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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY Irv-SNINO. APRIL 4, 1SC3. new today:- r ' , tmm .'"" Y Bakery Business ' X m tOT. STULBIVS ABO -. BVSINESB. toested M Ik) ' , EAST SIDE, to he . , M ' i " ' v AACAiFfcxo , . ; V Goq ;"':'. PtUro fa. 'm, : ACCOUNTS Ha vine- amola lanital ad vesMaarrea Ik Bra. . portion to Iti deposit liability. katUM j-arriully organised la all departments. , aod koine cotaialtud la a eooeerv alias policy, ths , nAr MM aa, a,aaii Wa.aS.BSi SSkVOa. WVUI sa, wba,wvei ' Javltra tha sornonts of" tadlvtdnsto, firms, - mcrcaatllo-kcnate, baaka and baskets deslrlng : t-toae sttenttoa to their . aaona aa4 -tka . beat Feasible service. ; JrUKILAIiU IKUM tUmfAI Ur vKtuUil USOtrmOXS OTXS ei.ssJ8.8BA." . i I. B. car. M aod Oak ata. Pkoaa Ex. TA . BENJ. I. COH KM. Preoldent H. I PITTOTK Vies-President B. Ul PAGET Becretary :. t. 0. COLTRA ...... Aasletaat Secretory 7t3 Wants to Get Rich And Make Fortune -on a $600 Investment? r W attar oa tkla rata awwtuaitr. Wl "will aril Taa a property today far MOO ta tto.OOO tfcat will ba worth la. It axjatfca frost bow from $10 0OO ta $10O,0OO. Take It quirk. It will ba offered tor this waak eoly. Ptoaae can betweea 10 and 13 a. ai. and Italp. m. S. ialmr Hartmaa. T14 Dekum bid. Part lanit Oregoa. .WEATHER REPORT. rMm at kla-k Draaaora extends tkla aaora- ,. Inr traaJ British (MaaMt southeastward to Mrraa. Tka Barometer la reletlvety low aortk M Moetaaa. aad a dtotnrbence of lanalileialils energy la rentrsl over aaatkera Maw Mexico. Tha Haw Mexico dlatarfcaao kaa caaeed aa erttied weather, wltk rata, la Maw Mexico. Texas, Art eases. Missouri. Kaasas, Mabraaka. (Julnrada aad aoataara Utak. -' Ucbt traata atrarrad aaaia tkla panning bj waaiara Oraoa aad waatara Waahlnctoa. It la aioob waraiar la tka Caaadtaa aartk- wnt, tka Ohio allrra lowar laka r(loa and tka Kaa Eaalaad alataa. aad nrrMMMUullnvlv amIm la tha taiaa Paakaadla. Kaaaaa. aaatara ia nraaaa. nnau itaaoia aaa aaiaaaaata. la-thU dlatrkt tal(kt aad Tkoraday. , It will ba waraaar tnatitht ta anuthara Oraaoa. . - TUa nmianaa tmaprrararaa Thtmday taorntnf will ba dana-araoaly aaar tha fraat aaark, bat It la aoc aapertcd ur wui anita raa tbat point, airapt la hlrk lav! rallrra. Obaarratloaa takaa at a. m.. Padflt Uom: " Trrna fatlooa Mas. Mia. Praela. Ilakar City. Ornoa. ....... M Hoatoa, Maaaarkoaatta...... 44 . Cklraaa, Illinois TO Itoanr. Colorarta M Kaaaaa City, Mlaaoari. i. .U la Aafolea, California 4 K.w Orlaaaa. LoaMana.... It w York, Naw Vark M . Partland. Oraaoa M , ftoarborc. Oraaoa........ aa - HI. Loaia. Mlaaourl T4 U.I. T . k . f ' . . k. . II . AO 114 KO 14 4a -4 3 T. .0 . .0 . T. .0 .1 :, JO M M 4 Sk . rai rraanaeo. tjaniaraia. Hpokaaa, Waahlnctoa. r. rw .'. ' T.rooia. WaabtncUia i WallaWalla. Waakkirtoa. . ( riaa rraanaca. Caltfarata. an ao T2 Waaklaatoa. D. 0 M MARRIAGE LICENSES. Hataaa B. Kyatw. S3; Myrtla U Ooekaraaa. XI. Waddtnc Oarda. W. 0. BaHtk A Oa., Waak. lartaa H&M- ear. Poarth aad Waaklaatoa ata. Miaa Barna MarUa. raa 113 AUaky bids. gtaaiplna and Im aaadlowarki lamaa (1a. BIRTHS. aiKUairiELO April a. ta klr. aad Mra. jardaa f. Brumfl.ld. T44 Pattyarora atraat, a aaa. COP-CO April X to Mr. and Mra. Jaka Pan, ItT Uaeola atravt, a aoa. ER"0N Marrk 14, to Mr. aad Mrs. A. Paraaa, Vrat Vnlna mrrna'. a aoa. BHrELL--Marck 28. to Mr. aad Mrs. E. A. ' : laaaa 1021 Halsht atraat, a daacktar. VlRK Marck M. ta Mr. aod Mra. W. A. Wlaa. 7S1 Taaeoarar aaaaaa. a aaa. IIAZZARD Marrk 80. to Mr. aad Mra. Ckarlas . W. Basaard, MT Warra atraat. a daacktcr. frAKK Marrk SI, t Mr. aad Mra. AUoaaa 0. Park, la tkla city, a aoa. ftAXLB Marrk HI. to Mr. aad Mrs. Prank W. kain. ST A lb laa avaaa, a aoa. frAT-rMarek 1. to Mr. aad Mra. Edward t. Pa. 21 Eaat Tsotb atmt. a aaa. JOHNirroR Marrk a. to Mr.- aad Mra. Carl Jotinatoa. Poe Oaatonbala aavnaa, a aaa. DAT IS March 30, to Mr. aad Mra. Charlaa 0. . PaTta. 83 Markat atraat. a aaa. ' ' AVO-Marca 2. to Mr. aad Mrs. Da rid Ea-ra of Arlrta. a dantrktiw. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. LeWIH April I. Catharine lanrbv, 40 Kaat Thlrtr-drat atraet, Biaaalaa. ; MrNiaR Afwtl: tL A. Maera at ' CaatUla. ftTgOU, tpbdtitj (Wf, - - ,' DEEVCK April I. Robart Brrraa, K4 East Mrrand atrat. aaraahra. - artiv'n a&rtt ft u.mi. p..v itl taratk atraat. mraalaa. A IU-OX AprU a, I, Wlkox. Xl Kla atraat. Jf.HNHON April J. Praarls I. Jokaaoa, B04 Eaat Poartaroth arroat. aaraalaa. MV,B-pra J. Paul. Marl.l. Taraoa an4 . Kl.lra Myars. roraar Eaat Tklrtynilark sad Pllawartk atrerta. airaahia. . .r ar April 1, Maatar Oeway sag Baatoa r. a.aalaa. . .. JIOHMAMKAprll X A nia Bobaaaaa. S2 East rV.rwta atraat, ataaalea. . DEATHS. rlrl GRTON April 1. Ellia HoaaHtaa, a(d , ET yasrs, t carnett atraat; caaaa. paro- RKMila. Varlal at Rlvrrataw rrawtary. TMREI .PR -April 1. Marrus D. Wkralar, acd as yeara, tl'M Eaat Hlrhaiotid atraat; raua. amlllty. Burial at (Vilumbla camrrary. taT K RE April 3. Mlaala MrKa. asd 24 yaara, 3Ai Raaaall atraat: caasa. tabareuloala. Burial at Bandy rrmairrf . UNDERTAKERS. .Edward Bolavaa A fla.. tka laadtatr faaaral d)rrtara. kara tka taaat aatakllskawat. tka pnaat (nada, tha Saaat aaklelaa and tka Hoat naanaakla arlraa, Pip hroaaVlarh raTw.d .aaakata, and EMK Tha daaat wood aaa 4a maaa, troai fit to 120. Parlors ISO .ad Ttl Third atraat, saraat aalawa, Parttead, twaawa. t. P. Ftnlay a Boa. foaeral dltsctois sad ambalmars, onrnar Tktrd sad Madlaoa atrasta. t)ftra of oeunty eareaar. Telepbeoe Mala A aiYXAYUW CEMETEBY. aaian-saasia - Btngk. grseas 1A Famne lets fit fa 11.000. The only eeeaeiecf la Pnrtlsad which per Botxellr eaelatalae ssd rare for lota. For fall JefarsMtlce) apply to W. B. Marhaaato. Wstv tmsuf ktoca, sit, .V. K, Ladd. areeiaeat, . UNDERTAKERS. ' Daaalac, MrEataa A Ollbaufk. andartakara aaa ennaiaarr; aanari ia arary aatall. aaraatk mmm riaa. aaaia aav. May saaiataat.. . A. B. Haaaatoek. andartakar aad amfcalM. Eaat Thlrtaaath aad L mall 11a aaa. Psoas Bail, wood f L ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 1. O. Pallartoa, adailnlatrator, t P. B. anay. tota la sad 14. Work S3. West . Portland Park a A. 1. Stout an wlfa to E. Audaraoa'. aeraa baalnatna; aortbaaat roraar wast la sauibcaat V aortbaaat U aoc. tloa IS, townahlp 1 aouili. rases S .soo . Nawbaus to J. . I. Pitacarald. ; lot M. pioca za. atoant Tabor villa.