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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
.. .- if ...- , . . , I- 15 THE OREGON DILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY .flVENINQ. APRIL 6, ltZi. !H"B NEW TODAY. J" T .. If I ' t j.! . , . ga . I ... '' r" T THE POLICY OF Tha "Clzst Trcst Compsnyln Oregon" IS ABSOLUTE SAFETY 'And la bains rlldly adhered to. Par " tlee eng-ased la hasai-dous - speculation j MUST SEEK ELSEWHEREraaHSvffisss' (or Accommodationa. Lit Ul aand ur book of ; "xuvnuTion TBI BVSIVXM It TBAeUL ,. ,. KXSOUKCXB OTXB V 1,BOOI00& PiijiBjfogjBj-ol.llrejoi, S. B. Cor. Id and Oak.. Phono Es. 71 BEN J. I. COHEN.... W. I.. TlTTfH"K . 1 , . . . .'. .Prealdent ..Vice-President vi T.s-n: pincT Becretarr J. a GOLTRA....iAaal8tant Secretary . lw toana CollecUona Bcokeras Cascade Real Estate Company ' : 'J, E. H08MER..Praaldant f 919 aad til, . AUaky " Salldla j ,,rUr .vT- rkoaa Maim 313S. -; . -. . IlReat Ilttla farm In tha Wlllam-I ati. vaiiav. Wa have cheaDer Onaa for iila. bUCihi, im ra poachf at 114.500. 44 Buy a flna -room houaa In Eaat Portland; cement walk; araa. . eloctrlo lighta. bath, atraata all Improved,; blr JJt 60xl2i flna location t .Mt, Wi tavo many otharv but a barin. 1 41 Doctor, do you want to buy an offlco In an excellent location? Bee ub. 12,509 will buy bualneaa, office llxturea. rnedlclnea, real aetata and. all. . Hurry! We ara asrenta for the LAUOI BOI &BXXB.' Come and aea a complete working: modeL It 11 of great lnteraat to I07O10WIB1. . ' " Notary Public Real SaUte PatenU T ' Obtained Patent. Bold. lo Wants to Cet Rich And Mike a Fortune ! on a $600 Investment? -- Ve offer yea tbla rara will eell you a proiMrty today for WOO . (4,000 that mill be wort a la IS month! from mar froa tin.wlO to 1I0U.0U0. Take It quick. ' It wlU be effered for tkla week only. Pleaae call betweea lu and U a. n. and t to p. m. U. - Aadraw- Hartmnn. T14 Jteknm bld., Port- JatHfl, OfPdPBB. . WEATHER REPORT. ' Tba noxtk Pacta hlah - nreaaHra area baa adyred aoeu.tward to Mlaeoart, and Vi baroawter kaa fallen deddedly dartnc the laat I (4 boura la weatara Wa.hlntoa and. waatara 11 wwuimw raiRfl aVMirii avr im 'i Mat r nit a mtia mima in Hd'aVa era Aevada, westera , Arlejma and seatheastera hew Mexlea The storm yaaterdsy over 1111- !l,a,bwT!,M, ta. ?TfT t , tlte New England coast. It has caused geaersl rslns la the Ohio -alley, lower lake region and the middle Atlsntlc sl. th. aw. nglad etstes. low aerometer yesteroay aortal ef Mootana has developed Into a disturbance 1 ' decided cbartur. which U .Ull centraj la at2HvL. - e-... . w-7era O-so. and witerT wJshuVrtoT'aM for fabr weather east ef the Cascade : tains. It will be cooler in this district Batar. dsy snd ffirr'ltir. " , . ObeervaUuoa uhea at t a: m., Psclucns: Temn. . Stations - Max. Mia. Pred: Baker city. Oregon. ...... 63 . .. M ' hostoa, Masssrhusstls..... 64 eO , barege. llUsols.,..,, 44 . ' 40 Denver. Colorado 68 . Sd ; Ksnsss City, kttseourl M 43 ' ., Im Angeles, Csllfornla... M . 4H New Orleans, lamialiaa.... TS S3 .', New York, New fork...... 60 . ... 44 ,: , Portland. Oregoa....,..,.. 74 S3 1 Hoseburg, Oregoa.... 74 43 t. Louts, lllasourt.. an ea Bait Lake, (itah ft ' aea rreaclace. CSIIfbrala.. 7 63 ' Ppokane, Wssblngtoa M 43 ' Taeoma. Waablnetoa SS 48 ' Walls Walla, Washing ton.. .. 64 Washington, D. C S 60 r MARRIAGE LICENSES. '.' .38 .18 '.0 .88 William H. Payne. 44; Roma Downing, S3. William K. Thwalta, Kl; (irsce R. litres. If), Charles Bakesy, 37; Cera May Staff sre, SO. Wedding Cards. . W. O. Smith Co.. Wash ington bldg, ear. Fourth aad Washington eta. Mies Bertha Martin, room SIS AHeky hldg. ttssiplsg snd Bne aesdlework; lessons gives. BIRTHS. TFI RHTON April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Thurston ef Mellnda avenue, a daughter. . BFRO April 4. te Mr. and Mrs. Hsrmsn Berg, WOO Eaat Twentieth street, north, n dsnghtsr, CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. . JACKSON April S. Mrs. Jacheoa. corner rarty thlrd snd Belmont streets, smallpox. BOWDEN April 6. Frank Bowdea, 333 East Water street, typhoid fever. rPXTB April B, Josephine Flits, 109 rear teenth street, measles. . PRUERS April 4. Elissbetk Braere. 769 Mar .anaii street, snessiea. 1 1 " DEATHS. CANT7N April S, Phil Csntla, aged 44 years, '. at Part fie street ssd b'sisa a venue I rasas. . .t ' rwsi awl or etreeicar. . BKiXABD April I, Rooert P. Beltsrd. a red .. 44 years, on Druid street; eaase, hemlphlegla. Burial at Cohimbia eemetciy. - ' BOWMAN April 8. Ullle Boermsn. aged SS years, 46 East Msrket street; canes, bssrt discs se. Burial st Lone Fir cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. - Edward Holmsa Co., the leading faaarsl dlrecasre, have the Ssest eatabllsbment. the (neat goods, tbe finest vehicles snd the most ree-o-eble prices. Fine bresdcloth-eevsred eesketa, S3S St. 4. 839. Tbe Sneat wood goods Bade, from lt te 2o. . Parlors Soind 3 Third street, earner Bslmee, Portlsn. alregua. J. W. Ftaley A svm. fuaeral dtrertore and emh lasers, corner Third end Madison utraetaT Office of eoaety Corener. Telephone Manx t! - oaaniear, Mcantee aiiasagn, -andrtaksra aad embalmers: modsra la everv detail a ,k ead Plae. Mela 490. lady amlstaat. A. B. HeSMtock, andertaksr and embalms. Fee Thirteenth aad Uauoile are. Pkeae Belli weed Tl. . KlTrETUW CrjfJTTkT. ,, ." l Slngla graves 116. Family lew 7S to 91.000. Tbe only cemetery la Portland which ner. fetually malstalns aad cares for lota. Fey full Information apply o W. B. Macksnsle, Wor eeeter block city. W. M. Lsdd. president. RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kottlngbam Co. te O. W. Baldwin, t 3. St Jm. east 14 ants 8 sad 4, werny-s ye nddltlea ..... a 1,000 es r.i'iujusisi wnwi anmsa OS USSrgs R. Hill, lees 38 so S3 Inrloalve, block 40, Peninsular sddltlea Ne. " I. U Rsrtmaa et eL to Hem, L. jlpk. soe. lot 9. block t. subdivialoa 8L John' .Relgbu .,, ' St. We-ka et il b U L Holloerell, lets 39. 84. 84. 34, block is. Orchard ', aH4ewdb4 esess U. Weeks, gserdlaa, ia'ae,' U OoiseweiC Mary Jenaoa te C. P. Jesses, parcel fend beginning nmtthweat Corner lot B, Hi. Johns Heights; sate lots 1. 3, 8. 4.' 8. bke-h to. snd sll lot A lying seeth . neethweet Una lot 8, block K. St. Jretes llclghte tannyslile taind A Inveetment company to r- B. Ward and wlfs, 1st 11. block 14, JSBTelde KM la aertbera W ashmen, but no rain has ral- fcd(. o DonaeU to Joseph M. O'Donnell, leo la this dletrlct. Tbe temperature, yscter- , UDalrld,d it let d. block IS, blag's -re ..tbe hi, beet of the Oregoa trmi mMfiiom end Wnshtngtoe. The smell dl.turbence yeeler- UAi, o itonneU to Stephen O'DonneH. dsy ever coutbera California haa caused good .utt.i.t. u. i. a ta a-in. a real Estate transfers. Mia I. Beach te u a ku -r4 t- end -a, block , t antral Albiaa. . . .