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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1906)
1 10 THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 6, 1S03. i 4 , IIIEV IVANT OltD FOR SHERIFF, Appeal to tha People Jeauedby c; ... Friends of a Clean, I'-'., ". ' v . . City. . v v.v WANT NO RETURN TO . THE ANCIENT REGIME Lav Aside Partisanehip ' and Cut y Your Vote for Best Man Is Their Word to the Elector Many Prom- . inent Signers. 77 .7 "v,'.-- .7 V'" To the Voters of Portland and Mult- nomad County: we ara epproscmng crisis in the; history of our city, and county which In lt effects wtll extend far and wide,, An election of a county aheriff In the near future will be fol iowed by reeulta. the aeriousnesg of which cannot be overeatlmated. The Interests at stake are tha prosperity of oar commerce, the purity of our morals, tha safety of our youth, and the char acter of out city and state. The present - Incumbent. Mr. Tbomaa Word, baa ren dered a service In the faithful discharge : of his official dutlea of which all order lorlnr cltisens may well be proud. His reelection will Insure tha continuance of "the faithful admlnlstratlon-of the office of county sheriff, wbloh, will aecure the ' peace and political cleanness of our city - and county amUiaepUy-jaffect the rood name of Oregon. Let all (rood cltiaena lay aside mere partleanlsm . and caat their ballots for this faithful official at the regular election in June, ISO, . Tour fellow-citlsena, - - - S. U Thompeon, banker and broker. . -' J. I Hartman. banker and -broker. ., ' R. V. Lively, manager bond depart ment Kartman, Thompson at Powers. 7 E. Quackenbush, Investments and In auranoe. r. MoKercher. Equitable Savings Lean aasolatlon. ' - ' - . R. Llvlngatone. flnanclal .agent " ." John Bain, cashier. , - J. W. Ganong. general manager Fort . land Flouring mllla. ; ' ; ' , H.i A. Mosler. cashier. -TT V F. a Kelly. P. F. la. Co.. . ' William H. MeCreery, hardware clerk. O. W. Kennedy, pianoa.- R. R. Steele, instructor la mathe-i matlcs in High school. . - Clarence True Wilson, paator- Grace church. . ' ' - J. Whltoomb Brougher, paator White Tempi- J : n -- e--w Jamea R. Ewlng. bookseller. T- r ' it. jc. Thompson, real eatate and In surance. " . "' M. Binford. printer. - ' i R. Max Meyer, The Art Emporium. Itl Alder street. ' , '. T. T. Burkhart, secretary Title Guar antee eV Trust company. Earl C Bronaugh, lawyer. r. N. Gilbert, merchant. - , Harold Gilbert, bookkeeper. 1 R H. Hue-has. salesman. ' - ;-."B. F.. Rowland, presiding elder M. B. . church. -.-.. -,.,.;:,;.. ,- i : i C R. Davie, coal. ' , '.j, C. O. Hill, logger.. . v- ---H . O. A. Freeman, rug manufacturer. W. O. Muneell. Scott Munaell.v, , , '.--C A. Steele, 7e Eaat Taylor. r 1 E.Kellogg. TO Eaaf Ankeny. " 4; - B. F. Gray. 04 East Caruthere. ' p. F. Harrinrton. tOt East Weldler. -1 3. M. Bennett, grocer, S7a Eaat Morris eon. . C. D. Brunn; merchant.' ' . "' : James B. McElray. bookkeeper. J. F. Bell, aalesman. W. W 'Braltenstain,' aalesman.' B. F. Slnshelmer, secretary . Eastern Manufacturers company. i- D. W. Stoddard, bookkeeper, j ,: ; A: B. Flary, .aalesman. ; ; . y J. M. Parke, merchant . ' O. P. Henderson, merchant ' , Phillip Hera, attorney. J. M. Foster, oommerclal traveler, A. Wisborg. bookkeeper. R. w. Blakeley, aaleaman. - : F. A. Taylor, aalesman. Xk. Wakefield, aaleaman. H. C Moore, shipping clerk. . Joseph Baker,' piano polisher. ' ' A. F. Jackson, piano tuner, A. N. Brlgga, doctor. ' , F. H. Stewart, doctor. f -'t J. W. Dealing, promoter.1 ; O. I. Bagley, aaleaman. ."W. D. MoWatera, aaleaman. , 1 H. T. Tarr, Janitor. ! R. Ai Renwick. piano tuner.. J. H. Smith, aalesman. Jerry E- Bronaugh, attorney. , E. B. Taylor, attorney. . George C-Burton, to Ella atreet B. 8. J. McAllister, . 