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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
THE OREGON PAILY jAuRNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING.. APRIL r 6. 1SC3. " F0liL0liflll0PE,$jlY HO TARIFF CHANGE, BAUDL1ASTERS says mm IPeDe 'WeDD .9. a. rr: It-hasefXected . more . i -scriDea oy; pnysicians xor unpovcnsnea Diooa ana aerangea or weaicenea nerves, a u ;' . purifies the blood and builds'' up new nerve tissues, j It revitalizes the whole system. .,It creates an appetite. It makes the weak strong, -rv.rt---i-'-'- 'Tt':! c..r--;' r ; f No .'other prescription 1 ,; ' highly endorsed;: , In ; two ', '': forty thousand testimonials, ' T ceived from grateful : people whom it has ; benefited.;' j.'z, i.r.lL' i; " " r T" : f -V "Mrs.' F.- H.Andrews, Putnam, - Conn, ; whose portraifb printed; .. in ; . the .next .' : column, writes: ; V" 1 ' ... ' v -,. , '.'My confidence in Itood's Sarsaparilla if established V '.' by much experience. ,1 take it regularly every spring and think it jot what every one needs for a good blood purifier T1 and tonioT" One winter" I had arioda palpitation of the ' " heart, aick headache, that extreme tired feeling. ' Could .'' not sleep nights, nervous system seemed unstrung. On X taking Hood's all these bad symptom disappeared. : I am well and my weight haa increased from 140 to 178 pounds." - - M. E. Davis; Clarenront, N. Hsajvi''! waa a great sufferer from scrofula, and waa ready to give up in despair - " when a friend suggested Hood's Sarsaparilla. V Before I had ; taken twoTjotUes X began to Improve and soon wasjo much "'I' better that I could do my bouse work Every spring since, - -smr- aSF saaai - -easaansss- . ; No olher'tnbwn formula "can be comparedTwith Hood's superior to 'every, other prescription that there is no . ; SPKCiilT.To meet the washes of those: who .prefer medicine in tablet ; Sarsaparilla in chocolate-coated tablets' , ... soli extract, we have retained in the tablets the curative properties of every -; . Sold by druggist or sent by mail. 100 doses one dollar. 0. I. Hood Co., SWEAR-AT WIFE IF YOU LIKE Circuit Judge Sears Holds That .Such Action Is Not Ground Ytt' for Divorce. FIVE TELL WOES AND SECURE DIVORCES lira. Florence B.' Kortehson Says Her Husband Struck Her in Face, :-' Then Said He Waa Going to Take ' Her Into Timber and KOI Her. ' MBeoause a man ' swears at his wife. It doea not constitute a around for dl- 4 vorca." . - This statement was made by Circuit Juds Alfred F, Sears Jr. this morning while he was listening to the testimony offered by heartsick and deserted wives and husbands, who aought to be legally freed from their marriage vows. Five were so freed. Florence B. Mortenson said that bar . husband . was Jcaloua . and . that , once while aba waa In Salem with friend ' be called en heir and told her that he had a letter to read to her. Mrs. Mor tenson testified that she waa asked to get Into his buggy to hear the .epistle. Then, she saya, he struck her . in the face and told her that he was going to take her out Into the timber .and kill her. Mrs. Mortenaon said she lumped from the buggy and fled for her life. . The conple were married at Hope. .'A-. : S'v: .-:r:: : 'a. A;v.i;: .::::.v.. ;v;:::'-;:- iff 44 tile MI8S MINN IB Consliption mm r -wmikmi. mm vw i mi HI mtmzmzmm vhA Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey eures concha, colds, consumption, grin, bronchitis and nneummila. It stimulates and enriches tiia hlood.. aide itlni. tlon, bullde up the nerve tissues, tones keepe the old yourg and the yeung strong. '1 ins is a guarantee. Ck OTlOI, Wkea yea ask fer Xf'e Fare Malt Whiskey be enve yea get mtaSriU of the eaeeUesee ef this preperatlea, vrlU try to sell gen cheep imitatl wkich ere positively harmfeL Vemaad ' as 4 be ears yea get It. I le key. Sold la eeeled WlUee only i never la bulk. Look for the trake-msrk. the