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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1906)
'THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POie.rLA.JD.1 SATURDAY ' -EVENING.. .Ai IL 7. 1 . 12 NEW TODAY. ma SI. fn YOU CANNOr TURN TIME BACK Son tnnot call back any of tha wasted minutes. Tou cannot call beck any or the foolishly squandered dollar. But 9ou-can make all future time and all (mure dollars more valuable to you. Jx not want all your dollars, open an amount with; ua and save some of these ' count. '.. '',-':. An time oa the dollar will rrow and you will have somethlns; to show for every past week of your life. SAVINGS BANK " v'. or the-' TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 'mo wAMmrcm nuorr . : . ' ' ; - (Corner Second.) VOBTLMTD, OBWH).:-.'rl'. taw ans Collections Brokerage Cascade Real Estate v J. R. HOSMER. President. ; - HO aad - ail -AUsky MnSUing. now iuu tm S$ Beet little farm tn the WUlara 1 ette valley We have cheaper ones for ale, but this is "a peach" at H4.5Q0. 14 Buy a fine -room bouse In East . Tortland; cement walk, see., electrio lights, bath, streets all Improved; big lot 60x1X0; fine location, at :.S60. We nave many outers, dui mis is a paxgujn. It Dootor. do you want to buy an office In an excellent location? - Bee ua. $2,600 '-will buy business, office fixtures, medicines, real estate and alt Hurry! . W are agents for the UUOI MOf nana, come ana see a comptei working model. It is Of great Interest tq ioratowm. . Notary Public Real Kstate Patents UDtainea-ratents eoiu, lo Wants to Get Rich And Make a Fortune on a $600 Investment? - " ; w offer yee this rare epportnnlty. We vrUI sell yen a property today (or 1409 t 9HXO0 that wtll he worth In 13 month from sow from (lO.ouO te li).00O. Take It quick. It will be effrred (or thla week only. Plaese rail between 10 and 13 a. an. and 3 to p. a. Andrew Hart! a, Tl JUekua bids- Fort land, Orexoa.. . .WEATHER REPORT. Two dlatnrhaneee are noted thla smrnlns, 'one of decided rnaracter CTnlral -ever -tJolorade, end tbe otlw eenwal north ef Montana and not well oeflnedw The barenietee I sow rlaloi rap l.llj m the PactAe alupe and s hl(h preaaar ara t evidently approacklna the .California rnaat. the northwaM movement e( which will eaua decidedly, cooler weather la this d la trie t 1hta aftamovs aadtonlxbt. Llcht ahowera are repnrted la the Wlllamett vnlley and the sound country, and heavy rains have occurred tn Arlsnaa. New Mexico, esathera ttaa. Oolo rado and western Kansas. in the Atlantic atate the weather Is sen trolled by s hlxh preaasre ares central ever easier Teanee. and generally fair weatner prevail in that section, with temperature ellxlitlr below sorniaL It Is much warmer tbia morning In the upper Mlaalaaippt sad the lower MMIimoH valley. - . ' .' The IndlratifHi are for showers Is this dis trict Booday west of the Cascade mouu tains, aad far generally (ah- weather In eaaters Ore gon, eastern Washington aad Idaho. . ObeervatloBS takes at S. a.. Pacre-tlm . . Tatun. tailors ' - - Mas. M In. Fred Haker C'ltv. Oregoa 4 ; 40 Xoton, Massachusetts .... e lenrer, Colorade ........ 'i 43. t-blcexo, Illinois .'. U " Kansas Ctty, Mlaaonrl . .,.? M . New Orleans. Looielasa .. 7 An ew fork. New Xork 4 .Kl , Portlss. Oregoai ......... -. , S3 Itoschur. Orrson "3 .0 .Of .0 .0 . .0 , T ' .0 T .0 T . Ff. Loafarflrirl , Wl W Palt Tak. Utah "i Pan Frsnctere, California S r 63 ... Pnokaoe. Waahlnrton . . . 73 SO Walla Walla. Wanbingtee IS S ; MARRIAGE LICENSES. Cdwla Bheldoe, 3i rioresee Bmmle Sbesdwa, . Ik Pavb), 31: Annt Epitrtn. 2X . . Jobn B. H.oson. Wails Walla.. Wasbmgtoa, "inarS TKcbroeder, 37; Myrtle srllng, U. Wadding Cards. W. Q. Smith Co., Waah ingtoa bidg.. ear. Vonrth and Waahlngtoa at. . . Ml Bertha Martin, room 313 Alisky hldg. fhimptng nd flu seedleworki leaeoas gives. BIRTHS. ItP.NKHAW April a. to Mr. and Mrs. , Bony Renhaw, f liavler atreet, eon. AM, KB April X to Mr. and Mrs. Wllllaut A diet. 7T Carpenter atreet, eon. mvr MniTh It, to Mr. and Mrs. Oharlea iv,. l:,2 Koasell atreet, s so. 'IIKFIKHMAN March 17, to Mr. snd Urs. J. 4. Hrrfertnan. of this city, a son. . WRATH April t. tn Mr. snd Mrs. Michael i. Mcrabt, I'll) William averme, son. JA"Ohkon April . to Mr. and Mra. Pater O. Kh Ksac lie in street, a mm. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. MTNDF.R April 8. Brhar W under, 86S iitnvA Tnue horfh, tuber caloaU xlITCHBNS April a, FannU , Ultchen. : SOS Kaat Clay street, meaatee. n.ARK April s. Nelaos Clark, 8T Kaat ' Hrnt street, meaelcs. - frrorT April Rose lea Stoat, ITd Bast Thhrty tlfth street, scarlet fever. ' ft, Joeepbtn Felts, 803 tecetb vtreet. tneesles. deaths: MAW April 8. Charles Mare, aseil T rears. at Nmlh Peel fie aanltonnin; eaaae, Br'.gut ; disease. Burial at 1ai Fir eeieeterv. 3'HSWM April . Heary C. Johnson. arce .'rears. 300 Taneoorer imw; ranee. aa esphrsiation (eeideaial). Barlal at Blver. view neuielery. T.KusF.l.l, -.April 8. Mary R. ae-:lL aged Tl .rears, ltr.a Hodae atret; cause, cauetr. BuHel at te Ke retaerery. ' ATHKT April S. Morrison Ht, d ' 3 reeve, at I nlrcrsllv Park: saaar, heart die- re linriel at cremsterlnie. Jim NVIN April T, l'W. In this eity. Mr. ., ilirlstlna Jobnene. Bo1 ),er of Garey w. snd Sldnn V. inhnens. Fnneral settee later. FUNERAL' NOTICES. M'lNIUi: -In this city. April , 1800. Mrs. ,, AdlsHle Uflwts, ad, 47 years, beloved wile of Anttline Mwnef 3WI Ooek avenue. Funoral will take plaee Monday. April S. at a 1.1 a, M., (roea leonln(. MeKnte 'Ul'-h's ehaprt. Seventh and Tine streets: hence in St. Verv'e fberck, Williams are--erne e-d ptsnten atreer. t a. m.. where winleei mesa will be offered. Inter meat Mt. Calvary cemetery. Friends 1st I ted FUNERAL NOTICES. DUNN fo thl eity,' st 111 Peat Salmon rears I moo lb f day, belovsd Itasbaad or Mrs. May Dun and father ef Ottle. Bert- mead ana Mary Duaa. ' Friends and soqualnt ances respectfully htrited to attend funeral eervtcee from the Friends' church, 8utu and Eaat Mala. Sunday at 11 a. si. Interment at Multnomah cemetery. Sas Joe paper pieaee eop MURPHY At residence. Sit Served street, April 6, 1806, John Patrick, aged 10 months, infant ana of Mr. and Mra. Cornelius Mnr. -pay. funeral will take place Huada.e, Apell ; a. at 1 :3o p. ru. . froia reeldenu. Uienee to the Cathedral. 