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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 6, 1CC3. TJIOUSAriD STEINS WILL CLirJK ElkilPJartElaboratiSpciann ? Honor of Frederick Warda -1 . ;; ! ! Monday Night.; J-; TO BE PRESENTED WITH 4 . .HAN DSOME BLACKJACK Governor Chamberlain to Make Pre actuation Speech Nearly Seven i Hundred Member Expected to At- tend Most Have Purchased Steins. When Frederick Wards Is toaated at r, th Elka' stein social Monday nlaht Mcb H-te be given tor Mm, -be will be surrounded by -almoet 1,000 -at.lna. It wUl be the rineat collection In the west. And when he drinks to the toast '.proposed he will ' use tha : handsomest , Bompard or "Black Jack" aver presented to a person In" Portland. ' i. . It Is tha ambition Of the Portland . lodas to have the largest and finest col ' lection tt steins of any Elk lodge rarest, of the Mlaalsslppl river. To gain this : ' reputation it muni equal the record held by ths Oakland, California lodge, which I boasta, of more - than . 1.000. each -cud - swned -by- a- m.raber. The - Oakland lode keepa Ita stolna In a, room ar ; ranged for that purpose. . It Is called the. stela room, and Js ona'of he finest In the Unlttd Btatea. -: , The Portland Elka will distribute their steins In. three roome. The ma jority of them will be placed In the Dutch room. It is not large enough to accommodate them all. ' The other will be placed In the billiard room and amok Ing room. It Is now expected that r than 700 Elks will great Mr. Wards at the social neat Monday night The majority OX them have purchased stelna rtn -honor ' of-tho event. sides about toa MUla-eteine-which were presented to the lodge by - an Oakland Elk who formerly lived In Portland. He had thorn- made especially for the Port land lodge, while he was traveling lit Qerman lust year. ' The BoSjipard .which wilt be presented to Mr. "Wards Is a atrohg copy after the "black Jacks" Used in mediaeval times. Tha metallic cop on the. Inside Is -sur rounded by one .piece of heavy, dark leather aewd together with a long but firm stitch. There are three handles, each'bf heavy leather, sewed together and stitched to the Bompard. - The meUlllo pbrtinn of ths cup laps over the top of the leather casing and bend a down on the outside, making a metalllo rim that adda to tha beauty of ths vea sel. : " ''"''' ' "" : '-,' : ' .V ' Between tha Mather handles on one side Is a silver plate, upon which baa Been engraved; .'. ". "Presented to Frederick - warde "bf Portland lodge, 141. B. P. O. Elka, Mon- day, April,, jo.M .-'.-. The presentation speech wHl be made by Governor Chamberlain. Oeorgs U. Hutchln ls chairman of the oommlUse which selected the Bompard, , - Oeorge aTarhough Dead. " (Special DleDatcs te The Jom-nalV Walla. Walla. Waah,, April a Oeorge Herbourh,-a prominent lodge man -of Walla. Walla, died at his residence In Balm street yesterday after a short Ill ness. Mr.Harboughwas prominent in Odd Fellow circles. Ha Is survived by a widow and several children. L: , ft. SAeTTKBaT OVTTRTIIO OOaCPAJTT I I1ITI1I OVTTZTTXaTw OOlfYAVT Our Skirt Department is displaying some late arrivals novelties forwarded by our New York buyer. Among l them are the newest spring ideas in French Voile, Pana mas and Scotch Plaids. Prices not a cent higher than i elsewhere, and we grant you the privilege and grant it freely of paying a small sum at time of purchase and the S.u?!?.r.'$l a Week Every department of this store offers the latest concep ; tions in women's wearing apparel Millinery,-CoBtumes-and Suits, Waists, Corsets, Underwear, Children's Wear. Tuesday afternoon will b anmterestmgtime-forJthft children who visit this store accompanied by an adult. - ; ; Watch. Sunday and Monday papers.; -' ' Outfitting Co. The Store Where Your Credit la Good Washington arid Tenth NORTH UA IS GROWING FAST Boom Started Last Season Con trnuea"Witrr f ricreasmg-Vigors V; v Thia Spring. ,', MANY CAUSES LEAD TO i BIRTH OF NEW SUBURB Lies- Between Peninsula and Lower Willamette Harbor Hundreds of Carmen Make Headquarters There and New Lino Helps..' .l i . .Tha growth of ths North- Albtna dls trlct,' which was 'started last summer with the completion of tha Upper Mich igan avenue ear barns, la continuing -this season, and present indications ara that new subuurb with a atrong bualneaa district and several thousand residents will be built before tha end of tha year In a tract where. until a year ago there waa no building activity and .only an occaalonal house broke. tha wlldneas of brush and small forests. Last season something like 100 homes were erected in a radius of a mils from tha ear barn, and even in tha dull winter months when hundreds of esstrslde houses were, vacant there, were more ap pllcanta for houses to rent than There were - houses ' In ' this district. This spring, . the .Improvement ' work . has started more