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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
THE OREGON DAtLY' JOURNAL, 1 POKTLANP, rKIPAY: EVENIWO, APHtL B, ltZ3. If KILLS TlliOOGLII 17ENAHA RESERVE '. M ' REilLLOTfilEIIT. 1 . V Andrew Jackson of Baker City Entire Area to Be Reapportioned "Sliye Warren H. Mathews In FIX of Anger.V,,: r at Meeting to Be Held at t: Walla Walla. : J. BULLET INTENDED FOR 1 BROTHER OF MURDERER COMPLAINT OF OREGON : SHEEPMEN THE CAUSE Assailant Returns and Gives Himself Up After a Spectacular Chase , Through the Hills. Pursued by the :-, Sheriff and Posse. - ' ' " "- Senators ' Fulton and Oearin Did 'Much to Secure Redivisior It Is Charged Washington Owners Were t-- -Favored Over Oregon Men. 1 ; I ' ' , i I . I ' .. . ' '':.'. ". 'v. ------ .'-'. . ' ' , - .'" (Speetal Dbpetek to Tbe iMtul) ' i. Baker City, Or- April . la a At of , anger, caused by quarrel ever division f land, Andrew Jackaon laat night do liberate!? abot and instantly killed bta brother-in-law, - warren U. Btattnewe. .Immediately after the deed the mar ' derer escaped to the mountains on .horseback, pursued by Deputy Sheriff Snow and. posse. After, a spectacular chase alone the bills, which waa-wtt- jiud by-tlie. people -oX taker City, Jackson returned to the city and sur rendered to Chief of Police Jackaon. ' Jack con had been Quarreling with his' brother, Careys Jackson, -and -suddenly ' Jerked out ' a revolver and pulled the . trigger, but the gun anapped. - Matth ew e then stepped In front of the lnfu- rlated man, when the latter deliberately hot him In the temple, killing him in stantly. The Jaekeepe five brothers and two Bisters have lately . divided up thalr father's -estate.. tract of land lying between Baker and South Baker, where the Jackaon brothers ran a dairy. . An ' drew Jackaon had been grading tale lota and' those of his alater, lira Endlcott, - and constructing an irrigation ditch, which ran through the center of one of the lots.-"-. . i''1 - Yesterday, Carey Jackaon and ' bta brother-in-law. Warren Matthews, told Andrew Jackaon that ha must atop Work on' the ditch. Ha replied that he would not, as be was acting as hia sister's hired man. After some words ..they left the 'field and jackaon hurried to the-house and armed himself with a revolver. At o'clock last night Curry Jackaon and Matthews returned to the field armed with clubs, so Mrs. Endlcott avers, and attacked Jackaon, who drew bis revolver and the murder ensued. - It - Is believed that' Jackson I de mented, as there ta insanity In the fata '' lly. ' Ills mother was confined In the Insane asylum and bis -brother went In sane four years ago and committed sul- ' clde. - ; - .- The coroner's jury - this morning brought in a verdict as follows: - The deceased, W. A. Mathewa, came to hia death from a ."gunshot wound Inflicted at the hands of w. A. Jackaon, April -a, 166, at Baker City, Oregon. An Information charging Jackson with murder will be filed thla afternoon, CHARGED WITH MURDER . IN THE FIRST DEGREE ' Spokane, Wash., April . Mrs. Jose phine Baruth, who recently ahot her husband at Medical Lake, was yester day bound over to the superior court on a charge of murder In the first de gree. Baruth died last Friday. ? Mrs. Baruth was first held on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, but the prosecuting attorney yesterday moved to dismiss all minor charges and the first degree murder charge was nld. The prisoner was committed for trial and brought to the county lail In this city