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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
if ; : I- -:f. 18 ; ' THE ? OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. . WEDNESDAY EVSNTftfl. - APRIL 4. 1ZZZ. ii i i ii,, "... i i ' - H If Iffl 5:111 if . -'"(': .1 iiii-I o, n mm dDii Mj W ii Mi' ii (wiVlii My o ';:' V ; ' ( FOUR COMPLETE SPRING STOCKS only slightly dampened on account of being buried in the snowslidea of Colorado for several weekf will p piacea on saie ay FIRE-MARINE SALVAGE AMD , April 5th, and ContaiitflFufeen Days It is the greatest slaughter 'ever made'on first class merchandise since the day of Adam." ". '' '- --. ' .... ' ' - ' - - v- - , i- . CommeneingThnrsda) WORTH OF MEN'S'AND BOYS; SUITS," PANTS, HATS," SHOES "AND FURNISHING GOODS" AND LADIES' AND MISSES' SKIRTS SUITS, FINE SHIRT WAISTS, WRAPPERS, HOSIERY ETC WILL BE PLACED ON SALE TO BE SOLD AT ONCE TO ADJUST THE CLAIMS BETWEEN THE SHIPPERS AND THE TRANSPORTATION. COMPANIES. THE , SALE7 WILL BE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE UNITED AT ITS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STOREROOMS, CORNER OF FIRST AND SALMON. Something like 3,000 pairs of Pants of all kinds, grades and colors from the ordinary working pants to the finest goods made. r . .... " , EE For hundreds of Working Pants; worth "from OuC $1.00 td $2.00. : ; ' J 95 For hundreds of $2.00 to $3.00 Pants. - 91.45 For hundreds of $4.00 Pants. - 91.95 For hundreds of $4.50 Pants. " fr QE For extra fine custom finished Pants, im- 4)sO. ; ported material and tailor made i worth up . to- $8.00 i-rr-r- QC Vour choice of the very finest Pants pos 4tvJsO sible to make, bearing the labels of abso lutely the finest makers in the world and sells usually at $10.00 and $12.00 in the high tone stores that keep -these rioted brands. . " i . . . . i K ' v ".... "T ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' V. ., ' V" " 1 .. ' "' . -7 '' ' t 1 . , . , , . .. ... . . . . ' ...... u 0 $1.85 For a lot of Suits slightly-soiled by snow water; - - - - v worth up to $10. ' - O S5e85 b 0 Vests 35c ; 200 Odd Vests divided in two lots; worth up ; to $2.50. - :. . .. OE-,, txtra fine' silk wool Vests; worth up to $10. 00 w Most of them in perfect condition. ;: Some slightly soiled. . ' . - Odd Coats - - ACr '10 tWd Coats, frock style, sizes to 3C. Pants UOC and vests have been ruined.. Coat iq' fairly pood condition ;' worth up to $10. , ' fry OP For an extraordinary fine lot of Coats with vt00 single and double, breasted sacks. -- Odds from $20 suits. - ' QC For-a lot-of fine Dress Coats iu single or to $16.50. , double breasted sack or frock ;;worth up flJE Choice of a bigJot of sack, frocks. Prince vuOD .' Alberts and Tuxedo; "All shades and col ors.; worth up to $25.' ' . - '. . - vac or a lot of double and single breasted sacks, also frock and Prince Alberts, in- serges, clay worsteds, silk mixtures and tweeds in dark ajnd light colors ; worth up to $20. ; ' iQlJ O For one big lot of 1,000 Suits; J damp from having laid under the snow " for ' nearly two " weeks. They are some .of. the best known .brands of . clothing made in the United States, Every suit worth from $20 to $22.50. $3.85 '. For 'a lot - of ' Men's ' or Young ' Men's Suits, in black, clay wor- steds, cheviots, serges and cassi- meres, in light and dark colors ; worth up to $1. (LTtfV Q CT For:a Iot,of-silk, satin"and'Ve-" - nJ 'netian lined Suits, imported ma-.' : ' ; terials and fine quality hand tail-y ored serges, unfinished worsteds, etc. ; worth up- -'. tO $30. - , v..- ':'-. ..." . , f L'j..:, ; . - , J A C Your choice ,of the finest line ' J lQ) of Spring Suits ever offered - 1 on the coast under $35.. They - are from the bon ton makers of America. Money. buys no better, but during this great slaughter at the United the world's best roes for what price i 1. - i . 