vigorously than aver, and the character of the houses being built Is much better. : several Improvements costing between IJ.000 and 12.000 being nder way. ' with the growth of tha residence district, the business portion haa also advanced, and recently -the Nolte block at Albtna and KUUngsworth avenues waa completed and occupied by large general store and drug store. Last season a - grocery, meat market nd restaurant opened In a new block lust west of the Nolte property, and these have all dona a good business. ' Streets Being Opened. Half a dosen streets have been opened through .ths suburb, and all of tbeae are being closely built up. CU1 several or ths streets Just opened houses ara being erected on every lot on each aide of the thoroughfare for half a mils or mora. There Is every reason to believe that tha district has only started on Its growth, for there are aeveral drcum tances which assure, an Increase in pop ulation. ' One of these ia tha centralising of the Portland Railway company's barns and ahopa at this point. At : present- hun dreds of carmen make their headquarters st thla barn, and there la every indica tion tha' the company plana to awitel the Woodlawn business to the Alblna barn, there being but a small barn at Woodlawn, which baa not recently been Improved, and which la now off the di rect Vancouver line and aomewhat In convenient for the through cars. The extension of the Lower Albtna ne to Killlngaworth avenue, where it connects with tha 81 Johns cara, haa opened new streets, and along this line about SO houses are heing erected wlthla half t a -dosen- blocks., while : a brisk realty, business Is being done with peo ple who plan additional bomea. Thla extenalon has brought into close com munication with the city all of North Albtna. and at preaent thla district is ths only one on tha aaataldftwhere a new car Una bisects a hitherto unset tled country. ' ' lvoaaloa Advantageous. ' ' Probably the greatest cause for ths district's future, advancement la lta alt uatlonm lies between the Willamette's lower harbor, whtre hundreds of work men ara now employed, and which must become mora thickly built up with in dustries, and the slough district-and peninsula, whera substantial advances are being made In property values, and where no week now passes without soma new enterprise Is claiming attention. In the center of this rich territory lies North Alblna. By ita sightly location and proximity to both city and penin sula it eeems bound to be -one of the big worklngmen'a settlements of tha east side. Whatever growth the district hss recently experienced has coma be causa conditions demanded progreas. It being one of the few east aide sections unmolested by real estate promoters and being left neglected by the boomers who have built other suburbs with lm- CHILDREN v tf Toa Xavs Asy AUlng Ones This Will "We sea so many little boys and girls abou t-town- who-., are weak. -tbin-legged and hollow-cheeked," said a member of toe firm of Woodard. Clarke Co., our well-known - druggists, '"it seems a shame--to alio w-thm -to -remain sOuf or they will grow up Into weak, sickly and nervous men' and women, without tha .vitality to work or enjoy life. "If," continued he, "the fathers and mothera of such children would believe what wa aay of Vino), we would aea a great difference In tha appearance of tha younger generation of this city, You know Vlnol la not a patent medi cine, and Is Just the toalo growing chil dren need. It will make for them good. healthy . flesh, sound bona, bard muscle. and rich, red blood. . True, Vlnol la a cod liver oil prepa ration, but It doea not contalna drop- of oil. or any bad tasting feature. ' It Is so delicious that all children lova it, yet it actually doea contain all tre me dicinal curative alementa found In fresh eods' livers, and la tha most wholesome and beat medicine for children wa aver SOld. ' '"J'.'- 'It Is because we. know what Vlnol will do that we guarantee if it fails to make your children well, ruggeu a roay. to refund your money," Wood ard. Clarke Co., druggists. proveroent campaigns helped by gener- oua advsrtlalng. - MAY GET CONCRETE BRIDGE. Tint Structure of Thla Type Slay Spaa v xOUvaa's Quick Thla Tea. ,. t Is entirely . possible that the east aide will have tha first concrete bridge In Oregon, and one of the few In the west - built' by municipal funds.' The majority of tha council la strongly In favor of. recognising tha demanda of tha aaat aide for a bridge across Sulli van a gulch by building the oeel struc ture that can be built - This street, when opened by -a bridge aoroaa the chasm, will be one of the main pleasure and business thoroughfares of tha entire east, side and about the only street con necting the entire district north and aoutb not occupied by car tracks. ' , ' Heavy traffio will ' strain anything but tha best type of bridge, and aboultl