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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
TII3 i OREGON DAILYy JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ' WED NES DA Y. 7 EVENING. APRIL ' 4. ' 1&G3. Everv great fortuna had its flrat foundation laid in small savin?!. The aavingg bank is the greatest promoter ot tnntt tn the world: Begin in April to put a certain sum aside every week. Make up your mind TO DOIT NOW, - - . TOMiOHfi imrirmTi. S.k.r. ...... ,"...., ..Mn.leal Bnrlaeqoe Kaiplr ...."My Wife's Family" lrle ,."Ul Convict Brollr" Kraud Vaudlll tlar .................. Vad.Ula Tovn:Tcg!cs '. TV wnue you are reasonably pros perous. "Use our. bank. . - :1; v: Wl PAY . . ', l; Wouot Baker -will, be . scaled by th Utumii this tammir. 'Thl waa th decision "made' at , a meeting of th mountain climber last - night, 'Two mon will be asnt to males tha aaeant in advance of the club to aeleet the easiest trail. - Mount Baker ta aald to) be on of the moat difficult mountain to climb, on tho Pacif to ooaat. lta aide are cov ered by glaclera and exceedingly rutted. Many mountain climbers have braved the difficulties and have reached Its .summit the first ascent being mad. by Edmund Oleman in 1889. A number of eastern mountain climber and member,-of the Blerra club of, Ban Fran cisco are expected to participate in the rlp. , ,'. llav you a lawn mower t If not, or theone you have 1 unsatisfactory, take ' a look at our stock.' They are dandles. ,' easy running, self-sharpening", durable, . flnc.1 v finished, cheap and possess feat ures not found in any other ' mower. They save muscle,-profanity, make you , nappy, whenever you mow -your lawn - and leave it aa smooth as a carpet. We are the people that have them. Adolph A. Oekum, 1S1-13S First, street, between 7 Washington and Alder. 'Our assortment k of garden tools, garden hose and me , chanlca' tool 1 complete and prices that defy competition. ' " Patrolman C. B. Jodon. whose career In the police department has not yielded many meritorious results, has been for mally dismissed from the department for violation of the, rules. Sergeant Baty and Patrolman Johnson discovered the man considerably undor the In- fluenue of liquor while on duty. After rharge were filed against him ha told the authorities that he would resign providing the charges were withdrawn, but this was not permitted. ' Jodon was In trouble ones, before from drinking while on duty. MfssTeafT" Btevens Stanleyv'an" ac complished reader, conducted an enter tainment in the White Temple last nlgtit for the benefit of the free, bed . fund of the Evergreen .enltariam. MoreJ than $200 was raised. Miss Btanley was assisted by Mis Kdwlna Maatlck, soprano; Mis- Helen X,y tie, soprano; Mis Kitla Bennett, soprano: Mrs. W. C. Haaeltlne, soprano; Jamea Rathbona, .lenor; Mla Cornelia Barker, violinists; Mordaunt .-A. Qoodnough, pianist; the Webber Mandolin orchestra and Portland Male quartet. Funeral service- over' th body of Frank M. Merrill were held today at Holman's undertaking parlors.