The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 07, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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J : : ; ' . i . : : 1
Total Stocks Owned by Both
; Dealer and Producer Reach ...
That Figure. -
Several Cars '- of Bananas ' Coma in
Good Shape." Likewise Car Mixed
Vegeta biei "From" Soulh Potatoes
Continue to Move East of Rockies.
' Front Street,' April 7. -The principal
features of the Portland wholesale niar
"' kete today are: , . - .
. Hop market about cleaned up. .
Potatoes atlU moving eastward.
'- i- onions unchanged, but look better.
Klrst "grass In from Walla Walla.
- Oregon, rhubarb is In market.
.Two ars of tmtmnas In good shape,
rar cabbage- snd cauliflower Arrives.
, KKgs are steady with outside call.
tfiightly- firmer' feeling In veal.
t-; fuiiluj sells at printed flames.
Mop Market About Cleaned Up.
1 la this state at the present time there
fcle only about J,6o to 4.000 bales of
lions reihnining . unsold Tn th-bami
of the producer, while about 1,000 bales
are yet unsold In the hands of buy
ers. Taking all available supplies in
night, there are but about 6,000 bales
of Imps In this market of the 10S crop
unmildr both dealers' and- growers
band. . There are nearly this same
amount of hops remaining tn the vart
" mi warehouses in dealers'-names, but
" practically every tale of these are
owned bv brewers or eastern buyers
ind sr awarMng-dellvery. lhe hop
market la showing a much Improved
tone and those growers who have not
vet sold are moving up their asked
prices. The present price of hops Is
"?o lowlhat almost every trader Is will
. Ing te speculate on the future of the
market.- There Is every possibility that
i he crop the -omlng -season, tn Europe
iUJiot-J)eBcarly..rbat was produced
the past season, and up to this season
there have "been practically no carry
- over stocks lor several years on ac
count of the shortage and high prices
hat have prevailed. .
Potatoes Still Storing Eastward.1
' Quite a few cars of Oregon -potatoes
"are stilt moving eastward. Orders from
the middle west and the far south con
tinue to come, but dealers are not ac
cepting nearly all of tnemon account
" nf the prices offered. Stocks-are harder
' 4o obtain than a week ago. as some pro
ducers are getting excited and are
liolding for an advance. According :o
Information received by The Journal
today the present : price- of potatoes in
tnot parts of the east Is around 70
cents a bushel. With the high freight
-chargen-frotn this section this will not
allow the buyers to' pay a handsome
price for their supplies In fact, at the
present values in the east, the margin
Is very .close.-- The expectation of an
advance there has caused the numerous
inquiries. .-
Better Otitlook U Onion Market.
There la at yet no change In onion
-prices In this market." Supplies rtre
quite liberal, both here tand In- Cali
fornia, They are, however, not so great
s the -trade- has beem -led -to believe,
and the knowing ones expect an ad
vance In the near future. .
' A ear of cabbage- and cauliflower was
in from the south this morning. Good
shape. Prices up.
Two cars of bananas In very good
Khape were unloaded on the street this
. .morning . r- ' -.
..- The W. B. Glafke company late yes
terday afternoon received the first crate
of anparagus from Walla Walla. Fine
. stuff. Price obtained in the neighbor-
hood of J2.60 for the shipment.
v zrr steady wit outside cau.
There-Is again -an outside call for
eggs and the market la considerably
" firmer, with most of the sales reported
' today around Hti cents, with a few
': hslf a cent lower. 8upplles are still
very good. .
ChiiTcens are but slightly more plen
. tlful, but at the recently declined prices
. nil arrivals move off quite well. Best
demand continues In - uprlngs, with
-some call "for ducks and geese, N r-
rivals of note In the latter two. Some
' turkeys will likewise find call.
- The tone in the real market is sllcht-
Jy firmer, with receipts today not so
heavy. Ther "was a better demand
tdiown this morning and prices held
rather good, at the printed figures.
Scarcely any dressed hogs sre now
- being received in the market. - Demand
"the best in recent days. Prices O. K.
-Dressed mutton Is very slow in com
ing. Some call at the price quoted by
The Journal
The trade pays the following prloea
- 4o. ent -BtreeC Prices paid producers
re less regular commissions:
. - . . Gisia. Floor aad T&. .
VfHKAT Clnl. Aatu rtd- HimH, taclae
stnn. ny, '
BAKt.EY teed, $23.M; rolUd. $24.00; tre.
tec. $2:1.50
t tOBM -Wtole, 1Wi-frMlilJ38199 Jiffi.
nTK ft .an rr ret.
; OAT Producer' srlee No, t white, 128.00;
rr. fZT.OO.
KLii: H New Miilern Oresne patents. $.t BOJ
, a .nr.; straight. S.40u:.5O; npnrt, t,I.O0'!a.l0;
niw, a:j.&8: rhm. M. fS.fiO: whole wheat,
fA.r.r rri. Tfm. tvoos b.lini. f2.TB.
j MILLS TtTyF8 Bran. tlT.50 per toet
OHnn, IZ'.OO: il.nrta, rvaaJf. $20.00; rllj.
7 00: cliop., -
n A T Prodnerr' frier Timothy. W!lltmtt
,' eiillejr, tiwr. flO.OOigia 00; ordlmrT, $7,000
' nn; Mtrrri Orr"n $H.; mli.i,
1 fKl.OOi.clo. W.0d8.00 grela.-fa.tOS)
f no; chest, fS.00.
