The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 01, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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OlilV 141 DAYS
French Bark Francois d'AmboIs
Makes Unusually' Quick Pas-
t. ------. ssga-f ti
Captain ReuHcr Saya He Broke Rec
ord for Seasons-Think He Spoke
German Ship 'Erailie, Out . From
England Mora Than Year, Off Bar.
v On of the ewlfust passages for the
Vn tviru u tha Peclfla coaet
was mad by tha French bur Francois
d'AmboK. which will reacn uw najuur
ki nminv fmm flan ' Francisco. . She
Mmiiiiit tha lone- run ardUnd tha
ii.. 'n in 17 dava. com
a smwmt tih a Mrrn of Mai.
!uThe -other quar-rlggers to arrive this
' season bav bn ail of tha war from
'100 to 110 Oay oompisting uw
. i to...UF- . miitip - of. th
Vftu. ...,-.,
- Francois d'AmboIs, who oama p to
Portland yesteraay irom juw
' vano of th vessel, I authority for
tha tatment that ha broke tha record
- for tha season. As this Is his Bret
,'- trip a captain of a ship, ho naturally
. i- Tha aklnner also says thai
hie ship is one of th few which Hid
not meet with a mishap oi som auri
before tha circuit of tha Horo was
: eempleted. A number of tha vessel
Which left Europe in aovance oi mm
"Whil standing off tha Columbia
' river bar on March 17." said tha skip
per last evening. "I think f. spoke tha
German ship Emiu. wnico m out irwu
- Skidd, England, mora .than a year,
a-ha was off tha mouth of tha river
' .kniit in mllna. I ahould ludll I Big
'.C .i timr and raeelved an answer, but
' ni unable to decloher the" reply. But
I am almost poeltlve that the stranger
' " will prove to bo th Emilia, A strong
, gal was raging and It la aulta likely
. that ah was driven quite a distance
. out to sea. It may be several days be
fore eh succeeds In working bar way
back to a position cloe to th bar.
" , "My ship waa In eight of th mouth
.h. rninmhia far tan davs before
:- ik weather cot sufflolsntly calm for ma
. to attempt to set into id rmr.-iiwn
waa a succession -Of gales and th sea
" was nnnsoally roach. - Finally th bar
fcacama eomnaratlvalr smooth and a
tag ran eot and towed our re! In to
!Jkatorlar Thees war th only storms
1 of any Toheequence wo encountered
tnea leaving Cardiff." -"
Wbll he la extremely boyish (n ap
pearanoe. Captain Reuaser dealarea that
he is f years old,- Instead of It, as
had bean given out by soma of his
friends. He was at Portland six years
-ago as mat on tbs French bark Louis
Pasteur, and held other minor positions
on vessels antU lht months ago, when
be was appointed master of tha Fran
cois d'Ambois. Ha speaks English as
: readily as French, an accomplishment
: possessed by bat few skippers of bis
- nationality. - Bis ship la under charter
i to T. M. Stevens Co. to load grain
Where Ve Stand
On Franchises
We, the undersigned candidates
for the Republican nomination for
the legislature, desire - to state
that we want it distinctly under
stood that the second article of
our platform, which reads as fol-
v lows:' , ,
""Second Foranfirigunici-
'palities the right to regulate and
control all public utilities, such
asgas, electric"7 lighting and
power telegraph and telephone
streetrailways, railroads, etc."
' Shall be construed to mean that
we consider ourselves bound to
vote for a law or laws revoking
all perpetual franchises, and all
other franchises not paying a rev
enue, and empowering municipal
ities to place all franchises on an
for th Unltd Kingdom and will be.
gin receiving cargo as soon as bar ballast-
has been discharged. Bh will
moor a) th Bsnfleid dock. --,-'i7
0aptala Shaver a lVoss to Know Waat
to CaU Vew tafboat, -Captain
James Bhavef Is anxious 'to
get some short, snappy, original nam
auggestlvs of durability and -"get-ther-ativeqees"
for a new tugboat which
he Is having built to ply on th Wil
lamette end Columbia rivers. He says
willing to. pay UfcaHy for any
auggeatloa of a name that wjll atrute
his fancy. Indian appellations ar pref
erable Broncho. Cajruee. Coyote, Pp
Dooee.. Pow-wo w, Bloux. rmsky Maiden,
Squaw, Buck.. Ratn-tn-the-tee,and manyj
others of a similar cnarscier nav oeen
suggested. Th skipper ssys he rather
orefers Caws and Broncho, ae th ani
mals to which they .prefer ere-noted
for their staying auamlea.
