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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1906)
, CL.-CC, DAILY J0U7.IJAL, rOPvTLAND, SATURDAY . EVENINO. APRIL 7. 1SC3. If- Yoi Are "Ioo; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A LAhMJa suburban boa, I rooms, all modern conveniences, on eoruer. loOiiuO, two blocks front carlloo, (or 2,7uO cess, or on tlmo. j'or proper u. la cUitc. teaowi.JtLac-Jtettt . t HBNDERSON-SOOTT LAND CO.. aovooa renton bidg. . WEST SIDE BARGAIN. $4,600 tiMd 14-room bouse, with II mod i era eoovenleooss: 30x60 lot; easy walking V. oieiBnoe; rents Tram sou to f ro: um -. 1LAG1CMANN at BLANCIlAfiO, ,. 1 Fifth Street. , -ROOM cottage, now, electric lights, rtrsplaee, brick foundsttoa, tlntsd wills; $460 down. Minora monthly, x o, care Journal. FOR SALE FARMS. " I3,"0 iS (cm 8 mllaa aorth of Vaneou f or, 80 acres elMrad, soma timber, ba lanes . saatly cleared, alt level; IV -a lory T-rooin bouao In ood abapa, good 1 shape, barn, S acres fir at claaa ran rlsty orcbariT fall bearing, years i aid; good wall; oa main county road. graveled " mllaa to school, 1U miles to railroad sts tloa; oua tesnr weighing 8.800 pounds, now . wagoa. now act of haraoaa coat 410, ana -. pun, Z owe, calves; now nowor sad J. take dtek, plowa. barrow a, cultivator, all 7 kind of smsu tools that Bra needed - i farm, all now; 4 boa. SO chickens, soma ; Bousenoid ruriutara. xniB la a lino piece . . wiu (its tarma. 42.T50 40 acres mllaa from Vancouver. '. 80 acres elesrsd, 1 barns, no hoase, brat of sou, Pssverdsm ana swsis. on main county, ; road, mils to railroad station, nar school, - sv. jr. D.J axon au in; wiu givu terms. 8.600 lttT aeraa miles north of Wsahou , sal, Clarke count. Waabiugtonr 60 seres la .. tins Stats at cultivation, some good timber. ba lanes easily cleared, all IsveL creek sod spring; X-slorr 7-reom bourne in fine a nape, , large barn; on ooantjr rood now school and store; all kinds of machinery, fi . band of . cattle, to mllcb cows, erasm separator. This . fat aaa of tbe best bays on the market; the boat sou in Claras eonutr, .Discs mm. in Tesdfata tbm sefora builng. - ' 900 aerea 4 miles north ' at - Waahoof al Clarks county. To seres In fins state of cultl ration, fins .t-etorr loteoa hoase, nsw barn auvoii, au mtsi nao, goon aprina. smsu ' creek, food well, water in house, sot oral aeraa . nood timber balsnes saail ' elrared; all fenced snd cross fenosd; on main ooanty toad near school,. aU f. D. : anod, Joang tears worth 860. wacon. husfT. arnaas; all kinds of farm machinery; SO hud aattlA. eaeerel ml Ink Mara. oream sepsrntor, bnsa, chickens. Pries 14,000 for farm, or $7,000 lnclodln( all personal prop. . artyj half eeah. balaace good iarms, or will ! take part In city "property, TOIs Is a been- tlrul plsaa, fins lucsUoo; (naraateed an aaV earusso. , 14,000 1 scree miles from Wsshso fal. 45 acres in nna araic as rniuTsiion, si f-mem heaaa. larre barn, all fenced. Seme W'--U Hmoer, mmmttj nmn. creek sad spring-: en msin conmy roan, aan mile to sebooL H. F. !.; leael land, hast of soil: W head eattla. several milch cows. : aood team, wsisn, nsrness, sll kinds of . farm lmplegssaat-orssm saosrstor.ahickensv : boss I half caia. balaneo good taring. This ; la a aplondid buy. . j $100030 acres miles from Yaarvvrer. 11 acres la floe Stat of cultivation, 10 acres of bearerdam, sll cleared, half mils to railroad station, near school en food graTel road; (-room bouse, rood bars, small : orchard, new wagon, harness, bogey, -plows, harrowa, sulttTetor, hoosebold fnrnituro, new rugs goat fSO; half cash, balance, an Uma. ' U,0"0 4T scree tVj miles from Tsacon. ear. n9 acres ciearea, o scree line vrcnarai good lH-etorr honss and stoat' buildings, beat M sou; wiu giro tsrnuv - 1.300 0 seres mles froa Tsoennear, 1H anM cleared, smsl orchard, no balldlngs. some good free" timber, sll leeel, on good main coontj roso, aosr acaooi. WASHOUOAL AND OR BOOH RtALTT CO Sf-!, Waahlngton street, Portland, Oregon, aad SO0 Main street, Vsncoarrar, Washington. ANrRER AND VABMRR. . . 4TR eras, miles from rsUway etarloo, 3 miles from poatofflcs, store snd blacksmith shop: ' Mrgs part oi n nrsc wihkd; sTsrage buildings; 10 aocae of hope; , 1T.60 per " ncre. ' goo saras; 10 acres snder colt Ira tlnn; good beuaa snd - barn; plant of running - water; - postof f Ira sa placed . on good road; miles froas Koeeburg , 1 mile to aehool; ilg par acre. - ion sere, nearly an nndar - cnltiTatloni aaaall boneat 1 good barna: plenty at anrlse water: oestofflea. general store, srhonTbsnso, blncfcsmlU abop within 1 mils; 3.S00. 4M acres, 1M' scree andsr plow, 80 aeroa fine level aseadow. balance of land In pas tnrel most of land eeald ho plowed If cleared! 40 aeraa of aood oak timber: ran. nlng water a largs amount of very good tHilIdtngs. built n osstarn style; all fenced; eo nda to school: three aaartera of a mile ate railway, miles to Oorvsllls, county seat or clenton county, on sasrys river; oh ei tee beat grain ana Blocs nrsaa an us oeuniri -nail nar sera. - -- gg aerea, 4 mtlea from Oregon City, miles from Mew Brie: 33 seres seder eoHI uattea: T-room house, bars and other good outbuildings; nil a took . and lmpiemenu fX.KSO. A snap. SA neve, near RnnrriH. ClsrksmSB Ormn tri T-room boose, barn and lot of otter bolldfiigv; T-scre orchard; all nndar fence a aplenuia no in, enir iu muea irom ran 'land; 10.000. Inelodlng , stock, implaasaats and neat seannu'a crop. sere an O. W. P. Ox's lino; slrgant aoll: all nndar cultivation; beat place for gardening or groenhouae; can ba aold aa .... terms: onlv 32.800. for ehart lima. . . 