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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
THE OliLGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY . EVENING, APRIL 4., ISO?. TRANSPORTATION. T5AKI70 T ATI CI!. k 7 W)K NOME ROUTE S. I SENATOR Jane I Sscajre Tiokota jrew. SECRET IS "F R E E! TO YOP ; THE LONGER THE LESSER A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY ' After many years of study and praetiee a eromment Virginia physician has discovered the cure (or all forms of Const.patioa. It Is called Cbsae s Cottlpstton 1 ablet. "I do not mean, said tbe Virsiwa Doctor to several of his onll sus aaavuneing his success Hhat this is s fake cure-all. guaranteed to cure every thing from pimples to paralyaia, neither do I mgan fuu anothei pill which breeds the pill hsblt;" my remedy Is a cure for- Wo . ' 1 " ,r..-'-S, British Bark Muskoka, Which Waa Chartered Yeaterday. TILL TAKE -GOATS JO Angoras to Be Fed on Byprb ducts of Flour Mill to Be ! . Built ear There. HOIIKOdG THEY.ARE EXPECTED TO V? PAY BETTER THAN HOGS When Mill la in Operation Flour Shipment! From Portland May Be Curtailed but Increaae in Lumber Ezporta WiU Make Upor Loaa. . Fer ' experimental purposes a ' small dock of Angora' goats will be shipped te Hongkong on the -oriental liner. Ara bia, scheduled to sail (or; the far east Saturday. The animals were pur chased from a southern Oregon farmer .by A. H. Bennle, who - la building large flour mill near Hongkong. '.. In -connection with the mill he Intends to operate a farm, comprising several "hundred mores, - and - he wants r animals , for eating the by-products, such ak " bran and shorts. ; .. if : the 'goats prove, profitable it Is Mr. Kennie s Intention to Increase his . flock to 600 or 600. all of which will be . boirght In Oregon. A letter received from him states that he believes thy .will be mora profitable than hogs. In (parte of .the orient, it is explained, goats miia is usea esieneireiy. ior maicing cheese -end .the Englishmen Over, there, particularly, value it highly. This will be the first shipment of goats ever mad across the Pacific from Portland The flour mill will be the only one of any consequence In the far east.' Its daily capacity will be equivalent to that of any mill on the Pacific -coast, and when it la in running order local ex porters are of the opinion that the shipments of flour from Portland will be materially curtailed. . ; . 'V - Oregon lumber is also in greater de mand In Japan and China than It has ever, been. When the flour business falls off. It is the opinion of shippers that the lumber trump will more than make ud 'for the loss, sustained. More than half, a .million feet of lumber will be taken out on the Arabia. It will be delivered to Importers at Yokohama, Kobe and Hongkong. Officials of the ..Portland at Asiatic Steamship . com pany were also requested- to reserve ,spac on their freighters for the ship ment of an additional half million feet ton the vessels which will call In May, , June nod July.- - ' The last shipments will go to Toko- 'hama and Kobe. It Is explained that mora building operations are, underway at the Japanese ports than ever before In tbelr . history. Aside from the ex ' tensive ddck improvements-being--mBdo, H is said that manylarge-v business blocks are being erected and nearly all of the lumber needed for tbem will be procured In Portland. - 1 ( MUST WAIT FOR CREW. ' ftrlttsfc Ship oiaekmanaMskire Baa Tout . - , , Seamen. sTeeds Blerea More. i. ' Having completed her lumber cargo - for Port rtrie last evening, the Brltlalt . ship Clackmannanshire will move down the river this afternoon as far as St. 