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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
tiis onzcou daily jouniiALV Portland, Friday 'evening, apbil , isc3. Icvm Tc!c3 at tobiokt'S AmruHXXT. I Baker.... 1 I Icmplra "Mj L " tfrlc ......Hr W lir.4 .afiulrit Berleeqoa Wlfe'a rUjr" Coerlct Biftthr Uraed .iVaadortile ..VaadevlUe Sua The Mood poo) and trail found on the dock at tha foot of Main atroat yester day reaulted -from the killing of a doc by Patrolman Wade early yeatarday nornlnr . When tha blood waa faund tha pollca vara incllnod ta believe mur- dar had bean committed, but laat night whan Wada reported for duty tha mya- ' tary . waa explained. The doe; waa a . pet of a porter employed In ana of tha ' 1rl atreet ealoona. - It waa eelaed with .fits and had to be killed. The patrol' man took tha dor down to the Blip and with a revolver ahot ended hla existence. - Ha forgot to make a report of tha mat .' tor to headquarters. . . . , ' Who pays high rentT ' It ta not tha merchant that runs the store, but the ' consumer that buys, the food from - that store. We are not In, tha high ' rent district. We are offering mens : and youths suits positively worth $20 -. and 126 for $U.I5; 11160 and $1S grade - - for I7.SI. - These (roods are of tha vary : latest atylea and you buy them from a legitimate firm. , Wa do not need to " call It a fire sale or a railroad now ; sale. W guarantee you 'a square, hon est deal. John Dellar. southwest corner First and Yamhill, streets and south west, corner Third and Da via atreeta. Mrs. Anna Beatrice Sheldon. Port ' land's 'new prima donna, returned yea' . terday from Victoria. British. Columbia, where aha closed an engagement to ap - pear In eenoert with Jean Ooddard. tha ...l-famuua Belgian, cellist, who ia soon to - make a tour of aome of tha Pacific coast cities. Mrs. Sheldon will appear In three concerts at Victoria April 10, at Van couver April XI. and- at Belllngham . April f 1. She will be ona of the two Vr ' Slates assisting tha great cellist, the : - other being Andre Benolst, a celebrated French pianist. Attention, is called by the police to the neceaslty of a new patrol horse In place 'Of tha one on the first night re , .lief, known aa Fred. Thla animal was , . so lama Wednesday and laat night that It almost fell when taken out of the 1 .stable, yet it had to be driven long die- tanoes in answer to several calls. The - neceeaity of securing a young and frssh . -horse la to be called to the attention of the-executive board. Otherwise aeveral policemen threaten te notify tha human society of tha animal's condition. - , - xte yesterday . afternoon tho steel bridge waa opened to foot passengers. ' after having been closed for more than two weeka while tha work of putting on - a new deck on tha upper ' part of tha structure was In progress- The eontrao- 7 tore will be about two Weeka In -com-, plettng the work on the bridge, having ' - been delayed soma little time on ac count of tardiness in the delivery of lumber, t Tha work of relaying new steel for the streetcar tracks la keeping '. apaoe with, the radecklng, ;.-..4.; ' The Poison Implement eV Hardware - company. - with - houses - at - Portland. Seattle, LaConnor and Wenatchee, has been merged with the firm of Wallace, Corcoran eV North of Portland and Spo ' kane, and will continue atorea at all of the points named. . Henry North, w. H. Wallace and W. 3. Corcoran have be come part owners of tha Poison Imple ment company and will take an active part in tha management of Its affairs. .Dr. Walter tmb of Boston, whe has 'a patent process for canning fish, la in -the city for a few days. He came to the coast on a tout of. tha vartoua dtrl les to study tha fishing interests with a view to Introducing his new system. The doctor has sold his patent right in ;.. the east.' His process la Intended es pecially for Inferior grades et salmon, and white fish of various sorts. ., Mineral Springs Hotel eompaay, les