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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
OnZCOII DAILY JOimiJAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY. EVENING. APRIL 8, 1CCJ. - J - - ' ' ' ' " .V . I a.-; .- .; t . . MR. SPRINQ MAN ,- '-I-'-, - RESOLVED f : THAT OME PEOPLE ARE l6 EN0U6H FOOL TO THINK THAT IT POEN'T MATTER. HOW THEY LOOK NOR, VHER.E THEY 5UY THEIR.' CLoTHEJ I 6ET MINE or C. P. Bl-SHoP. MS IF NOT, DON'T PUf IT OFF ANOTHER DAY But come to ut for your complete outfit, and when we have supplied every requisite' to your supreme satisfaction youll be surprised and delighted with our extremely 3" modest cnarje. ; JUeave tt to msnop ne wm treat you right. tjgz a SUOaBSTIONS Jll Are You teoizedl ? x. i -v l. . k. a i y f 1 4 B "1 - "r y ....... , "i'-S a ill I SPRINO 1900 OTIS and TOPCOATS - to $25 .TT.!f...;...'.....,....IO to $25 LIGHT GRAY WORSTED SUIT LIGHT TAN COVERT ; 5l C TOP COAT............. ...... P I O LU 4 StJ - PLEATED FRONT COAT SHIRT. , j . CM 4- : LIGHT- .m . , , . . iV. . ...... .C. ; . V- M- 7 WING OR POKE COLLAR- i QUARTER SIZES. ........ . r FANCY LISLE OR ; SHAWKNIT- HOSE. . . . ... . . . . . .. . MSIl:: Jv.'.SOo: and $1 LIGHT WOOLT OR BALBRIGGAN1 ;2 for 25o and 50c 1 to $2.50 TOPPED WITH A ir YOU HAVE BEEN TOOLED IN THE CLOTHED YOU HAVE 501dHT.irVAJ Nor OUR. TAULT. VE HAVE ALVAY S KEPT fiOOD CLoTHEJ IN OUR. JTORE. WE ALWAYS J HALL. IT PAY 5. COME TO VS THEN AND LET VS CLOTHE YOU WE H ALL NOT TOOL YOU. NEVER. Fit For 4 a King mm. a H vm n w 1 1 1 I I HI w w -r- CVERV MAT SUARANTBCS. Best " 7 S jf $3 Hat on Earth 'C. P. BDSHOP CLOTHIER Successor to SALEM WOOUN MILL STORE . , - 85-87 Third Street, Bet Stark and Oak BOYS' EASTER SUITS , ALL, THB LATBST STYLBfl 50 to Basejpall and Mitt, Mask or Catcher's Olove FREE ; .,,-' . . with every Suit ' : ' . ' i CAfilBRI ; --IS r DGE CREW Sixty-Second Annual Boat Race Will Be Rowed on Thames ? V Tomorrow. , GREAT CROWD WILL WITNESS THE CONTEST Both Crews Took Their Final Prso -T, tice This Mombif and, While Cwn- . bridge Men Are Hopeful Oxonians - Are Looking for Victory. ; IImmuI hfttMl ' " r&r btlwMn th erwa of Oxford and Canibridce uHlTrHis, th greatest aquatic -evot of tha yaar In England, takea placa tomorrow ovar tha histort? ' Thainea oouraa from Putnojr to Mort - laka. There appir to ba rnra.l feellna- that tha raoa thla yaar wUl be a olosa content, and aa a conaequence great public Interest la manifested in tha event. Botn crews too weir iinai practice spin today, several thousand people, a goodly number belong to the betting fraternity, turning out ,to form - their final judgments on tna penorm . a aces of the two crews. Cambridge ia ' a alight farorlta, though tha Oxonians havw had the benefit of the supervision of Fletcher White, the celebrated coach. ' and appear to be In splendid form. . This will ba tha sixty-second boat - race between the two universities. Ox 'ford has been tha winner in iJ contests and Cambridge In It, while the one of 1887 was a dead heat. Tha start to- morrow will be made between 1 and I o'clock, London time, the Thames being at high tide at 1:40. , Tha members of tha two crews, their , weights and tha colleges they represent are aa follows: , k Oxford M. Graham (New), 161 pounds, bow: C. H. IUlngworth (Peru broke), US, I; J. Dewar (New), 170. I; U K. Jones (Balllol), 117, : A. Q. Klrkly (Magdalen), 18, I; B. Evans (University), ; A. -C Gladstone (Christ Churchy 1T, T; H.. C Bucknall , (Mertoa), 1BC, Stroke: , I. , P. atedaU (Merton), 118, coxswain. . ; Cambridge O. D. Cochrane' ' (Third Trinity), 148; bow; J. P. M. Benham (Jeaua), HI, t; H. M. Goldsmith (Jesus), 174, i M.- Donaldson (Flrat Trinity). 108, 4; B. C Johnetene (Third Trinity). 174. I; R. . V.. Powell (Third Trinity), 174. It E. W. Powell (Third Trinity), 1(1, 7; D. C R. Stuart (Trinity Hall). 