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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1906)
V . PORTLAND TO PLAY FREsno niriE Opening , Cam of th Season Will Be Between Compar atively Nevr Teams." MANAGER M'CREDIE IS : FULL OF CONFIDENCE Wench or "Jones "iffilC Pitch This Afternoon's . Carney While FiUtger ' aid Will Do the Twirling for Fresno f Moore to Play Third for pqrtland ' (Josrnal SpeHntf Brrrlc.) . Fresno, Cal., April 1- The Portland club la here ready i for the ; opening HUM of the season, this - afternoon. Manager MoCredls la full of ooufldenoav lie' has several new men, but he be lieves he has' given them a sufficient trial to demonstrate what, they can do, and he la eatiafled that they are good. Preceding the came there will be an automobile parade, in which both luba will participate,- The Fresno club will present more' newaeea than any other club In the league. . Fitsgerald ia .the only pltoher of last year'a staff re maining wlt ' Fresno. - Cartwrlght. a Fresno boy, has made good for the first sack position, The teams will Una up . this afternoon as (follows: Fresno. 'Position . Portland. Fitzgerald ..... ., p. . .French or Jones . liogan .......... ..o. . 4. ..... , Mcleaa Cartwrlght Lister -Casey rt.-.rt-r.j-.Jb-.-i1; rrvii ;TJTFsltrs' AreUuiea. . .., ..... 3b, . Moore " Ka-an .as. ...... Sweeney McLaughlin v. .. ..If . ...... Mitchell Ioyle McHHie Iwlmas .... .rf. ..I..... WxCreuts "f. UmplrePerrlne. OPENING DATES- FOR THIS ' COUNTRY'S LEAGUES ; Pacific ' Coast League First-Or-, ganiiW Association to Be- 'gin Playing Baseball.- ; 77 ' The Orst organised baseball of the aeawon of 1908 Is scheduled to etart this afternoon In the Tkclnc ' Coast league. -The next league to begin busl - neae Is the southern, which will" open next Wednesday. ; On Thursday next the National will etart, and on Satur day, April 14, the American league rames will begin. Here la a list of the 'opening and closing dates of) the leagues throughout the country ant the num ber of gamea scheduled by eaoh: League. Opens. Closes. Games, rational ......April It Out. -T 164 American ... ..April 14 Oct. f-7 .164 American ass'n April IS Bent IB 1S4 Kastern April l Sept. IS , 140 Southern . ....ADril 11 BeiiL 16 . 140 New- Kngland.. April It Hettt. i 117 Central April ! (Sept. !I 154 Three-JEye, ,.t.My t 7- Sept 10 lit Texas . .April J 5 ,. 8(. I 130 Houlh Texas... April 2 1 Oenrgla State.. May .1 Kitty" . ... ...Mar V Cotton - State. ., April 1 Interstate .... April S( Kansas State,. May S North 'n CopperMay 17 Pacific Coast. .April 7 . Sent Auff. 128 - (0 , ISO i:o 149 in 3 . I Bopt. . Sent 4 t Kept 11 Bept. I. Nov. 4 104 184 BROWN WILL MANAGE: GRAYS HARBOR NINE (Sperlal Plapsteh to The loeraal.) ' - IAberdeeiuJrYash AprU J The di rectors of the Grays Harbor baseball team, at their last meeting, elected R. P. Brown manager of the team, They also decided to etay In the Northwest ern league, aa tbey"dMded that the Tint. look TSr the team on the harbor is good .They wish to- secure 99,000, and with 1 this In hand they think that they can play about even. They already have I?.b00 In sight, and the prospeeta of rSlsIng the rest are good. Manager Brown did good work with the Pippins last year, and has given orders to get the men that have signed Into the field for practice at once. He expeota to look aftefr the finances of the orgai tlon principally and will get some one else to take the team In charge. THE OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY '"77'.'- .. - '. 