- " lao wife to L. M. , lugalle. TS0 . too youlHeiea Eturall to Mr, Clare MrO lot t. block a t.ei .,i.. .a. i. i ' VT"J 1. lL Kubu- atk J block 7. Bast Portland Ordella Haling and husband to James Msgulre, lot 8. block 4, Albiua Hone H. Mc Arthur'and wife ' to "17 M .' Bright! e- a. oiocs ij. Eaxr im Iui '...., $600' O. ocbomsksr ana. husband Charles AzZ'mla? . a,,biock.a. Beitea;. CUverdels Annex 7.. I "uun at ai. to Annie c. en- "".a. niocg 9. subdletaloa Pro. strl's audi Ilea Annie vr. Cahalia to o w ni,..k I fci : 6. block 9. aubdlvlaioa Proebeul s pwuuua, amine , , Lewie r Bates and wife t V T ' i.sool L Jht"',wi1t0a 3Jp ;."T-" 406 Bcatelanacbar ana hnriiana to M.rv r t. filtmoa, Ion 1 ta , ttwimtTr, bloc inuoo . v.. ....... Coarerao and wlf. la Nidlr Iui : vninymuf, ng K, . M, block 4, Loiua. bla Halflita .:. . H. H. And-noa and wlfa to 3 I.' t Jonaaoa. tot 23, block , Arlata Park , ' Ho. 2 , ,,. , ., foa-pblo A. Crorkar to B. A. haloM, " part of lot t, block I. Pertland Uunw ataad -. ,j, . ,..- ohn " Ocklara to H. K. Camrroa. wcat 10 4,000 I y i. Duct., ucujr'a adiUtroa. In . . J'n"'A"l,ll"'-'i':;' V i-oriiana M00 I "t; w3rfi,. .t"-" Aooraa 8. Urater to w.H.r -p. Popplo' ."i-'a fc?t J?t ! " ' : Jf 20 J?, . & SaaMlttaiW ' 'U,C'1 tZlS Vi lt.' Wm"a:' . aaat u ' t and S, block lis, fa-" " rotkera1 addlttoa J. A. Lawrence and wlfa ta Clara B. - a, block 18. Uecoln .Park B. M."tomb;e' a'nd'wif.' to"jo"it! Batenacbom and wife, lota H), t to SI, r iuclunlre. block S, PtBlmuUr addition No. I. Bant Portland... -.too I too ,,rk"J''r . Nadir Ind eompanj. .""T?1 k. htackeaxle to Kadlr Land company, . lot IS. block IS. earn addition . . D. C. Peltoa and wife to 8. if. Ooka Real Eetat Inreatroent company, ' Krt block , Couch addlttoa and blocar . City, Balelgh'a addition: beginning . northweet corner block 406, Coach addition, aaat 8S feet, ' couth 70.S1 feet, then eaat along couth line O. , ' W. Bate property 12.03 feet to point - 100 feet eaat of Twelfth ctrect and r -M feet to point aorta Uner stark etreet -OS feet eaat from Intersection north line ttnrh and eaat Una Twelfth street, then weat along north line Stark street -M feet to Intersection north line atark , street and eaat Una Twelfth etreet , north alour eaat Una Twelfth street - BS leet to place of beginning ....... 60,000 I. ltyaa et al. to W. C. Alrord, parcet . land ssctloa 2S, township 1 . north, ' range i eaat. , beglnalng eaat Una ' Eaat Thirteenth streer Title Guarantee A Trust enmnany ta g,,,, Bt- JonB, ...,.. 1 v . k.k..j William Hnrsahuh. lot a. block 4. xa k Jol,D. 14 kxa 1 and i , m ttlrw-k Rimna'a addltloa i m -jx.i y. w Vslentlns and wife to Will H. e tou 5 v boc. , p T- Smiths addltloa St. Johns a Wlleea to Llsste Arnold et aU w e h.. M7 (k addltloa rj? Stf H'n cl SsSdViy I.S00 1,000 i-. 4 hM ... i Wra. e N - Shurtleff ta Araaa n .- I' a. ' .t 5 fee" louf aid ' ;. 3y. v TrSrdli. ' 1 " J. A. Dirk end wlfn In U B. Arms, lot 8. block a. CloverrUhi Extensloe.. , BOA I :-arnee- W mlly M. Johnson. lots 11 snd 13, block in, Tremoat Place. M. 2. flnani eff ta fl Hivsml una neon. erty 1r r, ; 1.151 ataria i. Jonea to ueerge s. ueaa, Mt - block 1, Roaedale .'. t.. F. J. McCarthy and wife to John A. ' Bell, lots 17 snd IS. firsy Tract 1,100 I eecuritr a a rings a Trust company to Chirlss 8. Unssell. west U lot t, except aorth 100 feet; all lot t ex. ' . - except north 100 feet, block (, Jobs Irving' First sddltloa; also west V, lot 3 and all lot 3. block 11. Holla- dey Park addition , 1,500 Ttllle Both snd husband t Aloys lit raid, lot IS. black 6. Harlem sddltlm .... 10 Unloa Trust Development compsny te M. J. Delshnnt. lots t snd a hlock t. Railroad Shops sddltloa ......... 3.8O0 1 a. b. Moore et al. te J. w. Crania, lots 1 and 3, block lie. Eaat Port land 4.300 1 Qet your Inenrsacs and sbstrscts te real aetata I nts tee -nils unsrsntee a Trust company. avr " iHimios anreet, corner rtecona. NOTICE. S. iawa " PROCLAMATION. ' ...Mri"'.-tW secretary of state ef the stste ef Oregoa has notified me la writing that pursuant ts ths provlaloas of sa set entitled "Aa Act Making Effective the In Illative and Referendum Provisions of Bee '"fa. 1 of Article 1 V ef tbe Constitution of the Bute of Orsgoe, end Regulating Elections ,.nnmr .no rroviaiog penalties for Viola -' tkma of Provlalona l 1. i. . Fsbrasry 24. 1908, the Brewers' and Whole- " I". 50f,r".Dwil'r' asaoclatloB ot Oregoa I . duly Bled la his office oa Jsnusrr SI laut .. Initlstlve petition containing 8.901 sic natures " "ned to a copy of aald measure, -certified In accordance with law. demanding that s propoeed Uw. ths title tenor ssd effect - ef which la berelnaftac m...ih i ..i. ... ,k ' !5aHl5" ;bm,ua the legs! voters oil ..""r" or ineir approval or re tti. the genersl electloa te be held ! . . ow' Therefore, I. tieorge B. Chamber- ITS. aovweor ot ue atate of Oregon, la sue proviaions er cald act here 1 before first mentioned, do hereby make and Imus thle proclsmstlna to tbe people ef the stste of Oregon, snnounclag that ths asld , Brewers' sod Wboieesle Ltanor-Dealers' as soclatloa has Bled .said Initiative petition . with the requisite aumber ef slgnatares thereto attscbed. demanding that thers shall be submitted to the legal electors of the stste . yr0" 'or tbelr apprevsl er rejectloe - at the regular election te he held ea the . fourth dst f June. 1906, ssld dsy being - !.h? ?nt 10hdy In ssW month, e bill en. titled "A bill to propose by Initiative petition a law to amend section 1 end to repeal esc- i". .'j .:6- l' 10 ia. 14, 15 16. If sad IS.- snd adding sections - ".mssiis as eecTKmai a, s, a, a, e, !i ,10. 11 end 13. ef a lsw enacted by th people ef the stste ef Oregon, ander sn Initlstlve petition br vote snd electloa h.M ; et ths general election la June. 1004, end , entitled TA bill to propose, by Initiative peti tion., a isw providing tor elections la sny j county ee say precinct therein, or sny sub . division ef a county, consisting ef eny num- her ef entire snd contiguous nreclncta of anch county, to determine whether tbe ssls of t inioiicaring liquors snail Da prohibited In such county er subdivision thereof, or In enee precinct; providing for ths (I I lag of petitions tor sera elections and the form . end effect thereof, snd for aotlcea of such , election snd for the time snd manner of . holding aad conducting the ssree: declaring what aball eonstltats subdivision of the ' county wlthla the meaning of this lsw; Se curing wnsc acre snau sua wnst shall . not constitute e vtolstloa ef tbla lsw; oe- clsrlng ths qusllncstlons of petitioners snd sf electors st such elections; applying te euch elections the peovlelons of sections lttoo, .. UtOI, 1)3, 190S. 19l4. 