certain the eeej svev the cork le anerokea. AU drnggtsta and greeers, or direct, Sootwrs advice free fs aay eoa. BuJTy laalt Whiskey Ce4 eehester, Jltw Terk. cures than any other medicine T ever discovered,". It is pre- was ever - so years more than have -been ; re- mm as well as in the nsual -bqnid 'forav well. Oregon, December .14. JIM. The divorce waa allowed. . - W. O. Gay was allowed a 'divorce from Marie Oay, his second wife. He declared that when he married her September T, 105, she professed to love him and hie - J -year-old son. Twenty-one days later, be declared, sha deserted him, taking with her. his baby's toy savings bank and "all the clothing and Jewelry formerly owned by his first wife. - - . .. Olive L. Cole declared that John C. Cole was a -drunkard and that she was afraid of him. They were married at Birmingham, Alabama, July II, ltl. and - she was allowed a divorce this morning. , ' 'Lilian Msy Jones and William Jones were married in Delphos, Kansas. April 80, mi. and IS yeara later he la said to have fooled her by deserting. On April , list,' she secured a divorce f rom him. " "". ' ' C K. Arnold Is said to haVe. won the affections "of Mra Nellie A. Barton, ejid this morning Eugene W. Barton se cured a divorce from the woman, alleg ing a statutory crime. The Barton were married at Claries Ford. Idaho, In De cember, 1H7. - Two. new divorce cases were ftled. Ouy Hockett declares that Ida Hockatt attacked Mm while he waa In bed and pulled his hair and accused him of being friendly with other women. The woman Is also aaid to have beat her husband over the head while they were walking along the streets of Oakland. California. Hockett now wishes a divorce. The couple were married In Ban Francisco, March 10. 1901. , . Kvalena C Hoenel says that her hus band, Fred Hoenel, told her that ahe was crasy and that he bad married her only to keep her' from bringing a suit for breach of promise agatnat him.- She avere that her husband refused to give her clothing or money for carfare. A divorce is sued for by the woman, whd married Hoenel at lone, Oregon, Octo ber II. 104. ' Mrs. XT Aubrey Bron Well, how did they hang your picture? - Mr.- u Aubrey Brown mowi Tney lynched It. A;M:W:y :':'v:'.' i f-iff' 'tejf$Ui-Hi?i' - j- .-: y.-ji . i-ii '3fl.;)-?4&i -y 'iii , (I ! ' .. . aixftor. WWfftt mmtm iHtiZr-yZtif-i?? - doctor up the heart and fortifies the synteni ugalniit ilHee germa. It nrolonss ilfi. 4t contains no (um-1 oil and is the I have taken a bottle of this medicine and cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." f Sarsaparilla. ; It is so far .: possible substitute! for it form, we are now patting np Hood's. - B? reducing oed-Sarsapnrill4oi! medicinal ingredient , Lowell, Has. s WILL: CRUSH ALL COMPETITORS- Operators of Small Mills Will i Soon Be at Mercy of Tim-'l -ber Syndicates.-- 'Liz. WEYERHAEUSER TRUST 7 ' HEADS BIG COMBINE Grabbing All Timber Lands in Ore ; gon, Idaho and Washington," Al though Operating Cautiously Their Own Milla Until Time to Strike. - (JoaraU Speelftl Service.) - -f Tacoma, Wash., AprU . Half a dosen big timber syndicates, headed by the WeyerhaeusAr Timber company, are buying all the Washington. Oregon and Idaho timber that can be eecured. With in three or four years virtually all of the timber in these states, will be held by these buyers end a. few large mills now. In the markets. Small producers will then be et the mercy ef the heavy operators. The Weyerbtenaers ' own 1.(00.000 acres of timber lands in this state, and hundreds of " thousands - of acres In Oregon. When it came Into the field a few years ago with its purchase of the Northern Pacific timber landa but (00.000 ecres were picked up. The rest hss been added si nee. - The standing timber in Waaltlnaton Is variously estimated at from 115,000.