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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, I Cr.TLAilD, CATU,-Y EVIill. J.. V IL 7, POLICEMEH WOUlD L. KEEP REWARDS t-v-, Much -.Disgruntled at . Being . , Forced to Give Up Spe-', r - cial- Money. . 4 PETITION EXECUTIVE" : . - , BOARD FOR CHANGE Charter Provides That All Fees for .Extraordinary Service Be Paid Into .City Treasury to Credit of Police and Fire Relief Fund. ' ,., Members ef the polio- department, are , ' much 'dissatisfied with .the enforcement ' of section l7.of t)i 'city charter, which . V' jirovides tbat all rewards and fees r- .ceived by there for any extraordinary ;.,. JVervlce. sliall. be paid Into;, the' city trea . - ury to the credit of the police aud fir relief fund.--- .,--., , ' " Prior to the present administration policemen- were permitted to retain re 1 wards (or the capture of prisoners, es pecially deserters from -the United -t States army, for which they received 160, and fees for extra service. ' Whoa Lane came Into power the executive J board saw that the charter waa being " violated and the scramble after rewards and extra fees had reached such a point that the patrolmen and -detect! Yea fre- - fluently neglected their regular duties , te partlclpato In outside work. . The tax t of 60 cents a month on each member of the police and fire departments was not . sufficient to counteract the drain on the relief fund from sick benefits, and the relief fund waa fast becoming- depleted. The board saw that something- must be - dona. It decided that the only way to replenish the fund was to enforce the charter provision. Since last July there - has been a rigid enforcement of the law, ,': although the members of the police de . pertinent have. seriously objected. , Yesterday a petition was submitted to the exeoutive board -foro Patrolmen Kndioott and Oalbraith, asking permls ' slon to retain. a reward of 160 received for the capture of a deserter from the ' army. Detective Snow made. a similar petition to Thomas- Q. Greene of the . '. , board and other patrolmen have asked v members of the police committee for permission to retain rewards and fees - - received by them.. -. The petition was referred to the po lice and 'fire committees, which will ' give- the , petitioners a hearing. It Is not probable, however, tbat the patrol men and detectives will be permitted to retain the rewards and fees, as the charter is explicit la Its wording. ; It is ' as follows: .. ' - "All fines and forfeitures from polioe tnen or Bremen, all rewards,, fees. pro ' ceeds of gifts and amount of compen- eatlon for any extraordinary service of any member of the police or fire force. all moneys arislBg from the sale of un " claimed -property or money, after de , ducting ; all expenses incident thereto. shall be paid. Into the city treasury to the, credit of. the police and lire relief fond."' ; . SIX HEI7 BLOCKS FOR ST. JOHNS AIL Will Be Two-Story, Rve of Them Brick and All Are , . .Alrcady-Leaac MANY BUSINESS FIRMS C 4 READY TO LOCATE tHERE A Year Ago Town Had No Fireproof Structure Today It Has Nearly a Dosen Brick Buildings Tenanted or Under Contract to Start at Once. Preferred Stock Oaaaed wooas. ' Allen A twls Beet Brand. ' Dr.N.J.FULTON TUROPATH Six new two' and three story business blocks, at least five or them ,ef brick, are to be started at once. In the' busi ness district of 8t Johns and tenants have been secured : for every room In the new building. When, a year ago. the first , brick block was erected by M. L. Holbrook In the center, of the busi ness - section 1 of the town,' property- owners who had been content witn single-story frame' shacks prophesied financial losa . Holbrook went ahead and his half dosen storerooms apd many offices were filled about . as soon ' as ready. Since then the two-story brick block for the St. Johns Hotel company has been' finished and, filled, a. Chinese two-story . brick block' is about com pleted and all room taken and the de mand for nre-proor ornce rooms ana business quarters has ' constantly In creased until