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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1906)
i.: . Z3U DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, APK1L' ll, 1803. TRANSPORTATION. aWawwaasBeaasSjBwXiPsaaakj TRANSPORTATICri flOf-IE ROUTE S. 1 SENATOR June . Secure Tickets jrow, ! .. mmm 5Q AND WE TREAT MEN ONLY Established 2C Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, UN COM- . PLICATED AILMENT FOR IIS0 , N FOR THE-FEE. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED Com Today to th SUCCESSFUL Special ist who number their PERFECT Cures by the THOUSANDI You want a PERMANENT Cure! We cm ACCOMPLISH IT, : . It no bTi IoIiIkI tht taw it hMltk and r ronctoiu of cmntint rln which !.. I rani Jf you arm weak. - mia,,mllll- lilW - rwtmwt Itnwnm fn'hd Wwa V , 1 j i ii an wmi. giouuij ami arapooaaot. mn Dad dream. danraMMi. lack ambliloa and ttr(7, naabl to concentrate your tbouirtita. lack vim, tIkot and Tlralltr. oouia to am at ticc; ear traatmant will atop aU dralna aad orereoma all weakneaaca aad poaltUalj r ator Ton to trvnrtb and h'ulth. W bar cured thuaaanda r wriikuira. TrtOUt WHO HAVE BE Elf DISAPPOINTED BY UNBItrLLEO SPECIALISTS AK8 JA1IIESTLT REQUESTED TO INVESTIGATE 0Ua'JIETH0D8 ABfB TERMS WITHOU THXM IJtt aSdHI0MXT W " ".. WOULD HAY SAVES A LIFE . LONQ CURE FOR BLOOD VoiSOlT. SKIW DIfltABES, BOXES. TXCZXS. S T ICTUS E TAIOOCEXI. HT-?5gCklMYSEAgDVoLiTl- OU 0 OMOKW PWEIS OF SPECIAL DISEASES Newly cvntractad and chronic cm are cut4. All bnmlnf, ttrh ln and biriammailun topped In S4 bwr; curea . effected In T daje.- U't C0TE& TBS EKTIBI FIU Of SPECIAL AKO CHS0KI0. CEP-SEATED, OOMPUCATED SIS EASES. wam It row caaaot call. " All mreeffmdrae atrtctl raartdentttl and n rcnlleg rat la plain anTelopea. No aamea, eaaaa, lettera or pliotorraaba of aatleBta Mbllahed or expaaml.' ... WE CHAaOS TOB CUBES OKLT, We. la mot axpoot par far our aerrloM anlaaa we euro a patieat aauad aad well, a that he will ha entirely eat lifted, aad will nerer airata hare te be treated for the me trouble. IW YSSTIG ATTff .AMD tEAHV THAT .ODB WORD IS AS OOOD AS OUR BOXD. OUR FINANCIAL STAWDIMO IS SOLID AMD OUB LONO IXPERIKNCo- JJ TBEATTHQ SPECIAL EI8EASE8 Or KEB INSURES 0U Or MODERJf, BCIEHTirlO TREATMENT THAT WTLL AOUOMPLISH A CUBE. HOURSS , m. to t p. m.j Evening. 7 to 8; Sunday-, a. m. to l"noon. First Photograph of Mrs. Reginald C. Vanderbilt and Her Daughter Cathleen Ever Published. BETROTHALSOBERS KlfJG ALFOIISO Engagement to Princess Ena Transforms Young Spanish Monarch Into Worker. PLOT DISCOVERED TO Y DYNAMITE THE SULTAN New Campanile to Be Built Neapo 'litans Furious at Pop for Refusal to Bury Suicide in Consecrated r Ground. ' : : (Jonraal Snectal Serrlca.) Paris,'. April 1. Aa Lbo proapoct at . marrlns suddenly put an end to thr ... sowing of wild oats by the kaiaer'a eideat son, who is now a veritable par . son of .virtue, the encasement of Kins " Aiionao 10 rrinccus jtna or Battenburg naa aiao, according to Madrid report, worked wonders In the young king of . Spain. ' The reckleas. foolhardy, headntrong boy baa with aurprlalng suddenness be come a man of regular habits and has " a aurprlalng capacity for work. clae In hla private gymnasium and after cold ahowers he breakfasts In the aim 111 cut 'manner with hla mother and sister, jr -After breakfast he tackles his mall. which ts of proportions to make even , a-trained bualneas man despair. Then he receives his "major domo," the Duke of Boto-Mayor, and works on affairs of state until noon, stopping only once, at 11 o'clock, when he appears at his "window 'to watch the trooping of the colors. - Afnoon- herjreeelves-lB- audience, the . prime, imlnster, the captain-general, ths sovwrnor-of Madrid and ',h chief of police. . ' At 1 o'clock he lunches en famllle and the luncheon Is followed by a long ride either In his automobile or on horseback. Front 4 to J he Is again hard at work or gives audlencea; Dinner la aerved at and to this meal a few personal friends of the king are generally Invited, and at 11 o'clock sharp the king retires to bed. As ens may sec. the young king is now thor oughly broken in harness. -.