. Better, E(r saf rooltry.
' BWTgR rT r. o k. Portlssd gwerl
cream. QHCj . 21 ,
- BtTTFR Cltf ereasier, 25c; (ratal da fancy,
Xi'j'.' un,
K(10 No. 1 freak Orroe. candled, ten
" M'4r, - - - - -
. CHK1WB few run ereaei, flats, 16e;
Tentw Amrrica'. 14u; cbMilar, I5c.
roTlLTHV Mld chkliM, 18U par lb:
timet oa. 14 per lb; rooatera, etrt. Wij
lie jir lb: atasa. 111 par lb; frfem, Sin
prr' lb; brellrra, Site prr lb; swta, ln
pw th; geaaa. I0UJ11 per lb; tnriun. IBt1r
fT lb: draeeed, II'' per lb; a)iha, $ZT5ai u0
per das: Blaeosa, $2.00 ser dos.
Hos. Waol asf HMas.
HOFg Coetracta, lso -erop. le par lb;
, l5 Oieron. prima to rbolce. BfgVNr; V
grade, 7Sc; waabloctoa. 10c; lout crop,
SH for ebnlcr.
WOOL lis ells Villey, aoarae te modluau
STT.v; flu. Sac; eaataia Oregoa, UOffJUt.
, UuHAtR 1w. B'2V.,
' aUKKI'SKlNB ahaarlng. K09ne aa; abort
want, ky40r earli; wadiuai wool, fo97se eack;
tms wc-.l, TScajtl.OII eaitl.
I ,J7A
, .76I4B
.77 B
fs 1&
' Minneapolis ..
Milwaukee . ..
Duludi ......
BU -Iuls.....
Liverpool '.. . t .
Nw York....
! in - Francisco-.
.11 .
.i .
$'- A
4 87
1 tJS
By- W. H. Dryer of
w j., O Malley A Co.
Dryer. .. 4
I think that there will be quite
liberal .movement of Oregon
potatoes to the - middle west at
present prices. If- the growers do
not get excited and demand
higher figures they will be able
to dispose of practically all the
cheaper stock they have to the
ensU If they should hold they
U1 likely find thai other places
on the Paclflq coast and even the
east have potatoes to spare at
an advance. The floods in Cali
fornia wiU not likely create any
demand for seed potatoes be
cause most of the growers there
have already purchased tha
larger potatoes on account of the
cheap price. r- .
Some day tha trade will wake
-. Bed the -euovlieaof onions..
4 have been exhausted . and then
prices will rise very rapimy. v
When this wUI occur is the
mystery. -At present supplies e
look liberal enough.. ' '. " '
' TALLOW Prime, per Is, mtd Ne. 1 sa4
graaa. - ., -
HIDES Dry. No. 1, la lbs sad sp. 1H
1T140 pae lb: d tip, No. 1. a te Id lbs. le;
in calf. No. 1. snoar a lbs. Ice: aaltas Bidaa,
atwra. sound. SO Iba end uiar. 10llci eows.
9iSTttia,nia null., .n
IS fo aOT6ralfraoon17til'r IS lba. I let
iraes.' asasltaa. 1 laas; coua. lr rr is ;
,rrhlrtp.. aaltf1. aarb. fl 2ftI.TB; olry. ear.
fl.nntl.60; rult hlOHi,' Sttfoei f"t akhia.
ennmoa, mcb 10JJ 16c: , '-agora, ; aaca, abcJ
11.00. ' -
TriilU aa Taratablas. . - -
POTATOES Baat aorrod. 70e-pc Sarft: t
aurera prb--iti ear lota, ttr par ;
unllaary. 0.V: nraoseers' price, 40taOe; sweets.
lM i crato.
OX ION JnbMDf price vrrgnn.
No.- !. $l :
prortocera' price.
no. i.
Tn6ttir; No. 2, 70JT5c;
sarllr. K'dlOr par
r lb; estoe sou, 7c.
PRES. 11 rRUITS Apples.
co Ha." si. To;
aniiiurr I Mi- fi. 12 (loes.oo: oranaea.
navel. fj.OOu.l.SO; seedling, $2; hananaa, 4Vit
a per lb: lemons, choice, f3.30 per Boi;
dnri oar box: limes. Mexican
prr 100: taniariore. tl .20; plnespplea, Mel loan.
f4rw? iiaaraiian,- pw. - -
: VKOBTAW.KS-Tnrnlpa. saw, e per sect;
carrots. Sii7&f ears; boats, OOcOflOO pw
eack: Oreron radlahea. SSr doa: cabbage, Calif tt-
h 1. S9aoa&3& mx rat : vraos nauDora. L 1 lb
-allfnrsla toniatoaa. $2 00; Mexican. fll.OO
t2.2; parsnlpe. rfl.00: string beans, ue;
nnlirinwer. a? 2.1 nor crater - sraes
peas, lie per lb;- bnrseredlab. flTo par
lb. artUbok'a. Mce$t 00 iordoe; kotbooaa
lettuce. fl.oO0f.75 per tx; eelera, J4.00
per crate; pasipklne. lle; . sqaasb. le;
pronta. 0 per lb: cranherrlee. Jeraers, $14 00
see bbl: Coos bey asf Tlllaisaok. fiaoo; sapsrs
Sua,, nejiw. per id; rnooaro. .rrepm. - w.
aphiadi. TScWH UO per box: grres ooloae, $1.20
per box; snthonae curembera,, SJ.0O doaea.
