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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
THS OSrCON , DAILY JOURNAL. FORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, aPRIiK 4, 1.03. i .1 I.2ay Je,:MaMn FINANCIAL BANKS. . .XNmttcr;,iffrRcadingj the FOR SALE FARMS. KOTICH Or BALE Or STATE FARMS Notice ., u tmb; given that Ma ltd blda wlU De re salved until t o'clock D. ra.. on Mar 8. 1X. , fur tb following described fariua acquired 117 we staie utrvuga (oreckueure or. aiorijf Aa" to-wHi Coos County Edwin Owt plans, 438.80 acres la sections 10, 11. 14 and 15, townebli SO aoulh. reuge 1ft t M. A. Devldeou plaos, lot 1 la section 3. township SO south, range is wan: aoiun h eooinsBei 'ft ' nertbeaet V of aoutheeat U ef arc t loo 35 ' southwest & of aouthwaat ' of section XI. . township 38 south, rang 15 wast, contatnlng vw.. . riuflf piecw, wwiu jm v. -northwest 44 aat waat H of northeast H .of eecuon an, township 38 south, ranga IV was', t-ontainlna lui acres. Currjr County alary Cray plaea. waat 14 of southeast M and aouth Vs of northeast tf at aeocioa xa, townsnip eu soutn, range ia waat, . eentalnllur 100 acrea. ftamnal Smith Blace. , - north of eouthweet h. southwest V of aouthwaat t4, ana north weet hi of Boot beast ' H of section 1, towaablp 41 south, ranga 13 ; waat. containing 140 acrea. Dougtaa County Q. W. Patera place, 104. . errne ill Beeiioa oa, lowoenia as eouio, range . - waat. Richard Conk plaea. southwest hi of section 10 and naubwaat hi of aeetlon 12. .,, townahlp 39 south, rant I waat, containing v. su acres, Jackson flaunts nerlaa Ntrkell nlaea. . north H of aouthwaat 14 and aontbeait of aouthwaat hi of section 8; nortbaaat hi of northwest U of auction 10. townablo 88 Boo 111, - range 4 waat, containing 140 acraa: alao the waat hi of eomhwest U nl aonthwaat H of north waat of section W. townablp 34 aouth. ranga 1 taat. containing 131.64 acraa. -' containing In all 281.04 arraa. Joaapblna County R. J. and A. liar plaea. waat.H or aontbeaat H or aactwa) 21. town ' ahip ti oath,'' ranga T waat, . eontaUlng mi ".c"ara.. JUka Countj B. A. Putou plata. nortb U of norUwaat U. waat V, of nortbaaat V. ol aartlon 1. townahln 41 aouth. rang It aaat. rontatnlng 160 acraa. A. t. Pika plaea, aaat . H of n orthwaat 14 and aaat H of aoathweat H of aactlon 1, townablp 40 aouth, ranga 19 - aaar. eoocaimng lou acraa. w. v. aacwii- llanw) Dlaea. aorthaaat U of aactlon 30. town- ' ahlp (9 aouth,' rango 20 aaat. containing 140 acraa. . Hammoraiar piaca, norxnwaat a. H ' wMtloa la. townablp 8 aonth. ranga . 10 aaat, containing 160 acraa. . M. Barn u in .. place, north H of ortbaaat V. aaettoa 1, townahln SO aouth. ranaa 19 aaatl ' Lan Oouatr B. and I. J. Doty piaca, 100 acrca la aactlona IS and 84, townahlp 30 aouin. ranga a wear. - - Lincoln Connta Patar MiTara vlaoo. aoutb ,. woat of aouthwaat 4 of faction . and . aouthaaat V of aonthaaat U of aactlon l. townablp IS aouth, ranga 11 waat containing : M arrca. AHwrt Waakar place, aoutbaaat 44 , of aactlon S3, townablp 11 aouth, taoga 14 .waat, contain lag 160 acraa. Marlon County B. A. Bdoa piaca, 54.81 icra near I. O. O. r. eeniatarT. on Mat. ' Wallowa County Q. D. Akia piaca, woat H of northaaat t4 of aactlon i. townahlp ' ' 1 aouth. ranga 44 aaat, containing S8.13 acraa. - Ttrraa Ona fourth down, ona fourth In - ana yaar and balance oa demand. All blda mnat be accompanied by a certified check or draft for out fourth of the price offered. The right to reject any and all blda la ra eertred. To avoid future complaint applicants tnuat haae their bid upon Information gathered S-tr paraonal inapectton of the pramlaea on If and not upon Infonnation to be had at tula office. -Me ahould bo addreawd to O. 1. ' ' Brown, clerk of tbo atate land board, Halem, ' Oreann. and marked "Bid far State Farm.' OSWALD WERT. Mtate Land Agent. Dated thle Slat day of March, 106. S44 acraa. all choice land, ISO acraa cnl . tWated. -100 acraa paature. balance bruah A and timber; 17 acrea bearcrdam, 300 acraa '.'.':. rler bottom land; nottae. barna and out- . bolldlnga; 4 boraaa, 10 cattle, B4 goaU, bind- er. mower, rake, drill, aulky plow, 3 walk ing plowa. harrow, dlee harrow, wagon. . " roller, cart, acta of doable harneea 1 act ': ' alnglo hameaa, hay fork and ropes, f aanlng- mill, an email toola, 10 tons- bay, 130 eacka . oata. C3 buahela wheat. )olna a email tows on railroad, electric llgbta, eonranleet to good k college town: a choice farmi might take aeme - trade; all goee for S 1P.500. -123 acraa CO acraa cultivated, watered by , ninrlnfs and atreama, aome fine bottom land. . . good outrange for etock, fine bouae of t roeme, all ffnlahed: barns and eulhouaaa. or - chard S wagona, 1 aprlng hack, 1 new top buggy, ( plowe, 1 dlao harrow. J drag bar rewt. 1 hinder,. 1 mower, 1-horaa rake, ' fannlag-mlll, 4 aeta of harsaaa, 1 hay fork, with rupe and puUeya; some hay and grain. nornee, ft rattle, 83 aheep, 13 hoga; con venient to acaool and church, B. C D. ; ;. nte. T60. .. . , "- , 160. acraa of land, near Columbia river, J3. acrea cultivated. T-rsom bouae, eoat 31 JOO - to build; good barn, family orchard. It : head of cattle, t noga. rake, mower, -wagon, ImplemenU; for a quirk aale will make a great eaeriflre: price now 33,000.' , 0 acrea Near La C'amaa, W a thing ton. M acrea cultivated; good bouae, barn, orchard, - near, chool and church; 4,000. . ITS acres 160 acrea cultivated, ' well rencea and CToeo-feaced. fine large nooee, fine barna. family orchard, watered by well, aprluga'aad atream: land enrnora to . atatloa of electric read; fronta on fine level . nilve road, ml lea eaat of Portland. - Thla " la ono of the cholceet farms of Multnomah county. If ' yen want aomethlnc nice, sea leia. win Draue. 400 acres All flrat-claas land, on Tnila tin river, Waabtngton eoantyi eaay reach , of Portland; a choice. Improved farm; will irana xor ronnna property. . . acrea Ntw land, new bouse and barn. ; near rarllne. A miles from Portland; trade , Into larger farm and pay eaeb difference. gno acrea Sheep, goat or cattle ranch, all . good rolling mill land, watered by aprlnga . and atreama; houae, barn, orchard; SO -acrea rultlvated; beautlfntly. located In Yamhill "county. 