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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
. ' . V ' ' - - ti - ' : ' ' . , . ; ; , 1 ' T 7 ' v v rv. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND, '"SUNDAY MORNTNO. APRIL C ItZX mmmmmm JONATHAH BOURNE MAKES HIS PUBLIC PLEDGES TO THE PEOPLE ft. 4 i, Election of Senators by Direct i Vote, of the People Is. His Desire. - NATIONAL CONTROL OF . GREAT CORPORATIONS T6reg on Improvements Engage Much ; of His Attention "Juttice lor An L. Men1' Is the Slogan of Hia Cam y paign for United States Senator. v If nominated and elected. Jon- at hen Bourn promts ! h my, wllL during his term of offlc, faver: - Republican policies.:,- 1 im.nHin . national eonstltu- - tton -- people's - election t of - United Stats senators. my Publicity political .campaign expenses. '.'::.'' r- National control of oorpora- Hons .la Interstst ommerc. A."""" Rlltd eiclmton of Asiatic m coolie Ubor: food wag mak good cltlsen. Legal limitation labor hour . for safety on railroads. Parcel port, tncludlna rural . delivery. ... . . ....'. . J....f .'! i -Wirt f ood law."4"1 ' ' A Liberal approprlalloruifer" A Panama canal. coast delne. w - river and harbor- Improvement. - 4) including Columbia, Wlllajn' river. Cooa. Yaqulna and other 4 Oreaon harbora. Celllo - canal. government canal at Oregon City. d Fair shsr of Irrigation fund 4) for Oregon. - ' - Loyal support of successful 4 candid tee.- " Rigid enforcement of '.jtst- my ment one. a Rooaevelt. foraeeond olectlva 4 term. ' . Ha dcairea that tha following 4 statement be printed after hl " nam on the nominating- ballot: "1 will aupport preeldent d Rooaevelt'a .determination that 4 Juetioe bo don all mon." To the Peon! of th Btat of Oregon: I am candidal for nomination by th Republican party at th primary nomi . rating election on April 10; and aelec "7 tion by the people of Oregon at th gen- - erel election on June 4, and formal tleo ' tlon by th Oregon leglalatlv aeaembly In Jenuary. J07. for tha ofDc of . United Statea senator In rongrea for , th term beginning March 4.-1 9T. ? If I am nominated and elected to th United Statea . senate I pledge to. the - people of Oregon my beet efforts hon ' eatly and faithfully to aerv them, their Interests and th interest of th nation, - as Ood shall gtvs m light. I herewith reepeetfully submit my pUtform. and,' should I b chosen by - th people as on of their servants, will loyally fayor-th following Republican ' policies as promulgated by Lincoln and ' exempllfled by Roosevelt. Thes prln clple are th rights -of roan and the . absolute sovsrelgnty of th people, and upon these Is built tha superstructure - f th- republlo, which th Republican party was created to maintain and per petuate. - These policies, therefore. ' stsnd for th rights and liberties of th people and for th power and majesty of -'the government as, agalhat th enemies of both. . "Sltoot aiwaioa of seaatora. i . I ahall at all time earnestly favor an amendment to the federal const! tu- tton providing for the election of United States senators by direct vote of th people of th several states as th bast ' permanent and universally effective method by which these public servants - " may be mad directly responsible to th . peopl who entrust them with power. ? The method by which th United Btates la now elected renders It In Urge meas ure an lrreaponnlbl public servant, and " therefor a oontlnuaUy growing menace to th liberties of the t people. The barter and sal of United Statea sna torlal certificates would thus be forever eliminated from American polities. ' Pabllah Campalfm Bzpensea. . , Th purposes for which money, or Its equivalent, may legally be used In po litical campaign should be clearly de- - fined by law and its employment ptfierr wise forbidden In elections. Publicity . of political campaign expenses 'should be made . obligatory in- all congressional, senatorial and presidential elections, and false or fraudulent statements of 'facts ' t elating thereto should be made a fel . ony punishable by fin and Imprison ;Y ment. Honest elections mean honest government and better publlo servants. Vatioaai Ooatxol of Oorporatlosa. Our tendency Is clearly toward cen .. trallsatlon. On evidence I th tre- rnendous growth of corporations. I am In nd sens unfriendly to corporations, ; but believe that federal regulation and - control of all corporations engaged In - Interstate commerce and