DKICTt rBi:Tv Anpl-a, araporataa), IMI
Kc lb; sprlcnta. I2l&e per lb: peaches, lOHti
IV nee lb: aaeka. Ue oar lb least sraoes.
10 to 40. U,r: He drop es aaek alxteestk
amai!-T alw;rlra. Callfoeala black. SJ7e par
lb; talirn-nla white, etoe per Hi; aaraa, goxias,
fs par lb; farda. $1.83 per IB-lb boa.
! OrsearJes. Vtrts. Zte.
SfOAll Sack baala Cnlw. $7.00; powflered,
I. 1 0; frolt grspnlated, $0.80; dry granulated.
$5.S0; cosf. A. e)fi.NO; beet rranulated. $.1.60:
ajfra C, $S:r.O; golden C, $5 JO: D yellow.
II. 10; bbte. 10c; y, Mile. He: boxes. Me ad
eaaee oo sack baala. leas ISc par ewt foe ease,
U daya; naplo, I4tlftc per lb , -
(Above prlcw apply tu sales of leas thss
ear lou. C lots st special sflees subject Is
tactnattons.) '
HON FT gS. 00 per crate.
1 COFFEE Parkas brandk. $11 W.
' 8ALT Coarae Halt groan, loot.' 17 .00 per
tos: table, dairy. 6. $11 (O: 100a. $10.78: Im
ported Liverpool, Ma, $17 00; 100m. S1 50
$18.00: extra Doe, bbia. la. sa. ISa, ft.ana)
$B0; balk. 80 lbs. $4.0"S.0: aacks. Ma.
Mtltoc: Uvrrpnol lomp rock. flf.Be pet tea;
tO-lb rock.. f7.00; 100a. f.TS. ...
GRAIN BAGS- Calentts. Tt4e. ' '
RIC Ttnnerlar Janas. Tfa. l.crWe.T
e(4l New Orleans head,' Te; AVlaz. Bet
Creole. 0140. .
RKA.Ng Bmatl white. ff.rB04.on; large
white. $S .: pink. fX7.l: kayos. $4.80; Umaa,
$5 75: Mexlcas rada, t-e.
i ts I'eannta. omboe. Be per ib nrgtsis,
IHe w lb; wanted, 4?ll4 par lb;
roccanuta. 8IVe0Oe por dos: waiara. IBAlBUe
per lb; ploasnta. 70Cll2He per lb: hickory sqta,
ICe tier lb; etieatnota, eaatern, 15 18c per lb:
Rrasll nata, 14e per lb; Alberta. I40loe per
Ih; tascy pecans, 13J16V4I almonda. 140
JPahits. Seal Oils. Xte. -
BOPB Pure Manila, l$c: sUadard. IS He;
(leal. He. - - - - - -
COAL OIL -Pearl r astral Raaee. IfHc per
gal: water while. Iron hhia, 14e ' per sal;
woodes, I7e per gat; headlight. ITO-deg. esses,
tl'r per ral.
Ol'tUNt exlstg. esses MUe per gal. tro
Bbla IV per gal.
BCNZIXtV fc-deg. esses X60 per gal. troa
kbla H He' pee gal -
TCRPENTl.Ng Is cases tS ser gat. woodes
bbla V per sat
-WHIT-LgAI Tea tors. T4. pee lb I SOO-lk
kxa. sr par lb; leas lots. t per lb.
WIRE NAIIJt Praaaut baala at $2 W.
tjINSEET OHPar raw. In B-bbl lota, 6e;
I -Mil kit. tani aaaaa. asa oot sal; fnslno kettle
boiled, caaes. 00e par sal; B hbi lots. Me; l-hhl
lot. 'R.V per gal: gronsd cake, ear Iota, $20.00
par toe; lean fbaa car Iota, $S0.0O per tos. ,
Meats, risk aad Prorlsleaa.
FRESH MKATS Front street Be f . steera.
440c par lb; cow a, $Q4 prr bt koga. block,
Katgo per lb: pack em, SHttOc per lb: bolls
4t3c per lb; veal, eitra. 74iXc per lb; ordinary,
S'7c per lb; poor, Sfciikc per lb; motton,
fancy. SfaOc per lb.
HAMS. BACON, ETC Portland pars- (local)
kama, 10 to 14 lba. 13"4,e per lb: 14 to 1 11m,
litlx per Mi: braakraat bacon. 14HtlHe per
Hi: plrnlc, 1c per Ibr eotraae, tc per in:
regular sbnrt clears, Bnsmoked, I0e Ter lb
amukad. ile per lb: clear backa. nnamokad,
lovae e i amoaao. 41Hhw-Hii UaWo betia.