4 Bailee from " railroad atatloa: will . property la some good town. . SlS.OiiO worth of good property In a grow. ing Oregon town; rental value now about , ano per atoata; wiu trad into a good Wll lunette family farm. What can yon offer! 12w acraa AU choice Improved land, good . orchard, good houae and barn, U-mlle from T rellroad Btatlon. 7)4 mllea from i-ortland; a wwF uim noma e.Uni. . .HlCNKll d BAKER. -... tlf Ailngton bldg., lo Third , Portland Or. . : : Farms For Sale ' - " " 30 acres of nalmnrovad land 8 mllea from - Mnaler. one mile from'acboeat about 4ft acres - rnc very neat or apple Mad, remainder rolling, 30 acres floe timber: creep and large aprlns; on place., Price 81,000. . . ? ISO seres, 4 miles from Mnaler. 1V4 miles , from school; mostly rolling land, but not too - rolling for cultivation, 130 fenced and about -- ft seres under cultivation, email bouae sail fair outbuildings. Price 81.500; terme. ' 130 scree sf unimproved hud d miles from ' Mooter; will coat about 310 per sere to clear land ready , for the plow; the vary beet "f apple land. Price 8S0 per sere. 20 scree, 4V4 miles from Hood River: 18 seres tillable, 8 acres nnder cultivation, good . ft-room house, large barn, on good road, near ecbnol; thla M a bargain. Price $3,600; tartan. 40 acres la the heart sf the Hood Blvor valley, level, on county road) telephone line and B. P.- D. : under IrrWratkm, unimproved; ' near station of the new Mount Bond railroad. ; Pries $100 per sere. 30 seres Bear Sprlngwater, In Clackamas county, 8V4 miles from Betacada; all under ; cultivation and fenced, 4 acrea In orchard full bearing, mostly apples; sll level. 6-rooni house, large new barn and other onthulldlnire, it acres in wheat and 10 seres In oata. Pries $3,600; terms. , ; ,, '.. lanoillw a band, 78 Sixth at. - i-. FIXB) stock ranch near aiatera, Oregon, fnr ' aals or exehanga for town property or timber land. O. t. Mealey. roster. Oregon. HOMESKEKERS. ATTENTION. . $2,600100 acrea, 4 mllea from Coreertne, Or., on ths Blllaboro electric Una now bulld Isg; 36 seres cleared, house and barn. $2,20070 acres, 34 acres improved, 7 miles fro Vancouver. Week- 1 tulle from rallros.t atatlon; small orchard, good houae and bars; f noTciiKrss woon.' "'" ' T" S13 AlUky bldg, 8d end Morrlaon. " ELE0ANT RANCH. 1.200 acres, 8 ailleey from good town; 150 seres nnder enltlvstlon. 75 acres : mors ean eaally be cultivated without much extra enst, ' balance fine paature land, part of It fine eew and piling timber, well watered by sev eral springs and two htrgs creeks, 124 acres of 3 year-old bops, large orchard, sll kinds of fniltrtand haa south elope t It haa a large a mono t of beaverdam land; la well adapted for tame graeaee, all klnda of small gram, alfalfa, all klnda of vegstahlaa. alas ralsea corn: $ sets nf buildings, one of the h on won haa hot and cold water and bath. alse a large amount of other hnlldtngs, rattle and aheep . aheda; It Is all fenced, rut up In several fields: the aonth line borders on the meet . fork of Willamette, river: price $20,000: would rut up the piers to anit mirehaeer. And a large Uat of ether farma all eloag the valley. OTTO CROCKETT, 14614 Waahlngtoa at. FOR ALB OR RENT 30 seres hv Washington . county, 1 mile from Poreat Orovei 8-moai hones, barn. 3 rhirkeu-bnueea. perk and gran ary; good well; good fence; 7 seres tn prunes. 3 acres fa fruit trees, smalt frnlts of all klnda and grapee. cheetaut and walnat '. treee; fnr aala. or for sssh rent. , Addreaa A 10. Journal. rtR SATE 80 seres nnlmnroved land. 18 mllea from Vancouver. StftO. O. A. Waster, 1013 11th St.,' Tasceurax,1 Waahington, . , FOR SALE FARMS. CHOICE BUYS 3,3u0 4B acres,' t mllea north of Vaa eouvar; So acres cleared. acrea Srat daw variety orchard, sood lV4-etorr houae. good barn, all under good fence, all level, on good eonuty road, mile to ecbnol. 3 mllne to railroad station, good keam young bora, new wagon aud haroeas, 8 cowa, 7 dueea - enickena, aevaral noga, plow barrow, cultl vatur sad all kin da of email toohk all new. flna luoatloa; this la guarantaad as adver 1.60060 acrea, S 14 miles . north of Van couver 1 1ft acrea cleared, eume rood timber. all level, oh good county road, It4 miles from railroad a tat Ion. 40 acres fenced, fine loca tion, no bolldlnga, email orchard, boat of sou: - win giva terms. ll.Sutt-oO acraa. ft miles north of La Camaa, Clarke county, Waablngbm; 1ft acrea .cleared, 30 acres ewale, balance rolling but all ean be cultivated; over 1,000,000-fet of , good aaw timber, Bile to aawmilL, H mile to wood dume, enough timber to pay ior piaca sad ready aais for timber ana wood " amall houae 3 rooms, barn 80x46. amal orchard, creek and spring, on county road y mum o ecoooi, goon, neignoornooo. head of cattle, 7 oowa, balance young stork, 1 horse, buggy and aarneae, doan enickena, plow, harrow and small toola all klnda. , too acrea 44 miles from Waahougall 70 ' acrea la 3ns state of cultivation, all wall fenced and eroaa-fenerd, a flue S-atory 13 room aouee, new para wnou, aioall vraeg ana aprlng, good well, oa good county road, near ' school, B. r. D.J 40 acres fall grain, 80 acraa seeaea. an level, w neea or cattle, several milch eowa. good team worth 3.160, wagon, harneea, buggy, all hinds of farm machinery, bog a, chickens, cream separator price 34.000 for farm r 37.000 for farm ant all Dereonal nrooertr: will take bait eaas balance time; or will take half In good city property: thle Is s beautiful place, no Bet ter on ins market; lavestlgata this before .Baying. $4,000120 seres, 4 miles from Wssbougal 45 acres la 3ns. state of cultivation, aevara scree of timber, balance eaay cleared; ell fenced and eroee-feueed. good lU-atory house, , 7 roomsi good barn, creek and well, oa mala county road, sear echooi, m. r, u., good learn, . wacoa. harnasa. SO head cattle, several milk eowa, all klnda of farm machinery,- beat of aoll, black, loam; thla Is a. beautiful place; will give