the coat not prove exoesslva the experi ment will be made, plana having been prepared both for tha concrete and ateel types by. the city engineer.. T,he special aeaalon of tha council next week will consider these plana and probably ask that bids - be submitted on each type The chief advantage of the concrete' bridge is aald to be Its durability. When onca built It requlrea neither repair nor renewal, even the periodic tightening of bolta and trusses that proves a source of expense -with steel bridges , being obviated. WESTMINSTER PROSPERS: Church nana to Build Severn Thousand - : Dollar Additloa. , At tha annual meeting of tha Weat- minster Presbyterian church last night reports wera submitted showing the church to be In excellent condition. Tha past year has been the-most successful one In ita history. The reports showed that 44 were added to tha membership of the church confession of faith. IB by letters from others churches, a total of T ad ditions. By deaths and dlamlaaala the church loat 16, leaving a net gain of (I and a membership an March II of ISO. Tha treasurers report showed that for' all purposes tha sum of 11,857.41 waarslaed, entirely by free Will offer ings. Thetreaaurer alsdTeportedall bills paid and a balance on hand of 1KI.I9. Realising that tha preaent building la too amall to accommodate tha growing membership, the congregation voted to enlarge It at a probable coat of $7,000. The trustaea were authorised to proceed with . tha improvementa as soon ss 14.000 la raised. It Is likely that the work will be completed this summer. It was also decided, to increase by flOe the salary of the pastor, Rev. Henry Marcotta. : ... , w : . FINAL METHODIST RALLY. ' ," I i-rW'- eractfy like this cut ; : -l ' '"' -::i i 1 : 1 1 -,:' - i. Yi-y .: . .: ', :': lx' -:-: . ,- J ' . I -. g i I t ::Sz;Suitunlcssy - - ' f : ' ' ' '"'s ' ! to help . 'l I . rents 6up-town stores. , fcfe i I 1 :l SEE OUR WINDOWS: H L)( I WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AND OAK Close of Klsalom and Churea, Xzteasloa Oampalgm at Centenary Tonight, Tonight the final rally in tha mission and church extension revival conducted tha ' East Portland district bf tha Methodist church will ba held at Cen tenary churchy It la expected that tha dosens of meetings held-In east stds churches and through, eastern Multno mah county the laat. month wOI result In largely increaaed collections for the mission sndchurcn-evt en si on canee; and tonight ,the leading minister and laymen of tha local church will address a congregation gathered from the entire district, tha special object of tha rally being to secure definite pledgee and aytematlae ths work of money raialng. The church extenalon movement ia of especial Importance at preaent to tha district, there being several recently or ganised congregations without ohurohes, and tha general church board having agreed to donate 13 for every-one con tributed by the local congregations. . , CONFERENCE NEXT WEEK. TJslted sTvangelloal Churches to - Bold Annual Session at St. Johns. ' " The Oregon annual eonfarenoa of tha United Evangelical church will convene Thursday,- April It, ' In the St . Johna Evangelical church. Rev. E. K. MoVlck ar, pastor. All of Oregon and a portion We Arc Willing r to Show Onr Colors i : because we know the quality and dura-, blllty of BAY STATIC PAINTS, and are aura of their giving satisfaction. . If you will lavor us with a call and ask for a color card, you will be able to Blck out ' the exact ahadc you want, ood grade painta of all kinds ready mixed ami, In bulk. Oils, varnlahea. putty, brushes, etc.. too. .) BIO PAXJTT STomm. Fisher, Thorsen &Co. non An acommiaoaT an. of Washington la -Included In the con ference and the aeaslons will be largely attended by local and visiting ministers of ths denomination.. Tha missionary society of tha church will convene Wed nesday morning, April 11. Bishop W B. Hartsler of Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania. will preside, on each evening follow ing -the-day's bualneaa sessions there will ba evangelical revival services. One of the Important .t hinge to ba conaldered at this session will be the election of teachers for tha Dallas eola lege, which will bo held at tha annual meeting of tha board of truateea Tuea- . day afternoon. - - --' '. T. ww w- w w- w -w- w -w- -w w -w- -w- -w- -w -w- -w w- -w -w -w- -V- r- -r- -s- -w- -a e- -s v- w ww -w- -w- w- w- w- w w- w -w w -w w -a- -w- -w- w- -w- -w-.-w- -w- w- - -w- -w -w ejsy ON OUEl. TRIAL o o 0 o o o o o o o, o The first week of bur Trial Pair Sale has been all one could expect, and we have decided to continue this new plan of in troducing bur shoes to the trade until we have 2000 people wearing our shoes, so we will extend this sale for a few more days S3 .50 AND $4.00 wm 0, 1 '1 1 laf ' - v a is mi SHOES (o) 0 Det. WASHINGTON AND ALDER. J ; t '