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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1906)
TJIE OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL), PORTLAND SATURDAY. EVENING. AtTvIL' 7, J., J. TWO LIVES SAVED ; BY PjlTROlLlf v Los Angeles Officer Heroically V: Risks His Own Ufe,toPr,-; 1 i V ," vent Harm to Others. THROWS HIMSELF IN V : : i FRONT OF MOVING CAR ' Policeman Makes Buffer of Hla Body, . Throw Woman and Her Child to - . . ...... .' Safety : and v Falli ' Across the .1 "Rails.. '-, ' ,'.;.v . .' - '; (Journal Sneelal SWT lea.) 1 Ln. Ana-elea. Cat. AprU 7. Patrolman : " J. w. Idurpby or the Loi Angeles police ' j force, one of the most widely known Voolico officers In this section of the cuuniry, uciuviuiimqu aew. .. i he haa In him the material and nerve " of . which heroea are made. At the rUk of hla life he Snatched a bewildered woman and baby from certain death, then aaw to It that they were properly i cared for before he would consent to 'an examination of bis own Injuries. ' . Murphy waa at -First and Main streets -it S o'clock laat evening, the. bualeat . v corner in the city. H had luat escorted an aired man serosa the street, when Jie . MW Mrs. James FltspatxicR wiw a. oaoy -?! hnr arms try to cross the street . p " -- - , ..1 . - , tit front or rapiaiy jnorui nwunn Murphy Jumped toward her and, plao- trig himself between her and the car, " ' - made' of his body a buffer. As the car f struck him he reached for the woman, - ralaiiif her and, the baby In his srms - i mf iharnl them out of the way, while ' ha fell acroaa the ralla. The fender , caught him and, cast him to one aiao. - 'The woman and child were not bruised, ' ' hut Murphy's f acev and head were bedy ' lacerated, hla body covered with bruises and his uniform ruined;. . -x - JOSEPH LEITER CHASED - rvr nni irr- itl rUlfnn (Journal Speetal V Chicago. AprU t. Joseph Lelter was pursued several blocks by two de tectives today, but escaped. He was In "an automobile, and In a hurry to reach lil office. .When a policeman hailed '.him for exceeding the speed ordinance the chauffeur. . Prank Campbell, .opened the iaver and the- automobile ahot by, 'leaving- the detectives behind. Later, -' dies-wised ss street cleaners, wearing ; light jackets, the detectives- loitered , . about the garage where the machine Is - kept, and when the unsuspecting chauf feur made bis appearaaoe a-short thus Mater tie was placed under arrest, ' - I TELL RAINIER SALOONS j il : T0 CLOSE ON SUNDAYS (Special Dispatch 4 The feernsL) '' " ' Rainier, Or., April 7. A local anti ;. saloon league with 25 members waa-or- ganisod here last evening. The first move was to notify t ha .aaloona today to dose up their places on Sundays, One of the members stated today that a -large fund bad been provided for ' the successful, prosecution of the anti-saloon work In Rainier. .,, , " . Hew x Oroide Bank. Ia Grande. Or. April (.La Grande Is to havs soother1 bank. The following f' well-known cltisena ' are the lnoorpor- stors: George B. Stoddard, Julius . neesch. W. B. Sargent, of this city, and ' J. T. Donnelly and William Pollman, of Baker City. This new banking lnstl s tutlon will be known ss the Commercial National Bank, and will have a capital took of t7t.000. Thla la the second '' bank started in La Grande In the past six months, and will make three first- class-bnka for the city. SHALL WOMAN SUFFRAGE' PREVAIL IN OREGON? HOTB This Is a frM-ror-ll SlanwHoa. CeounsBtratfaa limited tn 300 werda, wit fair . play te both aldas sad pecauaaUtles eliminated. , , Why Wesaea Tul Suffrage. Portland, April . To the Bdltor of The Journal In reading .'