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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
THE- .OREGON-DAILY JOURNAL; - PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL 4, lSCl MIES FOILED BY "CITY IS HlOVIfiG TO EAST SIDE" II ' DTmramln IH EASTER- R STEEL VAULT U MM M; STYLES IN .11 mum Every Valuable Document Ex- New " Slogan Adopted " by lm "pro'vemeht AssocTatiorTAI- ready Rings True. , cept One Escapes Ravages ; In Moscow Fire. RECOVERY HAILED BY - ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN v -TO BE BEGUN AT ONCE FACULTY WITH JOY t . v. ..' - Entire Student Body Resumes Work Realty Exchange to Aid Investors i, ' in Different Glasses Despite Great " Disadvantage Carnegie . Library ;' and Other Buildings Utilised. to Be Opened Soon Progress of FflFMoirEncouraging and Work Will Be Continued Until Finished. " 7 He to AVr.'. . (Spaeial Dlapatsk to Tbe Joeraal.) Noicov, Idaho, April 4. With the ; exception Of one single rouoher, every ! valuable pajer ; and . document that passed through the terriflo fife' that ' completely destroyed, the Idaho State j tiniverslty laat Friday morning- wae re j covered from the university vault yes , terdsy. afternoon by Bureay Francis Jenkins. It waa at flret believed that v the entire content of the vault had !' tee destroyed by the fearful heat that prevailed throughout the Are. The die i. covery of theee valuable and almoet r priceless- papera, scarcely narked by t the flames, r Was heralded with Joy by , the faculty of the Institution. The task ! cf plnlTH entrance- to the - yaultroom .' mras completed shortly before noon. The ' combination device of the big steel door 'waa la perfect, working' order, though the release knob broke squarely off when an endeavor was made to open the door. It le said that every paper ' can be easily duplloated. A discrepancy I of 1S.00Q .-was found In footing up the .:. Insurance on.the building and contents, ! -thus making the total amount of In surance $10.500. Instead of 1111.500, t as at llret reported. s , The entire student body has resumed , work, the different classes professing , their desire to finish, no matter how t great their disadvantage may be. ' The V. loss of -the" costly equipment ' of the j physio . laboratory : baa rendered . It , rather Inconvenient for the students to '--continue- their work, - though it la- e ected to be replaced as soon as possl ': Vie. The preparatory department, now -Installed in the new "Carnegie library, ' )as secured most fortunate location. , ne spacious building seating nearly 100 students very comfortably.. The i ther classes are doing their work' at r the Armory and Mining building. Ow : Ins to the Inconvenience ef the prepar- tory atudente, the dally drills will be i given In the morning before study bours.- i - y t -(. Veer Town ef Barton. ftpecU! Dispatch to The Joarstl.) Barton. tJr.. -Apr. ru . . la the last few months a saloon, a blacksmith shop, a i number of small logging and wood eon. t cems have been built at Barton, and now the Northwest Logging Lumber r. Ing company of Portland has' bought ; property here and la now at work with . a. israe force or men, teams ana en- - f gines, getting out logs and mill stuff. A CARD. ; ; Thb is to certify that all druggists arc authoriid to refund your money 1 1 if Foley's Hooey and Tat fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops ' the cough, heals the lungs and ' presents serious results from a cold. ; Cures la grippe coughs and pre- vents pneumooia and consumption, t Contains no opiates. The genuine ' is in a yellow package Refute substitutes SCID 1X3 RKftSSFUJiED Vt Vooaard, Clarse oe. aa a. 0. akia i -. .. jaota 4 Oe - - t "- ' '. ;t-;:',;,viv-.r,H vsUaV i '. ' ' ' -.J ' , .' " "The City's Moving to the East Bide." This Is the warory adopted by, the East Side Improvement association, and last night at the session of the organi sation a liberal subscription- list was started to Install headquarters and to commence a generous advertising cam paign in both city and outside news papers. For weeks the