property-owners are ready to start costly blocks on ' a scale not anticipated three months ago by le- moot hopeful. ----- . ,-... r Mr. Holbrook will lead In the new venture, as he-did In the oldr-and three of the half-doxen blocks planned Will be built by him. One block will be erected just south of the present Hol brook block. The structure will be (a by JO feet, A two-story brick. Excava tion work has been begun for the base ment and a big force of men will rush the -building up. Just across the street on the site of the old St. Johns hotel. a two-story frame building, Mr. Hol brook will erect a two-story brick, and a third block. 89 by 80 feet, probably of brick, will also be soon started by mm n the business district. . rne juownesney iwo-siory otoca is well started and the steel for the frame has commenced to arrive. ' This nioca will stand Just north , of the Chinese brick and will be one of the best-built business structures on the east side. Steel will be largely used In its con struction, a modern steam-heating plant will be - Installed and all . the conven iences of down-town, ofnoe structures will be given the occupants. On the site of the drug store recently destroyed by . fire a two-story brick block will be built by outside capital ists. Work will be begun on this Im provement as soon as brick can be se cured and the St. Johns masons get a chance to take a new contract. lira 8. C. Xeq, another outside property-owner, has agreed to build a two-story brick block with full cement basement on Jersey street If a few good tenants will agree to occupy the building1 and her offer will probably be accepted. One of the remarkable things . about the present business growth of the town is the number of new. firms that are going to locate In the place. With the opening of -good ferry service to the Llnnton shore the town la able to draw trade from the - farming districts 10 miles up and down the west bank of the Willamette and trade has been so brisk since the . ferry commenced operations that new -establishments have felt en couraged to make big Investments In stock and . strive for a share of the growing traffic. The buildings planned for Immediate construction will double the business structures of the town and probably Increase the taxable wealth to the (2,000,000 mark by another year. Eclnsnt Boctors Prtlsi Its IcBileatt Wo refer to that boon to weak, nervous. Suffering women known as JJr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.. , i , Pr. John Fyte one of the Editorial 8UV Of Tub KoLtcrio Medical Ksvutw says of Unicorn root HtltmUit IMuicn) which is one of the chief Ingredients of ln 'ca vort ta Prescription" : A rvnedy which Invariably sees as a uter ine lDvisurator makes for normal c llvity of the entire reproductive system." Be continues "to Uelonlaawe bare S medlt-a-stent whU-h more fully answers the above purposes than any ommt dm? WUA newt i turn mfquaUUtd. In the treatment of diseases pe culiar to women It la seldom that a case Is seen which does not prewut some Indication for this remedial asenk" Dr. Kyfe further savs: " The following are among the leading Indication for HeloniaatUnlroiw root). I'aiit or aching In the back, with leucorrhunat atonic (weak) conditions of the reproductive onran of women, mental depression and ir ritability, aaaoflated with chronic d tartars of the reproductive organ of women, constant seatauoa of heat In the region of the kid neys; menorrbagla (flooding, due to a weak ened condition of the reproductive systems amenorrhea (auppruased or absent monthly Parlodel, arising from. or accompanying- an abnormal rood it too of the digestive organs and anssmlc .( thin blood) hsbltl dras-iciDg sensations In the extreme lower part of the abdomen." - . ... - If more or less of tb above symptoms are present, no invalid woman can do better then take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prnscrlotton. ono of the leading ingredi ents of which is Unicorn root, or lleloniaa, and the medical properties of wnlch it most faithfully represeuts. