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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
:THE : OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVSttlWO. ARIL 4, 14 TODAY'S MARKETS PYPniJT Fllllll? Ill LAI Ulll liuuii iu nrriTO i mum iiruiii i uwliv 1 - L. w eP w , . ( Millers Make .Concession in V1: Prict to Stimulate foreign Trade Conditions ;! CREAMERY BUTTER OFF AS PEft PREDICTIONS Sharp Advance in Citron' Owing to ; Short Crop in SicilyLemons and ' Orange Still - Moving Upward Latter Getting Scarce. V- Uf " rkM ". Kipart flour le tosrer. . . , j Iihit ao-rav- Oram snsraet esovlng "laser. . .;' Two earn biunu la goon sn.. i California etesejer on tonight. v..;. i ;" r 1UfMI liS 1HTTIW. ' , . Ken are hlfaer-, nm Ian proven1. , Ian-kens sell inwwi "' Piripeu p - - - lanvweJ marse ie e4vaiav fity crro nervy tw as per eUlcUouiJ . .';' ' VlMMr la LeWSV, ' -' t' - la tine vltk tne sovnaee la local Hoar valsea ea WoeAsy there - decline ebovra . .. ,ft. Maauiav local flesr patents Ml Wllleiuetle IW7 MBaUP ' 0c barrel, wlill today exports are lus jte a laurel . White there lias keen nreetlrslly aetMog 4o la ,"0,1! Iste lb nvllretino aw ere -tl k"r an-tree will ecrompllep awlWif. Najottallnaa regard.. tkmr sales to tlx anew . -carried en ay eeveral Urge k""u'- " mIm of taesaqpenrc aave ap.a i. - lane Ja a change la what velsw todsy. . aan evnasw an , "' A share advance nexed "rir,, - aii klalMV nlnaa ami tonar atorki taat pjrmarHr aold at IJe ai IV a on4 la aaofcM ry flna al e wliW forthar idmni atrtlrtpalp Vf tha tra. ; TW araaaa ararket t aaowint -lanapr pp- prlra l acroaa tba arey al tka at pra la tha awta. A -ar to dua taiaorrow amtm. With tba aia tba ool fruit km tba nar- bat at ami lit. . Two rara f haaanaa. t'a bat aa aatr -W ahapa, arrlvpa aorlnc tha bptb1ii. - Twn at a acarrtt tWr la all Ua a - 4.SIM and rontac Wrtr to "T nroi. Prlraa klrbar. The Calif orala .atoaanT la daa tkb) araohMt wltb talr aoppltoa. . A VliU.1 - T I III i J 1 Tba rtK aurfcut la a boat e blcber today . . Hi-ii 1. tii. tmut. pa awav i" , , Altkonsh aoan doalara raport hrwr arrlTato darww tba paat frw dara tka trada I" oartl . la ao aorartnt tba laraw atocka anticipated and all arrWala ara etoaaad op at oaea. Bil ten eoota la tba flirura today. Tka ponttry warkat, altboacb abowlna a aora-- what d4br aadartoaa. la aot foaUy wak and ' .i.. ii a- baa not Btirt tlM prW today.. Itoat aamaaa w valaaa. ' " "' - ., Sha4 flamta Fraai aciaato. . . Thm ara bat awiat aapplloa In tba ftofc mar- kti Ibaaa daya. ftnava anvall aklottMata or aaaa . . . . - Jt tm. MM 4K. . - awato rtror. Roma aalmoa from ; tha ; aama watar arHrod la oa tha noreint ' iraia. im ammuit of tha blfb watw In CallforniB flak la vary araraa tbara aad blfb prtoaa ara nllac. - Xamaa atarkat U Adraaoirar. .' . oplrttcd axwaraant, la taat praatieT. . ainaa ra thla rlty .ara today aboat '2M a oaae adTanePd m yeatarday. Trade antk-lpataa fnrtber od ancra. Acrorrilnx e advlrca ror-liwl In thla Hi 7 today tba crop of bMaona fat California tba 1. - .M. MM In MillflMMlMltM on arroont of tha ahortaaa la Bk-lly and the creatnr ran tor TDa roan ynnwrni - . CM " Sawai ea Par rradiattoaa. Aa area awlaarraly aaUrdiatPd by The Joornal yaatorday city creamery batter Taluee are 3Vi a poand lower today, the beat pmdoct belna aaoted rather weak at 3flv Akavr front street - 14. .tl - . r. Mitlt ..bine for t!i. them are liaeiy io rereap airrra pi ur. if-p- 1 1 Mtiii ifM .fill ntr. " riiat KawaHaa latar Tea-erraw. -i Tfc. ftr- fl.aratlap auear ta aooear ta thla aierket alnea the aew California A Hawaiian refinery waa etarted at Crorkett, Callforal,' .will be referred tomorrow ajroralnc on tha Cali fornia eteemer. Tba trade Is an i lowly await ing; tta aniraL Great latereat baa been rent-red ta the new product, for It hi claimed that f k. MAM. M-MMHM ft. IM Tl . M. AV.lllM-l oa the Pacific cnaat that had eaffideet capital ta "bock" tha Wee tern refinery. No ahanfaa la prlree aa yet. ' Tba trade pays tha folloarlnc prVea la Front atreet. Frlces eald pradacara ara tea rrgalar eoaaojbMlons: arala. Plea and Feed. . WHRATChih. : red Baaslaa. ac; bloe atem. ear: valley, ear. BARMY Teed.; rolled. 124.50; brew. Ia. f23.B. COBM Wboto. 2T.00i era eked. fa,oe art tea. aval at aa a-e ewe. ' OaTHPredaeara price Ma.. I wblta, 12s. 00; ara, 127.00. . - rtvOnt'-Kew eaetern Orecoa patanta. H 90 .a: atrabnrta.-H.edll.M; (-. .rta.i: valley, graham, fee. .: wliola wheat 8.T5: pre. an. A-i.OO; balea. .T6. - MILUITITri'S Braa, (IT .BO per ton: aild tllnra. I2A.00: ahona. eooary. .00; city, la nn: ehnp. . . ha a p.ii,-j inti Tli. ithi wftt-Mk..