10 to If lha. anaaiol
tea, 8e per lb; aoanked, 0(
par lb: clear belllea.
snamoked. He par lb;
amoked, 12c per lb: abooldera. Do per
lb. .
i4ik:i. LApiaetfie.iear, 10a. lltie nee
; 6a, nTo per Tli M-lb tliia. lltje par lb;
aiean rendered, 10a, loy per lb; Bs, lOVc
per lh: enmpoond, 10a. THe. - -
lAsntu SAijHon ooiambta liver, I -lb talia,
$1.M; 3-lb telle, 12.75; fancy, l ib Data. $l.(Ml;
H-lh fancy data. $1,111: fancy Mb ovals, $2.78;
Alaska ull. pi ok, aBQOOci red, $1.80: nominal
. .. 1 1 en
riBH Rock cod, Te per lb; fnnndere. Be per
lb: hallbnt. Be per lb; era be. $1.50 per dtu;
striped baaa, 12 He per lb; ratfleb. Te per lb;
aalnion, froren, per lb; freak oataHa
aalmon. I2vte per lb; herring, Be per lb; aolea,
c per lb; ahrlmps. 10c per lb; perch. Be per
lb; Mack rod, -7c re lb: tomeod. t per -Hi;
Oolnmbla river aiaelt. $e per lb; allver smelt,
7e per Ibr lobetera. 15c per lb; freak mackerel.
s per lb: cfawflah, 2Sc per dos; Bacramente
sbad. c per lt.
oygTERH Hboelwster key, ser gal. fl.2S:
per aack, $5.78.
1 i.Ain Haroaaeii. , ser Sox, . fXOOt par pox, . .
rereiga Coffee Market.
flatr, April 7. Hamburg tmrhanffed, price
ateaily. Rantas reeelpu, 11,000 baga. Prices
Maw Terk Cask Coffea. -New
Tork, April 7 Caak coffee: Ne. T Klo
flac. No. Hanlm he ; .. .
Balsnrca '
. .$&02.ir2 42
.'. 00.Wl.2a
rienty of Alt. ., . ' . .
From aarcesa Masaalne.
A erneded trolley car alowly wosnd Ita
way from the dty of Newark Dortkward to
ward New York.
A baldheaded mas who looked like "Tjltlaen
rlxlt" clutched a strap , with ' ene band and
Ctlcslated wltk tb other. lis waa addreae
tke crowd collectively - .
"Not s ventilator op.n." he sboated "not a
window, not a dnor! Here we are, passed la
Uke a M of anlraali: we ere .lonsing for s
breatk of freak, air. But what does the company-ear"
' A Ull ana with a derhy bat dodged In
atinctlvely to avoid th waving area. ,
We get aboard; w pay our fare," declared
be of the baM bead, "and the donee pre etiat,
the wlndoera are ahut, the TentllatM-slsre abut.
We eenoot toove; we are attflodt"
"Has anrb-Kly got aboard?" anrgrsted ' the
rail man. "Hilt" withered klaj with a glasee,
sad tliea ahwited, eicltedly:
"What kin of sir la th.t we sre breathing
sowt I a.k yoo shat klod ef air aa Ikl we
are breathing nns-y . ..
The tall mas tn tb derby shoulder kt
aray toward tb back ef the cr.
Hot sit' fee tesUed. wltk a gria, --' .-'
Four Weeks' Effort on Part o
Bears and Half-HeartedBulls
to Break' Market Fails.
Eaatern Holdings of Wheat Have
. Been Held Over Market, but Prove
Nothing: but r Bogaboo Good
Buying in May Option of Corn.
-i Ckiae doe.
Hat. ; Fri. 1
.T714A I .774
,77-t, . .77i
.77B , .76T
. Oats
f .004
Sas rrsnclace. April 7. For foar weeks there
baa been a determined etfort es'tke part of
profesatoeal whest bears snd half-hearted bulls
who wanted to get la- at a lower level, to
break thla wheat. All tbe-frorts ksve failed
The eastern boldlnga of wheat bare been beM
ever th market, snd liquidated oa every hard
spot. ' Wheat had some kelp from tks strength
la coarse grains today, snd Is likely to bare
more fr ym that quarter.- - -
Seed Buying ef Kay Corn.
There waa suod burin of May corn by so
aierons Inteteata In the Inrsl trade, sod s fair
volume of orders from tb enraide. Raeeliits
sre to bo lighter than they have he a. The
pronpect of more .wet weather added te tb
buying Air Kanaaa grsins. Tb eatlmate ef
1W cars for Monday la very small.'
The foreraat of more rata over tb state I
already serioaary delaying eat eeedlng. Thl
waa the reatnre or th market.
Betweea the bearlab ef forta In th local
trade-snd some Important liquidation of bold.
nga of two or three daya of the weak te caus
tic ateronraffement In tbe bulla' camp of tn
bulls'" camp of pro.
vlalona. but In each esse there haa bees a quick
and strong rally.
. Official qsotatloaa by -Ovsrbscsv- Stan
lama company:
' Hlrh. Low. Clnes.
f .77 f .77 -nA
May "
Mar '
.70 .T7
. COR!.
:-. .4RH ... :'.-4h
.454 ..-.4
.46H .....
- OAT.
- .am .siH
. -46
July -
1 ret
1S.SO .(t - lit 50
18.07 - 1S.20 1S.0T
- LARD. ,
8.40 g.47 1 40
g.iw ' a so . -. a. no a.73'---- a.j
' l an
- - f 48.
May Jnly
May .:. a so v a.trr . a.e
Jaly ... S.57 a.TS g.RT'. g.72
8ept.-r-?a.--g.77 00 a. .4 -
Uverpeol. AprU T. Offtclal prices: '
npee. . Close. .
. Bat . Frt. -r-
- fcd
Msy ...... As 7Hd da 7d
uly lis e'.d ; e 7,1
fcpt. as t4 a - a d -
Way 4 ftid - 4s 4d ....
July ......4 ad 4a fi4d
"eworrprll TCWteaturei oad
in eotnt no.