1 . 1 . . . , . . nJt Dnngs ai mis saie. 0 o 0 DC DC DC DC Sh oes One lot of damaged Shoes, also some others in abso lutely perfect condition outside of the box being a little damp. - We will put on the sacrifice counters and dis pose of them for a song. ' They include some of. the best brands known to the trade, and brands of goods that every Portlander will know. iCy, Fora lot 'of damaged Oxfords in -fine "hand tut work, in the latesf shapc toe, fancy'stitching; the standard $4 brand. . . x ;. O E Your choice of an etcgant lot of medium' 4)1 00 and . heavy weipht spring' styles.' All sizes' and shapes. Worth double. , 1 fl iCE This will include severanuindre3s of pair's 4Ud of the best makes of $1, $5, $rt and $7 hand Sewed hoesr in lierfecreoilditionr Boxes on ly.' dam aged by snow water. . " . p. Knee Pants-Suits d OP For a big lot of Knee Pants uits in almost 4)l00 perfect condition; worth up to $6." Spring styles. - -: ' . , " 0rQ EChoice of a big lot of extra fine' quality VMOD Knee ''Pants" Suits, in'plain or Knicker bocker style, single of double breasted sack and with or without belts; worth up to $10.- , , ' 7c For a lot of Boys' Stockings ; worth 20c. ly damp. , " . Slight- Hats - 29c For one lot of slightly . soiled 'soft and stiff Hats j worth up to $2.50. " IT 89c One lot of perfect condition Soft-Hats' in-flie newest spring shapes; worth up to $Jr OC Forthe John B. Stetson, Dunlap, Knox and vlO0 Yeoman shapps in. Soft and Stiff Hats. World renowned $5.00 .values. The most elegant line of spring head wear ever off ered at so ridiculous a low price under any conditions. ; LADIES' AND MISSES' DEPARTMENT. K Boys Furnishing . Goods '7J- i;nlrwer. 4Si For lot ot 7io and $1.0 Hp VnT ,ot of Children tOe old Knee Fnnta, . Kne Pant.. ' 0 'This" sale is 'under the direction of the United Fire and Marine Salvage and Adjustment company, Gen-, era!. Office 605 Call Bldg- San Francisco, Cal. In " offering this immense stock of hew spring merchan , dise it will be like all sales of the past in both San Francisco and Portland and will be crowded to the doors. : The values we offer and the integrity of the United is unquestioned.' We advise all who can to come before noon to avoid the always crowded store in the afternoon. Sale will open daily at 8 :05 and close at 6:05 p. m., except Saturdays, when it ' will remain open until 10:15 fr. m. Ladies' SIdrts An immense shipment , of over , 1,000 Ladies' Skirts. The train was covered in. the snow for nearly two weeks and the dampness seeped in and: wet the inside of the car and the boxes, but the goods are practically unharmed.--We have secured these goods - from the railroad company and they are to be sold to adjust the loss between the shippers ' and the railroad company. This shipment contains . tailor made Skirts in blacks, blues, grays, tans, dove, mauve, also blue and black silks, cashmeres, pop lins, mohairs, French flannels and merinos. They come in all sizes. Early buyers get the best selec tions. . ' , . , '.; .' . ." ': $1. 85 For Spring Style Skirts; worth up to $6, , according to condition. -$2.85 For Spring Styles; worth up to $8, accord ing to condition. l - - - - . : '93.85 For Spring Style Skirts; worth up to $12, according to condition. " $4.85 For Spring Style Skirts ; worth up to $16.50, , according to condition. , ; ; . ' 96.85 jror. Spring Style Skirts; worth up to $20,, . : according to condition. , , . ... ; J ' 98.85 For extraordinary fine qualities; worth up to $2., according-to condition. , l Ladies's Hlisses Shirtwaists Nearly -5,000 fine Shirtwaists io madras, penang, , ' French flannels, covert,' linens and silk; worth up to $10, will be sold at once for what they will bring to adjust this claim, j ' . 39 For a limited lot of $1 Waists. 