- -eeiiey, fancy. lonlno: aeiltnary, $7.001 no; eaatara Orefnn. t14.00tJlA.00s ailTed, Id tOM.flO; eavrer. i.00.00; (rala. ee.ftotj 00: rbeet. .0. Butter, Eext aad enltry, BrTTltll fAT r. a. a. Portia ad I a-eel jrream. iHc: sottr. . BI TTEB flty creamery, 25e; outside fancy. JBSIJHc More. 1I7.-. rx;ia So. I freak tareiron. caadled. lac. rHEEHI New rnll ereaen, nata. lfe )Toon( Aaierlca, lac; Cheddar, lie. - POULTRY Mle1 chickens, l.l'talec per lh; Taney hens, 14U'ee per lb; rooeters. old, lie pee lb; etae. ISe per Ih; fryers, 20c per In: brollera. 'i-V per lb; dorka. lue per lb; feeoe. lOHClle per-lbt tnrkere. lS)lne bee Ihi dreaaad. ate per In; eqnaba. Z.JSaa.teg "Bar dest raaoaa, .00 par doa. -. . , Haps, Waal aad Hleea. , : ' ! 'i MOPt Ceatracte. IBM crop. 0e per lb; ibOs Oreann, prime te choice. te; poi arade, TSSci f Wasblactoe, 101 104 . eroa, fVje for choice. WOOLr IPOS clip Valley, eoaeen'fn medlaaa. jB4flw?: fin. Vx; eaatem ffrrfm, aotfxie. MctllAllt-New. ar,27r. HrKPKKINA Aheartna. ISCHOe ear; abort are!, )4iic ea-t; medium Waot, atI7ac each) len wool. 7Vejl.0O each. TALiOW l'rlae. par la. a0s) Ma. t sad areaee. StJIHc. rniTTIkl BABt Be nee lb. ; HI DBA Dry. Be. 1, la tba and an. IdHt) ITH par lb: dry kip, tie. 1. te Is the. 14c; dry ealt. Ke. I. ander lbs. lee: eatted bides, eiea. aoaad. do lbs and ever. lOQIIc: aewa, t'tc; atara end bolls, sunnd. as)Te; ktp, II ta 0 lbs. Be; calf, aoaad. ander IS lbs. lie; (reee. aeaalted, I leaa; soils, le Per la leas; WEDNESDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET : May . . ,7S .TIN -,.-.. 71. July a.T7B - a . rhksfo , 1 St. Louis, a. . . Milwaukee Kaneaa City . . Liverpool .... i Near York .... Pultith ....... Wltiftipea; . . IVta vranlaro. .73 ' .:HB .71. .. ,.77 H . 1.I7B , a 7 54(1 LS7.B a lcnbf. JOURNAL'S DAILY v - TIPS ON MARKETS d ' e There is. but little dlspoaltlon d amona; tha producer of wool or d d mohair to sell their product ta- e e for the ruaular aale days. For e d mohair must or theaa . occur ay d during the comlni weak and pro- d ducera outalde of' tbe pool r ' e ' wait in to aea what the axsocla- d d , tlon'a atocka aH At before vrif e d turlnc In the market. ' By deAl-"' d d era . 'tha opinion prevalla that : d e priced offered will ' uot be ao d high aa generally anticipated. e e They aenlitn for thla tha Oullness d d In the eastern markets. d d ... .as boreehldes, sailed, each. II KOl.TI; dry, each, ll.OMdjl.t0; colt blte, Wi0c; ot skins. cokiuos. each. . 10g I be; 'Jguca, aaca. 8ftc 11.00. Tralta aad TagetaUaa." POTATOKM leet aorred, 70 per aac pra dwers prl-e fue car lota, Mjoe per cat; ordinary, bee; producers' price, eOci sweats, $2..V .er crate. " . ONIONS Jobbing price - Oregoa. Me. t. fl.n SI ; iiroducera' price, No. 1, U. 41 86c; Ne. JL TtT.V: aarllc. huioe tr llil on loo aeta.' 7c PRKSH 'Ri:iTA App'ee. 'rnlle," II.T5; ordinary, 2.W; fancy. t2.00i92.7A: oranges, navel. UOOttS.fiO; even II n, fU: bananas, 4V, V per lb: leumna, choice, I.N) per hoi; fancy, ta.7.1 per bos; - limes, Menlcsn, tl.2t per HO; tanyerlnes. 11.26; pineapple, Mexican. M M); Hawaiian, A.0O. VHfiKTARf.KB Tnrnlpa. new. Tie per each I carrots. dn76c sack; beeta. txirll.oo pat aack; Or-..a radlabea. tSe doa;j-a nhage. Csllt-r. nls, IlKilS per cwt: rreea peppere, (-!: teilfornla tomatoes. 12.00: xleilcan. - AS : parsnlM, . lKX nll 00; string neana, 2D", eauliriuwer, 12.2001 2.M per crate: green peas, lie per Ih: horseradish, 07c per rbs artichokea. WWCtl.OO par dos; kothoaas lettuce. 1.X4T I TIS per hosi ,. celery, . H.tK) per crate; pumpkins. 114c; sqoaak. I14e; apron ta, ge per lb: cranherrlea, Jersey, 114.00 per bbl: 'ooa Bay sad Tillamook. 110.00; aapara. gita. 01 Be per lh: rhulMirh. l.nof L.3A per bos; spinach. tiUS hot: green onlnna. 2.V doaea anncliee: . bntlionae enenmhera, I3.o0 dosea. DKlin rKL'ITA Apples, evaporated, llel IBe per lb; apricots, l3o per lb: pesrbee. lOHs) lae par lb: sacka. He per lb leaai cranes, to to 40. thir; He drop aa aacb sixteenth nui!n sis-; Asa. California black. JTe par lh; Callfn-nla white. Be par lb: dates, evldea, te par lb; tarda, 11. U per It-lb boa. Press rles. Bata. Zta. . . Bt'tlAB-Aark haala C'nl. 7 OU; powdered.; fmtt grannlsted, Al 80; dry granalated, .M; eoof A. $5.W; beet erannleled. tVBO; extra C, 8.S0: golden C. tS.20; D yellow. Iff. 10; hole. 10c; H lw. 26c; bsiee. HOe ad vaaee oa aack baste, leas toe pee awt far cash, U dara; maple. 