3 acres M wood lawn, splendidly wee lea; eheam mult ha aold at once. loo acres, a portion of the noted Wteh basel farm. 1 mils weet of Beedrtlle; TS .'acres In crop; good building; all andei glO.odo, wiui all stock and implements;" a snap; very aaay tarma; cheapest place on tha maxxet. - x - OTTO d CatOCK ET. , , S4CV4 Washington. FARM BAROAlH. Idgtt srree, sU good lead) nearty levali well drained; half black loam; - no- wssts land: nssrly all under plowt crop raised, wneac. oata, veica. Clover, eorn, potatoes : amod aVrooa hoose. well fin toned: I good herns, and nil outbuildings; fruits snd berries: fin well of water, with mill and rorce nnv: n. r . u, h aeieoaeooi road: half mile to school, hslf mils re rail road, t ml lee to station. miles to Albany. Oregon; 1 span good work aad brood marea; a colts, I blga-grsoe Jersey cows, a batrer, 1 Jersey bull, 4 dosea full-blood Brown Lag born chickens ; 1 wagon, I spring wagon, 1 seeder i cleaner, 1 mower, 1 hay rake, 1 oprrng-tonth harrow, 1 hay fork- snd" car riers, 1 cream eeparator. t grlndatona, 1 Sad dle, I plow, 1 garden plow, 1 steel harrow; a splendid farm, and well oqnlpped. If sold by April lb price. Including all crops, stock and tmplsmenta. gd.riaO. , IllNKLH a RAKCR. tlT Ablngtun ilMg. leg Third St., , Uo ACRRfl Al fruit or grass land; abont goo acres' neany tevaii - aa a go-road. 3H mllea from Portland; E. F. D. mailt, phono la bouse; H mils to 9th grade arbnol ; good T reom honsa. hot and cold water, bath In honee; S good barns; 1 4-ton ecalee, 1 goo-ponnd rslr hanjrs aealee; a fine apen work borsia and harness ; I lumber wagons. I top buggy, plowa, harrow and all other neeeeeary tools; -1 small creamery, run by water tower; head cows, g fresh ; g heffcra, s end bogs- bo bouae; can ran savcrsl thonsand sheep; S miles from river snd railroad; price gS.OOO; two thirds down, balaneo sen stsnd . par rent. They era selling bench lend above this place for 43 to 160 per eere for winter sppls lead that raa't tench this tor quality of land or prion. An Meal health resort. - . . W. W. ESPKT. . Room 1 Hamilton Bldg. nCRBAChWStorkrsoch, farm near Brtsoads for aale; terms to suit buyer; ncn eou. By owaer, David Brldenatlne, TCstscads, Or. fOR gALB 4100 per aero, cleared lead ta the great rruit eeit aamg ina lorumma river. In 10 or 30-acro lots. Apply Bog 10, Lyle, Waahlngton. . - . hoick, nrrrn - h 0(J will make n irtteUte If yetj bay yoof farm oerore loosing ever wr n.r. ALV0RD a ALV0BD, 1M Merrwon at. r ACRE Win subdivide; eoo (deal fruit snd grain land; no in rnitrvsttnn: good bnlldlnga; near town: 1,000 (100 feet n)M sew tlmbert In famous Rogue River valley conn try; moat dcllghtfnl climate on earth. Addreaa II. B., Box 111. Ttoudvllle, Oregon. rOR gAI B 0 acres BTifmpcoved land. M tnlle fmm Vsncoovsr, s0. i. a. n aeter, wis 11th St.. Vancouver. Washington. call A0RRS In Linn enunty neer tnenon, gftO per set-; ST3 scrag In Idneoin coanty Mar Nashville. g.l.OMr! SMI aerea m UolnmhU conntv, Wsah.. nehr rsylon, IU per acre. Three are good bargains, htnoall, 03 Com erelsi hlk, ... iu jruiul nm, of Time OVer- the FOR SALE FARM S. NOTICB Or ft A LB OP BTATB t ABM Notice la hereby gt'ou lust sssled bids will he re- "ft vl. UiS-.ulluwUig described t ajuia . acrjulred y tl state thxouith furocluaura of muriaasa. to-wlt: r ' . Cous County Edwin Crook - place, 4M.M acres la sections 10, 11, U snd IS, township go soutb, range IS weat, M. A. Iisvldsoa plsos. lot 1 lu section 2. township 80 south. raugs to weat: aouiu n at auutneast a northeast Vi of southesst U of sectk 8 township M aoutu, rang 18 west, containing 1M..3 acres. V. Fetter pises, north V of northwest U and west H of oorthesat U of asctlun 28, township 39 south, range 10 wear, eoniBinug lou aeraa. Curry Oonnty Wary Cray pises, weet U aoathesat snd smith H of .northssat H aec,loa S5, township 40 south, range 14 west, containing loo acres. Samuel Smith Discs north H of southwest 44. southwest H of southwsst H and northwest 44 of soutussst - H of sectlou 1, township 41 sooth, rsnge 14 west, contsining iou- seres. Dooglss County a. W. Pstsrs nlsco. 104, scree 'In section gg. towashto 34 soutb. rsxss west. Richard Cook place, southwest of awcxioa av sno nortnweet H ot- soetion vi, townanrp w aootn, rsngo a wsst, ooni 30 acres. - Jsckson Oottarv Thsrlea Nlckell : alacei ' north Vi of southwest 44 end ewthsaat H of - hmithweet 4 of section g; -northeast 44 of northwest U of sectloa 10. townahln nS aouth. reaga 4 weat, containing loO scree; aleo tha weet 01 souuiweac ana eou ro wear Of northwsst U of . section S0x townahln south, range 1 east, containing 121.84 aeraa. containing m sll zoi.04 acrva. Joseplilns Oonnty B. J. and A. Iter place. wct 4 ot soutnessa or oectmn xi. town. snip sa seuta, rsngs T 1 acres. Laka Coo sty S. A. Paitoo place, north of northwest U. west U of northeast k eclni, 1 nsn -K I. 1 mm.U , . . , containing 100 aerea. A.J. TMke place, east H of northwest A snd seat H of soothwsat 4 of section 3, township 40 south, rsnge 19 esst, containing too . scrsa. w. C. htcwlk Hams Discs, northeaat 44 of section on town. shin SO south, ransa 90 eaat. contslnlne ion aerea. B. B. Ilammeraler place, northweat 4 or seen on is, township B4t south, rsngo ' I esse, containing loo aerea. P. gf. Barnnm , prace. aorin or northeaat sect tea 18, Wwaahln go south, range 10 asst. . Laos County B. and B. J. Doty 6 lace, 100 aerea la seetlrsas- 18 - sad 34, T towashlp 30 vu,u, v weat. Ldncoln Couatv Peter hfavera nlsne. enntb , west 4i of aouthwsst Vi of section 5. and southeaat af aouthssst U of soetion' 4, township 13 aouth, rsngs 11 wsst, containing 30 acrss. Albert Veeker plaee. aootheast y af esctkm gS. townablp 11 sooth, range 10 west, eootelnlag 100 scree. Msrlon County B. A. Rdes place. BAM ere nrer i. u. u, w. cemetery, onlem. ..Wallowa Oonnty 0. P. Akin plsos. 