191. WIS. 1907, i., iviu, imi, ivu ssa 1VTB of "Bel llnser snd - Cotton's AaeAtataal Anrfaa' . Btststre of Oregoa; Tvorldlng for printing and distributing ballots for such slertloes; prescribing ths duties of public officers Is relation te euch election and la relation te : the enforcement ef tbe arovl alone ef this Isw; providing for ths tssusaee by tbe county - eenrt ef erdere prohibiting the aale of la. soxlcatlng liquors within certain limits. ' end declaring the dntlee ef such ; courts ta reference' thereto; limiting the time Wfthm which the question et pro. blotting euch sale ef Intoilcstlng Uqura-si may ! agala se submitted te vote la the eame die. . trtet; aeovldlsg penalties sad punishment for ths lotsttea ef sny ef the provisions ef that law; providing for ths rctura te eny llooor- ' deeler er ether person ef a properttoasts s mount of ssy license fee which h msy have paid, whenever the district In which he shall be engaged la business shall be del '. dared te be prohibition territory; and sp- , plying te sll elections held under the pro visions of - this lsw, ths provisions ef the I general election laws of the stats, snd de. elerlag eertala tale ai evleeaoe appUsnbla NOTICE. ts nroaaeutbma nnder tbla act. and deelanat. Im u u4M. I. Ucb tbla act anullel. ml tiraviiiin inar inia aci aneii an mvvir ' to the anaufactare -or aala of lluuorn nt wholeaale by brewera, dlatlllarn, Tluloera or ' wbolMuile utuvr-araiera.- Tbe lena aad affect of the aald prnpeaad ' bill la to no amend tbe (aid eilitlox law that It will, t aald bill adopted, read aa followa: Heetloa 1. Wbeaeear W ver cent ef tbe enallked eleetnra of any precinct .In the etat ef Oreeoa ana II petition 'e eonnty - court of any county for the prleUeae to do tannine by - ballot whether the aale ef In toiicatlni llqaore aa e beeeraxe aball be prvhlblted wlthla tbe llmlta of tnch pre- 1 rinci. eucn eouniy arari jjwt ' elecrloa to be bald thereon at the next regular ' biennial general elect toa la aald eovntj; bnt anrk Mtltlna aball be tied wltb tbe clerk of aald county court not lean thaa 45 daya 1 I or ire tban w aaya-.pnor o noon elec tion, finch election aball be held at tne oaual. ftlaca for holding eiecttoaa la aaia preeinci, f there be nach place, and If not. then at nuch place nn the count r Co art auy direct wlthla aald precinct, and notion aball be alien and tbe election conducted la the name manner ae proelded by law for tbe election of general ofneere. xee far aa aald Jaw may be applicable. Tbe electloa aball , be eondneted by tbe regular jndgea and clerk of election la u eaaea, ana tne eonnty clerk aball f ami ah the ballotn for anch gea. oral election at which nock local onfloa vote la ta he taken, prepared a hereinafter proelded. The reeult or aura election ana 11 be certified by tbe Jndgea and elerka ef elec tloa In the name manner an tbe reault of tbe election of eoonty or other ofneera it a nrneril election, end the eoonty clerk nhall enter forthwith the record of the reault of . the election upon tha record ef tbe county court of aald county. In nil trial for viola- Hone of thin law the original entry ef aald record and copy thereof, certified to by aald eonnty clerk, arorlded It abowu thnt n' ma jority ef votes eaat at nuch election la euch precinct were against the sale of lntoilcat- mc Honor aa a neveraea. aneu ne enmn ' facie evidence that tha celling, furafehtag oc giving away el intoxicating liquors aa a beverage, ee the keeping nf a place where such llauor arc cold, kept for sale, furnished or gleea swsy (If such selling, furnishing or giving awsy ot intoxicating liquors aa s beverage, or the keeping of a viae where Intoalestlng liquors were sold, furnished or Slvea away, occurred after 90 day from the ate of entering the result of each elec tion), was than aad there prohibited aad aa- iswnii. "See. t, Tbe ballots ef any electloa where a. M local Antlm. fluatuia le tot he votad npoo. le addltloa to the asms ef efScsrs and ether matters thereon, shall be printed wita aa arnrmsnve sna a aegative siste-1 ment. ne follows! The sale ef Intoxicating liquors sa a beverage aball act be prohibited,' The sale of intoxicating liquors ae a beverage Shall ne prohibited,': witn a Diana space on the left side of each statement la which ee give each elseter aa eppnrtualty to desig nate his chol re by a cross, aad If the nta- Jerlty ef the eetee eeet at each electloa shall be la favor of prohibiting -the Sslc of In toxicstlna llrmors ss a beverace. thee from .end after So daye from tbe date ef enter ing the result ef each election It ebau Be un lawful ror any persoa. personally or by agent, wlthla tbe limits ef such precinct, to sell, furnish or give away any Intoxicating liquors, to be aaad a a beverage, er to ksep a Place where such liquors sre kept for al-or areH givea away er raraisaea lor severs se pur poses; and any person who, from and after 0 days from the date ef entering the re sult or snrn-TSTertloo. la say manner direct ly er Indirectly sella, furnishes er gtvea awsy, er otherwise deals la any Intoxicating liquor as a bevcrsgs. or keens er usee a place. , structure or vehicle, either permanently er transient, ror sailing, roraaining er giving away, er la which or from which Intoxicating llonora are sold, siven swsy or furnished, or otherwise dealt la sa sforcssld. shall be guilty nf a misdemeanor, - aad aball, ee convict Ion thereof, be Sued not more thaa 4200 for the Ant offense, end sbsll for ssy saMcaueat offense be Sued not more than bSOO. 'See. s. A. petition for sa election anaer The provntinns of this isw snau ae saincieni. If subetaatiaiiy aa rouowe: "A PETITIOIf ' MTo determine whether the aale of Intoxicat ing liquors as a beverage shall he prohibited la ....... precinct ef the county of la the stste of Orcxoa, 1 i . "(Datal 190. Te the county court of ........ county. stste ef Oregoa: . "We. ths anderslgned. res peat fnlly reere- eerrt that we ere qualified electors ef precinct, la us county or ........ sna stats et Oregon, and that we hereby request you te order aa slsetloa to determine whether or the . sals ef intoxicating liquor ae a beverage sbsll be prohibited la asld precinct, aald election to be held at the time ef tha next 'biennial electloa la aald county. The county clerk shall, upon receipts eg each pe titles, immediately Sis ths same, and shall thereupon compare tbe signatures of the electors signing the same wita metr ig. natures ea the realstrstloa-hoohs of the elec tion tbea pending, or If none pending, then wltb tbe slgnstures on tbe registration-books end blankn on Bis In bis office for tbe ore. ceding general electloa. If ths requisite anna. ner or qusunea elector snsii nsve mgaea tbe petition he shall thereupon see tbst It Is entered la full la the recce da of the county I At lesst 20 days previous to eny elec tion hereunder the eoonty clerk shall deliver to ths sheriff ef the eonnty at lesst Bvs notices ef the electloa for each election pre. clsct In ssld county voting oa the question. Bald notice shall b substantially la th fol lowing formi . "LIQUOR ELECTION NOTICE. Notice 1 hereby given that on ........ t day of .......... 190... at ths ...... In nreelDct In ths eonnty ef ea electloa wlU be held to de termine whether the aale ef Intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited In aald or eel net. which said election will be held nt S o'clock In tbe morning and will eontlane natll T I la tbe afternoon of ssld dsy. "aratea this ...... day ox . , dw.m --.'.. "..............,. County Clerk , i of ........ County, Oregon. "It aball be the dutv ef the sheriff, st lesst 12 dsys before soy electloa hereunder, - to nost ssld notice La public places la the vicinity of tbe polling piece or places. There upon the elsrk and ths sheriff shall sach briefly enter f record their compliance with tne provisions et this section, ssa seen ; record shall he prima fads evidence that sll tbe previsions ef 1 this section have Demi fully compiled with "Bee. d. The Dhrsae 'Intoxicating nrnjora. as used la thle act, sbsll be construed to mesa sny distilled, malt, vinous or intoxi cating liquor, by whstevsr Bams the asms msy ae Known, oat Bowing in tnia act snsii ae construed to prevent ths selling of Intoxicat ing liquor at rstsll by a rsgulsr druggist for delusively medicinal, pharmaceutical, sclcs- tia or sacrsmentsi purposes, sad wnea sola for medicinal purposes It shall be sold only In good fslth npoa a written prescription. Is sued, signed and dated In good faith by a reputable pays let is In sctlve practice, which prescription sbsll not be used but once: and nothing contained la auy ef the sections of this act sbsll la any manner effect - th right of sny bona tide wbolessls dealer, brewer, distiller, or vintner la said precinct to sell or deliver Intoxicating Honors at wbole ssls. The words 'giving sway.'-where they occur la this set, shall not spply to the glv. log swsy et intoxicating liquors ay a person la his private dwelling, unless such private dwelling Is a place of public restart, Ths word Dreeinrt.' as ased herein, shsll be con strued to meei a voting precinct as sstab llsbed In ths severs 1 counties of ths state. - "Hoc. 8. Tbe following shsll be deemed a sufficient entry snd record ss a result of aa election held ander the provlalona sf this act "State ef Oregon, county or sa. "The electloa held ea tbe dsy ef ...... 190... la precinct, ia tne county of , stats ef Oregon, nnder tbe precinct local opuoa law, resulted aa fol lows r - i - "Whole numbers ef Totes against the aala Of intoxicating liquors sa a beverage. iw-V? .JLh-STIf Ji-'rU"i;r-''-rf tlrTuaMn. Toole. 1. TIvirTe. toxica ling llqnera aa a lieverags, ......... I Intoxicating uounty uiera "Bee. 6. - Ths territory enrloesd br tbe boundaries of sny arsclnct wlthla which the tnrono.tingi uiuis iru pro. h lotted, as provided In section 1 of tbls set. shall be controlled by the result et anch elec tloa. ssd ths Isw shsll remain la full force aad effect ia said territory tor two year snd thereafter snd antll snotber oetltloa Is presented ander tbe provisions ot this net la aald precinct for another electloa therein and ths result tnereol as agausi such prohibi tion. "See. f. Whenever any person. Arm or rjorporatton engaged ta any kind of Uqnoc traffic haa discontinued such traffic, br rea son of an election thereon Wlthla tbe-Ursa I epenoed by eectioa l et torn set, ana Ssa I naia or nss ensrn-ea uptisi tne tax or license I roll with SB assessment npos euch traffic, ths eonnty .court tor city counru ta la- eorporsted cities where such license er tax is paia to toe tnji, p"m evuia sue. ed eg each fart, ah all lssus te such screen. 1 Arm er corporation sa order refunding tbe I emennt of euch Ux or lteeeas, proportionate I to the anexplred tlsxa for which ssld sea.aa 1 sxent er ucenee ass neen para r enarged. "See. a The pe tines ror sn election pn Tided for herein shsll be deemed sufficient when ths petition shsll be signed nr ss sassy qualified electors ss U equal to Sn per cent ef the aumber of vote east In ssld precinct st ths Is at preceding genersl eleetloa for Jnsrlee of) ths suprems eonrt. In complaints, inform Uas er IndlctmratB fog the rloUtloa NOTICE. " "ef Mil act tt Lbs!! "not Iss accessary t ee t urta IM ISCIS snowing inai me run aumber of elector la such precinct petitioned for ea election, or' thst the election was h,ia ne thai the anelocltr vuteeV'-ln fsVOT of 0 prohibiting tbe sale of tntnxteetta; liquors a Dereu proviaeu, oat it snaii p. mev-ivu. te state that the set eomplslned ef wss thca , aad there prohibited and unlawful. "Bee. . At any tints after two year frean the date ef aa electloa held nnder th Ceo t la hone thereof, bat not before, another electloa may he petitioned for, and shell os ordered by the county court ss provided for . w sin Mothin1 contained in tha aro- etaione hereof aball affect, amend or repeal or alter la any way any ether law, statute or ordinance which prohibits throughout a municipality the selling, furnishing or glv. Ing awny of Intoxicating liquors aa a bee er ase, or tne seeping , mv.7 . toxlentlng Honors are sold, furnished er gtvea awsy aa a beverage. See. 10. All money received from aara and forfeitures collected nnder the prevmlou hereof shall ne paia into me sreaaury in county In eaase where the precinct le wholly outside of aa Incorporated city er tows, and kail be paid late tne oty ireaeury tm su ... 