14Hbo per lb - (Above prleau apply ta salee of leas tbaa ear lota. Car lots at special prices aabject ta lactnatlona.) HOMtY gseo pr crate. rorrEB Packars brand. II At, SALT Coaras Halt gronnaj. loos. 17 00 per ton; table, dairy, .toe. $11 no; 0J. 110.7: Im ported Llverpo4. AOs, 117.00; 100a. 11150; 224s. $11.00: extra fine, bbla. ta. ha. 10a. t4.fl I.B0; balk. 120 Iba. 4.0Ot.0O-. sacks, 80s. 05 41 age Liverpool lump rock. $19,1 per toa; 10-lh rock $7O0; lona. $1.71. GRAIN BAOH Calcutta. 7 He. -BICB Imperial Japan. No. 1. get ltd. 1. esvtc: New Orleans bead. Tes Ajaz. let Creole. R14. ; " BRANM SbmII white. M.76sj4.a: .s hrgs white, It.tff; pink. tZ7H: bsyoa. 4.S0: LI mas, $97ff: Maxima reds. 4 Ho. KfTTa Peaaote. Jamhoa. te pee Ibt Ttrgtala. me4J.e per lb; roasted, SCtHe per Ih; eoonannta. MIOOOe per dns; wsiMata. !B4llHe per lh; plnennta. 1012H per lb: hickory ants, lOe per Ih: enretnnts. eaetern. IBQiae per Ibt Rrssll nata, 14e per Th; Alberta. MxtlBe per Ih; fancy pecans. lBHOltHc). slmoaos, 14 HO ISHa. iaaa. Oeal 011a.' Its. " B0PB Purs MsaUa. 14; standard. Ue; anal. lie. COAL OIL Peart ee-Astral Caeee, ItHe per gsit wsrer Whits, rroa nora. ie per aai; wooden. ITe par gal: headlight. 170-deg, oases, 21 He per rsf. OAOLINB M-deg, cases 24He pat gal. Iroaj bbl. Ite per gil. BKKT.ISK 3-o, easaa gse per gaL.trea bbla isue per gel. - TCRPKNTIJitV la cases M par gal, wooden bbla Ane per get WHITE LKAI Toa lota. T4 per lb I SOA-ttt lots, no per in; lees lots, se per m. WIRR NAIIA Pveeent basis at I2.KB. MNHKEn Olle Pare raw. la l-Ml lots, gge; 1-hM Int. Uc; cease, tie per gal: sen aloe kettle holled. eseee. no ner est: CM lots. 64e: 1-hM lot. AKe per gal: ground cake, ear lots, 120.00 pee vent teas naa ear tola, a-au-uu par urn... Msata, risk aad rrevlalaaa. FRKIH MKATa rront street Beef steers, 4tjte per lb; con a, 1 4 4c per h; bogs, block. HUtPo per lb: packers. Bar ier Ih: balla, iU..o per lb; veal, extra. He per Ih; ordinary, 7He per lb; poor. 8Q6c per lb; coattoa, fancy. 64t ne per lb. HAVI". BACOt. ETC Portland pack (local) aama, 10 to 14 lbs. 1.1e per Ih: 14 to 1 lu. l',e per lb: hreakfaat bacovfr Mr1gHe per Ih:. picnic, Hr P" lh; cottage, lc per lb; regular abort clears, ansmoken. 10 e Tier in; smoked. Ile per lb; clear barks, unsmoked, I0H per lh; smoked, 1IH Pr ,h: t'olon butts, 10. to It lbs. unamoked. Ae per lb; aaoked. as per lb; clear be U tea, anaawked. lie per lb; anioked. 12e per Ih: ehonlrtere. Be oer m. LOCAL I.ABTV-Kettle leaf, 10s. Jl'o-per lb: he, use ler id; w id timv r nje per- ibi steam rendered. 10a. 10c per lb; Ss, 105c per lb; comtKinnd. 10s. 7 He. vAixwr;t o a i.ei 1,411.011 nver, 1 -in iaira; l-lh talla. $3.76; fancy, l ib lata. 11.10; H-lb fancy lata. 11.16; fancy Mb ovals, $2.71: Alaska talla. plak, KttaOe; red. l.t0( aomlaai call. 12.06. riAH Rock cod. Te per lb) ton riders. 0e per lb: hslllmt. 6c per lb; era he. tl.60 per doa; a tripe 4 baas, 13 He per lb catlak. Te per lb; aalinon. frosen. .7 He per lh; fresh outsHe salmon, 13a per lb: herring. Re per lb; soles, Sc per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch. Be per Ih; black cod, Te rer lb; tomcud. T per lb; Colombia river email, le per lb; silver smalt. Te par lh; lobstere. ISe per lb; fresh aaackereL te per lb: crawfish, 2.V per dos; Bacranieato shad, Be per lh.- . OTRTEB8 Hboaiwatar osy, par gai, aa.; per sack, 1.1.76. , . -CLAsf A Hardshell. par bnx. XM); raaot clsBM, $2.00 par box. IAB rKAMOtaCO anni EXCHAB0I. Has rrawlsco, April 4. siloing stocks, morn- leg closing: Rid. . Bid. National Bsnk..$ .4S Denver , , !. Eclipse I.os Jlf Bar 1.A1 O. Bull rrog... .22 . Ntelnwsy " ' .42 Coo. Csl.-Vs... I ll Onhlr I.Dll Mexlrsn ,. Caledonia ...... .M exchequer ..... .01 Norcross ....... 1.16 Golden Crown.. .40 Relraont ....... $0 7ft Caah Buy....... .So C.olilen Anchor.. 1.17H Home so Jiw Bnller .... 1.6TH M Hamirs... .... Midway , 2.z Montana 2." North Star.... .hl Ohio -4A Toa. Eg, A)...1T.7H Xevsds ., West End ..... I.47H Aoama .00 ;ret Bend . .2 Atlsnts ....e rllnebel ..... Boot he ........ .22 .14 .5 .27 .111 .42 .11 .All .76 .10 .1 .1 . .M Reecue ,. .la Black Bntts Ex. .04 Tramp 1.15- Columbia Alt... Conqier ....... ttolo-o Helment. .W.A Montgomery . .... .00 . ltamonaaeia Xunaet ......... .:A aoeptre ..,...,...60 llltle Oolflfleld Jnanho) Manhattan .10 May lor linmprey. .nt Jumbo Lxteo... llextee ..jffn, IJn tiranny ..t.,., ..16 ttold Wedge ... .It liee Star . .. .12 ill. Bend txlen. .tHA, tit. II end Annex, .It . Crescent St Cowboy ........ .22 Kendall laguna Mar Queen:... Mohawk tea 1 on . . , . . I.H.1 ..... 