'west St or norrheast H of seettoo a, township . " 1 re, cwiaiBinf ao za sere. Tarma Oua fourth down, one . fourth In ' ana year and balance on demand. An bids must be aoeoapenled by a certified check or draft for eoo fourth of the prtoe offered. The right to rclect ear and all Mda a re. served. To svold tutors complaint sppllcanri niuai uaae tneir oia unon lnrrnnirvm eathece by a personal In pectins of the premises only. - and -not -upon- m forms tien-to- tie hsd at -this Office. Ride should be eddreaaag n tl 11 Brown, clerk of the ststs la ad hoard, Heleni, t I1 eeou. -and marked 'Rtey roe- nraea--Vara. 4- OSWAI.D WR8T, gists Isnd Agent. Dated nm sias any ar maren, lwon. ::--Fams For Sale 1M acres, t mllea from the town of flhedd In Una oonnty, about TS aerea under cultivation, orchard, hay sad abundance of email rruit; g good welU, fair bouae and good nara. nil other nsceossry out-bulidlngs; wmmw Teu.-ars, oMrrar ana e"e rs the Discs. Price s40 ner s. , 143 aerea three mllea from ghedd ta Una county, aad near good aehool; ell level snd free from rocks aud gravel; about 60 acres now- In avaln; fruit of all kinds; good well with windmill and force pamp; 4-room bouse, closets, psntry, largs porches . aad good wnwa; osra a stock sad Bay snsds, 4261 1 both barn and hay shad fittsd with hsy carrier; goou eni-Diujuing-s; is nssd ot stock a oeso or young stock, soon nam. chickens! al tha farm Implements. Thin la good. Pries pw per sere. 100 acres near Vf areola In ' ennnrv. 13 aerea under cultivation, nearly all fensad. some light timber, etream rune through the place; H mile to school and aostofflee; small orchard, house and out-buildings, Prtos 210 aerea near Marco la, - TO acres under cultlvstlou. go scrsa heavy timber: Aloha wk tirec.. runs through tha. slaesoas acre in oronsra; neer school, K. r, D good 6-roont. nouao ana un-. out-ouiiaings. rrlae SJ.oou. Terms. - 140 seres near Uabal, Laas oonnty, nearly an rolling, 10 aerea under cultivation, about 3.000,000 of fir - timber suitable for lum ber, small mountain stream runs through the place, some fruit, good govern house, fall oui-ouiioings. - rrico tUi'uo. 40 aerea In Jackson county, near Contra! Point on county road, B. P. D.t aad about IV, miles rram school: all fenced and on. der cultivation, go acrva heavy black aoll. 400 4-year-old apple trees Rpitasnberge and Bennett Beedllngs, anB TS cherry trees; sll kinds of small fruits: place la all rn eroo 6 large springs aa place, nlenty of water for trrtgartrm; good bouse and barn and all ether out-nuiiaioga; plenty or out range ror stork. This Is s bargain. Price 14 200: 'hslf cash. 30 aerea lv, mllea from Mount Angel, la Marion county, sll under cultivation, 10 acres In nope: 3 acres In orchard; good g-reom bouse, barn snd .chicken-bouse;., acres la grain; 40 chickens go with ihe slsee. Prlca gxeoO; terms. -LANOIIJ.B a RAND, , T3 Sixth Street. - ' i HOMMEEKEB8 THBRR ; ARB BARGAIN lea aerea. Bear station. To cultivated. 10 in hops, good buildings and orchard, aehool tight 364 aerea. one of the finest farme In Wash- Ington county, close to Forest Grove; g48 par eere. S2fi aerea. tha beet farm In Tamhfll ormntv. bnlldlnga alona worth 10,000. for tO.000; aaay terms.--. -- . - If yon want good farm vVoee to Portland, aee an, I hsvs n few choice ones. Get particulars, ar Inspect my Hat of farms. IX you wsut a rnoo one at a sargaia prwu. p. rucua. i40m rtm at. -rrOMKSI9EKER8.TAKB NOTB,- $J.00 Pd-acrs farm. SO mllea tram Port land; U acres under plow, fairly level, good soil: noose of T rooms, good ham, T cows, T t-yeer-olds. 1 bull, I calves, 3 horses, 3 colts. 3 wagons. 3 harrows, 3 plowa. mower. fanning mill and an other tools necessary to run the farm. Just think ot It, only z.ow. and term a.t that! . 81 rifth at. KPECTTT.ATOR9 OR HOMES BEKBRS. The administrator of a Yamhill county es tate has placed a 400-scre farm with oa to Bell at 111 an acre; NO acres cleared, balance wood and ne intra. This will bear tbe clneeet in Testlgs(Tim. It Is an Ideal stock farm worth several thousand mora than price a"ked. BAQfiMANN At BLANCHAED, -;. gl Plfth at. - FOR SAl.B Dairy farm, Bovey'a Island, U mile- below Bcspponee isaotng; etwj sores, so milch cows, 4 head horses snd sll fsrm Im plements. Addreaa 0. Stump, Seappossa, Or. nifl stock reach near Slaters, Oregon, for sale ar exchange for town property or timber wad. O. t. Vfealey, Poster, Ortgon. POR P. ALB OR RBNT 30 sores In Wasdtrurtoa oonnty, 1 mile rrora ror ear tiro-ret s roots bouse, barn, S ehlcken-booses, park and gran ary ; good well; good fence; T .seres In prunes, S acres In fruit trees, small fruits of all kinds and grapes, eheatnnt and walnut trees; for vale or for cash rent. Address A 10. Journal. POR MJt 10 aerea deeded land 1 mllea from Vancouver, running water, gl.OOO; half cash, balsnes annual Installments without Internet. S g. car Journal. BS4 ACRE fsrm, two miles from lino, nearby enrmty aeat and ractnry valley town: 123 aerea now cultivated, all ca hot sll fenced; some valuable ba id wood timber, larre build ings, wall, springs In pasture, orchard: oa main county road: only 'J6 per acre. Heme Land Ce.. Usl First at. , 40 AfiRKe,, t0 mllea esst of Portland: lfV. grtoo down, balaneo oa tlmo. By owner. 170 lleeowd at. . TO EXCHANGE. POR SALS or arehsngs. for fsrm, boaae S4iM wit a adiitwn lftzo, g mts; g blocks south ot Montsvtlls station. Address O. C. Ksdolph, hlontarllla, Oregon, PPR Sals or axebsngo One half to terra t ra leaning pnoro studio m Taacoover, Ptsah., new brick block on Main at., cheap for esah, or will exchange for country studio. ror particulars address P. Bongs, 123 talon gva N.. Portland. Or. - POR PMLB OR KXCflArtOB for Portland ITooTty AU or part of loo aerea, with new boooe, barn, err,- f mile from Taaenuvr. Address no Eighth at.. Vaurotivar. Address owner, 114 TV eat Eighth at., Taaoouruf, Washlngtsa, . 