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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1906)
THE CjREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TO:.LA::J. 'w.... . W' . - ( '- :- - May 19th - to-2dth ; i i ii ' 1 1 '' v I l IIVS lUl: iiVb I WU) 1111 The peasants on the estates of Prince and Princess Cantacurene have , risen in revolt, Recline to plow the grounds and declare that they intend to seixe it for their own use. Princess CanUcuiene was before her tnarriage Miss Julia Dent Grant, daughter of General Frederick Grant . and granddaughter of U. S. Grant. The picture shows the princess, her eldest chijd and her jjusband. u Z SMUGGLERS IS DISCOVERED ' PLOT POSTAL Immigration Officials Unearth Conspiracy to Ship Chinese - Across the Border. PRETEND" TO BE SAILORS ON MEXICAN FISH BOATS Promoters Were Offered Two Thou : . sand Dollars for Each Oriental Taken Into' America Without De tection. ',- , "' ' -;. ' : Question of Devising a Better System for Transportation Receives Atten tion, as Does Universal Postage Stamp. '' (Jouraal Special gerrlee.) - ' . Los Angeles. CaJ., April 7. ImmlgTV tton officer have uncovered plans of a most extensive scale for the wholesale smuggling of Chinese Into th. United States. ' They are certain that within the next month, had not the plot been discovered. Chinese . men . and . women would be pouring- Into Los Angeles by the scores, and be bidden by country men until they eould be safely scattered. A Los Angeles professional man and his asaoclate at Redondo are said to be the principal In the proposed smuggling venture. The inspection charge at Ban Diego. Era 11 Engelcke, has collected evi dence which shows tb extenslveness of - the scheme and the result of the dis coveries In that the United Btatea rev. enue eutter McCulloch Is patrolling the southern California coast waiting to nab the first. Chinese who shows his bead. , .- . - - . - - - The general plan of the Los Angeles Kedondo combination is said to have been to secure from the Lower Call fornia Development company, an English . syndicate which controls the major por tion of the peninsula territory, conces sions for fishing snd operating fish 'boats to points northward."' AH the fish boats were to run from Ensenada and San Diego and Newport bay were to be manned by Chinese and the scheme wss to interchange these crews while at Ensenada with excluded Celestials and gradually work them over the border. It Is alleged the promoters were offered SZ.eoo tor each Chinese landed. There is nothing calculated to com pletely to take humility out of a man who blames himself as agreeing with Dim. - - - . - FOOD OR STIMULANT, Ask your doctor if "when he orders a patient to drink -lots of pure milk he advisei . the additionTbf a larg quantity of whiskey. . Hell tell you no " very emphati- dly. Yet there are people. ' who, when ordered to get Scott's Emulsion,-will accept some wine, cordial or extracf of cod liver oil and think it it the same thing or better. U you want and need cod liver oil in its' best, purest and most easily digested form, get Scott's Emulsion. If you want whiskey, that's another ' matter, but don't look for the same results. , 1 r7y SCOTr OWM(, o, r-rl St New York. CONGRESS IKIES Delegates Present' From All . Countries of the Civil- -; lied World.' r- TO DECREASE RATE - FOR FOREIGN MAIL (Journal Special Service.) Rome. April T. The sixth meeting of the International Postal congress is In session today with delegates present from all the countries of the civilised world. Conaplcuous among those pres ent were Edward Bosewater of Omaha and Captain N. M. Brooke of Washing ton, the official delegates from the United Statee. Captain Brooks Is the chief of the bureau of foreign malls of the United Btates postofflce department, and as a result of his many years of service and wide experience he is re garded as one of the foremost author! ties on postal matters In the world. The International Postal anion, under whose auspices the - congress is held. was organised originally about 40 years ago by a few of the leading nations of the world, its first congress being held at Bern.r which city still remains the headquarters and clearing-house of the union. At the present time (1 nations are by treaty connected with the union, Afghanistan being the only country not a member. . The present congress, which Is ex. pected to be In eession several weeks. will consider all those questions Involv Ing foreign-mail and their transport-, tion and postal appliances. One of the principal questions to come up Is that of the rate for foreign postaga. which at present Is t cents for . each half ounce, first clasa It is the general opinion that this rate Is too high for the weight allowed. It is probable that the congress will decree one of two things that the rate of foreign postage be d. creased to S cents, or possibly 1 cents for each half ounce of first-class mall, or that the weight of first-class mall for a cents shall be doubled. The question of devising sj better sys tem for the transportation of foreign mails, will receive attention and the adoption of a universal postage stamp will also come up for consideration. In connection with the last-named subject the congress will consider the system recently adopted by the Dutch govern ment, namely, the acheme of keeping on aale In. the postofflce of, the principal towns a supply of stamps correspond ing to the value of t cents of the prin cipal countries of the world, which are sold at - a very slight advance on the face -valuevr't'hls plan enables a writer, In sending a letter to a foreign coun try, to enclose postage for a reply when desired. . ONE KILLED, ONE HURT IN MINES OF BUTTE (Soeriat DUoatcl to The Jooratl.) Butte, Mont.. April 7. John O'Brien, a well-known miner, met Instant death nere in the minea, a mass of ground eliding upon his neck and breaking rt. His partner had Just stepped back to light hie pipe when a slide occurred snd was just a few feet out of harm s way - Patrick Duggan. a station tender, was fatally Injured by having a four-foot splinter of wood run lengthwise through his body, Duggan was ascending In the cage when the splinter became detached from the side of the shaft and he struck It with terrible force. It w necessary for the surgeons to cut him open to remove the. wood. ,...