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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
PAGES 11 TO 20 PQRTLANL?, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, - APRIL 6, 1906. !! BARGAIN FRiDAY,oii vSEOIOIITWO N FRIDAY Corsets You'get five to six Corsets for the usual price of one. ." It's the greatest Corset Sale ever held anywhere, y More Corsets - than you ever saw at any one tune.- AU Kinds, ail sizes, all shapes, in the very best makes; original ' values from$l to $3. Special Price, to close.... .; . 15 c ?We liave planned to make tod gam " Friday of record - breaking selling. To insure tlus we offer values that are incomparable, r ' 7 Look over these items : Ladies' Waists Special offer in Ladies' Waists, In white lawns that were reUiled at $1.50. Come early and buy one at. . ; .'. . ;v . :; ,.......49 Women's $1.48 to $2.00 Wrappers forV.....,..-........69 Women's' $2.00 Separate Skirts for... . .Vi 1 ...:95 - r Aires. AJ1 our It.SO.' 17.00 and HBO values special today only... 4.98 For beat SI to Pants. ...... ..1.48 For all 13.60 Pants. ..1.69 For regular $5.0 Pants. ..... .$2.00 All slses . In th lot Pant for men, . boys and youths every . on. ean be fitted every on can. set two to'thre. pairs Tor the usual, prloe of one; at tomorrow morning: the ! rush begins again. Be on band and buy Panta now for the. next year to come. : - -:'! - .--i.--.ui:. botst wwn - 9Arn.. - ..The finest . ofBoys' Knee, Pants, i blues, blacks and fancies, worth . tl-60 to 12.00 a pair, warranted not to rip., .,..,....24 to 494 ' " MOTS' Toom oih,, ! SSo red and blue, all alses, no com mon ones, but all I6o Caps, . 'eaca Vi r . .JLO TOTJTSr X.OSTQ TBOUSZB SVZTS. Suits ; (coats,' pants and vest) for . lads 11 to 10 years of ace, and also for - small men; all fabrics, ail- styles. air-oolOTsran -weights 14.00 qualities at 02.05 (1.00 qualities at..,.. ...S5.95 lt.00 qualities at... $6.95 -The tree choloe of any Lone Pants Youth's Suit In the entire - - purchase ,..$8.95 XX ITS AJTD BOTT TVMWUUOMQU. 850 and " Too Negligee- Shirts m-. 39e fl.00 Madras and Percahi Neglige 8hlrta 48 75o Domet Flannel Work Shirts. 48 $1.00 black, white polka-dot Sateen Shirts,,. ................... lOo and ISO Half Hos, tan and black ..........T SSo two-thread heavy tan Socks, too .BO .23 12 ... 39 ribbed ITn- .69 pair, three pairs for. tOo fancy Half Hose...... ISO Wool Mixed Socks... Fsncy ribbed Underwear, $1.00 two-thread Derby derwear .............. $1.00 Natural Merino Underwear. 63 $1.60 tan Cashmere Wool Under wear . . 89 80c Work Gloves .3 7 $1.50 Self-Opening- Umbrellas. .. .98 too President Suspenders, .v. ..33 too guaranteed Newport Garter.. 19 - uxwa uimi soozs. . v- T 'Men's Sample Socks, worth 15o, 19o ' an., .. n f r 9 Rr - nnl .limit Hti( pairs and they'll all go - tomorrow plain socks and. fancy socks, blacks, colors, stripes, dots, etc, -all r sampled, all sixes, 16c and up to 16o Socks while they last, all at. 9 THIS MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' APPAREL IS NOW ON SALE J 5 AT ABOUT 0 I$8 to $ Overcoats S pr i ng Topcoats Jhe Suits are almost any sort of ' woolens or worsteds, ' in dark, ' medium and light colors, blacks or blues, heavy winter, medium -, spring and light summer weights; Overcoats H pr df far and spring Topcoats are perfectly tailored 'V "ft UJ) and, trimmed; were worth $8 to $10. ..... .. ..MJ's-f f S-'r $10 to $12 Men's Suits and Spring Topcoats : Thousands of Men's Suits, handsomely trimmed and well tailored sewed throughout with silk, and in the latest .styles, choice of spring, summer. or. winter r weignts iu to . $7.95 1 IP f.Mtf. I US iilt-Hi! $ 1 5 to $ 1 8 Men's Suits $9.95 Men's Spring, Summer and Winter Suits, in Cassimeres. Cheviots, Worsteds, Serges, etc. ; coats single and double breasted ; all fresh, ' new, snappy styles, in tne new lengths, with crease in back and high point convex shoul ders $15 to $18. ... . . ; . . rr. . ; . . ie Dreasiea ; au zresn, $9.95 $18 and $25 Men's - ; FINEST STRICTLY