terme er will take part In city , property; Inveetigats tola before buying. $4.000 167 acrea, mllea north of Wa- (bougal; 00 acrea cleared, aome good timber. balaaca saay cleared; ail renceo ana rroea- lenoed, Bus x-story -room houae, large . barn, creek and spring, good well, tn county road, near school and store; 60 head of cat tle, 80 milk cowa, 3 head of boraea, wagon, harness, sll hinds of farm machinery, hose. chickens, sll level sad the beat aoll In Clarke county; black loam; thla la one of the neat buya on the market; this place is guaranteed ee eavertieea; a snap. WAVUINGToff Jt OREGON BEALTT CO. 383)4 Waahlngtoa St., Booms U and 12. Portland, Oregon; or TBI WASHINGTON it OHfiOON BEALTT CO. Cor. Third and Main, w interne hia. ' Vancouver. Waahlngtoa. -. - 480 ACRES bench land, an food road; a greet buy for the future: good buuainga, not ana cola water, goon team Boraee,' wagon; narawaw, all atock and all farming Implementa. s smaJJ creamery, amall creek throush ths olaee: mile from ninth grade echooi. ' See us for further description. Pries $6,000, terms. lOT-sers farm., bulldlnsa. orchard." Imole stents and stock; trade for city property; ltt mllea to caruna; S3 per acre. " R20 acres, all well fenced, level sad some rolling. 8ns atream through the - place, on good county road, SL r. B. mall, -phons Una, over 100 ' acrea tn eron. good buildings. 1 good teama, 300 head atock. cattle, goata and bogs; all klnda farming machinery to run the blare: U mile to aohooL la Yamhill county: pries $7,000, tsrmsj or $6,009 for ths place oniy. ,., ,, , 3d acrea. all in cultivation, garden land. on Bass Us road, good bulldlaga. good teem mules, cow, chickens, good orchard; would taks soma) income property. ' . 20 -a ere Term, sll Improved. 2V4 miles from earllne; good 4-room bouse, good barn and woodnouas, rhlrkaa-booe and other miiirnnga. 10 acres la fall oata, 30 fruit trees; $2,700; $a0w cssn, balance n per coat. 31 seres, 24 miles from Wood bars , Oregon: tu sens Bret-class beaver-dam land. ' all seeded la salons; 4 seres blgh lend seeded to bsy; seres mors suitable for pot a lore; k or 8 acres eaay to clear, all rest In paature: enough timber to laat for years; amall apple orchard, beetdes other fruit trees end nice berry busbes; 6-room aouee with wood abed; S onlon-kouaes. one new, 30x60, old one 30x80; good barn, new chlrksn-houss. good well at hot we, good aprtug for atock Beer bara; all well ditched: pries $6,000, hi cash, balance caa siaaa bi o per cenu 100 acres, ' 40 acres la cultivation and crops, 6 -room bouse end pantry, 2 barns, ons new. one large; a good orchard, 8 seres beaverdam, 4 acres bes verdam In cultivation, R. r. D. mall, oa, ths Taalatts river, U miles from Portland, 4 miles tram Rlllsboro, 314 mllea from ralroad atatlon: price $6,000. or $4,600 with stork and everything oa place but aooeenoia goons. ...jf . W. W. ESPBY. Room 1 Hamilton bldg., . not. waanington ana Aiaec eis. - --33 seres, 39 mllea from Portland; 400 . seres cultivated. 75 seres can . be Irrigated; land net cleared Is good paature laud and well watered and fenced: goad !2-room bouae, S rood barna and aumeroua other bolldlnga: . blackamltb-ahop; good orchard. Thla s within 8 hours' drtvs of 10.000 seres of range. Thla is aa ideal came ranch, race gzo.uuu. Phone Uala 80S. 817-18 Pentoa bldg RPBCULATORS OR HOMESKEKERS. -The admtnlatrator of a Yamblll couutv ee. , tate haa placed a 400-aere farm with aa to sell at $11 as acre; 80 acrea cleared, balance wood and paature. This will bear ths cloaeat m- ' veatlaatloa. It Is aa Ideal atock farm worth aereseJ tnouaand mors thaa pries saksd. HA0EMANN 4V BLANCHARU, 81 Fifth SU POR 8AI.I OR EXCHANOR. 83 acres bear Damaacus. 13 miles front Portland; 85 acrea under cultivation, all In growing crop, fair bulldlnga, good orchard, all fenced. 8 bead of horses, 3 cows snd s few heifers, hogs, chickena, all ImplemenU: 84.000; would consider city property, shout B4,3"U. . 370 arras la Polk county. $ miles to Lswls , vllle: about acres under plow, nearly all fenced, well watered, mnetly covered with good-oak timber, very valuable; price 113.50 . per acre; would consider city property of eunai vaiae. , OTTO CROCKETT, 345U Waahlngtoa at. TOU will make a mistake If yon buy four farm before looking over our llat. ALV0RD at ALV0RD, 183 Morrieou at. FOR SALE 50 acres good land, 14 mllea from ear, cheap; 2 lota and houae. $278;, 4 lota, St. Johns, $125 sscb: 7ty acraa, email bonae, 8 mllea, ftc car, $600. W. I. Price, 1674 rtrst at, room 1 - : rOR $1.60 PER ACRE DOWN wo offer 3n0 acres near railroad atatlon, about 40 miles southwest of Portland: 75 acrea plow land, - balance fins paature, creek through tract, part ' rich bottom; will make c boles general purpose farm (trulta, hope, grain, poultry and atocki: located right to advenes In pries; ws will accept part psy la city property; price only $7 per acre. Homo Land Co.. 14SVt first at. nOMRHEEKRR. TAKE NOTE. ' $2.600 PA-eere farm, SS mllea from Port land; 88 acres nnder plow, fairly level, good soil: bouae of 7 mooia. good barn, f cowa, 7 3-year-olda. 1. bull, 3 calves, 3 hones. 2 colta. 3 war-one, 8 harrows, 3 plows, . mower, fanning mill sad all other tools aeeeaaary to run the farm. Juat think of It, only $2,500, gnd terme at that! HAG EM ANN BLANCH A RD, v 1 fifth st. TCT EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE ,.,,.,..J:,...... . . , $30.000 Ona of ths best farma la the Wll. lamella valley; ftne houae, farm la good - condition, 8ns ' horses, fine eowa; 8ne boge, 8na aheep. 6 no chickens; everything the heat; almost joins a county aest town: will trade Into a sawmill plsnt or timber land. A good block of ground In the heart sf fit JohbS to trade; what have yea to of furl . HENRI, E 4V BAKER, 317 Aelngton bldg. POR aale or exchanre One half interest la leading photo atndlo In Vancouver. Waeh., new brk-k block oa Mala St.. cheap fnr caah, or will exchange for country etunlo. For particulars address f. Booge, 123 Ualoa ave, N., PortlsBd, Or. . - - . 