1 1 juuiiidi wdui.iiuis lira wiu jlum; 'JUtUc'Qblcms' TO EXCHANGE. PIRST-CLAflS expert dental work to exehanre for ladles' or gents' tslluring. Addreaa M T, aero journal. - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. - POR BAU Qood young farm team; eras and T;. weight 1160-1300. Addreaa C 1 ' Calklna. Kewbarg, Or., B. P. 1). No. 1. POR SALES Handsome Studsbaker rnnsboott ut most nsw. Apply rtstsr at Klsjssr atahiah sum ana arrerett. FOR SALE TIMBER. Wo have caah buy era for largo and snaaTl tract a of good Umber In Oregon, Waahlngton , ar Miiioroia. . j. Phono stain SSOS. I1T-1B ronton hldg WB bars a raw sholea awssaatand claims ta Wasco snd gharmaa anantiaa. also a aw - timbar claims, yellow pine.- over 3,000,000 " feet. -Write to na f or full parUanlars. Had sua Land Co The Dalle, or.. CKRTIPIBD eorli alas pleceai - lowest pricea, W. . maroo. SSg Chamber of Oa HATB asvaral fine timber clslma for location; na money deposit roquiroa. au jtonawn oiog. TIMBER rellnontshnMnt, 3.600.000 nine: rll- road S miles; lmprovemaata. is, journal. WANTED Proea ewwer. - Tllera choloe timber claim; give full aartloolara. Address u 3. care journal. SNAP 440 acres timber la nda drtvabla atrsam.. six muss frona. Wsrcester bldg., Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAFE Dlebuld, double doer, good an newt win trad for smsil one. Wssters nsrrags Oo.. en - wssnmgton at. - - POR gALB OR RENT NEW AND SECOND- HAND BBW1.NO HACHISIB. BTAnnARU SKWINO MACaUNB Auasfjx, K O. Was, xm XAairiii. nr. BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor rant ar tar sal en easy payments. - TUB BBUKSWICK-B ALKB COtXEMDBR CO. an Tuira St., rortissa. STEAM beeMeg plant, onlUbls for apsiaswt nousa; snap; win tut wares see prteo in rent, lw rourtn st , BOOKS bought. Bold and exchanged at the Old Book Btora. E3 xamniu at. WB need fnrnltnrs snd will ear full mine. mono Pa d no 7s- ... western naive g wow. Z7 waahlngton st. WESTERN ORBOOM MINING At MILI.TN OX beadquarterei atock for aale aad Informs tlon at 180 Ptrat at, rhona Mala Man.. HOWCAftlta, -AND jrTXTrBta assda- as erOevl second-hand good for sals. Csrlson m Halt. srrom, SH0 Oooch st. Pbona Clay B71. MANURE by wagnnlosd or anrload an O. W. t sty. rnoae nast win. SHOW eases, coon fere, ftxrorsa bought, sold sr exenangeo. western najvag-o v- o. new Ington at. PaclOc TPS. WB print your name en M celling cards, neopar aixa ana etyie, sno; znv nastnsss onrus, A. W. Behmalo Co.. S2g tirst, Portlsad, BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB- -Sura rhsumatlem. Sold by all drnggiata. POR SALE 134 -foot Uuneh, eapaclty 14 par- eons, sQuippso witn a-aorsspowsv lira sraw saglna. osmolete. spounsnjuscas of tha very 1 beet. Inquire glO Pino at. POR SALE Pins oyster conn tor and ahelvlngl siss Ooors aad aasai enssp. zog gonrtn au 31.50 POR 30 roses: 100 sweet pen seeds. Set sll kinds Bower ana voretapie asses, res- liai. s to ia a. an. , POR BA LB) Secondhand nnrlrht boiler, suit able ror weodsaw. irastsr sueisar, run snd Everett stn. PlNB nsw top baggy, only l9; also pew wagon. Portland Ware house -a Tranalar Lo., B4EI Esst waahlngton at. POR SALE 4125 -groom furnished Cottage st root or loin sr., nortn rwrtiana. POR SALB Good err Bvo 4-foot Sr In two-cor 4 orders or more, nt gs.Tg per cord, delivered and piled at residence, ss yea will sso that yon have your measure. Hoover, gig water st. Phone) Main sown. DAMAGED' eaa goed from thg recent tra, S6 per doaen anas. Call quick. 3U0 100000 St. 370 RILER8 rtano eertiacate ressoasblsi make sn snsr. m it, sure joorsai. POR SALB Upright boiler, 8 cheep. Addreaa 38T rnvaaloo at. TWO olaao certifies tea: ens on Allan a Oil Pert romps ny ror gioo, one en nniers company ror boo; mags ms sa orrer. noaraaa w si, ears journal, ar poena Bast aois. POR SALE 365 Ellen piano cartlScats for $10. fhooe stain 041B. . PURNITTJRB and hotmehold roods of an kinds for ssls; party lesvlng city. 384 He 11 wood St., near Williams are. POR SALE Toeing Buff Plymouth Bock bona and roosters rrom priso-wianing stock, fa quirs 1313 Michigan are, city. BARGAIN Roll-top desk sad Other office furniture for sale. 314 Chamber af Com merce. fdfi SALE,CHBAP Ellera credit esech worth 170. O Sa, care Journal. POR SALB Seoond-kand furniture truck.' Ap ply Orsgoa Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. 0 CTCRTinCATB on Rllera ptsne beuaa for sae iw, atoso at. nceiiara, 217 ataaisoa at., city, , . son EILERS plana cortUcatB cheap. Phono XJSSV, 1UI1. EII.ERS credit check worth (85 tor ssls st lihflrsi discount. A a areas r. A. IMVta, Boavertop, B. P. D. Na. 3. POR SALB Pour good milch eows, also cans and customer taking g gallons or mat a dally. E T. sara Journal. - . . AUTO 14- her so power Rsmbler srsrrtng-esr; run ning era; aeeie 01 cost Bi.roo; Bargain; 4 joo caah. R 14, care Journal. personal: MMB. ANNA LuCKBT AND MRS. S. WOLTB, aole agents ror Mm, (Jrabsm a Hyaro-Vscs treatment snd bust developer. - This la the asnat sctsntlS . treatment tor removing wrinkles and facial biemtsheei ale tot bust development. bo need of having wrinklea any more. Patient received, with board and treatment, full line at hatha. Saitlafsetioa guaranteed. . Tsstlswmlsl from Issdlng physicians. - IS Lauge Hoist, Sixth aaa Waahlngton SU. Phaso Msin SOU. ATTEN'TIO'a .Would Ilka some mformation ae to the where eoo is or t;ari nsrioo, wno la anpposed to bo In Portland; wslgbt when last seen a boot 17S pounds, sgs 30, light ennipleilon. broad ahouldera: would probably be found Shout the mills; bis mother. Mr. Ferry Duncan, la very el t and not oxpecteil ts live. Address Mrs. P. irsacsa. Dlxon- yUla, 0t. t trT "Iv ; Wblch. -Tficis 'WpiUd::ivepfbr'.';Y6ii PERSONAL. VKADUATH mssMur will go to To 1 snd glva trsauuent; refarsocea git ' UwO. . . DOLL'S llOhl'ITAL Bepslrlng and dressing. 381 Tamhin at. SUITS pressed while you wait noc Lsdlas' skirts prsaaed, toe. Gilbert. 