- Mr. Merrill, who win a pioneer of Oregon, having driven an. ox team across the plains in 1867, died at the Good Samar itan hospital from diabetes and . blood poisoning. He was 63 years of age. .After- coming to Oregon, Mr. Merrill entered the employ of the Bouthern Pa riflo company, where he remained for 30 years.' He is furvlved by a wife and two children. - - '' -,- New from Rev, N. Schrupp, formerly a Portland pastor. Is to the effect that hi trip to California la not' improving his health aa it was hoped' it would. Mr. 8hrupp was an active leader in Kvangellcal association work in the state for 84 .years and retired a short time ago on account of ill health- 4 Per Cent Interest OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK eaeiel Xaaklng Bealaaas Treaaaeted. grafts lata aa All 7 arts et tae World.' OFFICERS. . - . W. H. MOORE. President. ' ; -JE. E. LTTI.K, Vice-President. W. COOPKU MORRIS,. Cashier. DIRECTORS. W. H.1 Moore. B. 1 n T,y tla. Leo Frlede. H. A. Moot. , , - W. Cooper Morris. May 7." The caae had been aet for to morrow, but th defendant' attorney, C, M. Idleman, said he would riot be able to try it then. - MoOlnnla Is charged with, tha erlme of contributing to th delinquency of Kitty Moor, a 15-year-old girt" The ' man ' was formerly a member of the local police force, but waa discharged from the service for al leged misconduct with the girl named. ' For Ban Francisco direct The elegant steel steamship "Redonde," sail ou Thursday, April I, 8 p. m. Cabin 811. steerage 18. meal, and berth Included. C H. Thompson, sgent. Its Third street. Watches, diamonds and jewelry on easy weekly payments. 81 down and 10 cents per week. - AU mainsprings H; all watches cleaned 81. Metsger Co.. Ill Sixth street. Butser'a 'lawn fertiliser rejuvenates the shabby lawns- hi sweat pea ,anl lawn grass got gold medal at the fair. 188 Front, between Yamhill and Taylor, ' You will be surprised at th low price of our stylish and perfect fitting spec tacles. ' Rubenstsln the optician, 188 Fourth atreet, near Yamhill. - ' 'We are still eellfng ay glaists'at 81, a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. UeUgec- Cfc. Ill Sixth etreeUl The Retail Butchers association en tertained member of tb meat trade at a banquet In Drew hall last night. Topic of Interest to the trade were dis cussed. Several candidate for nomlna-, - tion were present and pledged them selves to work for better laws gov erning the meat business, . "Pnblio Entertainment-for Children" will be tha subject of a paper by Mrs. J. C Eliot King before the Home Train ing association tomorrow afternoon at 8 o'clock In tha committee-room of tho city hall. All mother are urged to hear ' this subject presented.- ' Children will be cared for in the nursery. - Tepuly ITnlted " States - Marshal Wil liam B. Griffith has returned from Mc Neil's Island, where he .took Charles Brundage. He waa sentenced. ' to six months' Imprisonment and a 8100 fine by Judge Wolverton In the federal, court ;lat week for endlngjnJproperlet ter through the malls.-- Deshlladoa! Mextcano! - Th first and finest exhibit of needlework drawn ever shown on tha coast. Tea and lunch cloths, dollies snd ' scarfs, mantel and aervlcetles. The finest collection aver "Brought from Mexico. 168 Thirteenth, . corner Morrison. . r. Upon the request of Deputy District Attorney Qus C. Moser, Presiding Judge Fraser thia morning postponed the case of thetate against B. P. McGlnnls to n PrudlutmtM has eetahllahad a fire insurance agency, office 7, Cham ber or commerce. C. E. Walborn, furniture repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. TL East 11. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oils and fine gasolines. Phone East 188. Women' exchange, 188 Tenth atreet, lunch, 18 to X. , Dr. Rand returned; office usual hours. BROTHER HAS BODY :r - OF DAVIS CREMATED - 11 i1 The 'body of W. R. Davis, who com mitted suicide on Barnes Heights about two weeks ago, waa ' exhumed thla morning and cremated thla afternoon. Th aahes will probably be shipped back to hla home in Main to hla par ent. Da via wa tha son of an -ex-governor of Main. When the body waa found la th brush on th heights last . Bunday the coroner, after examining It, had It in terred in the county poor farm ceme tery. At that time th Identity of the young man wa not 'known. After tho brother -of th young man reached th city from Echo, where he waa engaged on the Umatilla Irrigation project, he communicated with hi - parents In Main and It waa Immediately decided to have th body exhumed and cre mated. Coroner Flnley superintended this work. - ARIZONA GIRL SLEPT- FOR THIRTEEN WEEKS ' (Josraal Special Serrfce.) Ix Angeles. . Cal AprU-. Miss- Florence Parker, whose mysterious sleep of li weeks excited th Interest of the medical fraternity all over the country, has just left the Bisters' ho' pital and will remain In thla city a few week visiting friends. Miss Parker is the daughter of a wealthy Arlsona min ing man.,. She began her Strang aleep at Tucson and gradually lapsed Into coma. For weeks she lay In a trance and until about two week ag there waa little hope of recovery, flhe began to recover consciousness.- however, end haa gradually returned to her normal condition. v We wish to lay stress on that our ces special the fact house produ the highest class oiprin in this country. F.W.Baltes(3&Co. First and Oak Streets ; (Main 165 Black and blue apparel for Easter wear, black unfinished worsteds, black thibet, fast color blue serges, all the latest fashions, straight front, round cut sacks, double-breasted sacks, regular and stout sizes, wonderful values at $ 1 6.50 Dlack Thibet Siiits, $ 1 0.85 318.00 Unfinished Worsted Suite, at Each $13.65 520.00 Worsted and Thibet Suits, at Each $15.35 S25.00 Dlack Worsted Suits $20. 1 5 $ 1 5.00 Blue Serge Suits, at $ 1 2.65 $ 1 8.00 Blue Serge Suits; at $ 1 4. 1 0 $20.00 Blue Serge Suits, at $ 1 5.35 $25.00 Blue Serge Suits, at $20. 1 5 $22.50 Black Worsted Suits, at Eact: .1, . .. ,1$ 17.65 New Spring Trousers, per pair. . . Entire new line of Men's Fancy Vests : z..rL-$ 1 .25 to $5.00 Complete line of Men's Taxi Covert and Black Unfinished Worsted Young Men's Suits and Topcoats, the very best styles and' materials, in all grades Second Floor. -- - - -- ; " - Men's Dress Suited newest cut .. $45.00 Men's Clothing Department Second Floor , Easter Sale of Traveling Bags 24-lnch full stock leather Suit Cases, French sewed - edges, - leather-lined, the best 1L50 values, on sal at.-. , . .(rrVnrmr.n -- .--. r-rtvsvv 24-ineh leather Suit Case; canvas-lined, with shirt fold; very best style; ' regular $6.50 values, on sale today at.. ....... ...-T.. .......... ........... 23-incj leather Suit Cases, figured linen lined, with drop shirt flap; best - ?.uu vaiues on saie at , 14-jnch Oxford Bag, ull stock leather, nickel-trimmed; $4.35 value. 15- inch high-cut Club Bag; leather lined; regular $8.50 value for.... $9.75 $5.52 $5.50 ,;.3.TO ...fT.22 Men's New $150 Shirts, $1.19 Gret special Easter sale of 100 dozen Men's new spring and summer Shirts, the best-$1.50 values, in light and dark patterns, plain and pleated fronts; made coat style nd cuffs attached: great assortment of the newest de- - signs and colorings; styles with detached cuffs are also included, all sizes and sleeve. lengths; . grand value at Men's $2 Ponsree Ovefshirts on tale at. each 9135 Men's Worsted ribbed Underwear, garment..'