'whaee tha nrcelnct le wlthla or partly .i.hi. ,nh tnMruoeated dtr or town. ' . . . . . " w.i.. . . n.,.T.e.a a nrednot- wherein aa electloa ' shall bars been held, as provided herein, may contest the validity of such election -tiy Sling . a iMttirion. ouir vanuflQ ia in oiru wi .f , conntv ta which each precinct ftH.taei wiinin iw aui aster toe wncoubi aettlng forth the grounds of contsst. The county Judge aball hate full aad anal .Jurla ail a hear and determine the merlte of said . proeeedlaga, end la ouar respect la the procedure of each hearing be shall be governed by the law for the eon tee ting ef sa electloa ef a county offerer, as fsr a each law la applicable. Tha county court er Judge thereof stall require tbe person or person ee meeting euca ciscoo e 7 . 7 ear eaete nerare anaei oenuon w eiw. quaUnad elector of stars precinct may """V la person er ay attorney a euca v:'"'' electloa case te defense ef toe rauoiiy ei anch electloa. '"., . , cuTta TV.. .urttaa H It. 14. IS. 14. IT and" 11 of the law aforesaid, and all acts er parts of acts la conflict herewith be aad the name are hereby repealed." . Done at tha capltol at Salem, tbla fifth day OT renruarr, A. v. iuu. - (Signed) GEO. B. CBAjnERLAIrf, v . -.. . i ... . uo' y tbe a rSsVaXT (Signed) F. I. DOlfBAsV . . . Secretary I in the eooatv court ef the state ef Oregon foe I - hfoltaomsb county. Ia the matter of the aetata of Edward Hcreeiy, atceuee Notice la hereby liven that Jobs Oregon and Hugh Doherty. executors ef the estate I ef Edward Mcrsely, deceased, have filed la tbe county court of ins state or uregne. ror hlulraonsah -county, their final account nni eanort ea anch executors, and said court has. by order duly made end entered." appotntet Monday, the ZM day of April, 1909, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock a. m., and the ewoitroom of said county court la the olty of Portland, county ead state aforesaid, ea the time and place for hearing objections to said account and nt settlement ot tne same. . Dated starch . . jonif GrtnnoiiY, . ' - .' 1 a ' HIIOH DOHERTY. Ereeutnrs of the tsst Will snd Taetameat of Bdward Urrsely. Dccceeed. First onhltcatloa starch. 38. 1906:' last, April 30. 1908. T PORTLAND OOsTMBRCIAI. CLUB of Portland. Oregoa Notice of meeting -to adopt sspple BMaUry articles ef Incorporation. The board ef aoteraors ef the Portland Commercial clnb . ef Portlaad. Oregon, dose hereby give satire that a special meeting of members will D. Stem .a am ,V"io. in uaa kiiju, ... rw.iniiu, -Oregon, on the sixteenth dsy of April. 1904. at a a cioca p. m. iui tne enjecr oc sucn soeefnl sseetlns ts to adoot snnplsmeatarr srtlcles ef lacorporatloa of the clnb changing Its corporate name from tbst of "Commercial Club of Portland. Oregoa." te "Portland Cora- merdsl Cleh of Portland, Oregon'; alee amendlne. enlareinc and changing the object, enterprise aad pursuit ef the club so as te enable It to enlarge its field of ueerninem In the community. Dstsd Portland. Oregoa, this second dsy or April, laoe, r, w. leao- better. president; B. U Thompson, secretary. NOTICE OP DT'TSOLUTION Pertlssd, Oseeea. March IT. 190. Notice ts hereby givea tbst ths eopsrtnsrsnip oomg onainsss unoer tne assae of tha Wlllev-Smlth Harness Comnanv (baa thle dee dleeolvsdr sad that C A. Wilier and John Upton have succeeded to tne buei. nsss of ths firm, aad will collect all dtbt aad pay all tha liabilities of the Bra. . . C. A. WtU.EY, . ...'' 1 : ' W. l. wsiixil. y.DOLPHus wnxrr. MEETINO - NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP. Ne. TT, m7 eV tV sstuSa eVeunlawln ten vv 4 vi TV ASjv-wvey BuaiimjagBj see their ball. East Sixth, near East 'Alder. AU visiting aelghbors cordially welcomed. B.'B. INGRAM. 0. 0. 1." It. WOODWORTH. C. LOST AND FOUND. POUND Brown gelding, branded It en right SbouiOer, aoont cvu inc.; owner can sure same by peylng cost ana asmsgee. a. Highland. Mount neon ana oecijou Line roede. ' LOST A Urge Bolster pup;, white marked with niaee. seen a coontne: last seen sou eno Ksst Btara, 'lnursoay evening, ao rvwaru for return or laformadon. 714 Beet Stark. East 221. ixita little taa and white don, Thursday, from 900 Msrgla St. A liberal reward will f be paid for its LOST At planlng-sttlll- Bra, while helping te Est out rurnlture ex outrun g nouee, a goia itter B wstcbchsln set with rhynee tones; reward at Journal ecnee. FOUND Gray horse. Call Package Delrrery Mrs, oo aaat una ai, 7" HELP" WANTED MALBi. WANTED For United Statee army, B Die-bodied anrasrrtsd rasn oetweea agse et u sna so, cities ni ef Unltsd States, of good character , and temperate habits, who can speak, read una write bhiumk vvr w w"is w- flcer, Alnsworth BiK., mrro sna osx sts., Portland, Oregon. WANTED Offlce boy.- Address In awn hand writing, ststing sge ana ecoeoiin;. aiuareae S 1, care .ouxnai. WANTED Machine mea, cabinet-makers aad finishers. Oregon rurniturs mtg. u. WANTgn sfsa as look after steam boilers slse one lac wsvesman. wresjoa rgnuiwi Mfg. Co. - ' - WANTED, AT ONCE 1,000 men, teams (roc and grade), cooks, foremen, $3.25 per dsy Bp) only.a4.BO aosra; steauy joe: eoaia quirs; no office fee; fee fare. D. B. Bead,. 110 First at. - - - - ' tALKSMBN WANTED For one ef the largest nurseries la taa wist; seam aavaneso weeny en orders: goon tern tor y open. aaureaa Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlah, Wsah. WANTED 1,000 men, shave end bslrent free. 884 Uoaen St. ws teeca me traue LITE csavasssra for abaica territory) outfit furnished free) Ml anas., rtrr tun particulars sddres Oregoa Nursery oo., Bsiem, Oregon. AOBNTt WANTED te sell euneiinr. blgh-grsde nursery stock; compute eotfit furnished free; nab weekly; writs today for choice of tec ritory. CsplUl City Narsery Compsny, Balsas. Oregon. WANTFD Live end energetic boy t Uera optical business aad Uns grinding. Apply 811 Meeleay Slag. START mall order business; you easily make 110 dally; ws furnish supplies snd track frse. Aiamtnem atsnger ta, cnsuieia, si ins. WANTED Bsidble newspaper eenvxaeer; steady posltloa for nght party; city sod country work; must give references. Addrse O. J. Agent, Fsacouvsr, Wash. . W A HTr.n Machine men. sabrnat-makira and . finishers. Oregoa rurnttSTe Mfg. Go. . i n . . -. BALEBMAM envertng PortUnd and vtclnltr to asndls msnafsctursd goods ss side llnei commissions; young aula Prsfarred. Addree u on. sere Journal. WANTED 8 flrat-cleee snllcttere who hnve hnd sxperlsaee la honse-te-aouse rsavssslng; good salary and eotnmlsalon ta right psrtlee. Ad dress, stating ferewe ea per Uses aad refersase, u. an, cere sonrnai. WANTED A boy a bent IS year ef sge for steady factory work, at 49 North Front St., lata , tTENOORAPHER First -class, man.; glvs ege aaa sxpscieaca, aoarsss w as, sare .eurnai, U ' liV" ill J U II "ilU" HELP "WANTED MALE. . BARGAIN, la a 'saloos : asatral Iocs ties, leaeei this is a aaat). Call tusjorrow aWeaooa ai 98)4 allxth st. MEN and wvmea te warn barber trade In sight I ka; graduates ssrs from 1 a ssrs frum i te txs I kly: sspert . lnstrucsors: sstalosn Instrucsors; saralogne free. Mohlsr Br steal ef Colleges, 86 North Feurlh I St., Portland. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 84 H Washing ton st., ear. Seven th. apstalr. rneas Mala auvs. rsmaia aeip wan tea COMPETENT cook for fastidious trade I ajrost hnve tools and furnish refer ss cea. The - MsnltDU, Ml Thlrtsenth st. ;- BRIGHT, attraetlvs Udlss waated sell high- , grade coffee. . 209 Second St. . BBWIntJ filRLS WANTED. SCS Sixth at. WANTED Olris who would like to travel experience not - aaraaaaary. , Tapestry Paint . uo., uvia air at at..:. . :, WANTED flirt for light bousewoib.- Inquire luni uaigat avsv. or poone gtast awn. WANTrD Xxperlanoad waitress at 10S North . aevsata ax. . ... , . . . WANTED Girt to wash dlshsa at 108 North Seventh at.; 820 per asonth. beard aad rooaa. WANTED A first-class cook fog. smell family avioa, aw eoaroera. npoiy as oaoa as 2Ba seta at., cot WANTED Immediately. 11 rat-class family cook ana ssooua gin; wages sso ana fen; a wealth pre far red. wsj asauuit ex. Phone Mala 6418, WANTED Neat, rasneetabW Oaimaa wemsa 4 snaar eo ss Bonaekeeper, wtaewar, annntry. aevts itaaui at. aaaia aaia, . WANTED Good typewriter aad tenogiapher. ta eixtai St. , - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wsulad and sn milled. maU or female. 1. Desks. 306 H Washington st. PsrlBe 1870. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION" by bottler and slt-erenad mineral water man; won la Buy interest, aaarsos is Xl, cere Journal. FENCES and eldewslk built er reagh ssrpsntsr- worn. . aooress r. o. nox sus, city. m , i liTVATios waatea ny e arst-elaa stationary j engineer; no oMectloa leevlng city: caa fur. i man nest oz retsrsncsa. a a. rare jenraai,. Y0UNO man, 34. wishes steady position wltb advance meat: small waxes te atvU good reisrsncaa a a, care journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED-Poaltloa byTstTy STsnflgriphar, book. J keeper end timekeeper; tare veers' r Xpert sacs ettj f.i a. sni aa rsvas aaaia ins, . WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agen ta ; something newt seed seller Big wages, sua mcaiy oiag. WB went rellabU men la every town la Oregoa to Bell sick sad accident laeuraae. faclne Aid sssocUtlon, BOO Deknm bldg. FIRPT -CLASS agenta In Portland aad through atate; big wages to rustlers, aio rentes bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THS PortUnd Emnloymeat Co.. 80S ft Merruoa St. t-noae rncine aa. "" man utx tB It. Becead at. Phone Mala 1BJM, BIG FOUR EM P. AGENCY Help supplied free. 1 norta necona at. rnoae hub iwio. JAPANEBB-CHINESB EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Hsnry Taker a. 207 aWerett at, Pheae Pa I WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO - BENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. FLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES, STORES. ETO, ' Our rental eepsrtment Sa aeea enlarged and provided with additional Starr. ' Ws Invlts . luting from LANDLORDS. Offer perseaal attsntloa to aad eontlaaeua BupsrrUUa ever all property Intrusted ear PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON. S. B. ear. 8d and Oak eta. Phone Ex. TS. WB bars tenants waiting ' for furnished and anrarnUMd houses ana riats, aioaera. List yours If for rent. Tha Can linen tai Ce, S48 ntara et WANTED To rent ranch ef 10- to BO acres, sultsbU for etalckea reach, near rortlaaa. G 29, cere Journal.' WANTED Te teat chicken ranch with good Bandings, near rortlaaa; ease rent, u sa. cere Journal. 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Let ' In . exchange for equity la B ar 7 -room asaas. - raona gisst ao-u. WANTED, for cash, lot er fraction; aaat be cneep. ee, care 400x001. 100 REAL aetata firms cea eell your property quicker than caa. Pacific Real Estate Ex., 2Z3 w ashingtoa sr. Main lojo. VACANT LOT) WANTED ON EAST BIDS: BRING) THEM . IN. . vKIUUkl, U3ft At, a wn a vn 1 WANTED City and suburban piupsi I Us, Im proved ar un improve; payers waiting, jto- drees B T, care Journal. WANT $10,000 to $0,OOa Investment sa In side realty: will deal with prlnclpafe only. What nave yea? q so, cere journal. WANTED Party to furnUb lot and build bens a. Address E3, care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, snravlng and whitewash leg treee. baaementa, narna. eocis, etc.; largest gasoline spraying oatnt ea taa coast. -11. u. eiorga A Co., 823 UnUa eve. Phone East MIT. WANTED Storks ef general msrchsadlse er drygooda, boots and shoes, etc, for which I wall pay cash; will deal with sctaal awi oniy. Aaarses r. u. box x. nigin, ur. . N. MORGAN, pioneer -enrarer snd white, washer. Call East 6248; remember tbe name R. N. Morgan; 11 years la business la Port- lean. . WHO 18 M. O. MORGAN CO.t. HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for furniture In sny quantity; also tabs ssmo ea cemmlasua and guarantee best results. Ths Portland A set lm Rooma A. flebabaeb prep., 811 First st. pnone Main 0000. WE WILL BUY, BELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THINO. W RRTKhn BllfXUS Ula SBJi- S2B WABHINUTUn. . FAC1T1U JSS, . TEAMS wanted te heal brick. Apply at Ksra's brickyard, 4lst ana Division sts. WILL pay $1 a sbsre for 100 ta 100. Or sksree improved smelter ve, atoca. answer so, cere Journal. POSITIYBLY guarantee yon the beet trade Klce for household, hotel . or restaurant rnltursi he sure to consult me before dls nosing of reur goods elsewhere: thai bests selling by soctioa. Address or call. Oka, rare tiauia m nuns. 0. w, war. s reet en Burnslds. Phone hum SOT. IF yon wast to bay ar eell snythtng, file yen I lUt with a M. Conry A Co.. IBS ft Ylfth St., room B. LADIES' er gent' tailoring la exchinge for flrst-elsa dental work. Aaarses n a. journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT j IF real are for cleanliness snd dsllght take a roam at tns ttiraru, aun oiars. Sixth; electric lighted tree hatha. THE RICHELIEU, 88ft NORTH SIXTH ST. ' n... . 1 . .... m hast and hetha. THB GRAND. 