-. ' l A. E. Flory sad wlfa to Julia B. Plorr. owes ii, riaaaaat Ucma addl- -tloa 'I BAA J, P. ' Mortraaoa aad wlfa ta Wllllaai ' , Mills,' lot t and aoutkaaat H ht 2, . aiurs mi, ttmm dioaa t kocoad addl-' -tloa. Bt. Johns 1 am L. T. Peary and wlfa to Jamas B. Trul- . linear, lot IS, klork 1, Maaaly Mich. -lead ........ .: . - - 1 Utfl C. A. Allsky aad wlfa to W. J. Wllaay, , aoutk as I S fast lot IS, block 'Mi. Uauek addltioa . . , T aoa la A. Plahsr at at. to Darld O. Fisher . at ai., so sores sactloa 12. towaahtp 1 Borth.. ranss 8 asat; slas 17S arras - '. Serlloa IS and lot 4. aertlaa tX 1 AjBarlraa laraatmaat company ta Ialay ' aa. Merrill, lot a, ,eKx. l, Monlf onirry . I. H. Orahaai at al. to Andrew Bmltk. aota IS to 21. larluelT, block S, Porta- . BHMltk .- 100 Barak fL Isaacs to Jamas N. Boyd, rat a. Dtork 3, Marray mil addition. East Portlaad SOO Jesapk W. Robertsoa sad wife to Mr. - , , tvlnlay Mltrkall. 11 arras aectloa 14, townaklo 1 south. ranae 3 aaat ...i 1.2S0 Ckarlas M. Wallkam at al. to Hudson UMiber A Ixssln( ' compear, Mo 1 to IS, InctuslTe. Rlverroad Tract, sartioo 13, towaablp 3 aortk, range . '. 3 wast ........ ...................... , 1 WillUm H. Pool at al. ta Hadsea La Bi har at Lagvlnc compaay. rtsht of 'sy . -throngk portk H northwsat 14 sec tion 18, towaablp 3 aortk, raogo 3 weat 1 H. B. Blamler to Mra. T. 1. Hoaaa, aoutk SS 1-S teat ( seat -AO- feet, . lot 14. block 11. WllUams Aaeaae addltioa 3. SOO Haas of Oond Hbepberd ta A. Mr A taa. lot , block IS, Caatrsl Alblna addl- . tloa .390 I. P. B. Blddla aad wlfa to W. 0. Pat ter at si..-lots S to S, loeluslTS, Eaat Portland 13.000 Merchant's at tonal bank ta B. T. Land. . tot 12. block as. Woodlawa 10 M. H. Leaf and huahand to U. 1. O'Neill, - lot B. block HI, Ilarker'e Baroad au dition; tot A, block IS. Bkerlock's ad dltioa ....-3,000 William M. Ladd aad wit to Hanry i. Ottaakalatar. aoutk M lot T, Stack 4, city 26.000 P. H. Marlsy and wife to Mary A. . , BrawB, kits 3 and ,4. block 13. North .. . AIMaa t A. E. M. Strickland to Security Sarins - A Trust compaay, Jets S, 3. klork 7i, Couch addltioa 11000 $. Frank Wataoa sad wlfa to Barak J. . Lyoa. lata SO to SB. Inr lustre, block IB, KortbarB Hill addltioa SM Wakemaa A Moraa Transfer company to Bacorlty Barlnga A Truat company, lots - 3. S. klork Tt. Couch addltioa . 1 Wkkamaa A Morse Transfer company to Security Be Tints A Trust coanpany. lota . , I, S, block 120. Couch ad- ' dltloa , Jamas C. Wllaoa ta- O. P. Wolrott. lota B. T, A klork . Conk's addltioa.. . 1 Kate Hunt to BrstarS of Charity at --- - - PrerldcBre. Bt. Vlaaent'e hospital. Iota SO, S3, block 4T, Irrinttoa Part 1 0. C. Joaaa aad wife to W. E. Van Dusea. lot IX black 3. Uaeola Park " - Aasax TTf L Burkmsa to 0. M. Settlrmetr, east - aa Ln a . w,, a kLM-k a t.vrft. - Bock man's addttoa 3.T60 t. Bucfcmaa to Blaarke Stafford, weat BS fret tot S, klork A earne addltioa. 1,300 J. U Mltrkall, truataa, ana wife to k O. AlfredBoa. tot Ik. klork B. Wood A. K. Btckford. eiacutril. to Eralya I. Unrsa lots 0. 11. block I Blrkford Park ,i.(i -a......-....r. 360 Margaret la Lutke and husband ta Hmtm tl.rtnaaa. Iota I aad 3- block T. Holladay Psrk addltioa 3,280 Elba M. LaBua aad husband to Rata Howel, aaat 33 1-3 fast tot S. block IS, Alblaa . R. N. Beott sad wlfa ta Job a A. Mr. Chi re, aortk lot 38, block 38, Lena Fir ceaaetery Mary O. Hart aad has band to A. B. Jeaaea. lota 8. B Sod south M tot T. block T. Katharine Oeorgo B. Chamberlala at al. to J. L. Ulaaahaimar tola S -to IX - InclualTC. black S. Foichsss addition 300 U Ooldamltb and wife to Joha H. W1I-. If.. L.. a a,ltfw.k 1 Qnl.iamlt ta'a ad. dltloa ....V a.oo 0. P. KaykendsU and wife to Wllllsm a .(..,. . - l tm w S hlorli 14 Hawtboraa'a First addltioa I.T40 Bridget Lsnlus to Wllllsm ra. Lanlua. parcel land beginning aaat lino tot . - -aectloa SO. townahlp 1 north, range 1 east: ahm kit 8. block 20. Alblna.. I. MaOaken aomnenr to-Walfred John son, lot 8. block Bernhardt Psrk.. 180 Lou Reed sad wife to Anna E. Orttnan. . 8.00 seres section 18, towaablp 1 ' aoatb. range 1 eaat T78 H. B. Noble aad wlfa to J. D. Meyer. andfelded V, Intereat east H btork 14. North Portland 1 B. M. Lombard sad wlfa to J. t. Meyer. - : andtelded H Interest esst btork 14, ' Nortk Portland 1 Portland Truat Company of Ore on to- raaiiiah Rowdlah. lota 2S ..a eo block T. Portoejoafa Villa Eitenaloa.. . - 160 B. L. Thompsoa and wlfa to Thomas It uas. T acres Aearge Wills' donstioa lsad claim, sections 28, 3a, towaablp 1 aouta, range 1 esst ........ i. .. . . . -: J Portlaad Woolaa Mills company - to Thomas Rosa, parrel land same doss- tloa lead claim 1 Oat your Insurance aad abstracra to real aetata from the Title Ooaraatee A Truat eompaay, 340 Washtngtoa e treat, tor ear SinoaA NOTICE. MOTICB OP PIRSOLLTION Portlaad. Oregoa. March it, 1BU0. .Notice la kerehy gteea that the enpaytnerablp doing bo .In, as under the as see of the Wflley-Bmltk Harness Compaay kaa tkla day dlesoleed, and that C. A. Wilier aad Joha I'ptoa kara 'surroeded to the bual Base of the Arm, sad will collect all debts aad pay aU the liabilities of the Bra. . C. A. WHXEY, - ' --r. M. SMITH, - - .DOLPut'B wnxrr. ' MEETING ; NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS 5& 5cmctliliif -Doln? TO-NIGHT!'