The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 01, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Stone Retained at Member, of
Executive Committee -Ro
4 . V probably President, v
Planned to Establish Associations In
'Small Towns Throughout Ortfon
' and Idaho Sereral Interesting Pa.
pen Work Among Railroad Men.
aietlon of 'an Interstate executive
eommlttee by the Oregon-Idaho Y. M.
C A convention yesterday resulted tn
two changes in the present board and
the flection of four new members. - I. 0,
Rhodes, at present educational director
f the local association, succeeded li,. WV
Stone as Interstate secretary, but Mr.
;,, WM retained as a member of the
committee. 3r V. Condon of Pooatello
.as elected to succeed C. C, Stevenson
; f the same city. George Morton of
-T-otUaa and VWJL Mahaffla. ofBaia
r the other two members that make
the four iauuiv. '
L-ort of the nominatina committee was
- .rtonted with unanimous rote. - The
eemmltlee will meet at some later date
-ana elect -Ita own ofnoere.- It la gen-
.rally understood thst J, Thorburn Roes,
... president, will' be ohoeen to euo-
ceed himself.
Am m. diversion from the business and
- devotional affairs of th oonventlon, the
.i.l.aates were hrtalnd at a sump
tuous banquet la the Y. M. C. A. dining,
hall yesterday afternoon by the young
Women members of tha Y., W. C. A. of
- More than fOO auests were
Meted at the tables, - Juat preceding the
banquet the vlsltora wera entertained in
the swimming department by an aquatlo
-exhibition taken part lnby representa
tives of all tha association represented.
V- Smeontlve OOawalSta sTaaaed.
The selection of an executive commit
tee was one of the most Important mt
..r. of business of the day. These men
soiitrol the Pn of 4h Interstate
work and direct -a-aoors tenains; . tu
build up and extend the Y. M. C. A.
movement in the two common wealths.
h. old board aava'antrr satisfaction
aad there would have been no -changes
In it et-eH -had not tho dutlea of thoee
constituting It becoms so extensive aa
to demand the attention 01 ouier, nu
especially the supervision and dlrsctloa
f anecfal secretary."--" -" " "
It waa for this reaaon that Mr. Stone
waa relieved of his duties as acting seo
retary and Mr. Rhodes was selected to
devote his entire time to tho labors-of
the position. Mr. KUoaea la consiasrea
one of the most capable and earnest
workers' on tha coast.
The executive committee' Is planning
. a campaign In tho establishment of as
sociation work In small towns through-
at. Idaho and, Oregon daring the coming
year, as wen ms Droauvnins; aum v.i"
m the soooa of the college and city
tranches. This work will bo under tha
supervision and direction of Mr. Rhodes.
- Qeorge .Sutherland, now superintend
ing the construction of an association
building in Spokane, was unanimously
sleeted as aeeretarr of 'T. M. O. A.
building operations for tho three states.
Oregon, Idaho and Washington. - Ho la
looked Upon as one of the moat capable
men for that position available on the
Paclflo coaat and his services hays been
secured for a reasonablo aalary,
- Tha Wresemt CoiaiiiiWia .
The nsw executive eommltteo stands
follows: J. Thoroura koii, i-orx-
land; A. I Veaile, Portland; President
r. L. Campbell. Eugene; John ', Jtfain.
Portland: W. M. ladd. Portland; J. ML
Albeit, Salem; a M. Oleen, Oregon City;
X. C. Bronaugh, Portland; H. I Bate.
rorest Orove: Jesse Kdwarda, -
berg; C. C. Anderson, Boise; H. W.
atone, Portlands X. D. Rhodes, inster
state secretary. Portland; J. P. Condon,
Boise; Oeorge Morton, Portland; W. H,
llahaffle, Salem.
man Salaaao am Man.-
The afternoon session opened with
the report of the treasurer, which
waa glvea by Mr. Btone in tha absence
of A. L. Veasie. It showed a balance
en hand of IS7.TI, after tho payment of
all bills. v
wV R. Miles of Paclflo college made
the opening address, taking for his
subject "The Duties and Responsibili
ties of Officers and Leaders of a Btu
dent Association." Ha urged that par
ticular car be taken to set good ex
amples to bora. Mr. Miles, who la a
.abater of not in .hla college, proved
an impressive apeaker. .