sees. Amos D. St . Martin hot springs, Carson, Washington, is without doubt the best health resort In the northwest. Hot mineral baths for cure of rheuma tism, stomach, liver . and kidney trou bles. Excellent table, electric lights and steam heat; fine trout Ashing. Take steamer Spencer or Regulator boats. The Midway Republican, club was or gan liea yesterday with SI members. The following officers were elected: Frank B. Gibson, president; Wallace - Miller, first vice-president; C. Gk Down ing, second Ice-president, and W. A. Saundere, secretary. An executive com mittee of seven members waa appointed. Tha club will meat every two weeks. . Mr. Brotje of Mllwaukle, a well known frultraiser, was in the city yes . terday. He says the recent frosts did not injure grapes and he expects an unusually heavy yield this season. Cher . rlea, loganberries and Hungarian prunes -, and pears were damaged, he says, but there is no danger of a shortage la tho yield cf strawberries, i . r ... . - Edward Mcintosh was arrested yes " terday at 111 Front street by Acting De tective Mears on a warrant. Tha com plaint, filed against him In tha police court by Margaretta Young during the fair, charges Molntosh with assault Hla bond waa fixed at 14,000. The aanault -Is a lleged to nave - been aommlttad - at Soappoose. . ' It la reported that a leading reetau - rant man of New York City will lease the top floor of the proposed 1 (-story '. office building to be erected by Russell ' Blyth at the corner of Sixth and Stark streets. The restaurant la to be , operated in connection with a roof gar- den. . i ; r r Thomas Rioe waa found guilty' yes terday of the crime of having assaulted - Detective A. C. Welch with a revolver : on the night of February 1. Rice waa tried before a jury In Judge George's , department of the circuit court , i The- big department store, of Kennard A Adame, over en Williams avenue and Russell street. Buffered a 11,(01 art Summer - UndeieairV " "OUR LONQ SUIT" A most excellent 11ns of Sea-' sonable Underwear of all kinds and prices. Union Suits sad tws pleee Suits; Coat atyle and ordi nary etyle. . . . f Hewctt,Bradlcy - -ca Co. .. , -' HABERDASHERS . 344 Wcthinston Street 1 ESCAPES FIRE iU (1IGIIT GOl'Jil Wild Scenes When Flames Con - sums. Row ol Houses on ', I Third Street. MEN RUSH OUT WITH HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Scantily Clothed Lodgers Clutter About in Street and Crying Babies Add to Confusion Fire Supposed .. to Have Started From Furnace. A woman rushing Into the street In her nightgown, others but soantlly at tired, meq carrying bundles of clothing or household effects, and crying chil dren, were features of a. fire shortly after 1 o'clock last night that partially sesiroyea Trams dwellings at Mf, 91 and 5 Third 'street. But' for the prompt action of the fire department the entire row of buildings would have been . burned. The combined losses of the four families affected, together with the damages to tha three buildings, will not exceed 11,000, with an equal amount of Insurance. . The most thrilling incident of tha fire was the escape of John Morgando, Mrs. Morgande- and - their - child from - their borne, tit Third atreet -The fire started In No. 4S, and quickly spread to the adjoining buildings on either side. The Morgando family waa aleeplng In a room ta the rear of No. (. The first they knew of the firs was when tha flames burst through their bedroom window and quickly enveloped almost every Inflammable material In the apart ment , Half blinded by the glare of the flames, and partially suffocated by the dense smoke, Mr. and Mrs. Mor,rando leaped from their bed, and taking their son with them, fled to tho Sidewalk. Mra. Morgando waa clad only In her nightgown. As be, ran from the room Mr. Morgando grabbed up some- of hla clotbea. When he returned a- moment later the bed which he had Just left was enveloped In flames. - - - At No. ISO, Mrs., Mary Seellg. wife of Christian Seellg. -became hysterical, fainted and bad to be assisted from ths second story to the street, where neigh bors administered- to her wants. ' - No. Is occupied ' by William Roenleke, and owned, by bis wife, Mrs. Roentcke. who Is now visiting on her ranch near Tillamook. The ground floor of tho building Is used by him as a "Help Ore Mineral Baths' parlor. In the rear room Is a furnace which heats the water.