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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1906)
..1LY Jvw....V.L, W-4ILAIID, , CATUIiDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, UCX- JM1S PORTLAND'S MODEL SUBURB r LOTS $150 $3 Down $3 A Month LOTS $150 $3 Down $3 A Month .T,C rU inFUKir LOCATED IN THE CENTER OF THE FAMOUS MT. SCOTT DISTRICT. HIGH, DRY JT'C DC A I IT I CI II I I 1 l.nAu til MU AND . LEVEL. THE MOST HEALTHFUL AND MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATION I I IjlAU I IrUL I I J VIIIIUMIIIU IN THE VICINITY OF PORTLAND. 1 U 1 The rush to this district has amazed observers. The development of the Mt. Scott section has been marvelous. '.The greatest financial authorities admit there is no investment as safe aVrearestate. Never in the history of Portland have you' been offered such a brilliant opportunity to lay the foundation for a home of your , own as you are now offered in Woodmere. , v :&Z LOTS U EJA $3Down . 50x100 & V V S3 A Month : .:: (Only 1 0c a Day) ! c 'l'.-L s : Twenty-five minutes from city ID-minute service; oc tare, .weugnuvu riae. . ... ,.;.-,,,y .... 4 . iii' innnioc nin nun IH UMATILLA Government Plans a Gigantic i Structure for ; Reclamation J Project Near Cold Springs. NINETY FEET IN HEIGHT - -. QUARTER OF MILE LONG Bids to Be Asked Soon for Embank ; V merit Natural Reservoir Site to Be 1 1 Used to Impound Surplus ,Wtr Jt of .Stream. ' 8lMrUl IMnpatcb to lit JoorMl.) ' : Ponaieton. Or., AprtJ 7. 'i'b United Rutes reclamation rvtca will soon for bl3 for th ontractlon of the "Always Uniform. ., Always Reliable -Everywhere Obtainable BAKER'S & COCOA have stood the tests of time and . service for over 125 years IUCWTOTWI. ' V. Ik I"!. Off. Be sure that you get the genuine with thetradc-markonthepackage. Direction for preparing; more than one hundred dainty dithet in our Choice Recipe Book, tent free on requeat. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. $Mtti 1790 , Dorcheeter, Mas. )Af Highest Awards in tO Europe and America ' Hit II CHOCOLATE ill 1m;e on' best electric car line in Portland; finest cars; THIS IS A PURCHASING CHANCE THAT FEW WILL MISS, FOR SUCH BARGAINS ARE RARE. GO OUT. EARLY TOMORROW TAKE MT. SCOTT CAR, FIRST AND ALDER STS. rMarrolr fo the . atorac - ot . aurjrtua waters of the Umatilla river. The alte for thla great earth dam le 10 miles eoutheest of Umatilla and three miles south of Cold Springs station on the Columbia, river line of the O. R. It N. eompanr. ..,. " The site is a natural basin within which the waters will be Impounded by a dam SO feet-high and over a quarter of a mile lona It -will contain about (00,000 oubio feet of earth. Here wlU be stored 1 0.000-acre feet of water which will atand SO feet deep acalnst the dam. . i On March 30 this year there was four times the amount of water rushing down the Umatilla that could be carried by all the canals that Could be built or even purposed to be built or enlarged by private companies' and the govern ment reclamation service and the river is not. yet at high water. , -. The-surface of the Umatilla river where It enters the Columbia river at Umatilla la about ISO feet above, a ea level and the water at Echo, IS miles op the Umatilla river, ie about S2S feet, showing a fall of nearly 10 feet -per mUa 1 : ; '- : , PARENTS AND TEACHERS TO MEET AT PHILOMATH (Srwrial Dh-pateb to The Joaroal)v " - rv.)lla fit. Anrll 7. A Barents'. iMh.F . nA whnAl flfllr.ri' meeting under - the management of -Superintend ent O. W. Dcnman ie xo oe nsia at rni umith Mtt Aiinniav. Anrll 14. ' A lit erary and musical program under the direction of Philomath college will be given. There will be an address by Su perintendent J. IL Ackerman. another by Dr. Robert Tenney, member of the state board of Health, ana an- aaareas by President K. V. Ressler of the Mon mouth normal. There will be a basket dinner at noon, and a large an enthu- slastlo crowd is expeciea io aiiena.. . ICE AND COLD STORAGE PLANT. FOR CHEHALIS (gperltl TOpte to The Jotm1.) rt,.haiia U'uh . Aorll 1. ChehallS Ie assured the Immediate building of a factory for the manufacture of ice and - - nl,nr Tha nlant will be m cum .wi b - - operated by. the St. Helens Condensing