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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUR1IAL, POItTL AND. v SUNDAY MORNING.- APRIL' 1. 1803. 1 T0I7D?C-l3 j . . . .Utnl'll Burleeqoe 'Hi Wile's kinilli" ,,,.,... .Melodrains ". ....... i. .Vsuderlile . .. .. ... V.udnlll Hilar KwulH .,........ Uric 1 Grand .., kiar r Com (n and " ur nw "Wring good.1 - nf,thi loud pattern may frighten , mi at rU but ther ar a good many -T.n that want tha lataat style before IrarybodV thm. Wa nvr make t-6 'aulta from. tha same pattern. Every pi ot soods In our atore la dif ferent. o you won't aea tha aama ault on every body you meet If you bnv ua llika year clothe. And the price la one that you will appreclata, aa we make any sult ,n our ,tor toe no more no.le. ' Come in and look our atock ""yway. We will oonslder it a favor to ahow yoaUh goods wheth-. it you wlah to buy or not. Unique Tailoring company., I Btark atreet, ear Sixtl. - -' ' . - . ;,! ;"""' ; ,Mra. Alney. who Uvea at Kilgever, was served with a oltatlon yeterdy to sDoear before Judge Kreser tomorrow and explain tha hargea of drunkenness that have been made against her. The .woman waa alao commanded to brine her -year-old daughter and 14-year-old brother to. court with her. Judge rraaer tiee been Informed that Mra. Alney often geta drunk and takea her brother and babytnto aaloona with her. k. said to have been induced i hia sister to drink, A- neighbor In- r. . ... -. c - k. u ... 11... formea . had been seea to tip a bottle of whlakey to the HP ' hr b"0' nd 1,ow to child to awallow aome of the liquor, v Madame Wyaa-McDonald ha suo seeded to the ownerehlp of tha priental Beauty Parlora at l Morrison atreet. "so Jong'th property' of Madame Aaa Holmes-Ribbeck. The latter lady haa had a long siege of lllneaa, being con fined to- the hoaptUl for aaveral months, and If J"t now able to be out again. Desiring to be relieved from the earea of her large business, aha Jim eold to Madame Wyaa-McDonald. but will re main with the latter for a few weeka until aha becomea acquainted with tha patrons of the plaoe. Madam Wyas McDonald Is very accomplished lady, and worthy eucoeaeor to her "skilled and most aflaoi preaecesaor. . : .ri-v.. nt.i. vastardav filed dell are ola. W W . mm W tlons with County Clerk Frank a fields that they lntenaea to oecomo oanai dates for the nomination for precinct committeemen. ; They follow: William Llnd. 41 Braaea atreet: T. P. Holmes, (U Oarnald atreet H. H. Pomeroy. 1M Orend avenue: O. S. Hutchlnaon, f Kaat "Thirteenth atreet, north ;- . A. Boyoa, It Thirteenth, atreet: F. A, Unooln, fit East Davis street; Jamea Fralney, ill Clay street, and McKJnley Mitchell. tI Thirteenth ftreet .., 7 Xt a meeting of th executive board with Mayor Lane yeaterday afternoon lfwas decided to Instruct th police to put a atop to th pilfering of rook and tone from Second atreet. A - bltu lithte .paring company ha th contract to repave tha atreet, but haa delayed Its work. Meanwhile th street la al moin Impaaaabla and it la charged that many persona have hauled away Jarge Bumbera of the stone blook with, which tt li at present paved. Tomorrow will" b th laat day ea which 10 tazea can be paid without a penalty. Chief Deputy Sheriff J. W. Ferguson say that If per cent addi tional will b added to all taxea npon which a full "or one half payment is sot made by tomorrow night. All day yesterday the tax collecting department vis crowded with property owners. Mr. rrrguson expects a man tomorrow and hit mad prorlalon to accommodate the wewda. ' ' .. - . ..... t ;,. It makes no difference about th oolof ef the sky rala or shine our cameras 4o their business Just th same. No more perfect photos were ever produced than those to be had at our gallery, and eur soleo print for newspaper half tones are the very things for candidate portraits. Wa know what la neoeaaary to make th beat picture for newapapef work. Moore's