1.2" Hllver IV..... ' .2d It, Ives ....... .! inimS STATU 00TEBBMEBT B0XPC Na York. April 4 , government bonds! lsie. Mid. ....... ifm l30 IIN4 ....... la lm, loot 104 ....... -Ins Ask. 104 '4 lOtlg 104 10414 104I, 1S2-; iiolii Twos, registered1..... do con 1 .on Threes, realatsred... , do enuixm. ...... .. Tame; small bonds, 1. ymirs. registered do coupon ...4 Pours, regtetered..... de eourlon..;., Platelet af Calambla Philippine 4a. ....... 1ioT , loot ,, I I2J -&. . .... 103 i I'M V 1"2'? 110 'J ' t4 V0BTLAKS BABK ITATEMEMT. Ctesrlnrs ., , .'..$711.mi7 ... lOl.AMXol Bslsaces . . - ' ' . gtarllag Bates. - . Mew Tork. April 4. sterling: Itemsnt. 4g3JKh04r.ri9, , " ' -. '' ' jtsw Tsrk- tilvar Market. . .New Vork. April 4,rillver; 64'- . " , ',t ' '' '' Leaaoa gllvar Market. - - - Lotuksj. April .-ilvar, i l lbd. RATES ARE Call Loan on Now York Ex change Co as High as Eight- - " "v een Per. Cent."-"; rr:. COLORADO FUEL IS A v.. VERY BAD LOSER Wcakneis Shown at All Timet of the '..Day and No Efforts Are Made to ; Rally Coppers Art ' Active With Weak Tone. ':: BET 1X188 E8. Anaconda IHlkrle. tat pfd.. Amalgamated 1 mated , IH UhiIsvIIIs ......... H Miaaoorl Psdfls... Hi I North American..., Atchlsoa tugsr Bmeher .... lJa,N ..... :I1 .... C,B. V. Central. Car A Poendry, Pressed Hteei Oer. , Rock Islsnd... ttroosirn . .. .', Colorado rnel. 3, do preferred V I Horn hern Railway,. 1 Uoothera I'aclltc... . W'l'aloB Pscirte. H i;. B. Steal Bt. Paul........ C. A N. W..... Chess peske . .. Colo. A Boutaera rtenver . ..... ; . Locorootlve ..... . . Hi do prererred .. ISIWsbsah MET GAINS. . . H! Penney tvsnia ... ,. V People s Oaa. ... .. H Heading ....... .. V.iUepublle Steel.. Sal 00 preferretl. . Baltimore . 5. Centrll leather... Katy, pfd. Norfolk Onl. A Western... Texas A I'srirlc.. Wlaeeaisla Central. Tenpeaaos Coal..., Hl'frieeo. 2d pfd. H'C. M. Rubber... 1 I The atork market opened today with a one elder a hie showing af strength and eome gsln wss made la tbe early trailing. Money rates, however, sooa beeema - tha factor snd prices begsa to break with- a great rapidity. On the floor ca 11a opened aroand I and T per rent, with no takers. Rstea sooa . begaa to . rllmn and this awvsmsnt waa continued until II per cent had been reached. Later there wss soma reaction in the rate. Colorado Peel wss the feature of the market. It showed no real etrength and at no time waa It able to rally from the persistent selling of the hears. It closed with a pet toes the day at S points. Copper were srtlva but weak, Ann. eonda dropping SDfc, polnla ander the closing of yesterdsy. Hevere weskaens waa - show a by Mlaeou PaelOc and Assericaa Locometlve and both of theee leasee lost over a point during tba day. Tha market closed erratic. Offlcisl quotations - by Ovarback. Btarr A rooae company - - PKSCBIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co.... Amal. Copper to....... Atchison.' com.,-.,,,,.. , do preferred Am. Car Pound., com. do preferred Am." Sugar, com.. Am. Buielt.. com , . do preferred. ........ . Baltimore A Ohio. com. 2S2H!2TR 113 U1H 04 s. 104 106 46 V 44 W 103 102H 1424 14)H 1H2H lXH 122H 122 It 118 do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Csnadlaa I'aolfle, com., Chi. A Altotv eom.,.. do preferred.... , Chi, A t. West., com., Chi., MIL A BU PbuI... Chi. A Northwest., com Chesapeake A Ohio ... Colo, Peel A Iron, coxa. Colo. Bouth.. com. do 2d preferred.....,, do 1st preferred. . ,.v rtelswsre A Hudson...,, MS fata IH nan 21 3 H o Pels., I.scks. A West... V. at H. u.. com do preferred. .....,.. Erie, com v. , do 2d preferred.."..,'; do let preferred.!..., Illinois Central Louisville A Nsahvllle... Metropolitan Street By Manbsttan Ry Mexleaa Central Rv.', ,, M.. Bt. P. A Hts. M.... Missouri PsclAe , M., K. A T.. com....w, do preferred Kew York Central Cotton Oil Federal Smelters, pfdi . T I 71 162Hil62H ejf.4j t '26H IM BTH 72 iH H4 106 V. Norfolk A Wsetera. com. Mtsj o do preferred ,, North American.'. ,.. . N. V.. Ont. A West.'.. Permeylvsnls By P. O.. V A C. Co. . . . . Pressed HI eel Csr, com. do preferred PsclAe Msll Steam. Co. Reading, com . , do 2d preferred do 1st preferred 101 h 1100S4 rwt h 14014 61 1.w4 86 H ;i87s Rep, Iron A Steel, com. 00 preierreo ...... . Rock Island, com.... ... do preferred. Southern Ry.. com..,,. do preferred Southern I'srlflc. St. I.. A S. P.. 2d pfd.. St. L, 4 1. W com do preferred . . , . Texss A Psclftc 102H!in2H 64. I S6 'enoeeeee Ooet A Iron . . 161 H! IM To!.. HI. I A W., com. do preferred Cntoa Pacific, com..,.. do preferred Central leather, com... do preferred., V. S. Rubber, com 'do preferred. ...... v.. U. 8. Mleel Co., com.... do preferred ....... vy Wheel. A I.. E. com... do 2d preferred tin lit preferred.