15th and Devia streets, at 3 p. m., where service will be held. Inter ment Rivervtew eamelery.' Ft feu da respect- ? fully Invited. . WKKNN Is tbl eliy. April . attbe famllr resilience. Wii . vorneit atreet, aatie s. Wrenu. aged tS9 yeere 4 months and 28 dsy. Ftteud and ecqualntance are respectfully Invited to attend the faneral service, which will be held at Flnler'a chapel, at 10 a. si. Sunday, April S. . Intermeut Wvervlew eenv etery. . UNDERTAKERS. - Edward - Hoi ma a ft Ce.. the leadlnc laseral director, bare the finest eatabllahaient. tbe neat coda, the finest vehicle and the Boat reasonable prices. Cine broadcloth -covered eaakela, 125 and A30. Tbe "t wood goortj made, frosi 813 to I2U. parlor 10 and 323 Third street, corner, Salmon, I'ortlasd. Orefoa. ..i I. P. Plnlev Son. faneral director aad embalsiera, corner Tblrd and Medians atreela. Of Dee ef county eoroser. Teiephona Mala 8. Dnnalns. MeCntee A ailbansb. nndertaken and CBbaTnere: sxHlera In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Mats elk). - Lady aeatataat. A. B. Hematork. Bndertaker and embalmer. aetTblrteaath and Umatilla ava. Phone sell. weed Tl. . - ' f- Clark Bras fee Sower. MS Morrlaoa atreet Marie crave 110.' rassltv lota ITS te 11.000. The only cemetery Is Portland whlrk aper petnallr malntalna aad cares (or lota. For fall inrDraMttew apply to W. B. Markeneie, We cealar block, rllj. W. M. Ladd. prealdvaL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Nettle Malson Phillip et al to Conrad Ureen. weat H lots IS 14, block 10. ' ... Bunnyald addition f 1800 B. R. Martin and wlf to Oenrg F. Me- . Nellv. lot 3. block 13. Jobn Irvine' first addition Americas Trust It Investment company " to U L. kescb, lots 8 . block SO,, Sellwood W. O tiger and wlf to Minnie Lelcht- were, Ma 3 aVhlwcfc , Saratoga L. Lewis and wife to Nellie M. Read. lota 10. block 13, TaboraW addltloa -International Manufacturing dt Mining , companr to B. B. Wright lota 8 4, block 1.-60. Holladay auditosi ........ B. C, Jordas and vlfi t aem. same property .. A r let a Land company to Marlon Sanford, ' lots 84 7, Arleta Park William Mlttleetaedt to Theresa Good- lets, T8 scree west H nortbweea, U ' section 4, township 1 suath, rang 8 - seat -. .......... ........ . 100 800 . JSC 890 337 T50 Sadie Conxdna to Georgia A. Batcheller . 1 a 1. L .b . t W 3 .1.11.1. Mat hew J. Kelly to' James B. Kelly, lots s , Diot'g u, rortsmoutB this ' : extesalea Ledvtas snd bus band to Anton led- vlna. lot 8, block 3, Park View addition trad T. Lisce and wife to Henry A. A Rable, loU 1 8. block 3, ubdlvlaioa ' ' tract K. M. Pattoa tract U A. Bngelbratsea to w. B. Vary, lot 34. block IS, Mt. Tabor "Villa - Moor Investment company to Sams, lot ' 30, block 8. Verso . ; Sam to W. farJsh. lots 31 J3, block 3. B. H. Robbms' to 'TVle'i'ninrance" fc' in-- 800 .800 SU0 lit -380 . vestment company, lot 8. block 18, AL blna and sundry other lota 1,000 John FJwald to Edward 0. Pesoldt, lot 13, block 43, Linnton SO J. L, Wallin st al to S. A. Helm, let 8 - 4, block 8, Columbia' HelxhU ...... - B. B. Ward and bus hand to same, lot 7, , block 8. asm addition 339 Title Unsrantee Trust company to A.. Clyde, weat Vi lot 13 and eaat W ''- 18, block T, Snnnysdle third addltloa. ,800 Dora Spencer snd bualiend to B. JT. Her- rer, lot T, hlork 4. Myrtle 1,080 t. r. nanoert ana wire to a. u. t unrcn ler. lot 8, block 3fl2, Conch uddltlon.. Carrie Roberta and husband te H. Hs le 8,000 mon, let 18, block 14,.. Tptmont place Pacific Paper company to B. B. Redfleld, SOslOO feet block 50, eity. beginning west 11ns Front, near Intersection with north line .Stnrk street Sheriff to Commercial Treat company, lot 8. block 7, Irvine addition, and lota S3 83. hlork 8.. Hilton: lota 8 4. ; block 18, John Irving addition: lot R, block J. Kerna addlton: lota 7 8.. block 3. Leland Park Same te earn, lots 1 to 4, Incorporated, block 130, city Sam to same, lota 8, 8, 13, hlork 8, Henry's addltloa Same te asms, lots 1 3. block 8. Henry's addition L R. Ollllhan and wife te George Row--rilffe. lot S, Bmnkdaw ohs TisltoB to A. A. Humphrey , lot 4. block 3. AThlna 18 128 as f.800 4.000 George It . Andrews and wife to Charles kr Meifsfe.TrH)vTIrrfeetrheeinnlna Bortheeat eomer Belmont Park weat . . . 1,008 X. A. Burneea; and kuahand to Jobs 1 Teley, lot 4. block 3, Manning ad- dittos ; 1.800 Clara 1 Smith and husband te R. Cat- - Its st al. east 23 feet lots 6 8. block 38. city 18,000 W. Wyns Johnston and wlfs to W. J. Gey. parrel lead 21110 feet begin. --. nlng 120 feet north of southeast career S acre tract of John C. Ma lone In aee- iion V townablp 1 sootb,. rang 1 east Ssrsh A. Creekpaum and hnsnand te P. Michel, lot I to S.lnctnalv. 18 and ; 14. block 3: Vt 6 a. hlork 4: lot 8 - 4 5, block 8, Alhee nbiltvllon. Gars haven Park snd sundry other lot.... John ft. Kelly and wife to W. J. Ten Schnyver ft Co.. lota 2. 8, 4. II. block f: lot S. block 2: lot S. . block 4: lot 1,800 8. 