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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
THE OREGON, SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO. APRIL , 1. 190. IAY0R HITS HARD AT FRIHICIIISE koes Ordinance Giving Permit to Banfield-Veysey Fuel ""Company. v ; IT CAREFUL ENOUGH IN ITS REQUIREMENTS c Guarantees City Nothing, Say No 'Provision- That It ky. nToeo compensation lo Low Likely to Be Sustained. Ivor Lane , yeateroay vetoed -ue no' granting ' . to. the JBanfleld- ly company ll-year franchlae .to ll and overate la the business dls- a steam heating, cold storage and. lis light and power piant, on ms Id that the franchise was too broad liberal. ' ... ' ordinance was passed at the last ha or tns counou oy a row barely enough to put it uirougn. who -voted -against the measure Eouncllmen John P. Sharkey, A. . sot, R- B. Manefee, W. T. Vaughn A. Balding. i . believed-tnaa ta veto 01 me will be sustained, as it takes fourths vote of the council to pass Iohlse ordinance over his veto, lroan Sharkey has openly declared will not vote for the franchise. e and Balding have held out for from the promoters and Vaughn ishllght ' contend that a larger ligation should be paid. Mayor veto message follows In part: Teems Too UbeceJ. grantee of the franchise remains illy -the sole Judge as to time. Ind manner of Installation. The oa doee not specify how many land - conduits nor the extent which shall be laid.. The of the franchise could .legally wtth this ordinance by laying It of pipes and conduits on any within the district named in Lrs. and thereby hold thla fran- bt :& years without erecting a Ir furnishing any service what- the residents therein. this franchise gives the grantee laalgitaarhoid oa thoest part llty for IS years, to supply such llty of necessities, the city and iltanta should be guaranteed aa knd properly regulated service. I ordinance stands, the City and llio are guaranteed absolutely There ahould be a provision ng the grantee to do reaay wo years, or eucn- reasonaDie I may be fixed upon, to furnish eat, eleotrio light and power. storage, to all the inhabitants ky of Portland, or to the district ' Kurald rile JMaaSV . i should be another provision that ' maps and plana for all res snd eondnlts should be filed auditor and approved by the board or city engineer before ftoa shall be commenced. ahould be another provision the grantee to perform these within a specified time, and It thereof, that the franchise A bond of at laast 6,00 required. , . .1 ling to the schedule of' rates Ires contained In section No. 4 llnanoe, tbera la no reservation to call the company to ao- to regulate or fix reasonable time to time. The ordinance only tlx maximum rates now. contain reservation, of power all or executive board, to re-. klter ,the same In the future, . to prevent , unreasonable TM LOS, "'-'--e v ng to section No. 7 of the or- Ihloh requires the grantee to Illy to the city of Portland t Its gross receipts as eompen hgard this amount aa too low Iivllege granted by the ordt is Indeed unfortunate that or- I ranting auch . franchises In lrs aid. not .reserve appro pn- respectlng the exaction of n, and other: rerulatlona. but lion of paat neglect or over- caution -and circumspection hat only the more Imperative. tha - proposed ordinance fcinchlaea-to the Mount Hood rmpaays- and . the Cascade lpany to .operate electric power systems fixes the In to be paid for these fran- per cant of the gross re- of the opinion that there FAIREST OF ALL THE MAIDS . IN SAN FRANCISCO WAS SHE Mrs. Huel Rockel WW tin : San Francisco's "Gibson Girl is at the Oregon hotel. Her friends say she Is the moat beautiful woman - In the Golden Oata City.- They rave over her sylphlike form.- Such hasel hair, with expressive brown eyee, they aay. never bestowed upon another native As might be easily imagined, wtth a woman of such beauty there Is a. ro mance connected -with her marlage. It was anything but a commonplace meet ing when shs and her future huabaad first met Mr. Whiting waa a travel- daughter. Her ahee .and glovea-inJlng-iiiana-eeed-n case dimpled fingers and shapely toes that any artist would be proud. to re produce. . . The beauty Is - Mrs. Hasel Rockel Whiting. She la a bride of leaa than two weeks and is on her wedding tour. Accompanied by her husband. Kdmond Whiting, of Port Huron. Michigan, ahe ia en route to Alaska. They stopped off in Portland yesterday. Thla la the first time Mrs.' Whiting has been outside the confines of the Bear Slate. , ,. The winsome daughter chanoed to enter tha office. An Introduction "followed. In less than twe months Mr. Whiting led the blushing, handsome and fascinat ing -native daughter, to. the altar. . Because of her striking resemblanoe to Olbaen'a Imaginary American femi nine beauty Mrs. Whiting gained tha title- of "Gibson OlrL" A Golden Oat photographer waa the first to eea the striking resemblanoe. - He poeed her in a "Gibson" gown. . PORTLAND POSTOFFICE STILL KEEPS SMASHING RECORDS Another record waa made laat month In - tha poatoff ice through . the sale of stamps, stamped envelopea and postal cards. At midnight last night the gals In .business for Maroh, , ltOs, . over the corresponding month laat year, waa IS.1 per cent . The volume of buelnesa last month aggregated I4S.I10.T1, aa against $3. TOf.l for March, l0s. The Increase waa tl.S0J.5e. - The actual aale , of stamps last month waa $4S,148.fl, compared with 111.