studio. Elks building, Seventh and Stark. , Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wells of 144 Fourth atreet gave an Informal whist party last Saturday evening. March 14, to the member a of Portland IT and Port Indus Degree of Honor. About 40 members war present. A . deUclou luncheon was erred, which waa fol lowed by selections on the piano by Mlsa Xdtth Nordstrom, assisted by the Nord strom brothers with songs and . dia- wgae. - - - . .. Mrs. Florence Oensberg yesterday be fn a suit in th circuit court aaalnat Ben Oensberg for a divorce. Later In th day Oensberg sauntered into the aher- ura off lc and asked to have the paper served en him at once. The Oenabergs were married In Portland November it. 0l. The plaintiff charges her husband with a statutory crime. She asks to be rwtorea to her maiden name of Florence JUrks. - . - ... . Economy and Beauty. Our bats hav "ore style, better material for the price n any other house In thrlty. Le "is noyai, iTf waahington street. , The W41t A A TJCTI.A K Aim. A - - " - Vm. mj. mnm J"" 10, was filed In th county court ytwnay. By its provisions fl each la vc JSX Mon why the HEIT KEMPER DIAMONDS should be 3""' different than those of other stores. We have always enjoyed the reputation 10 r distinctive uiamonas and have the name among dealers of Jl buyers m the northwest. utry "one well felected to as to ": Dot.' appearance and value to fT !Le,ctlve Purchasers. -We have 'tcentiy received a large purchase tUfiFi . """su! quality afld m.tred.,b; pf,Md to have those ,n,"ted call and examine same. nEHKEniPER COMPANY Jeweler, and SUversmitha. 286 MORRISON STREET. - wvua. Diamonds 1 . . Ml, v Money saved is an open door to ease in old age. Begin operv ing that -door now. You have thought of opening a bank .ac count a good many times you have put it off again and again. ButTNOW is the time to do it . $1.00 is enough. -' - ' - --: ' . WE PAY INTEREST mi n Bin Banking BaalBeei Transacted. 1 Prafts taaaed ea All Varta ef the Werla. ' ' ' -i " OFFICERS. 'V W. H. .MOORR, President. V ,K. K. LTTLF;, Vice-President" . .. W, COOPER MORRIS, Cashiea, ' . Z' DIRBCTORS. - - W, H. .Moor. K. K. Lytle. , lq iede. H. A. Moor. . . . i W. Cooper Morris. to be given his children, Charles n Walter, Harriet R. Crerar, William H. Walter, Mary E. May. Emma E. Volheye and Lillian Walter. The remainder of tha estate la to ao to the, widow. The real property belonging to the estate la said to be worth I4.W0. . Amos Clevsnger. an aged Grand Army veteran, who arrived In th city from Tualatin homeleaa and penniless, was placed aboard a train yeaterday afternoon wa sent back to the farm of his son-in-law, C. B. Clmlno. . Th ex pense waa . defrayed by th Maaonl board of relief.. Seoretary.-Whalleyor the board haa written hla relative at Tualatin and at Sacramento, California, and If they refuse to make proper pro vision for th veteran will appeal to the Washington county authorities t tak sona aotloa. . . . One hundred Maccabees of th uni form rank attended the banquet at th Commercial club laat night In honor of D. P. -Marker, supreme commander of th order, who arrived In Portland Fri day. E. M. Lane presided aa toast master . and Stat Commander, J. W. Sherwood delivered aa address of wel come. Among others who f poke , ware Qeorg W. Btapleton, Frank Motter and J. BLWrllri. ;. - . Wlllard H. Chapin yeaterday filed a declaration stating that ha Intended to become a candidate for th nomination l for representatire-on- th Republloaa ticket. He declare that he will sup port th Republican receiving th high est number of popular votea for United States senator, and aaya that he opposes extravagant legislation. , Mineral Springs Hotel Co., Amos D. fit. Martin's Hot Springs, Car son, -Waahington, I without doubt th beat health resort In th northwest Hot mineral baths for th euro of rheuma tism, - stomach, liver - and . kidney troubles, . Excellent v table. Blectrio