4, B. block block dV Alhee'a snhdl-l eehdlvl .. Iry oth- w."r. f all lot slos. (llenhavea Park, aad sundry er lets William Wleolal and wife Snd Moors, east 22 feet lot 10 snd 11 Kloek 14 ltnllsdsv Psrk second sd. rtlton , TSO John W. rilnk snd wlf tn J. M. Sloan. tors 1 2. hlork 4. Roche! le . . .., 1.175 Thomas Flblnger to Peninsular Real Rs , tate companr. lots 33 to sn inclusive, . block 10, first Electrl sddltion, Al- hlna ,18 Csrolln Grtflth Jones and haahand - te Trier Investment company, lota 18 o , ' 20 Inclusive, Mock 81. Peninsular addl- ,ton Kn. 2. and sundrV ether lot. ..... ... . 1 Oolnmbla Real Estate comtianv to Tyler . . . . . . a , ti inresimmi cwin,efiy, .u, o- block 18. Penlnsulsr addition No. t. . . 1 A. N, Wright to Joseph F. Neldermerer - and wife, lot 7 8. block , Holla- da r'a addition, eest Portland 3.100 st r Vw, and wife to P. J. Fvterson. lots 8 4. Depot addition Bt. Jouna. ... , i 0. W. Jenktn and wife te A. R. HU, lot 8. block 1. Eaat Portland Height 1,800 J. C: Atnsworth, guardian, to O. ft C Railway company, lot I. block 4, Coach " addition 4X1,000 J. F. Watson snd wife tn SecTnity SaT. Ing ft Tmat company, nndlvlded ti lot B. block 8. city 1 1". 0. Smith Berate. - Incorporated, to , Secneitv Sevlnge ft Treat . company, t . .. . nndtvlded H Inter eat lot S. block , 8, city t Total 891.M8 Get year Insnrane and abstract to real estate from tbe Title Guarantee ft Trnet company, J4 Washington atreet. warucr Second. NOTICE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the aaenty court ef the atate ef Oregon, for Multnomah county. Is the matter of the estate ef Alex ander n, Maekrnsle, d -ceased. Notice Is hereby gives that C. F. Adam, admtnletrator ef tbe estate of Alexander D. Markenste, de ceased, kaa tiled In tbe ennnty court of the ' etate ef Oregon . for Multnomah eonnty, hit final account and report ea such admlnlstra- tor. and sold enort has. by order duly made snd entersd. appointed Mondsy. the twenty third day ( April. It, at the hoar of 8:80 ' ' clock s. m., at tn court room of ald county court tn tbe county and etste afore said, a the time and place f beerlng objec tions to said acemat ssd for settlement of the aame. C. T. ADAMS. Administrator of the KUtxt ef Alexasder D. . . Mackenale, Deceased , lated March 23, 1006. , . : NOTICE. V vc If m A, ntiuiMrerns d .i jt r lUtcb. li-JPOd ZluttcsJs setby airrs MM. the copartnership doing bualnea under the name of the Wllley-siulth llarneaa Compaay has this das dissolved, and tbst C. A. Wlll.y and John Upton bare snoeaeded te the busi ness of the Arm, and will collect all debts - ssd pay all the liabilities of tbe firm. . , , . , . C. A. Wil.I.Kf, -.,,,,,. F. M. SMITH. ... - - DtiLPUlS WILI.BT. s j MEETING NOTICES B. P. ' O. EI.Rg The' member ef Portland lodge. No, 14 are requested to BJcet In ear lodgsroom, - corner berenth snd Stark streets, tiqnday at 1 p. m., sharp, to con duct the funeral services et eur late brother. Homer H. Hallock, of resdlelos ledge. ; y - - Malting brother Invited te amiat. By order of the Rialted Kulrr. , . JNO. B. V0rBT, aecreUry. ALHINA I.0IM1B No. 101, A. F. ft A. M. Stated cnmvunicatlos this (Hattirdayl a renins et 8 o'clock. Work F. C. degree. Vleltlng brethren cordially lnrUed. By or- 'a B A KDLAH. Seerelary;-- LOST AND PpUNP. FOCNTV-Brown gelding, brasded IB e right fnooiaer, aiwsi " ' " I aame by paying, coat gad . damages, A. Highland. Mount Scott snd Section lis road. ..'.. LOSTA mrg pointer pap; whit marked with rtiaca, es" lM- , - : Kaat 8trk. Thursday v.nlng: 88 rewrd for rctur a.. Information. . 114 Beat Stark. Kaat eai. . L08T A Bttl tas ssd wbits oog. -ronrsasy. P from 800 Margin st. A liberal reward will be paid (or lis return, LORT On Sd. bet. Morrlaoa and Alder, opes--faca watch, 0. A. C u hack t Snder pleas i u . , in-,. FOITND Thursday night, on gray horae. In- enure racaag weiTrj . . w M1- Lokt Lady'a gold watch and elsep wtrh mon ogram II. M. F. os rase. Finder wUl hs r- wsrded st jwmjiii letn ni mmlmimm HELP WANTED MALE. WANTV.D Offlre boy. Address tn ews hand writing, stating age a no eraooung. aoores Z 1. care Journal. WANTED Maa to look after ' steam boilers; Mfg. Co. . . ... . - . SALESMEN WANTED Tor os of th hrrgeat Bursaries is tse wssi: cssu aanana wscsiy on orders: good territory open. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlah, Waah, WANTED 1,000 men. abas snd hstrcnt tree. 284 Conch at. . We teach th trade. LIVE caflvaaeer for choice territory! entfit furnished free; big ana p. For full particular sddress Oregon ., Nsreery Co., Salem, Oregon. AGENTS WANTED to sell enperlor, high-grade nursery etnek; complete outfit furnished free; . cask weekly; write today (or choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company Salem, Orsgos. WANTED end energetic boy to learn optical business snd leas-grinding. Apply 211 Macleay bidg. START mall order bualnea: yoa sully make -810 dally; we furnish supplies end tesrh free. -Aluminum Hanger Uo.r Chatfteld, Minn. WANTED Reliable newspaper eaavaeaer; ateady position for right psrty; city snd country work: must give reference. Address u. J. " Agent, VaacouTcr, Waahv- WANTED 2 Aral-etas solicitor who hive had npertesee Is boose-to-honss can vasal ng; good . salary and com mt salon to rlgbt partlee. Ad dress, slating former iperienc and refers ace, G. 88. car Journal. . . . .... ... WANTED A boy about 18 year ef age for atesdr factory work, at 48 North Front at.. cor. iwvsk STENOGRAPHER First-elans, male: give age , and experience, Address a 83, ear Journal. MEN and women to kern barber trade In sight weeks; graduate earn from 618 t 823 weekly; expert Instructors; eatelogu free. Mohler Syatem of Colleges, 35 North Fourth St., Portland. ' WANTED Four bright boys of good appear ance to learn hardware bualnea, Stat age. Address Z 18, car Journal. , - CARPENTERS wanted at Tenth snd Harrison street. Call Sunday from 8 to 12 s. a. I ITRICMBN snd brakemen os Orrgoa ssd other railroads: experience sasecesaaryt firemen. 