- Downstairs, below the side walk, Mr. Roenleke conks and eats. Last evening he built a fire In the furnace and went downstairs. A few minutes later his attention was attsacted by cries of "fire!" He rushed upstalrs-to find his place In flames. How tha fire started he does not know unless- the- furnace became overheated and ignited some wood which lay nearby. i The flames partially destroyed the rear portion of No. 4l, and ate holes in the roofs of Nos. Hi and 160. The former building waa owned by Edward Brady, who Uvea around the corner at 14 Sheridan street No. & la owned by Mra C. Tlmm. who lives at (63. The first floor was occupied by John Kraetch, Mra. Kraetch, his mother, and Edward Kraetch. a, brother. UDStalra reside Mr. and Mrs. Seellg end their il son. Patrolman John dolts, who paased the scene of the fire on his way home from a theatre, was one of the first to lend a hand In rescuing the unfortunate oo oupanta of the burning buildings. Oolts sayg tht when he first saw tho blase the whole rear of No. (41 was In flamea. He, and Dan Conner rushed Into 4 and reaoued a woman and two children and then attempted to gain entrance Into No. (41 from tho rear but were driven back- by the flamea. Coming around to the front of the houae they broke la and found It untenanted.. laat week. The Insurance adjusters were very fair with the Arm. and to morrow will begin a Are. sale of every thing In the store In the' least damaged by fire, water or smoke. It will be an actual sacrifice of the entire damaged stock on the three 100 by 100 floors, and will afford the public an oppor tunity to secure all klnda of merchan dise at very low prices. The stock con sists . of dry goods, women s apparel. men's wear, notions, hardware, etc The Russell and Shaver car, funning on Fifth street, goes to ths store. . - Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easr weekly payments, tl down and cents per week. Alt mainsprings II; all watches cleaned II. Metxser ft to., ju Sixth, street v , .. -- Butter's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates the shabby- lawn:- hla- sweet - peas and lawn arses ot sold medal at the fair. Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor, We are still selling- eye glasses at $1, funded. Itetiger a Co, 111 Sixth street Baaeball Saturday at I p. tn.. 'Mult nomah flold. admission lie, Portland academy vs. Columbia university. The Lewis and Clark observatory win be open erenlngs and search light oper ated during the warm weather. Henry O. Prudhomms has established a (Ire insurance agency, offices T, Cham ber of Commerce. - - --1 'Acme OH Co. sells ths best safety eoal oils and fine gasolines. Phone Bsst 711. Women's exchange. 111 Tenth, street, lunch,- is to a. , Soft eoal delivered at II per ton. Xing up Main 1117. , Dr. S. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Mirquaaa. Dr. Rand returned; office usual hours. Milwaukle Country Club.V Vom Angeles snd Oakland reoee. Take Bellwood snd Oregon City ears at First and Alder. Forbes Caurea annual Meeting. ; ' According to reports received from the various departments of the church's work at tha annual meeting held last evening, the year Juet eloeed baa been the best In the history of the Forbes Presbyterian ehurch, at the corner ofj Seventy-four have been received into membership, with a net. gain of ta. A men's club and a boys' elub hare been organised, all bills - paid and a small balance left in ths treasury. Officers elected are: Elders, Max B. Godfrey and B. H. Barnard; trustees, D. Van