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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
THE OREGON AILY" JOURNAL PORTLAND." TUESDAY, EVENING, APRIL . 5, 1803. WRIGHT IS hU TACOLIA'S MAYOR Defeats McCormick, Republican, and ' Hartman,. Municipal Ownership Candidate. TEN AMENDMENTS TO..'". ; ;;7 CITY CHAPTER CARRY Waitsburg Chooses Spaniah-Amer-' ican War Veteran . a..' Chief Ex--' ecutive-Citizens, .. Ticket Wine ' at A Forest Grove and Glendale. '-'.. ' (Joeroal Special Servlee.K Taooma, Wash., April - 4. Mayor George P. Wright was yesterday re elected mayor ? of . Taooma. receiving 3.669 votes to the 3.306 received by McCormick' (Republican) and 1,899 re- George P. Wright. .ce.lved by Hartman (Municipal owner aliip). . Republicans elected the treas urer and controller by large pluralities and seven councilman, making the new . councfl 1 4 Itepubllcana - to one - Dem ,. ocrat. . ' Ten.' amendments to the eity charter -(Were carried by a large majority. - One of them provides for the iasuance of -I 2.000.000 for a water; system, from .Green river, one for Increased salaries -for city officials ami one permitting- the Union Pacific to bridge the city water : wnjr tn 'wder to reach ttstidolands.-T"T AT WAITSBURG. I, K ' v- K .: g e; y " Tow Totes to Issue Bonds for Cea- s true ting Sewer System. (Speeist Dlapatek to The Joaraal.l' Waitburg. Wash.; April 4. At the eity election held here Monday J. B. - Caldwell, a SpauiahAmerlcan war vet """erHti, was elected mayor and the propo . 'aition of bonding the city in the sum of ' tl 1.000 to construct a new sewer sys- , torn was -carried, by a large majority. '.CouncUnirn were elected as follows: E. M. Denton. W. 8. Guntle, P. C. Perkins. - H. t'onover and J. B. Lotindagln. The . .Jmprovemetit -club. tlekeWwaa elected .with the exception of one councilman. V "'. ".' Cows Betala, rrsedota. (Special Iripatrh to The Journal.) .".Forest Grove. Or.t. April ,4. -Cornelius held a cfty election on Monday with two tickets In the field, the Law and Order "ticket and the Cltlsens'' ticket, and re : 'suited In the election of all the Cltlsens' picket, as follows; Thomas Talbot, mayor; councilman. A.' F. Kalne, Fred . Barber, A. Benson, D. J. Bennett; re reorder, A. A. Phillips; treasurer, C C Iliwioock. '- The question of oows running at large was also voted on and boaiy was al- - )owed her freedom , ' Waterworks Ticket I-oae. Glendale, Or- April 4 At the local lection Monday the Cltlxena' ticket car ried the day In opposition to the City "Waterworks ticket, with the exception f the. off Ices of. recorder and city mar shal, which were carried by the oppos ing side. The newly elected council, however, promised the much-needed -water plant. The 'Weston brickyard is shipping 100.000 brick to Kennewlck. Washing ton, a point fir out of its regular ter ritory. . , Heart Palpitation ' . ' Indigestion causes the stomach to expand swell and "puff up against the heart This crowds the heart and interferes with , 'its action, causing shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart . etc Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ; DIGESTS WHAT TMI EAT - V ' takes the strain off the heart, s and contributes ; nourishment, , strength and health to every . , organ ot the body. Cures Indi- . gestion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Belching, Gas on Stomach. V' and all Stomach troubles. - - ;-. 1' Denova, lews. Three years age I was affllctee -' wlta iadigestlon so much that I was in continual pais. After ' eatiag my heart was affected aad I had smothering sensations. Xwo bottles ef Kodol cured me. . ... jjgBj. LAMM. . i . dollar settle aa 14 . k . Um as-asms) as ( trial er Ms. afaa, PreoarW at tee Laamrmtmry at , : m. a uwm ce.. ckkagm, u.m.a. ' Sold ey Weodard. Clarke aj Oo. aad S. a. Skldaiere Oe. -' T';- ;- " Many cpws are in fected with tuberculo ;v sis ths white plague ' consumption. '. Avoid disease germs In milk use St. Helens - Cream. - - - :- ... ; ,. 