leaders of the associa tion have been working on plans for the further prosperity of the entire east side, and now a system haa been out lined that Is expected to result In the first consistent and thorough advertis ing that the region haa ever received. In a few days a realty-exohansa will be Opened on East Morrison street In the JWeatherly creamery building, under the charge of Joseph Buchtel. Thle excHange'will be open to all east side real estate, men; Intending investors. whether they wish a business block, a warehouse, site or a cottage, will have the entire list of the east side before tbem at this' exchange. By general advertising it le expected to direct many buyers to the exchange. '".' The subscription list already started eontalne the. pledge Of W. M. Ladd for sieo. tne Hawthorne eatats, by Whitney U Boise, for TS; the Oregon Real Es tate company for 171 and E. Hughes It. The paper was generously signed by those present and already funds enough are on hand- to open an attractive orrtee and begin the advertising cam paign. In all the literature sent out by the association the aloean. "The City's Moving to . the East Side," will be the text. A most encouraging reoort rerardlna? the dredge fill In the lowlands waa pre sented by President Boise of the asso ciation. He said that after a week trial run, ths property-owners were con vlnoed that the dredge could be utilised to fill the entire lowlands, and that ths dredge, would be kept at work probably all summer. The eqst of the fill so far has been less than It cents a yard, and as the property owners stand willing to pay even St cents, there is every reason to believe that the work will be continued tmtll the entire' flat be tween Eaat Washington Street and Haw thorne avenue la filled. - Mr. Boise also announced that' the property-owners had decided to fill the lots co the li-root basement, level. In stead of the It-foot level as first planned. The dredge Is delivering mors then' yarde a day, and when sand banks are' found in the river bed will take out several times as much. By the -t-tlsee blah water comes It 4seapec-ted that .the-' lowlands will be generally filled I the present diet riot, and work will be started on "East Alder street, which will be brought to grade And opened through from the river to Union avenue. As this street has recently been Improved from Union avenue to East. Tenth street it will, when fill el In the marsh, provide an outlet for traf fic that for yeare haa been congested In the warehouse district . ' ALL. WORK TOGETHER. City and Couty Anthorltlee Agree oa Street Xmprovemeat Visas, The plan proposed by the east aide business men . whereby the city and county will work together to Improve certain central boulevards from the bridges to the fartbeat suburbs will be adopted- by-tho -county court and -the elty executive .board. Last week Judge Webster and the commissioners announced that the county would highly Improve all roads and boulevards In the city limits and would be glad to cooperate with the city In any possible manner. Yester day representatives of the East Side Improvement association conferred with R. I Babln of the executive board's street committee and were told that the board would be glad to- work with the county court to bring out of the present Improvement chaos a systematic plan that would bind together the varloua suburbs and open improved highways from the west side to the distant set tlements. The taxpayers chiefly Interested are also prepared to do their part and grad oally -t-he-dletrlet Improvement plan Is being discouraged, so that when streets sre to be Improved the people dlreotly interested plan to extend the betterment to some other Improved street. A mora generous Improvement ' policy Is also being adopted by central eaat side prop erty owners, and Instead of planks that last ll months, bituutnio paving guar anteed for 10 years la most generally : called for. MANY EXTENSIONS COMING. Isolated S 1st riots to Oe Into Close Touch Wlta Best of Bast aide. Borne of the dlstrlots before left al most without avenues