- . :. ' oltam Terrified. I -The poor sultan, who had scarcely re covered from, the fright of the last at tempt against. his lire, is again trera bling with fear behind the barred doors of Ytlds Kiosk. What has shocked him more than anything else Is the fact that the recent discovery of. the. bomb factory at Sku- tan was made only by the merest acci dent, and not by the police nples to whom he paya all the money from the Turkish treasury which he does not ap propriate himself. -A number of Armenians were stand trig tn a bookwtore tn Skutar icroktnr t a magazine when a small boy who hap pened to see the pictures exclaimed: "Why. that Is Justthe same kind ef things that my father makea In his shop."- If a bomb had been thrown among 'them the Armenians could not have been more scared, and one of them ran for a detective, who followed the boy to his home. An hour later the whole family was arrested, and Immense quantities or ex plosives as well as the detailed plan of a new attempt against Abdul Harald S life was discovered. ; JTew Campanile Built, This spring will probably see the foundation laid for a new campanile at Venice to take the place of the one that collapsed, i The city council "has approved the plana of the committee formed for the urpose of erecting the new tewe which will weigh about 11,000 tons le than the old. - The brick and atone of the old campa nile Is to be used In the construction ef the now, but a strong steel skeleton will make it possible to make It (ess heavy, although Its interior will be an exact copy of the collapsed one. Many advise the calling In of an American engineer experienced In steel construction to take charge of the work, but for patriotic and sentimental reasons the people of Venice are opposed to tlWs. .. . VeapoUtans riloin The Neapolitan- aristocracy are- furi ous agalnat Pope Piua because of his rein si 1 to allow the young Prince Plg- natelll St rangoll. "wlxo 'recently' com mitted suicide, to be-buried -In conse crated ground. ". And still they are quite convinced Is not the gentle Plus X who Is responsible for this harshness against a scion of one Of Italy's noble families, but rather are inclined to put the blame on Cardinal Merry del -VaL The young prince ahot himself on the eve of his wedding and the family Im mediately applied to the archbishop to allow the burial of the body with all the usual ceremonies. The archbishop' refused, but the family made all prep arations for a grand funeral. -At. 12. .the time aet for the ceremony, no word had come from the Vatican, and prominent nobles kept the wires hot telegraphing every cardinal In Rome.- -.. . At' 1 o'clock' great crowds bad gathered outside the Strangoll palace, aud the old prince himself sent a mes sage full of despair direct to the pope enly ta eeolvo--e-refusal -at e'olooav and the body was put la the ground without flowers and without ceremony. ... '-Xing of Sakemey. vf terTiaving treated the captive King Behanxin Of Dahomey with unnecessary cruelty the French government has now allowed the broken-hearted man to take up his residence in Algiers. The ex-king, who has learned to read and write while a prlaoner, has wrlttea a letter of thanks to the president In which he says: - "It Is now my only wish to be allowed to return to Dahomey that I may spend my last years . tn the service of France in the country I once ruiod and wnicn I love above any other.'