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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
tiii: onzc5:i daily journal, torti-and. Friday" evening, April e, isca. ; Albiha'sBirr : Popular. Reliable - - Department :.-r-.r.-7it store n LAM ,AI ' J 539-S41-543-545 WILLIAMS AVENUE Ii you live t on the West Ci: . take the Russ&l nd Cvrr street cara on Fifth street cr.d get off at Williams 1 avc only a few feet to oar store. - . ..' .':. ,1 I if iii .... We want you to be here and bring your friends .that are looking for real' bargains. The damaged goods have been put in lots accord ing to the damage done to them and will be priced that way. This sale only lasts till these damaged goods are gone; the sooner they are gone the sooner th sections in the store that had no damage at all, in-these parts the reductions will be less, but as 'our previous record Has been truthful advertising, you will find holds good here, there will be many very extra bargains find lots ;of good bargains. The millinery section, spring dress goods, shirt waists hosiery, underwear and shoes, ribbons and many other sections were not much damaged, but there will be : bargains on all that were. It will pay you to be here early.' Hardware '" Garden Tools more "especially were in .the water '.' and a few of the handles were slightly scorched. .,75c Shovels Spades and Forks', fire" Sale Price, . each ....... .30 fiOc. 60c and 75c Garden Rakes. Fire Sale Price, . each . . . . ;. I ......... . .25 , Garden Hoes. . Fire Sale Price, each..... 15 to 35 : 200'Mop Handles. Fire Sale Price, each. .". .5 .Grass Hooks, 40c values! Fire Sale Price, each. .15 ' ' And a thousandsnd one articles. Remember, every article in this department is reduced in price dur t; ing our Fire Sale, whether, damaged or not. ; . r 1 Ribbons, Laces and snes v These goods were incased and the damage to them . - was by water and smoke ; being covered was vpry slight, but we want to close them out with the rest of the damaged stock and have made some very interest' . ing prices.''. A .''''. - ''", ' " Y- Ribbons, regular 10c. Sale Price. . . ... ......... 5 ( Ribbons, regular 20c. Sale Price: ; . . f . . . ...... ilOf . Ribbons; regular 25c. -; Sale Price. . . ...... ... . . . .13 AHover Laces, damaged bysmoke; regular 75c,, Sale Price, yard... .......... .......... -Embroideries, up to 15V yard J no noticeable damage. 'r. Sale . Price, yard V . ; . .... . . . ; . , v . ; . . Of - Ladies' Neckwear; ;boxes slightly moistened, 1ut no, real damage to neckwear; up to 35c '. Sale Price, each 530 Fabric Gloves, . black and colors ; worth up to '50c; pair .21l Mens Furnishings ,. . You will surely be surprised, at the bargains in , Men's Furnishings. " In this department many things were very badly damaged. ,We will mention a few: - Boys' Bib Overalls, pair at. . . ; ... . . 10 ' Men's Bib Overalls, pair at. .......,........ .35 Men's Plain Overalls, pair at.... ............. '.".25 Boys' Suits, all sizes,-and a good lot that are only -' , scorched on the shoulders, "fust one half the regular r price $2.00 Suits, Fire Sale "Price, 91.00; $3.00 Suits, Fire Sale Price; .V. . i ...... .$1.50 Men's Pants, only scorched where they were folded, ' - divided into two lots; One lot cut half in two. That means that $3.00 Pants go for ?1.50; $2.00 Pants ' for . . v .......... ... .fl.OO " The others are worth a 'little more. Come early and get the best ones. ; ; ' ' : ; ; - Neckwer, regular 25c,; slightly damaged by, water. Fire Sale Price. ........ Ti... .............. .Wf Men's and Boys' 25c and 50c Caps. Fire Sale :v Price ....i.......r....i.. ............... ..10 Men's $1.75 Sweaters. Fire Sale Price..... 69 Men's $1.00 Sweaters. Fire Sale Price. ....... ; -.27$ Boys' 65c Sweaters. " Fire Sale Price...'. . .'. . .'. . 10 Boys' Knee Pants, value to 05c Fire Sale Pried. 10 " Men's and Boys Straw and Crash Hats. Fire Sale ' Price t ............................ ki.. ....... 