last night.' Her attorneys will ap ply for ball.! A sensation was caused by witnesses testifying to a statement by Mrs. Baruth that her husband had , tried to ruin their 10-year-old daughter. Some ' of the wltneaaea . believe ' the woman waa furnished the revolver by anotrtaidoejrty. Phillips SOLS AGENTS $Q CO The Packard Shoe $Q CA Vwv 4 for men 4 qidetfv 83.C0 TheHLhfcSh0 $ The Phillips Shoe TOM WOXZsT, 93.00 Is a distinct departure from old methods of doing business. It Is a modern shoe TJI'-IO-TKB-lsxsi uTB la style and finish Perfect In fit Faultless in wear. Bold at a modern price of $8.00. . It la made la every style, every leather, every width, every else. All at one price, 12.00, and Is guaranteed the equal in style, material and finish of any shoe sold on the Pacific Coast for fi.0. BASTS) STTZJBS now ah own i' ear windows. . The Packard Shoe TOM tax, tOJO is the favorite of all swell dressers. A season in advanos of all others. -r--T-";' " TBOIA . : " v t ' " M H Not . ' snd $4.00, 14.80 and $S 00 for styles pleaalng to the eye. byt 11.10 for every style, every I leather, every ' width, every also. SASTZB ' 1 OBShow.on dlaplayi ... rl.... ....i:... (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton. Or.. April .-Ian P. Bmythe, secretary of the Umatllld Wool- growers' association, states that ne naa been Informed that the entire Wenaha reserve la to be reallotted at the meet ing to be held In Walla Walla April 17. Stockmen wishing to secure range may either make new applications or uee those presented when the original allot ment waa made. - . For weeks the officers of the Umatilla Woolgrowers association have worked earnestly to secure a redivision and It la mostly through the assistance . of Senator Fulton and .Oearin . at Wash ington that the realiotment waa ordered. Also, the Influence of Governor Chamber lain waa brought to bear In the matter. , The jomplalnt of the Oregon sheep men waa that they were not given their share of the reserve when at was di vided. Though over half of the reserve and the moat desirable part is In Oregon, only 16,740 Oregon sheep were admitted, whereas 174.160 Washington sheen weri allowed. , Of the latter number I7.JS0 were allowed on the Oregon part of -the reserve, thus placing 12,000 more Wash Ington sheep In Oregon than there were Oregon sheep for the entire reserve. Not a single Oregon sheepman - was allotted land In Wash ngton. By. lbs unjust dl VJion 33,72s Oregon sheep which hit pievlously ranged In the leeerve were de bit d summer pasture, much to the In jury of the owners. . As the matUr of eummer range la a vital one to sleepmen, the Oregrn men were hard hi: by the unjust allotment. -f Yr- some - time It seemed -dotibtft-l - If 'hey could " It but they have work-td hard and (srnlstsntly, with the above result. , i On April 21 the Umatilla county sheep men will meet here for the -purpose of discussing subjects relating to the Wenaha reserve. .' ..-:;V - . WASHINGTON'S QUARTERS ; OFFERED FOR, SALE (Journal llpecial service.) .Peterson. N. J, April : f. The old Dey mansion, at Lower Preaknesa, Pas aaio county, which was the headquarters of Waahlngton when the continental army waa stationed at Totowa, was put up for sale by the sheriff today, to gether with some 10 scree of land com prising the estate. The property was purchased from the Indians by Thomas Hart of Enfield, Middles!. England, the deed being still on record In the court house in this city. In 1717 the heirs of Hart oonveyed a tract of aix acres to Dlrrlck Dey, who built the present house. The laat owner or the place was ex-Mayor William H. Belcher of Pater son, and ths property came Into the sheriff's bands owing to Mr. Belcher's financial difficulties and night from the City. :.'