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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
THE OREGON DAltY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY. EVENING, 'APRIL 9, 18 - v ..v: . ..... - - ..;.L'::,;-'.; u..;v- ' I The Market Basket I Th 'noMitlinTr "alvuoM la th ' market valu of citron are attracting considerable attention, . .Somewhat Maher m-toe have been expected. Tha recant outlook la not at all enoourai n to tha user ot citron, (or tha larger dealer ar of to opinion that, tha ad- vancfe bava just started. Although citron haa been la in alnoa " ' tha third century there are few of the uenr of tha product that really snow . from whence tha fruit cornea and how It la produced. - . Early In tb third century a naturalist, while traveling ' ' through the aoutharn part of Asia, no- I Iced a beautiful- tree -about ... axeei ' a height It bad . the appearanoa of en everareen, with pale green leave ' Tha tree nroduoed beautiful flowara ' that, ware ouroU ' without and pure f whlta within. In U wild ataU the citron tree haa long, pendant and spiny branches. Tb fruit la gathered nd tha thick akin la used aa a flavoring asent. It resembles the lemon to conalderable 'extent. The aaclenta were fond ef tha citron and the branchea ' were uaed in early day in moat of the .' rellglou ceremonies,- The citron tree la tha parent ot all " eltraa : fruit, chief among wmcn ar the oralis and -the lemon. Tha tree crows. In many aouthern countries, but r It la chiefly noted In China, Persia, tha - Weat Indies. Madeira,. Sicily, Core lea and tha warmer parta of Spain and . Italy. . Moat of tha citron received In America cornea from Sicily, tha home of tha .lemon. It la not noted whether ' the citron la of any edible value Is ita ' natural atate. but all authorities apeak wall ' of the fruit after being candled Jte use la growing very rapidly and tha production haa of lata yeara not kept pace with this movement A few yeara a go (California, orange and lemon grow er began adapting orange and lemon ' peel to take tba place f eltron. - : While ther la a dtepoaltlon among ' soma of the larger producer of cream " ary butter to hold tba price op aa long aa possible, of lata there have been a number, ot declines. The. heavier shlp- raenta Of California butter Into local . - a. i - . . AM.lrMAit ' Ih. manufacturer to a realisation of the situation, in the retail market tha beat brand of creamery butter are to day aelllng at aft and to cent a roll, , and If present Indications are not all wrong there will soon be further drop in the price. . . . ' While tha butter market ha fallen, there haa been a strengthening of the , auotationa In tha egg mart. Supplies are atlll . liberal, but tha withdrawal for cold storage hava enabled the deal' , era to force value up a trifle. Still 2 : centa a dosen in the retail market. There la again soma hop that tha price of chicken' will soon be -within eating distance. Of lata there has been aomewhat of an increase in the ar ' rivals. The consumption haa been cur tailed to a great extent, for tha general publlo no longer can afford to buy. Thla la causing tha larger retailer to bear "the D rices down In the wholesale mar kets In order to lower the price at retail. . At present It coat 20 cent to buv a pound of dreased chicken. - While auppllea of . chickens are . In creasing there Is again a scarcity of . geeae and ducks, and these fowl are costing more money In the retail aa well a In lb' wholesale market At retail a good goose coats It, and a duck 25 centa a pound. Turkey are till Tn Tavor with some, but are rather slow In arriving.' Thirty cents a pound today . at retail. . . There are no amelt that Is. tha Co lumbia river variety -In the market at present. All aorta of flah are scarce and prices are generally higher.' Some few fresh salmon are now being re ceived from the Sacramento liver; la California, and others from , Puget sound waters. In - the retail markets these sell at 20 cents a pound. This price Is so high that most of the trade is in the frosan variety, the local value being ltu centa a pound, " Shad and striped baaa are again ar riving from the Sacramento river. .The latter la quoted st retail at 26 cents a pound and - the former at 20 centa Halibut la alow In coming, but tha prlo la tha same at 1114 . centa California sole are II cent a pound today, while perch and flounder- from the same lo cality aall at 10 cents. Black baaa are slow to arrive and are wanted at M cents a pound. Crabs are scarce today but IS cents remains the price. Same prlc for shrimps. . v.' Oregon la noted among the . Paetno coast atate as a producer of fine cheese, but of late local supplies of the article have become so small that most of the . stock now on sal are. from California. " Full, cream cheese at JO cents a pound Is not so high. Then there' th Imitation Swiss at 20 to 20 seats, according to quality. This lat ter I finding more favor every day with th publlo on account-of the high price of the genuine Swiss, Not on person In ten Is able to distinguish one from the others. . Other cheeses at re tail: Frenc) Rockqusf ort. 10 cents a pound; .camembert. It cent a pound; Edam, tl each. , , Oranges and banana form th entire variety of fruit In most of th mar- gets. - Apples are now bo nign aa nign aa 14.60 a box for fancy Yellow , New town Pippins that - ths general public la hardly-interested. -The larger de mand for orangaa la forcing th price higher and . today at retail they aell from 26 to 60 cento a dosen, Frank L. Smith Meat Co 228 ALDER ST. : Fighting the Beef Trust we warns as pswvaaar ox maw pevpae ta oar flgkt again, the beef trust) ' there la a teas above tha power of ' tha people, aa tha eeurts of axlssomrl will "hew." W hay a esrload of choice, clean. i essay mm mwmi mma ' v was sot so . aaorrow'a trade also Ierk, Xattoa ana ' T.sms. ", at ere are a few of oajr speolala. nor are ssaay snore. - - . Rost Veal, per pound 10 Breast Teal, per pound .......... .104 'Rump Roast Veal, per pound. ...12M Leg Hoaat veal, per pound 12H , Veal Sausage, per pound' ...... .12H .Rib Roast VeaL Rolled, per pound. 1 Oat -, , w kids tteer, per pound 61 Choice Boiling Beef, per pound ... ...6 Rib Beef Steak, per pound ..104 Loin Beef Steak, per pound ...... CHICKENS BIO TAT CZXCUaTS, each 60 - rail weight whether yo waOok na ot bo, ; BJoxa ox iu oiaer nvonsra eas sot say this. - -' . AM lUUOITIUas, fOB. axma, wiouuuii in bitul. mm. - ' W want the kelp of the people In out 'fight saraiast the dirty. uorlnelBled. blood-snaking beef tanat LIIIE TO LIIIIITOIJ, PEflCE'S PLAN Promoter Petitions County Court foV Franchise for. Double- . ' Track Electric Road. , Butter Lower .......,,,,,,vvj ouiu owe ood creamery , ...4Gc . Kaaoy butter ............ .260 and 40o Ranch eggs, two dosen.-. . ....... .26o .Beat sugar-cured ham....' '....14c Hreakfaet bacon'..... u ncnla and cottage ham He 6-pound pall lard ....60c 6-pound pall lard, compound........ 40o 'Sjwlas cheese JBc Cream .brlrs: ........ . .9n .2 pounds full cream cheese. ........SKc Xlmburger cheese ..15o Remember. Saturday I chicken day. Chicken,. 