108 4 Sixth st,. aieat w guslis, rsons t seine sunn. - rm wnifl rv ovmyauiv .k. u. u SSOH Waahlngton at. Uoeu Bos. . Surs fi nut aounu. BIN0 CHOONO. Importer of Chinese mot medl clnas: sail Chinas tea that Is certain curs for sll dlosasss. - 101 Second bet, Yamhill ens aayior. - PETECTTTB AOENry Confidential tnvestl. . gatlonst. reports mad on any individual buai. . fea or property; mlaalng relatives located; had debts collected; charges reasonable; cor. respondsae solicited. Oregon Detective - Service, effleee 314-418 Columbia bldg.. 34S - Washington st Phone Main 4415. LOST powers restored by tha great Dr. Lorens'a Nerve Tonic Table's: XSc oer box. 1 boxes for J1.3B. Write or call at fcysseirt a-ssrmsey en Msmsoa. bet. 1st sad 3d. BACKACHE aad" kidney or bladder dlsaeeee, wittr OreefMi lieeiai- Vet.1 .ta.-ne e- u atamps riummar. zoo Third st. WET PERT are daaawroue. la absoluUly wstsrproof. Webfoot blacking MANLY vigor reatpred by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globules. One - month's tree men t. 3; t so; emit ecureiy eesieu ny man. - Agents. Woods ra Clarks A Co., Portland. Or. TPS. Pal mo Tablets msks yon sleep perfeetlrt oy cure nervonaness snd rasas ysa strosgi " Pries 60c a box. 4 boxes 12.60; gusrsntssd. . All druggists, or address Brooks Drug Cow 47 ewu a Biro at., a or liana, uregon. PB.BB to out of town patrons, our latest eats, rogue sf fssry work, pillow ton, center Pieces, shirtwaist and aoveitlen. Tbe Needle urart mop, SSI Washington St.. Portland, or. ANT man ar wnmm eas tie sienna- and hsnns by nslng Sextne Pill, the greet tonic; pries 01 s dox, a ooxee go. with run gusreotse. - Address or call Ji A. Clemsnsoa. druggist, aor. Sosoad and Yamhill ata.. Portia ad. Or. BI0H-OBADB portraits 1 special offer for few days; cabinet sISs, cards or folders. 13 for s.i; guallty and work the host. u. ax. . itarana got Good no ugh bldg.. Plfth and BALM OP Piqs for all female d la eases, ssst Balmont, Pbona Esst 4084. . "PORBIDDEN PBUIT," "A Oa Lntbsrto." -ntory ot n Slave, " "Penny Hlll. "Agnss. Womsn of firs.' 80n oaeh; lists tree. . A. W. Bchaule 60.. ztO Ptrat at. TURKISH BATHS. 300 Orvyorilas bldg.f ladleg ways, gsntismen nigats. Mais lawn. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB fore curs for rueumauaas. . Bold by all druggists. DR. O. V. KETCHUM euros promptly private n lessees, kidney, nsrroua, akin snd apenisl femals rrouhlaa. ' c'all as writs. Red Cross -4ianr ooaeyr-ao Paelfls gdl DO yon mast to marry 1 .If so, tola our eocietyi we Bsvo hBadreda sf msmbers, either aex; matrimonial register, 10. Vr O. Boa 408. SCHOOL books aad all kinds af books bought. soia ana sxenaogsd. Jonea eoo store, xui Alder st, ' DISEASES OP WOMEN saeosssfnlly treated: .maternity eases eared for. prtvsts hospital; trained nursse: ennsultstlon fros. Dr. At wood, lOAVi Pourth St.. room IS. Phone Hood BBS. After April 10 st room 8 La wis bldg, oflOt Morrison at BACHELORS, don't wnrryt we'll sew year not ions en snd an- vonr men rims rree: aou t swear: ws'll Iron your gblrts snd collars ttrj rit your aecx. iry ua. tiraao I annary uo,, 17th and Qalmby ata. Phono 1404. LADIEfl' . Turkish' bathe, mssssgs, hydristria parlors; strictly first-class place for ladles oniy. run a. not rTssningtoa St., neiweea 14th aad ITtb Bta. . r REPINED lady wishes acquaintance of elderly gvBTtsms or . uwejss) . oojacl autrrmooy a a. sera JotirssL GENTLEMAN wlshss acquaintance ronng Isdy nsving smsu mssns or own soma; ooiecr uwuianar, svilill sea nu u, CJiy, DB. M. T. COLB. 848 Esst 82d; mstsrnlty oases 1 diseases of women. Phono East 6200. CALL st mots O, TT144 Morrisrm St., and get a Tree sample or usnrornls Medicsted Healing Bosp. Por toilet and bath aad all tktn dls- CHIR0PODY, manicuring, electricsl aad mag. neno xraatmenta at 140 s nlxcn, cor. Alder. THS STBWART-LINDELL PARLORS. Chi ropodists aad Dermatologists, 10 Lange hotel. Sixth snd Washington. Expert sleetrolysts. manicuring, shsmpoolng, electro fees snd sclp mssssgs; moles, wsrts, birthmarks snd all facial blemishes removed. Youthful eomellnees restored. Tel. Main 511T, AUTOMOBILES. COTBT a COOK Motor Csr Co.. V nth sad Aider Areata for Cedlllae, Pierre, Great Arrow and Stsvens-Durysa motor-cars; ma chmea rented, repaired and stored. ATTORNEYS. A. R. TANNER, attorney, 408 Commercial blk.. ahr 64. I I. S. WTNrHE8TKR,, notary. e wBBBingioa owg. rnono rncino X-UT. art: emporium. PROFESSOR R MAX MEYER, 348 Alder. Portrait snd lsndacsps srtlst and tescher. ARCHITECTS. H. B. MEN'lES, Architect, 118 Second St. ASSAYERS. QARvTN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO,, and Montana A aaay OlUce. 184 Morrison at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB, DAV1B KIL1IAM. 100-111 Second at. maag boob manuractur.ra; agents tor a ones Improvsd Loose Leaf ledgers; ses the new loreka leaf, the best ea the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. SL BIRKENWALD CO., 804.808 Everett St. Largest butchers' supply bouss on the eeeat. BATHS MASSAGE. MISS RAYMOND gives bath, and mawage treatments. . lea uusmoe, iwit Morrison at. XOUNO lady fives vapor, slconol snd aaadlcated bat ha. parlor ST, jmh mark st. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, WASHBURN a PI.OYD Carpenters. Joiners and carriage work, e bib et. raooe racihe lira. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A SPECIAL gnor) RKADIMO FOR 8110. ST. 0B0HQB ORMOMlR. SFFR OP 5J Y PT. W ORLW-llE JtOWh EU. Clairvoyant, Palmist and Pevchlr Hoalsr. TUB ONLY YOGI MEDIATOR af Secret Influence la America. Cures all nervous dt sea ere. weakness) of every kind; tells juat what annoys, per- rlexes. worries you; whst your wish Is, If be 000 yon love at trae or fals, bow to aln the ons you hwo or admire) brings ark ths sstrsnged lover, hsabgnd or wire, straightens out family trosblrs snd ss slsta you In galnlag your Wlh ar 4alrsi vea names, dates, facts of marriage, love, Isw, money, changes; all without yoa apeaklng a word. Fee, one dollar. Permanently located. Open Rnndaya. 