Official quotation
by OreTbeck, Starr A
Cooks eompasy;
lnr. Sat. Frt.
Onea. High.
AprU ,
May .
111 iwt
111 1106
1121 HIS
1114 HIS
1117 HIS
1100 1008
one ,
July . .
Ass ,
... 1100
... NW
... 1000
10(18 MM
ions 1053
lOrtO 4
1000 1000
Nov. ,
Dee. ,
JOB. .
Liverpool Oottea Hlgber,
Iverpool, April T. 43otUm farurea - rloaed
steady 8 te f points ap; spots sre steady, i
points op. -
Receipts Are Small, but Prices
- Remairr at Top With AH
Stocks Wanted. j
Wnrlland Tnlnn grnrkvarda.
April T. Llve-
ciocs rwceipia. .
Hoga. Cattle.
Month a 10 'Oli ,100
enr ago 2b 18
Today a irafllns in ue nveatocs marxer waa
ef a moat nominal character, tha total arrlvala
ronalatlag of aoo ahoep snd m bnraoe.. All
Karketa retain ths former strong feeling.
orririal liveauics pricea:
Hose Beat eastern Oregon, 12.78: blockers
nd cblna fata, ta.78;' atockers aad feeders.
. GO.
tattle Beat eastern tirrcon ateera. S4.onI
78; beat eows snd belfera. $.1.70a3.8(S; light
nd medlnta ateera. :t.70tlS.h."i: llaht cowa.
t2.0tl2.o: aiockers snd feeders, fl.00ift8.10;
bulla. xvrf 2 xa.
Bheeo Hetner asa ismoa. srao'ia: mixes
sheep. He. - . 1 .
calves ucoe. real, ion 10 aug ponsas, tttv
rtjorh snd heavy, 4jlse.
ktT. Aana, X. Shaw to Speak.
(Special IHapatck t Tb JonrnaL)
Oregon City, April 7. Rev. Anna
Howard Shaw will apeak at Bhirety'a
opera house Monday evening, April .
t 7:J0 o'clock. Mrs. Kathryn Ward
Pope of Oregon City will sing several
umbers in honor of her friend. Mrs,
Shaw. ' In the afternoon a reception to
Mrs. Bhaw will be given at tha home of
Mrs. C. II. Caufleld. This promises to
eclipse all previous events of tha kind
In thla city. . , .-. , .... ,
mesoorosftU Vlmrod. '
From the Chicago Dally Nsws.
They were spinning yarns of the great
north woods and finally It cams the old
major's turn. ;
Uentiesnsn. ha began, "you have all
told stories ot close calls in the great
foreata of the north, but I thfnk my
yarn will eclipse them all. . Would you
belters that I was ones treed by one of
the most furious bull moose thnt ever
wslked tha woodsT .Well, gentlemen, I
was, and to make matters worse my am
munition gave out. As I thought of the
loved onea at home teara came in my
eyes, rolled down In the palm of my
hand and frosa as hard as marbles. A
happy thought flashed through ; my
mind. Taking tha fro sen tear I rammed
them In my gun, biased away, killed the
moose, and then, gentlemen, and then"
Butt Just then tha picture of animals
fsU off tha wall. , , .
Total Stocks of Hops Remaining Unsold In
Oregon in Both Dealers' and Growers' Hands
Will Reach 5,000 .Bales Demand Is Good!
Stocks Lose In New York Market
Today on Account of Bad
's Money Conditions. ,
Surplus Now Two and Half Million
Dollars Under Legal Requirements
Higher -M onay Rate Ara - Ex-
- pected Coming tWeek. '.rv. ;
Anaconda .... ,1 44
Amalsamated ... a.
111. Central .,
Louisville . ,
. . 4
Atchison ......
ao Dreierrea.
Sugar .
Manhattan .
IMex. Central
Smelter ....... U
Halt I more ..... u
800 . .' ......
Brooklyn ...... .
Katy. - of d. , . .
Canadian H
Norfolk . . 1 .
Alton .1
N. American
People's Oaa
Great West'n.. . A
Bt. PauT . i
Press .Steel Car.
t oio. -uel
Colo. 80. 2d prf. HIRock la., pfd.
Del. A Hudson.. UlRouthern Ft v. ..
Denver, pref..., lHouthern Pac, ..
rrisco za prd... 4U. B. Bteel M
Tex. tt Pacific.-.a4 do preferred .-
Tenn. Coal IV Wis. Central 7.
Union Pac....',l Hi Western Union.. 4
Locomotive. ... HI
Car sV Foundry. H'Pre.s Steel, pfd. 4
Smelter. Dfd. . . U I Rock Island ... .
Katy . ......... U (Cent. Leather .,. V
Pennsylvania . .".11, ' .... .
pelal rUapatck to The Journal.)
Wall Street. N. T.. Aoril 7 Consid
ering tha bank statement today, show
ing a decrease In reserves of 174, 00,
000 and prospects of loans being called
on - Monday, and possibility of higher
money -rates earty in .me weeic, mere
wag but little change." the decline, ex
cept tn one or two cases, being but frac
tional. 1 -
1 he bank atatement waa bad. as ex-
paotad, and leavea tha surplus f i.KOn.-1
uuv under legal requirements. Aside
from tha money market, there seemed
nothing in the field to cause serious
thought or apprehension. '
Tha market a-ave another surorlslns
demonstration of strength when It
hardened and advanced directly after
the publication of the worat bank state
ment that haa been seen In a long time.
apart from the bank etatement he news
was rather favorable, particularly re-
ararains; ins coat situation, mere were
also .further Indications of gold Imports
next week.