-'. But it is safs to say that this wish wm never oe grauneo. v WISCONSIN monument: H UNVEILED Journal ftnortal Bereleat Pittsburg Landing, Tens., - April - T. The handsome monument erected to the memory of the Wisconsin troops who fought . and fell on the battlefields of Bhlloh was unveiled and dedicated today with impressive ceremonies in the pres ence of a large delegatlonvof state of ficials, veterans and other prominent men from the Badger state and a (tim ber of citizens from this vicinity. Cap tain Fr- H.-Madgeburg, president of the Wisconsin Shlloh - Monument ootnmle- slon, presided over the exercises, aad ST.LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY GOina aannvn awn viirrrr.f. mcaea vtaw ev mbviaw : v - - J MITTXXAJITSSUbT -r- AXjUIKA - BOUTS. From Seattle' at p. m. for Ketchl Kan, Juneau, Bkagway, Whits Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. - Br .-rty-of-eattle.-Apstt -tt-ltr B. S, Humboldt. April S-16-I5 8. B. Cottage City (via Bttka) April 1-10 . AT.ASB-A BZOXOSBIOItS, S. B. Spokane. June 1-21; July t-XS .-.August 1. - '" TOM BAB? T BAB CISCO BXBBCT. From Seattle at S a. m.; Umatilla. April S-lt; Queen. April t-Zi; City of To- pefca. April ll-tl. - ortlaad Of floe, MS WasalagtoB V s ' Bfalav as. ' e. SC. LIB, rasa, a m. Agt. C. I. 9VJTABBT, O. P. A, ... . 10 Market St. Baa Traaeisoe. OtjTB.1 fetchl- I 1 ALASKA . - FAST AMD FOPULAB STEAMSHIPS - Leave Seattle - VKrrEBSOV," April t, IT, ft, S S. at;, fc.via. waaagM. "DOLPHIB," April It, tt. ..... .... CAUJNa - r: Ketchlhaa, lunean, Dnnzlas, Bainaa. Bkag way, Conooete with W. P, A X. roate (or Atlla, Dawaoa, Tanana, Norn, eta, rot- All Sosthaaatara Alaaka Porta Call or aend for "Trip to Wonderful AhuSS. "Indian Baaketry." "ToUat Poles' THE ALASKA B S. CO.. Prank Weolaay Co.. Areata. ' BJOikat. . . rortlaad. Of. 'i;i!ir!ij;rr coughs ;y.D(BKETryR CQLD3 WOrJDER WORKER FOR THROAT AIID LUrjCG nnrnnn MM i CHAS. EBY, SR, of Elizabeth, IlL, wrltast ,M! paid out over $160: to local phy sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without ptvlnsr me any relief. I afterward bought a 9I.OO bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY and after taking contents of thle one bottle I was entirely cured." ... , M:i (St isJ SI.C3 A nnO ILllTti LY C U A 17 A HTE E PI Trt:l Isttlsi Frti c:ld o n:::"a3 cy . S. G. SKIDMORE & CO. WE TREAT AND CURE all earoaie blood, aorvona, skim aad special disease of meal also stomas a, aeart, uver, uaaey, nt re bladder and throat tronbli eently contracted- do not delay in r r 1? If yon have any allm ntlv contracted- do not -seeking the skilled aid of doctors who wm make you sound and well In a short time. Dr. W. Norton , Davis aV Co. can do this for you. If your trouble ha been treat-., ed by incompetent doctors until It ha become chronic and dan gerous, do not despair,! but con ' ault Dr. W. Norton Hatrla A Co. JIM 1 . .....kl.. . V. V..n V. ... J -. ' ' uiiiiuui, iivuiTi'.. . t. , ' i ... . w .i , built up a sreat business and be- come famous all over the north west, CEBSBAZ. DBBLLXTT. . . If you have a weakness which is robbing you of health, strength, ' happiness, pleasure, consult the physicians who have had such a long and suuoesafiil experience. They can restore your lost health and vitality. ' They will make a perfect man of you. The- restoration will not only be perfect and speedy, but permanent aa well. The doctors of this Institute are all regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known tn Portland for If years, have, a reputation tn maintain, and will undertake no caseV unless certain a Lure, csa Jx effectd. - : u : ; , T; YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED - If you wish you can deposit the price of a cure In any bank In Port land, aald amount to be handed over to us when you are cured. Or you may pay us by weekly or monthly Installments If you prefer. DBLAT XS SABOSBOUS WBSII TOtTB XBAXTB IB COBCXBBBO. A personal Interview Is desirable, but If you cannot call, write us. giving your symptom In full. - Our home treatment la successful, even In complicated cases. Strict est confidence observed. . Plain envelopes used In all correspondence. - Instructive book sent free. In plain wrapper. No man, 'should be without It. . ... - ALL MEDICINES FREE UNTIL CURED . 