'Johns, where sji will drop anchor and wait for a crew. She has four men on board, and is in need of 11 more. It is feared that she will be obliged to re- ;nln Idlr In port for a week or so.- She has ton board, close to 1.600.060 feet of fir. which Is .being dispstched by the American Trading company. The. Brit ish bark Balmore and American bark . Harry Morse have slso completed their lumber cargoes and are waiting for sea men. . ' . ' ' The sklpprs are anxiously awaiting the news of the arrival of some other . -vessel from Europe an hope that they may be able to get some of the tars she will bring. - The German ship Emi lia Is due from Shields, t England, by way of the Faulkland Islands. When he was off the mouth of the Columbia ; river the captain or the French bark Franoota d' Ambots thought he sighted tier, but he said this morning that he believes that he was mistaken. - Had the stranger been tbe Emllle, he says, she undoubtedly would have been in the ylver by Jhls time. : He now thlnka H munt have been some other . craft bound fdn Puget sound. -. h. The first jihlp arriving with a large number of sailors will be pounced upon as soon ' as ' she drops anchor In' the stream by representatives of the cap- uiuu, om.otr sW Immediately rallevea hoarse, croupy fough; "oppressed, rattling, rasping ai! Alflloult. breathing. Hfnry C, atearns, drugglnt, Bhullsburg. Wis., writes. May 10. 102: "I have been selling Hal lard's Horehound Syrup for two yesrs and have never had a 'preparation that Jee given better ssUsfiwtlon. I notice that when I sell , a bottle they ome bark for mora. I can hnnently recom mend It." 25c. EOo and fl.00. Bold by Woodurd, Clarke Co, c tains, who are anxious to secure crews. If the situation doea not soon change thre is suid to be no doubt that there will be a big Increase In the wage scale paid to the ordinary aeamen. SWIFT SHIP CHARTERED. British Bark Mnskoka, breaker ef Bee- ords. Will Bring Cargo of Cement. ' On of the swiftest ships afloat, tho British bark Muskoka. was chartered by the J, McCrscken company yesterday to load cement at" Hamburg for Portland.- She sailed from Antofogasts- for the German port on January It and is about due there. . Soon-aft er r her arrival she will begin taking on a cargo for the Columbia river. It is thought that she will be-here -about September 1, lust' at thq time that tonnage will be in demand for taking care of the new grain crop. Captain -Albert-Crows of Portland (s one of tbe principal owners of tha Mus koka. - Foryars he was master of her and it waa then that tha craft . made some remarkable passages. On a num. ber of occasions she made new world's records, which she still' holds. One of the. smartest 'passages she ever made was from the Paclflo coast to the United Kingdom, covering tha distance In less than 100 ' days. She has slso made a fine showing In the run between Portland and Auatralia, lowering the record. V Waterfront men who know the ehlp say they would not be surprised to see her complete the voyage from Hamburg to Portland In considerably less than four mpnths. It takes the average sailing vessel from five to eight months. , , - The Muskoka is a sister ship of the British - bark Oweenee, -which was at Portland early In the winter., She sallej from the mouth of the river -on Januarv bound for the United Kingdom with a cargo of grain. She is-in. command of Captain Bnrchell, Who is also noted for getting all of ttur speed out of .a vessel, that she is capable -of makings Word of .ner arrlvarat Qurehatown is expected to ba received any day. . , NEARLY READY TO PUMP. . i. "''J f- ' ' - wnsa Cement Patching atardeas, Blder'i Sold WIU Be Cleared of watsr.'