'i Spring Announcement . - "- f, ' ' , ' ' NOW READY : The Throwback .; By ALFREDT HENRY LEWIS XUnstrated by X. O. Wyetn. Vxiee, 1130 'A romantic story of the South' J. west in the days when the buffalo roamed the plains: when the In dian council fires still smoked and the cowboy's life was one of con tinuous hazard. A stirring novel vin which Mr. Lewis returns to the West he knows so well. , :Thc Praying Skipper ' . By SALPM D. PAINE ' - ' ZUnstratloBS by Snnmeneehela, Seeker. Walter Appletoa Olark. Al- ward aad gydaey Adaxasoa. .. . Vrleev , BVJHJ. . . .i . ,.. y.. ' - ' ' '.'-, If you have read Ralph Paine's stories in the magazines you will buy this volume just for the pleas ure ' of ' preserving and reading . 'them again. If you have not read .them, you will thank us for intro ducing to you one of the most tal 2 ented writers of today. The book - contains the following " stories t The Praying Skipper." "A Vic , tory Unforeseen ' "The Last ; Pilot Schooner," "Surfman Brain ard's Day Off," "The Jade Tea-pot," Captain Arendt's Choice and"Corporal SweeneyiDeserter. Ttc CalJaa Pctllskhg Company 3$ IBS' 47 Weil JIrt Street, N YOBI mm b.'.il. coui::s Opening Games of Season Ar Scheduled Today at Fresno, .. .l-'Flsco and Los Angeles. . Today throughout tha PaclOo coast the baseball fans-will begin to sit up and take notice. At the customary hour tlife afternoon the league will begin the 19V season In the cities of San Franclsoo, t,oa Angeles and Fresno, the ooutendtn teams being Seattle at Ban Francisco, Oakland St Law Angeles sad Portland st Fresno. ..- - - What the season will bring; forth in theway of first-class baseball for Port land Is the merest conjecture at this time, with tiio chances somewhat dimmed on account of the desertion- of Flood end the refusal of Jud Smith' to JOirt the team. , For several mouths th management has stated that inasmuch as absolute authority had been vested in Manager McCredle, and so long as outside interference had been disposed ef, the chances for Portland having a first class team were the brightest, and now that the. fans have accepted the propo Bit Ion, tt la to b Hoped that the Uianta win get In and delivor the goods. - The lineup of Portland does not look good on paper, but It is Impossible to tell what the players can 'do when they get , in action and confronted by a real test. Sweeney st short does not appear strong enough, lie was not fast enough last year playing . third or with the sttak, but he may have improved. The only real ball player on the Portland team, with no Slights meant for the un ified men, la Catcher John McLean, . lie can be rolled upon to play his game all ttie time and hit at a clip near the top of the Hat. If Mike Mitchell can get into condition end remain In condition for the season he ought ta male lair BeldetMcHale.. aa stiputftelder; is good, but his 'stick work Is not up to the standard. . McCredle In right field I alow and la not strong with tha willow. Of course 'nearly a year's rest might have put Walter tnto' falrljr.good form. Of the other players very, little may be aald until they, are given a fair test They may ber stars, but It will require regular games to afford them a legiti mate mat r.ll . . : -The pitchers are ordinary, with the exception of Garvin, of whom It la re ported will soon Join the club. Garvin has very , few equals In the Coast league. If he can 'be kept sober; 'He was released . yesterday by a Vancouver magistrate for having made an attempt to stab a fellow-workman, during one of his sprees,' and - the management hones that he will be a careful and at tentive- passenger on the water-wagon until November 4. v. ' .. ' French was a flixle lsst year and'Was dismissed' In disgrace. Jones was- not very, strong last season, having the ap pearance .of a man who was 'all. in.' The other pitchers have yet t to make good. - -.