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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1906)
C .J V..ILY JGU7JIAL, I CSTLAIID. WEDNESDAY EVENING,' i APRIL 4, ItZX iPtiioscfisn 10 1113 OMR Immediately After Defeating Slotton Young Champion : . Embrace Hie Parent. - FOND ONES EXCITED r OVER THE CONTEST Hoppe Said That the Ball Were ' Chilled and Hit Father Didn't Like : SIomod's Refusal to Have the Cue Balls Wiped Off. When Willie Hoppe, the billiard mar VeL drnniMd him All efta IhA ftwehnn droth point that defeated George Sloe- eon In Grand Central Palace he Jumped into the box neareat the table and hlaeed hie mother. The woman wept with Joy. The neit day he paaeed over to hie mother the I5.W9 sate recelpte and the bet of 1 500 that he had made with Woe- eon. ' Then followed a happy reunion Weat Ninety. ninth street. In apeaking of the feet that the balla were chilled young Hoppe said: "The balla were chilled and . I . couldn't tali where the eue ball would land. I waa afraid mother waa worrying, beeauae I knew ahe waa aware that .the balla were chilled. ' .Yea." added aire. Hoppe. "end the cuahlona were very fast. Willie ean draw a ball to Any. given point that la, he knowa Juat where It will land if th condition are right, and that la why he may have appeared rervoue last night. Ton weren't nervous, were you. uearr' ehe aaked. '. '. "Not a bit." replied the boy champion. I knew that I d win. mother. I told you I would.1- "While the air downatalra waa cold enough to chill the balla the air up- atalra waa hot," Interjected the younger Hoppe, "That, too. mskta ...a. differ ence." - The young champloa'a father a poke up at. this point. 'I have- only one complaint." he eald. ;-and that la. that Oeorge Slosson didn't act sportsmanlike In not permitting the belle to be wipe,) off. The two white balla were eoverej with chalk from the euea, and thet In terfered with Willlee shots. .The balls were not true la rolling. nerorti me nutcn i ukm inti a aii forence be held eo that little polnta like that ' might be aettled. "No." Slosson saia. piay according tor ins rules.' "There, ia nothing In the rule thtt -touches on ' wiping the balls spring he. aald a match with Willie would be a failure, but It haa been dem onst rated now who was the attraction at the match." WALDSTEIN HOLDS LEAn ; IN SKATING TOURNEY Arthur Waldateln eonttnuea to lead In the akatlng tournament at the Apollo rink. A large, crowd greeted the racera again last evening. The atandinc for the two nights la as folio we: ' - ' 7 . First Second . . - -:- - Night. Night. " . ... "- v - Iju8. ; Laps. ' Waldateln . AH 1S3H Harrison . , ITS 1(3 Brent ......lit . 1TH L Mont ... ....U4 1IV - . . MULTNOMAH CLUB NINE ANXIOUSFOR A GAME - The Multnomah Amateui Athletic club's baseball nine are anxious for a match on Saturday afternoon on the club diamond. Any club in Portland or vioinlty will be accommodated on call ing vp Manager Trtble at the Mult nomah club. . . Now that : the' American athletes are on the high seas, bound for Greece, let ue hope to see every man return to .. ...... . . , , ir vi uii- reee. ST1 OIEG TO M A! ClVuiS Oiil Eastern and Western Boxers Will Meet In Tournament in San Francisco. Ueaeaal Bert We.) San Franciaeo, CaJ., April Some of the beet amateur boxers of the east will be pitted against the pick of the Cali fornia amateurs In Mechanics' pavilion In the big tournament opening tonight. The occasion is the national champion ahtp tournament of the Amateur Ath letic union. The entertainment prom ise to be the beet ef its kind ever held in tbla country.