. When the wrecking firm now encased in, the work of raising the Elder -gets her in shape for pumping water front the hold. ' Captain Spencer Is thtnklnx seriously of running sn excursion from roriiana aown to uodis witn the stesm er Charles R. Spencer. . . Pumping water from the Elder will be the real test. The owner of the ves sel has been besieged with questions from people all over the city as to when this part of the orogram la going to be carnea out All of the holes found In ths hull if the Elder have been stopped ; with ce ment, but ths mixture has to stand a few days until it becomes hardened be fore any attempt la made .to lift ths vessel from the rocks. " By pumping hir out it is believed by the contractor that she will lift of her own accord. It is said that the bow may be raised first and. partly repaired before the rest of the vessel is lifted. Those who have been at Goble lately ssy there Is no doubt that the Elder will soon be afloat. 1 JTRIPJN FORTY HOURS. . Columbia ' Passengers ' Ba Bouts to Triseo Spend Only One Bight at Sen. It took the steamer Columbia Just 40 hours to make-the trip from Astoria to San - Francisco, "arriving there -at 10 o'clock last night. While this Is not a record run It , to said to ha-the best passage of the season; She left Astoria at ( o'clock Tuesday 'morning and the passengers had to spend only one night at aea. Heretofore they have been two nights on the wster. During the past few days ths weather conditions off the- cosst have been ideal and all of the coasters hare been mak ing fine paasages. No delay has been experienced at the bar. -( BUYS LAUNCH. Two Qnartsrsoaes Used by Bagtneefe on Wve Columbia Also Sold. George Wlthrow of Arlington bought a t gasoline . Isunch yesterdsy from the government which was used by the United States engineers In making sur veys of ths opper Columbia r4vr. He paid 12S for the craft. The two quarter boats also used by the engineers on the upper river were sold to I.. P. Kermache of Umatilla for $125 apiece. Ths boats have been tying; at Celilo slnca the com pletion of the survey: Tho- vessels commanded a higher price than tha engi neers had expst-tea they would. It is supposed that the new owners Intend to dispose of them to tha contractors who are building tho north bank road. - GIVEN TRIAL TRIP. Bew Snag-boat Biathlons Provss Past- Will Operate ea Vype Bivsr. . With a number of United States en- nrlneers on board, the new- government anagboat Mathloma waa given a trial trip this morning. She was taken up tho river as far as Oregon City and re turned about noon. ' Until after the June rise, she probably will be tied up at the moorings opposite St Johns. .Those who made the trip on the craft declare that she ran smoothly and fully irp-to expectations. While sh wss not bnl it for speed, It Is claimed thst- she ktms alongshout as fsst as the ma jority pf the tu ghosts on the river. She wtll be used for removing snags from, the chsnnel of tho opprf Willam ette, .taking tho plsce of the old boat which bore the same name. , If funds ware available it ia probable that she would b placed in service ; at , once. When given tbo trial run thia morn ing she was in charge of Captain Tyler, master of the steamer Arago. snolher government boat ' r" The hull of tho Mathloma was built at the Supple shipyards. She Is -much longer and wider than tha old craft Whpn laden .with all of tho apparatus that she wilt have to handle, It Is be lieved she will be able to go to almoat any point desired on the upper river during tho low- wster stags, . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. As soon as her cargo of cement has been discharged,' the French bark' Gen eral Neumayer will be placed on the drydock for cleaning and painting. She wilt be the second Frsnchman lifted this aesson. ; Tha ofd Love flour mllUplant which ras been standing Idle nesr Ellsworth Isnding, on tho Wsshlngton side f the Columbia river, about it miles -from Portland, is being put In ehspe for oper ation. . It will be running In less than two weeks.'