8100 monthly; brak.rorn, 0; promotion tn position paying double; slat age. poattloa preferred; send stamp. Railway Aaaoclatloa, Dept. 44, 827 Market St., Sas FrancUco. BOYS wanted to work In candy factory. Apply Paclfle Coast Btacnlt Co.. 12th aad Davie. WANTED Jap hoy for general housework and . to assist with cooking. Apply . 288 North Twenta-fourth street. . WANTED One or tw good painters (or In- el oe u niaDera si laicretia a treat, Between 22d and 2-id, near Waahlngtoa. . Call Sat urday nerore is m. WANTED Etpertenced manager "for country store; married mas preferred. .Address G ST, - Journal. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy ma tw work In Oregon, representing large manufacturing company. - Salary Vf to 6uo per month,- paid weekly; expense advanced. Addrea with sump, J. H. Moore, Portland, Oregon. WANTKn-iMale elerk la candy a tor. 181 Third at. WANTED Boy with bicycle. Apply 084 Wash ington st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT, 848 U, Waahlng. ton at,, cor. Sereath, apntatrs. sTasns Mala 20D2. Female help wasted. COMPETENT cook for faatldlou tradi must have tool and furnish reference. Th Msaltos. 261 Thirteenth St. BRIGHT, sttracUv ladle wanted t saU high grade oof fee. 2w Second St. SEWING GIRLS WANTED. 263 Sixth st. WANTED -Girl for light housework. Inoulr , 1021 Height .. or phon Eaet 60S3. WANTED Experienced waitress st 108 North Seventh at. . GOOD GIRL for cooking and housework; small family; good wage. 485 Eaat Davis st. WANTED---Woman te do family- washing Monday, as en wees.-vis irvmg St. EXPERIENCED tailors te help nuahelmaa hs clothing store. S. Rosenblatt ft Co. - WANTED Tot)ng woman for general h on se ver k snd to easist with rooking. Apply 281 " North Twenty-fourth atreet. WANTED A girl, handy with her needle, to learn dreaamaking. 70S rlnt street, . corner ' Olbbe. ... . ACT1VB, tndnetrlos girls for fancy goods, glove, rlbhone, mnslln Bnderwear, corse ta snd shirtwaists; mnst know kow to new. Apply today up to 8:80 to McAllea ft Mc Donald. ' WAITED Female elerk, ta candy etere 181 4Thh-d at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION by bottler snd sll-aroasd mineral water man; Would buy Interest. Addrea 0) 31, rsre Journal. . FENCES and sidewalk built er rough earpentar work. Address P. O. Box 804, city. SITUATION wanted by a flrst-elaas stationary engineer: no ehjecrioe leering eity; can fur ' slab heat of references. X 3, car Jour sal. . YUCNG man, 34. wishes stesdy position, with advaoeement! email wages t start; seed references. Z 8, car Journal. HONEST, energetic young man want lucrative rlllon of any kind In the city, Addrea C. Bsnnlgas, general delivery, city. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. H Kl.P wanted and annnlls. saal ee femsle. B. J-'O.- I'tskt.. anCis-Washliiglai St, Paciac.HTO SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE W ANTED Position be ladv alaaaaranhel. seek' keeper snd tluieheeiieri twe rears' sipsrtaueei ' eity relWene, rbon Mala SIMM. ' TWO Soandasavtaii sirla would Ilk sesltlee Is famlliM, Call 61T North Tweaty-flrat . WANTED AGENTS. : WANTED Agente; something new; food sella! . big wage. 3u6 Mckay bidg. WB want rait. hie mm In aMre Ansa 1st Oreeon to sell sick and accident Insurase. U Faclfi Ala aaaucutum. soo uekusa Diag. FIRCT-CLASS agests In Portland and through tat; big wsgs to rustler. 410 Fentoo bidg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. TUB Portland Employment Co.. 2U5Vi Morrleo at. -Phone racine gas. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. roa men. T 26 N. Second st. Phone Mala 1528. BIG FOUR EMP. AGENCY -Help eoppllcd tree. is Norm Beeona t- rnoes mi in. lwis. JAPANESE-CHINEMB EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB. Henry Tlhsrs, 20T Everett St. 1'Bon rs- clfle 840, WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES. FLATS, ROOMING-HOI 8KB, STOKES, B IU. Our rental department has been enlarged and provided with additions! staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offsr 'personal attention to and continuous Bupervlaloa ever all property, Intrusted ear cere. ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, 8. E. cor. 3d snd Oak at. Phon Kx. 73. WANTED T rest ranch of IS to 80 sere, anitabl for chicken rancs. Bear x-orusuu. G 29. care Journal. . , WANTED To rent chicken ranch with food building, near Port Land; sees rent. - u i, care Journal, . . WANTED Good furnished son of S to 10 rooms for summer; bona wits goon siseu gi-onnda praferred. l-- nr Jss-ssB. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot w exchange for equity la S er 7-rooa sense, rnene sen soil. WANTED, for cash, lot or fraction; must bf cheep, B 4. care journal. - 100 REAL estate firms can sell your property qnlckrr than on. Pacific Real Estate Ex., 223 Washington at. Main 1328. WANTED City and nbnrban properties. Im proved or unimproved ; nuyers waning, ao drees B T. cars JonrnsL " I WANT 810,000 to 890,000 tn vestment en In- s1ds realty; will aeei wltn principal naiy. What bare you t G 2S, car Joornal. WANTED Party to furnlah lot and build Sous. Address 12, esrs Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FAINTING, spraying snd whitewashing trees, . bssemest. barn, dock, etc; largest gaaollne spraying outfit on the eneat, M. G. Morgaa ft Co., 822 Union are. Phone East :817. r- W ANTED Stocks ef general , msec handles er drygooda, boota and a hoes, etc.. for which I will pay caah; will deal with actual evuer only. Address P. O. box D. Elgin. Or. - B. N.' MORGAN, pioneer sprayer and white wash er. Call East 6248; remember the aame B. N. Morgaa; 11 years la business la Port land. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN ft CO. r HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID for fnrnttu.- In yauanULx-alse Aaae . easts on semmiaelos snd gnsrantee beat results. Th Portland Auction Rooms. A. Sehubaeb prop.. Sll First at. . Phon Mala SeoO, - . WE WILL, BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 - 628 WASB1N0T0N. PACIFIC 798. WIti, pay $1' a ehare for 100 ts lOO.OOO shares . Improved 8meUr Co. stock. Answer B 20, car- Journal. I POSITIVELY guarantee yoa the beet trad price for household, hotel or restaurant furniture; be aur tn consult m before dis posing of your goods elsewhere; thla beets - selling he anctlon, - Addreas or pell, Oke, , care tiauld ft Kline, S. W. cor. Front and Burnalde. Phone Main 807. IF you want to buy or sell anything, file your Bat with C. M. Conry ft Co., 138 J Fifth it., room 8. '- HIGHEST caah paid (or bottles, fruit yeta and innk of every deaerlptlon. Oane Bottle Ce., 14th and Couch et., phon Main 2288. WANTED To buy from 12 to 1.000 laying bens. Addrees with price per Sears, z 10, cars journal. WANTED Ticket te Mlnneanoll. Address M. W.. 180 Eaat First at. north. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT IF yns ars for cleanllnea and daylight take s - room st the Gtrard. 822 Stark, . corner Sixth; electric lights, free bathe. THE RICHKUEIJr 8.1V NORTH SIXTH ST. . Elegantly fnrntahed, steam heat and baths. THE GRAND, eftti I.arth Third at Room for gentlemen per wseg ana no. THE KING, 808 Jeffersnn St. Nicely furnlsh.J rooms, Wltn gaa or electric light, neat and hatha, la new building, 88,60 snd 810 per month. CPPER CORNER FLAT. No: 118 North lth. corner Gllaan. Call Monday, between 1 and 8. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE MITrnnl.L, Flaader and Seventh Boorae, hooaekeeplng sad transient; sos venlent; prices reeaosahl. " 11.29 WEEK Up. rise, furnished housekeeping rooms, whs yarn, parmr, laundry, Datn. fur nace heat. 2o8Vh Btanto at. C ear. S FURNISHED hotiaekeeglng-room, $10 , per mnntn. ran no nevenin at. Time and Are supposed to be of equal value. You would give money- freely -to- be -able to secure a good servant, a good clerk, a desirable house To 'Meet Any Present Need How much TIME will yoa give? It may require mere ly enough in which to read and answer a few Journal Want Ads FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING SLEEPING snd houeekeeplm aiVh Washing- ton at. fl.SO PER WEEK Lerge. clean, furslahed houeekreplng-roonui laundry snd beta. 184 ' Sherman, Blb Portland. ' SLEEPING and housekeeping room for rent. - 6b .Kueeell st. - The Meksy dg. - NEATLY, famished housekeenlss snd aleeplng room, 61 week; balk. . M aar from Inkm depot to North 3Bth St., turn right 2b0 leeb .ao4 Narth 2ath st. ',", THE HALL, 414 Fifth Rooms, alngle oe as suite, furnished (or light ? housekeeping. $124 HOrSEKEEPINO-ROUMS. neatly fur slahed. Key 622 Seventh at. . Main 4629. HOI '8 EK E EHI NG-ROOM S Lowest rates: elec tric light aad phone Included. 801)8 Water at. WILL give 8-roem new Sat, furnished or ns furslahed, to couple exchange for board; -ekes In. Z 8, rare Journal. ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOM and hoard: modem rvnveiileneea; worklns . persons preferred. 624 East Morrison, LA RGB alcove room with bath and ird for 2 gentlemen; references- required. 686 North-' rup at., cor. 18th. DESIRABLE rooms with board; on front suite; reasonable rata. 442 Jeffersos. Phone Mala 842S. ' . FOR RENT HOUSES. ' . KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt snd re liable plane and furniture mover: asm slue ' age. Phone Mala 1686. Office 110 N. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY - M9 ajTAKK BT, " -- INSURANCE. RENTALS,- SEE LIST. 10 ROOM house, with summer dining-room, - sllusted 87 North 14th at. Isqnlrs 304 Maa leay bidg. Mr PA BLAND'S sew 8-room cottage, Mt. Scott canine, gin; . modern, . l noo staia m. .f. Agent Stewart aUUon, FOR RENT -Cottage: also suits housekeeping- ISO BDrraia. FOR RENT Convenhmt 8 room bone. walking uiaiaace; rent gig. so Eaat Bixtn at., n. . 603 SECOND ST. Modera 8-rooai house. Key 874 First St. Phon Mais 4464. ... FOR RENT Freshly cleaned 6-room cottage; rent era. apply si aaai xitn et... rnone Kaat 1164.. WB have Jnat Hated ssveral very dealrahle tenanta. - weat side, walking distance. Th Cootlnsntsl Co.. 24J Stark st. . - , FOR RENT Fnrntahed T-room house, modern. cheep, trwl Kaat ronrteenlh street. ELEGANT home, completely farnlahed. Urge . grounds will rent (or year or longer. Iro Eaat Vourteenth atreet. Phone East 44S8. SIX-ROOM modern bona, eoraer lot: -Beat 84th. near Hawthorne aad Richmond car line; 817 per month to good tenant. 403 Com mercial bidg. Phone Pacific 818. GOOD 6-rootn cottage, with basement; close In, weat aiae; gut vm water. rnone raciBa 1440. NEW modera S room eettag. corner Roe and impoot st.; 816 per month. Inquire 228 Larra bee. 1'OR RENT Hon hnd garden; 88 per month. ( all inn south Beventn et., near Lincoln, - FOR RENT FLATS. 8eahi as,, aJnMea1,as1wai,ussi,sskawas FOR RENT 7-room. modera sew flat. 847V) Sixth St., near Jarkaon. Phone Paclfle 686. A. H. Maegly. 