The christening of .the steamer Won
der came about in a rather peculiar
manner. She- was built many years ago
by a mill company, which wss supposed
to foe short of funds and th common
smresslon' alone- th beach got to be
"I wonder how they are going to buy
her." Bo aha waa christened th Won
dr. Another boat waa built by tth
asm firm few years later. Bnlp
carpenters were needed to work on her,
but they, were hard to get "Few me
chanics ar in th country and there la
no wonder they oannot get men," became
a common expression. When th boat
wss finally built ah was named th No
Wonder.. . - . v
Jaaaeg Olsea Zs Foaad trades Aawaaoed
. arama oa Cambrian atlng.
Tiring of army Ufa at Vanoouver bar-
racks. Jamas Olsen, a pHvata, In oom
paay'K pf th Fourteenth Infantry, de
serted a few -day ago -and came to
Portland. . Hearing that th BrltUb
ateamahlD Cambrian King was about
ready to sail for Vladivostok and needed
more seaman, he appeared before th
Brttlah oonaur and signed articles to
make th voyage on her, giving his
nam as Johnson. ,",
Soon after Olsen wad missed from th
barracks a March was Instituted for
him. - Juat befor th Cambrian King
sailed yesterday a lieutenant from com
pany K aooompaniad by a couple of sol
diers boarded the vessel. Making his
way Into th tars" quartern th lieuten
ant shouted th nam of Olsen at th
top of his voice. Th deserter was lying
aalaep In a bunk, but as soon as bs
heard his nam spoken he roused him
self and triad to make his escape. He
waa caught . and handcuffed befor he
could gat oat of th forecaetle. Th
deaerter waa taken back to Vancouver.
Th Cambrian King did not got away
from port until' yesterday afternoon at
4 o'clock. In- th morning ah was
libeled for 11.000, an amount which th
relative of Frederick Jenaea, th long
shoreman who lost his, life on her last
weak, will try to collect from th own
trs. After . bonds -wer . gives th ves
sel wss released. Som delay was slso
experienced In ' making repair to .th
steamar'avsteerlng gear, .
And, further, we and each of
us shall consider ourselves
pledged to support and vote (or
that particular measure, embrac
ing these subjects, and designed
to accomplish these ends, that the
. Multnomah county delegation by
a majority vote shall decideupon.
T We., propose to make this the
main issue in tne. coming
maries. ''1 . . . .
'. T. J. MONAHAN, .
Total of Three Xaadred ereaty-Three
Thoasaad Bushels la atatek.
A oc ord Ins to a statement whleh was
compiled last venlng . by . tha - Mer
chants', exchange, the wheat shipments
from Portland for March amounted to
171.10 bushels, aa ; against ,!!
bushels sent from the varioue porta da
Puget sound. Of th shipments from
Portland, 107.111 bushels went-foreign
and K6,0(i to California. Th sound
district sent (07,017 bushel to Europe,
117,150 to California and I.IT0 to th
orient In th aam period Portland
exported 7S,10t barrels of flour and
shipped ' 17.027 barrels to California-
while th sound's flour exports totalled
140,701 barrels, of which 14,104 barrels
went .ooaatwle.
Th total shipments from. Portland
for the cereal season beginning with
July 1 amount to 0,016,007 bushels.
while the sound district has 10.ttO.417
to Its credit. As th latter business Is
divided between Seattle, Tacoma and
Everett, It la evident that Portland
stands far at th head of th list, j Th
shipments for tii corresponding period
of last year amounted to only 1.030,000
bushels and from the sound country to
1,011,470 bushels- Including flour, the
combined shipments from Portland and
th sound for ths past sight seasons to
data wer a follows r :"
Grand total, season to date. . .13.447.420
Sam period, season. 1004-05.. 11.010,211
Same period, season, 1001-04.. 11,011.101
8am period, season, 1001-01.. t0.12t.701
Sam period, season, 1001-01. .11,011,1(1
Sams period, season, -10OO-O1..14.114,ISf
8am period, season, itl0-00..1(,llf,020
Sam period, eaeon,-1890-0.. II, 5SM45
Sam period, season, 1107-01, .24,400.074
fame Xaldlaw Co. Sngag Thmls to
Tak Supplies to Alaska.
Jamas Laldlaw & Co. chartered th
Norwegian steamship Themis, 1.017
tons net register, yesterday to carry
supplies from British Columbia ports
to Alaska. She waa taken on a tlm
charter. After the on trip planned for
her has been made. It Is probable that
aha will b placed In the ore-carrying
trad. Th local firm will operate her
for a year.