- Boxers have come front New Tork, Boston, St. Louis, Chi cago and other eastern cities, and the northern and southern athletlo ciuba of California have sent their beat men to compete. The officials who will pre side over the contests are as follows: Referee, Eddie Oraney; judges. William Cartwright and Phil Wand; timer, Fred Buts: clerk. Matt Harris. . . t - The boxers in the various classes are divided aa follows: 17 In the lM-pound class, II In the 136-pound class. It in the Itt-pound class, 14 In the 141 pound class, in the 161-pound class, 4 In the 141-pound class and t heavy weights. .v YESTERDAY'S RACING AT OAKLAND AND BENNINGS (Journal special Service.) ' Washington, April 4. Weather clear, track good. Testerday'a results at Ben nlngs: . Handicap, flve furlongs, for year olds and up. Columbia course Da rum a won. Royal .Window second? Blue Coat third tlmet !: 1-S. Purse, four and one half furlonge, for l-year-olds, -ld - course Nancy wren, Isadore Hirscb second, Moccaalo. third; ,1m, r-- : . - Selling,-six and one half furlongs, for 4-year-olda and up, Columbia course- Parkvllle . wen. Zany second, Hanover Hornpipe third; time; 1:14 4-1. Steeplechase, about two miles, for maidens, 4-year-olds and up Prince of Pileen won. Saltlne second, Ladensador third; time. 4:M. Selling, seven furlongs, for 1-year-olde and . up, Columbia course Water Dog wen, Winchester second. Workman third; time. 1:S0. . Three-year-olds and up, one mile, sell ing. Columbia course Flat won. Grand Duchees ' second. Castor third; time, 1:44 1-1. ... ... ..;;. . A (Jooraal Beeeiet Service.) ; San Franciaeo, April 4. Oakland race results" . ' Three and a naif furlongs Gold Heath- I er 1 won. Sacramento Belle second, Cal endar tiura; time, e:4Z. Futurity course Parting Jennie won, Flo Manole second, Estelle J. third; time, lull,-'" ' Futurity couree Elfin King won. Al- sono second, Jamee At Murray third. time, 1:1. -..-.,... .. Mile and ? yards Redllght won. Phalanx second, Buchanan thlrd; time, r:44H: .'.,...., Mile and an eighth Expedient won. Iras ascend, Brlarthorpe third; time, . Futurity course Albert Fir won. Tou pee second, Laceno third; time," 1:1V4. Pc'jst Molt 1s ; Ecg!:t-Day Molt It Makes Pabst Beer Richest In Nour Ishment and Physicians Recom mend It Because It Is So t Strengthening, Pabat eight-day malt Is the secret or the superiority of Pabat beer. The bops are the choicest, the water pure. the process " spotlessly clean. Theao things are never neglected, but It Is the exclusive Pabat eight-day malt thut gtvea Pabat Beer lta rich nutrition. It Is the Pabat eight-day. malt and the exclusive Pabet method of brewing that gives the Pabet beer the rich met low flavor found in no other and that marks It perfect Beer. - Perfect malt Is only made by the ex elusive Pabat' eight-day method. Tht process doubles the expense of the old four-day process of making malt,, uaod by many brewers. - Four-day malt can not make perfect beer such aa Pnbat Beer, because It Is the. product of a forced and unnatural process of devel opment Beer made from four-day malt lacks the ' nutritious food elements which distinguish Pabat Beer. -Physicians say there Is nothing bet ter than pabst Blue Ribbon Beer aa vitalising tonic, because they., know how it la. made. They know the Pabat process and understand the importance of Its perfect purity and cleanliness. They know the bealthfulness of the beer .produced by the Pabat process. People, and especially doctors, de mend that everything they eat and drink be absolutely clean. Pabat Beer Is. always clean and wholesome The brewery ie cleaner- than the cleanest kitchen. In the long process of brew ing, Pabst Beer never comes iq con tact with anything unclean. , The tubes through which It is run, from the time the grain is maahed until the beer Is bottled or ' kegged. are sterilised, - to prevent any Impurity or unoleanllness. It is not fermented in open vats, as ia usual in - breweries, but in- special Pabet hermetically sealed tanka. Into which no air except pure, filtered air ever enters. - It Is stored In hermetic ally aealed. glasa-llned storage tanka until science end the teat of time pro nounce it perfect beer in age, purity and strength. DIG EIDIGS OF OOXER flELSOIJ From Poverty to Wealth In i Brief Time, the Career of t Battling Dane. - Oatimus son m co, . 