- : ,-The' Portland "team " may surprise everybody and yet no one may be eur' prised. Portland fans wish Manager McCredle snd his men all the good luck passible. In their long journey toward the pennant-. " ; v,- OLYMPIC CLUB BOXERS WIN EVERY EVENT - Seven ' Championships Awarded to Clever Young Amateurs 4 - - of .San Francisco. ' (Joeraal Speclat Service.) . San Francisco, AprU 7. In ' the na tions 1 amateur, championship boxing tournament, which ended here last even' lng, the boxers representing the Olym pic club of this city came out victorious In every event. 7 The finale - In seven evente were pulled off In tha presence of the biggest crowd, of ' the entire tournament, and as the Olympic men were declared winners, mighty cheers went up for the sturdy young amateurs. The following are the winners tn the different classes! 7 ' ' lot-pound (bantam) elasa Jimmy (jarrou, Olympic club. Ill-pound class (featherweight) Harry Baker. Olympic club. . i:-pound class (special) William Leonard, Olymplo club. - . 116-pound class (lightweight) Lew Fowell, Olymplo club. 145-pound elasa (welterweight) W. McDonald, Olympic club. 8-imuiid clsss (middleweight) Henry tiencke. Olymplo club. ItS-pound class (light heavyweight) Ve-'tad" Rlordan. Olymnift club. Heavyweight class Walter Schulken. uiympto clue, ,7 GOLDEN WESTS QUTPIN THE LIPMAN BOWLERS The Oolden Wests took two out of three from the Llpmans last evening and tleo7 the-Jose Vilas for third place. Bert Case' was there with the goods again, rolling a lit 1-1 average for his three games, which won him the high average In the league. He also had the highest single game, 1(1. Scores: , Uolden Wests. ,(1) (S) () Moore , t '.. ...14S 111 ISO Case . . .....ton 182 S Peterson . , ........174 .141. lt Closest , 14S . 21 11 Average . . ...... .......,1( 164 1( Totals . ......tJS tit t8 Llpmans RCftseeS a, s ,, 7 (l) '..'..... 14 (f) 24 184 1 141 141 7 (3) 147 Christian-. ........... .141 171 H 141 27 Lamond .. ............. .155 Average .......1(1 Average . ,141 Handicap 27 Totals . . I2 MS tOt James and Ficknn had a match Wed nesday, best In 11 games. James won of t snd the match. James average was 14; ricken's average- 188. '-- LOCAL ACADEMICIANS ;r, TO PLAY FIRST GAME The 'opening: game In the 1 Portland Intersoholastlo league will be played this afternoon between Columbia univer sity and Portland academy, , Reed and Looney will be the opposing twlrtera The line-up: Columbia, v 7 '" 77 7 7 Portland. O. Moore ...,.....c...,..,... HlgBlns Iooney ...p. Keed C. Moore Jones McKay tb..i.,,.. Brownlle Ford ......8b......... Houston Bsrry .s.t.t.. T. Myers Albright .If. ...... MrPherson Dookstader ....... cf M. Myers Welsgerber . . . .. ..rf . , Corbett The Fseirtc Coast league opens Its season today with Oakland playing at Los Angeles, Portland at Fresno and Brattle at Han Francisco. The season's schedule consists of games, the Irs gun being the first to open and the last to close. . , . . i , , . CiiQRIDGE I'ililS FRDL1 OXFORD In Great Contest the Oarsmen of Cambridge Show Their . . j , Superiority, WINNING BOAT HAD J FIVE LENGTHS TO SPARE In' Sixty-Two" Yesrt Cambridge Hag Won Twenty-Nine Events, Oxford . Has Taken Thirty-Two, While One ' Was a Dead Heat The Oarsmen. (Jearnal Special Sentee-) ' ' ' ' London, England. April 7. Cam bridge won the annual boat race today from Oxford, beating the Oxonians by five lengths. V . , .. - t Today's event was the sixty-second race between, these two universities, end, ss usual, the Thames from Putney to Mortlake waa thronged' with spec tators. The Cambridge oarsmen showed up In great form and were never In distress, while the Oxford men were un able to maintain the stroke set at the start of the race. ; In the I 'races'. between Cambridge and Oxford the former has won ,19 ''and the latter It, a tie being rowed In 1117. The men who. handled the oars in to day's races are: , 1 , ' ' Cambridge-. D. ' Cochrane Thlrd Trinity), 14K. bo,w; J. ' F. f- Benham (Jesus), mLlL MM Goldsmith (JeiusrriJi. I; M. Donaldson (First Trlnityv-19r 4-Br O.