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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 6, "1EC3. FOB SALC KHAX. ESTATE. ' cs tbactbi - L IkMM itrNtTrnM te wt m TB-1 PEBCBB CAM, ' . f 10 JPU AC1I FAMl MONTH, Th te Tbeee una ea the sasss ear. pa the MM 6c far th lot toss pays. Th ' lot Baa la four aslghbor. Ixit b Is re stricted In majority of faatares that auke , . uv eiiuwoav Opa Wdodaj 7 aae A. a CHURCHILL AY CO IX& 114 MM St. ACKEg. Improved, e fu: fruit; aH cheepi do agents. U AO. ear Journal. FAXON PABK ' la nr a the market. Lata at acreage ' price. " .... . ' Lou SOxz f ? Lota looiaVO.,.. : Lot 10xlB.. .......8400 ' " The hta ara all in cultivation, level , and elgktly, an a graded street, B '" .-walk to good 10-room Khool at Lenta; Mm) fir loir part f tor lie ad water fr. rFerma. u. k. Aaaiton, tr, goa; take Mount Scott ear, a. BW t-etory modern boose, utbt etraet ; . Minnesota a4 Ftlllne. Apply waf..axt door. t-ROOM modern toons end apt US, a ; - - Aauo dowa and 26 swaUilr. . Parl at, ltontavtlla. : tv-room ottix, UN East Bslmoa, H.TOO; , 1200 down, IA a month. . Sooi cottage. Aiootavllw, ll.OOOs eeay ' tarsia; will tak part trad or work. , . (S Oaaoa at. Phoae Beat . S400 BACH 4 Iota 80x100 on Both and In. .. . between Clinton and Klelelun ts. . Call and - a . .. , aa am ami, m um pwnt ..w. ,w. FOB BALK T-roont flat, osotrsUy loeabed, pays well, cheap rant: nut eell. owaar, tick; " Mat th Wl. STSV Taylor. ... . , FOB SALE Modem 5 -room cottage, IB minute' walk t town; In flu Shape. &X Baa Bafaal at. Upper Albiaa, . - - v 80.000 800 ACRES cleared bottom land; dairy ' , or etockj wd p-noai bouaa, lerge bara; mile if aooaty Mat. Box JKSa, KaUaa, Waahluataa. :. .. 1 . . KOTICB Hawthorn' aa. lota that M. B. La . . 1 aeUtag. between 4th ad o!k ata., laat ona block eoutk of Hawthorn a.- aarllaat rlc will be adeanaed 10 par cent on May 1B08, by order of owner. Theea lota ara eellliia now front M to HO pat aaat laaa tbaa adjolnlnc lata. . - Ut'HBTI and net an of th tea lota U. B. ..- Vn la aelUna for 285 each, loeated betwee 4th ad afith ata., )oat ana Morfe aoath f Mawthora ara. ear line; atndy tha loeatloa " and yoa etta readily aea that tny will atora ' iba double In eatna wttnta tha aaat year. ' ' Offlea 8t4 But at. -ROOM cottag. now. lee trie llfhta, ftrapuM brlck foanUatlon. tinted welle; feoQ dowa balanr monthly. Z I. care JoaraaL ' T FOR SALE FARMS. - T - KOTICB Oh" BALB Or STATB FARMS Kotlca ! berebr alrea that aealed bid will ba ra , eelnd aatll j a'rloek p. .. oa blay a, 1IMM. . for tha follow lu deaerlbed farma acqnlred by Aba alata thrauch fotacloaar at aiartf ana, u to-wlt; . .. .. Cooa Caanty E1wtn Crook plaea, , aeraa la aaetloaa la, 11. U aad la. tawaahip - 0 aaath, ana IS weat. At. A. TMelOMi - plaoa, lot 1 ta aectioa . townehlp 80 aoaih, rac 16 wait: aouth-H of aootlieaat -34. ' aurtlieaat 14, f aoutbeaat V af aecttoa 8S; aoathweet "4 f eoutteweet at aaetloa aa. ' lownahtp W aouta, rear 16 weat. eontalnlua ' aer. V. Tetter placa. north H of aortbwwet U aad went H of nartheaet U of : aaetloa 28, township W aouta. laasa 10 watt, . cantalninf 100 aerea. . - - - Carry Coaaty Alary Gray placa, waat H af aontheaat and aouth H of aortbeaet at aectioa 25, towaalitp 40 aoath, range Id weet, - coaUlalaa 160 aer. 8anwl Bmlth piece, ' north H af aoothwMt H. eoflthweet H of ' oathwat , aad aorthwaat U of aoatnaaat .' 4 of aectioa 1, towaanlp 1 aoath, raaa At - weet, eonulnlnf 1M actaa. , . Dooplaa Ooonty O. W. Patera place, 10S.16 era la aartloa U, townehla S4 th, raap weet. Rleherd Oook plaea. eoutbweet hi of ' ' aaetloa 10 and northwest H af eaotloa , tnwnablp M aoath, range weat, containing Jeekeoa OeantyCharlea Mekell 1 placa. ' - anrth H af aoathwwat H and eeatbeaat U af - aouthweat af eectkm northeast VT af thwaat U af aectlon 10. towMhlp IS aeata, range 4 waat, onUlnliif ISO acre; also th weat U af aeathweatU and aoothweet U f aorthwaat of aectioa 10, towaeblp M aouth, rang 1 caet. containing 1X1. 44 scree, eeatalnlng la all M1.64 acre. . Jnaephlna Ooonty R. . aad A. liar place, west H of eoutheast U af aectioa XI. town ahlp Aa BMta, raaga I weat, aontslnlag 0 lka flannt R. A. Pazton blac. north Vk ef northwest H. wast H of northeast of ectlon 1, township 41 sooth, rang IS east, ' containing 140 seres. A. i. Plka placa, east 1 AA af aorthweat U and eaat H of aoudiwaet H f aectioa 1, iownahlp 40 aoath, rang 1 ' asst, containing 180 acre. W. C. MeWll lietns place, aortbeaet k of aaettoa 30. town ship a aoath, range to eaat. contalnfng. 10 sores. B, B.' naamtaraley plaea, northweet " U ef aectlon 14, township 80 eonth, rinre - it aat. containing 160 acre. P. Af. Barnam - pier, north H of aortheeit H aecttoa 18, ' township SO tooth, rang IP east. Laaa County R. aad S. J. ttaty place, 100 aeraa la aectlon IS aad 14, township SO ' touth. rang wast. - r Llacola Coanty Htr afayara place, eoath. weet H of aonthweet K of aectioa R, and " aoothesat of aoutheaet H of aectioa t, ' township it aoath, ran 11 waat, cnotaMna PO acre. Albert Meeker piece, toutbeut a ef eaotloa S3, township 11 aouth, raaga It west, coetatntng lrt aeraa. . M ... , Msrloa Ooanty R. A. Rdea place. . MJ)J - acres near I. 0. O. P. cemetery, Salem, . Wallowa County C. D. Akin place, waet H f Bortbetst U of eectlna 1 township 2 I nt)V range 44 at, eaaulatng KS.21 aorae. Twma Oua fourth down, one fourth la ana year aad balance oa demand. All Mde must be accompanied by a certified check or draff for one fourth of the price offered. ' nil right ta reject any and all bids It re- erred. To arold future complaint applicant moat baa their bid noon Information gathered by a personal Inspection of the premie only. and not upon Information to be had at this office. Bid should be addressed to O. 1. Browa, clerk of the atate land board, Halem, Oreaon, and marked "Bid for Stst Perm. . OSWALD WEHT, fttste Land Ageat. Iatd thl list day of Merck. 