40ensx Third aad JKma,";.; Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer . r Order a Case foe Tony Some Today, DALLAS C0LLE6IANST0 HAVE CRACK TEAM' Young Men Expect to Have a - Winning Combination on the , ' Diamond This Year. Ueerael Bseetai Serrtre.) .. Omaha, April 4. The Omaha automo. bile show which opened today In the Auditorium is considered to be the beet exhibition of its . kind ever given west fHllMM V.l. .11 . w - , . 1 w- v, i j u ie preminni I , - - - motor car manufacturers of America P'J,n D,'m 'gn acnooj on me are renresented bv laraa exhlMte xi.n I local grounds. The schedule comprises Willamette. -university. Salem High " Dallas, Or., April 4. The Dallas col lege baseball players are in active prac tice .now... The field has been fixed u and they have an excellent ' diamond. The college promises to have a fast aggregation In the field this yesr and It will be one of the best college team In the state. The team la composed of seven of last yesr't players, a new first baseman and a new catcher, which the team1 lacked last year. Myers. . laet year's twlrler, will officiate In the box again this year. The outfield will be' fast and accurate. They will open the eeason next Sutur are represented by large exhibits. Many visitors are expected from all parts of Nebraska and Iowa during the three days the show will be In progress. . Mttsbwrr eh Skew. tJesraal Special mea. Pltteburg. Pa, April 4. A notable bench' show under" the anspleea of the LNiqueane Kennel' Club opened In thl city today. - A large number of dogs of an classes are on exhibition. Including some oi me most valuable canines in the country. Among the cities re pre sent eo at me enow are Philadelphia. Buffalo. Cincinnati. -Milwaukee. New Tork and Baltimore. The show will continue till the end of the week. ON EASY PAYMENTS -LESS .THAN ELSEWHERE . FOR CASH school. McMlnnville college. McMInnvllle High school. Pacific university and Pa cific college. Albany college, Oregon uni versity. Manager Morton has several other gamee In view, and ia also-trying to arrange several games with the Port land bait teams. Dr. II. 1 Tony will coach the teem this year. He Is a fine coach, and from all appearances will have . a team 'hard to 'defeat. The line-up will be aa followa: Boyd ton, catcher: Myrra end 8haw, pitchers; ReynoMs. shortstop; Shaw . (captain), first base; Craven, second base Morton (manager), third base; Fen ton. lea field; Sibley, right field; Teats, center field. . SPORTING GOSSIP, -1 PUT Your SAVINGS INTO DIAMONDS Diamonds in your possession repre sent money more money than you psy for them after you've worn them a ' while, for the advance in prices is marked, and there is positively no dan ger of diamonds deprecisting in value. Of course, it is always necessary to choose wisely and pay the right prices when you make your selection, there fore it is essential that you should choose the gems at a responsible house. Our record and reputation as diamond merchants is one that we think enviable, and our large and mag- runcent stocx snows tne . best selection in tne city. t MARX y BLOCH 74 THIRD aTIXEILT: J , LARGEST DIAMOND DEALERS IN OREGON In the Held games held at Berkeley yesterday afternoon California defeated the all-atar teem of southern California by the score of 71 to It. Channlng Hall of Berkeley Jumped S feet 1H Inches m the high Jump, beating his former rec ord. The southern team broke the re lay record, making the time 3:33. e How' to Make Fudre. Get a clean handkerchief and tie a knot in the end. Borrow a ahotgun, er a rasor. Ioad It with trust sugar. Shoot the sugar Into the , handkerchief. Tie the residuum to stske and burn It to death. Suck It through a straw, while your wife shakes dowa the furnace. . . , e e i The stadium In which the Olympic games will be run off at Athens this month was built in