310 Fourth st. 6-ROOM flat for rent, 818 60; water Bald; as smsii csiiorea. as Mill, t MODERN B-ronrn Set. S block north of ateel I hrldgefronllng.. rlyer; range; shade on winoows. Isqulrs 288 Larrabee. ........ SMALL Bat, completely fumlabed: plaso, phon. nun, nawsni. yarn; eiso iixnt any .rooms, alngle or en salt; central. Phon Mala 800. FOR RENT New 8-reoa lower flat, tHctly modera; good view; on car line: rent ia.M. Jones' Drug Store, Front and Gtbb. 1'bon Main 300. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. FOR RENT Nice storeroom, well located, good (ur barber, grocery man or any other ' business: can be rented .at s very reasonable figure. F. Fueb. 148V Flrt St. . - - OFFICB room. BBfnrnlahed rooms snd aampt room for rent. , Goodnoogh bidg. Apply els- FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT One of the beat poultry farm In the county: tble 1 the old Mount Hood poultry ranch and ta well equipped with all neceaeary building: plenty of fruit of all kind. Northwest Land Co., 208 Uoodnough building , , , FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT In eity, 8Vi serve -suitable (of gardening. Inquire SOS Fourth. GASOLINE launch (or hire; length 88 feet; will carry 13 tons; (peed 8 mile. Inquire launch Eva, foot ( Savter t. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT TO BORROW 88.000 FOR 3 YEARS AT 8 rtH l lT, Fl K8T MORTGAGE, ON JM ACHES PATENTED PLACER GROUND. MORTGAOK HAS BKEN REDUCED FROM 8I8.OO0 TO fO.000. PROPERTY EQUIPPED WITH FI.UMKS. DITCHES, ' HYDRAULIC: ELEVATOR. BLACKSMITH SHOP. SAW MILL AND EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOR OPERATION. WILL GIVE A BONUS OF lO.lsiO SHARKS OF STOCK WITH THE MORTGAGE AND GUAISANTEB TO - SELL THE STOCK TO NET THE OWNER 1 CENT PER SHARE. PLAT OK PROPERTY, AB STRACT. ENGINEERS' REPORT. ETC., CAN BE SEEN. THIS WILL STAND CLOSEST INVKHTK1AT10N. FOR INTERVIEW AD- "DRESS D 28. JOURNAL. KOW Is s good time to buy s roemlng-honsr. WhyT Because s good many. Bouse Bar been closed up In the past few room ha and business Is good for those that srs left, snd It I picking Bp every day. - So If you went to buy good rooming-house 40 per sent, cheaper than you can a month from now, don't fell to see ns. ss w have honsea from lo to 60 rooms, all In good locations snd doing s good business, snd yon will find the price sre right. Don't forget the num ber, 2og Goodnough building. FOR SALE A Urge, clean tnck of barn and Mdulery. tools, mseutnery and nature In good farming country, with building ami lot If desired r reason for-selling owner going eaat; half caah, balance time; might make old trade. A 8, ear JoornaL PORTtAND snhnrhan d rtl gator for eale. Ad drees H 4, car Journal. WB hv wheat Und, tncb lend, rnrlt hnd. acreage, improvrn nn unimproved cite Kroperty, and a good etching list. Sea ai .fore buying. Nertbweat Lead Co.. Sod GoodMUgh hldg. , NOTICE TO MOHAIR BUYERS Tbe Ednyviiie pool 01 monstr, or 4, noo Seeeea, will he- Sold to the highest bidder, caah Is hsnd, os April 10, st S o'clock p. m. ; rlgbt reserved to reject say or sll bid. J. O. Standard. LARGB or small rooming hou see for sal oa term by H. H. iilgley. - room 30, 227 Vi Whiagtoa st. . . $4,000 BUYS s splendid paying cigar, tone con. new ana Diiiiaro-nau snainess. Address u. K. D Neffe, Sumpter, Oregon. , COUNTRY drug stars, $1,100; s good oppor tsnliyi terms. O 1, car Journal.. MANUFACTURING business; $.VK worth ef Jooaa est sow; sow take it all. J 8, csrs onmsl. ' , . , AN p to-data atock ef ateei le and fixtures for caeh sot ons dollar dead arnck; llv tows. 80 miles from Portland: good echoola. rhnrehes, eswmlll; large! fruit dryer ru stat; atreet Bgbta, walrworka; look Ibis ap. N 14, Jourssl. . . BUSINESS CHANCES. GOOD, cleea. laree roomlas houa. aolnX'XOod J business; -centrally Imatcd; .a-BjuUKX. niaxeri sraae; titrm, er would eicnange ir city or country reel estate on cash basis. Particular address vwnei. M 11, care Journal. iX)R SAIJl Restsaraat with s good paying busmsasf s snap If taken at 'once. A pp. International hotel, Third sad Everett. B1BINK.S8 mas with few hundred dollars . would liks to Invest It with service; business , must aland atrict Investlgatloa, Addrees U 27,. car Journal. , . . BEST BUY ON EARTH That awe 11 restaurant in the heert of bVaeldr, Oregon, taking iu sow over 110 per day, run from $46 te flou In summer; building coat 8700: owner airk, must U tht week; will sacrifice building. natures, linen, n lilies snd sverythlng com plete (or 6760: this property Is worth more then twice the asking pries; cell today, Patterson ft Htewart, . -100OM Belmont at Phon Eaet 8830. RESTAURANT and lunch counter for sale; will bear th closest luvvstigatkio. G 84, Jourusl. IN order te settle the estate of E. E. Char, mas, deceased, the City Drug SI or will be sold at a bargain; good clean stork, wetT m - rated. In a brick building, Call or addrras " -T. L. Charmaa, - executor, Oregon City.-Or. FOR SALE Merry-go-round, good eoodltloa, cheap (ur caah; muat be sold st once. W. A. . JMntlL 464 Lexlngtoa' are., . 8vllB'ud, Or. GROCERY taking la 843 to .- per day. all . caah trade and no opposition; muat go at In voice, about 800 to get It. Addreas 11 hi North Fourth st. . . . . 226 FOR tbls restaurant if taken this week; Ira: chess rent: noor health. 274 Tailor at. WHO IS M. G. MORGAN ft CO.! FOR RENT--ll-room hotel' doing s good busi ness; psmy rurnisnea ; live loerp; rest to. Address H. K.f cere Joernal. I PIAVB' snms suburban screage that will ooooie in value withla twe years; f 2.UUU cash handles. Z 4, car Journal, BAKERY BU81NESS la Sunnysld. 