. .....l.OO Men's 50c Foulard Four-in-Hands and Club Ties, ea..29 Men's new fancy Half Hose at , 2Sf nvn v. j - ruffs are also $1.19 2- MEN'S TELESCOPE HATS, $1.8S Special Easter sale of .men's and young men's Telescope Hats,, all the new-sha shades; black, tan, brown, pearl gray and buckskin; all; sizes; grana special vaiue at.. , . ... Men's Derby Hats in all the new Spring blocks. 1- shapes and $1.85 Easter Handkerchief Sale ' Great special jot of 500 dozen Women's sheer linen Handker chiefs; hand embroidered initials; very handsome 1 sT styles; regular 25c values on sale at, each.. ...1JC Crest special lot of Japanese linen liand-drawnwork Handker .. chiefs; newest effects; choice patterns; regular 25c and 1 9 35c values on sale at this low price, each.............! C C Just received a large shipment of madeira linen Handkerchief; , hand-embroidered: magnificent designs; very CO . large assortment at, each, 50c to,. epaWeft Beautiful new French embroidered Handkerchiefs; entire new stock at orices 'ranging from. T ff each, 65c to...... .' Li. . : ,:. ... ;.i : .'.?s9VUU New barred linen Handkerchiefs, in stripes, and checks all' prices. ..... ........ .. , Xew' colored embroidered Handkerchiefs; new line of barred linen Handkerchiefs in colors; pink, blue and helio, Of at, each, 25c. and...... ,..VC Children's boxed Handkerchiefs in large assortment; colored borders, hand-embroidered initials; 3 in box; 2S a box Novelty box Handkerchiefs for Easter gifts new styles in very large variety. - . -: Boys' Reefers and Topcoats Easter sale of Boys' Reefers and Topcoats of the best styles. New Reefer Coats for boys and girls, 2'A to 12 years of age, in all-wool. and Homespuns, chevron on sleeves; well made; great special --. values at this low price, .....t......j...., Little Boys' Topcoats, in all-wool tan Coverts, ages 5 to 11 years, alf this . season toest - styies-reguiaryjayaiues, lor. Boys $6.50 tan Covert Topcoats, 12 to 16 years of age, each..,....;.... Reefer Coats in all-wool navy blue Serges or Cheviots, plain or sailor --xollar-agesJ-to- years; regular $o.WJ values, forr ,rr gray mixtures .$4.15 .$5.30 r....:..f5.a $5.60 i Great Sale of 500 Rugs -All Sizes Best Patterns, Colorings Sale extraordinary of 500 new Kidderminster Rugs Equal to Axminster Very durable Handsome designs and colorings Best Rug Bargains of the year: 27x54 inches at S 1. 67 Each -3 6x63 Inches, t $2.95 Each 36x72 inches at $3.35 Each -4 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft; 6 in., $7.75 Each 6x9 feet at $14.85 Each -8 feet 3 In. x 10 feet 6 in.. $26.55 Each 9x12 feet Rugt, big variety, at $30.15 Each Aa.oaaSaaB Aal Including the following well-known titles and hundreds of VUBjr 1 1KU VVU othersLJ!TheJouthernersL-"Little Shepherd-ofKingdom a,. m SF vunic, ocvcu u.U cimu, i ruin icxicr, rasie- HnOICS jflC ICfl.board Crown."