- Johnsene Third Trinity). -174. 8; R. V. Powell (Third Trinity). 174. : E. W.. Powell '( Third Trlnltyl. 11, i 7; J. C It - Stuart tTrlnlty hall). 16, stroke! - T, More (Calus). 11S, coxswain. " Oxford O.' M. Graltam (New). 1H pounds,, bow; C, II.' Illlngworttt (Pem broke), 18, 8: J. Dewar (New). 170. I: J. K. Jones (Bslllol). 197, 4; A. Gi Kirkly (Magdalen), 19, E. P. Evans (university), isv, a. C Gladstone (Christ church); 147, 7; H. C. BucknaU (Merton), 164, stroke; UP. Stedall (Merton), 111, coxswain. .. , e: IIS THE OPENING CONTEST- Walla Walla Boosters No Match for tha Student Diamond :;z (SnecialriBat te Tee 'ooresU Walla Walla, Wash, AprU , 7. The first , hasebal jum of the season was played- 1a ' WaUa Wajla Thursday and resulted la a victory for whitman col lege boys over the Walla Walla Boost ers.".: The final soore was 11 to L Whitman Wt7aregory.-who pitched for the Boosters, all over the .field. On the ether hand the . Boosters secured only two hits off Rlgsby, who pitched lor the college dots. - The following la the. line-up of the two teams at the game: Boosters Latikard, e.; Qreg-nry, p. and rf. ; Rum- mel. In.; Bucbet, 2b.;- Kruger, 8b. : Tem- pany, ss.; Crocker, If.; Knapp, cf.; Black burn, rf. and p. Whitman Cox. e.; Rlgs by, p.; ; Sutherland, lb,; . Reser. tb. Uutcher, 3b.; Schmidt, ss.; Brown, If. Bassett, cf.; Perlnger. rf. y- RACING RESULTS AT OAKLAND AND BENNINGS ' (Journal Bpeeiat Bervlee.) San Francisco, April 7. Yesterday'e results at Oakland were Five and one half furlongs Chief Wlttman won. Alma Oardla second, Happy Lad third; time, 1:01 Klve and one half furlongs Phalanx won, 'K. M. Brattaln second. To Ban thlrdr time, 1.08H. I One mile and one quarter Epicure won, John w. Davney second. Phaoa third; time, 2:11. Ont mile Dewey won. Perry O'Neal Second. Bonar third; time, 1:41. One mile Montana Peeress won. Yl- ona second, Pfonta third; tTme7TT42T One mile and 10 yards Blue Eyee won, Hippocrates second. Cabin third; time, 1:46. At Wasblag-toeu ihmnuA Special gerrlea.) Washington, April . 7. .Weather, cloudy; . track, faat- Results) : Six and a half furlongs, ' Columbia course Pater won. Race Kins second, Peter Psul third; time, 1:JJ. Four and one half furlongs, old course Orphan Lad won, Jal Alal sec ond, Algera third: time, 0:t7. Six and one half furlongs. Columbia course Judge - - White - won, - - Grand tmchess second, Society Bud. third; time, 1:24 2-1. Five furlongs Arietta won. Donna second, .Welbourne third; time, 1108. Six and one half furlongs, Columbia course Mettle won, Hanover Hornpipe second. Zany third;, time, 1:84 8-6. . .. SPORTING GOSSIP. The Tale wrestlers won the inter schol astic wrestling championship last night In . Columbia university's gymnasium. The score was: Tale, 7; Columbia, I; Pennsylvania, t; Princeton, 4. , Baseball In the middle west gets un der wey today with a few games among the minor colleges. The big university teams will not begin thslr schedules un til next week snd even then their eon testa -will be- In- the nature ef practice Restaurant Cor. Third aad Oonoh Sta. . orsw vat Asm snosrr. teamed little Veok Clams Clam BoalUoa with Toast ....... Oora Beef Sash aad Toaohed Xfg . parhatw. aad Cheese, stauaa Coons Balls, Cream Saaoe. Baked York aad Beans.......'.... erambled Brains . ........ I.,., ome scads aausage Hamburger Steak 20e) 15e) 15e 1ft 15e) 15e) 20 15e) 15e) lSe) lSe) 20e) as X.lvr and Baeon Vlala Steak Bib Steak Birloln Steak .. Coffee, Bread aad Batter aad Potatoes with au e rears. 