Official quotations by Overbeck, Starr
toon 1.0. :
Anaconda Mining Co...
W4 I2T4"
sil copper Do.......
trhlaoo, comoma .
do o referred
103' 10S
44 TA 44'
Amer. Car A Fooadry. e.
Ainericaa sugar, com.
amarlcas bmclt., com..
00 preferred
BSI. s Ohio,
do preferred
Brooklys Kapld Transit.
nauiaa Pacific, com..
Chicago A Alton, con. ..
do ore f erred
Chicago ft Great West.. 21,
21 4
i nk jail. c si. rani .... 177 L
. . .
aua .
ui, as nwioeniera, e.iaaj
ini. Termtsal Hallway..
Chesapeak ft Oblo.,.tl
Col. loel ft Iron, com..
Colorado Scnithern, com.
80 '
oo so preierrea.
do 1st Drefarrcd
Denver ft Klo Grande, e.
do pref erred
Erie, common ........
do Zd preferred. ......
do lat Dref erred.......
Illinois Central
uosmviii ft Naetivllle..
etrooollUB St. Kr....
slsnhattan Railway ....
ei. central Railway...
Minn., St. P. ft Bt. al.
Isaooii Pacific .......
la., Kanaa ft Texas, e
ao nrererres . . .
new ti ininimrrH
144 V, (144
Norfolk ft w eater a, e
do Dreferred ........
North American .....
N. Y., Out. ft We ten
Pennsylvania Railway ,
gas 1 so4 1 w
P. Gas, Light ft Coke Oo)
tresaea nteei tar,
do preferred ..,
Beading, common
do 3d preferred.
81 U
oo Ml prererrea.
iron si Bteel,
do preferred ...
103 V,
Bock Ieland.
do preferred
Southern Railway, com.
46 V4
do preferred ,
Southern Pacific ......
St. L. ft Han Fraa,, 3d
St. Lou la ft g. W com
do Dreferred
Teiaa ft Pad fir
Tens. Coal ft iron....
Bt. U ft w.. eoaa...
do Dreferred .......
Esloa Pacific common
do Dreferred ........
Central I -aether, com. .
do nref erred .,
t?nlted States Rubber, e
II. B. Hubtmr pia ....
S. Bteel Co. com...
43 1
Bteel Co. pfd
ft Lake Erie, eon.
44 V4
do 2d oreferre
do lt preierrea .
'. Central, common.
IThIai. TmI....
Wahaab. enrnmon ......I
1m. Locomotive .......I Mli
iu orerarrad .
Total aniea rr oay, nn.wv
Call BKiney closed si e per cent,
Cottage Orore Crsamery.
-'--'- tSpedal Dtopatck p The tooraal.l
Cottasa Oroya, Or., April 7. Tha
creamery hag been enlarged - recently
and new machinery Installed. Tha dally
product la 100 pounds of butter, and
thla will ba lncreaaed aa tha aeason ad
vancea. , '
"Babes In Toyland" Coming.
an th Tmial,- of "'Babes' h Toyland,' wblcl
come to tb Hellls next rrl
day. Saturday irtirhta, April 13. IS. 14. with s
apeclal matin Btiirrty, ws written for It
by Victor Herbwt. who I eaatly conaldered to
he tn the front rank of aatlv compoaer. Th
prtncln! -charm of th ' Pab. In Toylsnd."
ssldr from th beenty of the prodwtlos. lie
la Mr. Herbert's Binlc. Th advance sal of
act. will open next Tday nvirn njr st 10
e'rlock, at the bos office of the Ualtlg the
stre. 1 '
A Tellow reellaa.
From tha Near Orleans Demoarat
James!" gald Mrg. Timmld, 'thara
are burglars downatalra.' , -
Oh, bo, there ain't, my aear, rrpiica
Mr. Timmld. ... . ...
"I'm aura ther are.
"I'm aura there ain't."
"I tell yoo there are."
"t tell you there ain't."
"Tour huaband la right, mum," Inter
posed g low-browed Individual who
thrust hia bead into tna room at mis
Jimeture, "we're upatalra.", . . r
' And aa ha started down ha waa beard
to say to hla pal: "I alwaya believe In
"helping a buabanfl out whenever I can.
O "B P
J- H-h
m a married maa myseir. r - ,
WliatE Qsm You Do?
1 - ,v . - ,- , .'.. . '. ; '....
To entertain your friends in your own home. Are you an accomplished pianist? Are you a tal
"ented singer? Are you possessed of great reading or dramatic ability? Probably not, for these
are the exception, not the rule. Do you ever run a little short of conversation and wish you had
some little-diversion for those friends vou wish to entertain?- No doubt you do, and here is the
very thine you have been looking for.7 It Is " ; want and necessityTw-well as luxuty-fofrevery
. home and through this -i.' -.' f . ' r' '
THe Journal is now enabled tp.present to each of its readers,' old and new, '.'one of these rich
toned instruments .,' .. : "i , v-::.':' :';.:c.. ',''L::,'VJ:.
A $7.50 Colu mbia Qraphophone
Absolutely FREE ;
It brings to your home all of these accomplishments you would so like to possess, and it is
so simple in construction your little child can easily operate it. This is a reduced reproduction
of the ?7.50 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE. It cannot be bought for. less.. .r
"or inquire at
. Columbia; .
