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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
' TllZ OHZGON DAILY JOURNAL, POKTLAND, tlUDAY EVENING APRIL 8. 1SC3. TODAY'S MARKETS ins i;i noiiii AHD IVOOL APART producers and Buyers Cannot Agree' as to Right Price In r i' Either Market. CALIFORNIA BUTTER - r - PUT OUT IN THE COLD Cannot Compels With Oregon Prod net st Sara Figure, So Must Rt- lease Hold on Trade Eggs Firmer) ,' Somewhat Upf-Chlckens Weaker. ' ; ) proa Street. April t The principal feetnre -t tb Portland vboMMM juihu wr ani wool im swoair raiaer eiew. . California butter to retire. ? -. ; Dried apricots arc sdvaactag. ' ,, . Oraag eblpmeata an delayed. :., , ., Braall pod sgala arriving. , Fancy lemon moving higher. ,; Thro cafa boaanai due. i route order ccailaac liberal. ; , ', . Veil aiirkat brccka tram aedar: Still beevy call foe dreeaed bogs. . Kgge at firmer i receipts law. ,"' Cblckaas lawat with slowet dicaaad. : i "Waal aa Mohair Bather Slaw. : Ideal at prediuara and Beyers ar wide apart as presisr, la sow we woo onu oaooeo- mmw blab aa sceosBt of tba high prleaa tuat ralad ' toward too middle at laet eeaena. Those grow are who cold early aad aeeured tba low prlcee -this year shew aa eigne of selling mow. aioat at then. Baking siaeb blgber valoao the the .-trade la willing to pay. IM weaaneie mm market la set aaaaed by aay Blaa ot tba deal en ta bear prleaa bat to tba attitude of tba outers buyer, wbo cay tbey ara not willing to Bay. tba ertoea acked by tn uregos proane- " ere. The nrlutlnal dullnee bj ID mohair. Where tba (row ere aaaert tba market cbimld be Cerent eeata bicker. Tbera will Ukaly be duUneee hi tola Boa until nrter in large pooia are coin ' the ecu Inc. week. Sheep cheering hi aot yet under fall headway, aad tbla accounts- be a teeoore for tba alowaaca la tbat line. ' : - California Butte a Satire, . Wltb tba boat areamery batter eel Mag ratbar .., alow at S3H a pound aloe Croat atreet tbera - le eel nttis reaaoa to seiiev coat emiumeuie ' from California will be sontlaaed after tblc ' data. - Tba market h tba aoatb lc bow aa a ''par wltb value ruling bora aad bo profitable " eblpnente eaa be made ra tbta direction at tba moment. Batter ana aay tbey hav learned another kecoa and will try a keep tba taradera .""v . . ... . sneei eurioew cuo HTwue "i A abarp adranoc of la a poand waa abowa ra erieq iprnou woiy. xee emeiiee w wmp- . pUea hi tba direct cauea. KeporU rroca Oau fnrnle tndieata that tba eomloc ctob will bl coaeldermbly emaller tbaa prorloaaly ospectod, and tblc Bay oaaoe aaotber abcrp adTaaca la ' the Boer fntnre. Other Usee of dried fratb) f Irscat and adTaaelo(. -' IVUtc Ordora Oeathlae . Liberal. Orderc for Oraaoa Botatoea eoatlaao ta , trma Tasaa and Artaoaa aad a aaaaber of care .will be roillna la tbat db-eotloa wltrda a day or co. The cpactcl wire received from Stock too. OaUforala. by Tba Journal yectcrday aay ln that available cappllea of rlTcrc amoaated ' to aboat 100. (XX) waa a treat aorpriaa to tba - trade bare and wea eomelderahje ot a help to , the Biarkot. It la aetltneted tbat California Boca aa aa .aYeraaa of (.000. aaeka of potatoee oach day. and even without ooaatlaa oatatda ehlpmenu tbera ara lapoliec U that Hate ta laet aot nor tbaa 60 dare. Aa tba California aeeaoa will be coacMerably delayed tblc ea aeeanat of the kicb water tblc will extend too aeaaoa for aide atocba eeearal waeka letter tkaa acaal aad will be a wonderful belp toward eWantnc np tba eorploe Oreco boldlaaa. Tblc aboald sot be taken to Been tbat tbera win be beery adraaeea ta tba narket here, for tba trade, done not really boiler that will oecnr. The low prlcee bow rating are belplag tba local trade to ahlp to the far etmtbweat and ailddle weet, bat aboald valaee advance materially la tbta market tbla' movement would likely atop altppctber a ae anrtaiied to a very aonaidoreblc vswoii turn moaui ww uj ew wee mum 11 cleaned ap ay bald over to rot, it'c ap ta tbec. ' Tutor laacai Muikaa? Slcber. : The market aa fancy lemona aanttanca " to . move kipber and today price are practically SM cue advaacad. Of tba duality IM auraet at lona oa auppiiea. . A rreeter acardty la abowa hi aappUea of areapoe aaoh ee raced tag day. A large aaaaber of ear are rolling la tbla dtrectloa, eat tbey are Tory alow to come. One ear cease tbla aaornJag. Prleaa wfll be kbjbar next week. Three care of beaoaaa were due ta arrive ea the atreet late tbb) evening via tba Northern Paclftc. nine day eat tram Hew Orleane. Said to be ta good abapa. . '. OUohaaa iowec Wltb raaller BeaaasC. ' Wltb a evaaller demand prlcee ta tba ebfetroa market arc about He lower today. BocclpU fair. Too nucb aaatera atock. f ,.. (ill ara f truly bald wltb ealea rangtag ha tweea lc and le. aitgbt advaaoa noted. ' Too liberal arrival of dreeeeC veel caaaod another brock today hi tba price. Praam boga fir a. Bather alow In coning. " ' A few aelec of bopa are reported, pot moat Of then ware made aboat a weak ago,- Nothing now to relate. - . The trade pay tba following price ta Front atreet. Prlcee paid producer at bmb regular frreJn. and Toad. WaSATWCrab, c; red Soaalaa, gCsi . hi sa ltern, car I valley. Me. , . BARI KT Teed, (9S.MI rolled, fM.Ml brew lag. 2a,60. 