light and steam heat - Take Regulator line boat. . . ..." '-" . : Rev. Thomas Parry, D. D.,' who Is preaching at the First . Presbyterian church, U to deliver hla lecture ea "Bismarck,' under the auspice of the Portland Christian Bndeavor anion, Fri day evening at T:4S o'clock. Dr. Parry has a national reputation aa a lecturer and this lector 1 said to be on of his best ( - - . - J. R. Bchmlts arrived in Portland yes terday front Skamokawa, ' Waahington, Soon after his arrival h met Miaa Ina Skinner, who reached Portland frqra Minnesota. Th coapl were wedded. They were schoolmates back - In the Gopher state and when Schmlts moved west to make his fortune Mia Sktnnar wanted to some also. .. Hmr. L. G. Landenberger, missionary pastor of th Illinois association, win address the Peoeple' Fornm at o'clock this evening in the Selllng-Hlrsch building on "Bmanael Swedenborg." After the address the usual freehand open open discussion WI1 follow. All .tre cordially Invited. , w Thousands of people have already planted Slbeon'e rossi. You should also do so If you lova beautiful flowers for your house and garden. Toa get the best varieties and absolutely true to th name at the Slbson Rose Nurseries, 1130 Mllwaukl avenue. Phone Kaat 18. -Th William DIxl "Jublla alngera, who are touring the state, will appear at Grace Methodist church tonight and give a sacred concert In connection wltb the service. They sre eight negroes, who form one of the beat bands of jubi lee singers in th country. Deshllados Mexicanot The first and finest exhibit of needlework drawn ever shown on the coast Tea and lunch cloths, dollies and acarfs," mantel and servlcetles. The. finest collection ver brought from Mexico. 161 Thirteenth, corner Morrison. : Southern Paeiflo trains were delayed flv hour last night In reaching Port land bocauss of high water In various streams in California. Th California flood are said to be annual occurrences at this tlm. c ' County Carpenter Alvin Bigger he been busy the past week making booths for th coming primary and general elections. The Australian ballot system requires many tables and desks, which tha county has to furnish In many cases. Steamship Alliance sails from Conch Street dock for Coo Bay and Eureka Monday, April 1, at I p. m. Thompson's ticket agency, 118 . Third Street H. P. Bauragartner, ' Agent Couch street Main tel. This will remind yoa that bow la th tlm to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the aama day. Phone Main 474. Th Portland Curled" Hair Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor. v ; . Bonthern people will' hear southern melodies sung by Portland's bast voices, at Rev. W. T. Jordan' lecture, "Down South In Dixie." Central Baptist church tomorrow evening. . 1 " Portland' nearest and best health re port Hot mineral hatha for rheuma tism and stomaoh troubles. Mineral Springs Hotel company, iCarson, Wash ington. ' Dr. Rand returned and caa be found at office lit Dekum building. Usual hours) or tel. 171 or ISf, . y -a,;,.,. , Members, of th Admen's league gave a banquet at the Commercial club laat Biobjt la honor f a J. Owen, until yea did VOTER; HERE Miss Kate Cordon, Suffragist, . Has Cast i. Hundred and Fifty Legal allots EXPECTS TO SEE ALL . WOMEN VOTERS SOON Believes Gentler Sex la - Infinitely Mors Capable Governing in Hat ters Pertaining to Public Education ' and Health. .... . . V " Prominent among, the national suf fragists who hav gathered from all parts of. the country to taka part In th campaign In Oregon la Mia Kata Gor don ot New Orleans,; corresponding sco re lary of. th National Equal Suffrage association. Mis Gordon enjoy the distinction of having cast more legal votes than say mam or woman - In America. ' ' Miss Gordon will devote her t forts largely - to the 'Campaign In Portland. She ha had wide experience In mu nicipal campaigns In tha Interest ot equal suffrage and achieved more than a local