Interstate busi ness ar demanded by th exigencies of th situation, Th very nature of In- ' terstate business, owned and managed by corporations. Is suoh that by reason 'of the limited Jurisdiction of any single . Stat ao remedy for th evils complained ; of can be applied through state leg-Is. ; latloa This Is Impossible, as th fed ' ersl government alons has th power. - Th desperate necessity of esrly ac tion is shown by tha recent evposuret concerning th llf insurance companies, the beef trust and th everyday experi ence of th people with railroad eor- , poratlon snd ear companies. I ahall , favor the rigid enforcement of our pres ... cnt and the enactment of auch new iaw may be necessary to accomplish these COLUMBIA Graphophoncs and Records Are the Best VH 'f:'! Easy Payments ' If Desired : Inrlo (hta advertisement writing for free catalogue. when ar,slnTWirtk DfsAS AmSMnta vuiuiaiiia ruuiiuyi apii "Z '-" ":'T Columbia Building 371 Hishls.on Street, Portland, Or. reforms. Including th widest publicity of all Interstate corporation matters sn l absolute honesty and simplicity of all Interstate corporation accounts. I be lieve th Interstate commerce commis sion should be given- all powers thst th federal oonsUmtloW will- pormlti tn order that all rebate and special privi leges msy be abolished. . I favor federal supervision of. llf In surance companies, an annual Inspection f their accounts and voucher by- na tlonal Ufa insurance examiners appoint ed by th president with a slight tax on the companies', gross business to re ptty th government th expense of such examinations, and th enactment of laws defining th class of securities In which tho funds of policy-holders may be Invested,';- , .. ' Ziolusloa of Oooll. - .' . , : Th Asiatic coolie In competition with American labor tends to degrade natty labor, native manhood and th American heme. Tho Asiatic coolie - who at horn receive but a few cent for a day' work. Is not to be tolerated In competi tion with th . age-earner of America, If ws would preserve our civilisation, ennoble our cltlsens and maintain our Industrial progress, American work, men, upon whom tha fabrlo of our In stitutions rest, cannot build homes, rear families and preserve freedom -If they do not protect themselves against the degraded lapor of, Aala. Low wages' mran Impoverishment of body and brain, and necessitate poor moral. '' j; -'' " Bailway Men's Honrs. ' -, i Th overworking of railroad employes Into whose hand ) committed th run. alng of railway trains. Is ' a -serious menace to th llf of employes and pas sengers and to rail way property, Th system - which- oom pels. r. Induces -a train dispatcher, conductor or ng1ner to remain at his post for a longer period than average human endurance war rants. Is criminal . In Its nature, and frequently eo In Its results. In th ln terest, therefore, of th safety of em ployes, passengers snd properly, I favor a national law -limiting tha service of train dispatchers, train men and station agents on. all lines-of railroad -running interstate ' trains 'to "150 hours per month, with a limit of 11 hours In any ti, except when unavoidable delay caused by accidents and storms prevent' ' rsmliVeii! , Th postofflc 1 on of the greatest blessings of our government I. favor th enactment of a federal law admit ting , to th malls parcels of merchan dise et figures slightly abov actual cost of transportation., on - a - mileage basia, with proper restriction aa to th class of commodity; This -would. In my opinion, save annually many millions of dollars to the consumers, protect . th city and town merchant and Increase general business on- acecrant-)f rth lrK oressed fsclllly of ordering and receiv ing good. ' ' I favor th rapid extension of our ru ral delivery system: hleiier nay for mall carrier and all others In the poor r paid grade of tha postal department, and a sliding seals pension after lo years of continuous and faithful service. Th system a now organised offers but little inducement for long service, and no hop for a competency In old ag. -''.