1'ortland a uvsfc Biiourn, consisting or lot. tor ouiiu, Ing. barn, oven, dough miter, boiler, electric light plant and everything for running a first-class bakery, together with two teams, .wagons -and- rout) -this, t monay-makerl owner selling at a bargain on account of other bnaineee Interests. Pattarso ft Stewart, lOUUVi Belmont street. FOR SALE Blackamtth snd wages shop; well --tiiipi-e who power sou B,scniuvr.Ti sur- mntided hy gnnd farming country; -plenty f work; only shop In town. Gee. A. Mk-kel, Uerrals. Or. .-- ,. . MERCHANTS. - If yoa wBt a good psylng cenntry etore, 1 from 81. Vm up to $i.(njo. Inspect my luti -tbey will steed your eloeest luveeilgstlosv- v ' F. FUCIIS, 148V4 FIRST. PARTNI.'R WANTED To Invest S3.6O0 In beet eewmlll bualnea In th srste: V 22. car- Journal. . - . . . FOR SALIC One hslf Interest In dairy; 48 cows cold at sacrifice ir sold title wees: owner leaving country. Call at V. I. SmlrtTa dairy, u- rteien rasa, near Amertcaa is a. 3S0 DOWN hnys 18-rrma ledglns-honee eloas to rortiann notei. nee a. rl. tiigiey. room SO. 2274 Waelilngtoa St. ' $176 DOWN buy s -rooming-hones chws to fort land betel. Be H. It. xllgley, room BO. 2271 Washington St. I WANT to bay a entail or Urs rooming bouee. H. Htrkey, goatofflc. box 47. ROOMING HOUSE 30 roema: - .leeee; good . tranalcnt locatltm. , 116Vj First at. Call Is room . ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Ihe -Biggest Snap In East Portland. Business lot on Grand Avenue, 5x Phone E 491 . 404 E. Alder St HOLLA DAY ADDITION, new 7-room modern bouse with sttic, ce meted basement; built for- heme; corner lot 60x100; owner gn. Ing away. SP6 Eaat Second, aorth.' Easy -terma. 13, Journal. 8 ACRES A No. 1 chicken ranch, all fenced: good 4-rnom' house, larve rooms, barn 18:pi, ; chtcken-hcuee for chicken;, a plane and all kind of furniture; S doacn chickens, all for 81.290: only about "0 feer from electric line, lne crfre. For fnrlher In formation take Eetacada car to Gate elation, go south 4o second bouse oa right hand aide. Be owner. . SEVEN ROOMS, - modera, bath, bowl, toilet, gas; corner lot SOtlOO; 8 large fro It trees, - 82,000: terms: Sunnralde. Brlgga-Ford Rsalty a.. lMi llrat atreet. S-ROOMS, new, modern, good location, cloae Tolwo raTTIoesTTIne eorhcr lo(, Sl.snrfTflSO" down. Brlggs-Ford Realty Co., 108 First atreet, room 2. $1,600 A Union avenue corner at bargain foe few dsy olyr Look this sp. . Pboos East 6378. ' FOR SALE Nesrly new SWha bonae. JltHctly . modern, corner lot, nice lawn, fruit tree. rose, fine locality. 62.MSV, part cash. 811 Eaat Flanders, corner Thirtieth. 4-ROOM house, hath, pantry, hot and cold water, cement haaeraent, barn, chlckea-houee, corner 6ila. fenced, cloae to csr, 8to0; gton down. Brlggs-Ford Realty Co., 1834 llrst street, room. 2. LOTS FOR SALE We hav aoma very pretty lota, nice place (or a home, on csr line; rliy water and ser rhool; cm the easy payment plan. Call owner, Tel. Eaat 1678. . FOR SALE Along th north bank railroad, s large Hat of farme, orchards, sawmills and bnaineee property. Inquire ef D. W. Hutch inson ft Co., Waahougalr Waah. NEW Bunnyald cottage; modern throughout : 6 main room, bathroom and clneets: corner ' lot SOxlOO: near 2 nest carllnes: 8300 down and 820 monthly buy It; prlc $1,800. Horn Land Co., 14oV, First at. r GOOD RUTS - '.' -.- a4faV3 lots, small hntrse, en ear line,-- - $1,060 KiiilOO. on Eaat Burnalde; walk ing dt-tanee: ey terms. $2. 8t Modern new 7-room hnn, . weat lde; walking dlaiance; eesr term. . $10. OK) Fin corner, on Park; very een- tral $in OoO Onarter block In the heat locatloa; - somebody will make money bv hnrlng this. t. FUCIIS. 140V FIRST ST. HOMESKF.KBRS STUDY THIS AD!" 82,4011 80 aorce. 1 Bill from railroad, 40 ' miles from rortUnd: 8" scree under plow; . 2ft ready -tn grub, sad 88 acre of valuable - timber oak i crop m: good bouse and barn: 3 horses, 2, enwa, 3 hoga, chlckena. huggv, wagtm. tools? all fnrnltur tn house. . In fact, all ready to go to work without ex pense. Tills I a farm that won't tay ea - the market long: term. . . . . HAOEMANN ft BLANCH ARD. 91 Fifth Street. HERE IS A DESIRABLE WEST SIDB CORNER, 18,600 60x80; corner; 11-ronm boom. In good condition; modem convenience ; lot only partlv occnpled; term. -- HAGEMANN ft BI.ANCHABD, - 81 Fifth Street. NICE modern 6-root house. Ilolladay'g addl- thm; cine In, (hole location. Apply owner, B18 Cherry St.. . , W. H. MOREHOUSE, 1870 Eaat 18th at.. Sellwoed. Phon Sellwood 74. The largest Hat of Improved Brenerty la Sellwood. Home (rem $aoo te $8,000. Roes addition, the great factory glta; lots $S dows snd $6 per month. , SNAP 4 kits 876ft each. HolUday'g addltloa. Room 3. 138 St First at. FINB S-room bouee on Rut Twentieth atreet. . near Burnalde; will sell thle houae and lot (or the eeet of the hone If taken at once. 10 ere o 0. W. P. csr line. Bent city. - only $irto per acre. Gravel pit. close In. for sale cheap. . M COT ft PAMME1ER, 80 llfth atreet. . ' JOURNAL "WantAd"iRates UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION ' Five CcijtS! per Line ' No ad fakes tor leas that! l!ie per day. Sara a win Us,-v s -rur;-rotiaTrmT s ilnei hut, each Una I cbargud regardle at the number of wortia. WEEKLY RATE T Insertion -"Itm-luatng ons Sunday Uaue) 86 CENTS pr Uu per week. ' MONTHLY BATE (Including sll . Sunday i"r "no per month. ADVERTISEMENTS muat be In Journal . bus I ur as oltlc-o by 12 o'clock week dsy . and hy le e'eloek Saturday r Ten Inge for hunday lasua, te seeur clasarRcallon. DISPLAY RAICS glren upon sppllcstlun at the uffic. . TO BRANCH OFFICES ; ' ' '.' '; ADVEkTIBEMENTS Will be received at regular malnwifflc ratee. Following I s Use of sutborlaed