164 . Twelfth atreet .. ;.r. . E. Du Boia, mlnlater. .1 W. J. Maxwell. tlt .Wasca atreet . - A LIQUID GOLD CURE V AMP ".: LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP The Set Clever Bleeeem sal the Bear Bee ea ' ?- ; Bvary Settle. : . "A Cold or a Cough nearly always pre duces coninpatioa (he water all runs to tha eyes, neee and throat instead el passlnf out . of the aytlem throueh the Hver and kidneys. . For the want of moisture I ha bow Is become dry and hard." Nearly all other couf h cures . are eenstlpatlne, especially ihoaa coataininc Osialaa. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and ' Tar moves the bowels, oontalns no Opiates. 1 7 KENNEDY'S LAJIATIVE mOfJEYTAR ' Relieves Celda ky working them out at the srstsra utreach a copious action of ; the bowela. . ' XJ "sieve Coofha by eleanslnf and strengthening the muceus Diembranea el themreachesLlunpaMbrepchiubea. .' r Crear Wkooplaf Ceck, La Orippa, laOaeata, Braockitia, aad aU Coagka, Calds. taaf and Bronchial aiectlona ae resaedy ia eoai te Keaoedy'a laxatire Baeey aad Tar. Children Ilka It. ,t '. . - Srt ve v e, eoe m4 tl.M attasat the Lea. graairy 0 1.0. OaW ttt Oa-aOhtoagO, U.B.A. Bald r Bkiajaere Oe, Most Healthful Food In the World Whole Wheat, Cooked and Steamed, Mixed With Pure Malt Extract, 7 Baked Criap and Brown. Careless eating leads to a lot of trou bles thai are hard to cure but easy to prevent. - Tou are aura to Buffer if yeu eat muoh food which you cannot digest easily. Headachea. - dyspepsia, "bil iousness," and even more serious ail ments follow with certainty. Your vital enerav and muscular . Dower become sluKgish. . lt you will prevent you won't have to cure. Prevention la easy. Just re member this easily digested, nutri tious food makes health and vitality. It muat be nutrltioua food that the human system can. readily assimilate. The mere fart that a food ia nutritious Is not enough. - If you cannot get the nutritionout of the food it does you no good. We know of no other food that so richly endows the human body with health and vitality aa doea Malta-Vita, the perfect whole-wheat food. Thla Is because Malta-Vita la not only no nu tritious, but so . easily digested that every one of Its life-giving elements is taken up by the blood. It builds muscles, refreshes the brain, makea rich, red blood and chargea the whole IkmIv with enerav. Malta-Vita is the whole of the best white wheat, cooked and steamed, free ly mixed with pure nariey mail extract, then rolled Into wafer flakes and baked crisp and brown. The malt extract a powerful digestive agent, converta the starcb of the wheat Into, maltoae or malt sugar, a moat valuable food and so eaeily dlgeated that It doea not dis tress even the weakest stomach. Malta-Vita la the moat healthful -food In the world, and there to no other so good to eat t It'a good whenever you are hungry.. Ail grocers. , ,. F. H. Short grocer. ' ..A. K. Currier, Janitor. " . BJ. Nelson Allen, minister. F. L. Knight manufacturer. H. W, Buahnell, cleric G. li. BeaVow. planing mill. - R. A. Gay. foreman. v . . H. R. Jessln, sash factory. . John R. Dorner, aaah factory. . .-J M. A. Flynn, miner. ' 8. Bobbins, planing milt ' ' F. A. Vorpahl, grocer. - i . ., , W. H. Markel. merchant. ' C. A. Blglow, 131 Grand avenue. J.. W. Putner, tit Eaat Stark atreet H. K. Smith, aalesman. . ' ' , H. Bralnard, ' salesman. ; - J. C Gill. - W. R-Hallr-J8 Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet. W. P. Kneeland, wire worka. , . . H. N. Pavson, 164 Eaat Twenty-sev enth street G. L. Webb. - WO East Washington atreet "' J. F. Parker, blacksmith. ":r Xi. U Tufta, Hi First atreet.' -tE.. A. Leonard, Htl Flsk street . L E. 8, ' Muckley, pastor. " - , ""7 E. ti. Mowre, paator. T. tk Tang, St Johns M. E. church. C. A. Wentsch, German M. E. church. 