-. . . . . Wisconsin Centra), com. do preferred , , , . . Weetern In Ion Tel.. Wshssh. com. 1......... do preferred. Am. Locomotive 00 preferred... ..,.,..'. 66 ii an 46 1106 64HI n4il 64 i I.TS ' 1 1 T 48 H I 424 IOH14 llMs . Total ssles for dity. 037. ono shsres. Call money rlnerd tfitlf) per cent. COTTON FUTURES NINE TO FOURTEEN POINTS UP N'ew York. Anrll'4. Cotton futures closed S to 14 points higher. Official quotations by over heck, Starr m cooke company i . ; - ...-..'.. . , ' t .aoemg 0Da. High.. Low. Wed. Tnee. AprU loot ItAS Mar 1102 111$ lngil 'HIS 1101 Jane .... ..lios .1S3 July W0 ling 1001 ling listd Apgust ... Heptemher Oetoliee .. 1K6 " liwo Vn 12 ., 1'ir.1 iiM loot ltn.i 118 ,. lOlft) 04 10M IO40 1040 ,, 1H.1B I040 Ki:tT 1O40 ICHU ..' 1041 ' ll2 : 104 1061 104.1 l"6t 1040 .... .... 1068 104 November Iiecemuer , Jsnusry -iv r rbrnsry . hew T01K corrzt mAbkbt. New York. April 4. Coffee fntnres elosad unchanged ie 6 aalots up, Oftdsl prices: Rid. Ass. I - Rid. Ask. April , May .. June . July .. Aneuat $0.06 'October ....$7.00 IT.OS . . g.U g out November ., T.10 7.16 ., 1.06 AM' Decern net ... T 20 T.26 ., g.76 SO January . ... 7 26 f.60 .h g SO! Prhrnary ... T.66 September . S.DS T.ool March 7.4 7.49 B0IT0B COPTim MA1KZT. Boston. April 4. Oflclsl eooBsr ctoalng: Bid. Bid. Adventure A Hones , . Arckillsa Atlantic , Bingham Calumet , Centennial $ 7.76 , 40. 4.26 , 21 .00 40.M1 706 00 27." Old rtomlalne.l 45 (at IHH-enlg 106.26 Parrot SS .00 Phnenlg 1.00 ' ynhtcy BS.OO Koyill 23.00 fhannon IH Tamarack .... 110 OO ' Trinity ....... lO.fcJU Cnlted Cop.... 6N.76 . Ctak B4 26 Victoria ....... -, S.60 - Whions ...... t.60 Copper Range .37 H Italy West...- 14.nd Freak lis so.oo Atl.76 (treene Cop . . . Ilranhy ... .,. Maae, ...ji.. Mtcnigan .... Mottawk Nevada Con., Aertb Uutte.. It 00 S.76 't.Wl IWolrerlne .... Its. 00 61 Z" ft", n. Mining.. 01.26 It.tfi Teaa. Cue '41.00 MONEY BEARISH M.M 1 . ., ;-. Flour Manufacturers Tho That Catr.ta Foreign Trade Have Dropped Values on Export Brands in Order 'to Stimulate Sales.. SHARP ADVAHCE WHEAT PIT Chicago Values Rite - Rapidly With Receipt of Encouraging ; Cablee-e-May It Up. LIVERPOOL CLOSES WITH A GOOD CAIN Trade Believes That Some Strong Influence Was Used to Boost Prices for Longs to Unload Berlin Also. Sharply Up. ; BELAT1TI WHEAT VALUES. Close Wed. Close ' Close Mnn. . 1B06. Rain Wad." ,ul Mar.... !?. $' July.... 77HB .76HB ,'47i T7 70, . Sept. ... Chlcaao. April 4. The whegt merket bad tbe appsersnce of being paaned higher by soais strong Influence for the purpose of nuking a market to unload certain holdings or long waeac. The chief ball Influence of the day waa from tba otbeg, side with the Liverpool cable Ad and VI higher and Berlin ap 14. with EnglKb sulhorltlee claiming the strength due ta reduced eetlmatee ff tha Argentine surplos. Tha crop outlook continues magnificent. There is Utile doubt that the Important short tatereera have covered and tha market will get BMre af eaatara holdings sa tbe advance. .faaa Small Receipt. ... . f- The core trade beslna ta realise that H ta fsctnc a period of small raoelpta during the buey farmers' seaaoa. Connected with thia la tae evMaaea taat stores are Being raoacea vary I sharply. Y May oats closed at the bast price of the dsy. There la little disposition, ta fight tbe advance at thla. level, owing ta uncertainty about, the acreage being seeded hi reasonable time. in provisions tne leaoere made a enve ax ina market thla morning, as if te msks a level where tinea recently sold eat could be replaced. When the leading interest began te bay ea tba breaks prices rebounded very quickly. Official onotatloBa Mr ovarback. Bierr coote company: WHBAT. 1 Open. .77 High. - Low. Close. Mav.. .7S. S .7TH July.. Sept.. 76 H 77 H . ., -T7V - 77HB COBN. - .46 May...,., July , Sept.:,..' May.'..'.. ' July..... Sept.,... .'4 ... .11 '55. .'i, 1 .41 :Sat .28- .46B .46 HA OATS. .61 .81 HA .24A .28 JO -.20 MESS POBK May., 1ST 1A2S Id.tT It.Ofl 14.26 It 06 LARD. S 4S ; -AT ' 1.66 ' " 8.47 1.66 1.60 SHORT BIBS. t AT 8.82 ' 72 8 6 , 1.77 ' 1.87 r 16 20 16.17 t 40 8. 60 $.82 8.82 8.66 72 July., Mar...... 8.42 July....Jt.60 SepL.n. 1 66 May.. SIT S.T2 S.TS July.. Sept., BBADSTXErrS OkAIB BEPOBT."" ' Oiicaae. April 4 . Bradetreet' a resort af era'a visible supply; Decraaaa Wheat v-i- Bnsa. Beat of Baeklaa. . U$U44.000 aHirope and afloat.. ,j..,.,lta,,1J,.ii,Ja- OUO.000 - Total i.......'.l.T44.000 Corn ..............'. 