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Finley Elllngwond. M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It is an important remedy in auoraersor the womb, in ait-ratarrbal conditions and general enfeebleineni, it is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder. M. D.. late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to Its general effects on the system, that is wo atedtrins in uh about whith then it surA eenerai unanimity of opinion. It is imivmally regarded as th tonic useful in all debilitated states." Prof. Bartbolow. M. D.. of Jefferson Medical Colloge, says of Golden Seal : Valuable in aterine hemorrhage, mehor- rhaala (noodlng) and eongestlve dysmenor- racsa (pauuul menstruauoni. ' -. . Dr. Pierce's Favorite, Prescription faith fully represents all the above named In gredient and cures the diseases for which -they are recommended. new clturchea will be built the coming year ir. the district. The. congregation of Forbes Presby terian church. North Alblna, held Its annual meeting last evening, -Rev. H. Pratt, pastor, presiding. Reports from the treasurer showed the financial con dition of the church to be excellent. Beventy-faur members - were added In the year. Heavy rails on a concrete bed are be ing laid by the Portland Railway .com pany on Holladay avenue between Lar rabee street and Union avenue. This work compels -the L cars now using rhe Holladay line to use but a- single track; ana has during the week resulted in frequent delay, cars from each direc tion on a two snd a half minute sched ule congesting the single track, causing numerous side trackings and delays. FIFTEEN THOUSAND : w READERS IN MARCH NO TEMPLE SOON. Washington ldge . of Masons Buys lta, hut Has o Building nans. Though the Washington lodge of Ma sons, the leading lodge of the order on positively announce! oy ins oixicsrs that no action has been taken to ereet a temple, and tbat not even a prelimi nary discussion or the building, its cost -or type, has been held by the lodge. The ' Hverearful Is the word test best describes bet career shwe easing te Portland. Baeesstral la earing ll, saceeasful la building up what Is today the largest office practice ef say hi the elty. She Cures the Sick ' ' Tbls Is why her efflres are it all tiroes fall. ad ttaat people seaieusMS wait tat bears te are her.... . . ............ - If yoa hart any sllment,' rbrontc er srnte. etrh ae rbeematieak. Is grippe, brjmnhttls, goiter, reterrh, etosuch and bowrl troablee, serve , trnuhles, ete etc., fee would se well to cat suit her. She ess ear yoa. - - ITSTntOalAXA OT yEOKJC SHX HAS f, -.-t.---'-i I CVAED, "Pnrttesd. Oct. 17. 105. l Te Wham It May Cnnrera: i'l saifered IfOg tint with aerlotw stoma rb .. TOBtl. the dlse having prnirreaaed e far , that I wa oaable to retain nir tood, and f isally foond water Is rasse nanwa; In abort, sr ' eiiUr lem waa in a MTlooely depleted con filth. Oa or about July IS laat f ajrlaed wltu . IH-. Vancy 1. FuUon. of thai cltjr, and vu 1 1iMsred to take treetinenta frnoi her, and after . ,tala the twelfth I wa dlwbarsml. I ran . , mrm eat anything 1 deaire, feel perfertly well - , and am ronjrtantly ralnln atrength. Till nar ' vto eheace I ea tratlifulljr ay la due t , Ir. rslton. . . . . CL1UB VAUGHN. i4 'Home. Jefferaon. Or. Kote Mr.'Tsnghs eaa b commanlrated with . Jeffra. Or., or hi father. Ell Vaajthn. --'rait be sees at the New CJrand Central, eorser .'. Tblra and riandera. this .cliy. ! October 30 ''1006.' ' V . fv VThnnj It Mar footers : V . "It-afrorda nie grrat pleasure te write a word In praha of f)r. Knllon. I anrfrred on Mil '. ,ron for " week with pais Is my whole - r-vly. ' Mr hoeband eallM In whom we aup ' e.ied waa en- ef the beat phyalrtana In tb .. rltr. ria waa ont anre. bst thouirlit I had neerahrla. or It mlrtit pmve to he gallatnnm, : i h-ri melfeiie and thonaht I would h hrttor ,L neit darl !" 