168, atroka; TV More (Calus), 111, cox- swain, - . : '' , EASTERN OREGONIANS LEAD IN LUNG POWER (DpacUl Dwpatrh te The Joaraal.) ' Eugene, Or April 1 Profeaaor C A. ' Burden, the gymnastlo Instructor at the atata a nl varsity has Just finished ar ranging the comparative statistics of . tha physical standing of tha freshman clasa for this year, and figures given out - show that tha members of last year's freshman clans are stronger than the . . members of this year's baby class. : . Tha average height af tha freshmen ' last year was faet 8H inches, while this year the average height la only Test t Inches, The average weight last year was 141, while this yaar It la 144. Tha other measurements and fig- . . urea are aa follows: Lung capacity of : members of 1108 class.-f0; - of this yef. of 108 elsss 10.1: et t year, I .T. Ia Ust year's stass there were 18 men out of 14 that used tobacco, while thla year there are 11 out of 49 who use tobacco in any form. . The students . from eastern Oregon again lead In having the largest lung capacity than students from tha other sections of the state. In the freshman class this year the ages vary to II years, while the members of last year's clasa were more nearly of the same age. , - - TRACK TEAM FOR EUGENE INSTEAD OF BASEBALL fSnlal TrtMiatrh ta Vh JoarnaLl Bngene, Or., April I. Manager Wins- low of tha University track -team and Professor C A. Burden have kindly do nated the use of the 'varsity oval and gymnasium to the atudenta of the Eu gene high school, who decided yesterday that they would put out a track team instead of a baseball nine this season. There Is much better material in the high school this year for a track team than a ball nine, and prospects are very blight for some good men being devei' oped. Tha varslty will send 10 men to com pete In the Columbia meet on April 81, and the high eohool lade wUl also send five or six sprinters to make . a oredible showing In the Junior meet. Aotlve training with, the high school began last evening. YESTERDAY'S SUMMARY AT OAKLAND TRACK Uonrnil Special Service.) Baa Francisco, .. April I- Yesterday's race results: .'- . Five furlongs Dick Wilson won, Laura Van second. .Integrity, third; time: 1:01. Five) furlongs- Blanche C won. Elm- dais Second. Plmkln third: time. 1:02 Mile Tom Roberta won, J. K. F. seo- ond. Merry Go Round third: : time, l:48tt. Mile Major Terree won, Bird of Fas- sage second, Josle s Jewel third; ' time. 1:48. Futurity course Hector won, Marti a maa aecond. Royal Rogue third; time, 1:10. ,.. v Beven furlonga Tada won. Toupee second. Sir Brillar third; time, 1:87 H. INTERNATIONAL BOWLING BEGINS AT MONTREAL (Journal BdscUI Service.) Montreal, Que., April I. The Interna tional bowling tournament under the auspices of tha Montreal A. A- A, will begin bera thla evening. Tha rules gov erning the tourney are not those of tha Canadian Bowling association, as the games will be rolled on 60-foot alleys. Some of the bowlers - Of the United States and Canada are here to take part In the tournament, whloh la open to all American bowlers. - A number of valu able prises will bs contested for. , COLLEGE WRESTLERS TO MEET IN FINAL BOUTS New York. April I. A lively Inter est Is displayed la the second annual Intercollegiate wrestling meet, the pre liminaries of whloh will take place thla evening at . the Columbia , univeralty gymnasium and the flnala tomorrow night. Tha contestants represent Tale, Pennsylvania. Princeton and Columbia, Tale and Columbia are the favorites, their teams having made the beat allow ing ae far , thla season. The classes are seven In number, and are US, 116 (special), 13. 146. 171 and heavyweight r i in . ... Field Meet for Valos. . (Special Mpateh ta The Joaraat.) Union. Or., April 4 Tha Eaatara Ore gon High Bohool field meet will be held In thla olty on May 81. the schools to compete on the field will be Union, La Grande, Pendleton and Baker City, all of which have put up atrong competi tion In the past and which are expected to be represented by excellent teams tnis BASEBALL SEASON ; TOMORROW Portland Opens With Fresno, Oakland at Los Angeles and T ' Seattle at San Fraricisco. OUTLOOK NOT SO BRIGHT i AS IN FORMER YEARS Owing to Many Change Made. in Making Up Teams, It Ia Impossible to Get Correct Line on Strength ; of the Different Clubs, T1" Manager McCredle took te -training quarters playera may be found who can fill the bill, but even this appears doubtful. . , , The one certain thing about tha en tire situation - is. ' that Portland must hava a good ball team thla year If the patronage ef the fans Is to ba expected. The trade of Ats and Bchlafly last yaar has not been forgotten, uor yet reme died. ..'