001LN Wbola, t3T.00 aracbed. tSf.0 pec RTK-t'l.W pep cwi, " " ' '. ' ' ' ' OATf Prodnoerc price a. 1 whlta, tSLiOt gray. ItT.OO. rLOtB New aactern Oregoa peteote, nr6) t.5 atralchta. M.u.c0 export, M OOttl.lOi Talley. M,l6j graham. Ua. M o0: wbola wheat, la till rye. dOe, ed 00: Calee, U.Ta. MILUTtTrrS Braa. 1T.M per Pour BridV fit m SOgfP 00; clover. to.00Ot.00: arala. la.aogi 00; aboat, U.00. . . i WBtter, Xgg bb4 real try, . SCTTSS rAT-T. a. a. Fort I. ad Saaal tmo. Vi coar, tlH. , BUTTS B City creeanry, ZSc, Mtsda ttatr, taHe: ctora, Ida, u0S Mo. 1 treeh Oregon, eandwd, MO ' (litErlB cw Pan creaBt, fata, Uc; Toang America. lac eaeddar. lie. FUlTLTBI btUed etuckene. UU per Th; fancy keoc, 14 per lb ruueteia. old, lOU-g lie nee .lb) etage, 11 per lb i , fry era, 0c Er lb broiler, tn per Ibi 'dock. 10 r lb geeoe, lOHOlle per lb: tnrheye. lRCJiae r lb: dreeeed. Uc per ib eqoaba. ilT0t3.M per deal plceoaa, 11.00 per doe. . . rrtOrt-Oeatrert. rPO ere. 10 nay rbi l0d Oreyon. prim to choice. I0lci Pour rradc, Trl Waaalagtea 10t MO ere. 4a for ehnlea, i WOOb ISO clip Tallry. eearea ta Btedlaca, FRIDAY PRICES IN :t : ; THE WHEAT MARKET . . . Mar. July. Chlrg .,...$. 11 I.T1HB a Knnaa City... .TIHB ...... , f New Tork... .H .. d at Loula.:.... ' .7X -'. . S Vfllwauka .... .T7H .T7H Dnlath ....... ,Hn ' : Liverpool ta T4d I T ' Mlaneapolla .7IB ...... - r III rranoUrj. L1B , ' f Saptambar. Dmbwr. ounce, law eooria, oouavy, aju.uo; . ctty, iia.oqi chop. fia.OO. . HAT Produeere' price Tlaaethy. Willamette valley,' Beaev, $10.00) ordfnery, 7 OOQ a on .Mh Hi an ii iiannAianA. ta.X a. I JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS ; Br Evcrdlng V Fax rail. d : - Tba poultry market bu beu - arr peulUr for tba paat week d ' vry peculiar for while re- d d 'celpta have not been at all large, ,d d the demand baa aiao been )ult ,' d ' email. We are aomewhat at a . d d loaa to tmderatand thla, but ara of "the opinion that people are t ' aomewhat tired of eating hna . v they want large aprlnga There d la no trouble at all In dlepoalng .of alt the ben that eoma, but y itw ail mw utj ...e aereaieM demand for them that we eome d ' tlmsa hare. .We are of the opln d Ion that they will aeU fairly well the . oomlng week, and believe that fair hlpmenta will bo well taken ear of at about Hothe preeent price. Brollera and fry- e era are in aamana in tney win - weigh not, leee than 1 pound to the bird, do -not ahlp smaller , onai) at II.elT to 18.09. Oeeae r In -fair demand.- Duck arvd very scarce at 17o ailva. Turkey d ben are In demand at 17o allre, and fat tfreaied hen are firm at JO alio. Turkey goblera are not.. good at thl aeaaoa ot tba year. ' " ' ' SSQlflcf ftna, tftc, eeotera Orefoa, Kgjac. MOHAIR New. MttMe. , IUEKP8 KINS Shearing, UOlOe ea-h abort Wool, KfleOc eerbl medium woet, aodJ76e eacb long wool, 7ocrfl.OO each. TAUX Prlmt, par la, So. I and greaae, igitia . CHITTIM HARK la nor Bv BIDE Dry. No. 1, J Iba end ra, UHS iTVc per n; ary arp, no. 1, e tm la no. ice: dry calfr No. IT andcr I lb, lb; aalted bldea, terra, Bound, dg- lb add over. lOdpltat erca, HOIHei ctegi and boll, puoad. aejlat kip, IS to W Ibe-, ; calf. Bound, aodef lb lb, lie: greea, unealtcd. lc leee eulle. lc Ber IB lece boreehtdee, ealted,- eecb. I1.2BOI.75; dry, each, il.OOOl.pOt-eelt bldea, SbaSOel goat eklna, oajmua. each. lOOldcl 'Jigorv oacb,. 40 11.00. ; Irarbj aad Tegoteelea. POTATOES Beet eortad, 70 per aaeki pre. dncer' orica for car Iota. 00c ner cwtl ordinary, eoc; pcedacaca' price, dOaS0 sweets, $2.50 per creU. ONIONS jobbing prior Oregon, Be. 1, gl.OI ni zo: proaacerr pnre, no. 1, I D 'a ooc no. C 707Sc garlic, liSlOe per 0)1 colon aote. To. - FE1I8U- jBCITft Applce. . ''CTilla,"- Si-Tft erdlnary, n.OO: fancy, $2.00QS.O0i erancee. aavel. 