5f Men's 26c Suspenders. Fire Sale Pjrice. . . . . . . :;v.O Men's Golf Shirts, value to $1. Fire Sale Price'. .27 $ Men's 50c Work Shirts. Fire Sale Price . .37 Men's 15c Black and Tan Cotton Hose. ; Fire Sale Price, pair ....................... ...........O Men's Handkerchiefs, up to 15c. Fire Sale Price, each" ....2 Men's 50c Underwear. CFire Sale'Price, each. ...27 These things were only damaged by smoke or wa ter and there are dozens of other things that are not mentioned. .' v 1 r We are sorry to say that great havoc was caused by water in the Crockery and Glassware Department. So much the better for you. ' We have bunched, the entire, lot in .different prices, from If to 37 each, and if ever you. saw a Crockery or Glassware bargain in your whole life we .warrant you never taw such as these we are' offerings Not one in a hundred is materially damaged. ! ' ' ' v' On our if Bargain Table we have large Glass Tumblers, Japanese Mush Bowls," Salt and Pepper Shakers," "Odd Saucers, Berry Dishes, Yellow Pie Pars, Miniature Granite Wash Basins, Large Coffee , Cups," Picture 'Frames and a hundred other "useful articles well worth 10c m ordinary sales., ' , 7. : J: -v . For 4f you can get 7-inch Flower Pots, Yellow Pudding Pans, 8-inch 'Glass Cream - Pitchers," Spooners', Sugar Bowls, Covered Butter Dishes, Stone Jugs, Fireproof Milk Pitchers, China Salt and Pepper, Shakers, Toothpick Holders, Cups and Saucers, China Creamers, China Plate Decorated, China Musjh Bowls, Large Din gier Plates," Soup Plates, Shaving Mugs and hundreds' of others." y ' - For ou will find Large China Decorated Sugar Bowl; Decorated China Chocolate Pots, 13-inch Tall Glass Vases,' Large Decorated Dinner Plates, Decorated China Cups and Saucers, China Pickle Dishes, Large Glass Cake Plates, Glass Water Pitchers, Fireproof Pud ding Dishes, China Tea Pots and scores of other useful; articles' Nearly all of these are 25c goods.''; r: 7:;;'; ".f v'"'"5,-?-t.- ' For 13 United States coin you can buy during the Fire Sale Large Wliite Tinted Bowls, 12-inch; Flower :Pots, 12-lnch; Large Japanese Tea Pot, Large White Chambers, 2-gallon Stone Jugs, 8 or 4-quart Bean Pots, Decorated Egg Shell China Cups and Saucers, Large Glass Rose Bowls, China Sugar Bowls, covered, China Olive and Pickle Dishes and many, many more equally as good bargains, the majority of the above are regular 60c articles. ." ':""; ' '.r : All these items are on separate tableVfor your convenience in selecting. We. have 10, 27 and 37 Bargain Tables, containing hundreds ot useful and ornamental articles in China and Glass, regular values up to $1.50 included, all at the big K. & A. Fire Sale. " , That Y - L::: . just Run Over the List . :v . - -;; T": 7--: ; - -A Shoes and all shoe supplies ; -r -B -Dress Goods, Bedspreads; Sheets, Pillow Cases, , ' Table Covers, etc. . :: ' ' -. ; " C--Corsets, R. & G., Hosiery for Ladies and Children7 Knit Underwear for Ladies and-Children. DDress Skirts, Petticoats, Wrappers, Kimonos, Cloaks, Sun Bonnets, Knit Goods, Muslin Un - derwear, Children's and Infants' Dresses. E Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Silk and Lisle - ; Gloves, Neckwear, Ruches, Cushion Covers and- Art Goods. : F Dry Goods, Notions,- Drug Sundries and Station- . : ; ery.-- ' . n.- . ' G-J-Lace Curtains, Bedding, Window Shades.' ; "H -Hardware; Tinware," Graniteware,. Poultry Net- ' ' '.' ting etc. :. .r.-.-.': 1. I Crockery, Lamps and Glassware. . J Men's Complete Furnishings. - K Toys of All Kinds, v . L Rubber Boots and Shoes. M Garden and Flower Seeds. . N Butterick Patterns," the reliable kind." Q Furniture your home furnished throughout. - PPictures. --r 1 ": - - --. Q Trunks and Valises. - ; R High Art Millinery. - . , S All Kinds of Woodenware. The fact of the matter ."-' ,f is we have anything you might ask for. Just try The hot smoke scorched the varnish more or less, lucky party that get their pick first. For instance: 100 Cane and Wood Seat Dining Chairs, values 75c to $2 each. Fire Sale Price, each ...... . .20 f to 75 f , 1 Combination Bookcase and Ladies' Desk, value $17; " damaged by hot smoke only. Fire Sale Price $5.13 . 1 Buffet, quarter sawed oak, a beauty; regular price ' $25. Fire Sale Price,.;'.', ?9.37- . This Buffet is not damaged by fire or smoke, but is bruised on the edge of top by having a chair drop from the ceiling on top of it during the fire. v . Iron Beds at half price, simply smoked, and so on all through the Furniture Department. Bamboo Fur niture at one half price, not burnt, only soiled by water on main floor. 