.... - . .. ,. ; Walla Walla rtoneer X lee Walla Walla, Wash., April . George rUarret, a pioneer resident' of ' Walla Walla, died suddenly at bls-farm eouth of the city yesterday afternoon of heart disease. Mr. . starrct came to .Walls Walla In the early seventies and for years engaged in the seed business. He waa a native of Pennsylvania and leaves a widow and one son, who succeed him In the wholesale seed and nursery busi ness. J ... .;. . BMOa sold at a special price,- I2.60 for a few unattractive Shoes, REMEMBER Shoe Co We carry no cheap McKay aewed or English Welt Shoes. Every shoe fn our Urge stock Is either a aziruin OOOSTZAX WXX.T or sole. . .'... ' - ' - ".. DO NOT: FORGET : vve ensuenge comparison oi siyiea, aery com. i petition on prices, and are after your trade.. ; Can and. examine our Shoes.' . Ws are always glad Ho show them.- . Phillips Shoe Cb7 Vp-to-tha-Mlnuta Footwear at Up-to-the-Minuta Prices. ' 109 SIXTH STREET : ' ," ; , Between WashinKton and Stark. NEAR GRANTS PASS Biggest:: High Pressure . Pump Ever Made to Be Used in - Hydraulic Operations. (Bpeclal Dispatch te Tbe Jeurnal.) Grants Paaa, Or.. April 1 Two car loads of machinery have arrived here for the Golden Drift Mining company and constats of equipment to be added to the big power and bydraulle t inlng plant of thla company In the Dry Diggings, near Grants Paaa. Ten more turblnea and two additional pumps will be placed. Ths pump now employed has a capacity of 13,000.000 gallons dally, or t.000 gallons per minute, -delivered through two three- Inch monitors under ' a pressure of 140 pounds to the square Inch This Is said to be ths largest high-pressure pump ever manufactured. The two pumps that win bo added are of ths same type as that now employed, but will have a slightly lesa capacity. The combined capacity of the three pumps will be close to 40,000.000 gallon dally. A portion of this will be lifted Into ditches and used for Irrigating purposes. Manager M. C Ament of ths Golden Drift company states that the entire spring and summer will be required to make the changes now contemplated at the power dam and in the Dry Diggings placers. Besides the Installation of the turbines and pumps, the tallrace will be widened and .deepened, and for this purpose a large' dredge la being built by the company. When the improvements and additions are complete a battery of three or four giants will be operated and, besides supplying these with all needed water and pressure, there wui also be an abundance of by water for the sluices. Another line of 22-lnch steel pipe will be built from the power dam to the diggings to convey the water from the pumps. The pumps are of ths five-step centrifugal type, and weigh it tons each. Twelve hundred horsepower la required to operate each on - The dam develops a total of 0,000 horsepower, TWO COMPLETE TICKETS NAMED IN BAKER COUNTY ' (Special DU patch to Tbe Journal.) Baker City, Or., April . For county offlcea In Baker county these candidates aeek nomination: Democrats Circuit judge. William Smith and Samuel White; oounty judge. J. B. Meaalck and W. W. Travilllon: clerk, A. B. Combs Jr.; treasurer, J. H. Jett; sheriff, Ed Rand; commissioner, J. C Brooks; coroner, Virgil Ison; sur veyor, J. Hagel; representative In state legislature, J. J. Dougherty