Several grain ships have been offered
during th week for th transportation
of new-crop grain to the United King
dom, but ao far only one has been en
gaged. This Is a Frenchman ' which
was seoured at th union rat of 17s
Id. - She l en rout from Ilambura
with a cargo of cement and will arrive-
early In August. As the demand for
tonnage Is not strong, It, Is probable
that a number of vessels wIU be en
gaged at leaa than tha union rat. It
la aald that - those that ar not con
trolled by th shipowners' association
will undobutedly be placed on the mar
ket at a out price. . , ,
I It M. BUSItr"'"
Astoria, March 11. Condition -of the
bar at t p. m., emooth; north waat winds;
weather partly cloudy Arrived at 4
and left up at 0 a-, m., steamer Bedondo,
from San Francisco. Left up at 0:10
a. m., French bark Francois d'Ambolae
and schooner Virginia. - Arrived at 0:60
a. m. and left up at l:t0 p. m., steamer
F. A. Kit hum, from Ban Francisco.
Arrived at 10:2t a, m. and left up at S
p. m steamer Bee, from San Franclaco.
Astoria, March 11. Sailed at d:4t p.
m steamer Northland for Ban Pedro.
lire . ill
- ."- -, . - - e
: Eile fife ' L7s&i:2:u
Fine ClothesCommon, vs. Uncomm ;
: ' The term "fins clothes" is applied to all kinds of ready made. Fine common clothes can b found at omy gho wftS p
glass windows, but uncommon fine clothes can only be found at uncommon clothing stores. The Jiackett, Carhart & Co. ua.
common ciotnes xor men ana youn men, tan wmjt um rauuu wuv, . viusuu t , iiiwuiauTe wvuj
H, C & Co.'s spring assortment of. FINE CLOTHING surpasses for intrinsic fineness all other clothes. See the sprinj dla.
play .of 'the Blue and Gray Suits. '.. ; VX-, v4-. -.-Ac:-.,, ,. -'c-y
$9.00 e
shown in this cit
Will Secura : a pure ' all-wool blue scrrs Suit, hand
tailored collars and lapcla, haircloth fronts and shoulders
guaranteed fast oolora. Aa equal of any Si JUX) Suit
citv. Also axtraorainarT values la trrav ettecta ana auc
mixturea, unfiniahed and wool worsteds,' cheriots, caaainieres and black
anfituahed worateda. ., --;:' ,c: -:!-' . ,Av.-
Vor Black ft Co.'a all hand tailored, pare wool, fast
colored sergea, grave, cheviote, worsteds, wide
wales, etc. The moat extraordinary values ever
bouse at the opening of a season. .
Black ft Co.', Michael Stern ft Co.'a Brandagee,
Klncade ft Woods' superior : prodoets la Mrgea,
iishout with pure serge and Venetian lining. - Value euch
as only Tn Chicago can snow.
An exqutaite line of the latest now.
cltiea In Men'a Buttoha, Stickpina,
.etev Special Eaater prices. .
SI 2.50
offered by this hi
tailored througho
as only. The Chic
tl 7 ft tO c.customfiniahsa
(Dl I afJU w sDfJtJ double-breasted 8uita and Eng.
liah Walking Suits. - H. ft C are known as the wholesale tailors that
are the beat New York custom tailors to model after. Their product is
not only equal to the beat made, but acknowledged by all knowing
people to be absolutely the finest clothing made In the world. The
hard-to-flt, hard-to-pleaae and the critical people will find this elegant
line of Hackett-Carhart superior to moat tailors' products m every re
spect t about half tailors prices. . . .
IMI C r Is the ' price we EaVe ""put" for tomorrow' for
iJ ItOU pairs medium-weight 2J0 Pants. ,'
( O nZeTa WQ1 do sxaftly what he $340 does st other atorea,
SleUV w, ahow about 10 styles at this. price In blacks,
blues, stripes and fancy la all wool or worsteds.' ' , , - -,'
P. FC wul (! roa choice of. 22 stylea of 25.00 hand
V tailored' Trousers, the famous HangweU, ; Brand
Bros.' and other high-standard custom-made Pants. -l . -
Ycunj Hen's Easter, end Confirmation Salts
nfi Fof AO-Wool Black t Bias Paaey. Spedai Bar.
aJ J tOv gains lot Eaater.
C f g EZ aT '- Imported Ser fee, TJnflniohed Worsteds, Thlbets,
V lUeOU " alao elegant Silk Watures and Qray Effects. t
r? AO Fer Hackett, Carhart ft Co."s Broadway styles
V 1 OmXJKJ ScTgea, Unfinished Worsteds sad Nobby
Oraye 4he handsomest of all clothes, by the beat makers In the
worldH. C. ft Co. - t ...:'.'. . . .,v,v.
ESafV Confirmation and Dress Suits, in serges, unfinished
tpUtOU worateda, tweedaetc 25 styles of regular II Surta.
The Eaater and Spring styles will be shown In pro
fusion, commencing tomorrow. The very latest In
Golf, Negligee and Dress Shirts, made by the beat
makers of our land. Select and reliable grades In
-Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefa,' Umbrellas and
the choicest pickings tn Neckwear and a hundred
other little things that go to make tip the dress of
men and. boys. t ; -
:ea8Tbr neckwear
16 Is the price we have set on the Spring styles
Tecks, Four-ln-Handa and Shielda. 25c values.
994 gives you a selection from the thouaands of
' patterns which you aee In thi other Neckwear
. . displays around town at 0c and upward. -
B4 for a If aco. Balbrigran, guaranteed fast colors,
tn bleck and brown. Usual two for 25c values. ' v
13 l-as for superior quality of plain and fancy
Balbriggaa, white foot, regular seama, fast colors.
' 20c values - ---
S5f for the lisle, balbriggan, lightweight. In plain
and fancy colors.. Honest 25c values.
5e for a lot of aamplaa from the wholesale house,
mostly 10c and 12c values. -10e
for extra quality Japonette or half linen, tn
hemstitch d, plain and fancy goods. 15c value;; ..
Tha official ancnlnr of tha Hat aeaaon occurs here tomorrow. America's greatest 92.S0 The Full-
worth will be on spring diaplay in exact duplicate of Till the $4.00 and $5.00 Spring shape Hats.
FULLWORTH A Hat to Fit Your Face; 30 styles, 30 shades and colors America's greatest 2.SO
Hat. The Fullworth Hat leads all other Hats in point of salea in the Pacific Northwest. Every Hat
aold la guaranteed to give entire aatiafaction or be replaced by a new one. The styles, to the most minute
detaila, are the exact outlines of the leading English and American $4.00 and $5.00 Spring Hats,
MALLORY CRAVENETTE HAT, Sold by The Chicago If water spots it In any ehape or manner
we will replace it with a new one free. Every Mallory Cravenctta Hat ia guaranteed when sold by The
Chicago. Price, 3.50, . ; ' " "
line of
The Chicaeo This Season is Prepared 'S'SSi
mnA hnwa mwr shown bv tha big store. Hackett. Carhart ft Co.Ts fine clothing ia augmented by .the
choicest line of Hats. Shoes and Furnishing Goods possible to secure of the beat makers of America and
Europe. The-Chicago, prices are alwaya below-others on high-grade merchandise. This is the keynote
that makes this the busiest clothing store in the Pacific Northwest. !
There has been no season In the history of shirts that has produoed so
many desirable and sensible lines for men ss the Spring of 1904.- .
50e for a drab, tan, gold and gray mohair Negligee, and beautiful styles
" in Golf, Penang, Madras and Mohair bodies. - . ; . . .
85 for an tmrnense variety of exceptionally " beautiful imported pat.
terns in Oolf and Negligee. The best values in the dty.
. ' ......u-.-l
sad . V -
$3.65 We wffl
: place on sale
- tomorrow the
famous R. J. ft
R.- Shoe. - Our $3.00 vids, ' petena
. calf and colt
f 3.5CU-All-wear Chicago Shoe Is guar-
.j. anteed to be equal in style, quality
make of any $4.00 Shoe sold In the
United States. We show, the ALL.
WEAR in over SO styles of toe and
' ahapea of lasts, la tana, ochre, guv.
metal, patent, also French vict, cor
dovan tan, calf - and English veloar,
in Oxforda, Bluchers and Bala.
Wear The Chicago You will ;
find comfort .and aatiafaction. '
work will be th carrying of supplies
to th several lightships.. .
Th oriental liner Arabia moved to
th Alblna dock- ystrday,' whr eh
will receive a shipment of too tons ef
cotton befor going to the flour- mill
to take on th major portion ot her
cargo. - 1 . :- '
Th British bark Balm or will com
plete her lumbar cargo for ' Oenoa,
Italy, tomorrow, it WIU comprise about
1.160.000 feet of fir. Captain Ground
water says h needs 11 more sailors
and fears thst he will have to remain
for a week or so befor th vacanclee
can b filled.
.1 .1.1 .1
Crews wer shipped ea th barken
tines Koko Head and Amaranth yester
day and th vessel will leave down for
th - sea tomorrow-or next day. Both
ar laden with lumber cargoes for the
far east. "'
Th steamer Arago' will arrlvd 'front
Fort Stevens this morning with a gov
ernment' 'bars la tow. which will be
tied up at th snoorlr eppeslt St. I
Johns. ' ...... J
After' having' been cruising In sound I
waters for the paat two weeka visiting
the various lighthouse stations, th
tender Heather returned to th Colum-.
bia rlr yaaurday aXternwon. Her next1
" distress after meals, fermentation,
heartburn, sour stomach, water-
brash,wiUbepromptlyrelieyedifyoo . j,
Take Tarrant's
Seltzer Aperient
Many Prominent Candidates for
Various Offices Will Ad-
- dress Meeting. ,V
It rids the stomach of undigested 11
looa, ciemnses uie ooweis ana re
lieves the clogjred system of poison
ous waste matter.
Sixty yetrs
, cunts.
At yea Srwrglsts
by auUlioai
fJAe Tarrant Co.
e Maaeaa atree
Blew Vera
. .. t
fmMmt Btanitrk ta Tha laapaaLl
Independence, Or Maroh 01. Th
Polk county - Republloan clab has ar'
ranged for a mass meeting April S, at
which' all. atat candidates ar invited
ta be araaaat. The O. A. R. auditorium
has been secured for th meeting, aad
th Monmouth Normal cadet band has
been engaged to furnish must. ICKOur
alon rates and special trains have been
secured ror th occasion Thee oaaai
datea have a freed to attend:
Judge Stephen A. Lowell, candidate
for United States senate, Pendleton; H.
M. Cake, United State eenate. Portland;
Judg B. B. Wstson, United States sen
at, Portland; Harvey Brown, governor,
Baker Citv: C. A. Behlbrede. governor.
Coo Bay I a. B. Hustan. eongra. Hllle-
boro: J. R. Whitney. iUtt printer. Ba
le m; William Clarke, stats printer, Oer-
valsi IjoI 1 Pea roe, secretary or state,
Salem: Judge A. af. Crawford, attorney
general, Salem; Ralph Hoyt, stat treas
urer. "
' Pendleton, Or.f Mafch 1. With ap
propriate exercises a monument was
placed at th west end ef Wb street,
whr th old Immigration .trail crosses
the road leading to ' Cam as prairie,
through th Horts of Esra Meeker, the
pldnaer who started front Portland t
Indiana. -..-.
Colon! J. H. Relay ef this citv de
livered th dedication address, having
beea ssleoted for th honor beoaua he
crossed - th plain with - his : Barents
wheit but 4 child, and has been a rest-
dent of this county ever alao. '
Ur, (J. J. Smith, who la a mamhas af
th school board, took pains to have as
acnoot ' onuaran at th 1 ios
as possible, and many. ,of the citiaena
m at rnajl aais t ' '
Immediately after th sroles Mb
Meeker started on his Journey over the
Blue mountains to Meaobam. whr he
will camp for a short time, and he will
than go on to La Oread. Ha state
that h is standing th trip very wall,
and la enjoying It immensely. -
Want Wate foe rrrtg.
' Pendleton,' Or4 March 11. Th Bur
llngam IMtch nnpaay of Oardana aa
made applloation to th United State
government for permission t tap the
Salmon rfer, which beads la th We
naha forest reeerre, for th purpose of
increasing th flew in Its Immenaa'dltch,
which la now about eomplete. The
ditch now heads at-the WaUa Walla
river. -. '
Weeabexa'e Sfew Snriok Taetery.
tsiwrlal Dtapatek to The JeoraaLl
Woodburn. Or., March 11. J.
Martsolf, recently from
Indiana, flnaaclally backed by Cole
E. Hofer of Salm, has purchased Ur
acres of clay land tn North Woo dm'
aad Will at ansa aataMlah -a tires
brlok factory, with a dally capaclt
10.004 brick. . I
. . , I
v ,unw iq nieraivre requires a.-".
ability, and many postage stamps. - t
BiUasirs HomaKOtnro siaup.
Immediately relieve hoars, ereupy
cough; oppressed, rattling, reaping aod
difficult breathing. Henry C 8 teams,
druggist. Bhuilsburg, Wla, writes. May
10, loot: "I have beea seUlng - Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup for two year
and have never had a preparation that
has given better aatlafaatlon, I notle
that . when I sell a bottle they oom
back for more. I oan honestly raeoat-
rnenfl i"o. oo ana Si-Oft. Bold by
1 rm
Vv ooerd, Clara
investigate, the high rent stores--you will find their
prices $ 20.00 and ?25.00 lot a MAN'S SUIT"
or TOPCOAT and we sell the same identical grade
?. 7-- .v; 'N' for'' " v v
k -
Their $18.00 grade is only $7.85 with na.