- '-.'. -- 'At Pierce, -porser for yearo on th st earn era lone, Jeasis Hark Ins and other river boats, haa purchased a controlling' Interest -in tho Wsshougal creamery st Washougal, Washington. He will, quit steamboatlng and devote his entire tlmo to his new business. In ' week or ten days the . British steamship Oceano is ' expected to ar rive at Portland to load lumber for the orient. She reached Ban Francisco yesy tsrday from Newcastle with a cargo of coal and after-it haa been discharged she will bo ordered to Portland. She was chartered several. - weeks ago by tho Paclflo Export Lumber company to transport a cargo of fir acroas tbe Pa cific. - --.. ."'. . , '' The schooner Mabel GaH clsared at thf cuatom-houae yesterday afternoon for San Francisco with (90,00 feet of lumber. t. Esrly this morning the orients liner Arabia shifted to the flour 'mills. She Is expected to move back to ths Alblna dock tomorrow and will bo ready to aatl Saturday.- ,' . Before aha aalls for the United King dom with a grain cargo, the French bark Jules Oommes will . have to wait for the arrival of an anchor, which ' was purchased at Pittsburg. : Laden with j lumber, the barkentlno Amaranth left down this morning, bound for tho orient. ,, Tho steamer Sarah . Dixon "will be hauled out on tho ways at the Port land shipyards this afternoon. Her ma chinery 'will be transferred to ths new boat buHt by the Shaver company to take her place. ,- Tonight tho steamer Senator is, due from San JTranclsco, . oue ining upetinc wnK-n never mis, ay sentir too ems the disastive ornna eo that they perform their natural functions. It restores them sit to health and strength, relieves hiunediauly and in a abort tJma cures Constipation. ., THE II0RE THE LESS The mors you take the lees you need until yon need bone for yon are cured. My effort all along was to avoid tbe evil of the ordinary remedy which pasnpera organs already weuk snd so makes tbe patient a slave to the pill. Remember Mature expects every organ to do its duty.' Physicians have long recognized the fact that con situation is st the bottom of nerlv evanr dinau It saps all enery, and makes life s burden; it opens ths doors to all evil germs and makes tbe body too weak to resist them. -. - , This new discovery is in small tablets, easily taken, and they are packed in wstch-ehape bottles which fit the vest pocket. Tbe tablet is milt sll vesetable, never gripes or injures the moHt delicate organs. Rut it does the work I So naturally snd soothingly they stimulate snd regulate snd strengthen that they have been . . . I . 1 "fft. T . -.1 - , r r . . , . .. nK.ii.nim i A.u velvet TvorKerSi Dont Shuffle along with this great burden! Be healthy, be strong, be happy. When s man's liver working properly, the bowels are regular and the kidneys are active and healthy, what a ley it is te live. , You get tip In the morning feeling rested and bright after a good night's sleep, with a keen appetite for breakfast and healthy relish for each mouthful, and when you so out the air THE VELVET XT OR EER LIFE WORTH LIVING smells good and you fill yourlungs with pleasure: the sun Shines, the birds sing, year every sense Is scats and appreciative, tho blood bounds through your veins, carrying life and activity to every minute cell and tissue, your hoDes are hish. vour mind clear, your spirits high, you, step buoyant, snd you thank God xnai everymiug is so oeauiirtu ana mil it ia so good to live. No man or woman with torpid liver, constipated bowela and poisoned brain