16 and lTc . . La Grande Creamery t)4 TA2CXTXXi inilT. Laf Pence and hi attorney, C. M. Idleman, this morning made an offer to the county that - astonished County Judge Lionel B, Webster and Commis sioners W. L. Lightner and Frank C Barnes. Mr. Pence asked th court o allow him a franchise for th building of a double-track elect rlo line between Portland and Llnnton along th Llnaton road and promised to macadamise the road lta full width of ' SO t feet with crushed rock and gravel, to furnish rock and gravel for the building of a aide walk the entire length of the road, to use only the eastern 20 feet of th road, and allow- th county court to fix tb prlc for th carfare between Portland and Llnnton. He promised to have th road operating from Portland to on mil beyond Llnnton within 12 month. Mr. Pane declared that It would only be a short time until - many factories would be running at Llnnton. and that a car line would bo needed for th naa of th worker,. He said that among other factories to be built there would be several of the largest woolen mill on th coast Regarding th ear far between the City and town. It I said that It wa agreed that It should not exceed oentav-Thia rat might be reduced. At present th Llnnton road Is considered on of th finest In th county. It Is macadamised over' to a width of If feet Th 20 feet that 1 wanted for th right of way for the double track ystem ha never been used by the county for road purpose. - ' Th promoter is -aaklng for a- oulck decision from the court, in order that he may begin operation at one. While th member of th court are Inclined to look favorably upon th project nu action w4U be taken for aora time. Mr. Idleman declare that he haa a petition Igned by nearly every man in Llnnton and along th' Llnnton road. Th road la not to atop at Llnnton, but to go Into Washington county and farther by way of th Cornellu pas a r- t- AT THE , """ -.v..''.- ' ' " ' ' ' ' 'i ' ' '" ' " " " "' , ' TTTN n n 77: Phone Mata 1412 FIRST AfJD TAYIOR STREETS r I TT I U I 7 ( MM U.VibU VA VUJIi UJl V AlsVii '.-,, " .- . C O Phone TJain 1412 1 lb. SpMer-Le; Japan Tea, flOc trade.... 1 lb. Basket Fired Japan Tea, Sc grade:. .35f I lb. Pin Head Gun, Powder Tea, 60c . grade ........................... ......Sd 1 lb. Imperial Gun Powder tea, 45e grades of 1 lb. Good Gun Powder Tea, 35c grade... ao 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea, 60c grade. ...-aS 1 lb. Congo E,B. Tea, 45c grade.. 5 1, lb. Good Congo E. B. Tea, 35c grade w.Oa 1 lb. .Assam or Orange Pelco, 70c grade.. . 50f Flour 50-lb. Sack Olympic Flour .............. f I- 50-lb. Sack Vim Flour.... .....fl. 50-lb. Sack White Satin Flour.. fl. 15 IS 10 50-lb. Sack Crusade Flour. T.tT..T.T7r:.B 50-lb. Sack L. Bell Flour... L$-00 50-lb. Sack Graham Flour...... .$1.0 2 3-lb. Cans 1 Apricots, 1: Peaches'; ;V.S5) 3 3-lb. Cans Table Cherries... .V.'.5 2 2-lb.Cans Pineapples .... SB4 1 2-lb.Can Table Blackberries ..... ..10 1 3-lb. Can Table Apricots 10 1 3-lb. Can Extra Fane Strawberries.. ..20 Gallon Cans Apples, Apricots, Grapes and Pumpkin .........25 S ICS. LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS .'. 25c 3 15c Cans Mixed Spices Nutmegs, Mace, Ginger, Allspice, Pepper, Cloves, etc.. ..25 3 15c Cans Nansen's Sardines..... ...25 1 15c Can Imported Olive Oil Sardines .... 5f W-Pint Lea & Perrin's Sauce.. ....25 1 Gallon Lion Table Syrup.. ............ SO 7 lbs. White or Red Beans 25 71bs. Rolled Oats..... ...................25 10-lb. Sack Cream Rolled Oats 85 2 2-lb. Packages Pillsbury's Vitos ....35 10 lbs. Patent Flour... .....25 10-lb. Sack Hominy Grits.. ..k....... ..25 7-lb. Box Macaroni SO 2 Cakes Sapolio .........15 miL ORDERS GIVEN PARTICULAR ATTENTION. . . M4t M4 ) NOTICE If You Want to Make Money .Qct a Job ln a'MInt-4 1 If you want to Save Money, Trade With Us. ' v.. GROCERIES 1 E1EATS 5-Ib Pafl Uonsrcli CAa 104) PsU Llcsarch f VEGETABLES 1 1 PROVISIONS ; RANCH BUTTER, per pound .. ............ ................aOp DAYTON CREAMERY, J-pound roU 48c SUN CREAMERY, 2-pond roU..... ..y... ...........SOo Meats of the HIGHEST at the lowest I Prices SATURDAY. APRIL : Hlh SOUVENIR DAY M ) 4t CoIIees 1 lb. Town Talk Blended Coffee, 25c -- grade r.r.Tr.Tr.v . , . , ; :.".20 1 lb. Monarch Mocha and Java. 30c grade. 25 1 lb. Gold Band Mocha and Java, 35c frrade ;. , i . . .. . .... .T;so b. Army and Navy Blended, 20c grade.. 15 1 lb. Holland Blended Coffee, ground, 25c t rade ....;.....,.. grad 2 lbs. After Dinner Java combination.. ground, 15c grade.......... ......25 6 lbs. Holland Blended Coffee.. l.OO Evaporated Fruits 3 lbs. Evaporated. Pit Apricots........... 25 3 lbs. Fancy Italian Prunes, 30s to 40s ,...25 2 lbs. Fancy Italian Prunes, 40s to 50s. ...15 2 lbs. White Figs.. 16 2 lbs.. Extra Sutanna. Raisins..... ...16 Canned Vegetables 3 2-lb.Cans E. J. Peas.;.,...I....,;...;.5 7 2-lb.Cans Eastern Corn,.. ........ ....,25 3 2-lb. Cahs String Beans... ............. .25 3 3-lb. Cans Pumpkin ........25 3 3-lb. Cans Solid Meat Tomatoes........ 25 Gallon Cans Solid Meat Tomatoes...... .25 Cheese - Per lb. Fancy Y. A. Cheese, 5 to 6 lbs.,..........16 Fancy Brick Cream Cheese, 4 to 5 lbs..... 15 Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb,....;.. ..20 Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs for..,.., ........35 5-Gallon Keg Columbia Syrqp........ . 15-lb. Pail K. K. K. Herring. ..i., 15-lb. Pail Blueback Mackerel......... 15-lb-Pail Columbia River Red Salmon 3 Fancy Mackerel..... .. 3 lbs. Columbia River Red Salmon..... 3 1-lb. Cans Pink Salmon..... 2 1-lb. Glass Jars Rex Chipped Beef.. 2 Cakes Fancy Honey.... 3 Packages Toothpicks ............... 3 Packages Acorn Matches.,. 12 Bars Elk s bavon boap 2 Large Bars Ivory Soap ....-, .52.20 :..T5 fl.50 fl.OO ...25 ...25 .26 ...26 ...25 ...25 ...25 16 SP ECIAL DE LIVE R Y TO AL LP ART S OF TH E CITY PLACES WHERE BOYS LEARN BAD HABITS UNDER BAN On Complaint of Neighbor; S, Clark's Establishment Raid ed Boys Sent Home. , Combination . ' barber - Shop, . : clear standa, billiard room, which are mad lolterins places by boy. ' have . fallen upder the police ban. . Th combination barber ahop, billiard room and clear tore or B. Clark.- Wlllams avenue and Fremont street, wa raided by Actlns Detectlves Murphy, welch' and Jonea lait night. Four boy wer sent horns. and their parents' Informed of their con duct. " . . Written complaint anlnat Clark's plaoe was made to Chief OrlUmacher by George Davis, 111 Wlllams avenue. He say that boy consreaat there. play pool, ramble on nirkel-in-the-Iot machines, amok cigarettes and learn bad habit generally. He expreased the ALIBI ; r SMELTS ONR PnTTNTV , V ., r ; FRESH PERCH, ONE POUND,...8c 1 - :.';'i LIVE PIKE, CARP AND SUCKERS ; T Crabs Fresh Boiled Every Day SMALL IZB ' LARtlK SIZB f THREJB , JUCM ,rt.,..IUC BACH,...,,., IDC FO..5C 1 rOC & ft SALMON CO 051 wTAFTnAnn fTAn rn 171.174 viAmcAiu atth JllUtkkU VlaXEtf Wee A I A I 11111 liJVl I BRIDQE Townsend & Van Schoonhoven Wholesale and Retail Grocers 7" 14f FIRST STREET Faaejr IraDter battel batter. . raaoa efg-s, dos. for ... .46 .60 .SB .36 (W get ear est froa the t rr, ear - batter from tbe tnasnry; an mtddlCMm. - Good table pee'ehee er eBrloota, t eaaa for... 25c Standard toautoae, eau for 3ftc I raae earn. or strtng beane fur ........ 2fc Rraporated ereant, I can for .IF 1-lb eaa baked bran He 1-lb par Arm Hammer bread aoda. ....... 