lilt, at the expenae ef George Averolf. a rich Greek- The tnclosure seats (0,004 .people, and la said to be the largest athletic structure in the world. It ia a vast amphitheatre of a "V shape built Into the aide of a hill, and on the site of a similar struc ture, built about 31 B. C, for the Pan- Hellenic games. This building lasted 474 years, then was replaced by a whTte marble structure, which was destroyed during the dsrk ages. - Justice Fitsgerald of the New Tork supreme court has handed down a de cision denying Arthur Duffey's suit for aa Injunction against .the Amateur Ath letic Union of the United States, Dnf fey sought to enjoin the athletic anion from expunging from Its records his name and performances, which were wiped off the- books by a resolution adopted at the last annual meeting ef the parent body. The action was taken on the ground that Duffey had received penaation in lift. Kane Waddelt Is reported to be pitch ing great balL Ue must be getting ec centric again. , . e' e ' --'--- : John D. Rockefeller Jr. says ihere fa ae Joy la sowing wild oats. He doesn't know the feel Inge which rage la the ha ms breast Just after putting ever a ! to 1 shot. Aarella Herrera. . who Is matched to fight Battling Nelson, haa laid ia a rouple of thousand elgarettea and , a barrel ef forty-rod and wtU begin train ing la earnest .without further delay.. LARGER INCOME THAN PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Nelson .Tells of the Many Trials That Beset Him in the Dayg When He Was s Struggling Tramp Fighter How Persistency Won. While It. might not be advisable for the youth of America to adopt -the pro fession of Battling Nelnou. . there la, nevertheless,' much ,. to be learned by them from, the career of this famous lighter. It la: "Don't give up -the Bhlp,M or, "If -at' first you don't suc ceed, then try, try. again." From a-'tramp boxer" four years ago to the moat prominent of his class; from a boy who seldom knew where Ma next meal waa to come' from to a young man who is earning aa much money er more than Is paid the president of the United States, la the wonderful Jump made by Nelson... Hard work and con fidence in his own ability brought Nel son to the front, and pluck, application to his business and a good .manager have contributed; tg keep 1 htm 'at. the top of his clans and to make his bank account swell like a boil In the spring. Nelson la today the greatest money maker In the pugilistic profession. Me already- owne -eo mueh reel -estale- at Hegewisch, Illinois, that he is In danger of becoming land poor, and yet four years ago Battling had difficulty in find ing a place to lay hla head at night and to feed the Inner men. It wa While he was training at Ea slngton for his match with McOovern that Nelson said to a reporter for the Philadelphia Press: "Next week I'm going to right in Philadelphia for a sum 6f money double that ever received before by a fighter for six rounds.'' Then turning to his trainer, Hughey McMahon, Battling remarked: "That's pretty good, ell. Hughey? And do you remember the hard times we uaed to have when we were jumrolnar around out weet and trying to get to the frontt Itti Just four years ago." continued Nelson, "since Hughey and" I went, out one night to fight in. Chicago. Each of us was billed to go- on. but there waan't enough money In the house and they called the ahow off. . Shy of Cola. "Neither of ua had any coin, ao 1 pawned my light overcoat for a dollar. With that we got a meil apiece and then put up at a cheap lodging-bouse. In the morning had had just enough left. to get a cup of coffee and a roll. If any one was to go around Chicago and in vestigate, he would find my name scrib bled all over the registers of the cheap lodging-houses.. But it's different now It waa mighty hard work getting a start, I can tell you, but I'm on deck now with both feet.". , - For nearly two years now Nelson has been taking In the money faat, and 10 promises to' not ortly be his banner year, but also to eclipse any It months of .earning, by any puglllst.tht. ever lived. John Ia Sullivan alone excepted. Tbla is a list of Nelson's earnings this years Six weeks with a show, st ll.SOS per week ...I 4.000 Share of bout with McOovern... 