104, - - Acreage 10 acre, m Bile aouthetrt or Mltwaakle and ltd mile to Clack met i I acre ef bearardsm, 4 ace ef potatoea, t scree af rloeer. family orchard, fslr houee; also farm "lag Implement. This Include 4 yeere' less oa 4 acre adjoining at SOO; prlc Pho Mala 6S0S. tITIS Pen to blog. SKI ACRES In Linn county near Lebanon, ISO . per acre; STB acrai In Lincoln county near Kenliellle. $3,000; 280 scree m Colombia county, ' Wseli., near Dayton. 1 per acre. Then are good bargain. KlneeU. 003 Con- mervlel blk. - 1'INB atork ranch near Bletera. Oregon, for - sele or exchscre for town property or timber "' laad. O. 1. Wesley, Poster, Oregon. roB BALB OR RENT SO Scree fca Waahlngtoa county, 1 mile from Forest Oroeei S-room hen, barn, 3 rblrken bouees. park and grss- wra ana f rss T acre ta iraall fruftt of t and walnut . ary; gooa wen; gooq rence; i prime. S acre In fruit tree, am' ell kind and grspea, chestnut . tre for sale e for cash rent... Addreaa A lo, iournsu - FOR BALB SO acre unimproved land, It mtfe , . from Vsnooeeer. 6460. O. A. Waaler - 101 J 11th St.. Vaaeouver, Washing toe. ' POR SALE Dairy farm. Soeey't tabled, U mil below Rceppooee landing; 400 acre. 40 milch cow. 4 head boreea aad all farm Im plements. Address C Stump, Bcappoooo. Or, POR SALE lino per acre, cleared land la th great fruit belt along th Columbia rtre, - In 10 or 2i-cr lots. Apply Boa 10, Lyle, - Washington. CHOICE BtlTS . IOU will make a in lets k If yoa buy raw farm before looking neer onr list. AI.VORD a ALV0KD, IAS Morrlsoa at. T30 ACRES Will tnhdlTlde; 4n0 Ideal frnlt and grain lsnd; 200 la cnltlestloa; good . buildings; aeer town; S feet nine eaw timber; la fa room Roan Hirer valley country ; most -delightful rllmste oa earth, Addree H. B., Boa 117. Woedellka, Ore sen. FOR SATE ISO acme deeded mad IB mile ,. from Vancouver, running water, t,0t0: half . eaah, balance annual Inetallsaeate , without Interest. B S, car Journal. TO EXCHANGE. v FOB "il r . Wl! , for firm, bout Mi2l A ' : 1 in,.- anuth of . (. li. kaaoipb, TO EXCHANGE. ! FOR ) or eiohang . One half tatert ta leadliut pbote studio to Taocoavar, ab., ' new brick block oa Mala St.. cheea far cash, er will axt for coaatry e4h. Par partlculer aoure F. Bung, lit Ualoa SVn V., Irartland. Or. v . . FIRST-CLASS (inert dental work t exohaaaa , for ladies' or gents' tailoring. - Addree M 7, ear Jouraal. FOR SALE TIMBER. :WC;Wait:Timber,: T" We bare cash buyers for large and email tract ef good timber ta Oregon, Washington er California. Phone Mala S30S. . S1T-IS Penloa bldff. WB bar a few ehoma bomeetead clslsa la Was and R hernias Count lee, also a 'w timber claims, yellow pin, ever t.OOO.OuO fset. Write to na for full partlaalara. Had - aua Laad On., The Dalles. Or. ' CERTIFIED ecrlp. any sis pieces) krwt , price. W. i. Bow ell, lit Chamber af Csa HA VB eeversl fin timber aleleia for loeetteal aa maney deposit required. Sud Mohawk bid. TIMBER rellnanlah t, S.600,000 plnei rail- . road S miles; lmpaoveaaeate. la, joaraai. WANTED Prom owner, ' nllnoulshment far - choir timber chtlm; glv full peatiealara. Addreaa O SB. care Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. POR SALE A 1,400-lb. ba draught aa uund and true. Apply L. L. Paget, care, ' FhtMhtwr. Jfayer A Co., er Frasler a, M Lcaa a tables. FINB grocery aad bakery wagon, both new by - painted and nearly new. Call SIS AUaky D1UK.. UtTDDVDi. U,. V. nw,. FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS, BAFB Dlabold, doable door, good s eow) will . trade for mU one. Wtra Salvage C. 627 Waahlngtoa at. POR BALB OR RENT NEW AD SECOND HAND 8EWINO MACHINES. STANDARD SBWlJa MACHINE AQKNCx. L D. iONBB, ShO XAMH1LL ST. ILLUBO ANO POOL tab It for peat eg fa . sals on essr parroeats. ' TUB BRUNBW ICK-BAiKE COIXBNDER CO. 4 Third St.. ParUaad. BTBAM bentiBg plaat, raltabl fee auartsaeut hou; nap; will take parehasw . price la -- rant. 100 Feorth at 1 BOOKS bought, eold and vrhngd at tha Old Book Btore. S2 IsmhIU at. WB need furniture aad will pay fall yam, - Phone Pacldo 7M. We tarn Salrsg Oe S27. Washington at - WRBTBRN ORBOON MINIKO MILLING CO. beadouartar; ateck for sale and Intarautlaa at l gleet et - - Pseae Mala laM. - HOWCAHEfl ANO fTXTTJRES Bait ta order ! J eoaed-hand.oada for.aale,. Carleon Kail- otroaa, Za Uoaca at. rnona vimj MANUBB by wigonload or carload on 0. W. P. By. Phoae East zaio. SHOW esse, counters, fixture nought, told ea exchanged. Weetera Balvsg O., SST Was. t>oa st . Paclo TM. WB print year name ea M calling arda, proper sis tad atyl. Sflc; 1M bualneee cards, U A. W. Bchmala Co.. t First. Portlsad. Or. BOLDEN'fl RHEUMATIC CURB- -Bur cure rhennutlaas. Bold by all droggleta. FOR BALB S3H"fnot Munch, capacity 14 new on, qulppd with s-hrepower ry a amwew nglna, complete, appurtanancea af tha very brat Inqulr S10 Pin et - POR BALB Pine oyster counter and shelving; aaw door and eashi ebeaa. . Sod Psarth at. 1. B0 FOR 80 roses; 100 sweet paa aeede, Set all kind flower and vgtabl aaeda ta eoaabl. Mala TIM. to IS a. aa. . FOR BALB Sseead-aaad aprlaht bailer, alt able for woods w. Foster A Klslser, Filth . and Ereeett St. - FINB new ton buyry. only 608; also new wagon. Portland Wareboua 4 TttnaJer Co t4S Cut Waahlngtoa at.. - .