3m, WASHINGTON ST. PROP. NORMAN. CONSULT THB Pre,T IT WILL PR0TB THB CIIBAPKKT IN TUB END. Without asking a question I tell every In. eldest af your pest, present snd future life; bow to ga la year desires ta love, msrrlsge. divorce, stokers,' wealth, etc; locales hst wills, deeds, anortgafes and absent friends tells yos how ts tell If yonr o Ine eontslua are, ell or gas; fee within reach ot all. 833 AUsky bldg. 365 -Morrison, cor. Third. MRS. STBYENS, Portland's leading palmtet. astrologer and clatrvoyaat. ldv See a lb aU, opp. Jlotal fartland. .tfli P a wcai . - COLLECTION AGENCY. DORS aay one owe yon eaoaeyt Wa seUcet bad debts of all kinds. North wast era Law a . (Yillertlca Co.. 133 Grand aa roome 14 aa4 16. (Itiaena Bank bldg. Cut thia out. "ThAhe Eaat fmw. CARPEV CLEANING. STANDABD Carpet Classing Co.. largest plasl oa the co a.t, Lorlng sod Harding ua,, tele phone Eaat tDO 4-arpsm classed, refitted. ' sewed sad laid; both steam ssd Istsst oom gr.e.ed sir procesa; r vsting BsattrssssB and tra there a specialty. SANITARY earpet eleaalng. sscttou sad eom preessd sir combined : carpets cleaned en nous . without removal. Main g&li, Alain gJoo. J. HUNTER, steam esrprt sad matti cleaner. 660 Jefferann. Phone Main 814. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. If. A. GCNST a CO- ; Distributors of . . . PINS) CIGARS. Portland, Oregon. CHIROPRACTIC. CURES appendicitis; no drags or knlfs. Dr. Eva - Moras, our union eve. Tel. weoaiawn irj, CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning a rtyelug Works: prac tical hattsr In oonosctlua. 311 4th. Paclfle 307. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 41 per month. unique lauoriag 1. bi wasningtoa sr. H. W. TTTRNEB. professtoaal ver and clesssr, ots jsirsrsoa sr. rsons Haia asia. . SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladles' snd men's eiesnmg sso pressing. 000 waau. Fas. 1S1T. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALB crorkory sad glaaeware. Prasl, Bagels a Co., 100 to log Fifth, oor. Stark at. COAL AND WOOD. CHURCHLEX BROS, have remsved frsm to Dsvts at. to 4ia Kosrssy at,, Bear lltbi bow the largest woodysrd la the sity, sarry- tog au kinds of wood aad east. Mala sal. ALBINA PUEL CO Deal era ta cord wood, anal and green snd dry slsbwood. hV K. aad A Was are., S hloeha esst of ferry. Boat 014. WF8TERN Feed Purl Co., oa Frost, between Gllaaa and Hoyt. dealer la sll Blade or bouae eoaia aad biackamlth Msin 1018. aoshv Pboae STEEL BR1DOB PUEL CO. Peelers to coal. eorawooa ana ary eisawuoa. none Esse 43. 0BB00N- PUEL CO. AU kinds of eosl ssd wood, gog Alder st. Phone Main On, KIRnt HOOVER. 818 Water sL Wood aad 1 Phone Mala 46B4 CAFES. THE OFTICE 38 Waahlngton It,, phoas Mala lit. oamnei virnesnx. . r: commission: merchants: BVBHDINQ a PARBELL. produca sod 00m mis. sion msrensnts. iu t root au. rorusaa, Ur. Phone Msin 1T8. CHINESE . REMEDIES. MRS. 8. K. CHAN cure prtvsts snd femals diseases with herbs and roots; remedies harm less; no operations. 363 Clay st.r cor. Third. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINEERINO : Company. 84 Seventh et., Portland. O. K. for everything la tha electrical lies. Phono Mala , ISBS. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO Engineers, eontrae- tors. repslrsrs, electric wiring, sanpllss. 84 First, cor. Stark. Mala 469. B, B. Tats. mgr. FURNITURE "FACTORIES.- OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Compear Msnufsetttrers st furaitBra for the trade. Portland, Or. ri'RNrn'RB maaufarturing and apodal orders. Aa AtuvsBsky'a ruralture fsetory. gTO rront at. 0. W. LINES ft BRO.. 34 3d st-Forn1roTe repairing, packing and shipping. Main 6131 'FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-air furnace save fust, 3. C. Bayer Fnraacs Co.; 36 Second. Main eOL FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRR 8 Pleaders st,, cor. 3d. IRON WORKS SOS Pbeoo Mais goon. GROCERS. WAPHAMS CO.. wholsaale a-rotsra. faeturers snd eommlsslon merrhsats.1 fourth ana van sts. ALLE7T a XEW1SV oommimlon snd pvedsc mer- chants. Froat sad Davis sts.. Porttaad. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. OASOLINB ENOIN Stationary and ma rise: Itls Bpectal" tssollno Isuach. 1106; ascoBd-bsnd slsctrla lunches and bolls. - - RE1ERSON MACRINERT 00., 183-4-8 Morrison st. GRINDING. K. R. KARLSON a CO.,, expert grinders. An keny, comer Eighth. Phone Paeifle TPS. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Americas plan; gS, 83 par day. BELVBDBRBi aearopean plant 4th aad Aider sts. THB BROWN Orsnd aud Hawthorns avea. HAY AND GRAIN. B. a. COOPER t CtX Potatoes, feed and Sour. 134 Colon avs. Pbona Esst 151T. HARDWARE. Pert land Hardware Co. solicits eoportuatty to coots price, laa 1st at. .cor. Aides. Mala 134. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WH1TB. tire Inanrasse. 808 Dekua bldg. ... ' . IAS. WrT. WOOD, employers liability sod In dividual acrident anrety bosda af aU kinds. Phone 4T. not McKay bldg. LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, lockamltt aad repairing. 7RT Burnalde. Parin 1063. MAGNETIC HEALING. ALL forma of disease treated, rbroatc or acute; ecsrtna positively cored, prof. 4. v. ins L. 11. Hart. 180 Seventh st. Msin 4IT3. MUSICAL. EMU. THIEr.HORN, pupil af SEVCIK, violin tesrbsr. Studio 103 Sixth. Tel. Main BBSS. PIANOS repollahed. onusl ha Bw. Practical piano-repairing and flatshhtg. J. D. -JOHNSON. 373 8d . Pseifle 3361. MACHINERY. THB H. C. AI.BBB t !eecoad kasd msebtasry. sawmllla, sts. 348 Oread are. Hit-PELY a , MYERS, maem4ers--aed elee- . ..trtclacs: electric alevstora. slsctrlcsl maehio- ery and gasoline en g! nee a k.4 Oak St. Fhsno Msin IK?. BOAT engines, gaotllns, Sheffield msrlns; snv speed; best made; right pries: la tock ; en exhibition; rnnnlnc In sslesronm. .Call first end Stark its. lalrbanks. Mors Ca. FINANCIAL BANKS. I 'TnTTKS STATES sTATIOJIAL BAVXOP P0BTLAMD, OHtOOM. I , . Nurthweat -tr. Third and Mts., Tranascts at wsnsral Bankiag Business. DKAtTH INrno A. all. Me In AM ('!".