Zanta, W. W. Patterson, W. Tumbull, It W, fiorchera and I. ft. Morrison. A. El Kllnk Waa, reelected financial secretsry. Max B. Godfrey treasurer and 'William Allstoa alerk si ths songregaUen. c?zn To:.;canoy' r.:CHT UNTO, 9:30 Salb of Women's Knit Uridcmciir Women's Swiss ribbed low-neck. ra-sleer Vests, Isce m-!ita ' tned or band-crocheted yoke; white, pink or blue, all sizes... OsC Women's fine ribbed knee-length Umbrella Drawers, Uce O trimmed, all sizes, best styles, 50c values for..,.,, ..mUw Women's fine ribbed low-neck, no-sleeve, knee-length Union Aff Suits, close fitting at the knee; best 65c values, tor...... C IIDKF. Great special lot of Japanese linen hand-drawn work R;.r tv Handkerchiefs; newest effects, choics patterns; 1 PAKUiAIisj regular 2Sc and 35c values on sale at low price. 1 4 C Great special lot of 500 dozen -women's sheer linen Handkerchiefs, - hand embroidered initials, very handsome styles; regular C 25c values on sale at, each... Great Special Dargains in Lace and - Net Hobos in the Lace Dcpte ' Tomorrove Take AdvantasOs The Meier Q Store's Easter Great Sale of 500 Rugs All sizes-Best Patterns, Colorings Sate extraordinary of 500 new Kidderminster , Rugs equal to "Axininstefr'veiT'durableriiandsoina-ilesisnd-eolorinffcBest Rug Bargains of the year: . - 2 7x54 Inches at $ 1 .67 Ea. 36x63 at $3.95 Ea. 36x73 In. at $3.35 Ea.-4 ft. 6 ln.6 ft. 6 in. $7.75 la. 6x9 ft. at $ 1 4.85 Ea.-fl ft. 3 In x 1 0 ft. 6 in. $36.35 Ea. V 9x13 feet Rugs, big variety, at $30.13 Each TURNS ELECTRICITY-- OFF. GAS ON, FOUND DEAD Henry Clay Johnson Accidentally Asphyxiated Was Expert ... Accountant. ' Henry Clay ' Johnson, an expert ac countant, was asphyxiated In his bed at ths home of Captain Shaver, 160 Van couver avenue, laat night He retired about It o'clock and hie dead body -was discovered this morning when ; the people - in - the- bouse awakened and detected ths odor of escaping gas,- It Is supposed that Mr. Johnson, in turning off the electtno light, got noia or tne gas jet key, which was near the eleotrio key, and turned it also. Mr. Johnson, who has been employed tn various places to expert the books of firms, has been stopping recently at tha residence of. his rrlend. Captain Shaver. His daughter. Miss Irene T. Johnson, who- teaches In the Williams - avenue school, is also boarding at the captain's residence. . lst night wnen Mr. John son reached home, after having done soma work down town, he eomplained of not feeling well and hla daughter fixed hla bed for him. turning on the DO YOU USE CREAM? TRY ens The Cream of Quality. Always have a reserve supply. If your milk man fails, substitute St. Helens for all purposes for which you use milk or cream. , Mary's Little Lamb is worse. She tried to feed him bread and butter. . ,astiaasd)'; ' Mary's - Little, Lamb. . T . 'liTltTscivooK," Bales Agent, . ' ' . Seattle, , S'MqIqp Frank Sale of Black and Blue apparel for Easter wear; black unfinished worsteds, black thlbets, fest color blue terser all the latest fashions; straight front, round-cut sacks, double-breasted sacks; regular and stout sizes; wonderful values at.'. '':,-, - :: New Spring' Trousers, $3 to" $8. Entire new line of men's fancy Vests, $1.25 to $5. .Complete line men's tan covert and black unfinished worsted .Topcoats. $15 to $35. Young men's Suits and Top coats; best styles and materials, all grades 2d Floor. Men's Dress Suits; newest cut; $25 to $45. Men's Clothing Department 2d. Floor. .