company and will oe ownea joinny oj It and the Olympla. Brewing- company. . ,.t f thai rlt V council was held Wedneaday night and a fran chise granted for the eonaensmg com-, pany to lay pipes through? the streets. This will make the second new enter prise for Chehalis witnin a mourn, a factory for the working of sheet metal piping, etc, having recently come in. MUTUAL LOBBYIST TO " -. TELL ALL HE KNOWS (Jmraal SpacUl Service.) ' ' New Tork. April 7. Andrew C Fields, former leglelative agent of the Mutual, announces that he will make charges against Mutual trusteee similar to those made by Hamilton against the New Tork Life. All expenditures made he claims were under the direction of the officers of the company, who were cognisant of all moneys handled. O. ft si a. U lit eat xaae. IImiIiI Mmlrk fcn Tm InmM Cottaa-e Grove. Or., April -7. The O. S, E. R. R. Co. le to extend Its railroad Into the timber reserve. Three more cere of- steel have .Just been ordered. The company win great ly Improve the roadbed this season, as the heavy freight shipments of ma 11 . A Scene . . ; ... :. O . 203 FAILING BUILDING, THIRD AND WASHINGTON STREETS. I Agent Always on Ground Rain or Shine. ' Office at Woodmere Station. FIGHT FOR WATER RIGHTS BROiVS MORE BITTER Roaring River and Crabtrea Mat- ter Being Fought by Oppo ' nents of Scheme. SpecUl Dtop.Ufc to Tbe 7ooraal.) ' Albany, Or., April 7. The fight now In progress for the water rights on Crabtrea creek and Roaring river is de veloping Into one of the bitterest' ever la-progress In the county. Those- op posed to the granting of these rights to the applicant. W. J. Turnldge, have pre pared a remonstrance end will present It to the court. Their only course at pres ent seems to be to obtain a restraining order or Injunction and enjoin the ap. plloant from' making hla Intended Im nrovements. showing that the rights he seeks to appropriate to himself should not be granted on account of the stream having heretofore been Improved and an open water-way for. the floating of loga, wood and other materials. This they allege they can establish by proof. ' Any Individual' or association of indi viduals who are residents of this state, or corporation, la granted the right to eeeure-toithemeelves or. Itself-the .ex clusive right to regulate, manage and control the floating, transportation and booming- of loge, etc, on any navigable stream, provided they make surveys, (lie maps and declaration of purpose to so appropriate water rights for the pur poses above mentioned. The county court has no Jurisdiction In the matter. Tbe act makes the proceeding lawful unless It can be shown that the stream ie navigable or has slready been tised for the purposes Indicated by the ap plicant. .Tho water-war ao appropriated by Turnldge Is worth thousands or dol lars and It Is generally thought that be has secured this for soms large corpora tion to engage la lumbering enterprlsea. ' - wew Publishing' Oonpaay. (Special Ptopetca to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or., April T. Articles of Incorporation for the Kaglea Publishing-company have been filed in the county clerk'a office. The object of the company Is to do a general publish ing business. In the way of magazines, circulars, etc. The capital stock Is placed at 11100 and Is worth IJ per share. The Incorporators of the com pany are Frank O'Harro, William O. Boart and J. T. Hlnkle. No formaldehyde or -. other poisonous preser- t ' vative used in St. Helens Cream It keeps because it is thoroughly sterilized. Heat kills all germs. Mary - fed her little lamb some porridge. ' ,He is no better ' (To be aomUaaed) , Mary's Little Lamb. . X ttOCV ' - Sales Afeat, Seaeda. ... ' 1 wwfflr, it tMmJtmmmm 1 in Woodmere -Looking North From Station. TIONS VISIT BEFUL VDMERE . ; , ; ,. " ; ; ' AND YOU WILL, BECOME A CUSTOMER vv v v NEW YORK SEWERS BLOWN IIP BY GASOLINE FUMES Wasta From Garages Causes -Disastrous Explosion Fifth J 1 of a Million Loss. "V (Jooraal' Special Service.) New Tork. April 7. With a roar and succession of explosions which resem bled a connonade, the gasoline fumes In the ' sewera ' for more than six city blocks In the vicinity of Fifty-first street and Ninth avenue blew a score of manholes