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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
i:r : czzzo:: daily : jqushai; tostlakp.: fhiday eveiiiko. aps;l e, isci JUST WHAT YOl BEEN WAITING FOR :ni i V X ) J m n V ' N f D( )( VV f ) ( )'-.-- i.-TTH 'I.J ' . , A PLAIN STATE- ?:VfniENTiOF;,yi; TRE1END0US FACTS THE MOST PHENOMENAL AND OiOREGOiBEGINS SAfURDAY RUTHLESS MORNING PRICE-CUTTING CARNIVAL EVER HELD IN TO SECTION ADDII 7TH AT 9 OICLOCK SATURDAY MORNING OUR DOORS , Ar KIL 1 11. WI LL OPEN ON AN AVALANCH E OF BARGAINS ; We have purchased the entire stock of the U. S. CLOTHING CO. which was noted throughout this section for its standard of high quality. In connection with this we have added our entire stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS and SHOES, including all the new spring goods, making one of the grandest bargain offerings ever inaugurated in Portland. This store has been transformed you will hardly recognize it bargains everywhere, and big price tickets, thick as beeo in June time, tell a tale of price destruction that you can hardly credit until you see the goo and visitors will be 6 in stock, the merciless price-cutter has held his sway arid had his way. Nothing has escaped him, and the consequence is the most marvelous feast of bountiful bargain? ever Men, This Is the Time for You to Save Right Now For the sensational Clothing Carnival has caused your quarters to swell to dollars. . There are bargains for everybody and all will be cordially welcomed. There never was such an undertaking in this chy. We have put ear word out to the people and you know how well we have kept it, THE RED FRONT guarantee goes with every article purchased during this Carnival. From one end of this big store to the other you will see the greatest flutter ing of red tickets with: the price of destruction marked on- them in plain figures : r. -L;... .-. :. ------ i1 t .. . - ..;y;.....y; .----j v .. V.V.- --..v..'- ..'-,. ..; THE WflOLE SHOOTIMQiM It will pay you' to come here and see the greatest amount of merchandise sold for the least amount of money that eve? r We want to do ten times' the business of our lives and we certainly expect you to be here to get your share. ' appeared to your eyes. ; NOT ONE ITEM HELD IN RESERVE. We are going to talk : MEN'S . and BOYS' Cldthtaff And we are going to talk them at prices never seen or heard of before. ' We have one lot of Men's Suits which will mean a saving .of 50 per cent to you. Then we have another lot that will make you feel that you can afford two suits instead of one. It is your, dollars that you have got . and it is a duty you owe to yourself and . your' family to- place them where- they; will go the farthest.' ; .Underwear Here is your chance to make the greatest saving of your life. We" want cash, and want it good and plenty. You are the consumer and you want the taost that money will buy, and rightfully so,7 - and until this stock Is sold down to a certain ebb we shall sell goods for less than any other store in Oregon offered them to you, and we believe you will say with us that the most sensible thing you ever did was to attend this CARNIVAL. If you want to save money this is the greatest opportunity of your life - ' v . , r;, BUSY1 Act Now! Now!! s Now!!! GASH W&M WONDERS Make out your want list and come down and buy $10, $20 or $100 worth., X Lay in your supplies you will never regret it. Remember that any item got in this house that does not meet with your approval CAN BE RE- Z TURNED and your cash will be cheerfully refunded to you and no ques X tlons asked."' ..:...r.:'. .;.V:' ""''t' . ' : . ' .M : NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED AND NOTHING It is all cash with us, and if you get what you don't want RETURN IT and GET YOUR MONEY BACKT -T -77 -f :TT We are talking to your now from strictly a dollar and cents basis, no sentiment about it. ' -' DO YOU LOVE TO ECONOMIZE? Now is the time. Our object in inaugurating this SPRING CLOTHINO X CARNIVAL at this season of the yea r when all merchants expect their profit is to get THE RED FRONT before the people, to get you into our store to show you that we treat you r ight' and that our aim is always td sell a little cheaper. We never misrepresent, we never mislead. We cordially invite old customers and friends of THE RED FRONT to come in and see I us during this Carnival. v . . i Shoes Shoes Shoes (The shoe question should be of interest to every man and boy In Portland, for you spend the greater part of your life in them. Our . Shoe Stock ii complete, the very best of everything anticipate your shoe wants for the next year, for' you certainly win not buy - them as cheap again. There is going to be a hot time in this store for the next 30 days you know a good thing when you see it, . Come, take a look. If you think you are too busy take a day off . you won't regret it. ;' " ,': . ;' THE FurnishihiOoods SALE .Will eclipse all former events in this city. t The RED TAO has found its way to every article in this department, . No matter what you want in furnishings the prices are right, cheaper than you can . buy elsewhere. We do exactly as we advertise. GET IN LINE FOLLOW THE CROWD. u ; "., .. IP YOU NEED A PAIR OP Good Trousers Buy them now. Men, we are in earnest, terribly so. ' You get your choice of the whole lot at prices than seem impossible. ..r, - TLHIE MOJJO OF. THdS STORE: "ONCE A CUSTOMER ALWAYS A CUSTOMER 99 SOMETHING "DOIN" EVERY DAY rn a TTTMrnniT . f? JVUJ9nm JlWilliJ 11 Don't let anything interfere with your attending this SPRING CLOTHING CARNIVAL. Be sure and come, even Jf you do not want an item. in this house; w morning when the doors open. ; We cannot urge you too strong come out and attend this THIRTY-DAY CELEBRATION which com mences SATURDAY,- APRIL 7, and winSs up May 5. at midnight v;-rv- :--Vr' : Tobacco Tobacco We still continue to sell 8moking and Chewing To bacco at Cost. Bid One an Northwest Gorner First and Taylor Street 5- TO THE Trc-2 It wiH te Lrr sible fcr n t) ( ' ycer c o - ( c-7t :-