. BETTER COME I WASHINGTON Iadg, No. 4, A. P. A A. M. Stated communication this (Wednesday ; eeenlog, ?:!, af,V Burkksrd bMg. Work M. Tb J& gree. All Master Maeoaa Vs ineltad. By ardar W. M. i. m. ne eardlslly ' ' J. II. RICHMOND. Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Red shepherd dog. katr clipped off tie of tall. 4 while feet; liberal reward. .J. W. Llklna, BIB lTtk at., Portlaad Heights. LOkT Maaawaadum-bookr contained ie eleer's receipt, aotea aad other ealuaoi papers; re ward. Address E IX cars Journal. LOHT, aa Buaday. amall gold nerkekata with eryatal neadaat. Ratnra to 28 leeward bldg.. P stead aad stars. Mwars. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN aad we to leara the barber trade ta eight weehe. The Molar system af col lege hare opened oaa of their famona berner echoile In Portlaad: graduate earn from 818 to 120 par week ; oat reliable barber oollaga la the T ailed States; epeclel terma t first 30 stu dent.; be lleely and get sperlsl ratea. Molar yetem Colleges. 38 N. 4th at., Portlaad. Or. BALESMEN WANTED Per oaa af the largaat aaraertee la the wests rath advanced weekly an order; good territory opea. Addreaa Wssklagtoa Karasry Co., Tnppealeb, Waak. IF ANTED 1,000 mea, aha to aad bak-cat traa. 984 CoasB si, - Wa ' r anr 7" HELP WANTED MALE. L1VB eansBsaars for rholre . territory; otitst rurnlaked fraa; big saap. For full particulars auwaoo vrvauai rtursery tx., aaieat, uregea, AGENTS WANTED ta sail eu parlor, hlgk-grade urwsry siora msnpieta aamt ruruisbed tree; cask weakly; write today for choice of ter ritory.. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem, Orsgoa. WANTED Lisa aad energetic boy ta leers vpiifai Bosiaeee aaa srna-grinding. Apply 211 Macleay bldg. START ats II ardar buahieaa: yoa easily make aiu oaiiy; we rurnieo suppiiaa and taark flea. Aluminum Haager Ce., cbatfleld. Mlna. UARNEBB or aaddle-makars wishing good Jobe harlaa L. Maallrk A Co.. w holes le leather,! Front and Dak ata., Portlaad. . ; -I in . ina ceoairr oiasaa commuairata wiin WANTED Machine men, cshhtet-mskers sad rmisorrs. uregoa Furniture Mfg. Co. WANTED Oond'twy. with wheal, wall rerora- wvvwm, awu wasn,. Apply loo J t LB SI. WANTED A man. aa exrlenrad milker aad larmuana. i an aoo norta 2th at WANTED Reliable new ape per ranTaaaer; ataady pool tloa for right party: city and- country work; must glra rafereoras. Addreaa U. J. IP takaa at once 100 will buy sa latareat la a ouainese ins I will pay you S100 S BMtB. Address E 111. rare Journal. WANTED 4 rarpanters for flalablsg. ' laloa a.v. son Bifimgsworca. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. BANBBN'B LADIES' AGENCY, 3434 Washing. .ion eu, nor,- Barents, apsisira. raeae aasia SOOI. Psmsls ksrp wanted. COMPETENT cook, for fastidious trade; . moat aaee tools ana mm Mil relerencee. The Mssltoa, Ml Tblrteeatk at WANTED A girl to do general koaeework. axppiy aw norm asio ST. WANTED Girl for general kouaework. Apply ai laywr at., ear. steal rars. WANTED Woman for geaersl houaework. "Ap ply eoo - jayiee-ea, , ' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. B-aXP winUsl n4 tuppMed, ml or fmU. R. at to-iJi 1 k V d a E , tSaJA v. B-rr saV mmjyt tt iifj sabb r .lire ioiv. SITUATIONS t WANTED MALE. PO8ITI0N ky bottler sad all-arooad mineral water man; wooM buy internet. Address u Zl FIRBT-OLABB marhlaory sslesmaa waata posi tion in city or oa roao. B a, care joaraai. OOI.LBME atndant wants work oa Saturdays sad after arkoot koura. A IS. care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE LADY wishes ta go to Alaska as boosts reper, or would tana marge or roonung-aouae or hotel, O 32, care Journal. ' - WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; something new; goad seller; nig wages. . jus McKay BWg. WB wast reliable man la erery tow la Oregon to sell strk aad accident lasm-ance. . Pacine Aid association, BOO Dekum bldg. . BOMCITOB wanted by laraatuient. brokerage aad real aetata compaa. Apply at 304 De- ' ksm bldg., etty. . j . PIRPT-CLABB ageata to Portland aad tkrongk atate; big wages to rust rare. 410 Pastas bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portlaad Employmeat Co., 308H Morrtaoa at. - rsoae racioc zaw. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. SB M. Second St Pboaa Mala 1B3A BIO POUR BMP. AGENCY Help supplied free. 18 Nortk Beooad st Pboaa fatla 11. JAPANESE-CHIN EBB EMPLOYMENT OPPICB. Henry Taker a. 3ST Krsrstt at Pboaa Pa - CISC S4D. . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOIINES. COTTAGES, PLATA ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department kaa been enlarged ana proviaea wita aoaiuoaat Starr. Wa Inetta Hating from LANDLORDS, offer personal atteatloa to and continuous miperrfsloa orer all property intrusted - oar "PORTLAND TBTJBT COMPANY OP OREGON, 8. E. cor. 3d sad Oak ata. Phone Ex- TX WB hare .tenants waiting for furnished and unfurnished houses sod fists, Btodern. List yonra if for rent. Tha Coatlneatsl Ja., 313 niara ew i WANTED Ta rent raack at 10 ta 80 arres, suitable for cklrkea ranch, near Portland. G 29, care Journal. WANTED To rant rblckea raack wltk good auiiainga. near roriiana; rase rent, u aa, cere Journal - WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT a house in Bsst Portland ; If roar price is rignc i win nuy; giro price end lore tloa first letter. Addri Y 10, care Journal. WANTED Lot erchange for eoulty la t Pbana Esst SMI. or T- WANTED, for cash, tot or fraction; Boat bf ckeap. B 44, care Jouraal. 100 REAL estate f trine can sell your piupeils quicker fkaa one. Pacific Real Batata Ex., 323 Washtngtoa at. Mala 1826V YACANT LOTS WANTED ON EAST BIDBl - BRING THEM IN. GREGORY, 123 GRAND AVE. WANTED City gnd eu bur ban neopertlea, Im proved or BBlmprorad; buyer waiting. Ad dress E T, ears Journal. THB Gmbp laieslment company sells the earth oa Installment plan; scad us your bargain. SSI Worcester blk. I WANT 310.000 ts tflO.000 raeeetment oa in side realty; will deal with principals only, Wbst kara yoa? U 35, cars Journal. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, spraying aod wkltawaahtng trees, basements, barns, dorks, etc.! Isrgast gs so lips v spraying outfit oa tha eoaet. M. G. Morgaa A Co., 823 laloa are. Pkoaa Beat MIT. WANTED Storks of general march and las or dry roods, boots aad oboes, etc.. for which I will pay cash; will deal with artaat aaasis only. Addreaa P. O. baa D, Elgin. Or. - - B- N. MORGAN, pioneer aprayer and wbtte waaher. Call Eaat 8213: remember tha name - B. N. Morgaa; 11 years la baataeea la Port i land. - WHO IB M. G. MORGAN A CO.! HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID for furniture la any quantity; also tsks asms on commission and gnsrantea beat results. The Portlaad Auction Booms, A. Bcbubacb prop,, 311 First at Phone Mela 6058. - WB WILL Bl'Y. SKI.L OR TRADE ANY OLD TTIINO. WESTERN SALT AOS CO., 82T 828 WASHINGTON. , PACIFIC 7M. TEAMS wanted ta ksul brick. Apply at Ksra's krirkysrit. 41st pad Division eta. WILL pay tl a share for too ta 1O0 oro share Improved Smelter Co, stock. Ana war B 30, ' cars Jouraal. WANTED Secondhand baby carriage or go cart. Inquire at 834 Third St., or phone Mala 1730. WANTED To bur certificate oa Ellers or Allen A -01 Inert. Epptog. Becoad aad Mnrrlaoa ate. LADIES or gents' tailoring In eiohente for first-clsas dental work. Address N S. JonrnsL FOR RENT-HOUSEKEEPING THE MITCHELL, r lander gad Seveatk . Bonnie, keuaekeeptng and tiaaslest; aaa - peal eat; or loss taasasabla, t . , FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ll.SS WEEK up. claaa. furnished bouaekeeplnfl ; rooms, wits yard, parlor, lauaory, aaia. iur aaee ka.L 203 H Btaatoa at. U car.' BLEBI'INO and bonaekeeplng rooms for rest. . Nea U. aL Ulgley, room SO. TUl WaskLna toa St. $1. SO PEE WEEK Large. ' class, furnished koeaekeepug-roooie; lauadry , aad balk. lh4 Bharmaa, South Portland. . 3 FURNISHED aoaaekse'plng-rooma, reaaoaable to right party, gas. bkoaa and water free. East 4Wil3. , . MEWLT furnished bay window rooms, suitable for two; saw kousekeeplng, modera. HH . Nortk 13th al. ' . ' . BI.Eei'lNU' aad booaekeeplnir roc ma for rant. ovf nuaaeu st. The McKay bldg. NI 'FLY furnished housekeeping rooms, bath. aoo poona, git a month, sou paTU. rnoue Mala Ibno. - - PVRNI8HED rooaaa for housekeeping, to ta IT a mooiai mooern.- oao rutk St. B -PI'RN'iaHED housaaaaplog-roorna, - $10 par awnia. im ujo Berenta at. ' 3 PLEABANT furnhtbed kauaekaeplgg-rooms, Slo Ct monta;. siao slaaping-raom, cheap, ill ontgomery, eor. Fourth. 8 WELIrPI'RMHHED bouaekeeptng rooms; pan fry, bath; first floor of modern borne. baO Fourth st. Phone Pacific 1324.. A PEW Nlt'B rooms, housekeeping aad stngls; .soma corner rooms sirs for offices. Bulb and Alder. I4SH ih ' , . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ehaaiBawaTeBs ITT yea" are for cleanliness snd dsyllgbt tsks a . joam st the ttlrerd, 322 Stark, corner klath;; electric lights, treo hatha. THB BICHELIEU. t NORTH SIXTH BT. IClegaatly tu-aiahed, atoam kaat and bathe. THE GRAND. 4BVi I orth Third st Booms fog geBiarsseB per weca aaa op. THB KINd. 800 Jefferaon at Nicely Atrnlahed room, with gas or electric light, bast snd ' batlia. In new building, 34.60 and $10 per ROOMS AND BOARD. UNION HOTEL. St Nortk Slith St., serves to best meal; rates, room 1, hoard to. 60 par week. J. Anderson, proa. . BOOM snd board; modern convenience: working persons preferred. 034 Eaat Morrison. LARGE alcove room wltk bath and tosrd for 3 geatlemea; references required. 6M North. - rnp at.; eor. lHth. - FOR RENT HOUSES.. KADDERI.Y TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re. - liable otaao aod furniture movers: akto atee. age. Phono Mala losS. OfBca 110 M. Third. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY ... . 348 STARK BT. INSORANCE. RENTALS. BBB LIST. FOR RENT Nice T-rootn honae. lot lOOilOA full variety of fruit snd ahmbbery, Calvaratt rars, u. 'none nasi owoo.. 1AROOM hptisai with cummer dining-room, situated ST North 14th st Iaqulra 304 Mao lea y kidg. , FOR RUNT .4 mot rattage wttk bars. 310 par atonth. Inquire 813 Garfield ava., or pboa ' East 30X - $1T S-BOOM bouse, modern, gaa. bath, eemerrt wash trsy: newly tinted. SIT Kaat Sal mo St. Esst 82A T-ROOM house with barb, oa' ear line. 100x100, loss to acbooL 142 Central ava., Mt. Tabor. McFARLAND'B new S-roofa rottege. Mt. Rcntt , car line, 81 5: nwxiern. Phone Mala 44 IM. Agent Btewsrt . ststioa. a t NEW modern B-room bouse. Iaqulra at 80$ Monro. Phone Eaat 4870. FOR RENT Tntrage; also salts housekeeping rooms. 180 Bharmaa. NEW, k rooms, porcelain hath, cement base ment 3 bloeke aortk crematorium, Bellwood car, $15. T ROOMS, clean, furnished co-tags, 884 South Fourth st ' YERY Bins flve-roora snd bathroom cottage. In . excellent eondttlisi. only tie, S31 Huertdaa. wm. uatihoim. raiimg nidg. ' FOR RENT FLATS. FOR BENT T-roota modern aew flat, 847 V , Sixth St., near Jackaon. Phoas Paclfls Boa ' A. H. Maegly. 310 Poarth st. t-ROOM flst for rent. 81X60; water paid; ao amall children. 625 Mill. MODERN 8-room-flats- 3 block a from sisal bridge, front In river; steel range and window ahadea. Inqulr 388 La crabs. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNL TURE FOR SALE. A ROOM boose for rent. 112. near bridge: en It able for working people; wltk or without fur. allure. Call 2US Clscksmss. mornings. WILL sell st a arrlnce. within two weeks. - furniture of B-room house; excellent loca tloa for homo or roomora. Phone Main 4420. FOR - RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE noma, unfurnished room aad aampla rooms for rent Ooodaough bldg. Apply els- WILL build store building with living rooms on ths southwest corner of Alblns svs. sad Stan ton at. for s permanent tenant; rent Tor reasonable. Call 107 Mi Third at FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT In city, SH arras sultsbls for gardening. Inquire SOS Fourth, FOR RENT Barn, No. R98 Fourth St. Inquire Journal art department. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCES . - Stock of general merrbandlee at a good .eountry point, Millinery buslnenh In S fine valley town; Will trsds Into Portland property; 8X260.. Hotel ssd furnishings In s good tows; . avmey-mskert will trad Into Portland or near-by property; 34.000. Blacksmith- bop doing k fto bail neat la t thriving Telle town. 37.0O0 atock of machinery and Imple ments, wagons, buggies; plows, etC, la a good tows; will trade. Good sswmlli plant In complete running order. In Willamette Valley; choice location; will trada for a atock ranch. 30.0110 stock ' of hardware, . doing s fine business; might trsds. Butcher business, good Iocs t Ion. la' Port land. HENKLsT A BAKER, SIT Ablogton bldg. Portland, Oregoa. SOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ' $HO0 Up to-ilste clean atork groceries, Washington St.: ck trsde; low rant. 1700 Nle clean stock groceries and no tion, good fixtures, good trade, low rent; living room. 8400 An extra good ranch counter stand, fin location oa Stark at.; good lease, gsno Blrtk at. restaurant 8 tahlss, 10 stools l living rooreai low rant, - . HAUEMANN A PLAN CHARD, 1 Plftk at. PORTLAND suburban dm r store for Bale. Ad dree K 4, care Jouraal. - WB bar wheat land, stock Isnd. frnlt lend, acreage, . improved and aalmnreved etty pm party, and, a good eirkange llat Baa ua before buying. Nortkerest Lsad Co.. 308 Ooodnongk bldg. ... GROCERY FOR SALE Will bear tha rtoecet mrestlgsltoo; doing $36,000 per year; this Is ' ao rat rats business; good location, Addreaa 6 IT. JoorasL WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO, LABGB or small rooming w ssls oa 30, 33TM) terms by II. H. Iligley, Wasblngtoa st. ono BUYS s splendid nsylag cigar, tobacco. iewa snd Diiiisra-Dau ptwineea, . BBOisss to Aaa aiui, suBUliar. waasassi BUSINESS CHANCES. toAO DOWN haft a If) room lodging bouse, ctoss to Purtlaad betel. Bee .. H. H. HltlLEY. Room 8u, 221 Washlugtoa st. FOR BALE Hotel In Mrs lumbering Sows; alcely furnished, 38 room, lunch counter, French range and goad equipment: aire business; 31.200 will take It. Addreaa Ifcav merrl.l hotel. Win lock, Waak. - ' FOR BALE A large, clean atork of baraeaa and - aaddlery, tuule. machinery and Saturea - la good, farming country, with katldlng aad , lot It deelted; reason 'for Belling owner going eaat; ksrf cash, balance time; night Bulk some trade. -A S, care Jooroal. COUNTRY drag Btor,. 31,1001 a good ovpoc tually; taroaa. t 1, cars Jouraal. . - MANUFACTURING business; $800 worth of foods out bow; 8800 tskeg Jt all. C 8, car uuraaL --- - - '-- FOR BALE Wall established hardware and fur niture a tore ; poor health reaaoa for Bailing. Address A 16, Journal, or 'poena Eaat T2&. AN up-to-date atork of groceries sad fixtures for cssh; not on dollar dead atock: live - Iowa, SO ml lea frota Portlaad; good schools, churches, sawmill; largeet fruit dryer to state; street light, walarworka; took this Bp, i N 14, Journal. , FOR BENT Bskery, good location, brick oven, Uvng-rooma, cheep rant Inquire 842 Flrat at. GOOD, rleaa. Urge rooming boose, -doing good ousiiiess; centrally located: a money mater; lease; terms, or would exchange f' city or country real aetata oa caah basis. Particulars sddrsss owner. N 11, care Jouraal. 1T8 DOWN buys a roomlag-bouss, closa to - Une.l.nM I ...1 a.. H. II. H10LBY, Room SO. 327 Ml Washing ton st. FOR BALE The beat cask bostneee on Cons bay; the coming city at the west Add res box T4. . Marahfleld. Or. NOTIf B TO MOHAIR BUYERS I The Eddyvllla pool of mohair, or 4.sraj Seecee. will be Bold to the highest bidder, rash la hand, oa April 10. at 8 o'clock p. ai.: rlgkt reserved to reject ' ss or all bids. 1. U. Standard. . PINE brick In Bunnyslde, paying good rsts of Interest with show for Increase. 85.(100. Pst- - tereoo A Stewart, - 1000 Belmont at. SNAP B-room cottage, bath, gaa. city water. run lot, taring Union ava. canine, nice trait trees: price fl.OUO, half caah. CaU 321 Morrlsoa at room 8. FOR SALE Reatsorsnt wltk a good paying puaineee; a anap ir taken at once. App.y Intarnatloaal hotel. Third Bad Exeratt. - - CIGAR and confectionery stors. good neatloa. atocs; rixturea. living rooms, low rent; once S32a. Call 221 Mi Morrison at., room 8. IP YOU are hitereeted ha s saw nil I proposition can sna sea us. ' - ALV0RD A ALYORD. 183 Morrises) St. , CK1AR STAND. llTlnr-rootna, new- tunrltura. rent gll, good bual nose, -reaeonabie price. Inquire 228V Flrat at. aearBalmoa. FI RUT-CLASS grocery and dellcateeaea etore. west aide, cloas In; bargain; fitto. Inqulr 326 Mt First t. bet. Main and Salmon. HALF Intereat la real estate and employment or nee; aometmng gooa. u so. car journal. Bl'SINKSB man with few hundred dollar would like to Invest It wltk service: business must stand etrlet Inveatlgalloa. Addreaa G 27, care Jouraal. FOR BALE Perm, sswmllt and kualuasa prop- erry along tns norta sang raiooaa. irHiair of I. W. nutcbtnson. Wasbeugal. Wash. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACBB TBACTBI OUR SPECIALTY IB ACRB TRAOTBI Pan-alsed streets, water to each sera. . , ' TERMS 310 PER ACRE CASH - ". 