3 06((IiO aeedilng, $3; benaaaa, tit tc per lb: lemona, cboica, t3 50 per boi) fanrr, M.TD'tl.OO per box llmea, kfexlcaa, tl.28 per 100: tancerlnee, tM; ptnaapplca, leilran, H GO: Hawaiian, M OO. TKOKTA P.L.RS Tnrnloa. new. TSe ner each I arreti, i76c-aackl beota, POrOll 00 pet eack; Orccnn radtohee, 18 doc; eabbaie, OaHf-c- Bia. i2.ouoiz.zb ner ewt: creel neDDera. t in: CallfomU tntnatoea, iiOO; Uexlcaa, it 00: parenlpe. PUCfftlOO: atrtag bcana. lOei canllf mwer. di-itacta My oei1 crate l IOW1 beea, lit" per tti: horeeradlah. dOTe per lb arncbotM. irireill.oo per doai Bouooee iettaoe. l.oOTl.TS per boii celery, le.00 per crate; panrnkln, IVici ' aqneeb." lvq eproata, ae per lb; crannervlea. lereey. (ld.OO per boll Com bay and Tillamook, 110.00: aepara. gm. 8Q0c per lb; rhubarb, 1.0fai o par box; eplnach, mcetll.OO per boi; green enlona, IM per box; hot hone, cacuoibon, mM eoeen, DBICO PRL'lTrV Apple, evportd, 1MJ In u apHcotc, 11Q1SC per lb; peechec-lOHfJ IS per lb; aeeka. He per n lc: acanee. to to 40, SH; tte drop on each alrteeoth cnuilcr eb da. California Mee. SajTe pec lb CeUfnnUa wblta. Safte per lb; datee, geldea, oc per lb; tarda, ll.U par Id-lb bos. flianei lea. Sato. Ste. ' ICOAB Sack baele Cube. 1M;' powdered, 15.00; frelt granulated. $6.80; dry graanlated. id.SO; eont. A. i.M beet rrasuUted, Is.oO; extra 0, $5.10; goldn 0, 111.30; D yellow, S.10 Mia, loci H bblc, ZSc; bore, bo ad vance on nek baile, leaa tftc per ewt lor eaab, U dayei maple, 144116 per lb . (Above price apply to eale ef lea tbaa car lota. Car lot at special prtoee anbyact gacraationa.) HONEY- It 60 par rfrr tw v. w..e aiasa. SALT Ooene nail groan. Ion. IT .0 pea ported Liverpool ooe, I1T.0O; ISO. 1 SO. izea, 1 00: extra Sna, bble. 2a. ha, IBe. 14.604 I SO: balk. 130 Ibe. I4.00c1S.0Oi eecfce, SOa, eSCtSSei Ueerpml romp mrb. 111. SO pet teal IO-lb rock. IT 00; looa, ag.BS. unain bh caicnrca, taa RICE Imoerlal Jinan. Ho. 1. Sc. Ba. a. 6Uc; New Orleane heed. Tc AJax. lc; ueoie. HC. , -. nsAia small wnir, fs.T0iy.on rerg white. Il.zn : plak, gl.TOi Beyeo. pt-oo: H.I. f Jk Ail NnT9 Peaaat. faraboa, I per Th TlrgiBle, IHO per lb; reacted.. 8CSHc per lb; coeoaouta. BoASoc per doi; Wal.ot. lsQlBKc per lb i plneaote. 10O UHe par Ibi hickory lata. iio par id: eaeoTBBt, eactern, leeyiee per io: per lb: Itraall Bare, 14 err Iti; ' filberts. tCQloe per lb; fancy peceee, ISUOlSUc; alaaanda, 14 4 (J 1SH. yexets, oaal Oua. Xta. BOPBw Pure bUalle. 14,al ataadard. UVlet liil. 11c. 7 - - j COAL OITj Peart ec Astral Caaca, If He per gal; water white. Iroa bhia, 14c per gall wooden. 17o pec gals headlight. 170-deg, eaeca. JlUe per pal. ' OAKOLlNa eg dog, eases tdVie per gal. tree bble ISc per gel. ben ei n a ea-ov. St peg gat. sree bble UUi ner e.l. TURPENTINE I ceeea Sc par gal. wooden bbla SSc per gaL - , WHITS LEAD Tea lata, 74 per B 100-lb let, sc per lb; area lota, IUo per lb. . . . wikb n ai is reeenr oeaia at . UNBrxjn OIL Pare raw. la S-bbl looa. SSci I-bM lot. 68c; raaea. BSC per gal; renulnc kettle- belled, caeca, SOa per gut D dm toe S-bbl Am KXm. lot. SSe per gel: greand cake, carlota, 120.00 par boat leaa tbaa ear lota. 190.0 par ton, Meats, Tlah aad Piwrlalaaa. FRESH UKATS Front atreet Beef etcera. S6c per lb: eowa, ,1'die pet b bog, block, Sa per lb; pact ere, IUae per lb; boll. I4jrvc per lb: veal, cure, 7c per lb; rdtnary, luec per lb; poor, 6S per lb) anUso, fancy, IQSc per lb. HAM", BACON, ITf!. Portland pack floral) name, 10 to l in, ltie per id; 1 to i na, lb 3Vie per lb: break feat bacon, I4HB18H0 per picnic, v c per to, ouiuiiv, ivq per tn regular abort clear, aoamoara. idc per n; moked, HKe per lb; clear back. ananokedV Iflkii ner lb: amoked. llHe per lb: Cnloa butt. to to Id lba, anemoked, Sc pel" lb: aceoked, Sc amoked. 13c per lb: eboaldera, Se per lb. - LOCAL LiKD Kettle lear, lua line per : Be, 11 c per lb; sn ib Una. lie per lb; am renderedV 10. 10c per ft) I So, 10 rr lb; componnd, 10a, 7H. Viniisu n.iia'm-vi.bu nwr, i.u 11.80) lib tall, IXTRl fancy, l ib lata. fl.PO; IB fancy seta,; raaey i-id ma, a. id: uka toll, pink. Ua0c; red, 11.60: nominal ta. tall. 12.00. FISH Rock end. To per lb: armndera, I per IK. k.lilMf. ae ner Ihi cvmha. II.BO aoc doa: Itrlped beea, lIHe per lb; catftab. 1 per lb; ealmoo. froaen, 7H pec lb freak eateld aaUnea, lSe per lb; herring, I per lb; eolee, sc per lb; chrlmpa. 10c per lb; perch, I per lb: black rod, 7c per lb; tomced, 7c per B Columbia river raelt. be per lb; atrrer icaelt, Spar lb: to ba tare. 15 par lb; free mackerel, par lb: erawrieb, go par. do; Sacrament abid, Pc per lb. ' OISTlfca flboalwater bay. per gal, flSS; per nark, W.78. N vIjAmjv naruaneiv pw eon. aa-BO) raoex elaau, (XOO per be. sostos wrrief maup. - - j . Bocton, April I. 0 facial elaatng: r ' Bid, I . ..Bid. ideentare ...I 7.00 old Donuaiaa..g 4.bth Alloaea ...... 79 Arcadlaa .... 4.00 Atlantic ..... Tl 00 Blngbam ' 8S.80 Calumet ..... tto 00 loei-eola ....... 