- - " . ': . -:-;-. - electrlo light tn ths combination gas and electric chandelier. This morning when Captain' Bhaver awakened he detected the odor of gas and quickly traced It to Mr. Johnson's room. When the door wae opened Johnson was found dead in bed. Dr. - Hall was called, but found that his services were useless and noti fied Coroner Finley. A thorough Investigation of the ease by the ooroner failed, to show any mo tive for suicide and as the keys of ths eiocino duid ua lam gas jei were aj-. most together. It Is believed that the man accidentally turned the gas on while turning out the eleotrio Ught Johnson was about 4 ysars of age and had lived In Portland for many years. - Hs will be burled beside his wife in Rlvervlew oeihetery. NOT A" REPUBLICrSAYST DR. SHAW OF AMERICA s . Ths New Democ ratio Ideal' was the subject of an address by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw at the closing session nf the equal suffrage conference last night She declared that America Is not a re public, for, she said, a republlo Is a form of government established and controlled by the vote of the people. "It Is only by a vote of a fraction of our people that this government Is con trolled," she said. The highest eccles iastical body of the' country once voted that women are possessed of souls, and the aupreme court of the United Btatee decided that women are persons, so ought ws not to be considered a part of the peoplef ' Miss Kate Gordon of New Orleans described the restricted suffrage that has been granted In Louisiana and what the women of that state have accom plished with It. Miss Laura Clay of Kentucky compared the laws of - her state with those of Oregon. Addresses .1. wmAm h. Ul.. Vf . - AmKamw sister of the late leader of the eouai suffrage movement Dr. Annlce Jeffrey Myers, Mrs. Ida Forter-Boyer, Mrs. Woodworth, Mrs. Colby snd others. Reports showing gratifying conditions throughout the state were submitted. . ALL ABOUT FRUIT IN BETTER FRUIT "Better Fruit Is the name .of a new monthly horticultural journal -which is to be published by E. rL.Shepard and H. A. Frans of Hood River. - The first Issue will appear on June 1. It will be 14 pages. 10 by II Inches,-- printed upon a callendored paper, and profusely Il lustrated with appropriate half-tones. -It will be the only periodical of its kind published tn Oregon," said Mr. Shepard. at ths Portland hotel thla morning. For the past three-years he has been manager of the Hood River Apple Orowerr- union and the Hood River Fruit Growers' union. "As the name of the Journal suggests,"1 continued Mr. Shepard. "Its aim will be te assist growers la producing better a wis 3 nnim t rr 5,000 Pairs1 of WoiitsiVa Mcsi3?y $16.50 DIack Thibet Suits at $ 1 8.00 Unfinished Worsteds Suits at $ 1 3.65 $20.00 Worsted and Thibet Suits at $15.35 $22.50 DIack Worsted Suits at . $ 1 7.65 $25.00 BlackWorstcd Suits at l5 $15.00 Blue Scrgo Suits, each, . . $12.65 $18.00 Blue Serge Suits, each, $14.10 $20.00 Blup Serge Suits, each, . $ 1 5.35 $25.00 Blue Serge Suits, each, V. $20.15 Easter Sale of Toilet Articles Palm Olive Soap, great special value at, cake ...... ........ . . Tt Easter Egg Dyes, great special .value at, package....... 3a Premier Castile Soap, special value at, bar.......... ...T Okayed Toilet Paper, in rolls; special, doien..i...i..4-....85a Complete line of Floor and Varnish Stains, 20c to 85c can. Coke'rfamrmr Dandruff Cure, $1.00 bottle for, ........ Danderine Hair Grower and Scalp Remedy..,......'. ........ 4711 Triple Extra Perfumes, all odors, ounce......... 23e Tsrine Moth and Dust Proof Bags for storing Winter-Furs,- snd clothing, suit size, special..... .43? Star Bath Tub Enamel, special at. can.,, 28 Sapolia Furniture Polish and Varnish, special ,t4 25c cake of Bathasweet Complexion Soap given free with every 25c purchase in the Drug Department this week. , . , Ajcvg -TUB 1IEILIG THEATRE lets bs Wsaalsftea ' ." Mala L Monday, TMday sad Wtdnnedar Flsnta, Sprll S, 10 anil 11, Kp-clal-Pflc MitluM Wtdnl7, , AD V AS OB BALI HOW OTZM. -(BotofSce Tbe IlHIIg TkMtrr.) Paal-Aiautreag's Onat Ooaaaey-Dfmnai "The Heir to With JTbeHoorah" Areas Opening , Attraetlea WWWKIVO paiCEfl iwr Boot, sseevt Hat S rows, fl.SOi last S rows, SI. Baloonr, r mi. Sti sth, Sta, fta. Sis. stb row. TSei iota, uta, ita, 13th raws, sue. IfATINEC I KICKS Lower floor, (1 end TSe. Btweay, Toe asa ooa. ueiicry, km. LYRIC THEATRE Bxamnira koitiat, Aran a, ism Svery Afterneaa