of escape on the east side are to be opened to the world this summer. Among the Important ex tensions under consideration are the opening of Belmont street through to Mount Tabor, "the extension of East Seventeenth street from Hoi gate to the north line of Midway annex; the length ening of Kaat Pine went from East Third to East Second and the opening of another highway -to connect with the southeastern suburbs and Bell wood. Among them all, the extension of Bel mont atreet le the moat-Important and will cost the most; Indeed, until the new spirit of progress hit ths east side the extension of this street was considered a too expensive luxury. The extension will cerry the street from East Thirty- ninth to the city boundary along the line of the Portland Ball road company. It will give Mount TKbor, Montavtlla and Intermediate suburbs their first di rect communication with the city. The central business dletrlot will be greatly aided when the street Is Improved from the river to East Thirty-ninth street, se the highway la now paved with rotten planks. The Section Line road from East Twelfth to Marguerite avenue will soon become city property and will be a con tinuation of Division street CHURCH IS PROSPEROUS. Talra Fresbytertaa -OoarregaUea Holds - Aaaoal Business Sesetoa. 7 The annual batiquvt and Business ses sion of the Third Presbyterian church was hold at the church Jaat evening and EASTER JEWELRY" An exquisite line of the lateat nov elties in Men'a Buttons, Stickpins, etc. Special Easter prices. ' . The Easter and Spring styles will be shown in pro fusion, commencing tomorrow. - The very latest in Golf, Negligee and Dress Shirts, made by the best makers of pur land. . Select and reliable gradea in Underwear, Hosiery," Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas and the choicest pickings in Neckwear and a hundred other little things that go to make up the dress of men and boys. EASTER NECKWEAR lSa is the price we have set on the Spring styles Tecks, Four-in-Handa and Shields.. 25c values. 39i gives you a selection from the thousands of 7 patterns "which you -see in tho other Neckwear 2 displays around town at 50c and upward. -. " The official opening of the Hat season occurs here tomorrow. America's greatest 2.50 The Full worth will be on Spring display in exact duplicate of all the $4.00 and $5.00 Spring shape Hate. - - FULLWORTH A Hat to-Fit Tour Face; 30 styles, 30 shades and colors America's greatest f 2.50 Hat. The Fullworth Hat leads all other Hats in point of sales in the Pacific Northwest. Every Hat aold la guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or be replaced by a new one. The atyles, to the most minute details, are the exact outlines of the leading English and American $4.00and $5.00 Spring Hats. MALLORY CRAVENETTE HAT, Sold by The Chicago If water spots it in any ahape or manner we will replace it with a new one free. Every Mallory Cravenette Hat ia guaranteed when sold by The Chicago. Price, 3.50, ' The Chicago This Season is Prepared SEgJlSe C e and boys ever shown by the big store. Hackett, Carhart ft Co. a fine clothing is augmented by the choicest line of Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods possible to secure of the best makers of America and Europe. The Chicago'a prices are always below others on high-grade merchandise. This is the keynote that makes this the busiest clothing store in the Pacific Northwest. the various reports showed the organ ization to have just closed a most proa porous year. A total of $2.1 J wss raised and disbursed during Ithe year and nearly 1800 for Improvements waa expended. The church haa now a mem bership of 800, and having recently en larged the main auditorium expects shortly to Install new pewa and later to secure a costly pipe organ, a campaign for the latter fund being In progress. Prior to the business session, the members were given the annual banquet by the Woman's Aid society, at which Pastor A. 3. Montgomerynd Rev. W. S. Holt presided. D. H. Hellman was chosen as president of the congregation for . the1 coming