HAND TAILORED Suits, bvercbats, Topcoats and Cravenettes $ 11 .95 e say that this lot contains the finest clothing for men ever brought to Portland, i Don't let the low price scare you away. You nave never bought a finer ready-to-wear suit. .The styles are simply superb. There is a dash in these K g a v pr garments, an individuality found only in the I II - O highest priced custom tailored apparel. . . . . . KXJr I U jf Jr uamm an bots- sxozs. Stork of $1.00 and $160 Satin Calf . Shoes, a broken lot, but nearly all , sixes; Dreyfuss' wholesale or retail j prloe ... .. .......eX.19 Stock of Men' $1.60 Shoos. In colt skiiC vlcl, lace or Conrresa, plain - or tipped toes Dreyfuss' whole- . sals or retail price $1.95 Stock of Men's $1.00 and $1.60 Shoes, vict - kids and box calf a, latest lasts Dreyfuss' wholesale and re tail prloe S2.45 Stock of . Men's ' $4.00 and $4.60 . Shoes, In vlcl kids, patent leather, box calf. Blucher and bals Drey fuss -wholesale and retail price, . , ,....... S32.9S Slurs us Tovm scan ouni Like the. roar Of "cannon In a mild battle sounded the ruah of th. people to the first bargain day offered the public of Portland yesterday. - Tomorrow morning we will Inau gurate a special bargain, day and will enable tbe publlo to purchase anything- In the line of Clothing-. Pur nlshings, Domeetio Goo da and Kitchen Utensils at prices astonishingly bo yond belief. ---- '-- Call early and obtain soma of our counter bargains., a i - , , Persian Lawn, ..worth 16c, at r.rsiKn uwn, wuriu ,c, i., 29 ooobs. India Linen, worth 16c for..... 11 India Linen, worth 1$ I-lo. for. .14 India Linen, worth 16c, for. ....19 India Linen, worth I60, for.., ..23 XOLOIXS' SWISS USMB VXSTS. . The Kayser tnake white cotton Swiss ribbed Vests, low neck, sleeveless, with crocheted yoke and - straps, 't sixes 4 to ; a $6o number, for. 19 g0AFfc -s'.' -. . - , . Our Basement Specials In Soaps . Tals Naphtha, cak. ,4 Diamond C 1 cakes ............5 pearline, package 5 ; , BKXSS OOODS BBmAaTTS. Remnants and short pieces' 60o to $6o Dress Goods blacks and colors - tt to 44 Inches wide plain and fancy Voiles, Mohairs, Oranltes, r Camelshalr. Cbertots ' all good lengths and big bargain at, yard . 2S ,. 100 lAIXKITT, -Things for the Kltohen In our Base- ment at 10O :T r - -t - Sugar Bowls r 10 Creamers .- . w ............ t .... lO Spoon Holders lO Butter Dishes ...........'.....10 Measuring Cops ....... 10 StpW ABOUT TOUB SnUBTQ $1.39 HAT SALE The beat $1.60 Hats on the market, v and every man oan fitted,-too; ' 10 eases of these spring blocks In soft and stiff shapes blacks, grays, browns, pearls, eta.; best silk bands y and binding; all sixes and the same ' hats you see-everywhere els. at $1.60; eholoa ., 91.39 ' ; USX ABB BOTS' CAM. , AU ths odds and ends of Men's and . Boys' Caps; worth up to Ifo; while ' they last 10 BOTS' OXOTXXSrO, v Part I All Boys' Suits retailed tor $1.60, prloe ....89 Part II All Boys" Suits retailed for $1.00. prloe $1.19 Part III AU Boys Suits retailed for $1.60. prio. ....S1.45 Part IY All Boys Sulta retailed for $1.00. price S1.95 Part V All Boys' Suits retailed for $4.00. prloe w B2.AS Part VI All Boys Suits retailed for $6.00, price .-93.4S Part VII AU Boys Sulta retailed for $0.00, price 93.9S Part VIII Includes any Boys Kne. Panta Suit of the entire purchase, no matter what the former prloe, at . 94.45 This means th. free and unlimited choice of th entire stock. Mr. Man, get In lino and plok out SSo and 76o Nackwear Ties that never , before sold less than 60a to 76a, and all ths swelleat, neweet etyles, too, at 16o and 10c for your pick Wide . flowing end Imperials and made of finest silks and satins. Including Peaa do Sola, Orosgraln, Crop do ' Chines, eta; figures, stripes, dots . and solid eolors. Neckwear mad 1 for on. of th finest houses that failed; Neckwear mad to sail at . 6O0 and 76o, all la two lota tomor row at 10, 19 &abxbv naves zx ox.otbs. sale of broken slses and colors of our finest qualities . Kid .Gloves. Th principal slses are 6tt. 6, . 