.the letters about 'otnaa's - suffrage and woman's place which seems to be written by both men and women they seem to be utterly selfish, they do not reason from both sldea of the Question. It- la ell very well to aay woman's place IS In the home and sha should stay there and take core of her children but how la she going to do this If she has to support them? 8he could take In washing but there are : so many of . them that the washing would not go round. There are married women In the stores, offices, shops, factories and schools and (God help them there are little children in factories also). Many of these women have husbands and not ons out of fifty ls swsy from her home because aha enjoys It, but because there would not be food for three meals a day unless she helps to earn It, How many rolls of butter at even (0 cents a roll and how many pounds of meat at from t to 11 cents a pound does any one suppose can be bought for a family or five by a mas who earns 11.60 or 11. 7 a dayT Ie a mother to stay at home and raise her children to be good and honest, happy and healthy when shs cannot give them even enough of the plainest foodT - Nothing In the world Is so beautiful ss a happy homo where there are chil dren, but, there are many things to cause peace to fly out of the window as well as the woman ' demanding her rts-hta. ' This same woman If aha haa lived In peace and content with John Henry for alx or ten years does not .care for the misery of other mothers around her. never thinks of demanding her rights. If some day John Henry Is taken from her. heaven help her. She still has the children and ahe finds there ls no one to help her. If John Henry has left any .money she, the mother baa no rights, some one Is appointed guard- Ian ' for her children, she can stay at home with - them still 'on sufferance and how often ahe wtshea ahe -had soma right to live even if. John Henry Is gone. . We will eay that the woman tit poll- tics could not purify the . ballot, atop gambling, close the saloons or reform man In general but If they can put a stop to the employment of little chil dren In the factories and mines It will be worth, alt the sneers, -insults -and heartache and misunderstanding thee good women have suffered to make It posalble. Rosey, you are a good mother, but If you were compelled to support your children you would not be "so decided in thinking your opinion the right one. I enjoyed your letters, all but that part that throws stonee. - Tou eeem to see eld maids as they "were 80 years ago. There are many girls who are old maids who hsvs denied themselves a woman's orown of wife and motherhood because they knew there was email -chance of bringing ip the children (should aht be biassed with them) as they should be cared for, and of doing her duty as wife with the - salary - the man of her cholco .could earn. Others have gives up the men they loved to care for a family of little children left by parents or brother or sister who have paased over, leaving them 1 to be father and mother, to the little brood. She will support and mother them until they can care for themselves., By that time ahe la an old maid, to be aneered. at when everyjnothr should honor her. and this woman with' all her struggles has no rights In ths law. .5. . ' . j Ws will sdmlt that woman's place ls at home, but If she Is compelled to leave it to earn support, what thenT If a girl Is left sn orphan and Uvea with relatives on charity ahe la consid ered to be poor-spirited If shs goes to work. , 11 shs is lull or grit and Inde pendence In her work -ahe wilt do the soma ss the man acroaa the hall. He receives $100 a month and ahe receives ISO because she has no rights and ought to be at home. Sha haa none, perhaps, but