- Pur rood Xaws. t The widespread- adulteration- of the rood supplies of tho country is on -of th many evidence f th stransrulatlon of th homely Ideas of common honesty by th' flerc struggle for money. Cheaply manufactured substitutes for ordinary articles of diet injurious to th publlo health ar foisted on th con sumers under fain label. . Th pro ducers of th genuine neccasarle of llf ar crushed out of th market, th consumer robbed, and his health Im paired, that-unscrupulous vendor, and manufacturers may be enriched. Th situation calls for drastic measure of repression, and I favor th National enactment of pur food law. : Panama OaaaL .. ' Th completion of th Panama canal with aa great ped efficiency of the work will warrant and permit, 1 an Imperative demand by the commercial Interests of the country and th military necessities of the nation. In view' of th new world awakening In th orleiu, our present and possible Interests In Asia, and th commerce of th Pactflo ocean, the Paclflo coaat state, for the safety of their seaboard as well as for commercial reasons, srs entitled to have the canal :. construction pushed a vigorously aa men and adequate govern mental approprlattona of money can do It ' - . Paclflo coast harbor and river Im provements for reason akm to-thos which uemand vigor and dispatch In th Panama canal construction ar of equal Importance. The Improvement of th Columbia river for deep-draught vessels from Portland to th sea. Is a work of national Importance tnd ahould- be un dertaken by th general government on seal broad enough and thorough nongh In th scop of Its engineering natures to insur th adequacy and permanency . of th work for all time to com, and th appropriation there fore ahould be on a scale equal to th magnitude and necessity of th enter prise. ... .. ... . . Th Columbia river I th natural highway of commerce from th Inland Empire to th ocean. Its course marks the Una of least resistance from th Rocky mountains to th seaboard for railroad transportation, and points to Its mouth as th moat important port on th Paclflo coast for th future develop ment of ocean commerce. Th open ing of the river, therefore, from Port land to the head of navigation on th Columbia and It tributaries aa a means of regulating railway transportation by river competition 1 of th very highest Importance to every" Industry; to hus bandry and trad. , -Improving Orsgoa xarbor. - Th Celllo canal.. .tha Improvement of th upper stretches of ths rlvsr, the purchase of th Oregon City locks and th Improvement of th Willamette river to th head of navigation, call for tm- Always Reliable sPa vai v i r Pierces your heart Then come Jo US . We'ligive you a start m m Terms on This Suit m 50c VPER m-U6 medlat and adequate appropriations to complete these improvements. Th harbor of Coos, Yaqulna and other bay ar of scarcely less Import ance. Th lumber, coal and other inter est tributary to them, a well aa the splendid Inducements they offer aa coast' terminals for overland railways, demand that they should receive such Improve ments as th highest engineering skill can devise and money can pay for. TI.e work to b don and money expended should be on a scale commensurate with their future great Interests and Im portance, . , . In this connection and "of " no " lasa pressing need are th defense of our Paclflo coast. Th Improvement of Oregon's rivers and harbors to keep pace with ths growth of our Paclflo com merce with th orient, demands th con struction of coast defenses In propor tion to th harbor Improvements and the expansion of trad. Indeed, th naval prowess of Japan and our material In terests near the shore of Asia furnish added reasons why our coast defenses should speedily be mad adequate to any mergancy. - r - ; - . - For unh ' reasons, I thrfor favor th moat liberal appropriation by fh government for these highly necessary Paclflo coast river, harbor and defens Improvements. .'' - ' Irrigation, la Orgom. ' A sunt equal to that received by th gnrsl government from public land an. I mm in ins sisie, i. urtiun iur wur, of the- Irrigation fund. Those revenue lno tho law providing for th creation of such fund was passed by congress now amount to tt.230.St7.T5. Th arid and seml-artd lands In this state sus ceptible to Irrigation amount spproxl matelv to 1.400.000 acres. I favor th expenditure of Oregon's "fair ehar" of the Irrigation fund In, first, th urchas of such vested right Why, Cupid Is tHe Advance Agent of ihe Furniture Store Life isn't ell play and it isn't all work. There's! the homecoming: every day with its anticipations, its comforts and luxuries. Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, are very : important requisites they make or unmake a home. . CuDid never flies out of the window of the cheerful, comfortable home. Even to the bachelbr his fireside reveries are improved by easy cruurs ana attractive xurnisnings. woven aia v,upiu w umuu itiu wi u.u p-wwi. He knows his fancies in every way and always tries to humor them.. Credit to suit your convenience and Cupid's as well . without extra charge for it; and moderate prices are made possible only by a large volume of business in standard high grade goods -;:.k,Y -Tp the t lAnd here it is) 3-Piece Parlor 111 ".: M M 1 fiT " .. . . "Ti : i '. ""r''"iiir"t ' - WEEK Carpet Department Absolutely complete assortment ' of Inrrain and Brussels Carpets. The latest loom productions in , artistic, up-to-date designs. A : visit to this department will repay - you. - ; - - " SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK TAPESTRY BRUSSELS Regular $1X5 90c a Yard Made, Laid and fined Pre. Cowll FIRST STREET and equities aa may b necessary for, and second, for th construction of such Irrigation systems as will permit of, th earliest reclsmstlon of thes regions. In submitting to ths Republican votera In Oregon my candidacy for namlnatlon on their party ticket to the offlc of United Statea senator In con gress, I do so with personal friendship for and absolut party loyalty to all th other gentlemen who ar now seeking or who may. In this campaign, seek the same nomination with myself, and In case I am defeated in th primary election for th nomination by any on Of them I .her and now pUdgr to hint and to th Republican, party my staunoh aupport and my . unfaltering loyalty in th Jun election. . - : Statement , 1. When th great electorate of th state hall hav named It choice for United Btates senators and' rendered It decree st the ballot-box on th fourth 'of June, next, let It be what' It may, tinder the provision of the law. that decree shall be respected through th rigid nioroe mntof statement No. 1. ' I hv 'Strongly endeavered to assist In so rryatallslng publlo opinion that all legislative candidate would be required P'B'g. .MWBSHW! . -'- -' ta th stooa Xmhabitedf ' Selene haa proven that th moon ha an atmoapoere. wnicn maae lire in some form possible on that satellite: but not for human beings, who havs a hard enoush time on this earth of oura especially thos who don't know that Klectrte Bitter cur Headanh. Bilious ness, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaun dice, lyspepaia, Dlsslneas, Torpid Liver, Kidney complaints, Ueneral Debility and Female weaknesses. Unequaled ss a general Tonlo and Appetiser for weak rersone and especially rnr ine a sea t Induces sound sleeo. Fully sniaran- teed by O. Bkldmor e Co, druggist. lria Oiuv eset, . , ANOTHER OF COVELUS GEIIEROUS OFFERS WE WILL MAKE A PRESEN t OF : any young couple getting married, ceremony performed in our. show ,'"'.'' ,.' '. royal Suit Exactly as Pictured Mad from northern birch, finiahed in a rich mahogany, nicely csxved, upholstered in French velour or tapeatry; very rigid and substantial; high brace arms on all three pieces; earring clearly cut...-,: lJJ.. Great Special for Alt This Week Room -Size Rugs " If you are contemplatins; the purchase of a Rug come to us. We ' have , a splendid showing of the latest designs and our quality is standard. The prices are reason able as the following special indi cates: ; . ., r'; - :.:'.- ' - SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK AXMIHSTER RUO, Sis 9x13 , Regular $42.50 , $33.50 f 1.00 Down, f l.OO Week. THE BIG WHITE STORE t subsorlb to ststement No. 1, realis ing that by so doing a method was pro vided through which th legislative as sembly would be forced to elect for senators th men whom th people se leoted aa their choice In the central Jun election. Thus th United Bute constitution would be obeyed juid th wisn or m peopi or uregoo, compiled with. . ' Booeavolt fog Second Trm. "' Notwithstanding his . post-election declination to take another term, th re form ana works lie ha inaugurated for th welfare of our country ar of ao great magnitude and of suoh vital im portance that the beet Interests of th people demand a second elective term for President Roosevelt. I believe that our national moral flbar hsa been strength ened, a higher plane' of thought Snd honest- purpose .reached - through, his fearless courags, sterling honesty and great ability In his fight against th greed and legallsed-wraf t of certain cor porations and Individuals based on the enjoyment of sneclal privileges. - in mm th Republican