0. H. BUUna-s of tho University of
Oregon gave hla ldeaa of the organisa
tion and training of commltteea and
committeemen. -'
In the abaenc of A. R, Marker of
Willamette univeralty, .who was to have
wea on "Qearhart conferenoea." a
core or mora of those who have at
taeed these meetings told of the value
t mam aa a meana of directing young
into the right patha of Christian
wi-lt- wae practically decided to hold
" aext conference at Qearhart, from
"H 1 to 24. ...'
Christianity la Everyday Ufa.
Th. Cnll.M U.'a TTa. lf INS
Trtlnlng" was the subject of an ln-
"restlng addrss by E. B. MacNaugh
too, - Tha nvlvll.A nt a Anl.
h man, said he, Is to us his ideals.
1 1
education and activity in infusing
Christianity into everyday life and
spreading- it among his fellowraen. , ' '
, u. Jennings, general secretary or
the railroad . - aasoolation - at - Pocatallo,
told of the great work that la being ae-
compllitied by this branch of the X. M.
c A. lie eald that railroad men were
being Interested In the religious, educa
tional and physical training departments
of the association, being, educated and
fitted to hold their positions, enlisted
In behalf of the advano of Christianity
and snatched from the grasp of the sa
loon and like Implements of the UvtL
The association at Pooatello has a mem
bership of more thaa (00. Is preparing
to erect a 121,000 building and has
never lacked funds to provide for 'fet
W. S. Hale, aecretary of the local
boya' aasoolation,. told of the great
work in that department. The proper
training of the boy, he declared, was
the moat Important work any organisa
tion or society could undertake. He
described in a most Interesting manner
tho methods employed by the local as
sociation to train the boys of today to
beoome tbo men of the nation tomorrow.
.:.-r.V---aTeaiasT asloa. "
The "evening session was held at the
White Tempi. The committee ap
pointed to , report upon the executive
committee's report jaoom mended tts
adoption. - The convention sustained the
recommendation, . . . .. .
a. . Alien, general secretary or ins
Seattle association, delivered an inter
esting addreaa on the subject "Bible
Study In . Evangelism.- He contended
that there could bo no true or fruitful
evangelism without a thorough study of
th Bible.
C. W. Wilcox, - stata ' secretary . for
Washington, gave a series of stereoik
tlcon views, showing work in th various
branches of tho aaaoclation. Th Port
land Ole club sang several numbers.
Thla moaning there will be a devotion
al service at the Y. M. C A. auditorium.
In tho afternoon Frd B. Smith will lec
ture to men only at the Marquam and
th eloalng session will be held at the
First Presbyterian church tonight.
- Seventy-three new members were
taken into th Multnomah Bar associa
tion at Its meeting held in department
No. 1 of th circuit court last night.
Aside from th election of the- new
members, tha principal business of th
meeting was th appointing by Presi
dent 8. C Spenoar of a committee to
report on a list of minimum fees to D
charged by attorneys of thla county.
Thla committee la composed of Dan J.
Mal&rkey, Frank 8. Bennett, A. U.
Veaal. Waldemar Seton and O. W. Sta
pleton. -
The new members follow: Arthur C.
Spenoar. IS. K. Coovort, Ernest ' Brand
Jr, O. W. Stapleton, William Roid,,W.
Y. Masters. W. T. Vaughn, George W.
P. Joseph. W, 8. Hufford, H Denlinger.
V. K. Strode, J. W. Bell, John A. Lee,
N. D. Simon. Oglssby Young, Arthur U
Veaal, Omar 8. Spancsr, A. C Em
mons, Circuit Judge M. C Oeorge, O. O.
Oammana. John T. McKee, J. M. Long,
Roger B. Slnnott, Xt F. Fie gel. William
A. Munly. Newton McCoy, James Olea-
son, U A MeNary. B. E. Haney, Walter
e. Hayea. Claude Strahan. H. M. Cake,
L. H., Taj-pley, 8. B. Linthieum, J. J.
Fltsgarald, C, B. S. Wood, Charles H.
Carey. Iaaao - Swett, J. - C. ' Moraland,
Frank F. VYeeman. Albert S. Oebhardt,
f. CL Veasie, Frederlok V. Holman, Rob
ert Galloway, Thomaa ODay, - Mark
O'Neill, R. L. Gllaan, Justlc of th
Peace William Raid, W. SL S'arrell. W.