reputation In . the .campaign which ' resulted la tha expenditure of 114,000,000 by the city of New Orleana for aa Improved dralnag and sewerage aystam. - . : "Though wa are under th Napoleonic eod and women in our atate have little legal standing, the jr-cava-secured ihe Miaa KaU M. Gordon. right ef suffrage to a certain extent ah said. "Our right to vote In Louis iana, that la, women's right to vote, I restricted to those who pay taxea. I think both male and female voter heum be person who hav a certain amount of education. - All kinds, of report were sent out about the number of vote that have been caat by me," ah said. "But th actual number was only about ltf. But even at that I guess I have east more legal votes than any other woman and obeerv that I us th word legal In telling of my voting record." Mis Gordon believes thaf women should be granted the. right of fran chise because they are penally as in telllgent aa man and in many branchea of government are more capable than men. - Btatlatlca for 1000. according to Mlsa Gordon, show that there are more llterat fmal In th United State than males. --. - . In matters pertaining to publlo health and . to education Mlsa Gordon believe that women are ltrftnttely more capable of government than . men. "I contend that even babies taka part In th politics of our. country," she said. ' 'In my campaign I propose to show bow narrow is th margin be tween a little grav and a corrupt or Incapable government" Mine Gordon declare that Vic is the chief opponent to equal auffrage. Ignorance also-play aa Important part In tha opposition, she aaya, and In difference is closely akin to ignorance, Suffraglata will Join in a memorial aerrles at the 'hlte Temple, Twelfth and Taylor atreet. thta afternoon at o'clock In remembrance of the late Susan B. Anthony. Rev. T. B. Ford will preside and the following program will b observed: . Hymn, Neartc My God. to Thee"; crlpture,' Dr. F. Burgette Short; Invo cation, Dr. J. 'Whltoomb Brougher; olo, Mr. Clare Montelth; telegrama- and tributes, Mra. Henry .Waldo Coe and Mra. Elisabeth Craig; resolutions, Dr. Mary A. Thompson; anthem, church choir; addresses, Mrs. Abigail Scott Dun! way. Dr. T. L. Eliot, Mra. Clara Bewick Colby, Dr. Stephen 8. Wise and Rev. Anna Howard Shaw; hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light"; benediction. Dr. E. 8. Mtiekley. . - terday editor and general manager of the Evening Telegram. Mr. uwen will leave Monday to accept th ousinees management of the San Francisco Call. Twenty-Ave members of th Admen's leegue attended the banquet laat night A good tlm - to go to th Mineral SDtinc Hotel company' health resort at Carson, Washington. Hot mineral bathe. Take steamer Spencer. or neguiauir boats. ' Batter's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates the shabby lawn; his sweet peas and lawn grass got gold medal at the fair, lit Front between Yamhill and Taylor. ' Lost Th man who ' loat hla eye glasses can hav them replaced for II; a perfect fit gvar-nteed. , Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street jewelers and opticians. --A Surprise. -Every lady Is surprised at th low price of our high-class mil linery' L Palal Royal, 171 Washing ton street. . . .- Th member of Company B, Third Infantry, O. N. O.. will gtv their laat dancing party of th seaaoa Friday. April II. ,. l----------- t Intend te; yourtf I dotit, retn em ber 1 am mnnlng for aat side justice. Waldemar Baton. .' . Henry C. Prudbomme has established' a fire Insurance agency, office 7, Cham ber of Commerce. ' . v Credit 'check oa Bller Piano Hons for sal cheap. v Addrea R 7, ear Th journal.- ' : ' Acme Oil Co. eel Is the best safety coal ofla and fine gaeollnes. Phone Bast 71. rTeosUr. th fruit klna , - j L1HRCII 11 Otll OF FIRES : Portland Department Answered Record Number pf Calls Dur- " Ing Month Just Closed. WINDY DAYS CAUSE OF MANY DANGEROUS BLAZES Seventeen Alarms Turned in During . Blngl Day and la Three Hours and a Quarter Eleven CaUs JVer Re sponded To. ' "3. ..'