- to feet, and the Weyerhaeueers have the lion's share of It. If the present persistent - buying Doctors pronounced as incur able Miss V Minnie Cilroy, of Morrison, Colo., who suffered agonies from consumption, hemorrhages and severe cough-' ing spells. She wasted away to a shadow and had given up all hope when she decided to try Duffy's Puro Mart Whiskey. Miss Cilroy began to Improva at once and gained 15 pounds fduring the first two months. She Me today, happy, well and strong, and writes the following letter of j. thankfulness: v. ''.' '' .! 'suffered for a long time with eor i aumptloa ami. had terrible attacks et ; coughing and hemorrhages. I lost flesh and .was ell run down. My breathing difficult -and' painful and the a pronounced me Inonrable. deoldrd at last to try Duffy's Pure Malt vv trlskey and procured- a buttle, te Improve at onoe and gained pounds the ' first two. months. My cough waa- relieved, the .'.hemorr- r wuib wa- reJievea, . xxia .. haes ceased and I now feel splendid In every way. lean sleep soundly and nave no more restless nights. - "I cannot. say toe much In praise of Duffy's Pure Malt Whisker, as It hss permanently' cured me after doctors' failed to do any good." MINN IB Oil.KOT,, Morrison, Cat. No-. vember 41,r- 101. y... . . . . . . .A - . only wnlskry recognised aa a medicine.' She geanlae.' Vasemnaloue dealers. Uoas and malt whiskey substitutes. the only abeolntaly trare-.. Malt Whis- "Old Chemist, 81.00 a sotUe. a ths U be L and be iklet aad Five Thousand Dollar Bond It v .0 . Demanded of Them. ' PROSPECTS OF RAISING r SO MUCH NOT CHEERFUL It la Finally Decided to Readvertise for Bids for , Furnishing Music in . Parka and Bond Required la Re V duced to One Thousand Dollars. . Ne bids war rclvd for mualo for tha concerts t b (Ivia In. the city parka tills summer at th moctlna; of the cltjr park .board this morning. CI L. Browa. A. ICprio and Jr. K- Tomlln- mon, tha thro. , bandmaatera- who . havr baaa soaklnf tha contract, declared that tha .requirements the board war too onerous. They objected to da poaltine a bond of ti,009 aa a guarantee that they would collect by popular sub scription and place to the credit of the city park concert an equal aura. The poslbUity tf furalahlnr a bond acceptable to your honorable body on se lntaneible an aaaet aasumee to me the appearance of a forlorn hope," said Bandmaster Brown. It appears to me 'that favorltlem Is being shown somewhere to the. disad vantage of Mr. DeCaprio and myself." said Bandmaster Tomllnson. J. TJ. Mvers. who constitutes the muslo committee, resented the insinuation'-of Tomllnson. " " - . "It strikes me that these are pretty stiff specifications,'' said the mayor. .-"1 think the requirements are too onerous and you will get no bids if tha con tractor is required to furnish such sx eeaalva bonds." ' It waa finally decided to readvertise for bids, which will, require the successrui bidder to furnlsirbohdli Of 1.00-that he will collect and deposit with the city treasurer JS.000 for . the park ' concert fund. ' "' ' ' ' ' " An appropriate . memorial on the death ef the late Colonel U I Hawkins, for yeara a member of the board, was pre pared and ordered Spread on the min- UtOS. !.' ,i: Blda will be asred for an Ice cream and candy concession in the city park. Also for the erection of a Jodge in Columbia park according to plans drawn by Commissioner Lewis, to cost approx imately $360. ; " ' '- ' ' F. A. Alnalty, representing the Fort land Development ,aseoclatlon. which purchased the lewls and Clark exposi tion grounds, explained to the boara that the grounds will be laid out and replatted aocordlng to the plans of the old exposition, and desired the city te plat the gTounde on which the-forestry building la located accordingly. continues the remainder of Washington limber lands will soon pass out of the 4 hands of the smalt holders., Manu facturers have seen breakers ahead, and eome of them are trying to protect themselves by buying for their- own use. . . , ' .