0R 8AI.R or exchange, fnr farm, house 3tli2 wita sooiiiaei inn, a mrs; Mocks aouth of Montavllla at alios. Address O. C.hadolph. MoutaXila, Oregon. SEVERAL honaes and Boms money tn exehsngs rov rarma. 1 om suai sea as. , Uvbaa Land C. tut sU - i JoHraarWant, m Mm -Botti-Eyes TO EXCHANGE. ' POR SALE A flrst-claas ferry oa the Oolum bla river, power snd sail, doing a good bual- ness ana prospect or Duemeee aoutiung shortly have other lutereets claiming mi attention price $2,000; would take part trade. 843 East 28th at., north, t'bons East ftoaft. riRST-CLASS sxpert dental work to exchange roc jauies' or genu tailoring. . Aaureaa n 1, ears JtMirnaL FOR SALE TIMBER. WB hava a few eholcs homeeteed elalma hx Waaeo and Sherman eounttae. also s few timber elalma. yellow pine, over 3,000.000 . feet. Write to us for run particulars. Hud son Land Co., The value, -or, CERTinar - serin, any alee pleeea; lowest prices. W. u. Howell, ftSft Chamber of Co HAVE aevaral fine timber claims for location ao money deposit required. 306 Mohawk bldg. TIMBER relinquishment. S 500.000 nine: rall- roaa a muee; improvemenca. at is, Journal, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SAUK Blgnbred trotting msrs, S yean 010, weignx i,iw ids.;' arraia . or notntng; ran be driven la batter than 40. Phone Eaat 6230. . inquire DJi East Davie at. , POR SALE A 1.400-lb. bsy draught bourse. nosnd and true... Apply U. L,. Paget, cars rieisaner. Mayer at La., or rraalsr Mc aran eiaoiee. .. :. FOR 8At,Erina pacing maret rabber-tlrs nut about. Phons Pseldc 46. FOR "SALE MISCELLANEOUS. APE Dlebold, doable door, good as asw; will rraua ror smau one. rt cetera Barrage vo oi naaaiDfioB at, - STEAM beating plant, suitable, for apartment aouee; enap; win use purcnass pries in ivni. iw aouru K, . 8. O. W. LEGHORNS and 8. C. Brown Leg horns, from prlie-wlnnlng stock; eggs for batching, is ror si.- Mrs, William Park, Ful- toa r. o. residence Carson Heights. FOR B ALB OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND BEWINO MACHINES. STANDARD SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. B, D. JONES, ZM XAMH1LI, BT. BOOKS bought, sold snd exchanged at ths via DooB niors. zz xsmniu ec , WB need fuinltuie ipd will pay full vs has. rnone racinc iva. weaiern aairage vo.. e.l waahlngtoa at. WESTERN OREOON M1N1N0) at MILLING CO. headquarters) stock for sale end In for eta ties a isu rvac si. rnone sum inxn. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order: eeeooa-Bena goods tor sale, cartoon at Kail- atrom, SM) Couch at. Phons Clay bti, B0R8E8 of all kinds for sals st very reason. aw arises. isattirs s7B rrens er MANURE by waeonloed or carload oa 0. W. P. ny. f sons Eaal xais, BILLIARD AND POOL Ublaa for rent or for aale on eaay paymenta. TUB BRUNSWICK -BALKB COI. LENDER CO. 48 Third St., Fortlsnd. SHOW esses, counters, Sxtures bought, snld or vscoangeeu wesTeru nairage-uO', est vraaa Ington at. Paclflc 733. WB print your asms sa 60 calling card, proper bus ana a trie, hoc; zto euainesa came, si. A. W. Scbmsls Co., 328 Flrat. Portland. Or. BOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURB- -flora curs for rneomatiam. sold by an arnggtsts. FOB SALE 2SU-rrio launch, caoactty 14 nor- none, equipped with avnoreepower ray ax nowea engins, compists. appunenansen ei beat. Inquire 810 Pins St. very FOR SALE Ftne oyster counter sad shelving; suo aoors and aaau; cheap. 308 roortu St. $1.60 FOR 30 roses; 1(10 sweet pea aaede, 8c; . an ainas sowers ana vereisoie areas rea- eonanis. mala IlBl. 10 11 1. s. FOR SALE Second-hand nprigbt boiler, suit- able for woodaew. roster m a.Miser, ruta sad Everett ats. FINB saw top buggy, only $06: alao now wagon, fort tana warenoass st aTsaaiar uswt 842 East Waahlngtoa St. r. HELENS MINING STOCK FOR SALE 6,000 shares Caacadla, (.000 Ooat Mountain, 14,000 Oregon Waahlngtoa, 60,000 derma nla. 6.000 California Home; all for $6,000. O 18, Journal. OR 84 1. E I12M I room furnlabed cettaga at foot of 16th St., North Portland. FOR SALE Good dry live 4-foot flr In two-cord orders er mors, st $8.76 per cord, delivered snd piled at residence, aa you will aes that you have your meaeure. Hoover, 813 Water at. - Phone Mala 46P8. ' FOR SALE One 2-cyllnder Union marlas gas engine; will propel about as-rooi Host. H. B. Bennett, Knappton, Wash. DAMAGED can goods from tks recent Ore, 26e per doeen cans. Call quick, mm second st. $70 BILERS piano certificate reasonable; make sn orier. it, cars journal. rOB aale cheap, new furniture of two house seeping rooms: mome ior rent. ror a Bar gain call at 831 12th St. FOR RALE A Jersey heifer calf S weeks aid. 41 Division eve., , Mount Tabor. COW Treeb Id-gallon DurhanvJerssy for aals. it. a. h, Entoca, Ktiungsworta ana Ainina. Phone Woodlawn 86 - - ... FOR SALE Upright holler, 8 horsepower. Cbesp. Addro aa 287 Buraalde St. - ONE set ef saloon Sxtures, complete! met be aoia; mats orrer, Aanress u w. Journal. a W. LEGHORNS and 8. 0. Brown Leg. horns, from prlse-wlnnlng atock; eggs for hatching, 18 for $1. Mra. Wtlllara Park, Pul ton P. O. ; residence Carson Heights. 'PERSONAL. MMH. ANNA LUCKEY AND MRS. B. WOLFE, sols agents for Mine, urshsm a Hydro-vaca treatment snd buat developer.- This Is the most scifatl8c treatment for removing wrinkles snd facial blemishes; ales for bual development. No need of having wrinkles any morel Patlenta received, wilb board and treatment. Full line of baths. Batlafaelioa snareateed. Testimonials from leading phyeieiene,- 18 I Hinge-Hotel, Sixth and V) aealngtoa sis. rnone main ni. ATTENTION Would Ska some tnformattna as to toe whereenouis or 1 sn turxe, wno w supposed to be. In Portland; weight when laat Been about 176 pounds, age 30, light complexion, broad shoulders! would probaitly be Found shout ths mills; his mnlbsr, Mrs. Parry Duncan, la very elrk and not expected tn live. Address Mrs. P. Duncan, - Dixon vllle. Or. I GRADUATE masseur will go to yonr and give treatment; retereneea given. Best KM, DOMS HOSPITAL Repairing and dressing. SSt Yamhtn et. CITS pressed while, you wslt. 60c. I a files Skirts preaaerr. owe. uitneri, oiaia av., next to tfUaiie. rnone racinc e'w. DR. WORI.ET RKNJAM1N. the Foot Spaeiallat. 