.'...' In that far away city ef prunes and raisins Fresno the' fans of Portland will be watching tomorrow, hoping that out ef all the predictions and entangle ments the Giants will rise to the oc casion and win sufficient games to en title them to the respect and attention to whloh a good ball nine la entitled. Tmpirea Are Selected. ' ' . President Bert has ordered Jim Mc Donald to report at Ban Francisco to morrow, . "Bull" Perrln at Fresno and Phil Knell at Vom Angeles to officiate In the opening ball games. SFvefaevee, Saaek Allen Lewis' Beat Brand, SUNDAY BASEBALL FOR THE HAVY Rear Admiral Evans Has Been Requested to Give His Views U on th Subject, '-i FOR GENTLEMEN PROVINCETOWN CITIZENS MADE THE OBJECTIONS Tomorrow afternoon another season of the Paclflo Coast league will ba In augurated. Portland will 'open with Fresno, last year's Taooma Tigers, at Fresno; Oakland will engage Los An gales at the latter city, while Seattle wui try conclusions with the Seals In Baa Francisco. - : - .. While It cannot be said that tha open ing auspices and the general prospects are so propitious as the conditions that prevailed for the past- three years, yet i the predictions that have been forth coming aince laat seaaon cloaed come within 10,000 miles of being fulfilled, then a season of successful base bail la assured the patrons and promoters of the game In the PaclOo Coast League. Cllmatlo conditions will always pre vent the northern teams to open and close at home. In this respect the Cali fornia clubs will always have the better or me proposition. , Portland .opens tomorrow In the city or Fresno, noted only for raisins, and on May 8 Portland will begin . the sea son la. this city, engaging the Seattle un. It would have been a much bet ter scheme had the. opening game In this olty been' between Portland and a team from California, but the schedule framera decided differently. Portland opens with Fresno at Fresno, opens at home with Seattle, closes at borne on September 88 with Fresno and ends the season with Fresno at Fresno on No vember ) 4. . That Is cental illy v going soma. Regarding the atrength of this year's team, no one appears to know. . It tnav be the beat team In the league, as Man. agar MoCredle thinks, and yet It may not be In the olaas ef the competitors at all. Much has been predicted for the mania ana uie fans are holding back all criticism until they see what the team ean do. v . . Comparing this year's aggregation wiut tna spienaia collection or men that Portland had laat yaar would be folly, Indeed. ' Of course, had Portland secured Tim Flood for second and Jud Smith for third and added Garvin to tha pitchers' staff this year's ulna would look quite formidable, but In the ab sence of these players the chances for victories are not so bright. It may be that In the hot of youngsters that IlliUtW XOBSXOTJdrO 8TOTO. Immediately relieves hoarse, cronn. difficult breathing. Henry C. Rtearna, nruggiHi. onuunourg, wis., writes. May if, iivai a pan onn veiling ttai- ard'a Horehound SvruD for two tur. and hive never had a preparation that haa given better satisfaction. I notice II.. 0 ' " W B .. 