(61.1 for the third month In If Oi, or aa Increase of , 41i.(. .. Revenues from other sou roes for the month Just closed totaled lll.Sl. against 145.17 for March, 1J06. an in crease or February of this year was another reooi-d-breaker as compared with the corresponding month of 108. The In crease was 16.1 per cent. If the succeeding months during the remainaer or mis year snow the same percentage of Increase as the last ones have Postmaster J. W.' Mlnto expects to aee the total stamp receipts more than equal the SSOo.OOO mark. He save that there la not another poatoff lea In the United States that has made the proportionate lncreaae that Portland naa. ' . MOaDRY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Her are a few of the Iron Beds we are offering; at attractively special price more just as money saving;. Designs and patterns that will win your heartiest admiration and an assortment that will assure you a selection to your exact liking. '. But ' come and see the stock for yourself. A visit -will incur no obligation on your part to(purchase, but will serve to convince you of the superiority of our stock, and it will impress you with the fact that, quality considered, POWERS' prices are the lowest. An account at POWERS' is a great convenience we invite you to avail yourself of the LIBERAL CREDIT we extend. To MS 1 1-lS-lnnh-. HiHawKe eML- - ' : ' ...s.. f ead 14 Inches, foot snd It sTo. tflT A neat Bed, In whits or green enamel, height of heed 8 4nohee. foot end 4 1 Inches, angle iron head and foot "height of h Inches, foot end inches. Regular price I9.0O ire. SOS Straight brass rsdl head ana loot, wun I-inon praas Special $3.50 Special $6.25 Special $7.50 JTo. STO finished In paa green 'and cream enamel, height of head It Inches, foot end 10 Inches, pillars 1 1-11. Reg ular price $11.60 ITo. SSS Decidedly attractive hat onTy handsome, but very strong and rigid and enameled In cream and gold a eolo? scheme that ia rich and effective; worth Itt.Se . . JTo, 431 OTrOd's ernt, skss .1 fee . Inches by, 4 feet Inches, with, good woven wire spring. Regular value llf.fv Special $5.75 Special $14.75 Special $6.25 DignU , Vied Cndil for . Ml 1WM ur urn mm mm First and Taylor Sis. DRUNK Is no occasion for discrimination be tween those two franchises and the one under consideration... - - - "No franchise should be parted with by .the elty which doea not under rea sonable and proper provisions provide for a revocation of all powers, rights and privileges parted with by the city. I consider this a consideration of the greateat Importance of all. This fran chlse Is protected by no such safeguard, and for that. If. no other reason, should not be granted." A Physician for County Coroner ; ? r p C Blooum, only at the earnest aollcltatlon of his many o persistently declare that the ornce of coroner snouia ne nuea lan, acceded to their wlshea. Ir. Blocum's friends feel that m their suDoort that tholr confidence will not be misplaced, '11 tha qualifications necessary to make an efficient officer In mble position. mated and elected Ir. Slocunv will eaUbllsh the'ooroners eta from any undertaking establishment whatsoever. um win conduct an honest economical administration, out economy -interfere with. JuaUoa. um-wni-pay strict attention to the wlshee of tha relatives of the bereaved and will always display the same courtesy e that won him en man friends while administering to the. e filled the office of assistant city physician. MAINLY PEBSONALr ' W. L. Vinson, a stock and lumberman of Baker City, is among the over Sunday guests at the Portland hotel. "- Judge Henry I Benson of tha clroult court at Klamath Falls, brother of Frank Benson of Roseburg, candidate for secretary of state. Is among the guesta at the Imperial hotel. ' At the Perkins hotel la George Ben son Res. a newspaper man of Manila, Philippine Islands. A. FCarr4el,-Mrs.--Carrlel "and "child. who live In Manila, Philippine Islanda, are making a tour of the United Rtatea, and while In Portland are stoppmg at tha Perkins hotel.. Mrs. M. C. Wade of Imbler la at the Imperial hotel She was Joined last evening by her eon, W. K. Wade. A." M. ' Cannon, ah attorney at Salem, ia a guest at the Imperial hotel. Among the Imperial hotel guests is James H. Sheldon of St. Helena, a fish erman. , He Is accompanied by Mrs. Sheldon.- ; . .; -. . I. Aronaon. the Jeweler, has returned from a 11 weeks' trip to Europe. Miss Ia Bernard, buyer for the Old, Wort man a King women's apparel salons, leavea On Wednesday next on her second trip this seanon for the New York market, a trip made necessary by the extraordinary demands of an unex ampled season of prosperity and busi ness that has favored 'Portland this year. -Mlsa Bernard will be gone about five .weeks, returning early in May. 1 William O. Hunter and Miss Rosa Prathar, both of Mosler, Oregon, were married In Portland yesterday aftor noon at. the home of a friend residing at Zil College street Rev. Henry A. Bard en officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter will make their home In Portland. ENCOURAGING CROP " REPORT FROM MORROW Lexington, Or., March - II. ' e Wad ha ma a Co., Portland Dear e Sire: It Is our aim to keep you e 4 Informed aa to the condition of ' e the crops snd ths outlook for w e the year. . 