38014- Waahlngtoa it. Hood ext. , Burs feet sgada sound, . PERSONAL. BII0 CIIOONQ. Importer ef Chinese root m edi ct nea; sella Chinese tea that la certain cure for all dleeaaee, ; 1B1 Seound-bet, Yamblll ano Tar lor. DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential Invert!. gstioss;. reports made en any Individual beat Beaa or property; mlaelng relatives located: . bad debts collected: chart ea reasonable; eor reapondeaet eallclicd. Ore roe Detective nervier, orncee BM-sis Columbia bldg., Wssblagtoa at. Phone Mala S618. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Loreaa's Nerve Tonic Tabletar 3oe nee box. S boxes for $1.35. Write or call at Eyasell'i rasrmsey. gzr Morrlaon. Bet. let and BACK ACRE and kldnsy or bladder dleeaaee nim am irregoa Barns; trial siss far xus in stamps Plum mar, 360 Third at. WET FEET are dsugeroos. la sbaolutsly araUrproof. 'Webtout bUekmg MANLY vigor reetored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve . OlohnteaL n. ..k. . , se, S . months. JB sent securely seeled by mall Agents. Woodsrd. Clarke it Co., Portland. Or. YES, Palmo Tableta make yon alaen nerfeetlyi Jhey cure nervousness asd maks yoa strong; "price 60s s box, 3 boxes $3.60; guaranteed. All drnggteta, er address Broobe Drug Co., 87 FREE to out of town patrons, eor latest sets. logue . sf fancy work, pillow tons, center pieces, ahtrtwatata aad novelties. Ths Needle crsft Bhsp, 383 Waahington at.. Port Una. or. ANY man or woman caa be strong snd happy by using Sextns Pllle. the greet tonic; price si a box. boxes Bo, with run guarantee. asoreee er call J. A. CMmsnaoa, aruggiei, ear. Seeoad and Yamhill ats., Portland. Or. BIOR-OBADE portraits: special offer for few days; cabinet else, esrds or folders, IS for $3; quality and work 'the best. D. M. itsvsns, . 403 eoodnough bldg.. Fifth and Xsmhia .( BALM OP FIOS for all female dlaeaaac. Eaat Belmont. hoas Beat 4084. 838 'FORBIDDEN FRUIT." "A "Btorv of a Pleva." ''ranar flay Lothario." Hill." "Agnsa.M "Womaa of Tlrr."- 60e each; ItaU W. SchmaJs Co.. 338 jrirst St. free. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oregnnlaa blng.j ladles ra, geniwmea aigata. waia lua. BOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CUBE Sure cure fog rnoumattom. Sold by all arnggmts. DR. O. V. KETCUUM eurss promptly private niiieaess, ainaey. nervous, ana sno apeeiai female trnublee. Call or write. Red-Oroaa plapenssry, earner Third and Ash ats. Phone Pselrls ML DO yoa moot to marrrf If bo. Via our society; we ssvs nunareos ox memoers. eiiaor eat matrimonial reglater. 10c. P. O. Bog 0W. SCHOOL, hooka aad all klnda of hooka OUeht. sold snd SACbanged. Jones Boos; store, su AHier SC. '" LADIES' Turklah baths, msesags, bydrlatrta parlors; strictly flrat -claaa place for ladles ' only. JTlst A. 551 Waahlngtoa at. between 16th and 17th ats. DISEASES OP WOMEN sueceesfally treated; maternity rases cared for, private boepltal; trained nuraeet consultation free. Dr. At- wood. IAKU Pourtb st.. room 18. Phone Hood S.W. After April 10 at room Lewie biug.. sook Aiornsoa St. YOUNG lady gives fsee and scalp masse gs. manicuring and chiropody. 14 ss nutu st BACHELORS, don't worry; we'll sew yonr but- Tons oa anu no your manning iree; ooa x awear: .we'll Iron your shirts and collars to fit your neck. Try us. 'irand Laundry Co., 17(h aud Qulmby sts. Pbons 1465.-. BRPINED lady wishes acquaintance of elderly JenTieman - or mesne; . ODjeci matrimony. I ft, ears Journal. 1 GENTLEMAN wishes acquaintance young lady saving email means or own noma; 00 jeer matrimony. Address Box 61, city.- - DR. M. T. COLE. 848 East 82d; maternity eaeea; dleeaaee of wo me a 4 Phone Eaat 6260. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY at COOK Motor Car Co.. " nth and Alder Aa-enta for Cadillac. Ores I Arrow and Stevens Durrea chines rented, repaired sad s1 ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, SOB Commercial blk.. Second and Waahlngtoa rta. Phone Mala 843. J. S. WINCHESTER, attornejMit-lew. notary. 30 Waahlngtoa bldg. Phone Padua 3337. ART ItMFORIUM. FROFE8S0B R. MAX MEYER. 348 Alderi Portrait snd lasdeaaps artlat and teacher. ARCHITECTS. R. H. MB NOBS, Architect, 113 Second St. ASSAYERS. OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. and Montana Assay Offlce.. 180 Mrerlaon st. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR, DAVIS Si KI&4HAM. loo-Ill Second at -nana awa BDauiniaoiHrera, agvnia itnr ew-i Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; ere tba aaw Eureka leaf, the beat oa the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. . BIRKENWALD CO.. $04-808 Everett at Largest batchers' supply bouse ea the eoeet BATHS MASSAGE. Y0UNO lady gives vapor, alcohol sad medlcsted osina. rarior m, nn aiara ai. MI8S RAYMOND gives baths and raaaasgs treatments. The cosmos, lannty siorriaan et CHIROPRACTIC. CVRRS pptvllcit1i; mm drew or knll. Ir. Rt flora b. bdi union . wooaiaws wi CARPE aV CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant ea tno onest, ixmng ana naroiBg am., tele phone Baat 280 Carps re cleaned. reBtted. sewed and laid: both steam snd latest corn preaeed air proeeea; r ivatlng mattreeaes aad feathers a specialty. - ... SANITARY carpet cleaning, snethrn and com. premea air combined; carpet a cleaned sn near without removal. ' Mala 6684. Eaat 4238. HUNTER, steam carpet and msttrees eleaner. 660 Jeffersnn. Phone Mela 214. - CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OUNST A COc Dlstrtbutora of , FINB CI0ARI" - Portland, Oregon, CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A SPECIAL $5 00 READING FOR $100. ST. 4JE0RGK ORMONDE. BKKR OF EGYPT, WORLD-RENOWNED. Clairvoyant, Palmist and Psychic Heeler, ; THE ONLY YOGI MEDIATOR sf Secret Influence In America. Cores ell asrveue dieeaae. - weakness of every kind; tails Juat what annoja, per plexss, worries you;, what your wlah Is, If .