8. A Blewert "pastor. . .. ' E. E. McVlcora, Bt -Johns. . t". E. M. Patterson, pastor. " ; William H. Heppe. paator. " ,. - R. A. W altera, pastor. ' - Samuel A. Templeton. evangelist H. W. Stone, secretary T, M. CJL' Reno Hutchinson,- T. M. C, A, -J: K. GUI,, merchant Mark W. GUI, merchant E. Shelley Morgan, -manager . G.' Frank Moffltt aalesman. i 1 " W. E. Black, aalesman.-- ' .s Henry G. Allen, aaleaman. . . :. , Charles Farrell, salesman. ... .;" ., , W F, Helm, agent 7 V : H. A. Holmes, lumber. - i C. T. Llndsey, safe deposit vaults, 7 , M. B. Meaoham, lawyer. ; Harold Cherry, electrician. . R. I. TOung, teamatar. A. F. Velguth, contractor. ! '; , , Charles K. Mowrey, barber, : ' C. T. Jackson, grocer. , , , i ; F. M. Hulth. engineer. 1 ic : W. M. Zehrung, atenographer, - ' W. T. Lambert laundry. ' . J. A.. Pick, clgara - '. Otto Brandaa, machinist ' Charles C. Mack, machinist v- Miller Murdock,. lawyer. " Edward J. Sheen, slgnpalnter. " f' Rpy Quackenbush. plumber. - . Phillip Pollock, gasfltter. .'Albln O. Rydman, bicycle dealer."" " J F. J. Catterlln, mining broker. ' O. 8. Rydman, bicycle dealer. " . .. , H. W. Donohue, broker. . . . -' ' B. O. GUllaple, attorney. , . ; . F. -A. Joneaiarrchant ' " ' ' 6 C. I. Brown, dairyman. ,: i William Berger, clerk. ' W. J. Warren. ' . Victor Dautoff. l, ' - - F. Lowengart merchant ' J. Pragg, traveler L. H. Lamberaon, cashier. W. W.Qreenr dentist- - . O. L. Estes, commission merchant Walter. W. Wilson. ; " 'M. W. Marquam. J. A. Bell, merchant - - - - E. A. Ounther, clerk. ' ', H. 8. Gaylord, bookkeeper- ; : 7 "8. E. Gilbert merchant t - - - -' O. H. Richardson, commercial, , G. H. Lehberg, clerk. ' F. H. Dunham, aaleaman L A. E. Newcomb, helper. j , C. N, Van Pelt attorney. iS. A. Balllnger, attorney. G. L. Campbell, broker. 8. McCormack. merchant G. A. Hoffman, aalesman. ,, W. A. Lamond, manager. - " '-' ' C. F. Stevena, aalesman. Herbert W. Godflard, aalesman. Edward DeOrandpre, ticket agent -, J. H. Kelly, dock agent B. C. Glover, clerk.- . - H. W. Bonham, merchant .' .T. A T range, clerk. : Edward 8. Currier, merchant ' W. D. Clark, salesman. . S. L. Doran, merchant, C. J. Baae, grocer. ', . ;r. ; t. J. Base, gTocer. C'B. Herd, aalesman. - ' ' '' ' E. T. Slglln. grocer. . J. J. Turn id (te, barber, . W. 8. Willing, carpet manufacturer. . L. V. Kennedy, harness. J. E. Hall, physician. , -f E. Clark Hall, drugs. : A. J. Olson, grocer. . ' H. J. Churchill, pianos. : .. . H..M. Beck with, grocer. ' '. , George K. McKern, contractor. ' - C. E. McBrlde, engineer. F. W. Rossander, painter.. 7 "J. O. Relchle, helper. Cloyd E. Btegner, cabinet maker. ( i- D. M. Cookingham. ' J. Meller, butcher. ' :. , ' H. Kaaper, butcher. 8. H. Edelefsen, accountant. V- E. F.' Allaaham. accountant. 7 . A. H. Beeaolt, pa per hanger. ; ' J. R. Rothfns. shipping clerk. , 'William Donovan, transfer. E. B.. Gay a., commission merchant J. M. Koekey, commission merchant H. B. McEwen, eommtssion merchant , D. Franslne. grocer. A. H. 8. Hafflndon. salesman. " ' Parca C Davis, bookkeeper. - , C Frankler grocer. E. W. Bamford, clerk. '- tC E. Walker, physictaa ; W. H. Savage, teamster. '( ' Samuel Connell, manufacturer. ' ' i G. W. Booaer, manufacturer, " ' J. P. Water, alga writer, , , W. C. Noon Jr. bags. , D. Dahm, tents end awnings. F. Callahan, Boston market R. F. Orburn. real estate. Chrla J. McPherson, aeeretaiy, Robert McPherson, salesman. , , VISIT M BLUE kB GRAY EILMJ TGKOEiiOW L Tn E. WOJUD9S . a 7 EASTER JEWELRY An exquisite line of the latest nov elties in Men's Buttons, Stickpins, etc. Special Easter prices. ; , The .Easter and Spring styles will be shown in pro-, fusion, commencing tomorrow. The very latest in Golf, Negligee and Dress Shirts, made by the best makers of our land. Select and reliable grades in Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas and the choicest pickings in .Neckwear and a hundred other little thinga that qo to make up, the dress of men and boys. r:; ,7. v.