7, 1', th colors are pearl. ; mode, tans, browns, black and' whits; former price $100 and $1.60. . Sal price. .98 A- Only 100 lengths of finest 6o to $1.00 Silks at o In Pongees, Foulards, Satins, Peau do Cygnea, Measalines, . fancy Suiting Silks and plain col ored Taffetas for waists, dresses, linings, etc. blacks and colors, dots, scrolls, corded novelties. This is a vary special bargain and there's not much at thla price all 1 to 16-. . yard lengths, so you will have to hurry, per-ysrd j ............ .39 WAXXXBTO BXXBTS. r From among a hundred styles, three - selections for Bargain Friday of Walking Skirts. Here's on great - special These Skirts havs th fashionable hang and up-to-date neat appearance of Skirts that cost -you $7.60 at any other tlm a full ciroular plaited Walking Skirt, plaited front, blaa . bands around bottom, price ..-$2.98 1 ENTIRE COR1NER . THIRD AND YAMMIUU STS. : PORTLAND, OR. I GOLDEIM EAGLE V E1NTIRE COR1NER THIRD AND YAMHILL STS. ; PORTLAND, OR. 4MMSMMM M000 0000000000 MS 4 00000 M SMMSMS? IIOAPPROPRIATIOII FOR HIGHLAND Executive Board Resents . Pub lished Interview From City. ' !; T Auditor Devlin. ; ; '. ' - J : .. ' " . :':T MUSf. PROVIDE MONEY ; V FROM GENERAL FUND ivf- y. - ' .. '..v. . V " - ' ' '. . ' ... Only Other Way la to Amend Ap- propria tion ' Ordinance Executive ' Board Refutes to Utc One Fund for Another Purpose. ; Members ft th fire committee of tbe city executive board took exception yesterday to a published statement pur porting to have been made br City Aud itor Devlin that th council had appro priated funds for the Inatallatlea of an engine company In Highland. No auoh appropriation has been made by; the council, although that- body has been asked to do so by th mayor and execu tive board, who felt that the Highland district wss In greater need of protec tion than any other on th east side. -Ths council tied up all the funds by making specific appropriations for ap paratus, and mad. no provision what, ever for Highland. .When th requests of the mayor and executive board were presented to the - council ways and means committee the members refused to bhangs their appropriation ordi nances, and ' declared that the mayor and fir committee could use for High land th funds set asld for som other company. , - Should the executive board do thla It would violate the appropriation ordi nances, and the board has positively refused to follow the suggestions ' of the oouncllmen. The members of the fir committee declare that the only war for th councilman Is to appro priate money from the general fund for the Highland company, or amend th appropriation ordinance to giv th executive board th liberty, to expend the fund as It thinks best. Th ooun cllmen hav been trying to lay on th executive board all the blame for the condition Into which they hav placed the funds. According to th charter, the council makes purchases of real estate, and In order to Install several of th new en gine conrjanles provided for 'under th appropriations, this body will first have to buy sites ' for th fir department houses. Th. executive board Is waiting for . th councilman to make th pur chases. - At a meeting yesterday a com munication was "ordered sent to th. council asking that body to provide Immediately a site for an engine-house on Portland' Heights and to make an appropriation for- an engine company In Highland. ' The auditor was Instructed to adver tise for bids for an engine for engine company Nov and for a truck to b. placed at Russell street and William avenue. .In all probability tne engine and truck used at the Lewis and Clark exposition will bs purchased. TOMORROW IS DAY FOR " REPORTS ON BEHAVIOR . Tomorrow will b. probation day at th Juvenile court At this tlm all th boys . that hav , ben brought before Judge ' FTftxer on minor ' charge will bring written reports from their teach ers as to behavior and scholarship in March. Mayor Lena will sddreas th children. After hearing this advice they will b. taken on a trip