and nerves ever feels like that ' ' . . Go to year druggist and get a bottle of Chase's Ceootipettoal Tablets, snd if after a fair trial you find the remedy Is not sll it is represented to be, your druggist will refund, money without Question or argument In watch shape bottles, thst fit ths vest pocket. cents. FREE OFFER To say reader who sends us his or her name and address witn Ave stamps to cover postage expenses, we will at onoe mail a full eizaU-cent bottle of Chase's Constipation Tablets, ths velvet worker that enrss. Not, a sample, mind, but a fuU-sir.e 2Scent bottle.' Let us prove ft to. yon. Writs today, ad dressing " CHASE MFG. CO. SSI Threea Ave. . Iroeklvn. Natg Yark. I have never used Chase's Constrpe tion Tablet, and sacloss Ave stamps tor full sited bottls. My druggist sell them. Nsms ........... MM Address .... ...... ... . City . ...... ...I. M.. MM --.u. ......... '-;. 'J4 oaa-aT vwiaffasi as sjwss veysw -i setrrxBASTBrnsT AiaaxA . som, From Kesttle st p. m. for Ketchl kan, Junesv, Sksgwsy. White Horse, Dawson and Falrbanka. -' .; S. B. City of Seattle. April 1-11-11. S. 8. Humboldt, April e-16-26. B. S. Cottage City (via Sitka) April -10. - AXASXA aZOVBSIOVS. S. 8. Suokans,. Juno July l-JQ; ...August 1 i- ', '-i''-i '-'-. TOM SAsT PBAsTOISOO SZBSOT. '- I From Seattle at s. m.; Umatilla. April .-1; Queen, Aprlt t-tl; City el To peks. 'April Portland Offloe, Ml Washington ; St. Main sat. ,. .. '. x. urn, pass, ft rv xgt. r: O. 9, BVMAsTsT, e. P. A., 10 Market S, Ban Tmnolsee. WE OTJ .'I.,,'; MARINE NOTES. V ; Astoria, ' April Arrived down at l:.30 a. m., steamer F. A. Kllburn. Palled at ?:S0 a. m.. American bark Koko Head, for Shanghai. Sailed at 0:30 a. m., steamer F. A. Kllburn, for Ssn Fran cisco. ... San Francisco, April 4, Arrived at 10 last night, steamer Columbia,7 from Portlsnd. - . ' Astoria. . April J.-Arrived down at I:1S and sailed at 3:30 p. m., steamer Argyll, for Port Harford. Arrived at 1:11 p, m., steamer Elmore, from Tilla mook. San, ; Francisco, April 3. Arrived steamer Northland, from Portland. Astoria, April 4. Condition of tha bar at a. m... smooth; light north wind; weather, clear. TEN LAWYERS WfUNGLE . .OVER DEBT MINE OWES '.; 'it " fSseelai Dlepatek to Tbe JoaraaL) Baker Cityi Or.. April 4. The case. 43' the Haines Mercantile company vs. the Highlsnd Gold Mines company and M. H. Knapn Is on trial . iu tho clroult court .The' Haines Mercantile company Attempted, to foreclose a lien of 3.000 against the mining company some time ago. Knapp holds a mortgage against the company for $30,000 and Is there- Uore mads a party to tha suit. Knapp previously filed a. cross bin alleging thst the mortgage had superior right to tho plaintiffs lien, " Much legal talent Is on hand. There aro five attorneys for ths . plalntirf, two for the defendant Knapp and thres for tho defendant mining company. Tbe case will take several dsys to hesr. MEM for $ j 112 AND AVE TREAT MEN ONLY Established 25 Years In Portland ' CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAr ANY SINGLE, UNCOM PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12.59 . --;J. ' FOR THE FEE. - : ABSOLUTE. GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED V. Come Today to the -SUCCESSFUL -Special--. ista vho number their PERFECT Curea by the THOUSAND I You want a PERMANENT Cure! We can ACCOMPLISH IT. ;r; ;;;; If ye have violated tbe laws ef health sad srs ronsrtous ef s ronstsnt drsle which Is snderniinlnf yoar system, raoie te us before yoa became s servoas sod iihyslrsl wreck. ' If you sre wssk. (Umy snd despondent, have had dresms. depressed, lark ambltles and energy, unable In eoneentrste yotir tnonshts, lark . vim, vlfor sud vitality, come to ns st ones; ear trestment will stop all drains an ft overcome sll weaknesses sneKposltlTely re store yof to strenirth sml health. We hsre enred thoussmls of weak men. THOSE WHO HATE BEEN DISAPPOINTED ST UNSKILLED SPECIALIST! ABE ZAgNEBTLT aEQUESTED TO INVESTIOATl OTX METHODS A WD TEEMS WITH OUT BELAT. WHICH HAD THET DOM IM THE BEOIMMIHO, WOULD HAVE SAVED THEM TIME AMD MONEY. . , A LIFE LONO CURE FOP BLOOD POI80H. SKTJT DISEASES. 