aal Xvenisg. FerUaad't refula Steok Beoae, ' "Her Convict Brother" A True Seert Btorv la year Aota. ' rellew tke Crowe. Oontiasose yarfofnesee. ASmisslea, Its. HAN0 TBfcATIC rersenSe Key Trie. Weak ef Asrll S ',ok , ";U.. ' AU 8lrt4 Aeu c"fr7 " . Ha1M br Biedarloa. SBACRTS AND Mr. sad Mfev, Beny DBMOBA , ZarU. . Seropran Aere XaralS Hoff, tiata ' Oimjidieoove, PBIfKS XvanlnfS and Sundaya, IBs. 2Ke, end Boirs SlSi; Itatlaete, Uo to say aat pt boya. -, OX? SAJJ 400 XvlWaT , AJTB RU Shirtwaists (Long and 'short sleeves), worth H BO and 1 3 50 TOUR CHOICE NOW . SU9 THIS WEEK ONLY Man Sing & Co. 392 Morrison St Bet eta sj lota ee. fruit by giving reliable methods end ad vloe from practical metr. Among ths subjects that will be treated tn lietter Fruit will be better vartetlea. better trees, better -culture, better thlnnlnaT, better picking, better packing, better methods of marketing sad better prices. Valaes to $l50-49c Pa!? A Great Satnrday Sale yery woman raatt be interoted 13,. OOP pairs of the wtst nd bstt Spring nd Summer Hosiery to be sold at a ridicnloutly low price black gante lisle, tfack grenadine and veiling effects, black lace embroidered change able silk lisle, lace hosiery ia all the new coloringvrose, gray, violet, greens, purple, claret, reseda. Embroidered gauze llslea, black lace hose, white hosiery in gauze and lace enacts, brown and ton hosery great assortment to select froma well known importer's entire sample line the wise woman wi9 anticipate ner want ior many montni w ronw- - - r value up to f 1.50 pair, on sale at per pair . . . : ' -Tr.r, gee Fifth Street Window Display -J?. AJTOSXMXSTaV Harquam Grand Theatre novx MAX MS. XAXXSPXAJ.ZA- veorniM bxoitazj ateaaay, Aertt t (Xlks' FlektWTke Vlt sad Wledoai ef BhakeaBaere'e Xoala." , Taesoay, April 10 (X. of T. Kikt) "Tbe Maraheat ef Vaaloa." . Waaaeesay aUtinw, AprU 11 "Ike WenMa ef saeaaapaere. Wedaaedav Bleat. AsrU 11 -rmllaa t'ndrr tha auaolraa ot Kalahta oc Prthlas. tKlcmUmn Soar. St 4 T5e. Bilenr, TBe end SOc Bosee snd lofwe, SI. 60. Bal of seats epens fTidey, 1 a. sa., ata a Boa urnoe. Baker Theatre Vt. Taxhin and TaM sts. - Pkeae -Ksla-ISOT. Tbalgkt snS Tomorrow Uatlnee Lest Twe - Ttma. SpNtamlar Rnrlsqua, Will rASCI-OOMIDT CO., Prascstlim "Casey aa4 tha Oraas Sad Olak," the Scrrawlng Irlah Pelltlral Sarra wttk Boger Imhof . a 'y. A Poattlv geatara, THK ESauiMAirX BALLIT. Wlta SS Daadas Olrla. The swat seeetlfal state picture ever ensealed. MeHnee aerereay, ISe. BJe, ste, SOe. - Bight Prices. 26e, S6e, SOe. Tfte. - Mo Performanee Saturday Nltht . ' Bast Weak. Starting Bandar Kathtea, "cHiaar blossoms - coicpabt. STAR THEATRE . Weak ef Aprd S - ' --:. BOSSLBT BOSTCltB. . SOOMEI a FOaBESTtB. HALL LOBBAINI. - oobxwat a OAxxa. :. WILL O. HOTT. ' STAB0SC0PK. - ":. 10 Oeets te Any Sat Kzeept Betas. TONIGHT Fifth Race of the Carnival or rxoi sxasobt. Race Begins Promptly at I p m. r-- MXTOTEM BVAOXa Saturday Afternoon fov Children. .. . . tTIFTX aVaOB VOMIJ.JLT, . General Skating Before and After . the Races. FREDERICK ApoIIoRmlc Mir" $10.83 The "Vudor" Porch Shades We are sole Portland agents for the celebrated "Vudor" Porch Shades, made of linen fiber, complete with ropes and pulleys ready to hang the most practical and serviceable Porch Shades on the market all sizes: t 4 feet wide by 8 feet kng........fa.T5 6 feet wide by 8 feet long... S3.BO 8 feet wide by 8 feet long ...f 4.SO 10 feet wide by 8 feet long. ...BO 50c each less if you put them up yourself. YOU CAN CCsJCLC Make It go twice ae far when yen do your hardware buying here. Not that we sell goods at prtcee "cut In half," but that the quality and oars found here will add 109 per cent to the Initial velue of your purchase. But see our stock, get our prices end make up your minds -unaided..- . Avery & Co. s ixju st. tii, vara ato assc. is -mm Fr"poTI7'm Lllt-lllC I -Pkeoe ktste lit - VlIITOB W. SrAW -ee. Ths poprii Ptrrtlunt a I ! ToB. TlnrTOW I lae L" ' I ' Ui4 fr Mr IiS :