'It is thoroughly ,. Sterilized heat ; kills ' all germs. ,, 0;, A flock-master has given Mary a little ; lamb which . is . very poor and sick. - (Te be ooatbraed) " Watch for prize story, Mary's .Little - Lamb. ' X. X XX.OCK, ales Ageat, Seattle. - CHICAGO CAN BUY TRACTION LINES Voters Authorize Purchase- but " Fail to Provide for Operation of Streetcars... PARTIAL VICTORY FOR MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP Seventy-Five Million in Certificates 2to Be Issued Jf or -? Acquisition of ' Plants Dunne's Policy Is Ap proved. . .-. . ' tJourasl Special Berrlce.) -Chicago, April 4 As a result of yes terday's election the city -of Chicago can acquire .ownership and .control of the street railways, but cannot operaut them. While declaring that the city shall not. proceed to operate, the voters decided that as a question of policy it would be desirable to do so. Three propositions were voted upon. The first was: "Shall the city of Chi cago proceed ' to operate' street rail ways?" It required 60 per cent of the total vole cast to become effective. It fell short of the required number by 17.792 votes, although having a clear majority, of more than 10,000.: . The second proposition provided for the Issue of street railway certlAcates in amount not to exceed $76,000,000 for the - purchase,--ownership end - mainte nance of street railwyss. This was car ried by a vote of 110,008 against 106. 6. - The third question was: "Shall the city council proceed without delay to secure the municipal ownership and op eration of the street railways under th Mueller law. Instead of granting fran chises to privste companies?' This proposition, was carried by a vote of 11I.8Z to 108.025. Mayor Dunne stated that he was dis appointed because the victory was not complete, but construes the passage of the 178,000,000 certificates and public policy, proposition as a victory for mu nicipal ownership, stating that the main proposition, which was the Issuance of the cert!noatesritaaDeencarned.-Artr the. acquisition of the street railway lines he will again aak the voters to sanction the operation by the city. Nineteen municipal ownership alder men were elected who are favorable 'o the mayor's plan, to the 16 elected by the opposition. The liquor Interests made a strong fight against every alder man who was up for election who had voted for the 81,000 saloon license Of the IS men against whom they worked 11 were elected, the liquor Interests suc ceeding In defeating but three, together with the nine who were up for reelec tion, who voted for the continuance ot the old license. BECKER IS CHOSEN. Beee Bef sated for Mayor la BUlwaakee targe oeiallst Tote. Journal Special aenlee.t .Milwaukee. Wis., April 4. The elec tion yesterday resulted In the defeat of David 8. Rose, Democrat, who for the last eight years hss .been mayor, and the election of Sherburn M. Becker, Re publican, by a plurality of J. 700. The vote stood as follows: Becker, 28,866; Rose, 21.010; Arnold, Socialist. 16.720. William H. Orabner was ths only Dem ocrat elected on the ticket. He - was chosen treasurer by a plurality of 3.500. i The council will have 18 Republicans, 16 Democrats and 11 Socialists. . FOR CITY CAS PLANT; Xaasas City Bleots Mayor pledged to j ' , Zseetrletloa of Traacklsss. ; - j (Jonrsal Special Serrl-e.) ' " I Kansas City. Mr., April 4. As a re-j suit of the election held here yesterday ' Henry M. Beardsley; Republican, was' elected mayor over B. U Oregor. Demo- crat, by a plurality of more than 1,000. ; Republican counollmen were generally victorious. Both platforms Indorsed municipal ownership, but ths restriction of public service franchises was the Issue of the csmpalgn. Both the street railway company and gas company are seeking franchise extensions. The new administration is pledged to Insist upon adequate returns for extensions, and to establish a municipal gas plant unless a. reduction in the price ef gas Is made. FIFTY MILLION DOLLAR . COMPANY INCORPORATED . , ' (Special Dlspaieh to Tha Jonrsal.) galein. Or., April 4. The San Fran Cisco, Idaho A Montana Railway com pany filed articles of Incorporation in the secretary of stats's office yester day. This company Is organised tinder the laws of the state of Idaho and has Its principal offices In Port Is nd and Boise. It purposes to maintain and op- PORTLAND'S Store Opens 8 A. 11. The "Diffcrenr Store: The Sale's the ThingThe Town's Agog on A MASTODONTIC . DISTRIBUTION OF-A. BIG FACTORY'S 