1 avadnallr, stew wnree; t"t on' " Yrtltf from tahv earetrt wndor onlate. . Uarlnt heard of Dr. Faltne thrratch friend of ora, ,w derived to rail her In; to sir hnahaad w-et at onre end bronsht her to the bona. - Cpon evamtnatlnn ah pronntmred It a eaa of ariit analrltle. and after one treatment 1 wa ahln to set P. dreaa auraelf and as ahost sir Banal . tmnahWI (Istle. I her now taken s week's l,twfif and eertalalT think her the Bust .: weaderfal dorter I ever B't. - ' l-JSg Tenia t-Portlaad, Or.V TWt forret to lneloe noatare atam . fur rrl whea writing te ear ef aij eatleaU. Dr.N. J. FULTON 315 TWELFTH ST. ' ' IWf riar. ens hawk -frma V ear. one fnuS J(b street ear. t from Jef'erioa ear, ., , lelrfboaa Mala UIM. . .' 1 . , '' f , t ' !' .:- . ; .;: v '-.,' . , - - -.' ; -erect- A-two orthree-story brick block costing $10,000 on the quarter hlockrTe rent'v purchased at . East Eighth and Burn a Id streets, was the first Informa tion even the officers of the lodge bad of the proposed improvement. - Washington lodge has no available building funds, and it has a two-years' lease oh the hall in the Burkhardt building. For some time the lodge has desired to secure a central site while property was yet within reach. It was recognised that some day the lodge would -probably desire a. home of Its own, and that If It did not its spare funds could be best invested in prop erty in the business district of th sast sido, so the $8,(00 purchase of the quar ter block at East Eighth end Burnstde streets was authorised. At the regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Portland Library asso ciation, held ' Wednesday evening, the acting librarian reported that the rec ords for the month of March have shown a continued increase in the use of the library. " .. In the circulating department the total number of books issued was 15.646, or $.130 more than in March; 1905. A number of books on gardening will be found on the shelves near the desk. In the reference department, two reading lists have been compiled, one on the fifteenth amendment, the other on the Monroe doctrine. The head of the department has given 10 talks on the use of the library to the entering class of the high school. . - ' Six hundred and eighteen books were catalogued for the library during March. In the past month 60 books have been added to the Greaham station. Lists of these books may be obtained at the reading room. - it has been found desirable to cir culate the books piaced at Ldnuton, and the reading room Is now open every Wednesday afternoon and evening, Mrs, Clara Wilson acting, as librarian. The first afternoon opening. March $1, one of general interest. A pleasant hour was spent In the discussion of books snd practical library matters. . Coffee and cake were served. - In compliance with a - request- from I niyhlBpdslJsryjtatlon will soon be established at that place. . Three fire companies have, taken ad vantage of the library privileges and a box of books is now placed at truck company No. 4 under the care of Ella- wuith Adams. 'at chemical engine awn s t . : - SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE! mm Clatsop Dsach -:. SUNDAY AiPSlIL ! ; SEASIDE :; G!aGc;; Esach 13 SUNDAY 1 . .. 1 . V ' jtUJ, ', . ....... j .... : . m. .-1 : FIRST OF A SERIES OF SUNDAY SEASIDE EXCURSION VIA THE 1 $ 1 .50. ROUND Tit IP ; $ B .50 TAKE A PEEP AT THE PACfflC ! WATCH TOE CROWD GO! Leave Union Depot...5. Leave Seaside:....Y.:...'. 8:00 a; ra ..5X) p. m. Arrive Seaside.".;.. Arnve Portland .. ...12:30 p. m. ...9:50. p. rri. Ticket Sale 10th TICKET OFFICES City Ticket Office, 248 Aider St i " . C." A. SraWAXT. Areat, . - :; - Whom Kaia toe.- ; UNION DEPOT : ;7rj; c. mayo C. F. & V. A., Astoria, Ore: ARLETA AROUSED. Mass . At- Xstinr to . Protest Against . tempt to Take Fostofflcs. . Arleta cltlcens will met at Laurel wood hall tonight and dischss the pos tal situation. It is also probable that should any citisen of Lents be on hand he will be made uncomfortable. Arleta I Incensed at Lents,- and its cltlsens charge Lents poople with a. bold at tempt to steal Arleta's - free delivery service 'and1 replace -it- with a . rural delivery system from the ' Lenta pot offlce. - It is charged, that Lenta xltl xens, under specious pleas, seoured the signatures of Arleta residents to a pe tition