shs ought to be there Just the same. It ie not -what ought to be but what really are the conditions that are to be considered. I would ask Rosey to read the editorial in the .'New TorkiTourna! American of March it, and if ahe does not fsel that women had better take hand la conditions ma they are, feel thai her dearly loved children are not aafs (because clod may call her from them), ahe Is not the good loving mother -1 think shs Is. I think ahe will He awake through the dark hours of ths night startng Into space with those heart broken faces taking, ahaps' before het vision, Theae conditional and ' many others will not be changed until the mothers have some standing, aome right to aay how the laws governing their children' shall effect them', we mothers are ready to shed our heart's blood drop by drop for our children. For' myself I would not cars to-vote, but to better the conditions for children, large or email, I would atand at the polls crowned with my motherhood ' from dawn until dark, surrounded by men good or bad, until I could caat my ballot to help better 'conditions .as they , exist today. When one reads of the dollars spent on the bablee of these rich men and know that many of those dollars aiy wrung from the lives of other babies Just as sweet, and knows that men al low this to be done, one feels women hsve another place to fill, and a prayer for help should go to a loving God from every woman that shs be given the privilege of guarding her treasures at home and abroad. v . ' JS'ELLA EJ. ROARK. , X Komoalsaa a faster H Portland, Or., April . rTo ths Editor 6f "Ths Journal Kindly give me- space in your paper to offer a few suggestions with reference to this woman suffrage fad that a coterie of eastern women is trying-to turn loos -upon Oregon. - I use the word fad advlaedly, for no other word - will - describe the movement. . It is by -no means universal, nor does It even receive careful consideration on the part of a majority of the women, much less the -men. Miss Anthony was the one predominating personality who kept ths fad alive In America, and her mantle haa not fallen upon another. Since her death the fad haa shown unmistakable signs of decadence, and I predict -that the setback that la awaiting the suffrag ists at the June election will do a great deal to discourage the few aspirants for the late - Miss Anthonys distinguished position. - -r . ' But It hag struck me as peculiar that no one haa explained what I am con vinced la the real motive of the agita tion in Oregon at this time.. These al leged leaders from eastern states say they are working for principles and for political liberty, and I have no doubt that they believe they are ' for they likely have not discovered the actual Influences: at work In this etete, If they should reside In) Utah for S year or more, learn the methods and plans of the Mormon hierarchy and study political conditions In - states in close prorlmltytothe home of Mormon- Ism tbey might understand why this equal auffrage question la receiving so much attention In Oregon at thla time. If you will grant me the necessary amount of apace I will be glad at any time to explain why I am convinced that thla la nothing more or leas than a bold but subtle effort on the part bt the hlcrarcy to extend their domain. Of jcourse leaders of the movement in Oregon will say this Is ridiculous and without foundation. But theae same leaders have no Idea of the wonderful srowth -of Mormonlsm I ascertain, aec tlona of -Oregonespecially the eastern portion, within the paet two Tears. Nor do they- know that the one great dealre of the Mormon church is to send one of IU members to the United States sen ate. - They fear