- ST. HELENS M1NINO STOCK FOB BALB 6,000 share Caecerlls. 6.000 Goat Mountain, 14.000 Oregon Waahlngtoa, 60,000 Garma. ala. 6,000 CaUfarala Horn; ail for 6.000. O IS, Journal. POR BALB $126 S-room furambad uottaga at foot ef lth at,' North Portland. FOR SALB Good dry Bra 4-foot Sr wood . la two-cord order . or mere, at A8.TS pr aord, delivered and piled at reetdeoce, a i, TO wu e inai ya nva yeur Hoover, SIS Wstac at Phoa Mala dfiOd. POR BALB Oa t-cyllor fnloo martae gas . angina; will propel about 48-ft boat, H. B. Beanett, BJupptoa, Wash. DAM Art ED csa goods treat tha recast Sre toa per dose aaas. . Call aulek. SOS Seoood at STO BTLERS piano aerttflcata reasomablai mak aa irer. it, eara journal. . , FOR SALE Upright boiler. bm sap irk. aheap. Addreaa Sat Boraelde at . 0NS set at saloon Irtnrea, complete; most ba . eold; auk offer. Addreaa O B0, Jeen-aaL FOR SALE 6100 sr can b need aa $00 credit check oa All' A Gilbert rdaaa-booaei auk an offer. Phone Scott 6406. - FOR BALB Household furniture. Apply 121 . Knott at TWO plana eertt flea tee; ana aa Alls Gil bert company for I10O, one ea B1 let company for ns: mak me aa offer. Addr O SI, ' eara Journal, or pbeae East IS1A. POR BALB SOS Rlleta ptaae eertlScate tor 10. Phone Mala 6418. FURNITURE and bonaebold good of alt krnd for aele; party leering ally. S6t SeUwood et, near William ave. - 65 - BILRRB plana oarttflcst st your awn nee.. W. Ktagatoa, 621 Savter at FOR SALE Young 'Buff Ply month Rock ken and rooeten from prtee-wlnninf Stock. la quire 1218 Michigan ave., city. A B A ROAIN Roll-top tak lad at bar ffte fnrnltur tor Bale, tit Chamber af Conv FOR lAIR, CHBAP Ellera credit (heck worth 70. O SB, car Jourasl. " FOR BALB Becond-hnd farnltur track. Ap ply Oregon Fornltar Mff. Co., Macadam read. 00 CERTIF1CATB oa Kller plano-lwus far eel f40, Rom M. koollaxa. S7 Madlaoa at, city. WHAT bar yoa to offer for a 6 eertlfleate on Ellera piano-sou a T 2,10, car Journal. 1 PTNB Barred Bock cock ere la Phone Pacific S31S. AUTO 16-hore power Rambler touring-car; run- . - . . ha, tuMMlM MA Ulna; esueri wree w, cw, v..wv, h , cash. R 14, care Joarnal. PERSONAL. MME. ANNA LUCKET AND MRS. 8. WOLPB, ol agenta top Mm. Graham'e Hrde-Vea - treettaent and bast developer. Thl I th i '-most clntlnc treatment for removing wrinkles aad facial blemlab; sa for bust devlopmat. N need ef having wrinkle any more. Patients received, with board and ' treatment. Fall Una of hatha Battsfaettna guaranteed. Tea tt mo els la from leading - phyeletane. IS Lange Hotel, Sixth aad Waahlagtoa ata. Pbona Mala SOIL t ATTENTION Would Ilka anma Information a to the whereabouts of Carl Harlon, who la euppoMd ta be In Portland; weight when laat seen about ITS pounds, ay SO, light eomptextna, broad shoulders: would probahly he found about the mills; ate mother, Mr. Parry Duncan, ta very ejek and not expected to Uv. Addreaa Mra, P. , tmncaa, Dlxua yllla. Or. GRADUATE and give treats man. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Re pal ring and dreeetaf . SSI Yamhill at. SUITS pressed while roa walk 60. Ladle skirts preseed, toe. Gilbert, lOOtA SUth at. Beat to Quelle. Pbona t'ael SOU. DR. W0R1.FY BENJAMIN, the Pern) Boedallet, 80 Waahlngtoa at. Boou S04. Bore feet mad aound " BING CHOONtl. Imnortec f CM sea rant medi cine: cells Chine te that It eartale rur f- til nisesee. 181 Seoosd pat, taaablll t I itywr. . .., PERSONAL. DBTBCTTTB A0BNCT Confidential lavwatt gat lose ; report mad a aay lsdlrldnal bo"l- Cm property m teeing rltlea loeatedt d di-bta aollacted: c bargee reaenaahle; cor Sipendeacc eollHted. Oreiroa Detactlv rvlc. efflee S14-61S Oolamhla bldg.. Bat aahingtea t phoa Mala 6616, LOST power ratord by the great Dr. Loraea' Nero Tnle Tablets; Sfic per boa, t hue for fl.St. Writ er call at fcrraeirt Ph,rmsy fcl Marrlaoa, bet Ut sad td. BACKACHE and kidney er bladder die see r Cured with Oreroa aartatt trial ataa tat AOs ia atatspa. Plumawr. Sad Third at WBT PBET are deiigaroaa. Webfoot bUefctaJ la abaotately waterproof. . MANLY vigor rMtored by Dr. Roberts' Nrv Globule. On moatb1 treatment 1: t Mntha, SB; aent eecurely aealed. by mall Ageats. Weodard. dark A C.. Prtlsnd. ftu XBt, Palm Tablet make paa Bleep perfeetlrt tay cure Berreaan sad make yoa stromal price SO' boa, t baaea 160; tasrssteed, &II drugrlim, er sdnVees Brook Drug Cat. at orth Third at., partlaad. Oregon. FBEB ta out ef towa patrana. ear tetasrl cat. loa of fancy work, pillow .tone, center pleeea. ehtrtwalata tnd aovltla. Th Ndl Craft Shop, SSS Weshlngtu at, Partlaad. Or. ANT maa er woman caa bp troog and happy by aslng Baxlae Pill, the arret teulei prloe : 1 a boa, t boaea 66. with fall go rente. Addree er eel 1. A. Olemeaaoa. druggwi. Tank 111 stsL. Portia nd- Or, HI0H-ORADS portrait: epwUI offer for few dtytt eehlnet else, card er folder. 18 for ; euslltr and work th beet. D. M. Steves. 60S Boaaaiugh bldg , FMth and - XaashllL ... BALM 'OP FIOB for aU fwmala dbs Baat Beltaeat Pbeae Baat 406. KM "FORBIDDBN PRUTT," "A Oar Lofharta," Utory (, a B1eve 1,Pnny Hll).' "Agae, "Wemsa of Plr,' "80c each) lists ft. A. W. Bohmal Co.. 129 First t. TURKISH BATHS, SOO Oreronlan bldg., ladle days, geotlenwn nigbtn. Mala 106. - BOMMtN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Bora aara far rhMmatbua, Bold by all dragglata. DR. O. V. KETCUDM promptly private aklnand tpedsl I femM trouble, (ell or writ. Red Croa Ipiepennary. pifi ml Third and Ash ata. Paoee DO yea aaaat ta marry If aa, Jola em? eoetetyt we bar kaadreda of member, either x; BaMmaadal register, 10. P. O. Boa adt. BCHOOL book and all kind of boake bougM, aoia ana Mcaangea. ooer rjoo pnaru. mn a Mae ea . m. . ...... 