60 For a lot of Waists, worth up to $1' " v SO For Waists worth up to $3. M 1 - 91.65 For Waists worth up to $4. ' ' ; . 92.65 For Waists worth up to $7. r , 93.45 Your choice of a lot of Waists worth up to " $10.00. . V-' ''.--y.-.'y,:- : , ; - r. .r:.r:v. ' .".r-. ;- This will pay merchants and consumer alike to be ph. the ground early and get the first selection of this lot of Shirtwaists.. . ' '. Wrappers 20 For a lot of Ladies' $i Wrappers. Slightly ... damaged. !. , " 40 For, a lot of Ladies' Wrappers. .Perfect con dition. " ' '"' . . r69f For a lot of Ladles Wrappers ; worth fo $2. Perfect condition. , ; v 8f For Ladies' 20c Fast Black Hose. 12t For Ladies 35c Black Hose,, ; , 0 Furnislimo Goods - $6,725 worth of Furnishing Goods. . This elegant lot of goods offered at sacrifice at this sale are mostly of the very finest and high class grades. An immense lot of Men's Sox, Suspenders, Fine Grades of Shirts, Neckties,-Collars, Belts, Handkerchiefs, etc., at a bona fide sacrifice. Most of these goods will be found in fair or perfect condition. ' ,' f J i ;.'.', "$:;:rv:' 3 For a dime for 10c Cotton Sox:" . " ." , ' 6 For 15c Black Cotton Soxr'r"- --r 7 For 25c and 35c Cotton or Merino in plain or ; Fancy Sox. " - - . .. ; " ' .'' .19 For 50c Balbriggan Lisle,. Cashmere and All Wool Sox; : Plain or iancv. , ; ' O ,' Suspefiders - .8 For the. regular tod Suspender, Perfect condition 14 f For the regular 35c Suspender. Perfect condition 19 For. the, regular 50c Suspender. Perfect condition 39 For Silk -.Lisle and Worsied Webi worth up to ,$1.50. In -nearly-or perfect condition. . . .1 Shirts Not per- , For a big lot of 5c Working Shirts feet condition.' - , : - ; ' For an immense variety of 75c and $1 'Shirts. .. . . . ' -. . . -.fOii or neeueee. 29c 39c CQf' , For a lot of Golf and Negligee. New spring Os w ' styles. Alo high qualities in black and fancy sateens and brilliants; worth up to $1.50. ' .- . ' 'TQ p -.- For French flannel, silk bosoms, also irnported I w , penang and best known brands of $2 Shirts. AH spring styles, irr good "condition. : 7. Underwear 0' For one lot of samples from Fleishners, slight lyC' Iv soiled; worth Up to 75c. 2Q' Choice of one big lot of merino and cotton, Oyt plain or:fancy worth up to $1. : CQ,'. For silk mixed, extra fme quality, in cotton, or wool garments, in light and medium weights; worth up to $2.- " ' . - . . OA- For choice of the finest Silk or Wool Under Ov wear in this entire shipment. 5ome slightly damaged, but do not show any soil or rough usage. Some, garments in this lot worth up to $4. Handkerchiefs ' - 3 For 5 for a ot of slightly soiled 10c Handkerchiefs 4f For a lot' of. perfect condition 10c and 12c Hand kerchiefs. ,... . ,' ' -.6 For a lot of 15c Handkerchiefs. ,"" '."':'."" 8 For an extra nice 15c White Linen Handkerchief lOf For 20c and, 25c. Handkerchiefs; some a little . damaged 'Jk ':'.- --', ; . X2tt For high grade plain and fancy pure linen hem ' stitched Handkerchiefs; 35c qualities. : ' . 3 For 10 for. the Bandanna 10c Handkerchief. ... 6 For 15c Blue Bandanna Handkerchiefs, extra large, .fast itolor,;:::'":"'' ; ;t"i v A Gloves x ;i : 5For a" big lot of 10c Canvas Gloves, 23 For a, lot of 50c Muleskin Gloves. 45 For all kinds of $1 Gloves. , ; Collar and Neckties -.. ,. 1 '.. . 9'For perfect-condition Collars. .Latest styles. 5 .For a lot of. 15c Bow Ties. - 12j4f .For a big lot of 33c Ties. '". 19 For a lot of 50c Ties. ' - . --'- -39 For a lot of all styie Ties: worth up to $1: The above lot of Neckties are absolutely new, fresh spring styles in -perfect condition. -Only boxes slightly damp from snow water. , Trunks : 4 ". S1.39 For a lot of slightly soiled $3 Trunks.''' , 82.89 For a lot of $8 and $10 Trunks. ; '.V. ,. ; ;' 95 For a lot of $2.50 Suit Cases. 9185 For a tot. of Suit Cases, worth iip to $5. .' ' DC DC DC DC ' V'- v