45ft l.ertb Third st Beoa for ysniumsa fi.xa per wees aaa en. ..... ; FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT I rsa BINS. 809 Jeffs reus st.-Nlcaly fnrnhuisd rooms, with gsa as s lee trie light, best and hatha. In new building, I9 60 and 810 per niu. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPINQ THS MITCHELL. FUadera aad Roe Baa, , housekeeping and traaaleatl veolent j prices rsssnashU. ft"?..5.iIli1rvMir 'U prlT','Ji.?lrrbli' beet. BuSts Buaton at, p ear. SLMPNOarhoplng- rooms f-jrjnt. to? it tuom " ,wnl ' .1 81.60 PES WEEK Tares. alssa. fnxnUhed iJiL"mJj!'Sn U" naermsa. South Pertisnd. i iz."'ms,'y.'"-rzr' " - 1 rnRNuurn k-,..i...a. ... FF5HU?"P "..toy ... It WELL-FURNISH ED honnakaantne reemet nan- try, eata; first floor er modera Bom, sou l Fsorth at. Phone PeclfU 1834. ... KEATLX fnraUhed hooaeVreplng aad sleeping- rooma. 1 week: bath. M ears from Unloa depot to Korth 36th at. turn right 800 feet, ' IM Nortt 2otA st.- " THE HALL, 414 Fifth Rooms, single or aa suite, rnrnishsq for light boassksepiag. 813 4 HOUSEKEEPING-BOOMS. ' neatly far. niaaeeu msy eza neveatn sc. msin eov. H0TT8EK E BPING-ROOMS Lowest ratal; eleo-1 tne light and phone Included. 901ft Water st. WILL give Broom aew Bet, furnished or na- lurniihea, ss couple sxchsngs for board; ekes in. a a, aara joornai. ROOMS AND BOA BOOM aad beard; modern convsnlencest veorktng parsons prater reo. , ass aisai axorrisea. I LA RGB sleeve room with bach aad I sard for gentle mea; references required. 084 North. rap st.. cor, 18th. - FOR RENT HOUSES. . KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re liable plena and furniture movers) th stor age. Phone Main lsaS. Offlce 110 N. Third. I TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY- i zaa btahu bt. I. -- INaUBLANCB. BBNTALS. .BEE UaT.- FOff BENT Nice T-ronm boose, let 100x100. I (till vsrlety of fruit snd sbmbbery, Cnivnraltv a-sra, io. Phone Ease- 69B6. 10-ROOif nonee. with sammer dlntne-l situstea si piortB lata at. laqnua 2U Mao- sey aiag. r , . T B," rT"'-.,rHB!.lfl- MeF A BLAND'S-new oottags. Mt. Brett Phone llaln 449S. car line. 815; modsra. Agent Btswsrt stotUn. FOB. RENT Cottsgs; a ass salts boeeahesplng. lsu Basra FOR RENT Convenient greets houaa, walking aisxanos; rent sis. ee aeet sum ex. n. BPS SECOND ST. Modera 4-room ha 'ey 674 First St. Phone Mala 4464. , FOB BENT Freshly cleaned B-roem cottage: rent fix. apply ar aasi aria st. none Kaa I tin. . t WB have Just noted several . very deetrsble i-urninneo nooses aaa as is ror aiga-ciase , tenants. West side, walking distance. The Continental Co., 34B Stark It - FOR RENT FLATS." FOB RENTw-T-1 8 xth at., near Jack son. A. H. Msegly. 310 Fourth at. t-BOOM Sat for rent, llR.BOt water paid; ami mail annates, sjd stiu. unnaBs is-ia a., a Mocha .a in ae m.! bridge, fronting rlrer; et.i steal and gas I range: shades , aa windows. .. Inquire 254 I Lsrrabee. SMALL Bat, eeeipletely furnished; plana, phone. beta, nseamontyarai aiae ngat svy rooraa. singu or ea sultet eantral. Phone Mais boo. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB furnished roome and- aempU rooms far rest. . va tor. bldg. Apply ew FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT In city, 8ft acre eeltable far gardening. Inquire soa .roorta. AABOLINB Uuneh for hire: leoitb 84 feet! will carry 18 tons; speed a mllea,, inquire Uuach Bra, loot 01 savier st. BUSINESS CHANCES. I PORTLAND aubnrbea dings tore for sake. Ad- dress B 4, care jonrnai. . WB hsvs wbsst Und. stock Uad. fruit Uad, screage. Improved .aad anlmproved ltf property, and a good eicbange list, tea us I before buying. Nertbwmt Mad Co., 304 I Goodaongh bldg. I FOB, BALE at a bargain, restsnraati going away; must eell at ease, ssa atari at. NOTICE TO MOIIAlS BUYERS ' The Eddyvuie pool e moaair, or e.avo Beeces, will be Bold to the highest bidder, cash In hand, oa April 10. st B o'clock . m.t right reserved, to .rejeci any or all bide. 1. G. Standard. y. . GROCERY FOB BALE Will bear tha closest luvestlgstioa: doing gjn.vuu per ysar; tnia m ao cut rata business; good location. Address 0 IT, JonrnsL - LARGE or smsll roomlnghotisee for sals on terms by it. n. xiigiey, room eo, szirh Washington st. $4,000 BUYS a splendid paying cigar, tohscco. new sna oimsra-nsii pieiineee. auareee u. K. De Neffe, Sump tar. Orsgoa. FOB SALE Hotet- In Bve lumbering r town) nicely furnished, so rooms, inncn counter, French range and good equipment; nice business; $1,200 will take It. Addrsss Com- a-clal hotel. Wtnlsek, Wssh, - FOB SALE A Urge, clean stock Bf. harness . and saddlery, tools, machinery sad "fixtures In good farming country, . with building and lot If rfaetead; r.i.a See selllna ewnae amine esst; Bait esso, aaisace time; migat siaitiseiviisnus ro wiie em ass ,r some trade. A 8, eare Journal. COUNTRY drug store, $1,100; a good oppss. . tunny; terms, u 1. care joernai. MANUFACTURING' bualneaa; $300 worth ef foods eat bow; $500 Ukes It all. O 8, eare oarnsl. AN ap-to-date stock ef grocer lea gad fixtures tor eaen; not one ooiisr aeea stocs; live town. 80 miles from PortUnd: good schools. iuuii uva, eiai. .m. w stste; street llghteV wsurworka; look LhU an. w 14. Journal. - .. 1 . GOOD, cless, Urgs rooming bona, doing good 1 bualneaa: reatrallr Iocs ted: a Blooey maksr: I lease; . terms, er wouui exensngs iot city or 1 country real estate on essn oasts, rsrxiauiare addrsss swner. ft 11. sua Journsl. FOB SALE Restaurant with a good psytng bualneaa: a snap If takes at once. APP.F International hotel. Third aad Everett. BUSINESS -xnae with few, husdred dollars would like to Invest It with services; Business must stand strict Investigation. Address G 27, care Journal, BESTAURANT Ysry eentraL Urge basement , In connection t lease antll April, 1906; price too, inquire uts eirsi at.,- near naiBBon, I WANT to sell half Interest ta a roomlsg. bones to a lady woo ess tale encrge aad rua It. Se H. ax. kllgley, room 80, S37M wssaington st. - BEST BUT ON EARTH That swill restaurant la ths heart or Bessios, oregoa, tshlng In now aver $30 per day, runs from $45 to 11 00 la sammer; building oust (700: owner sick, mnst ssll this. week: will secrlSce building. fixtures, linens, 0 lanes ssa everything com piste for 8750: this property U' Worth more then twice the asking price; eell today, Patterson Stewart. , 1000ft Bilatoat at. Pbea Seat $880, .. . r, . r-e-n-. r B USINESS CHANCES. BESTAURANT aad lunch' enoater for aalsrrwttt beer the closest Investigation. Q 84, Journal. IN order to esttU the estate of aV aL, Ohsr- . , man, uscssseu. toe city orug Btore' will na sold at a bargain; gmof eleaa stock, wsil hv csudla a brick building. Call or address T. L. Ckaratao. executor, Oregon City, Or, FOB SALE Merry-go-roaad. need eendltUn. cheap fur cash; must be sold at once. W. A. Powell. 