-. . , '. EA8TER NECKWEAR 15 is the price we have set on the Spring styles Tccks, Four-in-Handa and Shields. 25c values. 39f fives you' a aelection from tlie thousanda of patterns which, you see in tho other Neckwear displays around town at 10c and upward. r7 1 71 T ATirm YY A HAT TO TIT YOUR FACE rULLVtfUiVlfl The Fullworth Hat leads all other Hats in point of sales In the Pacific Northwest Every Hat sold is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or be replaced by a new one. The styles, to the most minute details, are the exact outlines of the leading English and American $4.00 and $5.00 Spring Hats. The Chicago This Season is Prepared SSS, and boys ever shown by the big store. Hackett, Carhart ft Co. s fine clothing is augmented .by i - - aba j m e , e 4 a . a a ma choicest line of Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Oooda poaaible to secure of the best makers of America and Europe. The Chicago's prices are always below others on high-grade merchandise. This is the keynote that makes this the busiest clothing store in the Pacific Northwest.- -- Leon McFadden, e First straeti ' O. O. Hughson, merohsnt , R. D. Fultom, merchant Oeorga A. Cutting, optician. ..' A. B. Nlchola physician. . ., C T. Nichols, physician. F. C. BellwoOd, dentist. . . - O. W. Bldgood, nurse. J1J, J. C. Welch, merchant. , . It. Jacobs, salesman. C. C Call van, saddler.! W. H. Csllvan, employment; TT. K. Mall, clerk. T 1. H. lyeltxsr.- field acrtary. ' The abore nonpartlssrt list has bean obtained as-an aapresalon of an earnest prayer for clvlo righteousness in tha ad ministration. o publlo affalra i.H. LEIPITR. xataxTX za tou Tax.- - D1aa and Blckneaa- Bring Old Age. Karblna. takes every morning be fore breakfast, will keep you In robust health, (It you to ward off dlseaaa. It cures constipation, blllousnMa, dyepep. ala, fevar ai :n. liver and kidney com- plaints.- It puriflea tha-blood and clears th eomnlexlon. ' Mrs. b. W. .Smith, Whitney, Texna writes, April , 102: "I have used Herblns and find it the beet medicine for constipation and ilver troubles. - It doea all you claim for It I oan highly recommend it." Price I to. f Bold by wooaara, tjiarae w v o. . STORE FOR RENT rom A, jraaer-CaVAM avrona in coneotlon with aa UV-TO-DATa OKO CXBT, .East aide; location Alt r Apply nw TOK OBOCBBT, Eleventh and Morrison. fAt prices you are-willing to by securing spring goods in price opportunities than ever 10 to 25 per cent cheaper than the same grades can be found MEN'S SUITS $9.00 ahown in thia city. . Alao-eitraordinary values in tray effects and mixtures, unfinished, and wool unfiniahed worsteds, ' . t $12.50 offered by this house at the opening of a season. ; , , ' ... ' . offered by this he $15.00 tailored throughoi as only The Chia tailored throughout with pure serge and Venetian lining. ' Values such as only The Chicago-can show. ... t : ;,.......'... ..t . T....., -e aw aa? v a ' puts you into a Hackett, Carhart l 7 m I rO k S Co.'s custom finished single or ' P1 I fJVr )OU double-breasted Suits -and Eng. liah: Walking Suits. Hr ft C are known as tite wholesale tailors that are the best New York custom tailors to model after. - Their product is not only equal to the best made, but acknowledged by all knowing ' people to . be absolutely the finest clothing made in the world. The nard-to-fit, hard-to-please and the critical people will find this elegant line of Hackett-Carhart superior to most tailors' products in every re- . apect at about half tailors'; prices. ,,7 . .- t C FURNISHINO GOODS ; , MEN'S HOSIERY 30 Styles; 30 shades and colorsAmerica's Greatest wniTzns CRAMP or RHEUMATISM WRIST Y PLAOTEROa ; I I ...: rTtt aa AltctcKt Plaster im two, leagtkwiee, .. V and apply as showa abore, Yea will be aut :'. ( Xf ow it will relkre all pais aa well . V '' Vi' .' MtreotlseatlenMiacle. . . , AV rittirr Uom Hayhm ; ' ' r CORN PLAtTERS r , sna tjare pay. .Every man'e mind is turning more or lessto spring clothes either Suits, Trousers, Hats, Shoes or Furnishing Goods. The before. There is not an article A Will secure a pure all-wool blu serge Suit, hand tailored collars and lapels, haircloth fronts and ahoulders In guaranteed fast colors. An equal of any $15.00 Suit worsteds, cheviots, caaaimeres and black f..