5PRINO;STOCKATSLAVGHTER PRICES ! All displayed on . six great counters near Washington street entrance. As a convenience to the thousands who will participate in this tremendous and unprecedented sale of ribbons, we have sketched a diagram showing the plan of the first floor and section where sale will be held., " .' The Most Xovcl ExoosjjanEKt-. r-in th"Vbrld Made in Oregon MAY 19 TO 26, INCLUSIVE. A Big City Transformed Into One -Vast-Industrial Fair. Penny Savings i in Thursday Bargains ' Xa Small Wares Saops Tlrst Floor,. SOo Cabinet Box Japanese Twilled Writing Paper.' Special. .. .25? - lOo Ink Tablet, ruled, note sice. Special ......... .. .tit So package square shape Envelopes. Special 3 a 1 Sc. Memorandum Books. Speo..Oe 20e can Le Page's Liquid Glue. Special 12t lie solid wood back Nail or Hand . Brush. Special .......12a 2So celluloid Dressing Combs. Special 15e Bottle Coke's SOo Dandruff Cure. Special 30a? 8 -ox. bottle pua-e Witch Hasel. ' Special ......15a 2Sc box of S cakes Dermaclne Skin - Soap. . Special ............ .1T 85c fancy gold-mounted shell back Combs. Special 25e) Ironing Wax makes Ironing easy. Special. 1 sticks Hay So silver-plated Thimbles, all Special ... .t 3a -10 wide- black., or. tan. Shoel.aces,. Special, pair 6e lOo card black or white Ball and Socket Dress Shapes. Special. 6 a Leather Goods Specials Boy SOo Coin Purses for ISO. New style Coin Purses, square . . shape, in fine -quality soft leather In tan and brown; made with two compartments, with button clasps; . good value at SOo. Special at. . each ...19 49e foe Staad Sags Wort 68c Tomorrow we place on sale a. line of Ladles' Hand Bags' in good quality - leather, Bags have seven-Inch... frames, ball clasp, solid leather handle: are lined with leather and , " fitted "wlrrnohr-purser- the-blaek-leather bags, have gunmetal frames: a good 6oe value. Special at. each ...4a "Baster Brow." (hold Baits la dip frost and button clasp style, made of best patent leather black on under side and rich gold enamel on outside: our JSc value. Hpe - rial at. each .....23 Special to Men Buyers A OBXAT BAZ.B OT UI'I - SBXBTS. ' Mea'B Stew TSe Bhlrte 49c A new line of men's new Spring Shirts, six different styles In '. platn tan and blue, plaited tan and ' blue, also plain tan and blue, with - novelty cuffs and collar bands, attached and detached cuffs; shirts usually selling at 11.00, but priced here at 75c. Special to- ' morrow, each ..49 Ken's 95a aad S5e Xolsery ISo. A line of men's Hoiaery In black lisle, black cotton and black cot ton tops, with white soles; all sixes; values at 25c and 15c. fipe- ' clal at. the pair..... .15 Meat SOo week-wear STc A bright new line of men's Four-In-Hands, 2Vi Inches wide Silk moire in wine, black, white, re seda. Alice blue, navy, tan, helio trope and green, with fleur de lis figures; regular value SOc. ' Bpe- clal, each v; v. .27e Beds and Bedding . - rourth moor. ... WOOI. BUUrRTS. New line of fine white Wool Blan kets, at, pair. fS.OO to f 20 OO Orav Wool Blankets at. pair.......... f 3.25 to 10.OO TAFBBTBT VOBTZBBBB. A hew line of Tapestry Fortleres Irl Oriental d,elghs, at. - - - V pair B3.25 to $12.00 Heavy Tapestry Portieres, in plain colors, dark red. olive and nils, corded and fringed, at. pair $3.RO to f 12.00 Also complete assortment of two toned and fringed effects. erete a line of standard gauge steam railway and a telegraph line from Ran Francisco northerly through the states of Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, , Idaho, as fsr as Butte,' Montana, via Boise, Idaho, covering a distance of sbout 1.000 miles. The line Is to connect with a branch line extending from Mason. In Paradise Valley. Nevada, to Wlnne muaca. Nevsda. Th Incorporators are: hV. M. Peyton, Mason; C. H. Fleming, Wlnnee polls; C. T. Propper and w. K. i'oran, Boise. Capital stock . 4,000,000. LEADING CARPET STORE, FOURTH FLOOR, IN A Mighty Congress of Surpassing Specialty Shops rMl Agog to fy jfa iom & A e -i ''-5" . r - ! s ' :. 1 : 'r b , jrvoiWff" iJi jaav'nyivS' mn3t rtoTT g -: 1) r- ' -, ' .i p '"I'" J 0) Ribbon 6uNrEKfS $ j ftd&oii Gum i C JO . ' r mitJUi'1 11 .u wmm' , 1 in 5 .. -Q g ' -'- ' ' - -, - " ' '..;, ' ' . 