-ths one yoa love M true or fa lee. bow to gain the one you love or admire; brines Back tba eat ran red lover, htiahand or wife, straightens out family troubles and as state yoa la gaining your wlah er desire; (ives names, dates. facts of msrrlage, love, law, money, changes; all without yoa speaking a word. Fee, one dollar. Permanently located.. Open Sundays. .' 28814 WASHINGTON BT. PROF. NORMAN. CONSl'IT TUB RITST IT WILL PROVE THE CHEAPEST IN THE END. Without seklrta: a queetloa I tell every tn. eideat of your peat, present and future life; how to gain your desires tn love, marrtege, divorce, elckneee, wealth, etet locates loet wide, deeda, mortgagea and .absent friends; tells .von how In tell if your nine eontstas ors. ell or gaa; fee within reach of all. 823 Allaky bldg. 366 Morrlsoa, cor. Third. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading pelmtet, eerrelogar aad elatrvoyaat. 16V Seventh St, . epp. Uotel Pattlaad. , . ; 4 tierce. n-aoT-cars: - ma- tared, COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any see owe yea money t We eslxcct . bad dsbts of all kinds. Nerthweotsru Lew t Collectloe Co., 122 Oread are., roome 14 and 18, Otlxens' Bank bldg. Cat this oat, Pbooe East 0040. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASRBURNB 4 FLOYD, wagon builders and general fob work. li St. f hone Hood M)4. : ' CLEANINQ AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning 4V Dyeing Works; prac tical hatter m eonnsetion. 211 4th. Psclfic 307. CLOTHES cleaned and preesed $1 per month. Vhlqus Tailoring Co.. 847 Waahlngtoa at,- H. W. TURNER, profeeelonal ver aad eleaner. 80S Jef fsreoa ex. Phone Mala 861$. SARTORIAL Tailoring Co. Ladles' slesolng snd preestng. 600 Waah. - aad men's Pee. HIT. CROCKERY. AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glaaswsrs. Praet, Hegele 4 Co.. 100 to 10 Fifth.' eor. Stark st COAL AND WOOD. CHURCH LBY BROS, hava removed from foot Davis at- to 42 Kssrnsy at., near 11th: to bow the la rs eat woodyard la the city, carry . Ing all klnda of wood snd coaL Mala 8SL ALB! N A FUEL CO. Dee lore la cocdwoed. seal aad greea and dry slabwood. B. R. and AW Mna eve.. S blocks eaat ef ferry. East 8T4. WESTBRN Feed fuel Co.. oa Front, betwaeB Gllaas snd Boyt, dealers In all kinds sf bouse coals gad blacksmith aoaka, Pbeas Mala J01S. STEEL BRID0B FUEL CO Dealer la seal. sordwood sad dry slabwood. Pseao Eaat 484. OREOON FUEL CO. All kinds of coal aad wood. 80S Alder at rnons Main urn. KIRK HOOVER. 813 Water at Wood and east. mcme Main voBS. CAFES. THE OFFICE 388 Waahlngtoa at. pnona Mela 771. Samnal Vlgneaua. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVBBDING A FARRELL. produoa and sommta. sioa meronaata. 140 rroat at., rartiano, ur. Phone Main ITS. DRESSMAKING. DRER8MAKINO Plsin sewing snd children's clothes st your homes. Phons sveninga Main 4.184. 301 10th- St., ror. Taylor. - DANCING. PROr. RINGLER. 808 Aider, near 81xth alaas or private lessons, bos, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINES RING Company, 84 Seventh at.( Portland. O. K. for everything la the electrical Una. Phone Mala 1888. PACIPI0 ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, eeatrae. xors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. S4 First, eor. Stark. Mala 868. if. B. Tats, mgr. 1 FURNITURE FACTORIES." OREGON furniture Msnufsetming Ooaspsny Manufacturers of " f uralturs for the trade. Portlaad. Or. ' - FURNITURE manufaeturins and eneetal ae. ttuvensays turniiurs factory. S7U rront at. 0. W. LINES as BRO.. 34 3d St. rm-nlrnre rerislrlng, parking and shipping. Main 6131. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-sir fnmaees aavs fnsL 2. C Bayer rurnses Co.. 368 second. Msla 481. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS S88 Phono Main 3000. r landers St., eor. 3d. GROCERST WADHAMS CO., wholesale grececa, maaa. faeturera and aommlsBiea marcbaata. , Fearth aad Oak ats. .,..-,...- ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlasloa aad produce mar- chants, rront aud Davia eta.. Porticos, or. GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINE ENGINES BtatloBary and marine: "Uttle Special gasoline launch. $185; sseoad-hsnd" electric launch re snd hulls. REIER8ON MACHINERY 00.. 182-4-8 Morrlsoa at. GRINDING. K. E. KARLS0N A CO.. expert grinders. An- keny, corner Eighth. Phone Pacific 788. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. Americas plan; $8, $8 pee day, BELVBDERB; Europess plan; 4th and Alder ats. THE BROWN Orand and Hawthorne area. HAY AND GRAIN. COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed aad 138 Coins see. Pbeas East 181 7. - - HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. So 11 cits opportunity ta - pwote prices. 183 let at. .eor. Alder. Main 1884. INSURANCE, ISAAC U WHITB, firs Ineuraaas. bldg. .- 808 Dekea JAS. Mcf. WOOD, esrpleyere' liability aad la. dividual accident surety nonos at au aiaoa, 47. BOB McKay Bldg. LOCKSMITH. J. H. RICHARDSON, loekemltt aad rspalrlag, 387 Buraalde. PaetSc 1068. MAGNETIC HEALING. ALL forme of dlaea ae treated, ekronle or acuta; eesaina positively eared. Prof. J. 0. Diamoad, L. II. Hart, trtp Seventh at. Mala 4178. MUSICAL. EM II. THIEI.H0RN, pnpR of SBVCIK, vmltn toacner. Studio 186 Sixth. -. Tel. Mate SIMa. PIANOS repoliabed. eon a I to new. Practical piano repairing and flntehlsg. J. D. JOHNSON. 873 id al. Pacific 2331. MACHINERY. Mil H. a ALBEB OU. seeoud-uaad maehlaary, sawmllla, eta. 348 Grand ave. , HIPPBLY A MYERS, marblaiata and elee trtclsrss electric e leva tore, electrical maehln I cry end gaestlne engines a specialty. S34 Oak at. Phone Mala 1820. - BOAT engines, gasoline. Sheffield marlas; any speed; heat made; right price: tn stock 1 en exhibition; running -In salesroom. Call Flrel aad Stark ata. Fairbanks, Mores A Oa. MONUMENTS. RED A K1NUSLEY. 