810 PER ACBB PER MONTH. - Yea go to these aeraa aa the earn ear. pay the earn Be fare tha lot mea pays. Ths lot maa Is your oeigbbor. bat he It re. strict sd In mstorlty of feat urea that maks a true aubuTbaa homo. Opea Wedaeada aad Saturday evenlsgs. A. 0, GHtfRCHILL A CO., INa - 110 Second St . B-ROOM house aad quarter block at tha corner of Kaat 14th and Beaooo sts., $1,300. W X cars Journal. HERB ARB A FEW BARGAINS 60xi0. oa West 14th at.; S boo sea; paying big intereat; price $2X000, Corner lot, 'Weat 16ta. at.: Improved; rents tor $90 per month: price $8.T80. block oa East Washington str 3 souaas, . Income $800 per annum. H block. Eaat Slith st, central Tocatios; $8,600. . . . , ' ; TJ. 8, care Journal. k FOR BALE 7-room hoass In Trvlngtoa; t00 cash, balance monthly; would take vacant lots part payment. Epplag, Becoad aad Mor rison ata. , MOUNT TABOR, T rooma, hath, stshle, lota at . fruit, 100x100. Owner, 120 Third St. $2.200 AN elegant snbnrhaa home, IS arras ht high state of cultivation, at New Era: good ft-room , house, running ,wter, good orchard and bars. lOTMi Third at FOR SALE By owner, two aew BwderrT house, bet wees 22d and 24th. aa Wasco. Holladay Park; also furnish kite and build. R. B. Rica. 83 Sandy road. Phone Eaat 1088. ON TO FOYER! UP THB COLTJMBTAt - Regular from Portlaad: ekespsst ratea from the coast to Inland point; aa sand, heavy soil, perpetusl water right with aeck tract, earliest products, largest price; tk California of tha Northwest v Writ . H0YER LAND CO.. Hover. Weablagtoa. FOR BALE CHEAP 8 aod T-room boo sea; mod ern; pert cask. ST0 Garfield ava. Take Woodlawa car. Pboaa Eaat 8641. DO YOU WANT TO BUY dty lota or acreage! If ao. aaa Bast Bids Reel Batata Co. Bast aid property . a specialty. 407 Hawthorne, ava.. near Grand. Phone Eaat 10RT, FOR BALE 3 new 4-rootn boo wee and lota oa car Una. Inquire of owner. 870 Alblna ava. 8-ROOM house snd 11 lota for sals oa Port land Height. Phone Mala 6041. $2,00010 ACRES st Tlgardvllle (onion lend), only S miles from Portland; good hulldingr.; lie Salem electric line will run by lb door; buy now.' 107Mi Third. St. DO YOU wt s corner lot, full also, esst front, streets Improved. 3 short blocks, from Vatoa sve. t Phono East 637X FOR SALE 4 lot 60x100, Columbia Heights Peninsula) ; orchard and Improvement: ex cellent rr service; $1,800. Owaer, E 14, care Journal. - . tdoo LARGE level lot 80x120. 22d and Powell. 1 block to car; city water and gas. Pboaa East 8036. Owner. . ' PORTSMOUTH Lot nOxlOO. with room cot tag nearly new. half block from carllne, $1,100. Klnsell. 003 Commercial blk. WOODf.AWN Corner lot flOxlOO. with new groom rettage, on carltne: porch and flue yard: nnly $1,300. . Klnsell, 803 Commer- clsl blk. . , PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x100... rommsndlng fins view snd easily erreealhle; thla will not last long at $1,250. Klneeli, 803 Commer cial blk. - HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO. A easy house. 6 rooms aad ftne yard, on Manssnlts St., In Woodlawa. $l,8"0. snd $700 down, balance ee.y pevmeate. HENDERSON-ea OTT LAND CO., , - 601-603 Fentoa bldg. FAXON PABK la aew aa tha market- Lata tt scrvage trlcae. Lots oOt2PA , , $100 Lots 1oOi2o.. ,$1 ' Lots 3HOI280 '.. $400 These lots Srs all la rnlttvstlon, level and tightly, oa a graded street. 8 minutes' walk to good 10-room school at Lenta; B-eent fare to any part of Portland; water free. Teraea.u O. R. Addlton, owaer. Las la. Ors goa; take Mount Scott ear. So. - A FINE rmcken ranch right an electric rarllne. )nr ear fare; B scree; I errs clear, balance easy to clear; good liouee, kSit, good well sutrmiioiagsi prira gi.iasi; , very easy .w vs. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IliieJiggest:Snais In East Portland. Business let cn Grand Avenue, SOx IOC4, price $2,650. See Phone E. 491a 404E.JUiler$t WB have-w large llat of nice residence nrosertr oa eaat aad weat aide: aome nice little home oa Tor easy paamits; payueota from $100 Vacant lot. 60100. oa Portland Heights, 1X200: a snap. Vacant lot. taw 300. oa weet side. $XS60. Vacant tot. looxlOO, oa East Pin, aU )a- - provemeuia in, Sl.euo. ..- vacant lot, 1 Mi ISM, aa Vancouver are., $1.21)0. . Vacant tots Splendid tots la vfllghlsiid rara . trosi a ana ap. - . - , orrO A CROCKETT. 246M( Washlugtoa at flQUARB DEAL REAL ESTATE CO.. $.v,V)0 Ouarter block and 8 kousea. litli st $3,uo A floa quarter block, lull, ewl East Davla its. , -41 .. $3.000 Two-story ' T-room residence, - F.t - 10th, betweea Couch and Davla 4tt - .- $3,000 A very desirable B-room modem house on Bast 8th snd Going gts. 87 $2,860 A new modern T-rooes rssldeBce.oa .East 17th, aear Clinton. i W. K. ILER. room 809 AlUky bMg. BARGAINS IN ACREAGE This Is certslnly aoa or tha Burst ean- arbaa ho mra around Portland: k minutes walk of Woodstock carltne; TMi aeraa. finely Imumved: all kinds fruit, flowers, etc.: lovely S-room dwelling; all kinds building, water worse, . horse, nuggies, eowe, rmraene, plgaonst everything goes. $7,600: Improve ments worth over $5.0(10: one third caah, he lanes 8 per cant Interest ss long as oa want. - J.- FRANK PORTER. - Room A- 323 Washington at. cor. Flrat. SELI.WOOn HOMES - UU.L. . 1. 1. Lmmm MH.M): . Hair OlOCB " from rarllne. Jnat completed, $1,200. Thia u a very pretty noma. ' New 6-room cottar, t klocks from carllna, earner lot. 3050! terms. . Ws ksve s number of other, boa at prices ranging from $626 up. Fin lot Is Portlsnd's prettiest suburb. st from gioo to $278. oa. monthly payments of so. - r .f mm wwWf atwi'rw rA nr.,.,.-, , 'j , , . . . -. .v . v . , Phone Eaat 4704.- lo6 B. 18th St. FINE lota. 80x100. ee East 2Stk at., only $MI0 . . .1 . . fAAAU V.l eaca. raiieraoa a awaan, -.-v Ta r mont st. LOTS FOR BALE I have a few lota for sale oa easy par man ts: .ally water, oo ranine. a blocka from acboolhoua. CaU owner, phone East 1873. NK'B modera groom house. Holladsv'a addi tion; close .In. chore lorsiMB. apply owaer, 316 Cherry at, - --. :: NEW B-room cottage la Bunnyatde. Sna Iocs. ' .. atKA . k,Uu. In IHAMtlllV Uf. menta: we are offering a aperlal Indnre roent In thla; It will pay yoa to Investigate. I'attersoa A Stewart. 10OOS Belmont at. LOTS 80x100, oa Esst Taylor St., for a few dsvs only st $8. " rsttereoa at "tvwin, lOOOMi Belmont st. ' " Phoas East 3880. - a inn 3 blocks rarllne. Bne soring asd city water, new nara temporarily sws reatdenee; rounoalion tor nous, rainfa-aiw, -aad large ran: all kinds fruits; aU In rulrira- tlon; only $3,760. 