1 ' About 60 Dressers in all grades, slightly damaged by "hot smoke only, mirrors are perfect. -Fire Sale Prices from. ,$3.25 to $7.08 Rocking Chairs, the highest priced ones got it worst. $7.00 Rockers, Fire Sale Price........ ...... $2.98 $6.00 .Rockers. Fire Sale Price.',.'.,... $2.15 -- i The more the varnish is scorched the better for the $5.00 Rockers. Fire Sale' Price...... ..... ., .$1.75 . " $4.00 Rockers. Fire Sale Price.............. 1.29 And so on down to, each. ........... ...... ....68 Children's High Chairs, slightly damaged,. from" T each. , . .... ..... . u . ............... .Z9f to 08 . Large Framed Pictures at your own figures. 1 $3.25 regular. Fire Sale "Price, each... ....,,40.. $2.00 regular. Fire Sale Price, each:.;. 33f $1.00 regular. ... Fire Sale Price, each. ........... 25f 85c regular. Fire Sale Price eaqh.,;.....!"., .13 New.1906 Go-Carts, only slightly damaged. Regular price $8.00. v Fire Sale Price. ... .. ... $2.05 v .. Regular price $7.00;' Fire Sale Price.. ....... $2.45 Regular price $6.00. Fare Sale Price.. ....... $2.25 Regular price $3.00. . Fire Sale Price.,.. .....$1.08 -Regular price $3.50. Fire Sale Price. ...(.. ..$115 Regularprice $2.50. Fire Sale Price. .... . . .$1.00 Remember, these will go quickly we only have about 100 in all. - .. -.' v f . Notice " .'; We had the misfortune on March 28 to have -a very disastrous 'fire, though the damage was mostly done by smoke and water. We had the good fortune, -though, to get a very Satisfactory adjustment with our insurance companies, which places us in a position to dispose of all damaged goods at a very small cost, ' and that is what we are going to do, give you the ' benefit, as you will see by the following. " Now thia " sale is only going to last until such goods as were dam aged, are entirely closed out, and one thing sure, at the ridiculously low prices we have marked every dam aged piece they will not last many days. " Few Things Forgotten -We might say that there are a few things that will ' more than call for your attention Just think them , overr-:-:;-.-;--:TTy-- Staple Check Ginghams, regular 7c and 8c Sale ? - v Price . ...... '.".v.. 4f : Staple Calicos, blues, grays, black, white, white and black. Sale Price .4d Misses' Hose, 100 dozen ; these are regular 20c value. . To close the lot they are yours at Fire, Sale Price, . pair ... ....... ...i..;.. ...10 ; Wrappers, about 50 dozen, assorted colors and sizes, ' 75S 05f and... ..................$15 ! Which will be reduced very materially. It will be to your interest to be here early come EARLY, AND OFTEN. - - Dry Goods Section Now this department "was only slightly damaged by, - smoke, and had they not been in the same building with the fire you would never know there was any t) damage at all. All of these goods that happened to . . be in the basement or near the fire have been care fully picked out' and placed on tables at 7 Oft 10f; 33f, 67.. ....$1.19 j Many things placed on these tables were more exposed than others and on the 7f table you will find values up to 25c; on the Of table, up to 85c; on the 19 table, up to $1.00 ; on the 33 table up to $2.00 ; on the 67 table; up to $3.50; on the $1.19 table, up to $4.50. i -, ;. Try and Be Patient Wc Will DoOurDest - - For the convenience of the public and tne clerk's, !: for a few days at least, our store will be opened at 9 o'clock in the morning. .Then we will close at noon -and open again at 1 o clock. Then close at 5 o'clock' in the evening and open again, at 6 o'clock, and re main open until 9 o'clock p. m. We do this that we , may have a full force of clerks a! all times to wait upon , you fh a satisfactory manner. We will be open even ings only for a few days, that those whb cannot come t - during the day may come in the evening. Avail your self of this opportunity. 'All goods purchased through out the entire store will be .delivered the following day.!' Fruit Season Will Soon Do K:ro Prepare now by purchasing your supplies at the Fire Sale. Water doesn't damage. Glass Fruit Jars or Stone Crocks and Jars. 1-Pint 1-Quart Z-quart Mason ' Jar Rubbers, dozen.. Stone Crocks and Jars at 7 a fr" " r' 12c. Cqme early for these r ' 200 dozen Fruit Jars and 3,0 ) r ' :' Mason Jars, dozen. ...... ........... Mason Jars, dozen. ........ ........ .f Mason Jars, dozen. ,..,,........ 7 lar Caps, dozen. ..1 N i-eeeeei