which was later discovered tb be a pica for- the faking away of the Af-lc-ta postof f Ice and making the entire Mount Scott, district tributary to the Lents office. ' i When the business men of ' Arleta -voke up to the real status of the case they called the msss meeting, which will prepare a counter petition setting out the 'Arleta aide of the case. Ar leta has recently improved its streets, numbered its houses and placed street signs to facilitate the delivery of mail, and. the thought that this expense is to go for nothing and thst Lents alone will benefit has stirred the. community. No, S under the care of F. E. roudflt," nr ttTOcfcempany-- Nev-1 In charge of Lieutenant Wood. pany Pr . To Tots on Dry Tows. Athenla. Or, April T- A local option petition from North and South Athena has been filed with the Umatilla county clerk. It asks thst on June 4 the people Of these precincts be allowed to vote on whether or not intoxicating liquors shall be sold within the boundaries of the precincts. The paper is signed by It voters, many of whom are farmers in the vicinity of Athena. This is the first local option peptltlon filed for the rotnlnr election. ' ' Begin To Take Osomulslon Today; -, And Tour Cure Begins Today. LoiiqOduq Frail Syrap Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipatioh, Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. ''..Orino Laxative. Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. ' It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or . irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. 7 Constipation. - Orjoto Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi- Jtivelxcujfejchronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tern Dorarr relief but the stomach' is upset -and the bowels are irritated without any 1 il; permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remalns un changed. The Stomach, Liver and cowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This. is why Fills and Aperient Waters ' never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different.V L Oribo Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts.. upon all of the digestive organs.- Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver.' It can very read. l a preparation that doeg cannot cure 'CIirohtdrKfnBtTjth.ToTpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. 1 ' For Biliousness and Sick . - ' He&d&che. -."-..' " .Take Ortsto Laxative Pruit Syrup. It s wee tens the stomach, aids digest ion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and : bowels, without irritating these organs.. Clears the Complexion. 0rs6 Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulales the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of , pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or I sicken. lef use substitutes. OUR GUARANTEE not act upon all of the digestive organ8 Tahe ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and" If you are not satisfied your money' will be refundede Prepared only by POLCY e CO., Chloago, in.' :' ; i 'SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY --? r-- ' WOOD ARDr CLARKE & CO. AND S.- G.' SKIDMORE & CO. ' n hi-- mai l si ' i . EAST SIDE NOTES. At the rally which was held at Cen tenary Uethodlst church last night which closed the mission and church extension revival cnmpalgn in tbe East Portland district of the churclv collec tions were taken and pledges secured that.' with the reports from ths various churches.