11.477 Received for making match with Herrera 4.000 a Tout for first II weeks. 1104. .111.477 At this rate Nelson's earnings for the year would be upward of ISO, 000, of which amount hla manager, Billy Nolan, would receive $24,000 under bis contrsct calling for 15 per cent of Battllng's earnings. A Oreat Fighter. Nelson Is a lighter pure and simple Unlike certain other pugtllate and boxers, the footlights have no glamour for him. He llkea to have the light ahlne from overhead, rather than to have them at his feet, and he prefers to pummel a real rival rather than to make a bluff at it with a sparring part' ner. , Leaf week he turned down : many theatrical offers for several weeks of consecutive engagements in order to take on the match with Herrera at Los Angeles. - He haa - already received 14.00 for making this match, which leavea 114,000 for him and the Mexican to battle, for. the winner ' to receive t.0 and the loser 14.400. As this bout will take place early in May, and Nelson has marry other bouts in view. It will be aeen that bta earning capacity Is In no danger of receiving a sudden check. - Nelson and his manager left New Tork Sunday for Los Angeles, where he wilt at once go into training.' Ills corps of tralnera were left behind. Kid Abel!. Hughey McMahon and Kddle Kelly, who helped to put Nelson Into condition to meet McOovern, ,wlll at once get Into real boxing, a number of matches having been made for them in Philadelphia and New York. Mays. - We want you to come In and look over our splendid stock of fashionable eray fabrics for men. - 1 . Qieviots-lVorsteds-Serfiss . To Your Measure $20 to 850 Plain solid gray and grays with overlings checks and plaids.' i : t Dozens of patterns exclusive with the Columbia Woolen Mills - Company. . : . v; ' ' ' -r , '". . ' ". r Shown nowhere else on the Pacific coast. '' I .Examine the fabrics, linings and trimmings for a $25 Suit, v ; r ' : We will be able to finish it in time for Easter if you order now. , rWe want you to inspect our stock whether you buy or not it will be an education in "good taste and clothing elegance for men, ELKS' BUILDING, STARK AND SEVENTH STREETS e TsJkem Seattle. April 4. At a dinner tn Seat tle tonight the project for is A tasks iv Takon expedition will be formally launched. TH dinner will be attended by prominent Seattle and Alaska busM neas men and ethers interested ta the enterprise. , . Vinol builds you up and keeps you up TAYLOR AND BRADSHA W TO JUDGE THE OOfiS San.-Francisco Expert Selected to Look After Collies and " ." Terriers In Show". FOR GENTLEMEN The local dog fanciers are a buayIot of men theae day a. Although the un nual bench show Is nearly two months away, not coming bntil May to June ir-the promoters of the exhibition are working . aystematlcally. perfecting every detail that will add to the suc cess of the affair. It will be good news' to the Portland dog men to know that th Judging will be done by such splendid Judges, ss Major Taylor of Rutherford, New Jcr sey, and John- Bradahaw of San Fran cisco. Mr. Bradahaw. will Judge all of the -terriers and collies, while Major Taylor will paas on ail other claasea. O. If. Fleming' will once more super Intend the bench show. Mr. Fleming Is in a claas by himself when. It cornea to looking after a ahow, and the fact that he will be In charge will relievo the local club officers from conalder able responsibility. The benching this year will be done by the flpratts' Pat ent (Limited) company of England, and Its western representative, Thomae Banks, of Han Franciaeo, will have di rect supervision of the work. The feature of the show will be the modern form of disinfecting that will be In stalled by Mr. Banks. , Work on the Exposition building will be started as soon as the skate concern moves out on May 24. The fact that Mr.