4 I. I RANK PORTER. 323 Washington at. Boom A . , 10 ACRES en carllna, agitable for lots; price souo aa sere; lo-miuuia eu aorvrtw, owuvw B 23, care Journal. , , . $3,6008 ACRES, fin aoil. oa Johnson creek. tnie aiOO or. lhii niiH-iaiaj ail in mm.eiiwM, orchard for family use, no rock. 107 Mi Third. Ill ACRES. UNIMPROVED. IN ALBIXA e-ROOM rwrnr;; ri-n 1 1 - r at 1 1 ; - alu FENCKD; PRICB $8,000. GREOOKX, lark UBAND AYB. t HAVE a few 6-ecre tract of very flee land. ear easy ta clear; -o muae aaei or roniano, and only oaa mile from O. W. P. electric Una. that I will sell at from $0 to $76 per acre, oa very aaa term. Ad drees V 14, cac Jooroal. $1. TOO CORNER lot to Holladay.' 107 M, Third. FOR SALE by owner, either 40 or 80x100 oa Eaat Davis, betweea VOtk snd lltk; sll Ian. provemeats are In; price $33 per front font: easy terms. Bsst 8230, or Inquire at 828 ' Esst Dsvls St. $1,800 THIS la I bargain: new 8-room Cali fornia cottage, modern, lot corner 100x100. located on tke- aew proposed earntis at Bell wood MOO down, balance 3 ears. Apply to owaer, pkeae Bellwood T. . .. W. H. MOBEHPrSE, ' 1670 Eaat 13th at.. Bellwood. Phone Bellwood 74. Tha largeet llat af Improved pronertr la Bellwood. Homes from $600 to $6,000. Roe sddltlnn. ths greet factory sits; tots $8 Sows aad $8 par taoata. BELLWOOD LOTS. SB dowa and $8 a month; frost $78 to two. . aenwuus TVnsata ua. Eaet 4T04. IP YOU wsnt to build, bay all your materlsls st the Americas Inn; you will aava TB per cent: fin doors, window, plaster boarda. rustle or elding, flooring, tatrs, timber aad - lumber. Pboaa .- Paclfla IOTA , $l.)0 Five-room bone and S tots on ths St. Johns rsrllns. near Arbor Lodge. 107 Mi Third. 20 ACRES, 18 miles esst of Portlsnd. H mils from electric line; It seres tn cultivation; . lot of fin soil: will mk the finest spnlt or wdlnat orchard la Oregoa ; price only 11.000; oa easy terms or will exchange for city property. Y IX cars Jouraal. FOB BALA AT A BARGAIN A Bne stack range, containing a boat 3.808 acres; sll ander fence) sltnsted Bear Boae. burg. Oregoa. oa S. P. B, R. ; tkla la ooe ef tke beet etock ranges la the couBty; I alas ksvs aaotker good atock rsags containing " 1.430 teres, which will be sold tt I very low pries. For psrtlralsrs sddrees J. B. Suther. IIb, owner, Rosebarg. Oregoa. $1,6001 Mi ACRES In Piedmont 'on Vancouver ava.; fine Investment. 107 Mi Third. 31.BA0 PRETTY colonial honae of all room. I thoroughly modern, closa la; terms. Inquire or owner, so ivy si. - , , . NEW 4 ROOM house, corner lot. 3 blocka sts - tlon, only $soo; $100 down: some good furai- ture goes with place; must be sold st oure; a snsp.-W. I. Day A Co.;- 1 06 Mi Fourth tt,, rootn 68. 4-ROOM furnished house and t lots, cheap. Pboaa Eaat 4UIA A WEST SIDE borne st cost, 8 room, new, modern-, beet material snd finishing, tinted - to so It: coat $2,200; billable lot: walking dis tance; a anap. $X40O; two room csa b sdded. $200. G 34. rars Journal. " HOME BUYERS For $22.1 dowa tad $18 month ly wa will sell you good Broom cot tare wl'k cement basement. A'nioo corner tot. with nice lawn and bearing frnlt trees: good streetcar - eervice: price only $1,160. Home Land Co., 146Mi First at. ' THE- best acreage buy on the market ia 10 seres at Woodstock,- fenced, mostly cultivated, st $330 per acre: will bring $7,000 In two years. Tha Continental Co., 343 Stark at. NH'B Itttto home, f room, barn. v,ijo mv 'i block In ton sve., stores, etc: value Increasing every day; $2.6.'i0. $1,300 cssh.' G 3X Journal. ONE of the beat corner lots la West Piedmont -for ssle cheap. Brick aoa a Co., room A - 807U Alder at. - .- WEST SIDE CORNER. $8.600 60x00 tot. valuable: 11 room bones oreiiplea 23 feet of It: 10 ai Inn tee' walk from poatofflre: sorely s rsre bargain. HAGBMANN BLANC-HARD, 01 Flflk at. . $000 34 .ACRES, with new B-raoM cottage, on carllna. 10c fare; terma. Usgemsaa A - Blanrkard. 81 Fifth at. . - i $4.noo gttino lot, close In. west side, good 14 room doiible house with every ennveateviee; rents eaallv from $00 to ITI per BMmth. llagc- mann A Blanchard, 81 Fifth at. A ROOM hesee. 3 tots lOOvloo, nesrrv new. oa Esst SOtb at: Iwrraln hi 11 2"0. with terme, AivoaO s AtVORO, 183 MotTltoa st FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WEBT BIDS BARGAINS. , 3 fine kite oa Hoyt at.. $2,700 eeck. J lot oa JohneuQ at, IJ.KKl. beautiful Iota sa Kearney, tt, tXAid " each. .- . Saap t fin lot aa Tkurmaa at, $1,460. A splendid lot oa BeveatU tt, southwest city, $6,ouo. , . i B-room modern residence. N. Tweaty-Mrst St.; ce in ant baaement. atallonary tuba; frae ttoaal lot. Only $$.0U0. Uoud buy. Lovely ' 8-room coloulal-atylo reaidenre, Borlhweet part of city; all latest eaodera Imiwovemenu: beautiful corner tot! lawn. Duly $0,600. .' At prejeeat 8 Mi per cent Interest, ast, sa Increase It by Improving inside tot: 4 bouses - oa corner tot bring income of $1 1X60 per -month; full quarter block, no Improvements oa laslde lot; Nortk lata tt tPrlra $16,6tM), 8 per cent Interest notr-i double Inrems aftsr present lease expires; splendid business ttaraer oa Third st. Prlca $31 ,000, , ' $8,600 tike splendid S-room residence, oa Eleventh at.; , all cosvealeaess; . southwest city,;... . ' EAST 8IDB BARGAINS. - 8300, for spleedld "4-room. part plsslered sod celled cottage; full tot: fruit, flowers, etc.; R. Tenth st, st Woodlawa. . , - ; - $1,800 takes this S-room-mode's residence and full tot oa N. Ntntk sti better thsa 11 per oeitt lolarott Bet. , . . - It, Seventeenth st; block, tag 11ns; will retit' 10 per cent Interest, splendid T-room res idence snd fractional lot, K. Tsnth North; rents $S. Price $Xoo. Only 8M block Burualde bridge. t Pays I3V4 Per : rent Interest, double 13. , room koese. 