that Smoot may be re tired, and they are cunning enough to plan the election of their next senator from another state. ' It mttfht slso be Interesting for these leadere now in Oregon to note that the only states where equal suffrage has been granted are those In which Mor monlsm Is atrongeat and that with the exception of Colorado it Is the eon trolling political influence, or at least holds the balance of power. ..... . . ORACB DUNNINGTON. SAMealtihiMaeceeI WITHOUT AN EQUAL, IS THE FAMOUS jT StoiMdn It has, withstood the severe test of . public approval for over 50 years and because of its . wonderful 'curative, powers is now recognized as - the leading (; famfly medicine of the day. That's why we urge you so strongly to give , it a trial, especially if you suffer from Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Flatulency, Nausea. - Poor Appetite Sick Headache, : Biliousness Costi veness. Colds, -Grippe or Female. Troubles. : You'll never find a better medicine' to cure you. . Thousands of men and women have said so and the following ars samples of the grateful letters we receive. CHURCH SERVICES BAPTIST. Xlrst Th. Wslf . rumple: Twelfth aid Taylor ! " ! W bttcwub Krousbrr.- At 10 30. T . ' lsliruie of India ;"""". isjmf p. m.; nunc wool.'. "? Hruushcr es w r.ui win; uom sue jtwcite re: Treatou-fitt'- laat lB tt riM, Kuur Girli rH.-unar Trial ana Tain put loos." uernaa Uurnw Kodutr annua an s'reeu; Ker. rlrt.a linear luaoo. At ruixu; 11 a. aa.. S P- -, raw p. 3 preacMiic br th. aotrd Oeroiaa ErancaUst. H. egBaeadraa et BU Jowtph, Micbicaa; T p. a., ouiig people's prayer aaeet- Imraarbea.8eeaed . tad hfeade ItrmU: Her. T- u. suuoaua. At 10:SX a. m.. "To. Brlsbt - 1 . -"i aiua or Keiivious iatw": T:ae p. n 'iatUbad ataMBtanrtr 1 H1V.1. uk.,1 fn M rouog people's mtilet. S 80 d. m. (,r UouMTUla; H.. Ollmaa Pardee,- ob- jtvi ox morniuj aersion. 'I'aui a serrant eaus UirlaC; in the evening, The Itelatles uk imm uaorco to toe iaiet." Cautral Asa as aad Twentieth etreets w . 1. joruaa. At 10. M s. at.. Lniooe ConTeaUen"; T:80 p. Dr. Lenca- vniaa wui spaaa-'l saada eeawal. eVMeaoVCeVeath and Kast Aokeny streets. ' o. v. utpaam. caator. At 10:80 s. aa., "Chrlstlaa Kaaponalblllt." j Bible aotioal . at Booaj xouag rauvaB's union, S:M Br m. 1 Henlj te the Derll" T:SO a. m. - Mount 01It 8aTBtb sad KTerett str.ets. rraarning or v. urew, S p. m. Uniraraltr rark Bar. Joaa BaaUleo,, tor. guudar acbaOL- 10 a. m : 11 . a. praachUij; T:0 p. ol, "Tae VlUur. of Mr. ar-ttoiij-way." St. Joan'a-llV-Y . a. . taM.Ml " um awuua igwni, aw a. - aa.) paeaciujig, I a. sod T:80 . is. , Sellwood Kleeeath sad Cantllla streeUt Bar, fiundar acbool. and T:BO n n ennaay ueorf e A. La-arn. past - -! prearbing. It e. n Arlets tnrelwood hall. S. m. ; praacblDf, 11 a. m. Third VaaeouTer araoue sag Knott Ree, at. BUas, paator, 10 a. at.. Sander school! P. m. and T :30 a. ao BraacfalnaTa. T ., S:4S . b. Kir. t (Wm,R IVm-Zk anS VT1 II .AmI... a J. Kratt. naater. Praarblne. . lOraB a m anil Li.V'-aL-' B,DU acpooi, io : a. m.; B. x, r. u.. t s. n. ' Secood Qermisi Rodnaa- .Mnn. a.s Morrta treet: Be. Barermaeji. eaator. Praarh. ua, a a. aa. ana ruw n m Knnflav aphAAl . 10 a. m.j 1 arjnc reopia's naetinr. e:es p. m. . Bwedlah Bort and Klftoentb street.. Preach ing 10:43 a. m. and T:80 p. m., Bunday aobeol 12 IS. R.t. Erie Srharatrom. BoaeeUTllle Schoolboun. , 8ond school, I SO .wwasiaa-uaaiagi ormrtM st Lent, a p si., and at Artlaans' hall. Bartar .treet. sear Twratr-Mcond, at s p. m. Hlfhland Alberta and Slxtk (traeta Preaeh- ln. 2:BO O. m.. Kr Kar. IL If- Rllaa- but.. aaw, O.ov S. aa. v aCmtOMST. Centeaarvwltaaa pina -ni v inw a.J Wlllam B. Hlne. D. D. Palm Unnit. dla. 1. ' ":ou a. m.i "(jBrisf, xriumpbal March Its Dynamic": at T:80 n. n, the W. r. am. a. will onaaraa lta annual lh,n,rf.a.. tne eddreae -to- be gltea by Mre.