through Hale's Tour and scenes of th world, at 100 Sixth street, this trip being given to tbe children by the owners of the attraotlon. The children will b ac companied by Judge Frasfr, Clerk of the Juvenile court Marion jonnson ana Bailiff of ths Court Mrs. Daggatt. BEST OARSIVOMAN IS COB Many sTrw rortlaad Homes. Building permits hav been .Issued as follows: Clara galley, residence. East Main between East Twenty-second and East Twenty-third streets, cost f 1.000; 8. Moonsy, cottage, ttf Front street, cost f 000; Henry Myers, ecttag, Union avsnu and Monro street, coat $1,000; H. Wemrae, repairs to saloon, Ninth and Flanders -streets, coat 1500; George B. Dan, cottage. Killings worth avenue and Borthwlck street, cost $760; Mrs. Guth rie, repairs to dwelling. It East Thirty fourth street, cost 15; a Osborn, re pairs to dwelling, Mississippi avenue and Beach street, cost 100 J. Seeley, residence, Marshall between Twenty first and Twenty second afreets, cost ta.OOO; Snodgrass Williams, store, Hawthorn avenue and Water street, cost $1,000; J. F. Griffith, cottagw. How between Eighteenth and Nine teenth streets, cost ' $0; Julius E. Whltmer, residence, Broadway and East Twenty-second - streets, 1 cost $1,100; James Nleol, cottage, Kearney between Twenty-first and Twenty-second ml rests, ost $1,000; C Poehler, cottage, East Twenty-fifth between Powell and Knox streets, ooat. 1,S00. t- - .v, ..j j. 1 r 1 . ' ' ' Wormwood haa ' nothing t d with worm or wood. While the formation of the word Is uncertain. It Is appar ently from the Anglo-Saxon wermod, preserver of th mind, from th. sup posed belief In Its medicinal virtu. . Mrs. Ed Newton Atherton Will ' , Participate In Meet at As toria This Summer. ' ISSUES CHALLENGE TO .. - WOMEN OF WORLD Husband Claima New England Scull ing Championship and Ice Skating . Championship of ConnecticutArc Here to Arrange Matches, Mrs. Ed Newton Atherton, th cham1 plon oarswoman of th United States and Canada, who rows under the name of Miss TUlle Ashley, Is expected to arrive In th city shortly to participate In the aquatlo sports to b held this summer at Astoria, Hef husband, Ed Newton Atherton, Is - at - the Oregon hotel. H. claims the New England sculling championship. Although be affiliates with the Metropolitan Rowing club of New Tork, his home Is at Hart ford, Connecticut. H has a brother la business In Portland. .. . Mr. Atherton la her for th purpose of attempting .to arrange rowing matches at the Astoria fete not only for himself, but-for his wife, She Is at prevent In Boston! He Is especially anxious to meet Ed Gloss of the Port' land Rowing club and Ed Pate. . The latter is . the ohamplon of California and Is affiliated with th Dolphin Row ing club of Han Francisco. Czhkz -Ponder Tidkit tunshint tread i 25 om f 25 ; I,-!... 1 . Mrs. Atherton has Issued a challenge to any woman to row a match race. 8 he does not specify the distance nor th purs. '-a ....... Mr. Atherton also claim th Ice skating championship of ths Nutmeg stat. Sine his boyhood he has paid special attention to sports of all kinds. The result I that he has won medals galore, added titles to his string where material trophies were not awarded and Is envied by rowers and skaters on both sides of the Atlantic ocean. COLD, NORTH WIND NIPPED HARDY EVERGREENS - - - - .- Frost Froze Their Sap and Small Limbs Were Frozen Never , Happened Before. . ; - Although spring ha com, old winter has left his finger marks on every hill side. Th frost three week ago nipped all the new growth of the evergreen trees that were exposed to th cold east wind, and today hav a brown, seared appearance as If they bad been scorched by a withering fir. -" This Is something that haa never happened near Portland before, accord ing to th oldest settlers. , There have been many : colder winters and the frost has laated for longer periods, but the evergreens hav. never been injured. The frost cam at a time when It would do th most damage to th ever greens. The warm weather th first of March brought