-" Ho- secret- Is made of the fact that timber prices will be raised when the standing timber Is securely tied up. The prices of logs than quoted may be pro hibitive to the smaller mills. The Wey erhaeueers are operating mills cautious ly, and will not become big producers for several years. When they do enter the manufacturing field they and their allies will be in a position to crush out competition on the part of the, smaller mills, and It la probable that scores of these will be compelled to sell out for a song or else shut down. ' On this account" there Is growing in the mills of Washington a sentiment decidedly adverse to the Weyerhaeusers. The-strongest competitors of the Weyer haeusers ere Shevlln As Carpenter of Minneapolis and a syndicate of Mlchl gan men that is buying steadily and cau tiously. The larger mills of this state are also active operators and are plac ing themselves In a position to protect against exorbitant prices when the cor ner Is completed. , ; , PLENTY OF SMOKE BUT - NO FIRE AT 0REG0NIAN ' More amoke than the chimney In the Oregonlan building could carry off from a quick fire In the billiard and pool parlors ef t. W. Bowie and W.. W. Cald well, 1X7 Sixth etreet, resulted In the calling out of - the Ore department shortly after i o'clock this afternoon. Henry D. Griffin, proprietor ef the cafe next door, to the north, saw smoke Is suing from the sidewalk - entrance to the basement and notified the billiard parlor owners, who turned In an alarm. The firemen found that the flue of No. 127 runs over to the Oregonlan build ing: that It had become choked by the oulck fire started In the billiard par lore, and backed up Into the latter building, tilling It with amoke. . There was no damage. - . HAHN WANTED TO DIE WEEPS WHEN STOPPED Alfred Hahn Is to be sent te Van couver barracks,- where he-will be pun lahed for deaertlns. He was found drunk at ITnlon avenue and Hawthorne street - last . night by Patrolman West On the way to po lice headquarters in the- patrol wagon Hahn wept copiously. i ' "I left the barracks without leave and have been away two days," he moaned. "I intended, to commit suicide tonight by shooting myself or drinking carbolic acid. It'a awful mean of you fellows to pinch' me and stop me from eavlng myself the trouble I will have when I get back te the barracks. ROBBED WHILE HAVING HIS LEGS AMPUTATED Whlk C Emmons lay sn a bed ef pain at-the hospital, . where both bis legs were amputated, a thief broke open his trunk on scow No. II, lying between the steel and the Burnelde etreet bridges and stole all the money he had. The larceny waa reported by J. A. Madsen snd Thomas Coleman. It Is believed that the thief knew Kmmona and of his misfortune and took the money, know ing that be waa robbing a man crippled for life. The name ef a auapect was given the police. ' looking for OTBriea. . ' Mrs. Rr J.-O'Brien of Klamath Vails. Washington, appealed to the police thin morning to assist In locating ber hus band, who failed to meet her ss sgreed when ahe arrived In the city last night. 8ha thinks he may be drinking. O'Brien is 31 years old. He is a waiter, and formerly was employed at the Louvre restaurant. Refuse to- Offer Bide - If Speaker Says Nothlng.Can Be -f Done Except a; Complete ---"y; Revision of Schedules. 4 PEOPLE OF COUNTRY DON'T WANT A CHANCE Elkins Answers Critics end Sara He Is a Friend of the People and That He Believes as President Roose velt Docs. . ..