'ZZ "... Z'Zl COStrfcTATIOB AIiWATS PBBB. : 'JiiiLZ .. Office Hours': to S; Sundays and holidays. 10 to II. - " Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. dfflces In Van Noy Hotel, 6IH Third St., Corner Pine, Portland, Or. 1 : s OperaUag IS Paaeeacot S tea awe lot SAN FRANCISCO and Las Aszelea direct. Bt dally service, , Cabin, SIS- Steerate. (- ,, . 0. H. THOhtPSOB, Arent. Faona Bala lis TKIBB ST, Steamer Chasi R. Spencer . PAST T1MB. BT THE COT-TBBIA TTTE rTBESX TRIP IB laim Oak-atrcet um-S I a. a Moadara. Wedneadaya and Fridays, arriving at The bailee p. at. - Uini The Dalles T a. at. TUeeiiaya, Tbara- Saya and Haturdaye. arrtrmj rortiand S p OfSco and wharf root Oak atraeC Phi Main 2f. CKABLES . STEELSKITH, AOEBT. S. S. F. A. pburh rot Csas Bay, Bareka and Saa PraaeUca. Next selling from Portland. Sarorday.. April 14. Beit sailing treat Ban Prancisee, Moa,, April S. F. L. OBEBNODOH.' AcU Oreeawlcfe Deat Bo. S. Paoaa Mala 10L UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS Of C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese Doctor Judse Jacob Fawcett, a private In the Sixteenth Wisconsin Volunter infantry and now a resident of Omaha, delivered the oration of the day. The Wisconsin monument Is one of the handfjomeet state memorials erected on the Shlloh battlefield. It consists of a bronse figure of a wounded soldier bearing a flag, and a woman bending over him tenderly removing the flag staff from his grasp. The figure Is of herolo size and of great beauty. It stands on a massive granite pedestal, the Sldee of which are adorned with ap propriate inscriptions and ths roster of the Wisconsin regiments which par ticipated In the battle of Shlloh. EDMONTON CELEBRATES ' CONNAUGHT'S ARRIVAL Joeraa! Soeeial SorTlce.l Edmonton, Allt April 7.-Prince Arthur of Connaught and the member of the Garter mission left Edmonton this morning en route - for Winnipeg. Vermilion will be reached this afternoon Snd the Bight Will be spent at Battle ford. Leaving Battleford at o'clock tomorrow morning Winnipeg will be reached some time before noon on Mon day. Stop will b made at Fort Sas katchewan for the pnrpoee of allowing the prince to Inspect the mounted police barrack there. Stops also will be made at other point or nistorio ana commer cial Interest. Winnipeg Is snaking arrangements of sn elaborate character for the reception and entertainment of Prince Arthur. The prince will be escorted - from the railway station to the city hall, where the bands will be assembled, and where a civic address of welcome will be read. In the afternoon there will be a garri son Inspection snd also an Inspection of the school cadets. On Tuesday there. will he a publlo reception at the govern ment house and In the evening his royal highness will be entertained at the Man itoba club. MAIDEN. TRIP OF GREAT OCEAN LINER Cenrnal Special Service.) Liverpool. April 7. Whistles blew a deafening blast, ships dipped their colors snd the crowds on shore cheered wildly as the giant liner Km press of Britain steamed out of Liverpool harbor today) on her . maiden trip aeroa the Atlantic. The liner was bqllt for the transatlantic service of the . Canadian raclflo railway, and ths president of the LEE YUEN bo. 309 rara it. pobtxabs, ob. CHINESE PHYSICIAN At Ho. 162J First St, Cor. Harrison ' Mo mlileadlns atatameata ta the afTUat.. t-gttaraaloo a compute, aafe aad laatins cure la tar sjtckeat a , Ible tint, and aV the loweet euet peaatlMe toe honest aad stcame Inl treatment. I cure catarrh. aaUuaa, Inns, throat, rheumatism. aervooaseee, etomacn. llr-r. kidney ana laet