1 DIBEASBS OP WOMEN' socucss fully trratedl maternity esse cared for, prlvata boepltsll trained nareee: consul Ut km free. Dr. At wood, leSH Fourth at, room It. Paone Hood SSS. After April 10 at room Lewi -bid;, B60H Morrtooa at - - BACHELORS, don't worry; we'll eaw your not . ton a and do year meodltg free: don't ' eweart we'll Iron your thtrt and eollara ta " fit year neck. Try aa. Grand Laoadrp On., 17rAv and Qulmby ta. Phoae 1466. LADIES' . Turkish bath, massage, ayarutrt parlors; strictly net-class place for ladlee only. Flat A, 661 Wasbiagtoa at. mrtwaaa lth and 17th ata. X0UNO lady rtree face- aad eralp maasi - manlcarLap and chlrapody.- 144 Vt Sixth st. REFINED lady wishes asanalataa ef elderly tentlcmaa of mesne; object autrlmany, l . tV- aara. JoarnaL. .. .. .. GENTLEMAN wtehe acqnalntsnce young lady having small mean or ewa home) abact mstrlsxmy. Addreaa Bex 61. atty. . DR. M. T. COLB, S4S Baat tttdi maternity case ; disss of women, Phoae Baet ISOO. CALL at mom C, 2714 Morrlsoa ft, aad eat A fre sample of California Medicated Healing Soap. For toilet and bath and all tkai dls Baae. CHIB0PODY, maalcniinar, elewtrleal aad msg aetl trestmeot at 145 H SUth, ea. Alder. AUTOMOBILES. C0FET P00K Motor Car Co.. r"eatB aad Aider Agent far Cadlllaa, PI ere. Great Arrow nd Stereo-Da ryes motor-aant ma ehtae rented. rnlrd Bad tOirad. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attoraey, SOB Commercial bib.. Second and Watklagbsa tt. Phone Mala 64R J, B. WINCHESTER. attnray-at-lw. aotry, 80 Waahlngtaa bldg. Phoa Padne 1327. ART EMFORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX METER, 48 Alder. Portrait and land see pe art let tnd teacher. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MENORV Architect, IIS Beeood at. ASSAYERS. BPaaismsaai. amtap 1 GARTIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Amay Offlea. 188 Marrtoea at- BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DATIS at KTLBAM, 108-111 Baeead et Bleak book mnnafactarsrat agents far Jenee Improved Loose-Lee f ledger; ea the aaw Eureka leaf, tha bee, ea th msrket BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. BIRKENWALD CO.. 804-SOS Bverwtt at largest butchm' supply houee th e t BATHS MASSAGE. XOUNG lady give vapor, alcohol sad medicated hatha. Parlor 17, Sot Mi Stark t. MIBS RAYMOND aire bath and maeeaire treatment. Th Cosmo, 3A814 Morruon St. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any en owe yen monyt We collect bad debts of all kind. Wort tweeter taw ' Co Uterine O., 131 Grttd tv., room 14 aad 16. Cltlsen' Bank bldg. Cat that out Phod Eeet 8048. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A SPECIAL SA 00 READING FOR 1 00. ST. GEORGE ORMONDE. BK.KH OF EGYPT. WORLD-RENOWNED. " Clairvoyant, Palmist and Parchlr Healer. TUB ONLY YOGI MEDIATOR et Sert Influence In America. , Curve ell aervoue- dleesee, week sea f very kind; telle Juat whit taaors, per plexee. vrarrlea yoa; what year wis fa. If the one yoa love Is ' true er fslaa. bow o Cla tha one yoa mve or admire; brings ck th eetrsnged lorer, kuliad ar wife, ttralghteat out family rrenblee aadV ae left yoa la gaining ynar wleh ar desire; alvaa aamaa, date. ' facta of marriage, leva, law, awmer, chtnges; til wltheet yoa - apeeklag a word. Fee, one dollar. .. Permanently located. Open Ruadaya, JcJUt WASHINGTON BT. PROF. NORMAN. O0NSCT.T THE BEBT IT Witt. PR0TB THB CHEAPEBT IN THB END. " Without asking a qoeertou I tell erery tn eldest ef your pat prraent tad farare Hf; bew ta gala your deelres la lore, marrlsge. - l roe, aleka. weelt,. te; Vacate lost will, deed, Bsertgage and absent trwsde; telat yoa haw to tell if your n ine cee tains or, all er gee; fee within reach af all. pig A llsay bldg. . 186 Merries a. ear, Third. MRS. STBTBNM, Pnrtled't hading palmbrt, aatreiorec and dalrvayaat, 1 Bereath at, aea. Metal Portland, CARPEa' CLEANINO. STAN DA RO Unrpet Cmaadaff Oa.. largeat plaat a the cot Lorlng sod Harding tt-, tsm- . phon East ISO Cpta eleesed. rerStted. ewd tod laid: both steam end Istest em- . areaaig sir proceee; , vtAn mttrMS sad leatlMra a apedalty. 8ANITARY carpet ckeaxdng. aactwa aad coaa - pram, 4 akff aamalaed; anrpot wa4 ea Boot without renters!. Mats 8034. Bast 43. I. HUNTER, (teem rleaajer, 660 Jeftera earnet 'aad m. Pha Mala 314. CIQARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OCNST A CO Dletrlbulora af FINE CIGARS ortland. flragoa. CHIROPRACTIC CURES appendlcltla; a arngt er knife. Dr. Br Hoa-aa. al Union ave. Tel. Woodla twa BT. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOYD Carpenter, Joiner and esrrlag work.. 68 6th st Phon Pteltc 1101. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. partlaad Steam Cleaning A Dyetmr Works; pram tlcal hatter la aonMctloa. 2ll 4th. Pacific Suf. CLOTHES cleaned ed preeeed It per neatl Unlqee Tnllorlag Cm. 84T Waahlngtaa at H.W. TURNER. profeMlonal ver aad a Is at. - SOS Jefferson tt phoae Mala BUS. IARTORIAL Tallnrlag Co. Ladles' and men't elaaalag aad press log. too Wash. Pas. 18IT. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALR erorkery tnd giaasware. Prnel, Begele A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. fRrk t COAT? AND WOOD. CHURCH LEY BROS, aave removed from goat Davit et te 4X Kearney it, aear lllhi M Cm the I revet woodytrd la th city, earry, g AU kinda af -wood and eeaL Mala ML ALBINA PCBL CO. Dee lee la eordwod. ol , aad greet aad dry tlabweod. R. R. sad AA blna sva., 1 bleka east at ferry. Baat 874. WE8TERR Feed A Fuel Co.. ea . GUeaa aad Hoyt dealere la all blade boat eoala aad Blacksmith eoabj. alata 101A -. STEEL BBIDGB FUEL CO. Dealer la eeeL aardsreod and dry aUbwaod. Pbona. Eaat 414, 0RB00M FUEL CO All kinds et coat aad weed. SOS Alder at Phoae Mala Of, KIRK HOOTER. US Wttsr tt Waod sad aaal. Phone Mala 4RB. CAFES, THB OFFICE 1X8 Wuhlngtoa it, phone Mala TTL Samuel Vlgneaux. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BFEBDINO A FABBBLL, produce aad eommta. - oa mei ihanta. 140 Front ti Partlaad, Or, - Phoae Mala ITS. - - CHINESE REMEDIES. MRS. S. BT. CHAN ear privat and fmal -. dlaeaaes with kerb and roots; rsanedlee hsrm lees; as xistlou. 262 tUajr st, ear. Third. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, M 6 vesta it, Portia sd. a K. for , ererythlng Ja the eatearletl Uaa. . Pbeaa Mala 1SS8. . ... PAOIFIG ELECTRIC CO. shsrlsje, cntrso tors, repairers, electric wiring, supnlloe. 84 First ear. Stark. Mala 868. R. H. Tata. mgr. ta m 'in II . ii i il eesnaariggmssxamasB FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON rural tor Manufacturing Corns ae Manntaetarera et faraltore fat the trnda, Portlsad. Or. FTTRNITURB aMnnftctarlaa end special order. . L. Ravsasky's furniture feetory, STO Frsat at, 0. W. LINES A BRO.. SB4 Sd at Furnlrnr twpalrmg. packing tad thlpplng. Main 6181. FURNACES. BOTNTON wtrtt-alr fnmaee aevv fuel. I. O, Beyer Faraeee O,, 168 Stad. Mala del, : FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB Fbmdere tt, er. Sd. IRON WORKS Phone Msl a xuoa. GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO.. wknlatale Bietma, mw facturer and eommlatloa BMrchaata. F earth - Bad Oak eta. ALLBN LEWIS. mtasloa aai chanta. Front Bd Deris at.. ortlnd. Or, GASOLINE ENGINES. 0ASOLINB ENGINES Stationary and mtrttw nifts tmeur aatotine uoach. iiuo; saceaa t-ksnd aleetrld launch s ant hull. RBIKBBON MACHIN1RT CO, iax-4-a uocneoa et GRINDING. K. B. KABLBON CO., expert grinders. aVa keny, corner Eighth. Phone Pacific TPS. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, A merles a plan; 13,18 per Say. BELVEDERE; Europe e pUn; 4th and Aide ata. THB BROWN Grand aad Hawthorne teas. HAY AND GRAIN. B. S. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed aad War. IM Union v. Pbaa Bsst 1S1T. HARDWARE. Partlaad Hardwire Co. solicit opportunity ta - am prices. 163 lt t..cer. Alder. Mala 1864. INSURANCE. ISAAC ta wam, fir Insurance, SOI Dskum IAS. Mel. WOOD, empwvwre MbU1ty d ta. iviaaei aecideut anr.ty nanus as w mtmim. er. aoi men ay aiog. I, H. RICH A RDSON, lockamltt and repair! eg. - SST Jrt2fS,,1 ' magnetic HEALINO. . ALL, torxo of dlet treated, cbroale or a caret cstmt positively cured. Prof. J. C. Dtsmead, - U H. Hart,- 1H0 Seventh et,- Mala 4178. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil Of SEYCIK. vlella teacher. Stadia 188 Sixth. Tel. Ma ia BWa. PIANOS repollahed. equal ta new. Practice I plsno-repslting tnd finishing. " J. D. JOHN BON. ITS Id et. Pacific 81. MACHINERY. THB tt. 0. ALBBB (XI- l-baad madary. aawmlUt, eta. SAB Grand sva. IPPBLT A MYERS, macblalam aad alee trldarai electric elereter. electrical machin ery ami gaanllae eaglnea a epetialty. 834 Oak t. Fboae Mala 1630. BOAT enatnea, gstmlln. Sheffield marlnei aay ped; beat mad) right price: la stock: ea exhibition; running In salaam. aa. Call First ead Stark are. Fatrneakt, Morse A Oa. PLUMBERS. DONNBRRBRG A RADEMACnSR, aaattary pmmbera. 64 Fourth et Bath pas. FOX A CO.. Mnllary pmmbsra. Ml Becaad, bet Mala sad Sal rea raon Mala tool. FINNIGAN BR"". A CO. IBS Third St. Pbona AUla SM0. number aad beetisg aaglaeera. LOCKSMITH. J J FINANCIAL-BANKS. taamAwyn , TaTZXt) RATXB HATIOMAt AX BP PMTtAaTD, ORIOO. ., ' U Nrthwet Cor. Third d Oak It. u'.a'ejs-rf TranaacU A OvMrsl Bankmr BusJoe. DHAFTB 1BHUBD AvaOablB ta All tht United SUM and Aurope, Hooakonit sod Manila. ColleoUeae Made ea Fsvermble Trm. Prerideot ...i, J. 0. AlNSw'ORTH Vic-President '"J"Jr m?atli.A Vice-President . 11 U A HAkNkB Cs.hlr....... at, W. BCHMkAll , Amlttsnt Ceshler. A. M. WBltjHT Asslsunt Csahlee.. ...... ,.v ... -W.. A. BOLT. T A OF. OAXUOBBTA Xltahlllhd 1686. M-U OfAee, Saa taiikn .JtfPf&il - I . Capital paid ep W.)0,0iwe0 Surplus nd undlriddflta.....T7nj W A General Bauklng aad Exchaaga Bunlnaa Transscted. SAVlnOt DEPAETMB?tT. latareet ea time deposits. Accounts opened for soma of Aid and upward. PertUnd Brenia Chamber f Cenimeroe building. . WBr.-A.-aTACBAB-"VrnT.Trrr....MaaagT. J. T. B 11 BTt; H A ELL,. . ,T.,Aaalttant Manefler BATIONAL BABK OF P0RTLABT), 1 Amslgaatsd Dsttotitory sna President A. L. MII.I A I A . . a, . k AT Itl.U F, n w ,.,, v nj v . a. ... a. SlghP Eichsage sad Telegraphic Transfer cold ea Nw Yorh. Bcatne, Chlcata, St Loam, St, Paul, Omshs. Bsa Prsnclsoo and the principal polnta la the orthwet Sight and time bill draws la anma to eult ea London, Parla, Berlla. lanhfort-aws-t"ia. Hoagkont, Tohohama, Copsshages. Chrlstlaalt, Stockholm, St Petersburg. Atosco V, Eurtcsv Honolulu. . " i I, LAUD A- TTXT0X, BABXXRB Established ta 1868.) - TraasaoAa a earl Bknking Basis see. CollecHoa made at n bolntB Tr this terms. Ltttera ef credit Issued vallbl In krone and all jrolnts In jhe 1 "1'eej State. Sight Exchange and Telegrtphle Transfer, told Ion New York. Wrahlnatoa. St Loala, Denver, Omah. Bsa rascteeo ltd Montana and Brltlah Colambla. Exchange Bold on London, Ptria. Berlin. Frinkfort. Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and Booolslo. MXR0HANTS' BATT0VAX XAJfX, POET i." FRANK WAISON... President at." W. HOYT. ,. . , Csrtiler TrassasU a Generml Banking BuaUee. a Ail rtrm.ei tne worM. uotwenont a Bpecitiiy. TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TXTST OOJflXxTT 0XX0Q BEHtiURCES 0VEB tl.POO.OOO. General --SAVINGS ACCOUNTS: Time ccrtlflcates. SOO ar orur. IU te 4 per cent. Cell for . a- and Oak BEN J. f COHEN...... a LEB PAGET... tta. Phone ....Prea Ideal 'tCTJIITT SAYTEOS A TRUST OOaTPAaTY omm - n.-bin, Rn.inMS S M TIM AnJ vl, ,wll. Aets as . . AvaUabla In All Perm of the World. n W Itlim ' '. PVeeldant I. A. LEWIS... A. L MILLS Recoad Vlca-Preldal GEO. P. RLS8ELL. SfOBTGAOB TARABTXX A TBUST g Stocks, Bead and Mortgusa aWoaht aad vArllAu .... 0. W. WATHRBURT.. mewni i i ... i n. . m ey, am V, . a a WTample,-SeJtk aadarkJg&eejg1Ph n Male it BONDS AND - . , , - tMSTimn - r - Mj M ORRIS XROS. US Tint sHieV Offer OUt-Edra Inrastnwntt la MantHpsi ' I 'ITLX OTTAXANTEX TRUST CObTPAaTT I MORTGAGB LOANS on Pertiaad Reel ttractB DOWTtmB. 0PX3H1 CO. Wkrat aad Stoek BrekT. (ICatablUhed ISM.) ' . ' -- Room , Grouad Floor. Chamba. of Commerce. OTerbeck, Stan Sc Cooke Co.-1?? ' ...,."'..' BRAIsj, PROVISIONS. OOTTOlf. STOCKS AND BOBDnV . "-r'T,- ., v t .-. WB DO A STRICTLY Contlnnoua Market by frirst. Wire. " Quick ,f7o. er. ad United gtsts Ktlontl Btnk otEngltnd. LOUI-J.t;WIIBE: M0NICIPAL SCHOOL AND BOBSISISTOCIS" CORPORATION - ariimit tatttpM ta lunsttrs PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN HOME MONEY TO LOAN. vmtATKJUARTr.R9 FOR BALART tOANnV ,. i dS-t Mohawk bldg., cor. ktirrltoa and Third, Ladles er Gatlma. Ne Publicity. If yon brrow 20 yoa pay back tf.M a wk. If yoa borrow 126 yoa py bck 11.65 a wk. if you borrow t:) yoa pay back 13 00 a week, f yoa borrow 60 yoa pay back 6.00 a week. Paymsnm enapenrttd In . eaae ad ilikaata, . Strictly Bslary Loans. " THB CRESCENT LOAN CO.--'--dXt-t Mohawk bldg.. ear. Morrltaa aad Third. ( MONEY TO LOAN 'Ot improvsd elty property or for batldlng pnrboea, for from t to 10 years' time. . rrithprVvtlega repay aU or fart at toes after two years. Leans approved from plaas aad money adnnced aa bulldtag pro grasses; aaertaaree takea up tnd replaced. FRED B. BTRONG. Flnsnctal Ageat .. .. ... 141 Burt it - TBI STAB LOAN CO. . ..Aay saiarlsd employe, rage-earner, tAB get e bis not, without shortgsg-- Month. H Month. Week Sm.oo Repay ta aa tilts sr td .66 er SS.J5 IlS OO Repay to us t.65 or JA M ae 11.66 16.00 Rpy tool 4.00 or 1.00 ar 1.0 lv men-uy otu. CONFIDENTIAL kmne ml salaries. Insttrtsc policies, piano, fnrnltnra. wtiibeae re celpt. eta.; any teeervlng persoa msy tcur a liberal advanca. repaylaa by easy weekly er monthly lirata II menta, 1EW DBA LOAN A TRUST COMPART. BM Ablngton bldg. MONBY ADVANCED SALARIED P EOPI.1I Aad others apoa Ulr ewa names without ' securltyi chespeet rates, es elect payments; efflee la 68 principal Htlee; aav yoursslf money by getting onr term Srat TOLMAbf, 128 AbTsgtoa blda.. lOSVt Third St MONBY ta kaa oa reel, personal nd eollstoral ecurity; mctal ttntloa ta cbttl meet ggea; Bote boagbt C Y7. Palwt, 04-f lentoa bldg. 64 Sixth at . HI0HLT raepectabla plr whr Mdlea no area borrow money oa dUmonds and y. Onllarcrat Lnaa Baak, BBS Waab at. Phoae BUk IL f - - - MONET t loan riickamst cousty lsnds, B. P. Bad F. B. Alley, 80S Chamber td Oom- L0WE8T ratea en furniture and planoa. EttJ. era Lota Co., 448 X bee lock bldg. Padfle SUA MONET TO LOAN oo til klnda ot security. William Boll. rooa. t, Wasalngtoa bldg. BBVBRAL thoossnd dollars to loan at t per emit, elty property) private. T t. JearuAL S.4flO -OR-LESS te loa oa elty property 1 private. Addreaa 84, care Journal. TO LOAN Bum te milt en chattel aaaartty. R. A. Frame, B14 tne mtrqusm. MONUMENTS. Al N1U A KINGSLXT, SSS Pint St.. Pertland'l leadln marbl and granite works. V OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX A NORTHRUP. 41B-lS-lt Deb urn blda., 1 air nna nsauinaum . e. . Mala tat. Examinations free. DR8. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 40M MaekJa bldg. Phone Clay 778. Ret. tha Bill. ..Prt " vita racbange TL 1 THB very beet lady earraaamrh r eeern. t. L. a. Johseo. suim IS. B.UIsg Hnrsch bldg. DR. PIERCE, eeteopeth, vlbrstloo and the new , . - a ., . , w I aa ..-. D a aI 44 ea BbbcT ugnt. mitt jiniru ev. mw DR. O. L. CUNNINGHAM, the Eaat Side Oe tepatb, 101-103 Browa bklg., phone Bast 161. - PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOrNG aale aftlelel photographic Vlws ef axpoaltloa, souvenir postcard, view book, tc, greatly reduced pttca. Bxpositloa - Btor. 848 Morrlao tt ' ' PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BBACH A CO, Th PIsBMcc Plat Oa.1 window giam g mmmi,s is . asrss at. iseu. - ERNEST MILLER de CO., Becaad Bad Taylor Wall peper, paint ell at msrket prieeai fret dellesry. . PRINTING. THB MODERN PRIN YE RY -Artistic arintlag. M Ruatel bldg.. V earth aad Morrawa. Pbaa Paeifl ISM. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, priauna. Ilthngranblng, bUnk hooka. Fbee sfala if. 106 Aider t weih, Davis a carbon Prjnin. T l1A.ll, A"- , I, pare th payer, bldg.. Sixth and Ramps tut and so atearne Morrkena. Phon Mala 4147. PATENT LAWYERS. GEO. W. McCOY. domestic aad foratga Be Ire Remarket ixrtery public. 171 Mar tent; orrlen. PHYSICIANS. DR. Pi W. BLOH.VJ. drngleee rhyelciss. lit Too my bldg., Seamd and Taylor tu, llmv. Mala 1311. 