Into the air yesterday af ternoon, causing injury to half a dosen persons, tearing up the streets and doing an enormous amount of damage. Docens of windows were blown out by the con cussion, men end women thrown to the ground and tenants ef apartment houses and stores In the district rushed to ths street In terror. In several saloons botUes were thrown from the shelves and smashed. The damage will amount to at least $200,000 to property alone. In one Instance a manhole cover was blown several hundred fet Into the air and fell upon the roof ef a tenement house. A descending manhole cover struck a- man - and fHd -him to-the ground unconscious. The asphalt pave ment was torn up for a distance of 25 feet. The police laid the blame on the proprietors of automobile garages In the district who allow the gasoline from their machines to run Into the sewers. CATTLEMAN HAS FIGHT ' WITH LARGE' WILDCAT (Special Dlapatrh to Tbe JnernaL) Milton, Or., April 7. Henry Lilnka. a well-known cattleman, while driving his cattle to the Walla Walla river in the vicinity of the slide. In the northern part of the county, encountered a large wildcat which he attacked on horobark with nothing but a large riding whip. The animal jumped upon his horse, tear ing bis saddle and "chape" and trying hard to reach his face. lie finally dealt It a blow that stunned It. when he quick ly dismounted and followed up his ad vantage by kicking- and beating It to deaths r- --' Booming Orefoa tm Bast. , (Spatal tnapetra. to The Journal.) Pendleton. Or.. April 7. II. C. Willis, Industrial agent for tbe Umatilla De velopment league, has been on a trip to Cheyenne, Wyoming, and different parts of the .Middle . West distributing literature and talked concerning the great advantages offered by eastern Ore gon. The I'matllla league proposes to join with Baker, Union, Morrow and Wallowa counties and .form one big league for the purpose of promoting the interests of the entire, eastern . Oregon district. BAUABS'S XOBBBOVBB STTBX7. Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy cough: oppressed., rattling, reaping ard difficult breathing. Henry C. Stearns, druggist, Bhullaburg, Wis., writes. May 10, I S01: "I have been selling Bal lard's Horehound Syrup for two years and have never had a preparation that has given better satisfaction. I notiae thnt when I sell a bottle they come back for more. I can honestly recom mend it." 2&c. SOo and tl-00- old by Woodard. Clarke Co. ' The increase in population of the entire district has been greater than that of any other section. . Where the crowd goes high prices will go. Take advantage of the . brilliant bargains now offered in Woodmere. "Don't: wait "until prices - advance. -Act. quick 60 Lots Sold in One Day. Don't be under the landlord's thumb. Buy a home with your rent money. . , . . Best water; streets telephones; electric -EARLY, CUSTOMERS GET BEST SELEC- NOTICE The Chicago Market j Will remove to their new and elegantly fitted quarters and be open for business Monday, April 9, at lSy Third St. near Yamhill No pains or expense have been spared. to make the New, Market the nicest and most up-to-date place in the city." And the old customers as well as all new ones will be as courteously and promptly waited on, and great care taken to have the best service and prompt delivery made, -v r v THE CELEBRATED BOCK SAUSAGE will be on the market next Saturday, April 14. Please leave uitlcis. CHICAGO MAIUOLT j 187 THIRD STREET, - NEAR YAMHILL . . MIZNER BLACKENS EYE OF : PROCESS SERVER Hero of Mrs. Yerkes' Romance Jumps Out of Bed to Pun- - ish Court Officer. ' (Joaraal Special Servtre.) New Tork. April 7. Wilson Mlxner. the young man from the West, Is again In the limelight. This time It Is not a tals of romance or adventure, but just a plain story of an ancounter with a process'1 server. Benjamin Freedman, It yeara of age, a process server, says he wss employed by Edward-J. Krug. Jr.. a lawyer.