106.0 rervei ..,,. Pboenlz Ontncy ....... 18.00 1 00 . PT60 Roeel ZZ TB Cantennlai ... zd.80 8b a anon 7. 1114 Copper aBge 8100 Franklin .... I9 60 Greene OBa... eo.87 Oranby ..v.. It 00 Haa ..." 81(4 Michigan .... 1160 ktobewk ..... 11.00 Nevada Con.. IT TVi NerU Satta.. W.7S Tamarack log. 00 Trinity It. 00 Cnlted Otrpper. ' ST 00 t'tab ......... S3.T5 Tlctnrla ..... 8 IS Wlooaa 8.00 Wolvwlna ... IPS .00 Tea. Copnar. , 47.00 Boatoa Oea.... .a3ri SXV TOUt OOlTU'laJULKXT. - " mwrmi erni va iiwe taee- eaoevo I polnta ap. Oisclal prlcee; : . Bid. Aak f Bid. A ex. April ......Snan a an' October .;..T 00 ST. id May ...... M, Neevmner ..11 T 29 jen ...... S T 4 tt December ... T SA T Jnly ...,... ad anjaery .... 7 U 7 wwi .... new aen rearoary ... T.r-Tl September . T OO t.OfliMerca ...... 7.64 ' - Saw Terk Oaeb CafYea. . NeW Tar. Anrtl Saceek aetfeor BW t I'illElTUOCIIIlOGED ; BUT LlflY July arid September Close Same Thursday but May Is a: Quartei' Cent Down. HEAVY LIQUIDATION , IS NOW LOOKED FOR Inquiries Art Generally Bearish In x AH ' Mgrkets -Conditio ns ' In Corn RercrM Th'oM in Wheat Packen Still Hold Provialona. BBXATITB WHBAT TALCSS. Cine Cloaa Cloaa Leaa Frl. Tbnn. 106. Frl. .7714 " f .77 11.17a, jMt l"lr..., .7TUB..77UB 4t Betember.-.. .7dft M .. ,T.., ... Qhlcago, April I. The fighting point In May wheat wal around 76c yeaterday aad acoaad n. twej. nuui me may- no oex bdoui Vie for the day tba new crop moo the were ateedy. or ahade firmer at tba cloaa. This fact ratbar foreebadowi tb beginning of general May liquidation. ' The fine crop proepeet ap peer to bav been very largely dl accented, aa reports today war aa fine aa it any time, yet there waa no weakne In July. Nearly .all market Inqalriee nt boaaa and abroad were aaod eretely . beerbib. The eaab wheat demand at Mtnoeapolia was a little leaa brick than for acme nays past. The Hour eltniltoa la low. ' Corn Ooaditlon Better. Osadltlona ta earn are aim the n ef the In wheat. Stock are being reduced. Pom cctl aad export demand are good. There M etrangtn la tb eouthweet markets For to morrow there to a emaller eettmat of 167 oar. I other point re porta of offertage of corn are mall and a light movement le expected during the Tory boay planting aeaaoa. K sport clear. an re ar ooudm the pnmary roeeipta. There bl Bo Indication tbat the oata butt I xeresi nae ai ail weakcaed la hie poaoa. In Brorlelotm. aa an onvlon dava. there in early dip ta Drloee andec eome local ore Trading bitereat le aeppoeed ea here cold out. Fackera ara holding la the market for tb Official avartetSBM by Ovorteek. Starr Oeoke oompanyl taayi , . . . ' WrTEAT.T'r" OOBM H :m. m :m. ''M .I1HB sura rvu. rie. i - ,18.11 . -18.00 , !8.0t v -8.00 . B.- 18.13 10T I84T is as7 . SOS July..... 18.10 , 10.18 ..IS" . .-- LABO. Sept.. lS-gl. lfayn..'. Jaly..M. Sept. i.. May., Jnly.... Sept.... Irr m S40 IN 8 60 B.T 1-87 8 -83 1 80 . 8.4 10 , 1.60 SBOBT BIBS. 1.68 S.63 ITTXBP001 SBaTJr KAKXTT. ;sapsrr'ifJ.flJ Opea CVaae ; Oloae Frl. rvf . Thar. teas FrL May.-........ TH4 7K4L Sa T144 Hi July........4e d ,a 7T. a TUg 4 Ud Bepteaxhe,... 8d . 4 ga ti U Mey..M...vs T44 tmlTmmm,..m,.m4m thki dd da td vt i2d-... BAJT IXiBCIBOO SBAMJf SUBKCB, April g-metnl ommrng " CTooi. fl-374 IM , - 1.11 - clceal , .. . , wnicax. . ' 'Onon. Hl.h. ' Ixyn. til ; May Sl.So b Oeoember.... IJn 1 .XT ' ( , - . ATtLBT May.......;. 1.1814 1.18)4 Peeombes.. , . , Jtl -OT . C2XI0AOO CASH WXZAT. Obicaga, April -Caih wbatt: - Rid. Na, rod. ........... .dftUj Na. S red .AO Na. S hard TT No. S bard .72 No. 1 northern. ....... ......... .78 No. f Boclhern.. ............. .77 No prmg. .71 , naUMT obaiji MOTxcrarT. ObJcaga, April I rilimi) receipts: T . ' Today Tear Ig ' Rnah. Rnah. Wbaat ......................44 000 -; in ond Cora KM.000 748.000 BhlDmantat Wheat .......184.000 14.000 Cora 177.000 ' 180,000 Total clearance : Wheat, 80.000. boehele; ra. dM.onO buaheki: eeta. 117.000 hoahela! floor, 30,000 barren). . . STOCTssrra pbt rasjavs, . (Special nianatch to The Journal. 1 La Omnde, Orn April . following tb aye tea ef dry farmta Introduced In Oregon by the tela B. a Jadeon, I nd a trial arant of the O. R. 4 N. Co., and known a tba Campbell rateae, Oeorge F. Wright, who Uroa soar tbla placa, a year age tbla aprlng cowed a field of alfalfa wltb the dry aeed wblcb Mr. Judaea Imported from Germany and cuiu rated it under tb dry lyatera. Tblc alfalfa ra growtng and la blgber and healthier than the other alfalfa which ha ralalng by IrrUratloa. Tbla expartmant hi meet, tng with the beet ef Baceeee u different parts of tba county by ether wn hare tried It, Tb Wright alfalfa experiment le believed ta be tb tint eueeeaiful effort mad la this county. ARRIVALS-OFIVESTOCK , ARE VEftY LIGHT : ... .. " .1 f Supplies Nominal In All Lines' With Prices Held Very Firm, But Same as Yesterday. v Portland Cnloa Itsckyarda. April C-Uro- atock receipt: - "" x Bogs, Today .................. 