- W. - R, Kacne of Spokane, Waehioglon! T. M. C. A. awn'. "I""! " o-ow p. .! morning eaaesj- :no At "u'u"r acnooi. p. ra.; janiors -.., o p. BB. APWOTTO agUe, :15 p. m-i mm prayer meetlns. 1.20 p. a. Tarlor Streat rn aVannta u ck. S:ao s. n., claaaa..- io:ao .. m.. 'Porelea Mia- aWaary Society." Mr. Wllme Bona. Kaary will speak;-13:15 p. m., Sunday echool; S:W P. m.. Enwa-th-leasne; T:30 p. m.. .ermos UbIO. Jeoaiiigs, D. p., of Cincinnati, eonnnida Tamhlll Ixlawii Tklr..afti. iDlrtylitb .treet.; Rev. T. B. rord. At 10 .. m.. (Minoay ecnool: u a. m.. nraartilna b th. R.T. Jame. Moore, paster of th. Mooni MR. WM. M. BLALOCK, purham, N. Car., kays: MI have used jour Bitters, lor Dyspepsia, Indigestion and General Weakness and find it excellent. I recom mend it to all sufferers from Stomach Troubles." v - . MR. GRANT-GOULD, : Crawfords vUle, Ind., says:" "I suffered terribly .from the effects of a weak stomach and could not eat anything without-being dis tressed. .. Your Bitters, however,- soon cured me and saved my. life." Tabor Mofhodlat Eulaeopal church; 13:15 p. elaa. mairtlng; S:S0 a. aa.. bh'i mctlnar P. m., ehlldran'. claaae. and Juntas' League; ..v p. aa., oywi iaaaua: t : ju o. mi by paator. Pattoa Mlchlran arann. and rarnantaa treats; Bee. M drills T. Wtre. Preachlns at u s. bb. ana t:ho p. m.i Sunday school, 12:15 p. St.; Epworth Iamra.. S:S0 D. m. Free Kaat Ninth and Mill .treeta. Preaching louowai Dy icusMciy saeeung; Trinity Kaat Tants end Grant streets: Bee. Harold Oberg. Ke. C A. lawla of Sellwood will preach at 11 a. m.L pastor wtlt -preach In rranlng; RutuUy achoul, 10 a. m.; gpworth Leasue, 8:80 p. m, a-pworth Twenty-third end Trrlag streets; -.. umij a. va luann. nioie ecpooi, IO a. m.i it a m.. wm aacramaec or tna lara-a atmnaa luslor Leasua, 8 p. m.j Kpworth laMgwa. :4n p. la. I svanlns wormbln aad aermon at T ail a'.ImIi fclreee Twelftk aad - Tarlne .teaata, - Saw t-Uranc. True Wllaao. it 10:80 a. a. "The inTiainie van Keraaiea '; T:so p. n.. Dr. TT11 bo will dellTar hi. lactnre on "Jobs Brown" bafore the two Oraad Army posts, whe will COaTOaZOATlOVaX. ' naaaalo-gtreet East Sarantk.' and Plaamal treats: Rev. Hlcbard K. Jlam. At 10:30 a. b. 1M Meanine or Borrow'': 12 m . Hnnriav school; S-SO p. bl, Christies. Endeavor! T:80 m.. -ine Attractioa or the Croae." Hlr bland Preacott and Kaat Sixth .tree. north ; Ree. Aardca M. Rorkwood. At 11 a. a., "Th. Key to Lire'. Great Myarery") T:S0 p. m., "A Prart es the Bank of LoTalte". Snnda acauui, iv a. zn.i junior aoiaeseor. a a. senior Endeavor. :4S p. m. - li'nleeraily - Park ArtiaaBS - famnkt. moum, nT. v. b. uray. at 11 a. tn sar on; Sunday achool, 10 .. m. . Lauralweod Arleta hall: He. A. M 3w At T:80 p. m., aermon; Sunday achool. 10 a .; Y. P. S. C. E., S:80 p. . aflaalaalaal-Ayeea Mlaalaalnnl nwafina anA rremont a treeta : R. Wllfiani I. rrnaan. Sunday achool. 10 a. m. 11 s. s., "A Lcasoa rroni ue wiaeat Mas That Ever LaTtd" vunawaii Miuranir, . .a p. mi.. I :0 IMIns Tour ant," Sunnralde Eaat Tm rtnr and Kaat Thirtv. fourth atrceta; Rev. . J. gtaab. At 1) a. m.. 1M Peraonal Element la Bedemptie,,; -T:80 P. m.. "Three Tree. .Dd Their Wanderrnl Fruit"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Jnnln Chris rlaa Endeavor, S p. at.; Senior Christlaa Xa- aaavnr, u:io p. b. Plrat Madlaon and Park streets; . L. Ronae. At 10:80 a. - B., "The Name Above Kerry Name"; T:SO p. m,, "Th. Kind ef Maa and Women That Oregon Needs Today"; Sun day school. 