6e I bar Naptba eoea ne bare Crratal Lausdry eoap.....,........2&c 1 lb Enfllah Bnaklaat Ua.,..,.....16i 1 lb OuDpoarder tea , 2fio Baat aew eroe walnuts and ahaonda, t Ibe. .86c Oroaxm prtlta praaaa ncw erop) I Ilia for .... 2." Boat (new crop) Italian proaee, lbt...;..3Se 1 aak suod bard-wheat flour ..T....SOe 1 eark beat hard-wheat flour (patent). . ...1.20 1 oottie-worFMtaranira aance. iae aiea.. lue 1 bottla atarfed ellTaa, 30r a Ira , lfie 1 bottle etnff4 ollrea, i&0 alae.............10e 1 lb whole Batmen Do raopla bar . rot la the habit ef enmagbara for their npplr Scailling'e Beat. .There meat be a raaeoa lor It. ', , - Seat Mae. Denver? Teeeoay and Friday. PHONE MAIN 1283 No Cold Storage FISH OR POULTRY AT G. COVACH & CO. All strictly fresh. Call on ua. -W are located at - rn rrmn tv. : '. opinion they were alao sold tobacco and cigarette by Clark. . Inspector' Bruin's statement was di rected "to- thev affair, and . the detective were detailed to make an Investigation. In aheir report to the Inspector th de tective eay they talked to th parent of th boy taken home, and that In every Instance the parents blamed Clark for permitting their Children to loiter around his eatabllabment. The detectives say they did not per- celv any of tbe boys playing nlckel-tn- the-slot machines or smoking. They as sert, however, that the place will bear watching. Vooa,nef runeral Said. " ( Journal inerlal Berrtee.r New Tork, April . The funeral ot Paul Nocquet, th eculptor and - aero naut, who was lost sfter hi balloon as censton, was held this morning at th studio of a friend. SCORES OF INSURANCE .COMPANIES IN OREGON (Special DUpetrh te Tb Joarml.l -Pulem, or4 .April . I. Secretary . of Blete Dunbar ha .issued hi report on the Insurance companies operating In Oregon. It shews, 17 Are iniuranc DIRECT FROM THE GARDENS The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest Tea 9 to Buy One Pound Equals : ; ' ' Three I ' No. 1 Ceylon and India. 1-lb, can, Te.-'!'. 1 C and I.,, 1 lb.. . 65 No. 1 Cylon and India H -lb. can, 40. NalG and I, H lb... 36 -SOLD BY' ALL GROCERS ; Is the most critical in the selection of food products demand ing the highest degree of purity and quality, a most import ant point for consideration of particular folks.' Below you . will find prices of a few of the many good things we carry: 19-ponndi Sack Corn Meal.. 10-pound Sack Oraham -; -; Flour ................. . Pound Baker' Uniweetened Chooolat . ............. .80 Can Baker's Cocoa .........20 GROCERIES 20 20 t-peund box Soda Cracker.. 20 1-pound box Soda Cracker. .60 100-pound Sack Dry Orann- -- Uted Sugar .'6,35 "Ros City"- Flour, , taa - ' . bee . .............. ..$1.15 II Can Condensed Cream... 60 MEATS Round Steak, pound .......10 Mutton Chop, pound .....12H Pork.Chops, pound ......,12H Prim Rib Roast, pound ...... 12 Boiling Beef; pound .6 Pot Roast, pound .8 Hamburger,; t pounds , .....26 Pork Sausage, pound .......10 FEU LOWS West Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2596 CITY GROCERY Rainier Market v Specials During Lent - Fine 1,1 ne of . - rSStX AJTD- SAX.T TIKM. .'. Beat, Meat to be had at reasonable prices. .. Pur Honey, Jar,.' 30 and 50 r-resn itancn eggs, XUC. or a a OS, for . ......... v 3S Finest Creamery Butter.. 60 to TO i rwmn v.iiiv-avxia Daiurqaf. A Fall Tela of Canned Oooda. Al -Baking Powder, Royal and Diamond ."W," can .............26 to 50 BU1ICK, tUU3 AINU CtlEtSK o. aLtm, eventeeatk sad savier St.. Phoae . Mala 13S. . ooos MASoira yrwrr tow ukoxtlh . . , TaaDl AT T , Standard Market Recans you can set everrthlnr nice. We have Bur Talne for Saturday, Large auantltle of Freak Meat. Ponl try. Oyster, and Flan. A specialty mad of Strlcflr Frssk Urn. Un4 your order early.. . 