1,164.000 Osts l,87S,(n ; . tirZKFOOt SBAIB MARKET. Liverpool, AprU 4 Official prlreai . WHEAT. . - Open Close - Cloaa Bala Tues. Wed, May.......' July I 7d t s 8d t'id 8e THd COBN. ' ta 7H e tHd May. Jaly. 4s i 4a Hd 4s 9i aa IH .4e IHd AsfHd CWOAwO OBAIB CAE LOTS. Chicago, April 4. Or sin csr lots: Cars. Grade. Eat. . IMS. Wheat g ' 1 4 24 Corn 8l 8 808 . 662 Oats ....... ....."..... 201 AO " 204 " lii Daltrtk rUa Maxhst. April 4. Tlsx May, $1.11 bid. Dulntk, ADVAHCEFAILSTQLURE STOCK TO MARKET General - Absence of - Arrivals Strengthens Tone but Prices Are Unchanged, v,- Pert lend I'alea Stockyards. Aerll 4 stock receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Today ye Week ago. .7.. Ill S10 W Month ago. ..r.vv... '-. ... ... Tear ago . 1 ........... . .a- ,n 880 - Tha llvaatock asarket aeems paralysed aa ae oouat of the lack of supplies. Illgh prices rule la moat Unas, but these fall to lore tha stock te market. Hoga and cattle are very arm at yeetardey's rise. - Sams la aksep. Ofgclal liveetock prices: Hogs Beet eastern Oreema, $7.96; blockers snd china fata, $8.71; stock era sad feeders, 660. t attle Beat eaatera Oregon steers, $4.601 4.76; beat cows and heifers. $8.7608.86; light snd tnedlnra steers. $8.762.1.66; light rows, $2.60i2.80: stnekars and feeders, ta.00tjfl.10; bulla, $2.2822.86. Sheep Wethers aad -lambs, IQSHe; mixed sheep. Sc. Cslves Oood vest IM to 200 pounds, I Ha) 8c ; rough aad heavy, 4s)6c, KASTEBaT HOPS 10WKS. Catcago, April 4. I.lvestoeg receipts: - . " - Hogs.- Certle. fheen. Chics go ...... ......... ..82.OU0' 20.O00 22.01)0 Ksnssa City., 11.000 .lJ a.isto Omaha 84.000 4.000 ' T.OtS) . Hogs opened t lower to unchanged. Be. eetpts a year ago were 18.000, Prices: Mixed. r ten fl h: good. td.4StSA6THi rough, $g.M 46; light. $d.86tAl.7H. Cattle Steady. Sheep Slow. Casta Zaoksaga is Close. -. 'New Tork. April 4. The cotton eichesss will be chmed April II to April 18, inclualre. ' Hew Terk Cask Caff aa. -Vw Terk, April 4 h coffse: Ho. T Bte'; tiai No- 4 Ssntos. 6c. FINED HUNDRED FOR , POINTING A PISTOL ISpecHI Dlapstck U The Jouraal.) Eugene, Or., April $. William True lock la aerN-ing a $108 fine In the county Jail here, having been sentenced yester day by Justice of the Peace Humphrey of Springfield for pointing A pistol at an officer Truelock, who Is A lumber worker, became drunk And proceeded to "shoot up" the town, badly frightening the Inhabitants of the tittle sawmill city. . The marshal finally attempted to place him under Arrest, but he dfew hts revolver and pointed It at the marshal, whertipon the officer made a hasty re- treat. ', Truelock was - finally over- iiowered And lodged In jaii, - REPUDLICAUSPLAN CAL1PAIGII Caucus of ' Members of Senate .. and House to Select Man V" ' ager for Battle. ' , SHERMAN IS SLATED TO FILL CHAIRMANSHIP New, Yorker te Succeed Babcock as Leader of CorLgress'ional Fight Tawney and Dawson to Assist on i, Committee. A J - ':--- ' . , " (Joaraal. Spsclsl Bervtce.) '. ... tVAatt1rist.onH April 4. The men ;who U1 be lntruated with the rnaoagemsnt of ' the Republican eongreaalonal cam paign thla wear will, be eeleoted tonight at a joint ' caucua - of tha Republican members of the aanata and house of rep resentatives. The election ef new of ficers of the committee will not take j lace at this caucus, but the various state delegntionp will report the selec tion of a representative on the commit tee of each stats. These committeemen wilt then hold a caucus to determine on their own officers and executive com mittee, ,. If the elate Is adopted as at present, framed by the Republican leaders, the committee will be In charge of prao- ticaiiy an entirely new set of officers. An effort undoubtedly will, be made at the caucua to persuade the officers who served In previoua years to continue to serve in the coming campaign, but there Is no likelihood that this will ehangs their determination. . Represen tative Babcock of Wisconsin long; ago announced hla determination to retire from the chalrrnanahlp and Representa tive Overstreet of - Indians sake for eight rears has been secretary, and W. B. 