13 m.; I.. P. S. CV -, S:.TS p. m. St. John'a Woodmen'a ball. R-rrtcea with py itev. i. i. BtauD st S p. rKESBTTXaiAV; Ml mma B "Chrtat In tiefbaemane"; 8 p, m., Profeaaor i. w. awing or rortiasd acsdemy. "The Wal nana." i 'amberlB1 Twelfth and Eaat Tavlnr ateaatar asev. E. neiaoa Allen. At s. m.. Palm aervieea; u in.. ennnav acbool: x:m n. Junior Endeavor; S:30 p. m.. Senior Rnri'e.vori T:30 p. B., prelnd. to sermon. "Khali We As alut the Oamhleie and Liquor Mas la Thelf aiiempt co ueiaat enerirr wore? - rourtll nrat ana CM boa a treeta- Rev. John Raven Welch. At 10:80 s. m.. "Coorageou aaitn ; I ; f. p. m., Mnnumenrs. Calvary Eleventh sad Clay atreets; Rev. Ben Ears otues Kiy jr., pator -elect. At 10:30 a alxtb address In church htatory aeries b A. S. Pattullo, on "Th. vVottlab Covenaatera.' Klrat Twelfth and Alder .treeta; Rev. Thomas Parry. At 11:80 a. r rommnnlos service.; T:80 p. m.,,"The Tear ef Being Odd.',' Third Eaat Pine and Thirteenth streets; Rev. Annrew i. Montfomery. At 10:30 "Following Chrlrt"; T:45 p. a., temperaac ZFISCOrAX. - lit arfatCKaai'a SMear - mt- CmHiMa -aa-a. Rev. W. A. M. Brack. Holy communion. T ad s. B.f service and aermos, II a. m.: Sunday aroooi. v:o a. .; evening prayer .ana sermon, f:8n o'clock.' Trinity Nineteenth end' streets; Th. A. A. Morrhwa. Holy eonmnnloa, 8 a. m. ; .. X . alunl a.Sn a a. . ,i 1 - . , v . v-. . . .i ia - 7 i ii o'clock; .venlng prayer with HrBea, 1:80 O CKK't. Good Shenherd Setlwnod rtraat end ' Wan. Soever sv.aue, Alblnai Rev. John riawaon. Holy eommnnion. n a. m.i mornioa prsyer ana Mr mm, 11 o'clock; evening prayer ssd sarmos, 7. no o'clock; Sunday school. 10 a. m. St. Panl'e Woodoiere; C. IK Parker, lay reaaer. wintTi ana eerDjoaj a i a p. m. ; gas. day school at S p. m. St. Stephen', Thirteenth and Clay Streets; RU Rsv. B. Wlatar Morria. 1. D., rector; Rev. H. M. Rameey, orle.t In eh area, rioly eonv tnnnl, T:80 .. B. ! Bnnd.y achool, S:45 a. m. mornlnr service, 11 o'clock t evening service, T:80 eVcVek. St. John's Aellwood: Rev. W. R, Powell. Service and aermoe. at 8:18 p. . B.J Buaday achool at 2 5 p. m. . , ' ' X.VTXXBABT. St. Jaihe' Engllah Weat Park and Jcffer ana street,; R.v. I. A. Imi. At 11 s. m "What Think Y. ef Oirlsll"s T:S0 p. m., ' and Rejected." St. Paul's (lerman Eaat Twelfth and Cils ios treeta: Rav. A. Krauae, Mnrnlns Mrrlca and conArmatlon, 10: SO o'clock- reunion of .1) Is th. eunsreiratloa eon Ax mad, 7:30 p.. m, Sun day srkonl, 8 90 a. m. Norweslan . Synod Kaat Tenth .ad GrSat Straela: Rev. 6. llaroee. Rervicea at It a. aa.. end T .TO o. m.i Snnday sehnnl, S:.TO .. a. Hetanla panlah I men arena, and Morrta treeta; Gudiiiuud Grill, Serl,-ea, '11 ., a. sad T:S0 p. m.; Nunday acbnol. 12:18 p, a. nweuian loimaauei Nineteenth and Irvine Streets Kef. A i. Beolisrit. aWtlaes at lapth Mry and Pow.ll .tracts; Rev. Je. a n. ncuiane, it. u paator. At 10:80 a. Made in Nev York QUAPR00P rain coats have tho sanction of the best dressed men of NewYork. ; 'A Always -designed and made in strictly the latest London and New York Fashion. They are v. the Raincoats of Quality. ' Made exclusively by Alfred Benjamin & Go. in their tailor shops, a Clock from Broadway, a minute's walk from Fifth Avenue, from cloths proofed and shnmk by their own process In striped effects, ? lahctnrca . : and solid plain colors. ; Correct Clothes for Men s,rJJr1A V; y 'Xl Exclusive Ajent Here.: Buffum & Pendletbri Co., Inc. ii 311 Morrison St. a. sv and 12:1S p. a. Sunday school. 11:14 wireglsa 49 Kertb roortaeath street: Ber. 7. M. N.rvlg. gervlces .t 11 a. a. and S p. B.I Tea. da, nmradav and IrldaF avenine. at S e'clech. . . . - .. ' - - CKaUBTIAJf. . ' Rodney Avenue Rodney venue sad Knott street; Be. P. Bine Robinson. Soodsy school. 