4y ' Tlie cold wave that passed 4) e - through our county and many . more at theaame time did not , affect our wheat and did not in- w Jure any of the grain that Is a) e tributary to our trade. We have 4 4y a very encouraging outlook for the crops, which maana good ; e business. Tours very truly. s ' W. r. BARNETT CO. . e) e e U. S. JUDGE AT BAHQUET Iowa Republican Stirred Up Over Action of Judge Smith McPheraon. IN MAUDLIN SPEECH DENOUNCES CUMMINS Declares - He - Hates CoundJTBJuffs, Whose Host He It, and Has No Patience With Republicans Urging Democratic Reforms. (BpeeUl Dlspatek by Isaed Wire te Tke earaal Uea Moines, March 11. Iowa Re publicans are stirred from center to circumference by the publication of de tails of the circumstances that brought about the Introduction of a resolution before-' the -Council - Bluffa Buslneas Men'a Federation demanding the i moval from tha federal bench of Judge Smith McPherson, - who was - appointed Judge of tha southern district of Iowa while representing the Ninth Iowa dis trict In congress. .. - Thus far there has been no denial of the charge that Judge McPheraon was drunk while addressing a banquet given by the council Bluffs merchant a In honor of Governor Cummlna. McPher aon Is an extreme atand-patter and an Implacable foe of Governor Cummlna. He waa acheduled to respond to one of the toasts, preceding Governor Cummlna. When railed upon he arose with un steady logs snd clung to tha table for eupport while speaking. . He talked In a rambling and Incoherent manner. He remarked that one was not always able to choose the company he should keep. Could he have doneao, be declared, he would nave kept far away from Council Bluffa, for he always detested the town. So, too. In politico he bad no time for reforms or reformers. He thought It an outrage that so-called, self-styled Republicans should advocate . reforms that really branded them - Democrats and were at variance with traditional Republican teachings. . He Ignored the toplo that had been assigned to him. became maudlin and .unintelligible and wound tip by usurping tha function of toaatmaater, Introducing the governor himself. The latter Ignored the cir cumstance and In hla speech made no reference to anything McPherson had said. . Tha Counoll Bluffs merchants were Indignant -and at a meeting the next day a resolution was paaaed demand ing the impeaonment or removal or Mc Pheraon. A aub-committee was named to consider thla resolution - and" per mitted It to die a natural death, taking the position that McPherson a act be ing outside hie official duty. President Roosevelt could not be expected to take cognizance of It, Trrtaa Ws Vresties JKead. From the Philadelphia Ledger. . . Elate- Tour Uncle Harry seems awful yonng te be a doctor. . Willie lee, out no ami -a real. growedup doctor yet. I gueas he's only tend in' to children yet, so s to get some 1 e , Our Drug and Prescription Counter ! Is Riot a Bargain Counter And our business the largest on this coast grows every day sick folks want quality, and we give it. ' Coupled with right prices prices which are bringing us new customers every day a tm mvTYr.Tr mot a xr e AND THEY STAY. "WoodlarV' Brand Pure California Olive Oil Absolutely free from any admixture t-it's the expressed oil from sun-ripened t; . i : i unvc3, iiuica iwu iui liivaiiua aiiu thin people. Salads made with "Wood lark Olive Oil are always good. . PINTS ... .... ......... .50- 8UARTS ..83. ALLON STONE JUGS $3.50 U-Br-das Cold Cream A toilet luxury, a household necessity. We won't say how many jars we sell every month, you might think we were boasting, but there's no cream equal to this, and there will never be a bet- ' ter one it's perfection itself. " .'Handsome Opal Jars A Liberal Quantity. A Liberal Price. , eftsfl. There ArerThousands of People Today . who suffer because they do not read our daily advertise - merits who do not know that we have the only loom weaving Silk Elastic Belts and Stocking W k - -n t v In .... ...e IN THE NORTHWEST STRAINS, SPRAINS. WEAK ANKLES OR JOINTS, EN LARGED OR' SWOLLEN VEINS ARE INSTANTLY RE LIEVED and usually cured by wearing' our "Woven to Fit" 1 Elastic Hose. . Are You Uncomfort ably Stout? Do you know that one of 6ur WOODLARK AB DOMINAL BELTS will give you just the support you needadd years to your life and make walking a pleasure ? Skilled men and women in this de , partmcnt. Private fitting rooms for both sexes, and prices so reasonable that all who need may have. We have complete Telephone Exchange with five trunk lines- NUMBER 11, and fifteen extensions." ''Central" "will never tell you, "Line busy" when you try to phone us. Wooded, Clwke &C0 Progressive Druggists 1 .' : MM MMMttm- HMMMMtWmMMMTMMMtmt