- etc;,-etc. - Easter Bibles, Testaments and v,w Carda. Best display in the city. , . pm TO PME GIRL t THIEF Former Chum of Martha Smith, White Slave, Accuses Her of Offenses. ' SAYS SHE STOLE ALL ..... SORTS OF VALUABLES Her Specialty Reported to Be Tak big Jewelry, and Large List of Vic tims la Given Not an Orphan, It Seems Attacked Former Friend. Evidence wa Turnlshed by persons who sought Captsln Bruin and Deteetlve Mellyer last niaht to show thst Martha Smith, th. "whit, alava" of W. 8. Jow.r. a Chinese. Is a thief; that ah I not an orphan, but that her parent Itv In Portland, and that in her effort to shield herself from punishment when arreated for larceny she dracaed In Mrs. Floyd Irish, who until her marrlaa was Miss Cor Clelland, known a "Bab." Cleltand. "" Th. larcenies of which the girl is ae cuaed cover a period extending over weeks and months and Includ. a wide field. Among her victims, aa altered, ar. O. C Ford. John Hobrecker, a friend of Ford; several persons hsvlng rooms at the -Yamhill house, a pawnshop on Third between Morrison snd Alder atreet, girls working- st a bo fsctory on Qllsa'n atreet, Edward Coffin, a latin dryman, and W. 8. Jower, tb Chinese, whose accusation against her got him Into serious trouble. Mrs. Xrlak'a . gtory. Accompanied by her huaband. who Is conductor on the Lower Alblna, street oar line, Mrs. Irish visited nolle head quarter and gav. her first Information aaainirt Martha Smith. They live at lit Missouri avenue and were married sis weeks fO. Mrs. Irish la a pretty little woman and was hsart-broken be cause of th. manner in which ah. haa been mad te figure la th. affair. , She bad not seen Martha Brqlth for three months before the latter waa arrested. Thinking Mrs. Irish wss out of th. city, the accused girl deliberately laid -the Crimea of which ahe ha admitted her own guilt at the door of her former friend, and aald that it was thla alri's influence which Induced her to break tb. law. "Mis Smith and I formerly worked at th. box factory on Gllsen street," said Mrs. Irish. "My maiden name wa Cora Clelland and I am known to my friends as "Babe." Though Miss Smith ws hardly what would be called a chum. I went to a number of place with her and we were on good .terms. Three month aco I refused to have anything more to do with her becaus she showed m that she wa bad girl. - "She ha told an untruth when ahe said ah was an orphan. . Her parents formerly lived on Skldmor. street and may Itv tber yet. I went to ber home with her several time and waa Intro duced by her to her mother. can Mri a Tnif. "Th. girl told Tne that she stole a gold ling from a Jeweler or pawnbroker on Third, between Morrison and Alder streets, and another from a Jeweler at Third and Washing-ton streets. She also voluntarily confessed other - theft. When ah told m. this I refused to as sociate longar with her." - It haa been ascertained that Martha Smith's associate wa Zoe St John, who acquired notoriety at the time th RI Rey saloon lost it license, and recently fled to Seattle when she learned that her companion had been placed under arrest Toung Ford went to police headquarter thla morning and made a statement to Captain Bruin and Detec tive Ilellyer. "This girl haa been a thief for a long time," he said. "She stole article out of four rooms at the TamhlU house, and we are satisfied thst it was she who robbed my chum, Johnny Hobrecker, st the same place. I had to lock my room to keep her out. She haa caused trouble for many peraona." , Milwaukie Country Club. tio Angeles and Oakland race. Tak Bellwood and Oregon City ear at First and Aider. ; MAINLY PERSONAL Mrs. May Brown of Smtth'e island la shopping In Jh city and registered at tb Perkins hotel. Among the Perkins hotel guests is Mrs. IX II. Welch, wife of on of, As toria' wealthiest cltlsen. - , W. . T. . Davis of Butt, Montana, ABTUaSmaTTaT. May Trie. , k Craaellr . Oe. Cautery 4 Staatss, rederick. Mr. a Mrs, Harry Karl. . . . Haraie