8:48 s. B.; 11 s. a.. "The Twentieth, Century Church"; evsngalhttlo service, T :80 p. m. ; X. P. S. 0L K., 8:80 p. a. , , rtrst Park and Columbia streets: Bev. at. - Mnefelev. At 10:80 a. m.. "The RalaUoa ef Trath to Ltb-rtr" T:80 p, nv, "Eyes That See Not. and Baaing Without Bjee1'; Jllbls school, 18:18 p. pa.; Ohrlstlaa Badesver, 0:30 at. Central Beat Twentieth aad East Salmon treeta: Rev. I. S. Ohermley. At 10:48 a. a.. The World's Paaaovar"; T.-4S p. m. 'Pllats Before Christ"; Saoday school, 11:18 p. m. Junker Bwdeaver, p. B. Beolor Bp dearer, :80 p. a. . - i i vmxa jrTAvaxuoAi. ' Hiss Beet Tenth snd Sherman streets; Reel . A. Winter. At 10 a. m.. Sunday school: preaching by Bav. H. L. Pratt, sresldlng elder, st 11 s. a. and T:80 p. n. ; 8 p. m.. Juntos Endeavor; S:8 p. a., at.- Ia ef 0. R. Secona arse ana jvaTBy -vuioew. nev. a. Bowereoz. At 11 s. a., ;The Reaurrectlon, Hope and Triumph":-T:80 p. a., 'Successful Conquest"; Sueday achool at 10 s m. K. Ie nquest": susday B. at T p. a. Ochley Green Preaching at 1:80 P. s, y Rev. A." A. Winter, Sunday school st 1:80 p.. at. .. . ! '' SprBTTaAtUTt. Bible Society 800 Alder street. At 11 a. ., children's piogreaelve lyesona, followed by eonferesee: S s. B.. Mrs. Laara T, Soars will havs chart a. .'... Pint artisans' nan, ABingtoa onuo- Inc, Third- street, near WaabtBgtoa, Coafer nee. U a. B.I preitreaslve. (yeeum, 1 p. a.; M. and l). clue. z:bu P. m. , n-ace lecture, e . - m.: "The lanueace or ue UBseea sa lorUls, by Bev. Dr. Diet ay, -r I ' RIW THOUGHT. ' rtjsrch of the New Dlanenaa tloe A odltorlum. Third street oesr Taylor street: Dr. N. Jt. Ravlla. At x:le p. m., uoiunet riiauermia ei The Private 1.1 r, ef the Ltara, now in aera. Paleetlae"! 8 p. B Coknel PitaOerald will deliver aa Ulna tra tad phreaolosleal laersre. Chsrea of rvaaaaw iJraw aau. ins aweono treet.. . At 11 a. ss.. "Tree ssa Baaapis OuideS Taraos Spirits, Plaasts. Etc." OKBJBTIAsT SOIZBOX. : - neat rhm-ch of CbxUt. Sdentla Seettlrt Rlt. cathedral, Mmtlsua sad leJwaadjil. street. At 11 a m. sad S p. B., "Doctrlns of Atone- nent": Bonds acnooi st cioss ei "era! ssrvtes. . . . . Seensd Cbares el tarsi, ocieniait iwaa Tempi., Stark and Seventh streets. At 11 s. m. and S p. B., "Doeulae ef Atonement"; Sunday school, 11 s, . TXNTTZ9 B1ZTKXZV IB CHRIST. Pint Cast rtfteenth snd Morrison a treeta; Bev. H. C. Shaffer. Bible achool. 10 a., ss.; sermon, 11 s. B.J T P. S. C. B., T p.. a.; Modern Krmr, or tne uvu . .... atmiuni of Today." No. 8; "Dowle's Dapes) -or, Menui vs. Divine Mealing," s p. m. 0. ABB M. ALUABCZ. Chrlarlas sad Mlulonary Alliance Sllth end Mala atraeU; Rev. C. D. SawUlle. Preach Ins. 10:80 a. B.; Sunday school. 12:18 p. a.; Yonne Peonle's hi retina. 8:30 p. a.; avanfeW Llatle service, T:90 p. a. Sloe Altaky hall. Third and Moniann streets; Bev. Chsrles A. Hoy. At 3 p. B., Bible atody; p. B., me Tnumpoai ancry oi i vni, uur King, and HI. Teara of nympatny"! t:a p. m., "He Did It With All Hi. Prospered.".-. '-' fT..:;. .ii....' W;- U L I e - I J I I I I 1 I Ikll I '- 'l -1 Heart, snd ANseUble Pre pataliDnfbr As similating thcroodandBetfula ting theStDBfldaS aMikwiels or at Promotes DigeationjChecrful ness and RestXontains neither OjiluntMorphine norMLaeriiL y i p.s, i Smi jtbtJmtm . . aft-JlB, fiB-, Lm'. A ported Remedy for Cons fipa non.SourStomki,DianlK)ca Worms .Convulsions .Fewristv ness and Loss of Sleep. , ; ' . rMSsraito Si'gnalwe f , , NEW YOHK. Jill For Infants and Children. JbBbBbBbBbBSBbB Tho Kind You llavp Always Dought 1r Bears the Signature of At.." AW AW a jp' In Af iiP Uso - ! V For Over Thirty Years J - pjwl waBgWVssBaVwl tMsBWMsTwV WersMaf VbbwSJwI wHl'tV T. M. 0. . A Caat Kl aMreaa he .Rav. Tbomaa Parry. P. SDedal muale, sale chorua. Al ma Invited. HO meeting ia awaninoa oaiwiin.. M. A- Men's meeting, la Centenary church, East Math and Pine streets st a so p. i. - BBTTID BBZSBTTEXIAV. Chnrck of the Strang. re Waaeo strsst'snd' fir.nd sveaus'. Bee. B, Karl DuBols. At 10:48 . m., "A Crtals u aiiaaions -: i:w p. m., Rarly Ministry of Christ," ill oat rated by stareoptlcoo, .''