80EE8. TTLCXBS. STEICTTRE. VABJCOCELE. HY DROCELE, NERVOUS DECLINE, WEAXNKea, lILt OK CHE0NI0 DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS AMD FK08TAIE. . , SPECIAL DISEASES Newly contracUd and rhrenle esses rarM. All burnlnf, lt-h- tur ami Inflammation stoppMl In 34 Iwtirs; rnras. effected la 7 daja. WE COVEA THE ENTIRE EIELD Of SPECIAL AMD CHJIONIO. DEEP-SEATED, COMPLICATED SIS. EASES. Wam If yoo esnnot call. All eorrespondenee strictlr confidential end sll replies sent in plain envelopes. No names, cases,, letters or pbotograpbs of Datleats pubUahed or IPWX CHAXftB FOX CVHEB ONLY. We so ast eipset say for eur serrtees snless we enre a satlaat sound anS well, so that he will fee entirely satisfied, aad will neesr aeaia haee to e treated for the same trouble INTESTIOATE .AND LEARN THAT .OUR WORD IS AS OOOD AS OUR BOND. 00 X FINANCIAL STANDING IS SOLID AND OUR LONO EXPERIENCE IN TREATING SPECIAL DISEASES OF MEN INSURES YOU OF MODERN. SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT THAT WILL ACCOMPLISH A CURE. HOURS a. m. to ( p. m.; Sveolngs, 7 to 1; Sundays, a. m. to 11 noon. . ST.10U1S "SdKD DISPENSARY JJOBMXB SBCOITO AsTD TAatsIIXX. BTBXBTB, POBTIABTB, OBaaoH. ALASKA ' FAST AMD POPULAR STEAMSHIPS .i'.' . ' losses Seattle:, , ' . '.EFirmSOM." April T, IT, ST,' . via Wreagle, .'. "DOLFBIK," April IS, SS. ; CALL1.NO AT ' Ketrhlkss- Jnnssn, Douftas, Hslase, Skf wsj. (nnerts with W. P. Y. tpete lor A tils, Dswsoa, Tsssns, Nome, sto, . For All Southeastern Alsska Ports. ' Call er send fnr"Trlp te Wonderful Alaska," , Vlsdlsn Bsskstry," "Totem Poles." . THE ALASKA 8. 8. 00., ' - Frank -Weslsey Ce.,' Agents. 9)1 Oak St. . .. . fortUnd, Or. o. o Steamer Chas. R. Spencer . . .. . .... rAiT Tllllt . VP THE COLTTMBIA THE FINEST TXIF IX THX UNITED STATES. . lares Oak-strset dork T a. m. Vosdsrs, Weilnesdays snd Frldsys, srrlylag at The Dalle 4 p. ss. Lesres The Dalles T a. as. Tuesdays, Tnars dsys and Hstordsya arrtTlng Portland 8 ss. Ofore sud whsrf foot Oak street. Phone Msin snee. - . CHARLES XV STXELSJOTH, AO EXT. S.S. F.A. Kllburn V Fat Cass Bay, Baraks and Baa Francises. , Nest sailing from Portlsnd,' Tuesday.' April 8. Next sailing trass Ban Fissclsse. on., April a. ' F. U 0BBBNOC0R. Agt. Ureeawkh Dock Be. 8. Phewe.Uals ISL 0 iJragrmiciric 3 Trains lo the East Daily-3 . Thnogs Psllisss stasdsra aad toortet steos rfT' ."' Omshs. rhicaso. asawaaei 2Tt Zn?" u Cntoa Depot-. 1." ' -Lasse. Arrtee. fesse-Portiand Pp-,, fnr - s.s.' 1? Hinan. Hiy. l:n $:mm wT.Vt. Ple for gasora WsaMnstes. Wslls Walla. ' nl'.Tl"' " Aleae and :. ailT.. "''- e"r. 8:11 ss rw ls Hnstlnetnn. d.lly .. S tS pas T'.IS r .Ty'"1" ajTBB DITlsirtlt. stT-i,,,.", r"rs. enaaeetrns wr lj"rr f liwase- sad North- Beach, steasjec , J. IsSTes S p. ss. dally. r: eatordse. te s.' as. AnlTse asest 8 p. m.. eseen Siindsy. . r.L - ,HHIM. RIVER ROCTB. . i.Y. t','"' Ort. m7 na' C.JI ,I""r! S',, Ashet. Seek. Ttrioli "i P Sondiy (wster per. Bunds? esllp. . seesgl : P. t.Ti",.R,T"" rrTB. - . - . , " '" eea way points trees !i ".V timers Spokaa snd lewis. I?? r,r,..: 1- " "Poa snifsl Trsla eept Frl Sun da. ' i.:L."T",rm- e., ssd way points frees 3Li. "'"T. JT" 8rrday. , AwIts A p. sv Ticket Offlee third snd Wsshlagtos Sts. - ' Tlaphi Msta T'2. . TiTOr.II. city TVket Ageat. nser asssc .. A. U CRAIG. Ocnsrsl Pa UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese j Doctor At No. !62i First St, Cor. Morrison Me mlalesdlng statements te the affUetL guarantee a eoanpiets. nsfs and sssUag cove s the Quickest pqesthle tisse. snd st the lowest oust posslhls for senest and saceese. ful treatment, I enre catarrh, sithma. Jaas.i throat, rhenmattam. nereonsness, . storjaca, FEMALE XXOUXLES AND ALL FXTTATX DISEASES. ' . ' My remedies are harmless, composed sf roots, herbs, bads ssd harks especially selected snd Imported direct by as from the interior of Chins.. IF YOU AKX AFFLICTED DOWT DELAY. DELAYS AXE DANOBP0U8. It yoa eshnor call, write for eymptoss hlssh Bad elreolAr. Inrlose 4 rents In stsmps, CONSULTATION FXEZ. The O. See We Chinees Ksdislne Oe,, 1S8H First 8t,, Cesser Morrises. Portland, Or. Flees taenttoa this paper. -, - v stts LEE YUEN vo. bob rara it, bobtiabb, ob. CHINESE PHYSICIAN I Raelng studied i rise for msny y 7 edl. msny yesrs sn er sotea doctors ef Chins. - He cores all per tows. chronic snd priests diseases of sun ssd He esBsossde and sera ' np for nee' hie remsdles. the Insredl ents ef whlr-h S'e ears rally s lee ted. My rsss. eaiee will not destroy yoar stomscS ae en dsngse year life with an eneretlnn. Tea lake Be risks, se I uae oe smasea er druss. .1 i nasre eulck reealts at the lowest pos sible cost, Call and see me If yen sre sffllcted. COMaTOX.TATIOT rxvxB. l-30th el the am tire QsiMa preductlaei eft he WerW t$ cssssunsid every year sy tin snnhsrs of Lzxxtive Eromo "Csrres's CeM In Owe Day" E. W. GROVE'S MiaAtun on box. 2Sc Dr.f Norton Davis S Co. consist r of sn asnoclatlorr of eminent physicians, experi enced surgeons and expert eperlaltsts. with shun-dant ' rapital, establlslierl for the purpose of treating v AX.X. . CTBABX,B kxdioai. ABB tTUmOIOAX. ' BISBABBS Ar . BaroBKOTZBst or .'. BTBB. They will accept no case for treatment except certain . that, they can effect sv ure. nor will they make any charge in esse of failure. ALA XBBTOVS. BX.OOB, BXIB ABB - BraCIAX. - DIB- , .'babes or ataa . .'. . Through our vast experience , aa specialists we are able to make a full and early curs in these troubles In ths majority " of Instances where the Ordi nary practitioner fails to re lieve. ----- - -- ---- - -- STOMACH, HEART, LIVER,. KIDNEY, DER. BLAD THROAT AXD made In all curable cases, we tell you frsnkly If your case Is Incurable. We will nave no person s money except for benefits received. You Can Pay VVhen Cured If you wish you can deposit the Dries of a cure In any bank Jn Port-, land, ssld amount lo be handed over to us when rou are cured, Or you may pay us by. weekly or monthly installments it you prefer. am. xcbdxcxbs rasa vbttx cttbed r - A personal Interview In desired, hut If you esnnot call. giving your symptoms In full. Uur nome irmiranni st confidence observed ffflcs hours I to I. ffundsys snd Holidays 10 to 11. . Dr. W. Norton Davis &'Co. Lesdlng Specialists of the Northwest. . ' ' established lltf.' Offleea In Van Noy .Hotel, ii Third l.. Corner Pine. Portland. Or. Consultation free. vrlte us. Olir home treatment Is succesetflilL even In from pi lea ted canee. nam envelope una is au corresponaenae. Strict- ldevhSp O SPICES, v o C0FFEE,TEA4 DAIflHOPOVDER, FLEJCRSiG EXTRACTS UMvtthrty, Fiivtsl flivor. OttUit Shtrifh. C450fiHt FricwJ aOSSETftDZYEHS v. POPrTLAND,OsltOON.r EAST SOUTH Ilnlofl Sf.tlA . . t -. -- Jrwlsnd Kxpreas. Trslns . : aaljm. Xosebsrg, Ash isd, Beersmesto. Of den. . ssa rranelseo. Stork Ina, t . Loe Angeles. El Paeo. ' hew Orleans aad the seat 4:M Sal Morning train renaects st Woodbora dstly except ' Suede y with trsla for - -Mooat Ansel. Stleerton. grownsellle. gorlnf nsld. "-itouos eno jvarros... Arrlrs, -- S:8S pot A mi - - SK eea Fas-ene psssenser eoa- neets st Wnedhnre with ' ' Monst Asset snd Sllrer. e leeel .strlSpej aintSS in f-arrsllls pessenper...... 