- He called at Mlsner's home to serve a summons on him In a suit for $4 brought by Walter Hymans for newspaper ' clippings. Frecdmen found Mlsner in bed. Mlsner jumped out of bed. rushed at Freedman and gave him a black eye. At least Fredman ssys so, Mlsner could not be found, but ss Freedman went to a West-8lde court to secure- a marrant for Mlsner,- charging him with sssault and battery, and re turned to the hotel with a policeman, who served It. Mlsner will doubtless give his side of the esse In court. BEQUEATHS MONEY TO BEAUTIFY A CEMETERY (Speelal' Dtapetcb t The Joeraal.) . Pendleton, Or., April 7. By the will of the late Mrs. ftarah A. Thompson, a pioneer of Umatilla county, 13.000 is given for the adornment of Olney cem etery, end considerable other money is given for beneficent purposes. Charles H. Carter, 11.000 In trust to be given to any orphan asylum of the Cumberland Presbyterian church that he may select. To Kunsle lxdge, A. F. A A M., $1,000 fo,r the purpose of main taining In Olney cemetery thn gravee of Lewis M. Flgg, James C Thompson HOMES BUILT TO SUIT PURCHASERS. SOLO ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. graded; sidewalks made; beautiful .trees; schools, churches, lights being installed. - i 1 " TAKE MT. SCOTT CAR, FIRST AND ALDER STS. Madras A ddition tOT ss bows, sa Koarrs. Madras Addltloa Adjolaa fcaarelwoed. tbe Wew Tract Just Opemed. LOTS 525 TO $250 This beautiful tract, all cleared. Ilea only 200 yards from' Mount Scott csr line. ' Water on every lot. ..Qlltedged title. Don't mlaa this opportunity to secure a footing In the most beautiful of all suburban property on the Mount Scott ' car line a splendid chance to own your own home and pay rent to yourself. Plats now ready, and may be had from A. Oowyertawelt, lAurel wood, who controls the property. Every lot is a snap, and they'll not last Ion. raon booty sMi. and tha maker of the will: $1,300 In trust to be used In educating Mamie F. Irvine, formerly of Helix. Amounts of several' hundred -dollars each have been divided among relatives. HOUSED EWES IN TENTS DURING LAMBING SEASON (Special IMeeetefc Tke Join eat V - Durkee, Or, April 7. W. .0. Ayre. a sucessfut sheepman 'of this district, hss just finished lambing two. large bands of sheep. He went to the trou ble and expense of providing tents to house the ewes during the season. Tbe resnlt hss been that the percentage ef lambs Is very much ' larger than for ny other season, even with the cold weather so severe as It hss been this year. , Aetioa tow Beatotwtio ef Bead. Arlal Dtepeteaj im The Joaraal. Albany, Or., April 7. Musanna Jang wlrth yeeterday afterndh commenced an action asalnst the Oregon California The Original Laxative Cough Pyrup Is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It expeli all eold from tbe system ty setlns as a cathartic on the bow . Kennedy's I.axatlve Honv and Tar U a certain, eafe and h' s cure jr ct!Js, croup and whe cov "4. rk---ffr Prices Go Up On April 1 5th THE PRICE OF ALL UNSOLD LOTS IN side ' WILL BE ADVANCED f $25 a Lot The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. . 240 Washington Street - (Corner Second) . PORTLAND, OREGON farms and Suburban Property SOO ACBZa 7! under cultivation, on county road, t miles from railroad Station, Price 2& per acre. A rura SITOCX BABCX near Grass Valley, well watered, with adjoining range: SCO acres, at $26 per aire. 40 ACXXSJ Near flood River, 16 acres in winter apples and other fruits. We have a large .111 ef Hood Jtrver lends for ante or exchange. ISO 1CBIS timber land; wilt erulse J.Ooo.ooofK' Pri-e $1,000. WI BATS several sections and smalrr tracts of timber for sale at very low prices. ...,,..... ... 10 ACall On Klectrtc car, line, with hnuee snd barn ISOO. ACBBAOB TBACTS Near Lenta ' and 10-arre trai ta. . SOH AOBBS Within city limits, for S.nnn. - S-ACBB tract within city limits, on K. S4th street. .' ' ..'. , ' ' '.- " Stevenson-Brown Co lie neon it. An Advance of $100 On ' all ' unsold $500 60xl0ft-fool lot rt. with cement walks, lying 1 block north bf Hawthorne avenue, between K Madison and Salmon and Kat Thirtieth and Thirty-third street a. will be mails on May 1.. These lots are in a neigh borhood of beast Iful homes, rloae in. Look at them. - Ala several new moO ern bungalows for ssls by owner. Geo; E. Uc'lcr.zr f"t Tf- Railroad comr-arv. and the Union Tr--t fommany of Ye '. In the cl rf .rt of IJnn rou . ' cf a f R..O Oil t 1 the -icor i. new t- 'Hie t the 1 i Sunny chinery and logs demand. f "