- BredshaWT will be one of the Judges means that a large iftimber of San Francisco dogs will be entered In the show. HIGH PRICES FOR LUMBER STOPS NEW BUILDING Common Rough Increases Four Dollars Per Thousand in the Palouse Country. Our delicious Cod Liver, ' preparation without oiX , . Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsiori3 to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and aU throat and lung troubles. Try It on our guarantee. WOODARD, CLARKE ft CO. (Special IHspatrh ts Th Jon rest. Colfax. Wash.. April 4. lumber prices have gone skyward In the past week throughout the Palouse country and building operations are being cur tailed in consequence. The price of common rough lumber has sdvan,ced 14 per , feet, white the better grade of lumber have advanced from 2i, to tS per cent. Common lumber, . which re tailed at from tit to Hi per l.eoo feet, ia now selling at from IIS to $17. The highest grades of finishing lumber has jumped from f to 151 per t.0g feet and there is a proportionate advance In all grades. .'. - - As a result, many' who planned' to erect buildings this year' are abandon Ing the plans and contractors here pre dict that building operations will be reduced 'front IS t 9 per cent this sea son. Several Colfax rltlsens wtio had plans draws for buildings have aban doned the Idea and will wait until next year, or later, tn hopes that the price will be lower. The lumber trade of this section Is eompletely controlled by the Potlateh T.umbet company, which baa mills at Colfax, Palouse aad Poateh. Idaho, and Is a branch of the Weyeraauscr syn dicate, which is also eald to control the mills at Bridal Tell. Oregon, front which a portion of the supply for this country has bees secared tor several years. Tne rtse tn-th price of lumber l regarded as a serious handicap to building. WOMAN'S CLUB TAKES UP BIG QUESTIONS (Sneetal Msestctl e Tee jOTWaal.) Forest Orove. Or, April 4. The monthly meeting of th Woman's club of this city was held at the home of Mrs. C. . Oape on Monday efternnon. Several papers were read. "The Influ ence of the Puritan, rr Mra. Robert- THE BEST $3 HAT in the World r-'- Sold Only by BEN SELLING Leading Hatter wffiis vv Tooth Troubles Tc!cc l.lrjs Before the almost magical touch ef an expert dentist. We are past masters in the dental art and trrre to make your . t t "..! . i.LI. m mouin ikiuuiui ana (vmivnioic, so isr I at teeth go, with the least possible pain f in drawing or filling, or otherwise attend ing to your motith'a proper equipment Call for detail a. WISE BROS. . Ones TMrd aad iya were STEEL CEILINGS ORNAMENTAL FIREPROOF SEASONABLE COST MANUFAC TURED BY J DAVPD fhone Marin -SOI W. DA Y CKsoa Seeooml fit. e . b s; The Mayflower as "la Symbol af Faith." by Mrs. Bolrtcg; -lurrent Events," by Mrs. Hancock on the TJn- eoin rarm - Aseociathm"; "The New rreanti President." by Mrs. Koesell; Mrs. Clar read a paper en the "Panama Cans', and Mrs. Chandler en -The Railroad Rate BIIL"- Several piano selections were rendered by Mrs. E. A Williams. ARGUMENTS BEGUN 0U SHIP SUBSIDY LIEASUPiE lAwraal gpeetsl gevtee.J Washington. April 4. Hearings oaths ship subsidy bill wars begun today be fore 4he heuee committee em merchant marine and fisheries. The Interests behind the measure seem to have large hope of convincing the committee that t tf bill deserves to he brought before i bo:- xr. tnr towever tars As. - - sVBBw.. CUT RATES SAVE MONEY Come at ewe end have fees evamtnafls. WC EXTRACT TI'TTM KKX; til vr.R nuLiMas. ic t . r t.o riLU- T!08. 7 to I'P: 8KT ' t rt, 14 ; SPLKNDITJ SCT. Orn.ur POWie . 11 44 TO 14.44; WHITS CROWNS, 1141 TO li.04. , All work guaranteed; fey tea years. CC3TC.1 r lilts Morrfsen -e r are that t- t this S"' 1 e: j :