'ievens4 Tjoiiring 4 Cylinder, 20 h. p.. Weight 1800 lbs., Price $2650 The arraement of the power piant in the new Stevens Duryea marks lthe most Important improvement in the history . of four-cylinder cars. The Engine, Multiple Disc Clutch and Sliding Gear Transmission ask combined into a single unit; which is supported in the car at three points. This THREE-POINT SUPPORT protects the mechanism from all road strains and so : greatly increases the life of all wearing parts. ; . j" ' ' ; .:N - r--' ' ; ': --;-' - j' : -' ,1V jt Looks SlmpkrV and Is-SImpler. . Dust Hasn't a Ghost v ' of a Chance to Penetrate . r- , This complete power plant weighs just 425 pounds, fly-wheel included. .'This is 200 to 300 pounds less than in any other sim ilar car. It is by far the fastest hill climber and the speediest light touring car built. A new car hurriedly sent out defeated all American entries at the 1905 Springfield Mass., hill climbing -Contest, -and -was "bestedonIy " by -aT60 horsepower Napier ' (English).' 7 7". ' ; :. ;. 7- 7"- : . 7 . 7: "-"7 77- " . This Three-Point Support is the direct result of taking thought for the morrow. As soon as you realize what 4 tre- . mendous difference it makes, both for durability and ability, you -will have nothing else. Our booklet goes into details quite fully. ; a, ..,7:.. 7.., t: :;;:7:.,',r;:; J.STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. -: . Manufacturers. ' . Chicopea Falls, Mass. Covey & Cook Motor Car Co., Agents - - FIFTEENTH AND ALDER - r - - V CURE CAUSED BY CURING . CAUSE " 9 .- CHASE'S DTSPEPSIA CURB goes to the root of the evU snd cures the cause of dyspepsia..: It Is a marvelous tonio for the stomach, and digestion, and its good effects are felt Immediately. One bottle will cure a mild case, while ehronlo eases can be cared permanently If the medicine la taken according to directions. . CHASE'S DYSPEPSIA CURB Is real euro, not a temporary relief. It Is not a "oure-alV but liquid remedy which we guarantee will benefit any sufferer irom - ayspepsia. Indigestion, heartburn, gastritis or any other atomach trouble, or refund the money paid, for the medicine. .1. - Match' 14, - U01, Chase UTg. 0.. Newharf, T.I Sirs Eneloaed Sad 82. c foe the PMUftsss ef fkmr battles ot roer marrelaas remedy. Chase's Dyspepsia Care. . While I lived la Prvridaaea, B. I., my wife snd ehtldrea ware always alrk with flrspeiMls sao stoma' unanw, ana other medicine gave Ultra relief. I bass a te aae your ayepapala rare sa4 slso year tablets, asl after two weeks they were aerfertly enraS. Now I rerommeiHl ynai the beat gmrltMrt It Is san (leTota tewant "HI 1 IIS BeveeU ara-. Newark, M. 40 cents and 1140 a bottle. For eaJe by all reUable druggists, or sent direct, charges prepaid, by THE CHASE MFO. CO.. Brooklyn. N. T. For sale In Portland by Woods rd. Clarke ft Co. " ' , " games for the big games among them selves later In the season. . " .' ' e e f ' It Is ex Dec ted that Joe Walcott Is willing to meet Joe Oans In a tight for the championship of the - welterweight class. Ths data mentioned Is April 17. s e On account of thi" Chamber of Com merce fire yestsrday the proposed an nual meeting of the Oregon Tacht club was postponed last night until next ri day evening.' '.-7 The first of the eollege boat races of the year takes place today on the Severn river, where the first and second crews of Georgetown university end the Naval academy contest for honors. BUTTE JOINS LEAGUE AND POSTS FORFEIT rSiwrlal rilanatek to Tha Journal. I Butte,' April 7. Butte has decided to enter the - new Northwest Baseball league. " The 1500 guarantee waa posted last night. In the selection of officers yesterday Charles Mclntyre was elected manager. The season opens in Spokane on April tt. . ; , HUrJT 'CLUB'S FINAL RUN FOR THE KERR TROPHY The final run for the Kerr cup will be held this sfternoon by the members of the Hunt club.