- make it certain that the dis trict will do Its share. in raining fundi for church . extension. The general board will give It to every It donated local by the ;, and. three r four The Cod Liver Oil Food-Emulsion 'Tar Excellence," the Additional Life- giving. Life-Preserving Elements be ing Guaiacol, Glycerine and the Hy pophobphite of Lime and Soda. . -Uromulfion ---will do jnort to Strengthen, Restore and Preserve your Health than anything yoa can tise. . Oiomulsfon Builds Up Prevents the Breaking-down condition of the Fluids, Tissues and -Corpuscles. -Ozomulsion has taken the place of all other Cod Liver Oil Preparations f among 1'hystciani wh have analysed and tried in their Practice the Ozomulsion Curo For COUGHS, COLDS, CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, ANAEMIA. MALA RIA, SCROFULA, PNEUMONIA, CONSUMPTION and all WEAKEN ING DISEASES OF YOUNG AND OLD. - - . - ,v One who take Oromulsion will dis cover that the blood Becomes . Purer and Richer; Meals Become more Pal atable, and it Contributes , to them VC5 Beneficial Results are Obtained aftee the- Nit Doi There srs two aire t-es. and ISnc Seetleai tb formula i primed la T language ea sack. Or O u r G reat Sewing Mach i ne Of f er Purchasers Are Saved One Half on Every Machine Bought From Us. A Dozen Styles to Seltct From. The cut presented herewith accurately illustrates Oun New Style No. 30 Automatic Lift Cabinet t N . FINE QUARTER-SAWED STOCK . . ct Higlr Grade Bonita: Sewing Machine Than wtateb do tieiter was eeer offered for al In ts Tnlted State.' THERM IS NOT A BKTTEB MACHINR MA KB ON EARTH. Tner never baa ben and nTer will be. A we emptor so traveling (aleamea, thua avoid ing an einena , of St least na da ter sn and aons, w Save olaeed tbe prlee of the machine at Inat . bait tilt wblcb the regular dealer would rbarg 1( tb salo were made tr him. lie la an expert ew-tas-siaotilD Mleaman wka n averse tw sale a week. Ill ealarr. bora, maintenance and wear and tear ar. aallv wnrtb M (or each all Sara. Barer rroai na aav all nil xena. THX CAhlMET of tbla machine I a pier of art Is eabinet work, extraordinarily handaem in liga and appaar--Bianiaaaatl rioh In Muismaat. It i built on a maaalve bene with elaborated hand-earvrd i-ornera. mitred ' Into Mat with aolld qnarter-aawed ek ef eelveted sraln seed In lb panela all around. In fact, tb cabinet must be eea ta order tbat Its beauty can be rnuy appreeiaien. a ix w aimoaf impoaaibi to convey an. eiurat idea -r - wkat - bandana eabin-t It is by dVacrlpllon, . W have- sever sees one toaatifut, rfo 1 eoe- atraatiea. It I highly pollahed, and Snlahvd with all- tb eleganc of blsb-grad fnrnltur siad to take II ' Dlac In tb bom sarang tb Hcbnt ami stoat rmtly furnlabiBC. It I - mounted on roller, easily sxned from plac te place, amoothty paaalng over deep velvet carpet eaaliy aa over a Boor tkat M bar. A atieng, dnrabl deah rell nrnmti th top, adding greatly to It rich appearance. HTHEJI CLOSED thl Cabinet baa every anpaaranc ef a Srat-elaaa, styllah wrltlng-deak, and may be seed a auch. in addition te th braotlful enrvlnra thl Cabinet I rlcbly ernamented. ahowa In the cut. Opa 1.. k nMn. f.rf- mm th- hMd la hrnnaht automatlcaUy Is blac by a uractlcal and patent device, a lever arrangement tkat I Bet complicated by annecry mechanlam, bat eaally eperated with but allsbt realatanc. tb head twins perfertly balanced, te lift 05 Into plac with tb greatest eare. Th Inali! of each door baa a pocket, n tbat ample Trovtalon I mad to accommodate attachment, aeceaaortea, wrlllng-paner. ate. Kach Cabinet 4 fnrnlahsd oompiet with lack and key, aa tbat when th mchln I not In ua th dour nay be cliawd and securely locked, ecurlng tb machine head, attachment, ete, against Interference by children, and St the a am tlm Incasing all working part whr tsT win sot sccssiuist aut or lrt. it is IB grealeai evwiug nargaia avr offered In Amuiea, r,. . . . . r J. J. KADDERLV THE HARDWARE, TIN, STOVE AND FURNACE MAN Telephone Main 1382' : Odd Fellows Temple, First and Alder Sts. hat everybody seeks Health, ' waiveratty. Strengih and Btsuty. f The eldest university In the -'world is at Peking. It is called the Bchodl for the Sons of ths. Empire." Its. antiquity Is very great, and a grand register, con 1 aa 1 1 it C mtnwtm Mltimn. IDA Att m, - Ozomulsion Laboratories , her. contains ti names or o,oo'gradu - ' ss aa. - - li.. STORE FOR RENT . ; -. . ., i. . - to 'a nssT-cxas lOTcna in collection with an TTP-TO-DATB OBO OBBT, Kitst Side; location At. Apply raw TOBK OBOCZBT, Kleventa and Morrtsohv-.i .... STEEL CEILINGS MANUFAC TURED, BY ORNAMENTAL f FIREPROOF 'REASONABLE COST J-. Cfc A V P? O Pons) Main .461 s V' PA.YiCK Sscond fit. 1' i.4 '.A