manhood. FEMALE TB0UBLES AND ALL P BIT ATI DISEASES. My r medic are harmlees,- eenpened ef roota. herba, po1o and bark a especially ealeetrd and imported direct by aa from thertateraar of Cbln... DELATS ABE DAJTOEBOUS. tt yea eannut call, write for aymptosi shuS and circular. ln-lo 4 r-nte la atamps. COXSVLTATIoy FxEB. The O. ' doe We Ohlneeo Beeictae Oe., 1014 rtrrt St., Coraer Merriaea, PerUaad. Or. rWaa. matton thle pen-r. ar- r f Ravleg alndlcd :J rlne for many yet strdl- yeera bji- aoted doctors of China. lie cures all aervoas, chronic - and private i Slaeaecs of sees - eea ta imc i ,4 5. AjuJsl lie eomposnda 'an pnte sp for nae hie remedlra, the' ingreel. enta of which e-e care, fully sclrctcd. My rem. enlce will nt dntroy your stemech or -n-danger your life with an BfMMtlfrfi. Via t. b . BO rteka no. I sae av polaona or druga. f - Id. are enlck reaulta at the loareat naa. IWe eoet. Call and ee me ir yorl are ffll-tcC OOBVULTATIOB PBBB. company, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, Is among the passengers on the Initial trip. ..... The Empress of Britain waa launched last November and I a sister ship to the Empress of Ireland, now Bearing completion. ' Her aotual measurement are: Length. ISO feet; breadth, StV feet; j depth to the upper deckv 0 feet, 'Her registered tonnage I 14,100 and dis-'j placement about 20.000. Evervthine? that ' science and art of shipbuilding baa de vised and the comfort and safety of the passengers could suggest ha here been embodied. The accommodation fof traveler la both luxurious and exten sive... "I Oct back your strength. energy, ambition, by usmg BASS E1TS NATIVE REBUS. Coats only tl far three months' treatment . asoaey back If etoesnl ctrre. ' Abo 23c sue. At Druggists (in black boxeajt a not, anal an PBEC by wnsa bawtfsNslive Herbs C. CI atone, or Je.1 VitbUWIt asd umorffliciria J-Trains to the East Daily 3 Jhrenrs Pnllsua standard aal towlat ewe. tuZT.S?? Om.ha. Chtcaro. Bpok.n.i STKi-t diri"!"' ''Mn iT talos Dcpot- Leave.' Arrive. r-tl.nd SpcH.1 fo. Kr.tT.Z. T "niiriM. siy. :isast arm pej VT.wi"'. r4' aetrsj . . ri'hlnston.Walla Walie, : , 0jynr d-AIene and aItTi - hr" eolnts. a"r. S:1S ps lie t.Z tnr the Beat ls Bastlarton. delly S IS pa) t .Uaea roc A.aS"LA IT WTiswrf. m f i , .' w . r. "' "T:: ronnecaas wri. n ., mum i.oru niianai - """A10- ?-et. Sock. Uaree S p. at, S.llr. ;!P'Bnal.y SatnreW. 1S p. m. Arrives dbui s p. m.. Snosav. -SW-V..J. J " SIKS BOCTB. ,. ... rS" Mon- Oron City and TamMM rf.- m. 9 """" "h and MnJ. Aaht. dork. J,,! - eevpv aonsay (water per. muZL.LZt2a' ,1 ar points front fnn lllV. "i,' lm'n Spokeae and Lewi til a I"n! 'I.1! - . ! "il Ttala tV-' vx'tDr"r- ArriT 4 - - Ticset Office. Third and Waehlnf toa' Bta ' 7 -s .?A "TIXOER. City TMet Ageat. A. b CHAIO. Oeneral Puu..., !... Arrlvea Mprd EAST via? SOUTH union. Station , Leave. 7Verlanl Kimm tor Sairm, Baeebora. A.h V 'r f laaa, Sacramento, Oedea, Jaa Prenclaoa, Stockton.'' Loa Ans.loa, El Paeo. . New Orleana and the eaat aat 7,. onnnocia at WoMhorn dally except - -.' Roadat with trala for Moant Ancel, Sllvcrton. ,'"!'' Browrarrllle. Sprlnsfteld, ' ' : Wditnp; aad Nitron.... :ti pat T: ent Eocene Baaaeaafie mo- nwte at Woodbara with Meant Anaol aaa au.. .-.j . ton local... ......,. 4:11M - eiS:SS em rvallla peeeeneor. ...... -T an am : JherMan pueencer 4:RApo em , wrori. -p.oarae,., rtioten -01 lit :ov fm jwauy.. ji ne nr rzcent Hnaaar. t IBPrEBBON-STRErr STAl-O. . Per i. !! and InteriMri !.r Mini. a. if. 4:IS p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. ta. ' - For time card of Oewcco eahnrnen train apply at fity Ticket Of Sec, or etatlon.' . Ttrket t Baetcra polata 'and Pnropat sum ' Japan. China, Itnnolals and Anatralla. city Tica.t ornce eorncr ThlrS aad Weak Ingtnn atr-ta. fkane Mala Tlx. C W. STTItOBB, . A. U PBAI. City Tichet Acest. Cos. Pace. AzeaC Danat TIMECARD OP TRAINS Portland: Leave. - Arrive. 