--- Laet month, up t midnight laat sight, th fir department responded to 111 alarms still, telephone and box. . Th monthly record waa -broken by seven calls, which had been held by February, 1905, when th department wa sailed Out 101 times. During that month II alarm a war responded to in 14 hour oa ' February 11. Th If th of laat month earae within on, alarm - of equaling It " when ". 17 alarms were turned in. But another record waa broken that day. In S . hours andLH minutes 11 alarms war responded 10. Two other daya that aama week IB and. Id alarm respectively war turned in. . Almost half th fires of last month occurred during that week, Wbea.Jt was over both firemen and horses were on th verge of collapse. They were responding to alarma night aad day and at all hour. Had th number of alarms kept up a week longer Chief Campbell aald he would hav had half his men aad horses on the atok list v . Th fire during that vntful week last month war due to a audden drop in thex temperature, which waa accom panied by a high wind. Detective flue set fir to rafters and chimney a that burned out severed roof with sparks and amber, whloh th wind qulokly fanned Into biases. UNITED RAILWAYS TAKES - VP REAL ESTATE ALSO A subsidiary corporation to promote th real estate Interest of tha United Railway company baa been Incorpo rated by J. Whyte Evan. W. XX. Larra bea and George C. Lemek. The cor poration la known aa th Guarantee Realty company. - It will not tak over th real estate purchaaed In Portland by th United Railway people, but will hav charge ef outside realty Interests along the line of Interurban railroad to be built and operated by th United Railways company. . The capital of th realty company la 11,000,000. ' President J. Whyte Evana. Executive Engineer W. D. Larrabee and i. W. B. Taylor and B. J. Howard of th United Railways oompany left last-night, for Los Angela on a business trip that will , detain them several daya. Mr. Evana said: - ; ' ' "There is no change In th ttu of railroad and franchise matter In which we are Interested bora I am going to California to attend to om buaineaa and sign various papers that have been awaiting my attention. No contracts hav been let for construction of the Forest - Grov line, but ' ws wtll meet President French ef th construction company, who la at Los Angeles. We will return te Portland about Wednes day." . FINDS COIN OF ANCIENT - - DATE BURIED IN GROUND S. L. Howland, 10T Mississippi ave nue, recently unearthed an old coin while excavating at th oorner of Mason atreet and 'Williams avenua It la of gold and about th slxe of a dime In diameter, but 1 worn ex tremely thin. Th character are nearly all worn off. It la possible, however, to distinguish th head ot a ruler on on aid with th word "Fredicua, Pruesorum Rex." On the other sld 1 th date 1771 and tha char acter of an eagle and several letters which are not distinguishable. - t The owner of the curto haa taken th coin to several expert but none of them has been abl to classify-It One dealer ottered the owner $20 for it but be refused. , 'v - Granite Floor Paint. Still some left at 11.11 per gallon. La bels soiled a little.- Thle stock cannot last long, for It Is as good aa th day It left th factory. . Good tlm to paint your floor after the wear and tear of winter. - Remember,- tt lasts," 11.11 per gallon. - - - 1 Th "Acme Quality Hons. New Era Paint as Varnish oompany, 301 Front atreet between Taylor and Salmon. . Milwaukie Country Club. Lo Angeles and Oakland reoee. Tak Bell wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. Restaurant Oar. Third aad Oouch St. OrXI BAT AJTD aTXasTT. Sunday PI Bass' From 11 a. m. to S p. m. Siloed Tomato loo. Tonng Onaoaa. .54 fcHu 10 sue Tomato Soup. Shrimp Salad Mayonnaise ..SO) Steaaned Idtu Week Olaaaa, Draws SratMr .....ZOe Fried Salmoa lSo, ataUbo ....i..l5a See. Baa 15 Frlad or Clam ........15) Olam Bonilloa with Toast 154 Boiled Oa Tongue, Flokla Banoe. , .20 4 Oalf Swewtbreada, atnshroom....404 Frted Ofetok, Maryland ayl....2S) Fork TeaAerloln, Creole aa.....25 Short Bib. Sweet Fetsvtoe. . .....XOe Tl Pot Fl. BumpUBg 30) Xrfunb Chop Breaded, Oreea Peas. .200 Chicken aiblat saat. aToodla. . ,20 Plokled Pigs' Potato Salad.. 