- The man Who doesn't wsnt what ha hasn't got has all he wants and ,1s happy. .ratlence may enable a man to win In a walk, but it's usually a long walk. 1 P- V TROLLEY " LINE" UP T noun HOOD Railroad to Be Extended Up the Valley at Once and Convert ; ed Into Electric Line. ' ERECTING POWER PLANT AT NEW TOWN OF DEE As Soon as Business Justifies Lint Which Has , Roadbed Completed Will Be Extended in Other -Directions. : (Special Dispatch' te" Tha" lesrsiLl Hood River, April 7. The announce ment waa made today by W. H. Ecclesv president of the Mount Hood railroad, that It is the Intention' to extend the road on up the valley to Mount Hood settlement and later to the base of Mount Hood- and that the road . will be changed - into an. electric ons aa fast as it is possible to do so. Rumors that the change would be made have been afloat for some time, but it was not until today that an official statement of the Intentions of the company Waa made. , It is known, that, the company wax putting in a powerful and expensive electa lo plant at the new town of Dee, 17 miles up the valley and that the big mill which is nearlng completion there would not be able to consume more than half of the power . which their plant will f ur nlsh. It now develops that It was the intention of the company from the first to utilise the residue of this power for an electric road. Tha latest and most powerful electrical machinery that can be. procured - Is being installed and as soon as the mill I In operation It la expected that work' tm the. -extension of the road will be begun. The building of the road to Its present destination has been accompanied with many , ob stacles . and the management . of the company would not make any-. state ment, of" their Intention until the part of It which Is now completed was fin ished. ' . The building of railroad to Mount Hood from this city has been a ques tion that has been agitated -from time to time for several years, as Hood River Is the nearest point on the railroad to the famous mountain. The long, dusty drive has deterred many who wanted to take the trip by stage and haa pre vented it from t becoming one of the most popular points of interest for tourists In Oregon. With the exten sion of tha Mount. Hood road assured this will be done away with and the traveler will be taken over a route that Is replete with scenlo attractions and points of 'Interest, and will be Insured comfort and dispatch.. ' In talking about the extension and - a 9AJnY rem BTmjra. rr. Bergln. Pans. 111., wrttea: - "I have used Ballard's Bnow Liniment; always recommended It to my friends, as I am confident there Is no better made. 'It Is dandy for burns.' Those who live on farms are especially liable to many eccldantal cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Bnow LInlmen is applied. 'It should, slways be kept in the house for rsaes of emerg ency.'T It.-, too and 1 00. Bold by Woodard, Clarke aV C The Matchess 'j$ i -.' jzj- ri, " Til Tr . - : :":. Just a Twist of the Switch It is the ONE-THE ONLY-light for the HOME, because it is cleaner, it is snfef , it is more convenient, it is more economical than any other , illuminant 1 '..; A- For Your Every, DayXNeeds ELECTRIC HAIR CURLER THE ELECTRIC FLAT IRON Is a time saver and a strength saver in the household. It appeals, to every house-wifo as an ECONOMY,. not an expense. p:k Electric lighting there is no excuse why any- residence . in Portland or its suburbs should -be other. than Electricalljr lighted. V AND THEN with Electric Light in the HOUSE you have at -your command the numberless HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES that are operated by the Electric current ; ... There's no time to be lost n - - Make application at once. WE make the way easy FOR YOU. ' T Cut Out Coupon Portland General Electric Co. ... .... - r ' Bwvcnth gold Alder Sts. Please send your representative to seo mo about ELECTRIC LIGHTING. ' ' - . ' -y , Name. Address. Convenient time to cafl. Portland Genera ecfr Telephone Exchange 13 Seventh and Alder Streets development ot tha electrlo road today, President Bodes said: "In regard to the development of the Mount Hood railroad by extending It up the valley from Dee as far as H Is practicable to go our position Is the same as t was a year ago when we assured a committee of representative men from that dlstrtot that aa soon aa we had completed the road that we had under way It would be extended. That time Is now about at hand and within a very few days we will have the roadbed of' the steam road completed and regu lar trains put on. We have had In mind electrifying tha road from ths beginning and have the necessary electrical' ma chinery and ample power to operate both the mill and road, with more at our com mand If necessary. The extension of the Mount Hood Line la not the only project In this connection that we have In view, aa Just ss soon as business Jus tifies It and perhaps before we will ex No pill Is aa pleasant and positive aa PeWlti's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladlea and week people enjoy their cleansing ef fect, while atrong people say they are the best liver plhg sold. Never gripe. tsnd the line In other directions aa that the whole valley will be more or less benefited. It haa been no secret that It waa our intention to develop this ter ritory as far as It la possible for ua to do so although wa have niet with many obstructionists who have made it hard for ua." - : .'- .The distance to the base -of Mount Hood from the end of the present line Is about 11 miles, the country to be gone through,' however, la of a nature that is much easier to build a railroad In than la Traversed by that portion of the road alreidy built. , A Shock to Spain. '. - From the St Louis Poet-DIspatoh. It will shook Alfonso and the Span iards., when they learn -that we have been slaughtering women and ohlldren in the Philippines. . A Ziooky rostmilatrese Is Mrs. Alexander of Cary, Maine, who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the beat remedy she ever tried for keeping the rHnmach. I.lver and Howels In perfect order. You'll agree with her If you try these plnles purifiers that Infuse new life. Oitaranfeed by 8. O. fkldmore at Co., druggists. Price 16a. ! V r - J;.