'I SO m 'Wre ahsrldsB peesenree....... tempos tiBis Forest Oreee peasesser.. I'10:4S -a 111.-84 pa Pally. Iirielle eseent Bnndse. JEFFER8r?f -STREET STA1 .OK. - Fee ImlUs and mterwmdtstn potnls dstly :! p. m. Arrive Portlsnd 10:11 s. m. ' Fne tisse esrd ef Oswego sunarfcaa trains spely st City Ticket Ofn-e, er sts Hon. . Tlefcsls to Festers points snd Fnrepe; slse Jspsn. Chins, ffnnornln snd Aearrslis. City Ticket Office earner Third and Wssh. tngtns streets. Phone Mala Til 0. W. BTTWOEB. , A. L. CRAIO. City Ticket Agent. . Can. Pass. Afsst TIME CARD or .TRAINS-. .Portland. Vnlea Depot Fellows tone Psrk-Rsnsos Tlty-at. Loo hi Special for Cbsbslis. - Centralis. Olym pla. Grays .. Bsrbor, Boat Bend, Tb corns, beattls, ftpe Lewtatoa, Bnrto, Btl lines.. Deneae. Omahs. Kas- sns City. Bt. Lsals sod Boatbssst, dally Leers. Arrlse. Stesm JS pan North Coast Limited. el. me ngntee, roe Tseoms. Besttle. Bnoksne. Bolt..' Minneapolis. St. Past ssd U East, flsny... Pseet Boand Limited. Ch. halls. Centralis, Tseoms and Beatrip only. ssuy.... Twla Cite Kprsee foe TTs corns, Seattle, Spokane, Hskns. Butte. St. Fsul. Mlnnespoll. - Lincoln, St. Joseph. Kansas City. Oma k. l Louis. without I chsnse of em. Plrect con ' nertlons for sll points Cast snd ftntith'Mt. daily.. A. D. CHARLTON. Aastotant Oeaarnl Pae ! per Agsat. IBS Morrises street, sorser Ths-d. Portlsnd. n. . , S;0S pss . T:M sa draw pas 8:80 pss 11:45 pss in M ow The Goal Strike Astoria & Columbia: . River Railroad Co. Pnlna Deport Lsare Arrles For Mafsrs. Ralalsr. Cist. " kan:. wrstport. Clifton. Astoria. Wsrrestoa. lis- eeL' Hsmssond. Fort 8tev ns, Osnrhsrt Psrk. Seaside 8:0ft Sst. II:Bsm Astsrts snd Besshare. el- prsss dally T;0e l;trS All trslns dny. . . J. C. MAVO. O. F. snd P. A Astoria. Or. O. A. BTIWART. Commercial A test. 88 Alder strsaL Phone tfsls 808. WAXr t II WIU not deplete our bunkers. Wi will alwaya have abundance of both house and blaokamlth's , coal house coals from all tha mines at lowest prices. aiaa vr bbobtb maut tnL - Vulcan Coal Co. BS8 atfBBBZBB BTBXXT. Sfomaciilroubles TlUsseH's Notlvs 1 Cehiwksi, Ohee. e Positively Cured by "Nalure's Owi Remedy,'1's NATIVE HERBS.. costs you nothing 23c and $1 (contains Sight Draft for return of your msnry dnat tatsd.) Ai Drug. (IMS lie Slack bsssea w Tnsl FBLgeywnant ' lierbg Company Saw riser Isca. Css. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY DESV INJECTION BR HJ GOSOaRXCa t"j GlT ' WITHOUT frTMEB TSBATMBNT. tld bj ail Crur-:l-t TBI COMFOeTTABIX 2 Overland Trains Dally ''Ths Oriental Limited, the Fast sua' IA 8BATTLB AND SPOKAfB. ' , Dstly. Deity. Loses, Arris. Pertlsnd time nrhednle-i-. . Te end from Spoksna, J ' '. at. Peat. M lanes polls. ' ' -Dnlath snd sll points Bast sis Seattle 8:) ass Tree U;sSpm S.M a To and from Bt. Psnl ' Mlsseepelta Dnliith ssd sll points last vis Spokane 8:18 psi' B.Wtm Oeaat IT srthara Steamship Oe, . Balllnt 'rem Seattle (or Japan afts Cnloa parts snd UsslU, tarry leg ps eanfers nod freight. 8, 8. Xlnnaseta. Aprtt 88. ' "8. B. Daksta, fans T. BIPFON TTSEV XAISKA . i Japan slall Steassshlp Ce.) " I. Shiaane Mars will sstl from S.attls sbmit May It for snd China ports, carryinf passesss sod freight. roe tickets, rates, ntk, rsseres. (lens. etc.. call sa or address X. DICK SOW, O. P. T A . 1H Third at.. Portland. Orewea. Fhena Msia tag. -y REGULATOR LIKE" Ihc Delles, Portland & Astoria Navtetl:.i Co. Hosts lesie ssutisrwl and The dally, esccpt tS"ntiv. ai J a. m Inc about i p. n., carrytnc fi" passensere, h;.lendi1 aconiir tnr '"! II vest or h. Beek '" r ' Of Cue ' - L '..'. tise 1 f' .' r i r