5 to 2 I"' ' ' I - AyalfOH RNBUqilt 1 ' , 52 ' " I liVZMHiaHn $,N?V01lH2 Z r . ' ' ' . iaTl-f-) I ? us-1'"-- " - k. Jffi80N(&yrW t 3& 7 fftSBONCourrEt A I 35 N 1 : - ""wjaw; ; ' aBu" : '- . YVA'OHIVG-TOV 20c and 25c Ribbons at 30cand-35cJVbbons a 40c, 45c 65c, 75c All displayed, as told above, on six but EARLY SELECTIONS ARE Note: Bows Made Free I During this sale all those desiring bows tied from these ribbons, if they will leave their address, may have it done WITHOUT CHARGE, by an expert bow-maker, and the bowa will be delivered to you at the address given FREE. Our ribbon buyer made a .'lucky strike lucky for him, for us, and for you. He came across, on his rounds in New York, a manufacturer who was anxious to sell the entire remaining stock of ribbons in ' his salesroom hundreds upon hundreds of thousands in miles of ribbons at a price ridiculously low, IF THE PURCHASER WOULD TAKE THE LOT AND PAY HIM CASH AT ONCE. We are ever alert for such opportunities. The quantity would have staggered most merchants not us. We knew the ribbons, we know our public, and have faith in both. We bought the immense lot, cleaned every table and shelf in the manufac turer's salesroom of its wealth of beauty and ribbon quality, and sent it flying across the continent to divide up among thousands of fortunate ribbon buyers. By the radical advance in the coat of everything which goes into ribbons, it leaves the case this way: We could make more money by holding the atock and dividing the rib bona into lots for several smaller sales, but no' ordinary sale will suffice for such quantity. Remember, Sale Opens Thursday at 8:00 a. m. 0" " '";:-::'- SEE THE RIBBONS IN THE WINDOWS ,.---r We had already arranged for our regular ribbon stocks, and such a monster addition would interfere seriously with that arrangement. Consequently, we are goingto sell these ribbons at half their worth and less that we may sell quickly and reduce the ribbon lines to normal. This great Ribbon Convention comprises Messa lines, Peau de Cygnes, Chiffon Taffetas, Satin Taffetas, in plain colors, flowered designs, jacquard figures, ,warp prints, ombre stripes, Bayaderes in stripes, and shepherd checks, in widths ranging from 2 to ? inches. Bargains as printed above. A small army of extra, but experienced aalesfolka will wait, upon the throngs. A HEALTHY MORAL TONE healthy parentage is made by skilled, well-paid labor, tinder the most hygienic and sanitary conditions. This is a clean and healthy store. We believe that is true of most Portland stores. We don't know of one thst it could not be said of. Portland is proud of her splendid stores all the more reason that we are proud to excel A good-natured rivalry keeps us ALL HEALTHY. TAKE UP WATER RIGHTS ON THE NORTH SANTIAM Acacia I Dlapatek t Taa Joarsal.) Albany, Or., April 4. Late last even ing there was filed In the office of the county recorder the application of James ' I.lndsey for appropriation bf water rights on the North Ssntlam river. Ills application Includes the right for I.inn and Marlon counties and is for 10,000 cublo Inches, miners' measure DtosfliFMArIOfte Dash Through Thick and Thin ,,---C9wpcr. THOUSANDS v jh ajiiuij tuuay in jijc vviiiuuwz ryu ddJC jujiiuiiuhv jij jjjc DiUC ou Needn't Hurry come any time in the day enough of every" kind for everybody for several rVI? days. "Early choosings best?" Well, the cream off the pan is always richest, but, this time, there's ox cream, r east ana -aon Monster Sale-The MAIN FLOOR PLAN SHOWING LOCATION and 50c Ribbons and 90c Ribbons counters as shown in diagram. Quantity enough for several days' selling, BEST. SALE OPENS THURSDAY AT 1A.M. ment, .under six-Inch, pressure. This water Is to be used In the reclamation of arid lands, mining, domeatlo and municipal uses, also for hydro-electric development. Teaeken' Oiplo: Salem, Or., April Superintendent Ackerman gave out yesterday the fol lowing results In recent examinations and granted the following papers; -State diplomas, Annie Bleseu of As lant; Stella O. Campbell ef Klamath Unique 'Croup of Style . . and Quality , ' Expositions OF MILES IN nurry: . . . ( Biggest Portland Ever Knew OF SALE. Wc yard 15a yard at 25c yard at 35c yard Pervades this store. Here we exemplify the adage that "Cleanliness is next to Godli ness.? Every article that enters here has a Falls; state certificates, Gertrude M. Johnson of Eugene; Dot is. Avery of North Yamhill; state life diploma, Mary L. McWUllams of Ilalsey; stste certificate, on year, Clarence Clemenaon of Dundee. TO WORK CONVICTS IN - - BUILDING NEW ROADS (Special rlaeh t Tke Jnernat ) ' .Walla .Walla, Wash April . Toe STORE Store Closes 6 P. 11. 