20 Spaghetti with Cheeee, StaJlaa tBe) Baked Pork aad Beaaa.,,, ...... .IB Baaaaa Trtttera, Braady Bans.... 1 Be) Beef Stew with Tegeaabla Half Sprtar Ohlekea ea Toast 404 Spring fcaaab, KM Saaoe, Oreea Pea 20 Boaat Ohlokara wtr Pressing' 25. Boaat Pork wit Pressing IS Boast Mutton wltb Pressing lBt TftoMrf Teal erlth Pressing .16e BVo Beef, Faa Ovavy.... ..16w aagUak Plnaa FmAdla, Wlaa ssaee.Sc Id Order Baaaaa Frlttora 10 Tanllla loe Oreaaa XOt off ee Bread and Butter Brad Potato with all order. . . . 1 Try th Amerloaa aataaraat rot yom E TO J. K0ENIG, 515 GROVE MONTAVILLA No. 8549 Our nixt. GRAND ADVERTISING PRIZE is a most beautiful PAR LOR SET. mahogany finish, in Verona velour, now on exhibition in our Main Street Store, 198 Third Street. " . . - - ;. :r.r'::: v.. BRANCH Washington Building, on or about April 14th. This will positively be the bandiomeat and most up-to-date Family Liquor Emporium west of Chi cago, and will be conducted on an up-to-date sanitary system. NO BAR OR SAMPLE ROOM attached. - T 7:-r Don't fail to attend the Grand JJhower on our opening day, at we have-a - surprise in store for ' . Oregoflii Importoinig' 195 THIRD STREET 270 WASHINGTON STREET CALLS RESTAURANT WORSE THAN ALL SALOONS Patrolman J. J. Murphy Says It Is Corrupting Morals of - Alblna Youth. Not all the saloons la th Alblna dls- trlet together, according to Patrolman J. J. Murphy, exercise the same power for evil over the youth of that quarter of th city a doe on small restaurant, located on Russell, between Delay and Mississippi street a In a report made to Chief of Polio Grltsmacher yeeterday Murphy alleges that th restaurant Is corrupting ths morals of practically all. th boy in Lower Alblna who ar not kept vndet close espionage by their parents. "When they see an officer coming they go Into tha restaurant and out the back door," reads the report. "This la a worse piece for the boys than all the aaloona and several business . men know It and will so testify. Th attention of Judge Fraser of the Juvenile court and of Judge Cameron of the police - court should be , drawn - to this plaee." . Deputy City Attorney T Itsgerald In tends making an Investigation of the charge. , : - Trom Under th Sea, .. . From th London Fast. . After more then flv years' work th map of th Oceania world, which wa begun under ' the auspice of Messrs. Sauerweln and Tolleraer at the expense of the prince of Monaco, haa been pub lished and a copy presented to th Academic dee Sciences. , In review" of It attention has been called to th re emblano which th bed of the ocean beara to an earth surface In th po Session of hills, plains, mountain peaks, valley and ravines. Th Atlantic ocean. for example, cover two vaat valleys; on of these passes between the Cape Verde lalands and th Asore and 1 of grant depth. It runs - olos 'up to Eu rope and come to ao and at th British Isles, where th rldg or ort of land separates It from the North sea. Th other valley run principally parallel to th first, from rblch tt i separated by an elongated strip of land ot which the Asore form an above-sea continu ation. Above thl atrip th water la never a much aa two miles deep and It own height above th surrounding ocean floor Is about 1,100 feet to 7.000 feet. In first of tha valley which hav been mentioned 1 very deep. It bottom I at a depth of four miles. Paaslng along South America and leav ing the Bermuda to th west it passes along Newfoundland and latrador, fi nally andlng .lust south of Greenland. Th sub-Atlantlo landscape than