10 Cattla. Sharp. a e e ! : ... wees ago .............. is Meath aao ... ' 30 leer ago , 36 - 178 la au naee or nveetor ta tnoo contlnaea ry atroag with bat nominal cuppllec No cattle oc cheep arrived daring tb pest 34 hour. Tweety hone are In, OrSrtal Uvestark rc-lr! 'Hoc Beat eeetera Oregon. IT.tS: blockers ind china fata. 18.71; terk en aad feed or. Oettle Beet oeetera Oregon efeer, 14-8049 4.7BI beat cow aad better, 18 TSffll 88; light nd Biedlasi iteere, SATBalSS; light cow. J HOeJJ eo; itorkors sad feeder, A.wa)aiO; pun. gixoTix eo. Sheep Wether and lamb. ICIVi; clwia Oeed veel. 160 to 300 saaaSx, IUS le; rough aad heavy, cs. , BAATBXB BOOS BTXAST.' j: , OMcago, April Wldveete-k receliwci . Hoe. Clttl. Bbeen. Ob-el ......gO.iioO - .nn - 7.0"0 Saneea City 1.600 l.Ond looo Omeba I.OiM 1.000 t.a) Hog apancg eteedy at peeterdey'a Cloeleg prlcee with 4.000 left ever. Belpts s yeer ar were t3.aX Prlcee: Mtved, 8t6i im so an neevv. ssaoaav40 8.J8: Hgbt, aO40. srayi.M .Mi fnlyMm Jtsil .4(1 lIt..... ,4BH .411 . . OATS. ife VIS t Mar-. .J .Aak. 4 .slH f. ettm crrreig, . . View of Producer and Buyers in Both Mo-, hair and Wool Are Wide ! Apart and. Little Business Is Reported All Await Sales. 81,000,000 LOAN AT 25 PER GENT Money Rates Are Again .Threat v : ening and Early Trading ', -V-vV Is' at Loss.'-'." NEW YORK,. STOCKS CO HIGHER LATE IN DAY Better Feeling for Americana fat Loru : don Is Help to Latter Condltiona Amalgamated Copper, Leader of Today's A ctirltr General List Up. BIT OAINS. Amalgamated lUnolc Central 1 AtcBwun ...... Car a Fonadry 3 IulevUU " Mexican Central .. U Katy V do preferred...,. 1 Mleeourl Pads... - V4 aiainmcre Alton .... :::::: ( Col. Fool St. Paul Cheeepeake Canadian Looomotlr ....... beaver .......... Brie. Id pfd Weetera ... Bock laland ..... do preferred..... norrout . N. X. Central...,. Ont. Weal...... Penaayrranla ..... 1 People'! aa ..... Praeaid Stool Our.. Rep. Steel, pfd..., Prlaco, Id pfd Soutborn Ralleray. U, S. Bobber U. 8. SteeL...... . de pref acred . . Soatbera Pacta Union fadflc. ... k Wabaab, pfd ..... 4 Weetera Lnlon ... ' '" BBT LOSSES, Aaaomda ........ I Sugar ...... U Smelter ' Z Brook Ira V a if. W. t Central Leather ... Erie Heading Wabaab . .. Mor activity was sbowa la stock today and the general trend of tb market was apward. Trading oa tblc aide waa seined to eome ex tant by tba higher prlcee ruling for Amort, eena la London. The money iltaatlon coo tlaaca tb one dleapootntlng feature and tbla waa mtBdeot early In the day to ecu lower price. Calla aoenod at II per cent bid with so offer of money. At 36 per cent $1,000,000 wee loaned eerly la the eey, - Rate went-e high aa 87 pec cent but later reacted to IS per seat. Oa rumor of the Importing of geld into ffat country tb rate hardened again. - - Amalgamated Copper waa tba leader of to day' market la point of activity and cmaed wltb a gala eg a full point Over yesterday. Notwithstanding tbla Anaconda was heavy ea sailing aad loot I point. . Official auotatleaa by . Over beck, Starr A Oooke ceennanri BBSCB1PTI0W. Anaoouda Mining Co.. AmaL Copper Ot...,. Atcbleoa, com........ do preferred 1081 Am. Car A FooasU eom. do preferred... ....... Am. Sugar, , com Am. Smelt, com do areferred.. Baltimore A Ohio, sots..! do preferred i BrooSlyn Rapid Tranalt Oanadlaa Faaltte, eom.. Chi. A Alton, com..... do preferred......... Chi. a a. w.. .... 86 171 ss uu. Terminal Hallway CbeeapMk Ohio..,, Colo. Fuel A Iron, eotn Colo. Southern. 3d pfd Delaware A Hndeon. ., 1TA iii"a6iH Dela.. Lack. A Weet... uenvar . wv do preferred... eie, veio. .. .... , de 3d prererred. . ... ,,do let preferred..... lUlnot Centre 1. 78 Va in lnoia Loolxvlllo A Naarrvtlle.. lnou 11$ MctropolltaB Bt. By.. Kinbatua Railway.. . , r . i n 110 16T 38, Minn.. St. P. A Sta. bt. Miaeoun paeino ld K. A T., com...... da preferred. NrW York Central..... Cotton Oil Federal Smelter, pfd.. Norfolk A Weetera, com do preferred. ........ North -American....... N. T., Ont. A Weet... asH 90 as. Peanaylvanla Wr. ...... P. O.. I A C Co. waiccs steel car. com do nref erred Pacific Mall Steam. Co Boedlas, do 2d eom........... preferred. ...... US is; . de 11 preferred...... Sep. Iron Steal, earn. do preferred Bock laland. com do oref erred ....... Boothora By., com...... do preferred Soatbera Pacific........ , -do preferred St U A S. P.. 2d pfd.. ft, I a aVJ'- eom.. . do nrof ei i'vd. ... I 6d i soW Texaa A Padde ., Ta an near a Coal Aj Iroa.. T., St. L. A com... do preferred... ....... Union Pactdc, com do preferred Central Leatber, com.. V. B. Rubber, oom...... do preferred V- B. Steel Co., eom.... do prererred... Wheel. A L. B., eom.., do 3d preferred . . ..... 9e let preferred Wleeeaeln Central, eom. do preferred ,., Weetara Cnloa Tele. , Wabaab, con........... ' do nref erred ....... 3 Am. Locomotive T AiiiftMd. ex -dividend ed 11.60. Snntham Bailwax. nrefarred. X -dividend of IH per cent. . intai oaiea ror .oay, ih,iw nee.. Call money cloecd I per cent. Saa Fraadaoa, cloalnat April . tod! -, Bid. Balraorrt ....... B. 71 Ce.h Boy ..I.. .18 Ooldea Anebor. 1.16 Horn ........ .38 Jim Butler .... I BS McNamara .... .83 Midway ....... J to ' Montana ....... SeTH North Star .... .68 Bid. Ncrlonal Bank.. I .48 Penver 1.TOA, Bcllpe ., I.OB - Gold Far 1 00 O. BuU Frog... .31 Btelnway .43 roe. cah-Ta.... l oo - Onhlr .1.78 Mevlr ....... l.IO Oble , -48 Caledoala ...... .88 ' Tbb. Bxtea ... oo Nevada 18.00 Weet Bad ..... SOS Adam , , .0 Atlanta 30 Bluebell .18 ; Booth ........ .81 Colombia Mt... .27 fnoquer ....... .18 Ha awadScld ... . .48 Mile .10 Bxcbeqacr ....... 83 - NoTcroco ...,. 1.10 Oold Crown..... .tn Great Bead ,M . Beerae .IS Black Butt Bz. - .0 Tramp . - 1.17 Uoiaea net meal, .via Mootgomery .... .88 Knneet .3 Sceptre ........ '' Manbatten .18 OoM field M ombo 1.70 umbo Cxten... .1 Saylor Bamprey. .38 nexter . i.wo - Orenny ........ ,.tJL Oold Wedge ... .1 Lob Star ..... .13 KendeU ....... .SS Leguaa .17 May Qaeea .... ,ui Mohawk ....... .80 Bed Ton ....... 1 80 Gt. Bead Exten.. . .1 Ot. Bead Annex .ISA Sandatorm ..... 1.37 , .STA . .11 SUrar Pick..... 9 St. Ira ....... .11 Cowboy ,. rnrrrzo statti aoTimxrbrxrr bobds. Bew lark. AprU a, Bcvemment Bond Hato. Bid. Art. 104 104 104 104 $ 183 LU lioVi Twos, rveiatorod...... WJk do eonooa... Iv0 108 Three, reclatared - 1 10-14 do eenpo ........ uun iu Twoa, email beads.......... .... 10.1 roar, reflate red.. 1007 10314 do eeopoa I"? Fcmn. recleterad... - IKtrl 13 , oooooa U 1 n Metric of Oekambla Mb 114 rblUpptae ds,.., Ill .' BToaeOary Batee. Bew Tor. A act! 8 atarllsat IS EDWARDS THIEF OR VICTIM? Is Charged With Theft by S C. Smart Says He Only Helped -' a Drunken Man. P0UCE AGREE THAT - SMART WAS INCAPABLE No Money Found . Person That He count for Case More Testimony. ; on Defendant's Could Not Ac Continued for 'When' an the arldenea Bad been heard In the Uca court this morulas, tor and agrainat R. O. Edwards, wbo Is accused by S. O. Braaxt of laroeny from the person, many wha heard the evldonc believed Edwards was the. Tlotlm ot cliwunistaiiosa and had been made t- suffer becaaae ha assisted a drunken man home, Th ease was con tinusd.' to- Monday, In order to secure th evidence of another' witness. Smart aald that be met Edwards, who ta a fisherman living at Taggart, nt Third and Bumslds streets, and waa acoompaaled to. his horn at Third and Market streets,, where the fisherman started to so through his pockets and took soma of his money.' lie- began to yell lustily, whereupon EdwarCs d slsted from, searching his pockets and ran. - ' , - ' "I mat this man at Third and Morri son streets," Edwards testified. "Two men came up. one being Smart; the other I don't know. Th other man was assisting Smart who wss so drank he oould barely walk, and finding I was coins In the same direction as his home Baked m to mailt Smart to his room. . "Consenting, I took bim sg far as Third and Market. Ha wanted to- (lve me igVeenta for taking him home. , I refused to tske It at first but finally took It In order to gat rid of htm. When I lot lots of him b feu. I tried to raise him, then he began to yell Murder! Helpl 1 am being robbed." I saw that It would look awkward for me when th clrourastance wore considered and eon. eluded I had beat get away and let others look' out for him." Smart denied - that ha waa drunk. Patrolman Porter bwot Smart waa so drunk two msa had to assist him out of "trr patrol wagon and Into th elty prison.. '., ail the money In Edwards' pons slon haa bean satisfactorily accounted for,- Deputy Dlstrtot Attorney Brand asked th oourt to continue the eaa to Monday In order tbat th testimony of a bartender at th Log Cabin sa loon cam be secured. Edwards aays that before starting bom ho and th two man went, thar to get a drink; Smart, denies that another man Was with him. The bartender la expected to make plain which on la telling th truth. . "Whether I am aorralttad on this ex amination or In th olroult court, or am hold, on thing Is certain," said - Ed wards, "haremftar I will lot drunken men look out for theoiBelTes." COTTON FUTURES 1M1NE TO' - ELEVEN POINTS LOWER Vow Tertr Aarfl Oettoa I to 11 Points lower. - . Official guotnthms fey Overbeck, Starr- A " Cloalne - . Open. High. Lew. Frl. Xbnre. April 104 1108 Keg liil Ul HOT 11V8 till June .... ........ .... 1098 1108 uly 110 111 I 1108 1108 1113 August load 1004 10KT 1(T 10W8 September ...... 1008 108 10M lnno lots October 1061 1061 1048 1048 1004 November 1044 105J Deeombot lOfiS 10M 104T 10S1 10A4 January 10M 1004 1080 10U 1061 liieipiil Oettaa ftaiet. ' trrerpacl, April Cotton fotana eleeed fulet and ateedy, unchanged to I pouts lower. SAJr raAJcisoo local iTmcxs.. Saa FraBdaea, - April I. Ofdolal saoralng Contra Ooata Water Spring Valley Water Mutual Electric Pari He tJcht 0lat Powder Hewaliaa Commercial.......... Hoaofcea Sugar................. Butcbtaaoa Segar. ............. unomea oncer..... Paaubaa Sugar.... Makawoll Sugar. . , Union Sugar...... AUaka Pack'.., 2 ij 88 103 Rd log 88 b00 I California Frnlt California Wine... 80 PaetSe Stntaa TUIennone.. Oceania Stoameblp S ' rOXTLABB BAjrx BTATEBTBT. Clearlngi ...81S.C0S.M Balance .... 8.T8.5T PLEASING Bid. Ask. 43 .. 88 - M 1 1 814 8vJ T .80 tail - 84 d u. WOODMERE The most beautiful of all residence suburbs. Brilliant bsr r gains await you here. ' c an .i mi i ,i,ioe i Be a land own er. All great fortunes are based on lsnd. Now Is " your opportunity to secure some high class property at paltry prices. 60 LOTS SOLD I , - - - , WOODMERE Prices and terms have never been equaled. Ideally and con Teniently located. . 25 minutes from city on Mt. Scott car line; fare 5c. Best cars, best water, best of everything. TUts Kt. Soott Car 11 Cor. First Aides- UCOs YV a 03 Falling; .Bid. ; ; " . Agent Alv TRANSPORTATION. NOME ROUTE !s.lSENAT02 Jsnel Beotir Tloketa STow. soTrrxBASTSBsr aiaixa otjt. - rrom . Seattle at v tn. for Ketchi kan. Juneau, Bkagway, White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. . , 8. 8. City of Seattle, April l-ll-SU -8. S. Humboldt, April l-ll-tt. B. a Cottare City (via Sitka) AprU S-tO. STeass-A, azcrrxmszoirs. 8. 8. Spokans. June ?-tl July S-ll; AUgUSt S. -r - V ' rom bajt rmAJrorsoo mbbot.- 1 From Seattie at I a. m.i Umatilla, April .1-18; Queen. April 1 11; City ot To peka, April lt-3. rorOanS Offloe, Ml Wshlsgxm BV : ICaU S3I. .. - . -Trr. ' O. BC LIB, View, ft Wf. Agt. a 9. 9VBTABTBT, . F. A - i - , 10 lcnrket ftt, San Iaaolaoo. ALASKA FAST AMD POPUI-AB ITBAMSHlr. Leave . Beattl .. 'jBryrmgow.'. Apra t, it, r p, aw, ' via Wraagla. "POLFRUf," . AprS II. M -T - CAIXIN0 AT ' Ketcbtkia, Juneau, Dooglaa, Balnea, Skag way, Coanecta with W. P. A T. route for Atlla, Dawaos. Tanaaa. Mom, etc. ' For all aoatheaatera Alaska exacts. ' Call or eend for "Trip to Wonderful A leek a." - "ladles Baaktry." "Totem Plm,,- TKB AIAIXA S. S. 00, Frank Waclaey C, Agent. 3SS Oak at. . t ' , - . ForUaad. Oc. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer FAST TIMS. " tTF IKS OOtTJaTBTa JTBB f ISEBf TBTF IB TH VMITXO STATES. . toavae Oak -a tract dock T a. m. lCendays, Wedneaday and Fridays, arriving st The Pallee p. . Leave Tb Dalle T a. m. Tueaday, Tbara daye aad Saturday!, arriving Portland I p. mr Ofnce and wharf foot Oak street. Pbooe Mala 3MO, ; . - ; 0BAB1SS STIXMlfTTX. AOXBT. S. S. F. A.;Kllbiirn --For Oaes Bay, Bareka and Saa Fraadaca." Bcxt celling from Fortland. Saturday, Asm 14. Next ealBng frem Saa taatbtt, hlon. April 8. F. U OBBBrtOOOB. Agt. SraBBwhm Duck Be. S FhoDe stela 181, f O f SPICES, k o vwrriiu. 1 1 , DAinwopovDin, FLc;c-:3ExmAcrs rlrwuhfBry. Flivts)fIvor.: c POrTIXAND, OpTXQON. 92B.OOO .. Inreeton, consider these faotst Tou eannot make a mlstaka by buying th most centrally located piece of ground In Portland, which Increases tn value every day, with a new building thereon, bringing 11 per cent net on th price, or tl par cent net on 110,000, th amount neeeosary to handle this gilt- eage Business property. 1". rTJCcIB, 14SH ltrsi Bt, LACKED TWO VOTES OF - DOWNING MAXOR'S VETO . Tb ordlnanc providing for a Chang In th plana of th building to b erected on th old city market block by the People's - Market - association, . ths holder-of th -f ranchlaewas not passed OTr th mayor's veto Wednesday night aa thought by th councilman. Tb Tot was II to I. but tb ordinance un der consideration was to amend a fran chise. According to th chartar a veto to a franchise . ordinance require a three fourths vot of th council, ao that It. mam bars would hav to vot to paas th measure over tb veto. PRICES IN Lots $150 $3.00 awtv 3 a Month. HOMES built to - suit r pur chasers and sold -on - easy payments. Take' Advan tage of This' Opportunity. 