th sap to th branches and th leaves and on many of the trees th young shoots were about to com forth.. When th oold east wind cams th thin nap froM, causing th. tlsau.s In the cells, which . were .xoeedlngly tender, to b destroyed. . The result has been that th trees on th north sld of every clump of firs. cedars or other evergreens have become brown, and on som. of them the small limbs ar frosen and will die nearly a foot back front the tips. In all prob ability many trees will b killed. Not only hav' th natlv trees suf fered, but many ornamental evergreens in yards and gardens hav also been damaged to such an extent that they 111 die. Store 207 First Street Bet. Taylor and Salmon Is An End of the Whole Business! We Are. Making a Clean-Up of Men'g, Youths' and Boya' Garment at PRICES THAT DO NOT TAKE 1JH1U. tunsiUBKAIIOW KVEN THE COST OF THE RAW MATERIAL. These Are the Expiring Days of the Great OREGON CITY PAPER USED IN AUSTRALIA Ban Francisco and Australian nswsp. pers ar published on paper manufac tured In Oregon City, according to C W. Pope, hardware and plumbers' sup piles dealer. , . . . H. "Our mills are overstocked with or ders,"' said Mr. Pop this morning. "We hav two f them, and they ar doing CREDITORS' SALE! We shall brush off Xhe shelves and counters every atom of male attire and MEN'S; WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES at figurea less than the cost of the stock of which the garments are composed ; or the leather in the footwear. We shall not save anything in the store, so if any reader of these lines requires anything we have to sell he or she can procure it now at prices that will never be heard of again in Oregon. THIS IS THE LAST CALLI IT WILL NOT BE REPEATED! . -The atore will open on Saturday morning on the final act of this great drama, when it will behoove 11 persons not already supplied with such necessities aa we are selling to bestir themselves and procure their share before the curtain falls to never rise again on a acene such as we shall then present. In addi tion to the merchandise mentioned below, to which prices are attached, we likewise offer supreme bargains in Umbrella Suit Cases, etc We have a fine selection of these. ; '. J? '. , .i-. BE HtSRE AT 9 O'CLOCK ON SATURDAY MORNING ' And take advantage of the beginning of the close of this unprecedented monumental offering. We will sell: Suits for Men and Boys .Men's Suits worth up to $30.00.... T... ..l.f 0.8S Men's Suits worth up td $20.00 ..? T.95 Men's Suits worth up to $15.00.. S4.85 Boys' Suits worth up to $ 6.50..........., 2.6S Boys' Suits worth up to $ 3.00... ... f 1.29 Shoes for Men; Women and Children Men's fine Shoes-worth $2.50...;.,.,' f 1.39 , Men's fine Shoes worth $4.00..,.. s)l.T Ladies' $2.50 Shoes at. .,,,.,,,..., 1.29- Ladies'$4.00 Shoes at f 1.T3 Boys' and Girls' $2.50 Shoes. ..s)l.09 Children's Shoes worth up to $2 at..89f and T3f Hats for Men and Boys Men's $3.00 Hats, all styles . , . . , . . . , ., . . fl.SS Men's $2.50 Hats, all styles............ ...f 1.19 Men's $2.00 lists, all styles.. .........,.....69 Boys' $1.50 Hats .49 Underwear and Furnishing Uoods Dept. Men's 75c Underwear at V. :. . '.T ; Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts at... ..........4w Men'sw,5c Sox, black and brown, at. ...... Men's 50c Ties, air styles 19 We White Handkerchief..... ,;.;vi,Vm;r.r. Boys' Black Hose, the 20c grade.. .,.... 9 Boys' 25c Suspendera.....: .....T , Men's 50c Suspenders 19 Store ; 207 Firs! Street Bet Taylor Sz:n a bigger business today thsn ever-be fore. The Crown Columbia Paper com pany eonflnea Itself to wrapping and writing 'paper, while tne w uiamett Pulo Paoer company makes a spe cialty of news paper. The exportatlons of the latter ar growing each year. The quality Is what makes th output so popular In Ban Franclsc'o and on th other side of th Pacific ocean." Basjotlfyteg Tte r v (Special DtopaU-a to T J... Th Dalles, Or.. J : - and eommoa ' thUAttl I 1 ' I" tertilinf to I n wi.l be r" ' '.a lo ti ' i e 1 ' t