year, Owen Anderson was elected treasurer and P. A. S pence vice-president The board of trustees for the coming year Is J. K. Werleln, Walter Johnson and Henry Craw. " MRS. P. J. MANN LEADS LADIES' RELIEF SOCIETY The ladles' RMIef society held Its annual election of officers yesterday afternoon and iMr. P. J. Mann was unanimously re-elected as president. Other officers chosen were: Mrs. T, K - MAX.TX IS YOTTTBL' lllsKsae'and Blrkneaa Bring Old Age. Herblne, taken every morning be fore breakfast, will keep you In robust health, fit you to ward off disease. It cures constipation, blllnusni, dyspep sia, fever si:m, liver and kidney com plaints. It purines ths blood and clears ibe complexion.- . Mrs. t. W. Hmlth. Whitney, Texas, wrlten, April 3, 1903: "I have used Herblne and find it the beat medicine for cunstlpstlon and liver troubles. It doss aU you claim for It. I can highly rx ommend it." prtoe 60c. . Bold . by woodard, Clarke & Co. This spring season is practically a reunion of the blues and grays. The real attractiveness of the two fashionable shades for spring, are shown to full advantage at this store. ' We have made some strong leaders. in popular prices in every department, and while The Chicago is the acknowledged value-giving store of the Northwest, at all times its power is more apparent and its superiority' stands out greater than' ever before..j; j i .. v . V :.' '' : :: S .' 1 :;.:.; ; ,'" ' .":' MEN'S SUITS $9.00 9 shown in tnii city. Also extraordinary values In gray enecta and atik mixtures, unfinished and wool worsteds, cheviots, cassimercs and black unfinished worateda. . - ? ' $12.50 offered by this house at the opening of a aeaaon. , . . : - i offered by this ho $15.00 tailored throughout with pure serge and Venetian lining. Values such as only The Chicago can show, , . ... : $17.50 to $35 lish Walking: Suita. . H. ft C. are the best New York custom tailors to model after.- Their product ia not only equal to the best made, but acknowledged by all knowing people to be absolutely the finest clothing made In the world. " The nara-to-fit, hard-to-pleaae and the critical people will find this elegant line of Hackett-Carhart superior to most tailors' products in every re spectat about half tailors' prices. - FURNISHING GOQDS MEN'S HOSIERY! 8e for a Maco, Balbriggan, guaranteed fast colors, in black and brown, usual two for 25c values. - : 12 1-2 for superior quahty of . plain and fancy .. Balbriggan, white foot, regular seams, faat colore. 20c values. - - . 25 for the lisle, balbriggan, lightweight, in plain and fancy colors. Honest 25c valuea. . HANDKERCHIEF'S . 5 for "a lot of samples from, the wholesale house, mostly lpc and 12c valuea. , , t. . m. 10 for extra quality Japonette or half linen, in hemstitched, plain and fancy goods. 15c value. Eliot and Mrs. W, B. Ayer, vice-presi dents; Mrs. Ellis O. Hughes, secretary; Mrs. J. Frank Watson, assistant secre tary; Mrs. Martin Winch, treasurer. The sdvlsory board consists of Mrs.. Philip Lowenberg, Mrs. H. I Flttock and Mrt A. J, Meier. . 11 C. Wortman was ap pointed on the board of trustees In tho place of William Wadhama, reoently de. ceased, the other members being Wll 11am Lajld. Dr. T. U Eliot. Walter Bur rell end H. U Plttock. - . ,. Mrs. P. J. Mann In her report spoke of the growth of the work within the past few years and advised the society to be ready for still mors rspld growth and larger needs. Other reports showed the Improvements In the way of plumb ing, lighting and heating In the Chit dren's home. P The society Is -the oldest charttabTo organisation In Portland and In the early daya did much organised charity work In many directions. In later year It haa centered Its efforts about the Children's home, which Is ons of -thi most prominent .Institutions In the city. The will of the lata Henry W. Corbelt left an endowment of 160,000, but It cannot be - used till it has- doubled Its value by Interest or has had another. To Teach Oeello. ' Professor Morrison is now organising a select Gaelic class. He may be seen at Columbia university any evening