- tbe Tnlted States and Lurone, Uuogkong and Manila. Collection. Msds sa Isreraht T" - President J. C. AlNoWOItTTI Tlc-Hraldent. ,.s...B. LE BAatMEH Aaslatant Cashier. A. M. WKIUHT 'T'HI BANK OP OAiUrOlBLA Eatshllalied 1 I Capltsl paid hp .H.xi,o)! Surplus snff undivided nrofl'a.'. . . B TT ' n- I ' A Osnsrsl Banking and Exchsugs Bnaiueaa Tranaactad. MAVlSted I)l!rlkivi r. taiereat en uma sc posits. WM. A. MACRArl,,,,.,:. Acooonte opened Chsnitier ot com mere rmtiuiitg Manager. J. T, Bl KTl. H.trf.f,. . , ; PB3T HATI0WAL BANK OP P0BTLAND. OREGON. Designated Depository snd Klaanclai Agent of the T'alted S"'s. President ,, A. L. MILLS Cs.hler r . . ... ,J. Yfr NEWtrrTtw Asslstsnt C'sshlrr . ..V.. C. ALVOllD Be.-oud Aaslstanl Csaliler B. P. SlCVK.Si Lstti-rs sf Credit Issued Avallabls in Europe snd lbs Ksateru fitstss. Sight Eiehangs aud Telegraphic Trsnsfers sold ou haw York. Bueton. Chicago, gt. Louis. SC Paul, Omaha, San franc I. 00 and ths prlaclpsl points In tb Northwest Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Fade. Berlin, Prank forvwn Hie-M.le. Roogkosg. Yokuhama. topenhages, tUlsllsnis, Stockholm, St. Pvtersburg, Moaco-Jr, Zurich, Honolulu. LADS tTLTOV, BANKERS Estnbliahsd in 1449.) ' -Tranascts n Oensral Banking Buslnsss. Collections msds st at! solnts an lavor. able terms. Letters of credit turned available. In Euror end all tvinre In the United Ststss. Sight Excbssge snd Telegraphic Transfers sold on ew York. Wsahlnrtcn. Chicago St. Louis. Denver. Omaha, San renclaco 4sd Montana snd Bsltlh tVilombla. Richsags sold sa London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and nonotuln. 2VV ZXCBAVTS sTATIONAX. BANK, ' POXTLAhTD, OREO0K. .:.".' 1. ril.VK WATSUSI. ...... .Prealdent R. W. HOYT Csahle Traasaeta a Osasrsi Baakbir Business. Drafts sod Letters at Credit Issued Available, to All Parts of the World. Oollacttoos s Specialty. .TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TBTST COnfTZHT OP 0RE00H ."Tha Oldest Trust Cs - ny ta Oregee " -RBKOURCfcS OVER 14,ftUuuO.-tUoersj. basting, kmhaoga ua all nsrts of the world,, SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, lime ertlBcatea, t to 4 P-r cent: short-call apscinl eertlflciiiea. SSOS as over, Sm to 4 per oast. Call (or hook At 'ILLUHTR ATI05 M.'V Southeaat aocncf Thu- and Oak ata. Phons It EN J.- t C0HEW. B. LEB PAGET... .President .Secretary SECTJSITY SATIsTOS A TRUST COMPANY 864 Morrisen Street, Portland, Oregon, TranescU a General --nklng Bualness. SAVINGS DEPABTMBNT. Interest AlVnred on Time aad Ssvlngs - - iita. Acta as Truatao for Be tat. -a, Dralts r d Lsttsrs of Credit . . AvalUbls in All Psrts of ths World. - 0. P. ADAMS President L. , A. LEWIS. .......... Pirat vleB-Preeldvst A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President GEO. P. RUSSELL... HPHB M0RT0A0E 6UAKANTEI TRUST 1 Stocks, Bonds snd Mortgages Bought snd CAPITAL 0. W. WATaTOBUBT.... ........... .President S. LOGAN HAYS. .. - 1 -' Rlhs Temple. Seventh snd "BONDS AND M ORRIS BROS. 133 Tint ' Street, Portlaad. Oregon. '.. ,. '.,. Offer Oilt-Kdgo Inwtrnenta la Municipal and Railroad Bonds. Write or CsTt TTTXB 6TAJ1ANTEB tt TRUST COMPANY I M0RTGAGB LOANS oa Portland Real strsets D OWaTJIw. HOPKINS tt CO Whsst and Room 4. Oronnd Ovcrtcck, Starr & Cocke Co. 103 Third" SL? oIcKsy Bldg., Portland, Orsgoa., ' " GRAIN. PR0TTSI0N8. COTTOrf. STOCKS AND BOND : WE DO A 3TBVICTLT C0M.MIS8I0N BUSINESS. . , , , Oontlssous Markets by Private Wire, tjntck Service, REFERENCES Ladd It Til ton, Banav era, snd United Ststes Nstlonsl Bsnk of Englsnd. a LOUIS -J.1 ICIP SCHOOL AND COBPO RATION , L" Highest Retumg to lovsetors PORTLAND a NORTHWESTERN HOME PLUMBERS DONNBRB1RO pramhera, 84 a RADKht ACHER, aanltary Fourth str Both phoaea. POX A CO., nsnttarr pmmbara, 331 Second, bet. laala aad Salmon. Oregon Pbon Main 300 L PINNIO.AN BROS, a CO. 3S8 Third at. Pbona Main TaWO. f Plumbers and heating: engineers. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS POR SALARY LOANS. ' 428-0 Mohawk bldg., cor. Mjrrl0 snd Third. t.lM aa Oantlanuin. No Publicity. If you borrow 420 you psy back 41.86 a week. Tf you borrow 426 yon pay hark 81. 66 a week. 1C enai kene tin voH Bar hsch 42.00 S WOrk, If you borrow 100 you pay bsrk .'l.00 a week. Psyoients anapended In caas of alckasss. ' Strictly Salary loans. ' " fa1 rurxrltNT TYIA V CO." 428-8 Mohawk bldg., cor. Morrison Bad Third. MONET TO LOAN - Oa Improved city property or for budding . purposes, for from 8 to 10 peers' time, -with privilege to repay all or part of loss after two reare. Loans spproved from plans aad money advsaced a building progresses; Mrtgages taken up and rspisesa. . FRED H, STRONG. FlnancUl Agent 148 Stark St. ' rnB ejTAR tiaN CO. Any gslarled employe, -rare-earner, can get Oa bis Dote, witBout mortgage Month. V. Month. Week ino.oo Repay to us gi.t.m or fd.aa or 43.J8 429 00 Repsy to na 0.WI or 33.85 or $1.45 810.00 Repay to c. i 4.00 or 4-00 or $1,00 110 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL loans en Salaries, Insurance policies, pianos, furniture, warehouse MlnM mtw t ae deeeevine SSI BOO msS SSC1 a liberal sdvsnce. repaying by eaay weekly m n-.ihl t,-.ltm.,t. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPART, . 805 Ahingtoa . bldg. UAvarw invivntn BAT.ifRIEn PEOPLE Aad others apoa their own s a sees without security: cneapeai Tares, ssaieet wunmi., afflces in 68 nrloelpsl cities: ssva yoorsslt a.