and C II. Breck. ., ' Republicans Circuit judge, M. I Olmstead and WV G. Drowley; county judge. Davis A. Mllea and J. Nat Hud eon; clerk, Dow Shepardson and George Henderson; treasurer, Fred M. John son and R. R. Palmer: sheriff, J. B Snow; commissioner, W. F. Cropp and J. N. Knox; Joint senator, J. B. Hart; representative In state legislature, D. W. Cr Nelson and Walter Moore, JOSEPHINE HAS MORE THAN FIFTY CANDIDATES (Special Dispatch to Tbe Jeurnal.) ' Grants Pass, Or., April (.Candidates In Josephine county are: , Republicans Representative, I L. Jewell and K. Ev Dunbar; judge, Joaeph Moss, F. W. Chauase and T. 11. Cornell clerk, S. F. Cheshire; sheriff, W. L Sweetlsnd, Ed Lister, J. P. McConnell, A. Umphlett and Charles A. Crow; com mlsslonet, M. A. Werts, A. F. Knot and W.' H. Simmons; treasurer, Eclus Pol lock; surveyor, D. J. Lawton and Fred Mensch; coroner, T. B. Beard.' Democrats Representative, Robert O. Smith and J. H. . Austin; judge, Stephen Jewell; sheriff, Lou Heberle, Milton Reynolds and W. J. Rusaall commissioner, St N. Pro volt; treasurer. J. T. Taylor; surveyor, II. c. Perkina; coroner, W. F, Kramer, and W, 1L Flan agan. ' ,'.;.'.'.'''.'..' Big Tote at Joseph. - Sp4ll OlapsteS to Te Jeeraal.) Joaeph, OrM April . The largest vote In the history of Joaeph waa cast at the election held on Monday. The Progressive ticket waa - elected by a vets of TT to 47. -'.Councilman elected were William Weber and A. A. Hall, and for marshal Fred Wagner was elected. This Uoket la supposed ta favor a town ' Tte Like SM - fey Al- Gtoots Your Tongue is . Coated ! . OOIC Inside your wsloh cover and That's bad binl. ness, Bllll : t , ' What yott been Eating : v What were you drinking? - What kind of Lazy Chair did you take eKerdge In? Now don't think It doesn't matter 1 ' Because, It's year Bowels that talk now, every time you open your Mouth. 'That vdoesn't help your Popularity, nor your Earning - (- r capacity. - - .- , r '' I'. Besides, a man with bad Bowels Is In a bad way, ;: ' , And, a Coated Tongue, or a Bad Breath,' are sure signs of bsd Bowels and poor Dicestlon. , , Co and take a Ten Mile .Walk," for Exercise! ' - 'Finest thing In the world for Constipa tion, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ten Mile Walks. : ". y Haven't time? Too Lazy? Well, -there Is another Way. ,- "2 Take Artificial Exercise for your Bowels. . That's CASCARETS. :; , U They rouse the Bowel Muscles,' just.; as a Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles ' Waken them up, Strengthen them so they Contract and Expand ,the Bowels and Intestines In a healthy active manner. ' That's how these muscles work the Food along, through your thirty feet of In tea--tines, to Its Finish. I' " I , - v That's how they squeeze Gastric Juice Into the food, to Digest it. . , That's how they make the millions of little Suckers in the Intestines draw the HutrlUon out of Food, and transform It CUT RATES Sg"SAVEtr MONEY Come at once and have free examination. WIS EXTRACT TEETH FREE; BIlv VER FILXJNG8, Sto UP; GOLD FILL INGS, 76o UP; SET OF TEETH, I4.0; SPLENDID SET, IS.00; GOLD CROWNS, 11.00 TO 15.00; WHITE CROWNS, 1 1.J0 TO $8.00. All work guaranteed for ten Tears, BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS til H Morrison St. Opp. Meier a Frank and Poatofnoe. Native neirbs: IWsl for All Digestive tlaonlra. Llve mnA Kidney trouble. stheumsUam, Nervous VV'eakoeas. Ne Alcohol, Qulnlna. Mncory m tnf eAenaut nxMk at a A fomi MedtctaM, sot a n. ii rf II DrunW Un stack brnv.) tHES (taa