0RE0OB. ind riaanrtsl Ageat of fh Telt4 Jst--- - IILIB r set 1ST '-Wt "-IVioKis. VOHO Secosd Asawtant CaahMT, ... .B. f, STEVENS pe aad tha Eaatera States. - " ' . , u i vmm -- . LAND, ORIOON. R. L. DURHAM. ............... '.fS" GEORGE W, HOYT. . ,-mtaal if' DrsfU aad Lttsr f Credit Issued Avtlbw I - "Itt. Oldrat Trust tT! banking. Exchange ort all paTta of tte to 4 per cent; short-csll special , Soutksaat aeraer Third - I...... .'Tlc-Prmrtdnt tr "llALlBrSAllUOe Prl' H. Private Exchange .71. PITTOCK... J. O. OOLTRA-, ....Atsisttnt aecretsry AUh a a amtaaaauauu"" - . . , MS '?3l..',-.7Ln-l Keertsea Btrt . Partlaad, Hivnui , .- . IBAUTMKNT STJ Trusts tor Ettste. DrsfU r -d Lettara at urmnt .First Ytee-Preeldent ..deeretary B, 0. JUB1TZ .Assistant Secretary COMPAXT BABX, as . Time Daptatta. BOM. , intereei P1d 0.00 Si OA AAA i.,Tlaraiddea c rsr wiy.ikm . . ...... v- . w . -- - i i, I, , i i M..i,ailal a INVESTMENTS. - lU - t- -LVrvasir'tM',Ts "IM ParUand. Ovsejea, Write ar Ctrk'; and RallroaS Bondt. 340 Watblngton Street, Cef coea Estate at Lowest Rata. Tltlea Insure. Furnished; ' , Ab- oommiaauwa aunxsisvoe). REFEBENCES Ladd A Til ton, Baak. S. 4 and S La Fsyttte bldg.. ear. tilth and Wtih. Sm, PortUad. Oragoa. Ooatkitaat With Atmotota Saf.ty. TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH BECURTTIBB RUBBER STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS. 148 Alder t..pboae Mala no- rubber ata sips, esem, stencils, baggage trad chock: nd for catalogue No. 86. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, gottertng. repairing aad gnral lobbln. J. LoeU. 813 Jorfei STREET PAVINO. WARREN Oons traction Ca, street paelsg, aldm walks and atuealnga, fit Oregls hlda. THB tWrtwr Asphalt Paring C, t Pmtlsad, Offlrs 1m5 Worcsater blk. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SiaNBV enndew settrrlnc. elorb aaaaawa, conmslcal electric llrna IBd tlgns ef IH klnda mtde eulckly. roster A Klslser, Fifth tad Everett Phone Kxonaage oo. SCALP TREATMENT. GBAY, falling hahr. dandruff treated; aaampoa. - Ing, msnlnirlBg, chlrapody. face work. Mra, B. F, Kyaa, 166H Foarrh, ear. Morrison. moos . rsew reoer ew. DIEBOLD SAFES ALWAYS RELIABLE, not In TBCBT. Norton and Buckeye Jacka. Metal Offlea Futures. Repair. Phone Mala 1&5. John E. Dtvl Agent 68 jrf-M SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES.' SHOWCASES ef every eeeenpnon; osua. wr nd a tors Sxture made to order. , Th batke MaamfactarlBg Co.. PortlynuU - SECOND-HAND GOODS. GOODB'S Farnltura Boo Highest price .paid for second hand furniture. 116 lint! at 4BS. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, pis . ready for d furniture moved.' necked sal Doing and chipped; n work gssrsDtsed; hugs. 8-story brick. flr-prf wtrrhMW for atorsge. Office 128 First st C. M. Oltea. . Phone Mala 64T. THB BA0GAGB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. Sixth and Oak Its.; baggage checked from hotel er reel dene direct ta dee ties ties; paasenrart therefore vold ruh and assay sue tt depot. Private- Exeaaag ea. a O. PICK, efflee SS Flrtt et. between Btnrk . and Oak st.. pbona BOd; planoa aad farnltura moved and packed for shipping; com mod loo brick war. houee with separate traa restate. Front and Clay eta. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 14 NorTh Sixth. Pbeae Mela 80. Heavy healing aad store-. POST - SPECIAL DELIVERY No, BOOVfc Waab lagtoa st Phoa Mala B6X, THB Ortgna Auto Despatch baa purchased the entire capital atora or tne w airman m saw Transfer Co. tnd the two eompanlea win here, after be operated together. The msln office will be located at No. 13 t 27 Flrtt st Telephone Mils TIP. -- - TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOW BUS DAILY Comb, brush, snap St pee month. Portland Laundry and Towel apply Co., Ninth and Coach. Phoae 410. TYPEWRITERS. NEW type titer, all makes, rented, enht tnd repaired Coast Agency. zl atnrt. Tel. mri. u.. u II, ,1 I I, II I I1, II II I TELEPHONES. THB ealy aueraalv telephone beaet, B.-R. Electric A Telepaea Manufacturing eoaa . peay. S3 Fifth st TO AROUSE CITIZENS TO CHOOSE GOOD MEN "Good Government" la to ba the theme and eeruawa af a masa meeting of Vetera which la to be held tt th Wblte Temple st I M o'clock next Sunday afternoon, Tb purpose ef th meeting m pa a roue gooa el tineas, whatever tbekr- party, Is the Importance of vettag for good mea for publla offlea ta tha coming arlmarm. Addreeee WlU b dellvarad by Judge Stephen A. Iwell of Pendleton, Rev. J. Whltcmoh Braugher aad B. 8. J. McAllister. SherUf Tom Word aad ethers will be ea tba platform. ' Greyhound has rc,.conn'tloB with tha colnr y ey. While tha derivation of th ? . r iff t- Wftrd la tinocrlaln. It 1- cr SAFES. ' '"L rji AT THE THEATr.: 6RtB Now SelSin. . wmtm - use eaeuee m'rere, sou aU th peau frisndt Is th town hare been Bating lb shadow the attaa wlag eJt th a by -bearing stock which adeerrlssa "Tha Hlr to ta BoessS" at tha Hellig theatre) th Stat half of nut week, with mail nee ageBn.ait.r. . 