con sist of two parallel valley separated from each other by a mountain range. Farther north the land lies higher and tha sea la relatively-shallow. Between Greenland and tha continent due to lee land and the lalands of the ehannal there la a hug plain fee from any depres sions worthy of the name. None of th greatest depths can be found In th Atlantic . Th moat noticeable are the 10.000 feet ravine off the coast -of New. Zeal and. AT I, n i I ,11 Fast Mall Marvel. - from tke Baltimore AsMrlres. Waea rorks set kills SlrtOe PaclOe eeeat dw.llera frost atlastlo coast dwetlirs snd they ee-a other a loafer see they ess take pes and eaper and write a ' fw II that will f frees one end ef the eontlnest e tke ethe la 4 been. 1 ISO U Stst aa teas ae WE EXPECT TO OPEN OUR STORE AT 270 1NGT0N STREET you. . . Look for the letters O. I. C. Company THE SANITARY FAMILY LIQUOR 7- CAFE AND MUSIC HALL Week beginnino monday. april 9 aaBaSXBSBEDOBK3BEBaaBK3BBX3aBK3SSa Freeman SXIark The Rag-Time Boomers' ,' The Two Jolly Dutch Comedians Dorothy EIrac . Operatic Vocalist . THE FIECIITLS In "The Anvil Chorus," From "II Trovatore" Bonnie Vounnle : Song and Dance Star . Miss; Belle: Lawrence 7 "The Bohemian Nightingale- Special Daily Matinees from 2 to 5 o'clock. SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE 2 lo 5 o'CIock ' Program Changed Daily. Entrances at 21 North Third street. 21, 23 and 25 North Sec ond street, and 243, 245 and 247 Burnslda street. .. ; . . y'ativ- ll ' ; tJ U-J"l 1 . ! -I ! . Bosalble to- mn lattar la Few fork OMy eed raeelre e reply fro at Baa marleo la a sreak. The fast null train leartag Mear Terk ea Monday at S:45 a. sa. Is due at laa Ft-aa-elaee Tksradey aeoa. A reply Bulled before b. as. kj dn to reeek New Terk at : a. k ea the followlag Meeaay. Tke anaiber t paaaaeaws be bewKIt by entranrdlneiily kb taUwayapeed I a Ula eoea pared vllk ta aa. ERC SON'S 1 STREET, GETS IT WASH - : ;.-.'.:'- " .- , STORE. (rerraerty VrMra) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CE0CE2 SSI. 18, SSS Tklrd st. ear. Jerrenea, Big Store of Uttl Price . roiLOwnfe raxczs wnx ears tov ts 0 ZTXaT DOIXAJL QUALITY SOASAaTTKED oarxLniO'g sxax maxnte jrowoxa Is stIU, par lb Me Weetara dry graanlaUd ease sugar. 10S-s sack S SO Weater dry graaolstsd eaae ssgar, IS lbs titxa dry sraenlaUd sugsr. 100-lk sask...U.4) Bitra drr aranalatad auaar. IS Iba (V ykgs MifDolla elaaaed earraats ...... ...4 I pkss sew a-erews eeeded relalna ........svs s in afassstel SB I -Ik eaa Royal baklsg powder Crosse Biaekwall'a a lira oil. t ltQea..a6 . rza a) namsier aooa . . turner takle arras. .............. . U iil eea tasey takls syra... ......... ... 7 lbs rreaek prssae .......... ..........t-'e Shredded Wheat bleealt. per pkg ......M..10e lbs Ixratolass rlee raaey Earlr Jnne Peas, far So. ....... ,.. 11 bars Rojil garoa seas SA -b pall beat lard 10-lb sail bast lard II. 0 SD-lb pall beat lard ..ta.00 Beet picme basis, per id ........lie Best eottase kesis (beseleas) set la. ..11 Shreddrd eoeoant, per lb ................. .1 . Hard-arbeat Boar, par sack l.0O Rrateb eata, per pkg 1 ..................I" roaram eereai, per pas .'............ Pell's Naptba soap, per bar .5f Best aoft-wbeat ffonr. pe aaek ......1M Jara A Vtocas eoffa regnlar 8Be) ttm U bni 'eeda eraekers (about 10 lbs) ...... ns KnfUak Breakfaet tea, per lb .13e Faaey Oaapewdee tea fregalaf SBsr ..... 1 &4 - ids Droits jars soiree ................ .e bare tar soas Caeeds Blseolf. ser Pks. ................ ...Be Tiger ersssj (10s shw) ...e Cart Bids Oallreriee Tseedars sad Prltar. FHOSB MAIM 40. Aars nxc Shirt Wcisb (Long and . short leaves), worth II. ana M B TOUR CHOICB KOW . 11!) THIS v;EEti c;:lv . tb a letk eta. He edranlase taptaaasled by a eeeteg ef ei bnere la tke tlia et traiarlt ef perbaps l.en,n4 Iritnrs asd other bmII asttes aenUd eu tt C the tast a alas. EsBeColwell Si! obt aau ago :.xaww 393 Morriaoa 8t. V jTr i