s sASSErrs nattvc nnu co. moderatelr open, while the two sitting councumen , are atrongiy tor , a closed town. . . . .... Farnlah Bltoh Opened. rSBMHtl' nHnatrk to Thm Tnnrn.T 1 ' Echo, Or, April . The Furnish ditch a t thla has nnmntiA Xx?mtw haa been turned In the big trench which will ultimately ' Irrigate 10,000 acres. Whlla eome Irrigation will be done this yvvr, mo uiniii kiii&itrn wilt uv given to properly filling the ditch and seeing that aU osfeota an seepage leasee are - aT af en WoirM's' ... It fea Into Blood, Brawn, Brain and Bone. ; .;' No purgtnf from CASCAR ETS, because there is no flood tng of the Bowels with a waste, of precdous Digestive Juice, aa with Salta, Castor Oil,- 'Physic," eto. x . - f , Csscarets act Bko Exercise, harmless, pleasant, simple, convenient, but sure as Shoot hr. ::' ,v '-, t The thin little Ten Cent Box, carried in your Vest - Pocket constantly, . is sura protection against the results LaU Svpptrt -. : Zl, :'. ;"".."'. Chttrfitt BocxiHg . Rapid Eating ':.'',;-, ,.'.','. ;, Slevt Walking '.'L-.l::..' .Easy Chair AthUtkt , . And Lory Liver. . One tablet taken whenever' you suspect you need It will Insure you against 90 pern cent of all other Ilia likely to attack you. Because 90 per cent of these Ills begin In the Bowels, or exist through poor . Nutrition. . .;. . ; : - : ... Csscarets don't purge, don't weaken, ' don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. Ten, Cents, at all Druggists. . Be very careful to get the" genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. Every tablet! stamped "CCC." , - - tr rues to oust raiatMosi We wsot to send to ear friend t s besatlfol Frenca-deslrned. GOLD-PLATED BON BUM BOX. hard-enameled In colors. It Is s beauty fcr the s retting table. Tea cents in ttanst is etked ss s SMasore ef rood faith sad te cover cwtef Caicsrets, Witk wWcatEVflaEty trinket is leaded, Ttt Send to-day, etentloning thla saper. Address UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS Of C.GeeWo ' "' '"4. :' ; . The Great Chinese 1 Doctor At Mo. 162 i first St, Cor. Morrison I goaraaUa a eompleM, safe and Isstlag ears " KWUV WVT, UU p. 1., lowest euet aewlble for beaeei sad saai ral treatsi'nt. I core eatarrh, utbaa, hg, throat, rbeusMtUia. n.rrgetwaia, stoBMMtfe, llr.r kltfaer and kt sjanbooe. rsMALi xaouBLFS amdTaxx talT ATI a. DISEASE S, ....' - are eamarllea mr kuM . root., berba, bade and barks e-pciall sleetd tsd Imparted Street by as treat the ta tar hat e( Cblnn. ir zuu sag arrxicTTD f)eT SaXAT, SEIATt AEX DAMOlkOtrS. , If yea raanot call, write for .rnptosi bleat and atreslar, Inolou 4 rants In (tastes, wiuliiio rati. ! O. jr. China. Madlolne Oe.. 1SSH First St., Ooniar Morrtaaa, yerOaaA, 0. DareaaMkCDay.Ct3igy remedied. . Next year Jt will be put to good use. The ditch so far as tested Is working splendidly. .. , . , . "e ' Preferred Btoek Oaaaed SJooda, ' AUea lwis" Best Bread, . - MEM for AND WE TREAT MEN ONLY Established 25 If re aave violated the laws ef keelta asd ate eoaseteoa ef a eoestaat arata watch ta eadernuolDg you aratem, eome to aa before yoe become a nemos and physical wreck. If yon are weak, (looni? and deapeedent, bare bad dreams, depressed, lacs ambltloa and energy, usable te eoaeentrate year thoughts, lack elm, vigor and rltallty, eooie te as at ence; oar treatment will stop all Aralua sad overcome sll waafeneaaes aad positively re- store yoe te trengtB sod beaftb. W. bae cared tboeaande of weak men. rtOBI WHO HATE BEEM DISArPOIlrriD BT VHSKU-LXD BPeCIAXlBT AK XAaniSTLY