'Thompson of Michigan, treasurer, hava Ukewiae prepared their ' resigna tion. - - . V Unless alt signs falf the chairmanahtp will go to Representative James B. Sher man of Kew Tork. Mr. Sherman has been vice-chairman of the committee for eight years, and has rendered valu able service in conducting previous campaigns. To succeed Mr. Sherman as vice-chairman of the committee, tr la likely that Representative Tawney ' of Minnesota will be chosen. He has done efficient work In western campaigns.. And his services Always have, been great ly in demand aa a campaign organiser and stump speaker. - For the place of secretary, the moat likely candidate ap pears to be Representative Albert F. Dawson of Iowa, a nsw member of the house. ' Mr. Dawson has directed tbe speakers' bureau for the Republican state committee In Iowa, and before his election to congress he waa for alz years secretary to Senator Allison and gained" much experience In western cam paigns. AT THE THEATRES. " My Wife. Family." Musical comedy Is all the rage in Portland this week. At the Empire "My Wife's Family," -with decided plot hinging on the frantic efforts of a young married man to get rid of a large num ber of his wife's relatives, is drawing large houses. Ths piece hag caught on and Is extremely arauaing. There will be but -one matinee, Saturday. Advance Sale Friday at the' HeUig, Everybody who' has seen a perform ance of The Heir to the H corah," to be offered at the Helllg theatre for the flrat half of nexst week, will remember with a grin of inward Joy tha Jlu- Jltau scene. In which T. Tamamoto, the little Japanese actor, Ttho plays Hush (Joe Lstcy's servant), puts Harry Rich, the big man, who plays 'the butler, out of the room. Mr. Tamamoto is the only Japanese actor who plays In English. Ths advance sals of seats will open at the bos office of the Helllg theatre next Friday morning "at 18 o'clock. "Casey and the Green Sod Club. Baker patrons thia week have a show which is pleasing them immensely.- Ths Empire Burlesque company is present ing the roaring farce, "Casey and the Green Sod Club." . Thia production Is full of good things and Is unanimously pronounced one of the very best of the season. There will be a performance each evening as usual, except Saturday. There will be a mattnes Saturday. Nest Week at Baker. The Cherry Blossoms Burlesque com pany will be at the Baker all next week, opening with the regular Sunday matt . Eddie nd Josle Evans the well known sketch team will appear In their traveaty entitled "Playmatea." .- "The Fatal Wedding. Next week at the Empire, starting Sunday matinee, one of the best and most successful of all the melodramas on the road. "The Fatal Wedding." will be -the- attraction. -.The company pre aentlng this piece this season Is a capa ble one in every respect. Frederick War de at' Marquam. The San Francisco Chronicle, speak ing of Mr. Wards, who appears at the Marquam Orand theatre April , 18 and 11. says: "Frederick Warde has added, to his laurels one which proclaims him beyond a doubt a Shakespearean recital 1st of the most agreeable type." The sale of aeat a opens at the Marquam Fri day at 1$ a. m. ,-. - v-c- VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Lyric. It Is Quite evident ' that' the Lyrlo stock company Is materially Increasing Itg wide range of popularity. In pro ducing "Her eonvlet Brother," which la the attraction for the present week, the company demonstrates ,lts ability-' to handle difficult parts hi A moat pleas ing manner. The large pstronage which this play is receiving fittingly Justifies Its claim to a high degree of merit. Vaudeville at Grand. Vaudeville of the best type Is that of fared at the Orand. This week the pro gram contains many features. . DeMora and Oraceta have an acrobatic act which ranks with the beat ever seen here. An other big feature Is "Wooing a Widow," by the Jack Connelly company.- Brod ertck la a story teller who always raises a laugh. There are a number of good singing seta. At the Stsr. , ' Connsray and Oakaa are' two sf the urettlest ssubrettes that have played at I f JaenBwte-"BBBBB,aaaW 5 eP. a . a . a AT-1 ' ' .1 1 " 1 r ing rowacr 10 mc iciu ieia. 1 1 , -a . r can on PProvl Your money - I I J. .1 I (' 'rfgfi I1 w returned if yon don't . V v ' l ' 14 iJi -ree that all we claim if true. . , V- hcS s ou'n be delighted with the de-: 1 ' ) I ra licious, wholesome things that . .. J I ' ?il-- 1 m aasasn, , X I It L , j I v i iii iita iu ntc iu vuui uvcu, - . - I i , , a x I'L sa. SBtIwr 0 m . mmj unuwi - a tt r ' B ' ) r LS!iihiidschc)ipcxAni makes purer, I I lltiXS' A better, mnrr? hralthfnl fnnH than X , V Ki'r?Lrr2 otnerpowaers anywncre near i ( V V-" i' K C Cfuality. 23 ounces for I '. -. -Vx " cents. Qet it to-day I J y, JAQUES RSTG. CO. ; , v: , . . v ' '. ' Swag . rjoatal tor ' '" S I ' ' r " i aaaaaaaap BBPBBBaBaBasBBBBBBBBnmnBaBBmsm ib o n n n i kit ILPUMU ULU-UAI M U4 Ji -L . . . .. . rr . - l m 1 1 1 if I - The Swell Residence Suburb. - I y: I I! K , A I SI v ' 1 1 .' We build -homes to' suit purchasers and easy monthly installments win pay ior i nam. . - ,.'