principle, th cause of an reform, th horn and Ideal Ameri can cttlxenshln ar xempllned. - Th mission Providence committed Into his hands and th unfllnlshed business that h haa Inaugurated can b better ad vanced and It fruit maa mors cruih only by continuing hlra la. th offlo of chief magistral o;. ins nation unui lilt, and 1 do and shall favor auch crystallsatton of publlo opinion aa will fore him to waive hi personal prefer no and yield to th publlo demand thst h become a , candidate for a second elective term. , Jnstte Tot All Men. -Th tlm was when honest thrift, business acumen and steady application were the prerequisite for business suc cess. Now ths madness for "easy , money" haa become a social oanoer, rap- tmmime Co o . m providing they, give us the honor of having, window. And we promise to give you'a wedding. ; .', .. ,. ..:...;i"..1-, j 3 J Reg. Value $25 I Kitch'n Furnishings We lead in Kitchen Furnishings. Our stock is very complete, repre senting every sise -and shape of utensils necessary. The lowness , of price is evident on the special which , we have given the public from time to time. " SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK 14-Quart Granite Dishpan, jV )- ..Regular 65c.... No.. 6 Berlin Kettle,' with hf- cover, regular 65c. . ivw 185 FRONT STREET Idly destroying th virility and moral fiber of th nation. Many . so-called "conservative buslnees men" to whom property their own, not other people's Is far more sacred than th people, or ifiw mv ...v. ii , ii.vv filched their enormous fortunes through l lie purcnu oi ineir special privileges. These men desire only weak and dis honest "men elected to th legislative branch of our -municipal, stats and national governments, so as to enable them th mora easily and cheaply to buy their Immunities, legalise their grafts and purchase their special privileges, through th monopoly of which they grow richer, hut correspondingly mor elfish, brutal and dishonest,. It Is easier and mon profitable for th Spe cial privilege classes to sign their checks, buy their legislators and pur chase thelf " o-oalied "conservative ,wih"-whlcn r ln rauUty "legalised thefts," than to take th time to mingle with th people, take a dlreot persons! Interest In politics and hlp secure by honest discussion, careful Investigation and calm deliberation laws which are Just to all men and all Interest. When honest men of Individuality and Inde pendence dare venture Into politic th tools and hirelings of th special prtvl- '" srxAxns is touts, r , Dlseas and Wlckness Hrlng Old-An Herblne, taken every morning be- hre,.""tl .wUI lou li robust .health. Jit you to ward off disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspep. nii,1T"t",n',eUrl nA kldne com plaint. It purlfles th blood and clears the complexion. Mrs, IX W. Smith, Whitney, Texss write. April t loj: t haV.T "eo Hi J"Jt. r,,..nn,, U. Jn" Mt rndiclne for eonatlpstion and liver troubles. It does all you claim for It. I can highly recommend It." Prlc Svi Sold by Woodard, Clark A Co. ' . m leg claaa Immediately begin to "set poison." thus endeavoring to black their, characters, misrepresent and US' pugrt their motives and methods, fuU realising that if elected they cannot "controlled." "collared" br "seen." If elected I will, to tho extent o ability, faithfully aerv the people a not the special privilege class, so thst justice be don all men. ' Respectfullf JONATHAN BOURNE JR. A. B. KEITH OF BUTTE DEAD OF HEART DISEASE (Kpeelsl fuspatck te The lonrsatV Helena, Mont., Maroh II. A. Keith, on of th most prominent news paper men In th northwest, died todaT la. Butt of heart dlseas. . Mr. Ke" wa a native of Mnln and was 64 year, old. Hdltd a pAper at Denlw' Iowa, - and afterward th De Moln1 Dally -Mall. '' II cam to -Helena editor of th Helena Journal, own, by Russell O. Harrison, son of Presi dent Harrison, snd later wa 'can-' date for stat auditor. II hs. sln" then edited th Helena Herald, th Butt Inter-Mountain and th Butt Mln i If leavea a widow and Ave chlldre 1 He was prominently connected with tf Woodmen, being a prominent eandldsf for head onnaul to succeed Falkenbuit upon ths latter' death last year. Sine Isavlns Senator Clark's nuoer last V' h ha engaged ln mining and Woodm work. . aTot for Star. Worn th -Cleveland Leaded. -"Ar you fond of orchid. Mr. V nautr . , "Nd, T carrr ayT am."" f nvr j' car much for fancy .. dish P'" ookln'g good nough for ." . m m