464 Lai lug ton are., Ssllwond. Or. ,0.B ALB-The best essb boalnese est Oon. I ! "o .coming city ot tha weat. . Address hlI4. MsrshfUld, Or. 0B0CBRY Ukl.g la 84S to 5B per daF. all I eash trade and ao epposlttoa; must go at la- vosce, BDorrc nw xo asx it- Aaurssa it sa etearui su 22 FOB this restaurant If takes this week I lease; cheap rent; poor health. 274 Taylor st. who m u. a. morgan co.k COBNBB OBOCEBY, WUliima av.. doing Bne I builneei: rood reason for selllna: Invoice , about fl.gbO. ' H. O. Brown, 618 McKay bldg. FOB aVBNT 11 room hotel doing a. food busl : nsss; partly turnubed; live town; rent f 26. Address H. N., cars JoarnaL . BAvn Mm. b- doubJi la ?alu. w . la hsidUtl. E Z asadlee. a. 4, ibsrbsa J scrssg e tbst will witnia - two ysars; sx,uw eture sovaai. GENERAL merrhsndlse tore In a live valley town; will Invoice about 6.500; er will trade for Improved farm In WlUsmstta val ley. H. O. Browa, 18 McKay bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . IIie;piggest!nap; In East Portiind. - Business , lot cn Grand Avenue, 50x 1 1 00, price $2,650. See BEYE1 ," Phone E. 491. 434E Alder St LOTS FOR SALB I have a few loU tor safe sa sesy payments; city water, on earllne. 8 ' blocks from achoolbouea. Call owner, phone ; Ksst- 1678. r- ir ' .--- NIOB modsra 4-mom house, HolUdey's addl. - tion; close In. choice kocstlon. Apply ewser, BIS Cherry St. , rs.iitu i'kiub a,ouu, vkiuuki, ixi GRAND AYE. . $1,800 THIS U a bargain: new a-reora Cnlf. fornle ootttge, modern, let corner 100x100, , located on ths new proposed earllne at Bell- weed; $800 down, balance 8 years. .Apply to ewasr, phons SeUwesd T4. , W. H. W. H. MOREHOUSE, I87Q Ksst 18th err. 1 I r.sst lain et., sgiiwee. Phone Bellwood 74. - " The largest lUt of Improved prupnty la tellwood. Homes from $500 to 88. 600. Bees allHn. Caa ... ffaetarv al la I 1... IS A. I and SB 'per month. i ONB of tbe Sneat corners oa th east aide near Unlos are.. 1001100; Ilea an, inquue . of owaer, Eaat B878, SNAP 4 kits $750 each, Holladay'e addtUon. an. h 4 n Bftaa aa AlMTt Sf SAW a Ve $ NEW saodere B-room bonee. Is qu Ire at tot Phone East 4970. BELLWOOD LOTS. $B down aad SB a sthi $78 to $300. aUllsreed TeTraalta Oa. taiat 4T04T Phone IP YOU want to build, bay all your materia bt s American Inn; yon will save is per cent; fine doors, windows, plaetsr beards, tie- er sMtngr VmarlaAy eta Us. tusbeg Phone ewasr. xaein ivis. m aitw at a m nnxTir . A Bne stork range, eontstntag sheet 2.904) vea: all aader fence: eltnated near Bees. bars, Oregon, sa S. P. BL R.I tbU to one of ' the beet stock ranges In tbe eeuntyi I also have soother good stock rsage ceststslng 1,439 acres, which will be sold st a eery low Eos. For particulars address I. B. Bother. , owner, Romberg, Oregoa. -ROOM furnished bouse and t lata, eaeap. Phone East 4918. . A -WEST SIDR homo at cost, t noma, new, modern, bast material and finishing, tinted ' to salt; coal $2J0O hllUlds lot: walk tag die tanee ;. a anap, 82,400; two roome aaa lie added, saoo. u 24. car journal. TH S beet acreage buy on ' the market la 14 scree st Woodstock, fenced, mostly cultivated, - L. . n . Ill Aim a. ... - year. The Continental Co., at saw pee .u,, I . .nuiu fi., H. WV gea a Start at. NICB little home, T rooms, barn, 66X130 lot. V, block UaUa see., storee. etc: value Increasing every dsy; $3,650, $1,300 cash. Q 33, Journal. t NEW Bxodera B-room bouses. Ia quire at SOB Monroe. Phone Eaat 4B.O. t-BOOM hoese aad quarter block at the corner or East 14th and Beacon sts., $1,800. W 3, BsajTat eJOOrieSle ' , 1 .- j. . ' '-- MOUNT TABOR, T moms, bath, stable, lots of fruit. 100x100. Owner, 129 Third st. FOR' BALE By owner, two Bow modern, honeee. between 23d snd 34tb, en wsseo, HoiUdsy Park; also furnish lots ana buna. H. R. Bice. 883 Bendy road. Phone Eaat 1085. ON TO HOTERt ' '' - - - ' - 1 CP THS COLTJlfBTAf , ra t BsgoUr stoimsrs from Portia sd; ehsapeat ratse from tbe eosst to Inland antntn: ae sand, heary soil, perpetual water right with - eeeh tract, earliest products, largest prices! the Callforals of the North wss t. Writs HOYEB LAND CO.. Hover, wssblngtoa. FOB SALE CHEAP B snd T-ronm bouses) food- era: part cash. 8T0 Gsrflrld are. Take Woodlswa esr. Phone Esst S54L 11 1 DO YOU WANT TO BUY city Uta er 1 eras get If eo. see East Side Real Eatsts Co. East . aide property a speelelty. 407 Hawthorne eve., aesr Grand. Phone Esst 106T. FOR BALE t new 4-room houses snd lota sol ear line. Inquire ef owner, 970 Alblna are. t-ROOM hnrjne aad 11 lots for axis oa Port' . Uad Heights. Phone Mala 6041. FOR SALE t lets 60x100' CoramMar Heights ( Peninsula); orchard sad Improvements: ex cellent csr service ; $1,800. Owner, B 14, .r care Journal. - - 1 Dwm 10 car; city wawv aaut gav. - ravers East 0066. Owner. PORTSMOUTH Lot 60x100. with B-roaal cot , tags nsirly new, half block from earllne, ' $1,100. KlnscU. 803 Oomrnerrlal blk. , WOODLAWN Tornr lot 60x100. with aew , B-room enttags, on earllne; porch and fin .yard: only. $1,300. KlnsslL 903 Commsr- del blk. . . ; PORTLAND HRIOHTS 100x100, eommsndlna fine view snd easily accessible; this will ant last long at $1,260. Klnssll, 003 Commer cial blk. LOT en niUawok, snoloe UeatUa, $860. Phons state eo. FOR BALE New modera B-room boras, Esst 14th and Ankeny. Alas ft block. East 13th and Taylor. Owner, phone East 1MB. I HAVE a few B-ecre tracts sf very fine Isnd, very sesy to clear f 0 miles seat of PortUnd, - and only one mlU from O. W. P. electric line, that I will seO st from $60 to $75 per . sera, oa very sesy terms. Address T 14, ' car JoarnaL NEW t-mnm enttags la Suirnyilda, fins leea. tlos, jno caan, na lance in monthly pay. . menra; ws sra wtrenng e specisi induce, ment In this; It will pay yes to Investlgata. Pattsraon Stewart, 1000ft Belmont at. t LOTS BOxtOO, en Es TsyUr .gt., for a few dare snly st $435, Pnttsrsna A Stewart. 1000ft Belmont at, : Phone Esst $880. BARGAIN Modem 8-roont residence oa qtisrteg Mre-k, Esst 19th sad Tuecsrt su., $t,000, ' ' Wavarly eer. Cell afteraoooa. , Terms. WEIDLER near Grand svs., flue tot. $1,000. . Finest lot on Rodney see., Williams Ave. ' Bite addition; S feet above tbe grade, $900, BuxnO Boas St., enr., near bridge. Ai.. O. BROWN, (15 McKay hid, , 1 :' ' ,t j : f - - L - ' -er- ' ,' ....-. ;