dur ing the week after 3:10 o'clock, or on Saturdays from 10 a. m, to S p. m.. at the Portland hotel. In addition to a Oaallo class. It Is Intended to hava regu lar weekly lessons In Gaelic. In the artistic character, phonetically arranged, puDiisnea in some rrienaiy weeklies. PrefemS atoek C Sanaa Cooes, Allen Lewie' Best Brand. . Will aecuf e a pure all-wool blue aerie Suit, hand tailored collars and lapels, haircloth fronts and shouldera in guaranteed fast colors. An eaual of any $15.00 Suit For Black ft Co.'s all hand tailored, pure wool, fast colored serges, - graya, cheviots, worsteds, wide wales, etc.- The most extraordinary valuea ever Black ft Co. a, Michael Stern ft Co.'s Brandagee, Kincade ft Woods superior products - in serges, graya and other : effects in pure worsteds, hand Puts you into a Hackett, Carhart ft Co.'a cuatom finished single or double-breaated Suite and Eng are known aa the wholesale tailors that THE BEAUTY OF BAY STATE PAINTS Is thellf warmth of color no" uncertain shades and- their durability. What ever you may nred In the paint, oil, varnish,, putty, brush . or graining tine Is here In such, variety -and at such sell ing figure ns will appeal to you ond your pocket book If yon sre at all' con versant wlth palnta and paint prices. BIO 1AUTT STOBB. Fisher.Thorsen&Co. rmosTT aam acommisow mrm. J.'P. Theee anfferlng from wesa. D.w.1 which sap the pleasures of Ile seenld teJie Juveo I'll)., One box will tell a story of marvaloua rasults. This medicine haa snora rAjuvonatlng, vltaiistug foroe than oas ever been offered. Pent post-paid In plain Packaa-a only on rn(p o this adv. and tl. Made bv its orislna'ora C. L tlood Co.. Pro prlsWri Hood's barsaparllla, Lowell, 11ms. PANTS t . gf f Is the price we have put for J)'OVJ pairs medium-weight $2.50 Panta. J -y Will do exactly what the 3.50 does at other stores.' (P.atsOU We show about 50 styles at thia price in blacks, -blues, stripes and fancy In all wool or worsteds. fZZk PSO wifl Hve you choke of 22 styles of $5.00 hand-J-'-,-'Vr tailored Trousers, the famoua Hangwell, Brand Bros.' and other high-standard custom-made Pants. . Ybig HcnslEastr-ahd EH For All-Wool Black or Blue Fancy. Special Bar-" 4 y OU gains for Easter,";;,1 JS5tr ' Imported Serges, Unfinished Worsteds, Thibets,' P ivOw also elegant Silk Mixturea and f ray Effects. &f E" YfV For Hackett. Carhart ft Co.'a Broadway atyles 4piC7VV Serges, Unfinished Worsteds and Nobby Grays the handsomest of all" clothes, , by the best makers in the' world H k. &.XoJr7r:-.r.- KNEE PANTS SUITS J O CSaf Confirmation jnd Dress Suits, in serges, unfinished POeOvl worsteds, tweeds, etcr25 styles of regular $5 Suits. :: SHIRTS There haa been no aeaaon in the history of shirts that haa produced so many desirable and sensible lines for men as the Spring of 1906. -ffO for a drab, tan, gold and gray mohair Negligee, andbcautiful atyles in Golf, Penang, Madras and Mohair bodies. 85e for an Immense variety of exceptionally beautiful imported pat terns in Golf and Negligee. The best values in the city- - r-r SHOES - vs iiiMflBS 3.0j gli f 2.65 We will place on aale . tomorrow : the ' famoua it. J. ft .- R. Shoe. Our $3.00 vicis, patents, calf, and Colt - v -. , " -' -. f 3.50 All-wear Chicago Shoe is guar anteed to be equal in style, quality and' make of any $4.00 Shoe aold in the United Statea. We show the ALL WEAR in over 50 atyles of toe and . shapes of lasts, in tans, ochre, gun- r metal,' patent, alco French vid, cor- 1 dovan tan, calf and English yelour, in Oxfords, Bluchers and Bala. ' Wear The Chicago Shoe, r Yoti will find comfort and aatisf action. aW.WEATHJRLY.j.G.PECK M if UOALanoGoKE WE ASSURE. OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD . , - - LESS OF "COMBINE" OR COMPETITION TS C' - 100 KM.Carlock.; .n-iOrrisoa Phone East, 244. r Red Cross Anti septic Mouth-Picco m . tomorrow for Ia what you want to relieve you of all apprehension when using the tele phone: Drop me a line and I will call and tell, you all about it. e H. M. Landcs, Aigcnt . 67 North Ninth St., Portlandi, ..Oregon