4 10 pea t7nlon ycllowetose Park-Raaraa rilrt. Losle Soeeial for ("hchtlU, CentraMa. - t)lm-J' , (la, drays Harbor. Sooth, ;' ( y- tad, Taooma, Seattle, Poo. kaao, Lowtatos. Butts. BII- . tlnsa, tenver, Omeha, Kaa see City, St. Loa la aad : Snnrheaat, Sally S:S0 aa North Coaat Lrnrltad.- eletw : trie llzhted. tor Ta poena. Seattle. Spokane. Butte.' a. m , . the Beat, daily? ., Pufet Sound Limited, for Chrhatta. Centralia Tacoina end Seattle only, delly.... Twla Cllr Rvoroaa ror Ta. coma. B-ettle, Spokane, R.kaa. Butte. St. Paol. . - ' Unmlau St. loaaph. Kanaae City. Oma ha. St. Loais. without . rhanro of etrn. Direct con- , nectlona for all points Eaat and Snotheaat. dally.. 11:48 pm 10 S pn) . D. cttA ni,itN, ueaerai raeaea- ger Arret, sss Morrlaoa street, Portland. Or. 1:00 pm TiSOaa : 4 Spm S lOpot Third. Astoria & Columbia -fiiverJRailroad Co. -Oopa For Mazera, Balaler. fiat. , tan... wretport. curtoa. Aateria, .Warrentoa, Pla veL Hammond Port Stev- Mi, Oearhert Par. Seaside 1.04 am U:Saa Aetorla aad Beaeaore, ez I one neity T:ee pm :as pes AU train, daily. - . 1. C MA TO, L P. and P. A.. Aatarin. Or. C. A. STEW AST. Cocnot-vclal Aaiaat. S4B Alder a treat. Phono Mala to. J TMC COttPOmABIX WAV. ' 2 0vcrUai Irslas Dsily 7 Skla of XfTS la Bazgery. ' A elmple agent In home sursery whose value seems to have been overlooked 1 the akin or membrane of stars. Calllns attention to this at a recent meeting of physicians In Parts. Dr. Amat cited two rases a severe bum on a young girts foot and a large ulcer on the leg of a man of 40 In which six or eight piece of the egg .membrane had been placed over a wound, which was then covered with tinfoil fastened with dry antiseptic bandage. After four daye the membrane had partially grown- Into the tissue. cicatrization being hastened snd a good growth of new akin ineured. To draw the fire out of 4 burn, beat a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure bolls, sores, tetter, eczema and all akin and scalp dlsehses. uae IeWltt's Witch Hazel Halve. A speclflo for piles. Get the genuine. No ' remedy rnnnos such speedy relief. An for DeWltt'S ths genuine. .. - .. . DLOOD POISON POI HUE THAI TWtlTT YEARS - we have xaale the cure of blood potaoa a specialty. Prianary. Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poleea Permanently Cured. Yea ena do treated at noma under same gunraaty. Capital 1603,000. We solicit the most obeti- Bateeaaes. It you have exhausted the old methods of treatment, and still have aches snd Pains. Muetia Patches In Month. Sore Throat. Pimalaa. drDner-Oolornd Rnota. Ulcers en any path of the body, Bair v I Kyeorows isiiias out. write for proofs el nurca. iwpacs book Free. COOK REMEDY CO. 1364 UUIII TIBPII, Celcaaa, .til ; lor KinMnd C S0 S. RELIEVES LN ' J CISCKAKSES ; " Sn' -" . V? B!l?n!liMw aBaaBBBazexezexsBzeBz i ' HAITi i v -1 a eJ - U e a !.. ( a--,vfh. c r a t i , 1 'The Orieatal L mil tad. the Past Bail' VIA SEATTLE AND BPOKAKB. Dntly. -. Doll. ' . ' Lamve... Arrive. Portland time sctedole Te aad from Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis. . ' Dnlath and all polata ' Xaat via Seattle...... StM aaj TdS em U M m 40 pm To and froco St. Paul. . Mlnnoanolla Daloth .. and all points Eaat via Spokane S:1S pm S B am Sroat BertlMrs Btsaauhrp Oe. Balling from Seattle for Japan and China porta and Manila, carrytag pae aencrra and rrelsht. S. S. Blnaaaota. April I. ' - S. S. Dakota, Znno f. BIPPO TVSXB KAJSHA ' (Japan Matt Bt-.rn.Mp Co.) S. S. Shiaaae Bars will aeil from goattle about May 1 for Japan and China ports, earrrlas paaaaaerS aad trelfht. roe tif-k.ta. rates, hortk reserva. ttoeMV. etc., call oa or address : B. PICXSOB, O. P. T. A., ItS Thhd u n "regulator ur:r The DeSes, ;: Peril:; J Astcria Na'"" r I. Boat leave r' dnlly. except f in about 4 r p isae-- for o