4. lnrSSBATJMM ft X. XASm, 3G7 E Burnslde St. . Phone East 73 companies, mutual fir companies, I marine insurance companies, tt life' In uninca cnmnanlea. 1 A aHdM swim- panle. f plateglaa companies, I steam boiler companies, a surety companies and 1 livery stock company. , EB. Col well , (rormrly rarmer'a.) ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Ml. SS, Third at., ear. Jeffaraoa. ' Bis Stor of LlttU Prices, roLtownro mors wrtr,-t tow 0M I VIET DOLL a. ftUAUTT OUAaUXTkxs CHILLa BEIT BAXIXa FOWDKk w eiiu, par in w k.u, W i , Weatnra dry graonlattd case near, luo-lb iranajatea eaae eoaar. IB mlated aiifir. ilb'aarli'.'.in.' mlated aurar, 1 Ibe fl.i We. tern dry araaalated eaae eogar. ne ,,,. Iltra 4rr era mi Ultra dry iraanlated Pkfl Maanolla cleaned earranta pkca new Mw needed ralaln I Iba aew t-rrowa loose Ifnaratela id eaa nopal Dating powder 00 It 00 40 no an 2ne 2A Coaae Biarkwell'a ollre oil, et bnttlae..B 1-lb pk Arm Hamawr aada ,...........'..n 1-tal eaa fancy table ay roe. ............ ...ene n-e-ai can taney table arrne.......,.......Zn T Iba yrenrn nruaea eL Shredded Wheat blanlt. Btr mkm in 4 Iba Loolalana rice ...toe raoey early Jane Pee, per See t Ir. bare Rnval S.eom m.. e. v-iD pan neat lard BOe 10-lb nail beet lard tl ne -lb pall beat lard iaoo - F Vv i ...... ..lie Heat rottaea hamn IboneleaaV nee Th tie Shredd'd cocoa a at, per lb ................ ..toe Hard-wheat doer, per each ...............11.00 Scotch oata, par phg n Poatnra eereal, per pkg ..........te veun naptna noa Heat en ft wheat rl lan A Means coffee nx snda crack era aboat 1 Ibe) .......So nallah Braakfaat tee. ner lb ine Fanry 4nnpwAer ten frerolar He) ....... ,IK I I he broken Jaea aeffee ... ' ... M. 3 nam ban, soap Ae neeaa meruit, ner naa. Tlser ereaai (loo alne... oan, per bar ...'. Be flctrr, per aack ......$1 (0 eoffee Areolar sfte) .......lAe Eaat Side -Delt-eerlee TBeadar asd lriaaya, nwi KaJ Mi , ; 173 THIRD STREET . i ' v 1 ' BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL. : .. . .., , , . Phone Main 165. . ' , ' The Place to. Gt the . Bert of Everything to Et at the Very v , - ..Lowett Price. ', -4... 18 Pound Dry Granulated Sugar....,.......',.............? LOO 7 Pounds Best Eastern Rolled Oats..........; ........ .......25 6 Pounds Pink or White Beans f .,.,25 3 Cans Extra Standard Tomatoes ....26 2 Can Corn, Peas or Beans........ ....,,.........."....16 1 Can Bakers' or Ghir. Cocoa. '.. ...,20 1 Pound of our Special Blend Coffee.. ......... .............. .16 , . 1 Pound package Corn Starch , 6 10 Pound Sack Eastern Buckwheat Flour.......;.... .....40 10 Pound Sack Yellow or White Cornmeal. .................. ,26 10 Pound Sack of Coarse or Fine Graham Flour.. ....... ......25 ' 12 Bars good Laundry Soap............................... 25 1 Package of Fig Prune dr Postum. 20 2 Packages Grape Nuts, Force or Malta Vita... , ,25 CITY GROCERY All Goods Delivered Promptly. , '' " Phone Main 1654. zxznrz It's a Pleasure To carve a Roast ot Beef. Launn or Pork procured from as. It is not only tbe meal Itself whloh Is certain to be ef prim quality nor our way of outtln neither the prlc alone. It 1 th happy combination of meat. excellence), aklll In enrloe, courtesy of , attention and economy In price that make this tb in oat popular market in tha elty. - Central Market ' xrjrsoaur bbosi4 ISO Oraaa Ava, . JTaona Xsen) 41a. DUKE'S MARKET Chickens, lb. . .; , ,...17 Round. Steak, lb .10 Sirloin Steak, lb... ...... 12 Prime Rib Roast, lb. . , . ....12 Ranch Eggs, dot. . . . .. . .. . . 20 Buttec, per roll. . . .50 and 55 185 JFCU2TB ST., ; K?jr Yin.L':i ii ii ti ll t ' -7' r