gents. Who .will forward your dvsrtlae aient la tlms for publication la the next stoith side. " A.' Presto, druggist. Twenty-third and Thnrman atreet. Noh-Ulll - PbaraMug, -880 Gllsaa - atreet. corner Twenty-Brat, u A. W. Alien, pharmacUt, Sliteeath snd Marabill atresia. Mci'tHnmos's Pharmacy, Nineteenth "end Wskhlngtoa street. . - south sidb. ".''''" T.:.:.".t I.' Jones ft Co drugglata. Front snd Olhbs atreeta. treet' "r"' ,OB,P""'. ud Grist Fabian Brer ley. druggist, 400 Jefferson treet, corner Tenth. Bettmss's pharmacy, corner Sixth and Harrlao street. I'lusimer Drug oumpeny, 280 Tblrd street, corner Madison, , . BAST HOE, :" T ' ". W, 8. Love, drugglat. corner Grand avesue and Eaat Burnalde etreet. NlcboU ft Thompson, 128 Russell street, corner Alblns avenue, Jan. lint company, corner Hawthorne sun tirniHi a Trreina W. G. Cable.' drnxaUt corner Holladftr venue and Larribr atreet. Bear Steel bridge. - R. A. Wllaoa, SS Grand . aremie. near East Mtirrlson. . .'. '. B. W. Ball, 155 East Barents street, corner Stephen. Tut tie pharmscy, 893 MlasUalppI sveBuc, corner Shaver atreet. ,. JIIOHIABO. -F. J. Clark, -druggist. 10U3 North Ualo renug. . , tUBMYSIDE. -1- B. Worth, pharmaclaC 008 Belmjnt street.,. """" . ' BX00KLYV, '". Brooklyn Pharmacy company, Fowell snd UUwauki atreet,. '' ARLITA, OHEOOlf. Arleta pharmacy, More and toe tar atresia. ' BEXLW00D. 1 neraatoek'a pharmacy, corner Umatilla venue and East Thlrtrenth alraet ST. JOHNS. :.', r,'": ,' F.Illolt's pharmacy. " FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. r, y ' (:' . ACRB TRACTS! OTJB SPECIALTY IB ACRB TRACTS! Full-aiasd Streets, water to tack acre, ' TERMS $16 PER ACRE CASH 'T $10 PER ACBS PER MONTH. . , - Tea ge to these sere ee the eeme rer. ay the nam ee far th est man pay. Th ts your Brixnner. but ne is re. trlcted In majority of festnrve that mak tree enburbaa home. Opea Wednesday and Saturday evenings. r . ' '. A, C. 'CHURCHILL ft CO.! INC. , 110 Second St. .. srr.r.vr rmrr t OT. - --dew g - , from $16 to 6200. Sellwood To-ssll Phon kkat 4704. Ce. IF YOU want to solid, buy sll your material at lb American Inn: you will ear 78 per -cent; fine door, wlndowa, plaater bosrria, - rustle or siding, flooring, stairs, timber aad - lumber. Fboe owner. Pacific Hi's. FOR SAIJC AT A BARGAIN A flue atock range, containing about 2 so acres; all under fence; altuated near koee berg. Oregon, en B. P. R. R.; thle I on el -' tbe Mat alork range In th county; I l have another good stock range containing 1.420 acrea, which will be sold at s very low Erics. For particular sddrees J. K. Buther, n, ewner, Koseburg. Oregon, 4 ROOM furnished . bouse and S hia, cheap.' 1'bon Kaat. 418. . t 8-ROfM house snd qnarter bhick st the corner of East 14th snd Beaeva Ms.. $1.30a W X ear Journal. . FOR'SALE By oenr..-two ate modern honeee, between 22d ami 24th. on Wasco. Hollaeap Park; also furnlah lot and build. R. B. ' Rice, ' 82 Sandy road. Phone Eaat low. ON TO HOVER! ur THE iiiuuHrui RegsUr eteee Peetlandt eheepeat ratee from the eoaet to Inland point; se and, heavy a., II. perpetual water right wits eech tract. erllet product, largeat prices; th California of th Nortbweat. Writ . - MOVER LAND CO., - Hovsr. Washington. - FOR RALE CHEAP 8 and 7-room booses; mod. era; pert rssh. 870 Garfield are. Take Woofilaw ear. Phone Beat 8641. DO YOU WANT TO BUY city We er ecreare! - 7f so,- ses East Side- Reel Bstste O. K. Id property a specialty. 407 Hawthorn v.r oeer Grand. Phon Beat 1067. 8-ROOM hone snd tl lot for aal ee Port' Und Hclghtg,.... Phans-Maln 6Q4I. TOR SALE 4 mi 60x100, Columbia Heights Penlneulal; orchard and Improvements; ex cellent rar service; $l,80. Owner, B 14, 4 rare JonrnaL . 8:100 LAUOK level lot Sot 120, 22d and Powell, I block to car: city water and gas. , Phon Eaat 60&6. Owner. LOT en Tillamook, choice location, $890, Phon Mkln 40. FOH BALE New modern 8-rortm ho tie e. Eaat 14th aad Ankeny. Also W block, Kaat 12th nd Taylor. Owner, phone Eaat lAlft, 1 HAVE s few 8-acre tract ef very fine land, - Terr eeay to eleer; 0 miles eest of Portland, aid only on mile from O. W. P. electrio line, that I will sell at from fon to $75 per . sere, on very eeay term. Addrea V 14, ear Journal. BJiRGAIN Modern 8-room residence on quarter block. Eeit 191 h and Tacssrt (ta.. $3,000. Waverly car. Call afternoona. Terms. S ACRES, Improved. 6e far; frnlt; sell cheap; bo agente, G 80, cars Journal. HENDERSON SCOTT LAND CO. A cosy boose, 6 room snd fin yard, on Mansxnlta at., in Womllewn. $1,300, and $700 down, balance eeay pevmenfs. . , -. , HENDKRKON-rH OTT LAND CO.,,, . 601-602 Fen ton bidg. NEW 2-stnry . modern boose. otbeeat corner , Minnesota and Falling. Apply ewner. ntit ' door. - - - - . . . , .... -. - .-' . B-ROOM modera hone snd 86x116, on csr - 82O0 dnws snd $31 monthly. . S3 Tearl St., ' Montavllls. ' 6 room cottage, 1124 East Salmon. $1,700; $200 down, $26 8 month. 6-room cottage, Montevnia, $1,000; esay ' terma; wtll take part trade nr work. W. J. BURDEN, 83 Cao st. rnon East 4188. f400 EACH 3 lot SOxinrt en 20th and Ivoii. netween t:iinton nu i'itisiou st. van nnu see owner, os th place, N. 7oS. FOR RALE 7-room flat, centrally located, par well, cheap rent; moat sell, swaer elckj nam th price. 272h Taylor. FOR SALE Modern 6-mnm cottage. 18 minutes' walk to town: In Sue shape, 828 San Rafael .. I nn in.Ua . . 300 FARMS, amall tracts and lot bargain ea ' O. W. P. electrh? line. O. R. Addlton, Lenta, Oregon. Take Mount Seott car. Be. $4,000200 ACRES cleared bottom land; deler or crocks good 8-rmom hoflee, Inrgc beni; . 3 miles of county seat. Box 222, Ha lams. . Washington. . , , .