M. Gregory, Ale xandax. Bern stein. Mil
ler Murdoch. R. W. Wilbur, District At
torney Jobif Manning, Frank 8. Grant,
Municipal Judge George J. Cameron,
W. W. Banks. Dan J. Malarkey, Martin
L. Plpea, Whitney U Boise, G. G. Ames,
John B. Ryan, William D. Kenton,
Frank 8. - Bennett, Thomaa G. Greene,
ax-Mayor Georg H. Williams, Colonel
C U. Oantenbeln, W. M. Cake, Arthur
Langguth, W. J. Makeilne and R. M.
Moody. ;
Judg Fraser issued an order yester
day for Chief of Folic Charlea Orlta
macher to appeal in th circuit court
next Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock
to ahow causa why M. B. Llllla should
not be reinstated aa a Jailer at th police
station. Ullis waa recently ordered to
take a beat. He objects to walking.
In the complaint filed In th circuit
court Llllla declares that on October
II, 10, ho took th civil aarvlee exami
nation for patrolman, but failed to pass.
On January It, 1904, he took tho exami
nation for jailer and paaaed with a per
centage of 10. He denlea the chiefs
right to order him to take a patrolman's
. Deputy Sheriff Sam Downey waa born
In Pike county. Missouri, 44 years ago
last Friday and a crowd of his friends
gathered at his horn in St," Johns on
the evening of that day and surprised
him. - Downey hd Just finished Wiping
tho. dlsAVs for his wife when the storm
burst. East guest brought a present of
some sort. Sheriff Word giving , his
. , ,
the Y. M. C A. convention 4n session in this cit7-Photrby
Oclegates to,
Little Rents :
Little Expenses
Little Prices
Little Down
Little Monthly
v- Full swell front, long draw -
ers, gracefully - curved stand
ards supporting the , heavy
French bevel mirror; made In
oak, mahogany and birdseye
maple. We also have "many
other designs in golden, ma
hogany or white maple as low
deputy a pair of green" pajamas. Chief
Deputy Sheriff Oeorge Morden contrib
uting a ssck of poUtoos and Dod Par
rott a' toothbrueh. -v , .
Among tho .other presents received by
Downey, who la on of th largest prop
erty owners in St Johns, wera a smok
ing Jacket, a box of cigars, several pic
tures, a flower stand, a number of
books, a sst of dollies, a napkin ring and
a map of th etate of Missouri Tha
guests were: Mrs. Welch. Miss Bmma
Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert LaDow,
Mrs. Matti McKamm, Mis McKamm.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg Hall. Miss Jsnnl
McLallamham. Mr. and . Mra. XJoorga
Schlmmell, Mr. Eeaenoe, Sheriff Tom
Word. Chief Deputy Sheriff Oeorge P.
Morden, Deputy Sheriffs Harvey I
Moreland. Dode Parrott, John Cordano,
W. H. Mercer, Samuel Martin, W. W.
Mcintosh and Charles Boblnson.
More videno of th work of thlres
has been disclosed at th fair grounds,
O. W. Richardson of -Columbia county
Informsd ths police yesterday that an
exhibit of that county which waa highly
prised and waa Intended for an exhibit
at the city hall muaeum In Portland
had disappeared, acting Detective Jones
Is endeavoring to dlacover who stole it
The exhibit waa an ivy formation,
consisting of a network around a log,
about II feet long and ttt feet In diame
ter, which had been burned under th
foliage and varnished.' The log' was
heavy and must have been taken away
In a rehlcl. - 1 ' "
., .
After reading press dispatches that
Jewish massacres would likely occur In
Russia at Eastsrtido, Dr." N. Mosessohn
of Portland sent the following telegram
to President Roossvelt yesterday:
"Can nothing bo done by your excel
lency to prevent - the threatened mas
sacre of thousands of human belnga In
Russia? Surely th United State
should not stand by and allow these
carnagea to occur as Indicated in the
prea dispatches this morning."
, TT" C; 1 Af x 2a. j.,m This Kitchen Gem Complete. ' f4Vf
J-e fj, l ' Little dOWll and Little Down, UtUe Monthly. fiT CZ
lm Trail ... 4UlllU iX ZZm- II III - 1
..-..-,.:'.: ' mmmmmmmmm
. v.'Y.Vi- " iU?-.y I l
t - -r-Trrrn?T
Day at ths Little
Rent Store
Every Dollar
Saved is ja Dol-.
lar Made
Up I ni ft- V -
: 1 m v vuvv , . . i , y
sell All
;" . . . ', y
Kerosene Spread on Each Bed
But After Hard Fight Flames .