1 1 V M HVIH, that when I, sell a bottle they come KaoI. fn, tnnie. t earn tiAneatlm, a. mend It." tfo, I4e and 11.00. Bold by Woodard, Clarke Co. c ERICH CAFE AND MUSIC HALL WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 9 Prof. Hunt's Dog and Monkey Show 18 Dogs and 3 Monkeys THE FIECHTLS In Speciality Dorothy Elrae ; Operatic Vocalist ;f Bonnie Vounnle Song and Dance Star Helen Roberts v Special Daily Matinees from 2 to SVclocky SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE ' Program Changed Daily. '-' -Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21, 23 and 24 North Sec ond street, and 243, 24S and 247 Burnside street. . Despite Protest, It Is Likely That Department Will Allow Sailors to Play National Game on Sunday aa a Matter of Recreation. (Jooraal loeelal Servtea.) Washington. April 4. Rear Admiral Evans has been asked by the navy de partment to give his opinion of the petl tlou received from the eitlsons of Prov ince town, Massachusetts, - protesting against baseball playing on Sunday at tnat place, while the ships oz the At lantlo fleet are there for the summer exercises. The navy department will not be drawn Into any controversy with ettlssns who find fault vWlth baseball playing by enlisted man of the service. Rear Admiral Evans will probably communicate his views to the navy department in terse and vigorous Ian guaga, of whloh he Is capable, person ally and officially, and it is expected tnat he will suggest as a remedy and a relief to the objecting realdents that the ships of hip command perform their summer evolutions at a place where they will be more welcome-and where there win be Tewer restrictions upon the administration of the enlisted per sonnel It Is certain that Sunday base ball playing will not be prohibited In the navy. There are very good reason a whv It should be permitted as a diversion of the men who have their routine work to perform on other daya. It is consid ered that a paattme of this sort on Sun day, at a time and a place which do not interfere wltn the religious observ ances f the day la an Important oontrl button to Individual contentment. No one In the service believes for a moment that there will be any ehaage In this policy. FOUND DEAD IN CELL AT WALLA WALLA JAIL ' (SpeHal rxapatea te The earaat. Walla Walla. Wash.. April e. inward Bettlager, a common laborer, given quar ters In the city fall Wednesday night. was found dead In one of the cells yes terday morning when Officer Wolff went to give the prleoners their break fast Bettlnger. who was employed by Brlokson ai Peterson, railroad con- tractors between Lewlston and Riper la, arrived In Walla Walla from Starbuek Wednesday afternoon. The man was drunk and appeared ta be 111. He was taken to Jail and eared for. Bettlnger waa 48 years ef age, and fermerly lived at Vallejo, California. Coavieted ef Kerse Stealing. (Special IHspatrb te The JoarasL) Walla, Walla Wash- April . Wil liam Laffertr.. known aa 'Vhuek" Hava a well-known Fresco tt boy, was con victed ef horee- stealing la the superior court yesterday veuln. Laffertr'a relatives made a strenuous effort to save him from conviction and tha eaae will probably be appealed to tha su preme court. Laffnrty was arrested twice before on aim liar charges, but managed to escape at the Brellmlns- eiamlnatlons. V .. THE BEST $3 HAT in the World ' Tt Sold Only by BEN SELLING Leading Hatter v. T: We Are Pleased to Announce THB? COMPLETION QT OTJB SHOP TFt OSaTaTXJrO) BIT MISSION SHOE ;$3.50iRTHJET: QUALITY HAT Top end Cotton: : ' chop FAILURE ; ' te properly digest food eauses nearly every ill of the human body. The Mood feeds the body the stonaaa feeds the blood. If your food is not properly dt gested, your blood is carrying poison through your entire system. Put your stomach la a healthy condition and year other troubles will disappear. Thla ia a bold assertion, but aevertbeleaa true. CHASE'S aJYSPEFSIA CURS, a simple liquid remedy, will positively and quick- ' ly cure any orm of Indigestion, er money will be refunded. ' ,t Wsfrea, B. I., A sell 1, laoa ' Deer Mrs My priwlpel tmble i wise 4 aeertawra. ha whWh I sen ssfferad re Kara. I aaa tatea swdlelBe free, sts Oortara, . aldea taking a euaaar ef eatenl aaediclnae I a are rad sboot as aeare of. eat the, ills Be I sew yoar ed la tke Bttiletls aa4 Utonaht I wnul4 try thai, ana It sae tfnee all shall enatlnae tn aae Cham's VtpvU Cn bb4 will sum en all t raa t a'l'vtiae it, Keara awpaetroiy, . - S, r, puswoai ti, , Vi arrB, a, L I cants and II 09 a bottle, Tor sals by all reliable druggtats, nr sent direct, chargea prepaid, by Til a CHA8D htra CO.. Brooklyn, N. T. for sale In Portland . by Weodar , Clarke Co.