11 RicUifPTfee
; . Matinee Wertaeedey
Wrlttea W aal Arrastreaa.
Ony Bates Poet aod aa Bxoslleat Oast,
ing riii st.ty fi ifc ouc eo
nee Prices It 75a, 50e. We. $9e.
U. ttn.
Heata now senior st tne ueuig xaeanrs.
Bos etnea opes
Harquam Grand Thectre
PBOR batb tea.
KeasAy, Ayril t (Elks' Blcht) 'Tke Wit aad
Wis4ora ef Beakeaswe'a Tl."
Tassaay,. AprU It (X. tt P. BUjM) "Tbs
Snkul mi Vaalaa."
Veaaeaday Matinee, Arril 11 "Ike VaaMa ef
Wedaeelay. Fight, AprU U "Jmhaa Caeear.'
Uixler too aiupioes or aawais ec rrsis.
PRICKS Lower floor. $1 snd TSe. Bilcoay.
T&e sod SOe. Botes iad lnM, $7 AO.
Sale ef seats eteas grlday. 10 a. am.. Mar.
Empire TheatrcsH-Tr
MltTOlf W. gaMAW. Mauae.
Partisad's f.rlar yiayaoaiae. -',-.'..
Tvnlsbt, tat perfnrmanre.
' The Mnalsal rarae Cesaedy,
Besded kjr the Weu-Kaowa Coaaediaaa,
ArrtxTOB and rtaar.
BimzCTlOB W. M'SOWAir.
StatytkiBg New. A Bis Sacease Erarywasra
sua raai see iinoar.
l-rentus prleea. l&c, v, to. ta.
Vest Week. BtarMas Sunay Matisse,
. "TH1 ItlU WUUUXt."
Week ef ssrll S,
booskt roiRisria.
. ..... , WILL 0. HOTT. 'i ;
stabosooe. - .
- 10 Coats t Asy Best Bsespt Bosea.
CIANI TIEATIC . r.r.4o May Trie. ,
Weak f April S. tu' '
AU Solaetoaf Aets Oasory Stastas.
OBAi RTA ABO Be. sad Me. Barry
luaywa Aars. . Barold Boff,
bats. wmdlae.
fBir-KB Beoates sad Iweoara, IV,
Sla. sad Bnaee Uc: MaUasee, loe te say
r..f N1 ;
i-r s s i:h r- "ev u j -;.: