The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 01, 1906, SECTION FOUR, Image 44

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. ., CWrll, l04. tt IX UlHcn JirMlrilt Owl BrtuJ IUM W 1 v ' " ' f
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' i LANDERVv"Bv 'Georre. m jet 'even with Lulu for havlni the Aorl! fool
jUftf QO nic was jzmw in scnu ucr . una iui jm,-mi-iiic-uvia f a imu.wwn.;( . . . i wv" iv vye - . -r - ,
OllC Will II 1 1 UK l WCUUMIK VICVI1 f UCI1 9116 fy U IMI Nil V " - . t ' , V Mi J ,r , r . v h
1 bracelet will take . away her chagrin and please her." 1 S
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f. X LULU: "Oh Lrtnder, sec thff ' boa Just deltoercd.' It muil be wedding 1 3.: POPPER (u the fld flies off)iWEOWt i AN 4 INTERNA!; MACIttNEtv . J
,i rOLICEl MUKUCRl HELrt A55A55IN5I . -1 - V ,
A v i V . LULUt : "Oh. Uander. this is some of your workl . Oht .Ohl O-o-o-ht"
LEANOER -(ulde)i ' "Sir. ' this Is the greatest Joke I ever pUyed.on n ' . " " LEANDERi "Y xodsi How could L forsee ucb combination of circum -
' i - : , .v 4 . ' ? ' ' ' '- ' ..;-.......':... v vAtv8t?c$?.. r : , . . , ...... .. f ,
4. POPPER t Ten' thousand furies! Sep what that Idiot has done! ) A thousand ' ' ' ' "5 f POPPER:. "Pfay your , dlabollca! April fool tricks on mei.wltt yout . Tak v' S" ; . 6. LULUW"! thank too rery mncb for this beautiful bracelet, Ht A. s
; ' dollar rase and pedestal broken to bits and me nearly bralnd" V - 't7?-;''f' that, you ipeasley-good-for-nothUic. and get put of the housef , . V ;; der; why to you da such Idiotic thlngsf They only, go ti.substantlate what ! , . ..
v . LULU: "Oh., Leander. HOW could you' do. such t thingr " - ." , .: '' ' . LULU: "Oh. Leander, ,no Just see what you lovrTtone."'' " n . t every, one says about you." i , f ' V. ' ? ,
, -LEANDERi "Up tgainst it AGAIN f ' , . , " LEANDER: "Oh, II. it -were only hindred-pound. fledge bwnwtheo .my v C , . 1 POPPER: "Just think of that tasel'. Just look at this bumpf. rre mind ,v, i ' :
' ' trouble would all. be o'er." ' . " - - . v' .W'soak 'tilm 'agatttt "-Yoonc manryoa 'h'O WEVER tntwy.-into thlt faintty -whlto-. . :
? m . , ' r - 1 ' , . n' - - - , V4r.J':"va,rti--M-'' :My.rt. ;-4,''Jlv MiCKMelt'U'l.tet.'yM iMrtgato' ru an tb .pollctr ; , .-rr.,.-.
,','. ' ,,....r --'. ; t " .-.-.j '-M' i "LEANDERi "Oael; Ob, rayt if s U over,. tie's In .earnestl OVlet 41ei" .,
. 1.1 Ifrut, find YERW " rvsV fCREAT ideajJ ! " A' ToCP-Ye ""v rfrr."'' n"r " 7FT HURRY UPiXr. ?v
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