BEqUEBTZO TO IMVE8TIOATK O0B MITHODS ABS TEBMS WITHOUT DEI.ATIWKIOH HAD TKXT BOBX LB ZHX BXGUjUXO, WOVU KAVX SATES THXX TIME AM) BtOBXT, . . - A LIFE LONQ CURB FOR BLOOD F0I80B, Sin-JT DISlASyS, SOSES. tTLCBBS, TmiCTUBC, TABIOOOaXZ. BT. . ntOCILB, BEBVOTTS DEOLIirfc, WSAXBUS, IUU OB CKXOVIO SZAZAAXS Of THE KID BEY 8 ABD IPBOSTATE. BPECIAI, DISEASES Newly eoatrsated snd entente esses eared. All barnlnf, IMh Inr and inflammatloa atonned ta S4 honrat enres effepted In T days. VI OOTEa THB xmtirs nxu oi spiclai, abo chbobio. . sxxy-axATxn, coiduoatxd sia. EASES, WB1TI If yoe cannot call. All earfeeeoadeDee strtefly eenndentlal sag' sll feallea sent In plain envelopes. No names, eases, lstters or photographs eg patleats pubUahad ee eapoaed. VI CHABOE TOE CTTBES OBXT. We. do set expeet pay for ear eeivtoee naleu we ear a patient soond aad wall, as that ne win ee entirely sati.flad, and will never again nave te ee rreanc rer we eame xronnia, im WOBD IS AS OOOD AS OUB BOND. ou a OUB LOWS EXrEMZNCS IN TBEATTBO OF atODEBB, SCISMTLTIO TBZATatXBT THAT WXLL ACOOKPLL9H A CCS.X. HOVTB8 s a. m. to P. ta t Evenings. T te I; Bnndaya, t a. m. to it aoon. - ST.LOUIS MEDICAL SURGICAL oosBm raooBrs ajtb TAjgaau Honest Dealings and Guar anteed Cures We make me misleading ments, deoepttre proposltlona ea false promisee We do not prom ise to ewe yon eaee ta a short time, knowing It will take k&gea, " but ' we guarantee a complete, -safe and lasting cure la the quick- ' eat possible time, without leav ing Injurious after -effects la the system, and at the lowest coat possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment - We have - no free or ekeap trial treatment, ' o eebeme to sell wortUeee belts, eta our education and reputa tion condemning all euch meth eds. -' We cure wkaa etbeia fail. . MEN WHO NEED SKILLFUL AID Will find this Institute thoroughly Institutes, medical concerno, or apeolallate companies. Tou are Just as safe in dealing with the Norton Davis Company aa with any state o BT ac tional bank. It has long been established for the purpose of curing dis eases of men which baffle the skill ef othere.. ' ? . ' Oo at once. Tou are aafe In our handa and sure of a euro. Men Who are out of the city should write In confidence. Consultation and advlee -driven free. . You rlak no cash. No secrete (Ivan away. , . ALL MEDICINES FREE UNTIL CURED Ws treat eueoeaefully all nerveua and chrenle dlseasee ef mea; alae ' blood, etomaoh. heart, liver, kidney and tbroat troubles. , YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED , If yon wlah you can deposit the land, said amount to be handed over may pay ue dv waeaiy or monuuy Office hours e a. m. to I p. m.; lundays and holidays, 1 a. Dr. TW. Norton Davis tX Co. Offices In ,Van Noy Hotel, llb Third at. Corner Plne Portland, Op. aVAVBOaiT ABTO UOIXIT BCBDIOAXi nrVTXTVTal ttt BrOBTBrwBfT. Bstabllshed ta Berttaad la lgea. . $ 1 Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE. UNCOM. : PLICATED AILMENT FOR f 1Z50 , . : '.::'::'';;: '..:.-:: FOR THE FEE.. O r ADSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED ' Coma Today to the SUCCESSFUL Special. Irts who Tinmbcr their PERFECT Caret by ther THOUSAND I You want a PERMANENT Curat Wa can ACCOMPLISH IT, luiiuiri .aifD LZAKI THAT .OUR riBABCIAX 8TAWDINO IB SOLID AMD SPECIAL DISEASES OP Mr EST ntBHRES TOO AND DISPENSARY mnn roBTXAiro, omaaoir. reliable, different from ether o-called price of a cure In any bank to us when you are cured. in Jort Or you installments 11 you rireier, m. to 11 m.