5th, 6th and Washington Streete Ribbons I RIBBONS ; Exquisite Accessories to Elegant 7 list yioor eTBopa.' OBTBXUSt rXATXXB BOAS. - Handsome - Boas, made of the best male Ostrich Plumes, In black, white, gray and - brow a. Prtoeev? each. f 15. f 1T.50, 920, - 922.50 and up to $50. - BBAUTlTUlr 1VACBS. The coming season Laces will be - need more than ever before. 'We ; have ordered accordingly and the goods are here for your Inspection. There are elegant narrow Clany Itee and. Insert Ions to match.' Priced at. the yard, up from..5e Pretty Mechlin Seta. Priced at. tb yard, up from. ..12H' Valenciennes Laces In great variety. ' ' Priced at, the dosen yards, up from ..25f Embroidered Batiste and Baby Irish " 'Combinations In medallions, edg-, 1ngs and Insertions. Priced at, , the yard, from. .91.25 to 98.0O Baby Irish Sets, edges and bands to match. Priced at, the yard, from 35 to 92.59 ommna un oa nw Plain Poll Braids, in black, wbft and colors Fancy Persian Bands. ' Priced at, the yard, up ' from. ........ .5 New Persian Bdges In ons side ef . fects beauties all of them. They are : worthy of careful inspection! Prices, the yard, up to;.. .91.50 BAITS TB BOBZS, ZsCBBOrDBBXO XJJTBB WAIST PATTZBBB. . .We have bought- Embroidered Bat . lute Robes with a-, lavish hand... Also Embroidered Linen Robes.' We can show you an ' elegant , as-, sortment of them. Priced at, each. . from .9$.0O to 965.00 The April Undermuslin Sale Aaaea Seoood moo. ' . Women are safe In choosing . under wear here, for none , can enter this Store that has not passed ' a critical double inspection, the fac tory's . and ours. These undorraus- 11ns are . high ciaaa " In every, way, the prloea are wonder fully low. Win you ' share the bargain this weokT ' -' Womn'i $1-00 wowma SSe. - "Women's Cambric Gowns, yoke with 3 fine hemstitched tucks, lawn ruffle, with hemstitched edge at ' yoke, neck and sleeves; or yoke of - four rows of embroidery tnaer ' tlon between four clusters of '- hemstitched tucks. V -shaped neck edged with lawn ruffle; our 11.00 - .value. - Special at, each.... 69 - WonaemB S3-00 Oow-s $LM Women's Gowns of very fine Nain sook, made with low square slip over neck, and elbow sleeves; neck and sleeves trimmed with em broidery insertion; our 11.00 ' value. Special at, each... 91.29 Cambrio fetUnuate SLS4. . Women's Cambrio Petticoats, with ; extra full 18-lnch cambrio flounce, with J-lnch hem and three clus ters of six line tucks each; also dust ruffle; our $2.00. value. Bpe- -clal at, each 91.34 , Womea'g TSe Cambria Btsvwers SSe. Women's tin Cambrio Drawers. - with 6-inch lawn flounce, cluster of four line tucks and fine em broidery edging; our ' TSo value. - Special at, the pair.-. ...... .59a In our Muslin Underwear Stores - many new features are shown. Among them la th adjustable Shirtwaist Dlstenders neces- ' sity with all Shirtwaists having the full blouse effect. Prices, each.' .. .'. . ; ; . .25 to 92.60 Another new feature Is the Three- In-One Garment Corset Cover, Skirt and Drawers. The practical features of this gar ment make it almost Indispensable .--especially for wear with Princess Gowns. There Is only one waist band. ' Msde of line nainsook snd trimmed with line Valenciennes laces. ' - Watches Cleaned . . . . ,.751 New Main Springs.. ..75?, All Work Warranted 1 Year Jewelry Made to Order 1st Floor, near big elevators county commissioners yesterday author li'id ths macadamising of the lower Mil ton road to connect with a similar roa.l to be built from Milton and l'r-,ster to the state line.. The proposed tn,. pro'vement will cost close to ti"n, Convicts from the stats penitentiary, will be worked as far as available, t'ol lege Place people offered to put tl, read on a five per cent S'smIm and l)i proposltlnn was accepted by the wmnii board. - . ,. . ... ,J, . m . 1 - Hot eouuty eeat flcttl in Uraiil f Easter Govning