- The best horses In the club are entered for the event end the chsse will be en exciting one. The hares for. the event are Strain and Chap, man. Organises for Baa so a. , The Ira F. Powers Manufacturing company will be represented by a first class baseball team this season and would like to hear from all teams wish ing games, out of town preferred. Ad dress Frank Turk, 17 Nlrolat street The line-up: St. Clsir, catcher; Kotte man, pitcher; Kennedy, first base; lx dell. second base; Iaff, third base; Tnrk, shortstop; La Rrati. left field: Shea, i center field ; Schsnla, right field. - I liusveaLMii- if.-' ' t i'i v- ' -rf - 'lis ; ...i--- V- ST sH-3i f--X-f ORTLAND WIRE PhoneMain 2000 By Our . 3 o. 1 t r- - We can prepare those sensitive cavities for gold fillings and lake out nerves without pain. -, WISE BROS. Dentists Painless Extracting." -Third and Washington. Open evenings tilt 9; Sundays till 12. mi ciinois Mini Hi tiraiiK - - - One Time : Publisher of Judge Skips Owing Several Hun dred Thousand Dollars. : Uooraal Special Barrlre.) . .. Ban Francisco, April 1j W. J. Arkell, years ago publisher of Judge In New York, but recently a mine promoter and broker, haa left this City, mourned by many, as his unpaid accounts will run from $100,000 to 1500.000. according te the statements ef creditors. Arkell haa packed hls-suitoaee-end-eilently stolen awsy from his apartments at the Palace hotel -te -parts unknown. A small army of Irate creditors took counsel yesterday In the hope of determining his new post office address. At ths Palace It Is aald Arkell paid his bill before departing and la still In good standing. Nor did he make eny secret about nls Intentions te leave town. Two days before hie departure he carelessly Sfusaaa Bloec Marks. A tale of horror waa told br marks of human blood In the home of J. W. Williams, a well-known merchant of Ban, Kentucky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I "had severe hemorrhage of the lungs snd was near death when I began taking; Or. King's New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained, well ever since." It cures Hemorrhages. .nronlc Coughs, tied Cold and Bronchitis, and la the only known cure for Weak I .una:. Kvery bottle guaranteed by H. U. Hkldmore i Co. druggists. I0o and Trial bottle free. . 7 OAszuvao BTOABOW, IS k , frtee f 850. of These Vere Sold in Hew York !Li??c:r"? More than the 7 5 Nearest Competitor l These ten states are the automobile sales barometer. The Cadillac is ahead in sales west as well as east. This remarkable showing is the result of tfust: one thing such al solute superior merit in the construction, operation and inex pensive maintenance of Cadillacs. There certainly is no car at or near the price of a CADILLAC the equal of a CADIL- LAC. . .'.v. -7.-..-7-:'7- . . Light louring Car $1050 - Ve beg to announce that we are constructing a Garage at "Fifteenth and Washington streets with a capacity of 50 cars. Every modern convenience will be provided. ... We so licit jrour storage and assure you that your interest will be conscientiously protected whether you buy your car from us :r not. ".;-.:,,..J. -'ir 7: 'Z'-Ai : ...7 COVEY Fifteenth and mOTOR TS Red Cross Anti- septic Mouth-Picco Is what you want to relieve you of all apprehension when using the tele phone. Drop me a line and I will call and tell you all about it. r H. M. Landcs, Agent 67 North Ninth St, Portland, Oregon BANK AND OFFICE RAILING .WIRE AND IRON FENCING' Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc. & IRON WORKS 26S FLANDERS ST, Near Third Method mentioned to the hotel authorities that he waa going east. - The big debta of Arkell are due te an attempt to make a fortune with a wild cat mine at Tonopah called the Tonopah Home Conaolldated. He sold much stock all over the coast and In the east but gambled with the proceeds In other stocks and quit a bad loser. No criminal charges are made. FRESHMAN CLASS TO PUBLISH MAY NUMBER (Special IHepateh te The Jenraal.) 