Are Extinguished.
(Special Dvaateh fe Tfee JoamaL)
Salem, Or, March IL Fir waa dis
covered at th Salaam hotel at I o'clock
tonight In four rooms In tho third flat,
and seven rooms In thosecond flat, all
burning simultaneously. Tbo blase is
thought to ' have been of lnoendiary
origin, as only the clothes on th. beds
were burning In each room. Manager
Berry thought th fir was under control
after he had put out th flame in three
rooms, but kerosene had apparently
been spread on each bed to maks th
fir certain and culck. It waa ex
tremely difficult for th firemen to fight
th conflagration on account of th In
tense smoke. Several hundred dollars'
damage waa caused, but thla la partly
covered by insurance).
- A mounted policeman la acoused of a
serious breach of police regulations by
a woman who telephoned Chief of Police
Orltsmacher yesterday. She asserted
that stockmen driving cattle at McAdam
and Orover atreets ar accuatomed to
ride their horses on th sidewalks and
that tha patrolman paid no attention
to her protests.
"I told th stockman he had no right
to ride hla horse on th sidewalk," said
th woman. "He told m he had per
mission - to do so. The policeman I
fused to order him off the eldewalk."
Only th reluotanc to bring Into th
affair the woman who gave tha informa
tion prevents a eharg being placed
against the patrolman with th police
commission. In written Instructions
read to the patrolmen 6f th three re
liefs th chief aaaerta that a mounted
Journal Staff Photographer. '
natrolman la sent alone with men driv
ing stock in order to prevent juat auoh
things aa are) complained of. He notifies
all patrolman that nobody haa authority
to permit any parson t rid a horse on
the sidewalks and that complaints of the
earn kind in th futur will lead to
trouble for th member of th depart
ment named aa permitting th ordinance
to be infracted.
Th male ouartet and women's trl.
composing th Willisana Original Jubilee
Singers, have returned to poruana tor
a number of engagements. They sang
laat year at the Whit Temple. Grace
Methodist' church"" and at the T. M. C. j
A. Th company la under the manage
ment of Charles P. Williams, wiin
whom J. H. Johnson is . connectea as
partner. Th alngers wm appear ai
following engagements. i
Sunday at 1:10 In tha afternoon, at
tha T. M. C A. convention at th Mar
quam theatre: Sunday evening at T:SS
at Grace Methodist church; Monday at
University Park Methodlat church, un
der the 'auspices of th Ladles' Aid so
ciety; Tuesday at Sell wood, under th
auspices of the T. M. C. A: Wednesday
at Rodney Avenue tnniuia enurcni
Thursday at St. Johns. under - the
ausplo of th public school. '
Mrs. Cora Stafford, accused by Mra.
Martha Stevens of attempting to defraud
her of 141. alleged to be du for board
and lodging at the Arctle rooming
house, Fifth street, near Salmon, was
brought back to Portland from Oregon
City yesterday by Detective ' Rasing.
Mrs. Stsvsns procured a wsrrant from
District Attorney Manning and boarded
th aam train aa Mrs. , Stafford. Th
warrant was hsnded City Marshal Burns
at Oreeon City, who took th Womsn
Into custody. Sh waa on her way to
Ban Francisco to wad hrr fiance.
She De yea expect t he ss aagel la the
Best werldt
, . He Me; I've tried that klsd f rel here
as I eas't afford ths loxsry.
:. r:: : ,i"J
Vc Invite Your
Careful Con
sideration of Our
and advantages and ask you
. to call and give our stock
a detailed criticism accord
ing ta your best judgment,
at the same time comparing
our prices. You cannot help ;
but say we have the best
Furniture for the .least
Decision of Czar to Attend in
Person Cause of Extraor
dinary Precautions.
(Oapyrlght, Hearst Vews Service, ay
Wwe to Tbi JooreaU
' St Petersburg. March. II. Th de
cision of th eaar to open la person
Russia's first parliament la th cans
of Toxtraordlnary precautions In "ths
Taurlde palace, where th doom will
assemble. -
Sine March II no on haa been al
lowed to enter the building" without a
permit, countersigned by th security
department of th police.