..- ZTANOZXICAL ASSOCIATI0B. ; ' Plrat Kmriiah Baat Slith end Market at re eta Bev. S. A. Slewert, At 11 a. a., "The Trial a a ft Crnclfliloa of Chrlat": praaehlng aerTlra at f :48 p. am.; Honday school, 10 s. m.; Veung People's slllsnce, 6:0 p. a. - ' , " BTETHODIIT OUTH. ri.Bt-.iTlu Second -etreet: Rev. Zmerr ft, Mowre. Sunday scbeol. 10 s. a.: preaching. 11 s. is t Kpworth leegus. e:w n. b.; g, 1:30 a. at py stev. au. .iuou ' TJBITABIAB. ".. rir.t Tamhlll and Seventh streets: Rev. XT, . Eliot Jr.. mtntettr; Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. n miniate, emeritus. Service st 11 s. I Sunday school sad adult class st 12:80 p. FBrEBDS. -laat Thlrtr-fnarra sad Msts llsdiey. rrescninf service p. a.: Sunday school, 10 s. Prleads Chnrch- treeta; lewis I. st ii s. m. tna-v p. m., ouuun 1.5 Chrutua linaesvor, 1 p. a. ' 1ATTZB BAT SAINTS. - rhnrch of Jean. Chrlat of lairter Day Saints Ball 400, AlUky building, Third and Morrtaoa atreets. Sunday scbiol st IS a. B.; church t 11:80 a. a. and t p. u - ABTXVT. '" Advent Second street between Hall and Lincoln atreeta: Rev. Charles Hafenden. Sun- school, 10:80 s. tn.; preaching servlcs. I p. m. 1 school, 80 s. b. pralss service. , Dirnn truth cxbtzr. . Mvlne Truth ChanelHall SOI Allate build ing. Third ssd Morrison atreeta; Rev, Thaddeus M. Mlnard. At 11 a. B., "Nsssreth"; Buaday seheoi st is B. OUTI BRANCH MISSION. ' Olive Branch Mlwlon MS Pint street, near Columbia. Preacnine every night st 7:80; Boa days, S p. aa.; Bsoosth school, l-M p. St. VBTriasAim. Pint twt OonrS and Eaat Rlshth streets: Rer, W. r. 8mall. At 81 a. m.. "A Paraooz and Its Mssnlsg"; 10 a. a.. Saaday school. , NrW CHITROX SOCIITT. Swedenhnrelan-T-knlghts of Pythias ball. MaroiiBB building. Hundsy school. 10:80- s. ,.; uy ssrvicer, ii:ao s. a. ' BEACON LIGHT MISSION. Beacon Ma-lit Mlasloa II rowrth street. north. Preaching every sight Sad Sosdey at i ST. JOHN'S HOLINtS KISgtON. St. John'e Hollneea Mlaaloa Jtatl street, aear Mais; Rev. Joka t. U leasee, berr- The only form of "food made : from wheat tKat is all nutxi ment is the soda cracker, and yet the only soda cracker of which this is really true is . - v- i , . Uneeda Biscuit V The The The The only only only only soda cracker sclentiiically - baked. 7 - - " eoda cracker effectually protected - soda cracker ever fresh, f crisp and clean. ; soda cracker good at all . Vv times. ' JA In a dust tight. . ; (y) v. moistur proof package. i r lrvrr0lA. biscuit, company : t 1 HAN D SOME DESIGNS Viiasual eolora la WALL. PAPErL-. One of the hear . points lo. the wall . paper we have thla seaeon la the way it Is eolorett.- Particularly la this the esse among the papers that are sought after by those; whose jLrtlatle tastes are critical. One high authority has said that' he never aaw so many- satiafsetory tones In one collection aa we showed him lately in one of oar special booka. 1 rau. "-uorrB tbiat vorr oovs orr. Portland Paint & Waff Paper Co. 170 Beoond Bt, Sesweea Monisoa ' and T amain. rhoae Kaia 4S7P, , tmb mstPBiB'-coiromcs noiT, i 4t ; at S had 7:80 lees every sight' sag Sunday p. a'.' . , , . SPIRIT OF TRUTH. Sulrtt of Truth Draw " hall. 182 street. Al T p. Bk. , "Th. periodic!! el Man." Mrs. Sophia B.Belp wilt give payehlc readings. t MILLINNIAt DAWN. ' MtllesBlal DawaO. A. R. ball, gaesn sod Morrleoa plrests, Sarrlees t i.H) ft st, -. . '-...-- V V