308 First St.. Portland a leading marble and graalta works. PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOSINO asls efnclsl photographic "views ef exposition, oeuventr pcoteerde, view nonaa, etc., greatly redwred pricea. ExpeeltlpB tore, $4$ Morrteea ex. I Th-ITED STATES BATIOHAL BABK Or lJ Northwrat Cor. ... . Traaaseta a Soneral Ban kins Buslneas. ' t-nnaautas aad Aurope, Uooakong and Manila. CellaeUesa Mass. sa reversals Prealdeot ,y. C. AlNSWOKTH . Vlce-Preeldaut W. B . . t . Vice-President. ,,...,v.,.B, LEA-BARNRS Ceebtee. r. .B. W. SCUV- I Aealatant t'aahlar.... A. M. WKlUHf Aaalatant Caehler....; .W. A. l"'i-T T" BA3T3J OF CALLTOmBIA Eatakllshed 1364. Bead Of 80a. Saa Fmaohvss, frllfevaia. ,1 Capital paid up .34.0Ou,0uO.O6Burplna and eudtvided prndta $8,770 fx S A General Ranking sad Exchange Buatneee Trenaaeted. BAVIMUS IitraHTM.M. IBteraat oa time depealu. Aceaunta opened for sums of $10 aud upward. Psrtlsnd Branca . . . Ckamlier of Commerce building. jLLMACRAE. .......... Manager. J. T. Bl'HTCHAELL. Amletant Mastgef PR8T BATI0RAI, BARI 0T PORTLAND, 0REOOV. im DeelgnaUd Depoeltnry and rtnanclal Agent sf the United S'- President. At. uitta Asalstaat Caehler. Si. C. ALVORD -iiV." irM" laauad Available In Europe and St. Ji axenange aad Tele graphic Tranarera sola oa new J ore, stoaina, laiesgo, ax. Mum. , Paul, Omaha Ban Francisco and the principal polnte la the Northwest Slab 11H rim. will. . . r..-.-. I -rl. to.ll.. v.. i.t mm .K..M.te Honxkong. Yokohama, Copeubagea. ChtlalUnla, Stockholm, St. Petsrabarg, Moseanr. Zurich. Honolulu. , . , . ' . , . ' " ' ' 1' 11 m 1 - LADD TUTOR, BAVXERS (Xaxabllahad la JSS8.""; ' i- - ' Traaaaota a Senarai Banking Bualaees. Collerttona made at all points ea laver . bll 'eruia. letters et credit leaned available In Europe and alt points In the Ouile , . . f"' Exehsase and Telegraphle Tranafrra sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St, Lonia. Denver. Omaha. San 'ranrlaeo and Montana and Brittah Columbia- Eichaage sold ... f P"1- Berlin. Prsnkfurt. Hongkong.. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. : . MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BARK, PORTLAND, OREOON. ' .. . J. FRANK WATSON, ..President R. U DURHAM. . ..t ie-rle R. W. HOYT Caahlar OEOROB W. HOYT. .... selstsut f.ehle - Tranaaeta a Oeaarsl Banking Bualaees. Drafts snd Ls Iters of Credit laaaod Avallahle to All Parts of the World. Caller Hons a Sosctslty. . - TRUST COMPANIES. 8V0kTt. Atrn TUrrav rvws xv nw atrAAn. nu, paaa tm . a REHOCRCES OVER $1,600,000. General SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Time certificates. RS 00 of aver. 3 4 to 4 per cent. Call for book ana usg ats. rnone BENJ. I COHEN.. B. LEE PAGET.... ...Praaldest ...secretary gEOT! ECUSITY SAVTNOS TRUST COhTPANT Tranaaeta a General "-nklag Bualneaa. xima ana as Tings iis. acts ss 1 . AvalUble In All Parts of the World. . .. . F. ADAMS............ Preeldent K A. LEWIS. .Flrsf .Vlra-Pvvwident 0. MILLS...... Second Vlee-Prealdeat R. O. Jl'BITZ... .....aecreiary GEO. P. RUSSELL. ...... ..Aaalatant SeereUry THE MORTGAGE S0ARANTEE It TRUST COMPANY BANK. ' - ' Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages Bought and 'Sold. Interest Psld an" Tims rMpostta. . - CAPITAL ..i.... $100,000.00 - v a. W. wItCRBURY President a W. MILLER Tles-Preeldent C. B. CLEMENT.... Secretary . .. Rika Temple. Seventh snd Stsrh BONDS AND M ORRIS BROS. 113 Tlrat Street, Portland. Oregon." . Offer Gllt-Edgs Investments la Municipal ' I '1TLI StJARANTIE TRVST COMPANY I . MORTGAGE LOANS an Portland Reel at . .- . . . .11.... , DOWNrNO. HOPKINS 00. Wheal aad toe Brokers, (EstsbUshed 1883.) v ' Room 4. Ground Floor. Chsmbe. of Com merer. " Ovcrteck. Stan & Cooke Co. . Rij; PROVISIONS.' COTTON. STOCKS AND BOND 7 " ... WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS, " Cootlnnnns Markets by Private Wire. Qutek fcrvlaa.BEFER-ENqEoC-Lsdd A TUton, Baak. era. and United Biatea national nana or ana SJ.: MUNICIPAL s SCHOOL AND " IN. J CORPORATION " ' ; ' Highest Returns to Invsstora PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN HOME 4 MONEY TO LOAN. 7 FEADQTJARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 428-8 Mohawk bldg., cor. Mjrrlaoa and Third. Ladles or Gentlemen. - No Publicity. If yeu borrow $20 you pay back 31.88 a week. If yon borrow S'JB you .pay back $165 a Week. If you borrow $30 you psy back $2.00 a week. If you borrow $60 yea psy bark 3 00 a week. Payments snapended in ease of sickness. trletly Hilary loane. . a rxrxry.NT TlANCO. -: 428-8 Mohawk bldg., cor. VI orrises and Third. MONET TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or for building pnrpoeee. for from 8 to 10 years' time, wltn nrfvlleare to renav all or Bart ef loan after two yaare. Loans approved from-plana and money advanced as bousing prograaaaa; BBortgagea taken up and replaced. FRED H, STRONG. Financial Agent t 212 Stark St. - THE STAR LOAN CO. - - - Any salaried employs, wage-earner, 'can gst on bis aots, without mortgage . ' Month. U Month. Week W) 00 Repay to as $13. S3 er 3d 66 er 88.33 $28.00 Repay to uk i 8.68 or 63.85 er 11.66 $16.00 Repay -.$ 4.00 or $3.00 er $1.06 ziv ncaar niog. CONFIDENTIAL loans on salaries. Inaurxncs policies," pianos, ' furniture, warehouse re celpts, etc.; any deserving peraoa msy secure . a liberal advance, repaying or easy wees 17 or monthly installments. . . NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, 306 Ablngtoa bldg. . MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And others poa their awa nemos without security: cheapest rates, ea Bleat paymenta: offices In 6.1 prtectpe! cities; ssva yours alf money ny getting our terms nrat TOLMAN, 228 Ablngtoa bldg.. 104V4 Third at. MONEY to loan on real, personal and collateral security; special etteatloa to chattel mort gages; notes bought. 0. T. . Pallet. 304-6 Fentoa bldg., 84 Sixth st,--' ----- - HIGHLY respeeteble place where ladles ana gents esa borrow money on diamonds and iewairy. tmiarerai Linen aans, rm waw agtos et. - Phone Black IL- t MONEY to loan on Clack a max county lands, E. F. and F. B. Riley. 80S Chamber of Oiav LOWEST vsfes aw fnrnlrare end nlsnos.- Beet- era Loan Co., 448 Sherlock bldg. Pscl6o 2118. MONEY TO LOAN oa all kinds of Beeurlty. William Holl. room 3. Wsabingtoa bldg. . SEVERAL tboussnd dollare to loea at 8 per cent, dry property; private. - T 6. Journal. $3,400 OR ' LESS to loea - oa etty property; private. Addreaa B .24, care journal. TO LOAN Sums to sntt on chattel aecurlty. R. A. Frame. 