Heff.. -Oraaaliesave, PRICKS ItmIhi and Bund. r a. - l&fl. 2fW ana Roxm S.V; MatlDe.s, 15e to any aat .Ttt- twr. ' ' " ' HANI TDfiTIE Wash ef AsrU S. AU SalectedAci Ilrail.4 by OBACKTA AND DEalOkA oroawas A ore- eats. LYRIC TMfiATRE iormno mohdat, atbil s. isos ' Zvery Afterseoa sag Zvaatiig, Fertlaaa's faealar Steak Bent, "Her Convict Brother" A Trae Heart Story la 7ar Acta. renew tae orvwa. cnuaani raamaae Agajiaeiaa, 10a. Baerva4 taeu, SOa. THE LENNOX PRIVATE Board and obm 920 AND UP 7 -v 330 Taylor St., Between Sixth' and Seventh wealthy copper mining man and banker. I stopping- at tbe Portland hotel. - T. A. Mill of Klamath Fall la at tho Imperial boteL He is accompanied by Mr. MM. . . Attorney J. O. Watson of Roeeburg, whose father, K. B. Wataon of this city, I a candidate for United States senator. Is among th guest at th Imperial hotel. - . W. Kuykendall of ugenk Speaker Marquam Grand Theatre raon MAM MS. FREDERICK WARDE SHAXZSrKAaKAir LXCTT7XXS XZOITAU Momaar, ApHl S (Zlka' k !) 'THa Wit aad WlaJam ef Shakeapaare'a Tasla." Taseiay, AsrU IS (X. ef . Xlght) "Saawa a4 Prtkiaa." Wadnaaday MatlsM, AprU 11 "Tae Waaaea ef , Saekaapeara." Wedaaeaay Hlgtit. AerU 11 "Jmllas Caeaar." VnH-r the saplve of Knlshta ot Ffthlaa. PK1CB Unrar Soar. St ana 7 Be. - Baleasf, TBe and aoe. Bum and lofae. ST.SO. Sal of aaeta eprn Friday, 10 a. a.. Mar an a a Bex OtSre. Empire Theatre: . MltTOII W. 0IAMAN 1Ztk asd Marrieaa. PaOM Mala 111. N. Manager. THE rOPt UK THCATRK. yartlaag's foaular riaykeaa. Tneight, All Wm. Matln-a Saturilay, - - Tae Letaat Maaieai Farae Oaaaesy, "MX WITk-S TAMIXT." Headad r th W.ll-Knoirn ("omadlaaa, , A?rtXT0X AMD PEkBT, USD is 9IXI0TI0X W. M'OOWAV. gverytklag N.w. A Bl Snrrnw Brarywkare. Pun Feat and Faiiooa Kvenlng Prleta, IV, 3Se, Sftc. S0c;MatliM prlrv, io. 16. Jrw. Xaat Waek-."THX FATAL WXDDmO." Baker Theatre Oragea Tkaatte Oa, m. X. Bak.r. Mr. Tsmkin end Tklrd st. Pbese Mala 0T. - All This Waek As lnatlea ie -' (ttailar BurUann. " XMPI11B FAXCZ-COMBDT CO.. Praaenllns "Oaaev aad Ut araes-Sad Olak." the r.amlng liiah Pollllral 'ar- wttk Bcr Imhnf tm (-aa... A Pnattlra Featare, TMK KSauiatAVX BA1LXT. Witk AO laaclng Otrla. Th aanat seautllul tag picture ever praaiattd. Matin.. Batarday and nalf . In, SSe, See, 50c. Mght arlcM, Ar. SSc, BOr. tec. Meat Waea"CHXXgT BLOSSOKS" 00. STAR THEATRE We.k af April S. B0S81ET BOSTTt-tX. BOONET A FOKRf STEB. HALL a L0BBAIWE. COMBWAT A OAAAB. - 7EBSIXA. ' ' WTLL O. POTT. . .. . - ' STABOSOOPt. 10 Cante ta Anr a., Rtnt Pja. tJ 11 L - r.MA of the last house, I at th. Imperial holeL E. B. Httnley. ot HTori. tioc! .: an, Barer Is sll Um ef SMreiiaadtaa - And It espediest-te- snveheae freaa amr expert la their baaliwes. It waald aa rldlculoaa te call apoa tke hardware merchant foe aasar, of a blarkamltk for lattlee. Evea If tbay sold sock wares ' tkey woeM aot knew whether thrj ware gosaln or etberwls. It's the suae as ta Oriental Rugs ; It ears to bey from aa, because we are from tha plaee where they are : nade kaow hew to auke theni aer oelvae ead cannot be datilvad la par. - ebeain. We iaaaort. sad kaow . wx sill thx givinxx. - Atiyeli Bros. 4U WAaTXOHOTOBT ST. - Tel. Mala BOoO. Bet lotk aad lltk. OH SAZJi 400 Z.AWM . AHO KIX Shirl Waists (tn and - short sleeve), worth 3.n sn.l tlSS TOffl CHOICK NOW . V I . R!in$:r.lfi 392 Morrison St. sh a tt . who hs been vlaltlng along the Is at th Imnnl holel. U Q. Bweilan rciiirnA y" from N.w Tork City, where H 1 since January.