8 rooms each side; ht Boxlan. Union svenue North; rents $38. - Wlce $3,)0: - wortk at least $3.tl0. - '$4,800 for lovely aearl. . modern I '"'it-' . room residence, weet alone Mount Tabir; msgnlfWnt vlewj' quarter Block; shrauberyi btork carllne, - - -' $1.800 Splendid 6-room cottage, 8 lota, 76x100, Peninsular addition, St. Johna car line; fruit and Bowers la profusion; owner leaving country.. $1.300 Good '4-rnom cottage. East Seventh St.. north., st Highland: full lot. gat and electricity, abundance fruit, TO 8ns rosea; Ba. $3,000 for this splendid ' B room modern residence, near Highland school, E, Ntn'lr aurth; klgh sad ilgitly; 100x100; corner; : terma. ; . , . ' ' I. FRANK POSTER. ' 1 323 Wasblngtoa at., Room 8, cor. Flrat. HOC BE of T rooma snd 4 tot en Ctacksmse si., si,wa v , 1 New house and tot on corner 3 eveauea kail carltne; rents on knee $63 par moalu; prlca $4,260j pays 16. per ceat. T-room up to-dat cottage, tot 100x100, plenty of all kin da fruit for 3 fsmtlie, ctosa to- call Ins. $2,300; terms If wished. T-rooui boos, bath snd- pantry, baaement, 1 Bdtii'1 " wwt -td'-PltnlT iJ!!!2J?Kr Aa up-to date 0 room houee. sightly toes, tlon. lot Mix 100. weet side, close to rsrllnet . prh-e $4,000: for sale, or would trada lor good farm, pay difference. New ' S-room bona, wood fiber" p!s(ere4. eweu wore, water u Bouae, etc.; siontaruia; -prlca $1,700. - , - i. " .. A flss Isrgs Broom house, modern In every reepert, fire piece, full-brick hasemenl. tot Sox loo, cement alilewalk. aome fruit, ocean of roses, finely finished sll through, lsrge re ception hsll snd stslrws; prlca $3,800; term"; aa Grand ava.. ' A good t-reora modern hone, tot 50x1 oft, TO feet from carllne.. rev ease terma; ctoaa to school; prlca $1,700; Eaat Hoyt at. . . 6-roooa modern- plastered houee, f(r It-It - foun dation, let 60x100, new picket fence, woct ahed. aa good etreet, Sellvrood; prica $l,30ii: terms. . , . " " ' .' . Aa p-to-dste modera home oa Weat Hoy'. a 8 roome, frnlt and roses, bet. 3 esrllnes, swell part or city; $0,600; terms If wauted: owuvr sway. A modera B room booee and tot on carllne, wltk fruit and roars, etc.; gaa and gas range, let and etore bouse; sightly; $4,000. ' 6-room house; plastered. lot nOxlOO, eg I'nloa are; good bay; prlca $1,000; tsrra. ".W.'W. ESPEY. room .1. ITamllton bldg. Bet. Washington and Alder ate. -Grmc!y-MdralIiXo.,i::.i. 348 Morrison st. - CITY FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS. 9 good tots la Miner's addition to Bt. Johns, near the drydock. X126. 6 acres House, bars, rhlrken-houee. eech. I ard, all la firet-cless condition, 6c fsret 84. TOO, : t-' i 8 acres Pair boose snd bsra. B-scra orrh trd. Mount Tahor: a good, chrao Diaeri $3,600. eaey terma. : BO aeeaa B ai aa tawrrl Vn 1 VMtaa smj! barn, sa Ideal auburban farm ; only $400 per . acre. r A good boy Is Clgrks county.' Washing ton: 30 seres good land, 8 tows lota, largo store and hall building, a good 8-room resi dence, 3 barna, atork and Implements, rail road bow running through and an electric ' line will soon bo running through the town; ths Whole business ran be bought for $7,tKsi. . or the ator aod hsll building and 3 tots for $2,000. ' CALL AND SEE US. TWO T-B0OM HOUSES '.-7 One (Hasted la that twell locality on Tsytor St., this side of Bnnnyslde, and receetlv chrlatrned the East Side Nob Hllli T rooms, sll modera roavealeneee suck ss gss. eleetrle lights, hot and sold water, all oaa. n acted with sewsr; It's a beautlfql place; $3,600. $600 cash, balance can be paid la payments of $26 per month sad Interest. - For $360 we will aell yoa a corner tot aa a high and sightly place overlooking tk river, railroad aad eleetrle care, 1 block from scbeuU honae: comfortable T-room house In very good rendition; ao oaa could build a duplicate for leas than $0001 eltaated at Park Place. $600 will buy s good ansrtsr block oa the roroee of Michigan svsnos and Humbolt street. - Far bargain la real estate on should apply ts. - . Tit, K DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, iMt rirsi t. BARB BARGAINS $0,000 10-room bouot on Mill ir. i ' ' 34.260 S-room boa, ttoaa bstsmeat mod- 'ra, Waaro at .. . S.260 7-room honee. lightly, no. rnrtiana. .WS) o-roora kouee. baaement, Best Alder, ear In; anap. , ... 84.260 q, btork Portlsnd Heights; Inspiring view of rtrera. rlty soil mounts Ins 4 blocks. $1,000, $1,600. 81.600. $4,600. 31.300 Let oa Hsll. view unobstructed. j ivxi 6-cre tract aoath of city. $1,000 lO-srre tract eest of rlty. . - City property to exrkange for farina. Snai fine farm In -Wlllemette valley, convenient to good aehenla and chnrchee; telephim thronshont the county. - Consult aa and set oar - list before yea leave the city. B. W0LVERTON. at Commarrlsl blk Cor. 3d snd Wsk. rbone Wain. 64 J. . ABOOM house, bathroom, pantry, barn, wood shed, fine ehspe, t Mvnie t-ra. on v. n , P ; prtret ll.n'rO; $00. balance' monthly. ALV0RD A lALVORD. 1S3 Morrlaoo at. . TWO of the best tor ted lot oo Willamette boulevard, a block I root csrnne, inquire ina ilorrieon St. . - 30 ACRES, near rlty. Imornved, by owBer at t bargain. inouira xeoftj rirsi si., net. Salman and Main. . FOR SALE FARMS. HERE IB A SNAP IN ACREAGE. 1 $4.2ii0 38 acres, fin soil, enough wood net piers ta clear It ; right oa rarllne; adjoining acreage eel Is for $236 to $2.VI. HAGBMANN A BLANCHARD. , 81 Fifth tt. FOR BALE Delre farm. Sovey'e Island. U pills oeiow nronvieiev lanuins; vw aeraa, w-f plements. Address C. Stump, Scsppoaee, Or. FARM FOB BALE By a widow; ST tree good land. Bear Oregon ttty; revrps ln price reaeonabie. Mra. E. Bllleter. R. F..XU. No. 1, Ovegno my, Oregoa. ' t FOR SALE $100 net sere, rlcsrad land rn the great Trull belt along the ( olutnbla river,. In lo or Hl-aara tola. Apply But 10, larks, W ash tag totv - , , - - 1 . '.. ' ,' r