- r.HI. tmr t.isas Seat. T0LMAN. 123 Ablngton bldg.. 104 s Third at. MONEY to lean on real, personal and collateral security; special srtsntloa to cnanei gages; notss bought. C. V. PaUst, 804-5 PentoB ldg.. 84 Sixth at HIGHLY veapoctable place where ladles a so gents can borrow moaey on oismonue in Jewelry. Collateral Losa Bank, 208 Wasb- lsgtos st. Phono Black Tl. MONEY ts hn an Clsckamas county lends. E. r, Bad P. B. Ullay, bob L.amBex axm- LOWKST rates oa furniture and pianos. Esvt. era. Loan Oa.. 440 Bberlork oiog.. racine mis. MONEY TO LOAN on all klnda of eeeurlty, Wllllsm Boll, room 8, waahlngios siog. SEVERAL thousand Oollsrn ss losa at 8 per seat, city property ptivais. T o. woumai. $3,400 OR LESS to loan oa city property; private, auoreso m sv, ww TO LOAN Bums ta suit on' chattel sscarlty. R. A. Frame, 614 ths Msrousm. MONUMENTS. NETT a KINOSLBY, 984 First s.. Portland's Issdlng marble and granite worse. . - OSTEOPATHS. DBS. A DIE A W0RTHRUP, 415-14-1T Dekam kids.. Third an vtesninBton sts. aaesi Mala 840. Examinations free. DRS. OTIS a MABEL AKIN.' -4 Msclesy bldg.. Phone Clsy 11a. . bos. too niu. rte vata oscheaga Tl. THB wry beat Isdy osteopath la town. Dr. Be tt. JOBaaon. SUKS IS. Beilinw-ODrvca eras. DR. PIEBCN, osteopath, vibration and the new light, 11 Third at. rnone racitic aoi. DR. O. L. CUNNINGHAM, ths Esst Bide Oa- tepstk. 101-103 Brown oig pnouo s.sai svt. DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 408-4 Marlesy bldg. raooe Pacific iws. nee, toe tint. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSINI4 sale stftdsl phoBngraphle vtews- ot eiBostrtno, souvsnlr postcards, rlsw books, etc.. greatly reduced prices. KsposlUon Btnrs. 840 Morrison st. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH CO. The Pioneer Paint Ce wtndew . aad gUsing, 135 glrst st, .- Phone 1444. - ERNBST MIIXRR a CO.. Beewnd and TT"e Wall paper, paint, oil at aaarhst scleaa; tree dell wry. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. pt'TI FR 44 Oeweord blds.l Jh Ult. r AtrriT lawyer. mtf rqiI f'-v'nii Mtntf.; , A i.'ieo. ah.-4J'. . ST. tl M BV W. 81 flv W, A. teenier Alali t asblrr 444. Hssd Offlcs, Ban Prsnclsos, "fwlift fer eonis of lu sod upwsrd. Portland) Ursa I AsaLtant Vanayer : K. U. IM KUAM ie-rveaioeni GEORGE W. HOYT -eilateut Caahlor 1'rivste Ei'-bang T3. ' - U. U PITrtM'si. .Tleo-PreotdeBt J. O. OOLTRA. Asalatsnt Secretary . B, G. JUBITZ..1... ...., ....oscretsry . .AseHtant Secretary . COXPAJIT BANK. .-Ji.. . bold. Interest Psld on Time D posits. . 1O.OOO.UO . ',,.,",... 0. W. MIIXKtt ,..,...,Tlea-PfOSldent ...Aaalataut KscrsUry ' Stark Streets. Phone Mala 1M. INVESTMENTS." 240 Wsshlngton Street. Corner Beeond. Eatats at Lowsst Bates. Tltloa Insured. Ab Furnished. Btook Broksrs. (Kstabllahed 1 1S8S-) VU-e-Prealiieul. Floor. Chambe. of Commerce, Rooms 8, 4 and"! La Faystts bldg-, cor. Sixth and Wash, StB- Portlaud, Orsgoa.' Cooslstsst With Absolut Safety. TELEPhJnB a TELEGRAPH SECURITIES PHYSICIANS.- DR. P. W. BLOHM,' drngless physleian, 811 Ton ray bldg.t Second and Taylor ata. Phono Main 6318.. '-- '- 1 - i I PRINTIN0. THB MODERN PBINTEKY Artistic printing. . 24 Bussel hldg.. Fourth aad klurrlsoB. Phono Paclfle UM ANOEKSON A DL'NIWAY COMPANY, printing.... lithographing, blank -books. phone Msin 17. - tog Alder st. WELCH, DAVI8 CABSON Printing that Says ths payer. Roome 60S snd 804 Steams--Idg.. WHth and Horrleoa. Phone Mala 4I4T. j.-- RUBBER STAMPS. P.P. STAMP WORKS. 240 Alder St.. phone Msin - T10: robber stsmps, seals, -stencils, bag rage, "trails check: send for catalogue No. S3. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINd, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Los It. 313 Jefferson St. STREET -PAVING. WARREN Coos true tloa Co.. street paving, side - wslks sad crossings. T1S Oregoolaa hide THB Barber Asphstt Paving Co. of Portland. Office 6.VI Worcester blk. SIGN PAINTERS. 0OLD SIGNS, window letter! nc. cwitb benaars. economical electric signs and signs of sll fclsds made oulckly. Foster A K if leer. Fifth sad Everett. Phone Exchange 65. , SCALP TREATMENT, - CRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated: shampoo. Ing, msntcurtng, chiropody, face work. Mrs, SAFES. blEBOLD SAP VS ALWAYS RELIABLE, not In THUKT. Norton ssd Bacheys Jseks. Met. I ' Offlcs Fixtures. Revslrs. Phone Msin lord. John R. Davis, Agent, 44 Third et. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES.. SHOWCASES of every description; bsnk, bar snd store fixtures msds to order. The Lathe Manufacturing Co.. Portland. SECOND-HAND GOODS. wOODBS-ruTDlrore Hooae Highest prices pale) , for second-hand furniture. 213 nscnad s. Pheae Pselfls 408. ' TRAN3FER AND HAULING. SAFES. pianos snd furniture sacred. - peetred ready for shinning ssd shinned! s9 work - guaranteed; Urge, 8-stnry brick, fire proof warehouse for storigs. OfTTe 138 tlrst St. C. M. Olson, Phons Msin 54T. - , THB BAO0A0R a OMNIBUS TRANSFBH CO., cor. Slttb and Oak sts 1 baggage cheche-i fmm betel or residence direst to destioetlen; paesengers therelor avoid rneb and aaaoy a nee at depots. Prtvsts Exchange 48. fi. O. PICK, offlo 88 First et.. between S'art and Oak sts.. phone SM; Biases sad fnrnltur. - moved end packed for shipping; commedlesa, brick warehouse with asperate Iron Booms. . Front aad Clay ata. OBROON TRANSFER CO,. '184 North Sixth. Phoae Main 40. Heavy baallng aad steraga. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Na, Wash Ington st. Phone Msls BoS, THB Oregon Auto Deapa'ch has pnreliseeel Vis entire capital stncg of the waaemea a- atorae Transfer Co. snd Uts two coropnnsja will tt-w-after ba operated together. 'Ike malu effk-e will bo located st Nos. 13 to ST 1 irat st. Telephone Msin TIB. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAH.T Tomb, hrnsh. boss. 81 per Bmnth. Portland Lsundry and T" Supply Co.. Ninth and Ceach. rhone 4ln TYPEWRITERS. HEW tyeswrltres. sll makes, rented, sold snd w paired Cosst Asenry. I'l Sia.k. T.L 1"'. mi t, 'mj.ij'-'.'.'UL.-a.- TELEPHONES. THB only sxclnalve telepecn Sooae. B S. Electric a Talepaons Maniifseturtiuf roia pany. 83 Fifth st. . N. frjr- ' ' 1 (