- , r (loaraal ftpveUl Serrlee.) Waahlhston, April- s. Speaker -Can non. - In explaining be letter recently published by its recipient in Ohio re garding the tarriff, said this morning: : fMany people believe a single sched ule, or that a few schedules may be amended. This Is entirely impractical, for aa amendment to the single schedule might please a single interest only, but couldnot command enough votes to en act It. , ',- , . . : ', "Nothing can be done except a com plete revision, which would be a compro mise acceptable to a majority or bout houses. For the enactment ef such a re vision time Is necessary to adjust bust- nesa to It. aa it will halt commerce for at least a year. I don t believe a ma jority of people want to Interfere at the present time with existing conditions.' Senator Eakins addressed the senate today, answering critics who claim that he is a railroad senator. - He declared that he only haa the interests of the public st heart, and saya that his views as to rate regulation coincides with those of the president, hut he thinks ths Hepburn bill doee not provide a remedy for the 'abuses and - existing evils. '. v." . i.- -v- . UAPANESEJNTRODUCED - ; TO HIGH SOCIETY .. Peter TJkanbaru. a Japanese, appeared at police headquarters - last night and accused May Miller and ' Mrs. Alonse Deamer, who occupy rooms at : ths Oirard house. Sixth and Btark streets, of robbing him of $5. - He says he took them on an automobile ride after pay ing for taeir supper, and that the lar ceny occurred during the trip while he waa under the Influence ef liquor. '. 'John Davidson, once a wealthy east am Oregon farmer, was mulcted of ft 4.000 by a woman who made the Oirard house her headquarters. Numerous lar cenies, have been reported front there. ABSENT - APOSTLES -SCORED BY SMITH - : (Joaraal Special Berries.) ' Salt Lake, Apr.. .. A feature of the morning session of the Mormon confer ence was a ringing aaaress ny presi dent Smith to the 10,000 saints assem bled. He congratulated the members on the harmony and good work accom plished and scored the absent apostles, who he claimed brought the Mormon We have been making special prices on goods in our store or the last three days. -Crowds of. people have been availing themselves of the opportunity of getting Easter outfits at reduced For tomorrow (Saturday) we are going to have Two First A oi Tourist - Made - in our- own factory, f 1 man's cloth, . mostly in shades ,of gray. -These Coats are regular $25, $30. Tomorrow (Saturday) they will go at-., ' We : M. Athesbn 131 FIFTH m -Value CARFET ! t : . Reg.75eVd 1 - LThis is . a . household necessity and has 'neverbefore been offered at this ridiculously low price. , Hassocks on ale all day. Ironing1 Boards from 6- to. ' 9 p. m. pnly. ' ; vl,l', ',rLj '.:' 7;I;'"tv i n i is -m mis e . P1R8T AND TAYLOR G OuriMethbd We can prepare those fillings and take out, WISE BROS., Dentists Painless, Extracting. Open evenings ti!T church Intotterepute. This Is taken to mean Apostles Teaedale, Taylor and Cowley. Alleged, pelygamlsts alnoa the manifesto would, be said, oe oepoaeu when their names were presented. CALIFORNIA MURDERER IS HANGED AT FOLSOM Tolsom. Cat. April Jeorge Eaaton, who murdered a man la Dixon by cutting his throat about a yeai ago, was hanged at Folsom, prison. at ls oolocai-thls morning.' prices. A Line of Spnng;;7j In different shades of gray, also darker colors, both Eton and Pony Jackets . HERE ARE THE BAR ;.t -'.GAINS .IN SUITS $16.50, $18.50 SUITS 458.50 $22XX) SUITS ..... $10:50 $25.00 SUITS "7t :;?12.50 v We have the man tailors to fit. !sy payments can STREET, NEAR 'y.y y.y V Specials : Stylish Eine S Sm r'second3;i'fel; ' suits mMrm 66Q Rcculcr 75c Value DASSCOI - Cefl. 75cVl w EE Wi inn ' V'.'nx sensitive cavities for foli nerves without pain. Third and Washington. 9; Sundays till 12.. TRAFFIC IS BLOCKED BY ANOTHER LANDSLIDE - ' '" '' (Joerast spedal servlee ' ) Balcerefleld. Cal.. AprU . 8tm an other landslide occurred to tunnel No. 17 last night, due to a heavy rain la the mountains. Progress In clearing the track le almost Impossible, as earth falls from above as soon as any Is re moved from the track. Freight traffic la delayed. Passengers are still being transferred. ' All alterations guaranteed.; oe arranged. ALDER 0 V II II y