-: -'7: : . ., i 'J . For Black ft Cos all hand tailored, pure wool, colored serges, grays, ;. cheviots, worsteds, wales, etc T The. moat ertrsordinary values faat wide ever Black ft Co.'e, Michael Stern ft Co.'a Brsndagee, Kincade ft - Woods' superior products in serges, grave and other effects in pure worsteds, hand for a Maco, Balbriggan, guaranteed fast colors, in black and brown. Usual two for 25c values. - 12 1-2 for superior quality of plain and fancy - Balbriggan, white foot, regular seams, faat colors. " 20c values." '..-... . . .( i . . 25e for the lisle, balbriggan, lightweight, in plain and fancy colors. Honest 25c values. rr 77 . ' HANDKBRCtilBPS 7 Se for a lot of aamples from the wholesale house, mostly 10c and 12c values. Vi 10 for extra quality JaponetteT or half linen, la hemstitched, plain and fancy goods. lSc value. . line of men the OUSIS.'I PLAOTCRO of toras aex Buaioos that a man or boy wears that will elsewhere. 77;-7'7v: 7.7 PANTS C JE5"V Is the price we have" put for U ipiaOvi pairs medium-weight $2.50 Pants. . d 1 Cfi wiU do exactly what the $3 JO docs at other stores. tPiOU we show about SO styles at this price in bUcks, blues, stripes and fancy in all wool Or worsteds.. ' .V . . GtfX CH WiU give you choice of 22 styles of $5.00 hand-,t-'eS-V tailored Trousers, the famoua Hangwell, Brand Bros.' and other high-standard custom-made Pants. - , V -'. silk Young Men's Easter and Confirmation Suits C fT :tTg For All-Wool Black or Blue Fancy. . Special Bar P JmyJKJ gains for .Easter, - :r:yf. ;.; Ciri Kri Imported Serges, Unfinished Worsteds, Thibets, sPlVaOwv: also elegant Silk Mixtures .and (toy Effects,, j I'JS CC For Hackett,"Caxhart ft Co.'s Broadway styles vV-', Serges, .Unfinished Worsteds and .Nobby Gnara the nandsomest . ol aU wortd H. C Co.' , "KNEE PANTS SUITS' "3 ETfl Confirmation and Dress Suits, in serges, unfiniahed PJmjVJ. worsteds, tweeds; etc 25 styles of regular $5 Suits. SHIRTS There has been no season in the history , of shirts that has produced so many desirable and sensible lines for men as the Spring of 1900. . . , for a drab,' tan, gold and gray mohair Negligee, and beautiful styles - in Golf, Penang, Madras and Mohair) bodies. . 85e for an Immense variety of exceptionally beautiful imported pat ' terns in Golf and Negligee. . The. best-values ia the city. , SHOES CV SHOES We will ; - place on ; sale ; -tomorrow ' the : famous R. J. ft TL Shoe. ' Our $3.00- vidsr patent, -1 calf and colt, " f 3.50 All-wear Chicago Shoe is guar- -. anteed to be equal in atyle, quality and make of any $4.00 Shoe sold in the United Ststes. We show the ALL WEAR in over 50 styles of toe and ehapes of lasts, in tans, ochre, gun "rhetal,7 patent, alco " French vici,; cor dovan tin, calf and English velour, in Oxfords, Bluchers . and Bals. . Wesr The Chicago Shoe. Yeu will' find comfort and satisfaction. 7 ' . G.W.WEATHERLY. f COALanoGoKE " m it i i hi i m ua s i s ii it WE ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD v -7 LESS OF "COMBINE" OR COMPETITION ' . 7 1 B EST and thousands win act tomorrow Chicago, offers more styles and not be found at this store from tomorrow for 100 clothes, by the best makers in the .G.Pecks HM-Carlocic m a-wifi'iDrrison Phone East. 244 aw Pi ( m 'Ei Red Cross Anti septic Mouth-Picco la what you want to' relieve you of all apprehension when using the ' telephone.- Drop me a line and I will call .' and tell you all about it. 7 H. M. Landcs. Agent Q7 North Ninth St, Portland, Oregon J 7J