1 : IN ONE DAY IN Take Vt. Soott Car 1 7f s TRANSPORT ATXC:i mm w f a UNiorrPAcinc VTrains to the East Dally 3 fhrougb Pull! r-etaadarg aad vaarlat Hon. Omaha. Cblaaao. SoeA.-. eoaepins-osr aauy a Beaaaa toe alrars toaais tree! cauy Beaaaa n. to Palo Depots' Uia Ante.'' . n-.lcrPortl7nd SpedU foe ' 1 o!,a"!? 1? Huntington, dir. 1:11 sal IJS pat -Ingtoa Walla Walla.. ....,-' oIT. ' .rr d A'cac end . . ' iSSu Bvrwm for the, Bait . ns RiaHeernn. dalle........ I-Hps IllilS' i .CntrsIBIA BITBB OTFISIO!. - af.VL. I.."04 ay point. cooneettBS wit ullL-Z '7 "ar end North Bb, atemI , ""''. acb-ct. dork, leave t. BL dally. , 'P'.acn'r: larnrdav. 1 p, m. Arrtees about I .j nmt cemd,,. ..... I - -TAkmiLI,. BITBB BOCTB. ' " Deytoa. Oregnn ty and Tamblll rrre Point, imm Kuta aad kfodoe. AU-at. dock, Wh.m-L . dally, accept Inndiy (water per. landay.' 1M ? . ev. J1 SOfTB.' ' ' -.r. lw.ta,r'n- Mc. and way polnta from Iparla, Waeh., ateamera gnokan and Lewi. ?! i1"!,,1 40 a. m.. or apee errlval Trala delly evreot laturday, . Arrive 4 P- m. . Ticket Office, Third end Wlahlagtos St. , - - - .. - tlloTtione Mais T'3. A r .rA1?"T,yLKR- City Ticket Ageat, A. Za CBAIO. Oeaeral PaMeager Agent. .- EAST SOUTH Cnloa Station -Ovrland Irpr.fc Train for Idea, bVeeebejrg. Aak- ' Lear. . Arrive. Siao, aecramento, Ogdeo. f en- Frearleoe, Stockton,. ,; .!" I-oa Angelea. Bl-Fae. TT-'- '.-' '-' '" ' New Orleaae aad the eeet i:U pm Morning brain connects a - - WoodborB dally a leapt ' - . anode y wltb trala for ' '' " -- -Mount Angel, Sllvertoa, Brovrnevllle, PTpHncfi.ld. - ',' ;i ' ' Wvadllng and Natroa.... !: pa) TJI Barene peeaericer con- Beet at Wood nor with . Mount' A nee I and Stlvee. - -T ton Incal -18 pt oiO'Cg re "ii:v . "msec. ...... of o am of-M pm lencvr , ej.fin m . : :? Im peeaenser . . H10 4S va lllio m " uia paaaaasar.. enennan paeeencer. . Forcer Oroe aaeaen Dalle. UTtellw ee Sundae. JBFrTCBSOB-STBBBT STAt.OK. For Pallaa and . tntrrmedtete pornta dally 4:18 f. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 I. m. For rime card of Oawego auhnrbaa trains poly at City Ticket Office, or atetlon. . TVkcta to Plaetern point and Furapn ale Japan, China,. Rnnohila aad Anetralla. City Tlrket Ofnr corner Third aad Waab. tnstoa atreet. Paone Mala til tt W. ST1NGBB, ... A. u CBAIO, City Ticket Agent. Uen. Pea. Agent. TIMECARD OF TRAINS " Portlands Cnlon IMpat Tellowetone Park-Kanana Cltr-Ht. Louti HueeUl for Chehalla. Contrail. OtyaK- aee. . Arrlvu. pla, Oray Harbor. South Band. Taooma, Seattle, Spo kane, Lewlatee. Butte, Bll- , ling, Denver, Omaha, Kaa -. eaa City. St. Leul aad Boatneeet, aeiiy 4181'.. 441 pal North Coaat Limited, elee- trlc llgbtrd. to Income, SwttW, Spokane. Butte. . bflnoeepoUe, St. Fanl ead . ' ' the Bet, dally 1:0 pal - T.-Og I'oret Sound I.I oil ted. foe , Cbehalle, Cearrella, Tacaaaa , : , , end Seattle only, dolly.... 8:8 pan ) 1:80 pes Twls City Bapreee for Ta. ........... v ... cmna. Seattle, Spokaao. '. - , Helta. Butte, It. PanU-.-.s-.-.t.i,. , Mtnneapnlle. Ltnceln. 8u Joeepb. Kan City, Om. ba. St Loul. without -cbaes ef cira.. Tweet con- . . nectlona for all points ' Eaa t and Snutbeeet, dally. . 11 :4S pal 10-88 pal A. D. rHAP.I,TOtv Aeebrraut Oeoeeaf Paeen Per 'Agent SSd btorrteea atreet, eocner Tbtrd. . torwand. Oc. , - . Astoria & Columbia : ' River Railroad Co. Cnla Deport. Por bUyter. Rainier, flat tears Arrtr baa:, weatport, Clifton, Aatorla. Warrentoa, f le vel. Haas mood, Pert Stee- eoe. Oearbart Park. Seaalds 1:00 UM SSt Aatorla and Beeabore. s prea dally T;0S pa 141 SSI All trelaa dally. . J. 0. ef ATO. . . ind P. A.. Actarte. Or. . C. A. ITIWART. Connerrlsl Ageat, Stt Alder atreet. raose Kals BOd. ; TMl COMrOftJABlX BTAVe 2 Overbad Trs!ss Dally y 'The Ortantal Limited, tba Fact nil' VIA ir.ATTLB ANP SPOKAWB. . . . Pally. ,. Dully. Leave..' Arrive.' Portland tie ecbedalo - - . -To aad from Spokaao, St Paul. bUnneapoM. i , Dulutb aad aU palate Beat via Seattle...... I SB am T-ee eea USgea 80 pal To end free St Baal. Mlnaeepoll. Dureta and all pot at! East vl Spokane ......... g ll per S-SS lis r Oa Satllag . froea Seertle far Jeuos end t'bln port ad Manila, aarrylag pes. aangecs end trdgbt --,, a. S. VranOMta, AprS St, S. a. Denote, lua 7. BIBBOB TT8XS SAISBA V (Japan Mail Steaswhlp Co.) " S. I. Sblnaae JUru will aell fro Beattl about May 14 for J a pea aad Cbtna aorta, earrlsg g gate aad freight ror ticker,' rata, bortk mil is. tJoa. ate., eelt oa ar ddrea R. PICK 80S, 0. V. T. A.. It TV "4 mi 9m.t m.m Cm. Mela AaO. " ' "REGULATOR U12" The fc", T;;l!--1 r ll4o- vr .' r IZSf UMt t J I Q loept. trUgaJ m -1 I Jiy so wta. 1 l teiClV Bio, 1144 pie. i Saataa, . g.eas.Wtti a day iMXM. y