514 the Merojuam. OSTEOPATHS. PES. ADIX A N0RTHRUP. 416-16-17 Dekaa blda Third and Waahlngtoa ata, Phsaa Mala 848.- Examlnatloae free. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 408-4 Msclesy bide. Phone Clsy ITS. Res. tba B1U. Pri vate exchange 71. - Wrui aarv heat ladv eataonath In L. a. Johseon, suite 16. nVIllng-Hureeh bldg. BR. P1ERCB, oeteopath, vibration and the new light. 61 V4 Third at. .Phone Pacific 867, DR. 0. L. CUNNINGHAM, the Beat Blda Of, re path, 101-Ios nrown blog., poone aaat m. PLUMBERS. D0NNRRBEB0 A RADEMACHER, aaaltary plumbera. 84 Fearth at Both paeaee. F0Z A CO., eanltary plumbers, 831 Baton A bet. Mnln end Salmon. Oregon rnone main buul. FINNWAS HROS. 4 CO. 388 Third St. Phono Msla 3900. . plumbers ana nesting eagiueeru. PHYSICAL CULTURE. PROP. RINOLBR'S School at Physlcsl Cultarai sll branches SOB Alder et.. near Sixth. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS F. fc. REACH A CO. The Ptoneer Paint fee.; wlndew-glsss aad gleslng. . 13S . Flrat at, Phoae 1834. ESNF8T MILLER A CO., Second aad Taylor- - Wall paper, point all at market prteeei free ' dertvevr. - PRINTING. THE MODERN PRfNTRRY Artterle prtnttsg. 28 Ruaeel bldg.. Fourth sad Morrlsoa. Phons Pscifle 1636. . , ' ANDERSON A DUNIWA Y C0MP4N Y, Jrtutln. Iltbographlng, blaah booka," Pnoaa Mala II. ' SUB I Ids st. FRLCH. DAVIS A CARON Prlnttag that para the peyer.' Roome 303 aad 804 1 teams Mt- Slvfh aad Morrlaon, Phoae Mela 4147. PATENT LAWYERS. GEO. W. MeOOY, domestic and f "rales pa tent a; trademarhai aotatr public. 371 W, Mai F0RTLAMD. 0REOOV. , Third and Oak 81 a. DRAFTH ISNL'EU A '-.liable la All CI' lee f -..kt.. . X r. newrtrb; F. STEVKhS Second Aaelatant Cashier. ....'l the Eaatara Btatae. . . banking. Exrhange on all parta of the world. 3 to 4 sent; abort-sell apeclal eertlflcatee. ef "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeast earner Third rcvete Kicoangs is. H, U PITTOCK. .Vlcs-Preeideat a. uitbi . , , .Aaalataat Secretary 88 ; Morrlsoa Street, Portland, Oragea. SAVINUH DIP4HTM IN r. interaat Arwwvu roe lee ior eaisias. xn-aiia w v. viu - StreeM. - Pb en - Mela 184.- INVESTMENTS. and Railroad Bonds. WritarjslL 240 Waahington. Street. Comer Second. ; Batata at Lowest Bates. Titles Insured. v 1,1 1 Ab- Ml .11 103 Third" St McKay Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. no. Rooms 3. 4 and 5 La rayette bldg., cor. Sixth aad Wash, Bit., Portland, Oregon. DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATION ; STOCK- Conalrten t With Abaolnts Safety, ' -! TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH gECTRITlES RUBBER" STAMPS. P.C. STAMP WORKS, 348 Alder st . psoas Msla 710; rubber stamps, seels, a teed la. baggags, - trade check a ; send for catslogae Ho. 36. STREET PAVINa WARREN Oanatruetlon Cs., street pevmg. slea- wslks and crossings. lis oregocuaa THE Barber Asphalt Pavtaaj Co. of PertlaaaV Office ae,S Woreeater klk. SIGN PAINTERS. SOLD SIONS, window leetariog. etoth baaaera, economical electric signs snd algus of all ' kinds made ajulckly. ' Footer A Klelser. FltU end Everett. Pkeae Exchange B6V SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated: sbampoa. Inf , ma men ring, eniropeay, race wore, mra. B. F. Kyas. 186H Fourth, ear Boom 32. Phone Pad Br SM. SAFES. DIEROI.D SAl'ES ALWAYS B ELI A BLR, not. in TRUST. Norton and Buckeye Jerks. Metal .' OfSce Fixtures. Reps Ira. Phone Mala lot. Joha B. Davis, Agent, 08 Third St. ROOFING. TIN BOOFINQ. guttering, repairing - lobbing, I. LoaU. Sll Jefferson and gaaaesi ax. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every desert ptloc; baak, bay - and (tors Bxtarea made to order. The Lath Maaafactuiiag On., Peetlaad. - SECOND-HAND .GOODS. GOODB'S Furniture Heaee Highest nrlcea psld for second-hand furniture. 318 3 need at, Phono Pacific 408. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, p la bob and foraltsre moved. paced reedy for shipping and ehlppedi all wet (asrsntsed; Urge, 8-atary brtok, flre-proet ware hoses for atorage. Office IBS first at, a M, OuMB, . Phoae Msla 847. THE BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TBANSPBR CO.. cor. sixth and Oak ata.; Baggage enacts from hotel er reeideace direct te desttnatleni paaocngara therefore avoid rash aad aaoey Bare st depota. Private Eaohaags OS. a O. PICK, office 88 First St. be twees Stark and Oak eta., pkaae 808; pianos aad furniture Bee-red and packed for skipping ; eemmodleaa brick warehouse with aeparata Iran rneaae, Freat aad Clap ata, -- - ' ' OREOON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Ststa. roome at am a. Heavy aaauag nna aaawaga. POST SPECIAL DRLIVERT No. 30014 lagtoa at . Psoas HiU ses. : - TUB Oregon Auto Despatch haa purebaeed tba entire capital atock of the Wakemao at Morea TYanafer Co. and the two compeniee will k era art er he operated toaether. The main offlea will be located at .Nos. 13 to 27 First at. Tsiepnone Main Tin. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Coma, brush, snap. SI per month. Portland Laundry aaai Tower npply On., Ninth and Coach. Phone 418. , TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all mahee. rested, eetd aad repaired Coast Agency, zxi Btars. -ret. iel. TELEPHONES. THB only ecrrsstve tolsphoas hssas. B.-aV Eleetrle 41 Telepasaa Maaaiaeturia4T esse, pssy. 83 Fifth et. - TRAFFIC DELAYED BY ALBANY FREIGHT WRECK Special Dlapeteh ta The Journal. - Albany. Or.. April i.A wreck oc curred on tha Southern Pacific Una run ning between Albanr nd Ihanon yaa terday afternoon, complatalr blorklna; traffio ana Makint ltnaeoawF for a special to leavu Albany and clear up th f traok. -:Tha tnick under a steel gondola In a lumber train broke and dragged fnr half a mlln. taaripE through tlea, break- ing switches And awltoh rods. r. Brbuxa Waaxa Ctmf are aoa. Uournsl Special Servtee.) " r Washington. April 4. .Tha Russian governmetit haa renewett Its promos. I for a conferencei at Tha lagna t'i M called earlr n July.' Tha NetMrlst) gen'ernment , has aaaeniej to t , a j . trOVBl. '