7 Whitman College, Walla Walla, Waeh7, April 7 .The freshman elasa of the col lege has asked the regular staff of the college paper, the Pioneer, for the privi lege ef publishing the literary number of the paper for May. - This request haa been granted and the freshmen have chosen Miss May Worthington, former ly of the staff on the paper at the 8po kane High school, as editor-tn-chlef. Mr. Coleman was selected ss associate edi tor. . The other members of ths staff ars Misses Johnson, Bnyder, Whitney, Soules and Messrs. Stone, Felthouse, Ryan and Marvin.- - --. ; - MMLWAIrT ESTATE IS . -7! SUBJECT OF LITIGATION (Special Dispatch te The Jearaal.) Albany. Or., April 7 Nellie 5. Ritchie, a daughter of A. B. Mcllwaln. deceased, yesterday commenced action In the circuit -court of Linn county, against her brother H. V. Mcllwaln and his wife; Strauder Proman; Mary V. Raymond and her hnsband; W. 11. Goi tre; D. W. Rambaugh and their wives, for an accounting and the cancellation Of a deed. She allegea that the defendants dave conspire! together to defraud hrr of her rights In her ft"-r'a e ate, which saj'a ! i wor'. i ; i m t In the New York HeraUl's authentic table of the sales of Motor Vehicles of every make and motive power be tween January 1 and July 1, 1905,' iir ten 'Eastern states," the CADILLAC is shown tb have sold 381 cars more than its nearest competitor 1,131 Cadillacs in all. CO. Rider Streets Dollar Packer Man Medicine Free Tee ess sew ebfala a terse dollar slse nrta sarkafe of Maa Medietas iree ea rsqueaa. ataa Medicine a-Was yau esc SMre the snatf. the Joyful aatlafactlea, the sulae aad tkrob at Shrslcal pleasure, tha keaa sense e( sian-aaaaa-tlua, the Iwucy ef life, boriy-eowsr aad hoS eoniftort frer. ktaa Madleuia dote It. Maa MeaMae euree sian-weakoeea, aarvens debility, early decay, Stai.'onrasee sunhnml, raoetloaal fallnre, vital weaknaaa, brain . haekaHie, prostatitis, kidney tmeble sad aarr- k'oa eaa care yeereelf el heaae by Mae Voel eine, an the fnll else dollar patrkaee will he oallrared to yea free, tilala wrapper, sealert. with tall SlreethMta aew to aa It. The fell etna dollar pacta free, a peynMnte-of any kiwi, so receipts, ae preailsea, ae papers te sign. It Is free. All we wast te knew Is that ywn are B"t sending tor It oat of Ml ewiealty. Sat tba yon want to be weU. snd become yens strons natural aeit aece snre. Man MeAlclae wUI t ekat yoa want It to ant nuke yoa a mel Ban, an-una, nnn-powarTvi. Vunf annua ans saaroas Will brisg it'. n yoS " have to do is to seod sad gat It. We saf tt . tree to every dlaeoarased one of the ran boy. Iatmtate Bemdy Uompany. TSO LaMk kuiie las, botrolt. M lot I can. Every IVcncn afiBaansaaaaaaanoaja saow soont tne woDOamn MARVEL whiruag Spray Hi ww .aaaaaa Tm. JHJfe. M oat Connteat, aiMatt mnnotsotolT the 1VK1V. aorit ain other, kai sand aiaaip for flluainuad Sora .i.a Tt . fall oaruonlara ana rfiMrtifm. i- Taluattialolartiaa. MtHltL tf av. i l ess kt mi i ... S. a. SKIDMORK CO., ltl THISD SIKIXX. Scott's Jiaial-P;sn C2;s:::s A POSITIVE CliT.Z - ForTnSamaiatloa orOetarrhof tba Bla-I.w.nd I(Maw E kt mts. ae cess se tar. t'uree qalokly aaS nannaaaatir tha orst raaaa ec Saaarraaaa ea elaae. aa saiur of boir t Maaalrt. Sbsolntelr kraalna. Sold by arassuta. Price ei br siail, ays. paU, 1U, koaaa, ki.Mw THE SAKTAL-PEPSIK3. CUT RATES KMJfUTll.. SA.VE .7. MONEY Come at once and have free examination. WI EXTRACT TEKTH FRK8; VRH riLLINOS. 8 VT; OOLO riLI. 1NQ8. 7lo TP; SKT Or TEKTH. 14 00; BPUENDID BET. $ 00; OOLUCROWX3. TO tt.S0; WHITE CROWNS, . TO is.oo, ; All work guaranteed for ten years- C0S10N PAINLLSS DENTISTS 2li4 Morrison St. Opp. Meier at frank and Fontofll.ra. OhekaUs rar- Oiehalls, Wash., A ' halts poeU'rtloe ai'l class by Juiv 1. ths yer e- I 8-" & COOK CAR m ojier-.v -i a a t,rai'..R'.M s tiaw SasaailSjen. W L a-Ay sw a mi - SS Sale m a 1