"Phonograph Co-
T T37I Washington Street
and get in lins for one of th
graphophoncs.' . J
Seattle Spirit Shown by Enter.
prising Robber Who Ascends
the Fire Escape. .
Elks Suffer From- Midnightr Prowler,
Who Takes Money in Deak of Sec
retary Footprints on the Window
Frame. .. : i
(Snctl Plspatrb te Tbe Jonrnal.)
-Seattle.-Wash..-Aprtl-T. Th second
story worker haa been superseded In
Beattle by tha "fifteenth-story man." In
aeT-Tarbreaif mtfj i Kin lodgersemg
on tha top floor of tha Alaska building
a daring burglar climbed tha lira escape
from tha court and in that way easily
gained an entrance. From tha desk of
Secretary George N. Smith tha , thief
took about $70, orerlooklng MOS which
was but a few short Inches from tha
smaller aura. Prom tha sideboard about
930 was taken.
-As near as can be learned tha burglar
committed, tha crime between the hours
of 1 o'clock yesterday morning anS daylight.-
Tha burglary waa discovered
whrnt the rooms were opened yesterday
morning. '
.-.The footprints of tha burglar on tha
Iron flra-eacapa and marks on tha win
dow fraftae where ha entered were found.
Tha .burglar... tha detectives learned.
climbed on tha roof of tha one-story part
of the building which at tha rear forms
the floor of tbe open court. Thla waa
made easy by a pile of debris tn ths
alley. From that roof tha ' fire-escape
leads up the entire height of the build
ing., Tha burglar found the window oft
the -fire-escape open, but had to pry
open tha secretary's deak with a Jimmy,
Fred 8. Dole, who la said to have
represented himself to be a relative of
Governor Dole of the Hawaiian Islands,
Is alleged to have , bunkoed John A.
Payne of 684 Couch atraet out of I2E0.
Complain--was made to tha police by
Payne thla, morning.. , He says he would
not have let Dole have the money had
he fiot believed him to be a nephew of
Governor Dole. The accused man lived
at I4H Sixth street, but tha police
have not bean able to find him. He. Is
about '35 years old and la alleged to
have repreaented himself ag a remit
tance man. - . .
Henry Hahn, secretary, of ths Prlns
ville Land ft Llveetock company, re
ceived a telegram yesterday announc
ing that the sntlre home' ranch prop
erty had been destroyed by fire Friday
afternoon. The loss is said to be In
the neighborhood of IS.OOfl. The mes
sage waa aent by Superintendent T. F.
Boylan, who la at the ranch. ; .
- ' ;-- Two-Oast Wise. '-
From the Washington Star.
"'Agitation.'. for a J-cent railroad fare
rise spread rapidly over tha states since
the passage of the. Ohio law and (the
voluntary reduction made by President
With a Subscription to
the Highest ',' Award at ; the St - Louis World's
, ; ' , Fair, 1904 Paris Exposition 1900.
v . . h ' - - - aDfit ' '. -
'..The Journal, tr . , .; y: -r ; .
, '; Fifth- and -Yamhill Streets: - - v ' ;-,-' -
-- :..'."-Name. ,v. . . , . . ,:.
Mellen of the New Haven road. Rail
road officials of tha aaat and wast, ac
cording to advtoea received from varl-
Loue cities, admit that tha i-cent fare la
bound aooner or later to become uni
versal, and they ara only hoping tha
day of Ita general adoption will be de
layed aa long aa possible.
Tha abolition of passes and the be
lief that X cants la enough for most of
tha railroads east of tha Mississippi to
charge are tha two atrongest Influences
In th propagation Of the movement.
Many railroad officials themselves be
lieve they must offer the lower fsre In
order to meet tha competition that la
developing from tha spread of Interur-
ban electrlo lines all over tba coun
try. . The action of tbe rallroada on tha
mileage book question la tba demand for
a I-cent far.
"In "New York fully a dosen bills have
been Introduced Into tha legislature
looking to the enforcement of a z-cent
faro. On bill provldea for a m -cent
fare. In Maasachusettg. Connecticut
and Rhode Island tbe legislature prob
ably will take no action on account of
tha action of President Mellen.
Governor Handy of Indiana la deter
mined that tha next legislature, whether
It ba a regular or a special session, shall
enact a s-cent fare bill Into law. Candt
datea throughout the. state for repre
sentative and senator are being pledged
on the question in advance.
' The state of Iowa Is also moving
ard S-cent fare eMlrm There L
also a bill In that state asking for the
abolition of passes to candidates for
office, delegates to conventions, and to
members of political committees.
Tha temper of Wisconsin is for a, re
duction. Had th governnr'a call per-
mi t ted It a t-cent fare bill would have
been rushed through tha Pennsylvania
legislature thla session. . Such a meas
ure wiU be Introduced at ths next aes-
In Virginia a bill has been Introduced
requiring S-cent fares, and It Is believed
will become a law. The fight la also on
in -Maryland.-- In Illinois- the railroad
commission recently reported In favor
of a reduction, but action waa postponed
pending a further Investigation.'
Agitation In .Nebraska has become so
strong that the .question Is almost cer
tain to be an Issue In 'the. next atate
campaign.- i:
Bible sTaatee. .' j'
- From tha Philadelphia Presa. .
A Philadelphia riding through ' the
mountains of Tennessee - atopped one
evening to water hla horse before a
little cabin' outside of which sat an old
colored woman watching tha antics of
a couple of pickaninnies playing nearby.