. Lots, $150 k (3 DnrT S3 AY MOV Tat.) ' i : EVERT ' LOT 18 A STERLING - ' .- ...VALUE.- ,; . .v, - Keep your )dle dollars at work. - 1. f .7 ''. '' ' ' . e V v- Every -convenience In- ' WOODMERE Beat water. .'best car service. So fare; 2t - minutes from city. Schools, churches;' telephones, electric lights be ing Installed.- i RIDR OUT AND SEE. Geo. W. Brown tOt Failing Building. Third and Washington-. SUesvts. . TAata HT. SCOTT oab, ratsT : . AVIaDZB STBUIXTS. Agaat Always on Oronnd. INCOME Over 1808 per month, corner ............. "Choice bttafneae ...... 975,000 : v;:: 100 x 100 : Corner north of Washington on - Ninth -...f 30.000 YAMHILL STREET Corner, dose in And only.. ...f 20,500 TWO STORY Brick building on Front Bt...2,50O Western Oregon Trust Co. S91 Stark Street.'''-'. East Second Street 100x100 CORNER OF EAST MAIN ON SECOND ST. RAILROAD. ABOl'T BASEMENT DEPTH BELOW GRADE. WILL IN CREASE RAPIDLY IN VALUE. $7,500 1 Ttionpson 5 CIsBjnbetr ef Oonuneroe. Grand Ave. Splendid corner In rapidly advancing neighborhood, with new 8-atory 1 brick, having cement basement-end all modern conveniences. ."Will pay good Intrest, -v v- m. w. uwis, BBS railing Bldg. Vhons Mala S38X $5,000 Good brick on Belmont street,' near 14th, paving good Intercut, with show for Increase in value. ' lATTXKSOBT It STBWABT, " lOOOVt Belmoa Street. VERY CHBAP - , 3.1xS0, Eaat Couch street, nesf Sixth, oftlv I0; terms. K. ,'. KINO. R88 Com mercial block, 2d and Washington ata. the Star. . The girls are good singers, dancers and comediennes. Rossly and Rostelle are Hibernian funsters. A Ger man dialect sketch Is presented ' by Rooney and Forrester. Hall and ,J.or ralne are comedians In a refined spe cialty. Jesslka, the girl from Kentucky, Is a typical beauty from the Bluegrays stAte. . ':.',.. -. , .... ' .. 4 .... Put the wonderful K C Bak. YOU CAN DOUDLC YOUR MONEY ; Make It go twice as far whan voo d. your hardware buylna here. Not that we sell goods at prloca "cut In half." but that the quality and care found here will add 100 per cent to the Initial value or your nurcnaae. - nut: see) our stock, get our prices ana mass up your minas unaiaea, . Ay e r y t Co. 48 TB3BD ST.BBT. TOTB 11D AIX Residence For Sale SeaOO 48x108.. J4th, bet. Thurman and vaugnn; two ana s-roora nousee; rent tot. ; . i- . .. f SOaOO SOxlOO. Broadway and 'Van couver avenue; two moaern (-room houses; rent 150. 1'.,' rn , . . . , w . tagey near car oarn a, ort n Aioina. 81300 Two sightly lots and l-room res. idence, near. car lines. Mount Tabor, Building Lots : SISOO 200x108, Columbia Heights, neaf car line, 48 jruit trees, new fence.. SSOOw 4SxlOO, East Davis and ltd sts. ISOxlOO Hoyt, bet. Slst and ltd sts. Sinnott & Sinnott 528 OKAMBBB OF OO BOB. Madras Addition . X.0TS SS BOW. SS aTOsTTX. BtaAraa Addition Adjolaa Znxlsred, -ths Slew Tract ytiaTt Qpanad. LOTS $123 TO $230 This beautiful tract all cleared. Ilea only 100 Tarda from Mount Scott car line, water on every lot. ' Qlltedged title. Don't tnles this -opportunity -10 secure a footing in the most beautiful of all suburbsn property on the Mount Scott car line a aplendld chance to sen vmia own hmna .nil aav rant 4a yourself. Plats now ready, and may be had from A. Oowperthwalt, Laurel- W.OOO, wno ceniroia tne property. Hivery lot Is a snap, and they'll not last long. FXOBB SOOTT SSOX. , An Advance of'SlOO On all unsold 1500 (OxlOO-foot lots, with cement walks, lying 1 block north Madison and Salmon and Eaat Thirtieth and Thirty-third streets, will be made on May 1. These lots ars In a neigh borhood - of beautiful homes, doss . in. Look at them. - Also several new mod. ern bungalows for sale by owner. Geo. E. Waggoner , . , 888 FAXUHCt BXeBtS. U"1,... West Side STX1BT lEOxlOS feet, north of Jefferaon: proDertr In this vicinity advancing in rapid striaea, - . TWBBTTT-TnTXBS ST Very dsalr. able quarter block, with one ll-room house, one 10-room house and flats foi four families, 2t rooms; all modern con venlences, cement cellara, separate fur nacee, etc. B. W. UWIt, 803 ratling Bldg. , - rasas Bfaia SSag. "STORE FOR RENT roa a rotsT-oiiAss bvtokbb in conectlon with an trr-TO-BATB 0BO CBBT, Eaat Side; location Al. Apply aTBW TOBX OBOOBBT. Eleventh and Morrison. - . - - - - ...-.'.' smooo Apartment house, rental, par month ............. t... 93206 Ok am aa ef Commsroe. 17. .',00- Fine corner and 18-rnnm reel. dence, west aide, clone lo business cen ter: easy terms. iLtits, iit rtrm ttreeu . :.-..:'.