Th authorities fear that an ao
vantaae may be taken of. th recon-
atructlon confualon to take the initial
steps toward outrag. Seven decorators
have been dismissed as politically aouot
ful. and all new working-men engaged
to carry out tha ventilation works in
tho cellars underneath the Hall of Ses
sions are f lrst J"appTovdthy th secret
The satirical journal xtursvsi pub
lished laat week a cartoon depicting th
douma building being blown up. Un
derneath was th ambiguous quota
tion from a speech by Count Wltto:
The douma will rise to the height of
Its vocation."
Th dread of outrag is not only con
fined to th Imperial family. Tha ex
tremist revolutionaries. ' while boy
cotting th elections, declare the douma
Is the worse enemy of popular freedom,
and there la a genuine ear that some
crasy Individual may emulate th
anarchlstlo feat when a bomb was
thrown Into th French chamber of
While looting th room of th mat
of the ahlD Balmore. lying at the Mortn
rn Paclflo dock, at I o'clock yesterday
morning a burglar awakened 'the sleep
ing occupant. He was asked what ti
wanted and fled. An effort was made
to eaptur him. on th mate giving the
alarm, but the renew ran aiong a piana
which he had laid from th dock to th
ship' ladder whll other avenues, of
sscan were being guarded, and soon
disappeared from view. .
It was afterwafd discovered that be
fore awakening the male th burglar
entered the room occupied by Captain
T. F. Groundwater and stole, til end
his gold watch while he lay asleep. Tb
watch was found on a mess table, where.
th burglar laid it before entering tho
mate room, in me iusui n, miu nut
have time to take It. , ,
So numerous and annoying have be
come the mlsdemesnor perpetrated by
young hoodluraa In th vicinity of St,
Patrick's 'church, Nineteenth and Sevier
streets, that Rev. Father Murphy was
obliged yeeterday to call upon tho po
lice for relief. Instruction wer Issued
to patrolmen on the different reliefs
covering - the - district, to that th
nuisance is speedily abated.
The prleat Informed Chief Orlts
macher that the young rawdlea aasem
ble on the street corners every evening
and are a disturbing factor In the neigh
borhood. They ar as id to break win
dow of residences and smash atreet
lamps, "juat for th fun of it." Per-
For our patron3
each i month,
this amount we save on
rents alonew "7'"
' 1j ' i
. The best and lowest in price
" of any Steel Range on the mar-'7
ket! Guaranteed for 10 years
in every, respect. You must
see the Range to appreciate its
quality No ad can do it
- Justice. : - : '' r : : .
Little Down and
Little Monthly
High Class Dental
Work at Moderate
All Operations Performed by, tha
Latest Painless Methods. ,
We guarantee all work to give)
perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Our Plates are guaran
teed to fit. ;:
Solid Gold : Crowns. .... .$5.00
Bridge Work. ...;..., .$4.00 .
Full Set Teeth. ........ ..$5.00
Main BTo.
a Oypotnt ansrg Plan moaa. ------
... , n'
son on th street ar said to have been '
Insulted and annoyed in every way poe
stble by ths street Araba. '
- "The officers oa thla beat mnat make)
It a apeolal point to break up this gang? '
of hoodlums," reada the chiefs order.
"Nor must there b any delay in th
matter. Order them to diapers every
time they aasemble and if they refue
to. obey th Injunction arrest, them and
place them In Jail, prefer charges against
them and take any other meana neces
sary to preaerve order in ths district
.-..! .:--; - Bxm Ax Old. """"".""
'from the Lmtevllle Cenrter-JeereaL
"Tir jokes that eppear la the paper today,
sal(f the friend. .
,"Thr were erlglseted S week age, wsr
they aott"
"Soom tit tbea wre" SMwared the baser,
hit, wearily, "Ana mate of them were originates-
four er Sve headml y.ere are."
I Treet Befere N
poisons deep glands.
Re (- Kelt! C.rei
Ne X Kay or otlw
Swindle. A Faclhc Is
land plan!
ant make th
cure, dkeelsei
, sstee.
lump i
Any tamer,
or aor ee (he
'ace er snrwbere
si moetht i oaac.r,
llS-Pee BmS sent
Ire wiih te.timenlal
o( Itwuaatiila csraeV
W'rll to them, .
IsCANCBRsfidlfswgtactedltwHI always r
sea deep gleade ta taearaaplt aad s!llaMiu.y.
Uaress PR. MBS. tS. CBAKttT 4 C2.
Mt Sa M C SseHaltoa Uvtam.
2 ISlrtf U se Fraaclaca, CJ.
ksit in. to ssse t:t riTi c:::::
it-r' I I
) lav