- "Good - evening, aunty," - he - called.
"Cute pair of boys you've" got there.
Tour children?" - -; "
"Laws .a maasyt Mah chillunf Deed
dem'a mah daughteh'a chllluns. Come
hyah, you boys," she called sharply, "an'
speak to d' genlemant" . . '
As the boys obeyed the summons the
Pblladelphlan Inquired their names. -
"Clnh to goodness, snh, dem , chllluns
Is rights smaht named,'" .said ' the old
woman. "Te see, mah. daughtheh. dona
got 'llglon long ago an named dene hyah
boys right out da Bible, Bah. Dls hyah
one's named Apostls Paul. an'. da uddah'a
callsd Epistle Peter."
The Valmstto State. '
From the St. Ioula Globe-Democrat.
The origin of the stats arms of South
Carolina Is thug given in tha histories:
"On June tl. 1776, a fores of less than
100 Carollnlana, under command of
Moultrie, protected by tha rude fortifi
cation on Sullivan's Island, In Charles
ton harbor, made of the trunks of the
palmetto,, repulsed tha attack of a Brit
ish fleet under command of Sir Peter
Parker, and when the atate of South
Carolina was organised the' state seal,
which was first used lo May, 1777. waa
made to commemorate this victory. A
palm tree, growing erect on the sea
shore represents the strength of the
fort, while at Its base an oak tree, torn
from- th e- ground -and--deprtved of fts
branches, ' recalls tha British, fleet- built
of osk timber, overcome by the palm
etto." .- - .-',.- - r.. J
... .,. ;
s ,- .. t
.... ... . . . .......
The Helllg theatre at Fourteenth arid
Washington streets was placed on th
market for sale today by Walter Moore,
president of the Oregon Savings ft Trust
cempany. which recently secured an op-
tion on the property. The sale. If made,
win be subject to the lease given Mr.
Helllg by lha Belaaco people, the origi
nal owners. The property Is held at
more- than .
Mr. Moore secured a verbal option
on the theatre some time ago and
nearly closed a deal for' the aale of It
for $116,000. When the transaction was
ready to be closed, the owners refused
to recognise the option and the sale '
was defeated. After a lease on the build-
Ings was given to Calvin 8.-Helllg for
five years for use as ths Some of the K3aw
ft Erlanger attractions, Mr. Moore again
succeeded In securing an option for the .
purchase of -the property, but at a figure
considerably higher than tha one named
In the first transaction. '
"We nro advertising the property for
sale today." gsld Mr. Moore,, when seen
this morning. -"We have no prospective
buyer in view Just now. but propose
to see what can bo done with ttitt -theatre.
Of course, the sale will hava "
no effect upon the theatre to be openetl
by Mr. Helllg. Ha haa his lease ami V
any sale will be subject to the terms
of that" - - : . .- -. ; -
Fml of the Cow-Tree.
From the Philadelphia Press. '
Numerous incisions in the cow-tree,;
which grows abundantly along ths
northern declivities of the Andes aa
well as In other parte of South America
proclaim the usefulness of this remark
able plant to natives and travelers of .
those regions. To be supplied with a
fluid containing all the properties of
animal s milk without having to take a
cow Into the jungles is a wonderfuT pro
vlslon of nature, appealing specially to
the city-bound who are dependent upon
Inferior dairies.
This curious milk, which Is most .
pleasant to the taste, possesses all the
distinguishing qualities of cow's milk.
It la a little thicker. than the latter,
mixes easily wltir water, and when al- ,
lowed to stand a creamy substance rises
to the surface. -When boiled it does
not coagulate, but a skim forma lust '
aa It does on cow's milk. If exposed to .
the air, It acqulrea an unpleasant smell
similar to that of sour milk, but it may
be kept In the air for sometime without
change by the addition of a few drops
of acid. It will not decompose If placed
In a crystal-stoppered bottle, but will
only thicken, after which it may be re- ;
duced to Its former consistency . by .
adding; a -bottle of .water. :. -
' 'Why Knstaoheg arow Tneveoly.
From the St Louis Globe-Democrat.
"I can tell you which aide you sleep
on," said a borber. "You sleep on the
right side.",
That is true. said the patron. "How
did you know it?" - . ' ..."
"Your mustache told me," he barber -
anawered. "Men's mustaches always tell ;
me which side they sleep on.-"For the ' .
mustache Is always shot-tor, rougher and .
more uneven on the side that Is crushed
and crumpled upon tho pillow. '-Your ';
mustache on ths left side Is long and
smooth and tractable. On the right aide
it lg rough, stubborn and a little shorter.
So It la easy enough to aee you sleep
on your right side."
i . M . i , f; ..
Man That Spin Silk.
Byssus, of - which fine. ' Iridescent
stockings snd shawls are made In Si
cily, Is a allk made by a fish.
The pulna la a Mediterranean shell
fish that has an odd little tuba at the
and of its tongue. Out of this tube,
spider-fashion, or silk-worm fashion, it
spins a allk thread, with which It fastens-
Itself to any rock that It wishes
to adhere to. i t
When the pulna moves on Ha fSHten-
Ings, Its silken cable, rematns behind. -
This cable, which la called byssus, the
Sicilian-- rinhermen gather. Bvssua
weaves, fnto the softest, finest, shini
est of fabrics, but It Is very rare nl
expenelve. '