1. -a. , a, . sppaawstty axesaded ever the happy home or WUfred Laces, Stat msas(r ef "Ta Heir w am s-mimiB7, wane tea ttnoeer wat playing at the Hadaoa thewtr. New urk, far s lusty bey. eUsktly aacdln the eea. v pn mDI, CUBS I IH &.UTUU household la a early beur ef a Buaday r Frederick' WBrde.,- . FradVrtck Ward, wba glvs ' t r1 t Shakcspearaaa lectures and reritala at the MarQuam theatre Monday, Ttwauay and W'd aasday. April 8, la and 11, (peak aa follow a regareUae; bis araseul icatrt v "Far myeeU t kav retired tmporrlIy tram th stage te me- ' tare ea Mhaketpoaiaaa eub)etta, tt wale I find the greatest public Interest, and which I am vain eiiosg to thtaa will etlamlaaa thaoght and study oa the aubject, and ta a humble way arauaa la tha minds ef the people a desire to toe adequate repreeeatatloae ef claeam liters tar upon th tage." Sts ara now oa tale at the Marqnam boa offlea for the ant Ire eageg. meat ha sIand. . TTam . T - - Babe IB 'TOTlBfld Comllll." - ' - Taarr BW'dvar B0 Boopla ucaed ta tba production ef "Babee ba Toy land," which eamt ta th UelUg theatre April IA. IS aad 14, with matinee Saturday, the majority ef them being girls. ' A arose- the principal mmbre ef tb ergaaiaatlea who are ta a see let tb ,adlag parts are Igaacle kfsrUaettl. Katbmin BeU, Albvrtln Ben, Oen LuoeaAs. Mand Campbell. Katharine Marray, Ida Ward, On Plxley, Walter Boh rods, John F. Ward, Ed. ward P. 8 ul Ilea a. Robert Burns and Jsmsa Wlltee. .a , ... . At th Baker. It yod caa't r t the Baker tonight and pee tba Empire barlaaoaa company, af whom to. arack has ba said aad writta, b sure to arraage for toinarrow'B matin, aa these twn perfurmsucse wlU close the oompaay'a pertiaad engagameat,. . Next Week at the Baker. The ChertT Bloteomt bniigu ',wtn enea4uB day. matins at the Baker and continue to ba the attraction all through the coming week. This eompany carries 10 pretty girts who caa sing, dance and look wall In tanalag cMtamee. ' The remedy portion of tha production It beaded by John H. Parry.: ... V' "My Wife'a Tmmily." ' If yoa Bra' satiated with melodrama and de sire a delightful chang to bright and witty dialogue, catchy. Jingling musical and dance numbers yoa should not fall to attend a oar. comedy, "My Wife'a Family," while will be glren for th laat three timee la Portland at the Empire tonight, tomorrow matinee aad to- I ; "The Fxtsl Wedding" Sundsy. , Banday afternooa at the Empire "The Petal Wedding," wlU opea for a week's run. This It one of tha big melodramstlo taecttaaa known and ' eagrly looked forward - to - everywhere. Tha company earrlea all aweiery scenery. No krvsr ot clean, wholesome melodrama caa afford to ml seeing "The Fatal Wadding" at tha Empire seat week, . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. The Star's BUL ; - V' . v -'- - 7 Hall and Lamina are tsltag a lot of fanny atarlaa at th Star that wset and the W.WI-. .aba. ..w ,., V. saw Ut III ww the tone program. Conway aad Oak are oo brette who dress wall aad sing and dance. Jemlka la a female moaologltt whe also tings. A comical bateh-faa sketch la played by Rooa and Forrwtar. , r e- ' " ' " '.' i" ": . - "Her Convict Brother." . Tba Lyric stick eompany la ma (staining its xcellcnt rcpatatkm la glrlng to tba publla that eplcadld awlodrama. "Her Coavlet Broth er.'t la A clean sad capable maaner ., Tber ar urea more aignm ana atTernoona anrmg which the eppertealty wlU bo affarded ta eajoy this preductlon. .. " At the GraiuL . "Weotng a Widow, a light and airy comedy. Is en of the bright ktche ea the proxrsm t the Grand this weak. It ta played by Jack Connelly and com peay. who glee a most agree tble bit ot acting. Da Mora aad Oraceta Bra biirayn. ecomi. saa viwsieif toe usux BCTW- batle team that has appeared la Portland la a peer. The Feraaads May trie effer musics! a lections en banjoe aad violins aad tsar paper late unique design, . , . - PROFESSOR CARROLL ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL WORK The Mission and Work of tha Areh Aaoioxieal Institute of America."' waa tha aubject of a lecture by Profeaaor Mitchell Carroll In the haU of tha art museum . laat night. . An. lntareated crowd attended. Among others who spoke were Georga IS. Ulmoa and Dr. J. H, Wilson. , . - i Profeaaor , Carroll Is ona of tha na tlonal aeoretarlea of tha Archaeologtca I Institutes of America, and tha purpoae of his Ylslt is to organlxe A society for the study of archaeological subjects In thla locality. It Is customary for tha Institute to send out three or four lec turers each year to tha various societies to- give Illustrated talks oa claaalcal. biblical and American archaeology. 8o ctetlea will also ba formed at Seattle, Spokane and other cltlaa. . MAINLY PERSONAL - V T tlnwsM eP tTet-k P.nn.vl... I. ml member of tha United Kaliwaya eom pany, and elated for tha presidency of ... lunW t . TA...A. aa . . ii. uvw vm ne. aw , v i laiis, m e uni e,s the Oregon hotel. a IHa,,-. tlilnh.. en AattAefe. imam!,..!. la ajnorhf tha Orecoa hotel guests. At tha Oregon hotel la A. P. Keea. warden of the penltanUary at 'Walla Walla, Waahlngtoa, trnKeirt lOeilrln c f .e flrands A..njBtai for- tha- atate supreme bench, b an lm- penal out-ei gueac iv- A4su.uor, xurxner xnaryox oi r eu dlaton, and ona of Ita oldeat merchants, la at the Imperial hotel. W. A. Brown, proprietor, of the Pen dleton hotel, la at. tha Imperial hotel. At the Imperial hotel ta A. W. Btowell or Arlington uaaa, a former meronant of Portland. -, W V. Matlock. ei-Mavnr of Pandleton. - who want aa far aa New York city an an IntemdsMl tour nf Kurorra. returned ta Portland thla morning. The friends whom ha Intended to join in luurove cabled that they were aa route home. Mrs. Charles ft. Blake of Hcnttlo. W- A.1 A I A , ... a, S. M I.AAA Sperry Knighton of 1 Seventh gtreal- jw r. jtiott ox oauem. laiMir ,iinnu-. aloner and candidate for renotnlnaUon, ' la at the Perklna hotel. s ... '. 1 W. M. Eodea of Hood Kirer, lumber man and rancher, ia among the Perkins hotel guests. , . , At the Portland hotel are MUton Fn f and J. C Brlttaln. membcre of the Pa ciflo Hardware company, of Han frAii olaco, - ' ' JV A. Laomla. plonpar of the aarty Id's, and one of the fnat steamboat men win navigated Us rlvcc or Wahlngton. a lives at Ilwaco, Mashlngton, ta at Perkins botnt , M. A. Oreon, r of ta -r ' era of-Aleak ' ""i f t , U hotel guet. Cer" oorr