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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
""'-V V 'TItI:''' :" knfe OREGON SUNPAY joURkAU " PORTLAND. IsUNDAYORNINO.' APRIL 1, Q6.' ' 7 , . J;,' . '7 j.'. ; : ' " .. -v Easier Display Black end . Colored ; Dpecb Gobdo A PRICE AND QUALITY SALE UNEgUALEDI ,; Wrare peninthlrElater Sale bf Seasonable Dress Goods at prices ower than nave ever been known n the dry goods business.. : It is a tisplay that cannot fail to captivate very one who buys a yard of dress Voods. Tb chief reason for the big kiducements is to acquaint you early i the season -with our magnificent locks, the fabrics are the very kinds anted for the. season, both for treet. and- evening wear. I They peak for themselves, i Here are jme of them. ' Every woman well nows what such fabrics at such. Vices mean: rr;..,r:i . .i ilk & Wool Eoliexme ne of the most beautiful ' fabrics, f ' wool and half sukr very soft d clinging, deep rich finish, comes mm . . . .'-. .. - .- - m -- -w -aH-fneDesi:coiors cream, duck, ehder, blue, pink, green, tan, ay: Drown,' etc. ,. otner stores ask km $1.85 to $1.50 for this quality. jr i iivc . ri fill ChifTon Panamas knch Chiffon r Panamas, ' woven m selected yarn, strictly all wool, . .ma m toes in an tne newest snades of ty," blue, champagne, navy, green, wn, cardinal etc Unusual width quality at.- - t Iw Cream Woolen Fabrics in an ensive , showing, comprising ' all newest weaves in both plain and tey enects, Moaerateiy pncea n25lup - Cl'Cn .... p i iuu k Panama Suiting, in an attract- assortment, full 45 inches wide,' line of colors to choose from. ial quality at, per ew Gray SnitinQs hch plain - and - fancy Panamas xtenslve showing in all the. Va-; new gray mixtures. 01' ,CC ra value at, per yard; . 4)1 KJO ch . plain - Panamas, beautiful fabric, in shades of steel and p gray, unusual- l ci ty at, per yard. ..... tfliUU ch new Shadow. Checks, in light park gray; also light gray with. ed shadow checks r. wonderful ions made from : nne- selected ; Extra value at, f lit ard.........i....;lOU th new Gray' Suitings, in plain nvisible check, in both light dark colors,' one of the most iful of all the new goods. Ex- te.'"r.....$i.00 h new Gray Panamas, in light,' m and dark mixtures, splen earing quality. - - ; JC m Iial value at, per. yard. . i Ov d S 8-inch plain jjnd Npyelty gsTlhpretty gray, mixtures, in fc light and dark colors.' PA- ig leader at, per1 yard. Shoes Oale otHmz G. Ccrcota LET US FIT YOU If you would your new E,ter Coitum fit hultlewly, you wilj allow us to ft you to one of thr lata Corset models. Tomorrow we place on sale one of our best $2.00 numbers, made of - extra quality coutille, trimmed with lace and ribbon, new deep hip model, fouthe average- figure, tapering waist with hose supporters front and sides; a splendid quality f Cfi at. $2.00. Speciat.tomorrow...... . JM.UV Women's 50o and 65o Silk Lisle Sleeveless Vests, 2 Do Women's Silk-Lisle Sleeveless Vests,"fine -Swiss ribbed," trimmed "af ' neck and iirms iwith pretty design of erochetedrvaLJact rr rarr-ainowr necic ana sieeycieg mmpjes from two of the largest importers' of this spring's designs-r-not many, of any one style but a large variety of styles; your 7Q choice tomorrow at, the garment.. , .. L, TEE, OWFTSRmGS 5f tPiidJr?a5Btion! ?V beeu m?e for Annual Easter Sale-ouf buyers have for months been looking ahead to this period and their purchases oi nign grace dependable merchandise have been very extensive. - Great saving opportunities are offered shoppers owing to shrewd buying and an ac- ... . .. ;.ir-,r, ,. ... v--';' ; , curate judging of the people's, needs. ' .. " . . , Our Small Prollta Polioy Baplrs Up This Sale at Every Point Affording Better Bargains : ' Than Can Be Found at Any Other Portland Store ; Our assortment of Easter goods is now complete and prudent buyers will take time by the forelock and make their Easter purchases early while - -H : .! : '..iZ . . '.the assortment is unbroken' and prices the lowest.' . ;;,! . : for ; V2Easter i V Wear food tWnf in tuu.M Shoes to quaury, ana consiaer it very vet au&litv is' bv no mum tha portant thing to consider.' No frnat yon pay lor your Shoes, or 91Z per pair, u they are not fitted. If the bIm and width la ct, you have a mighty poor pair Yon ahouM rnnilH.r Rra nt tting qualities of your footwear t results you should go to the th an established reputation for e feet. We've sales of known i thla respect.' In our Main partment our Shoes are carried irom AAA to Bixes, 2y to 9. Hand.Mada HA CO , tnA tS fin and Boot for Mon- 5 A e unusual price of....'$dvU SJ.0Q Hand-Made Oxfords and tans and blacks QQ P-S0 Shoes ei PA pent Departm'nt Z Shoes and Oxfords for Mon- 1 extreme low prices of 1.00 ds and fl.eo for Boots. d all-aoliil KiA T. fit,... : rwv) vhvvi im r.2:.!,:.:.:.99c oua anoes in sizes g( fl rthtt,25. Monday. ...3I.Oy t me Hand - made ' Shoes, 8; worth Sl.25.7 ' ' 56 PShoee.. .,.,.i...SS.J5 Pi-made. Slippers. ,...... and ' From our very attractive assortment of high grade clothing for women you can select your Easter costume with a feeling, of perfect confidence that every high standard you may inpist upon will be embodied, in your selection. Style; Quality of Material and excellence of workmanship find. their highest expression in these stocksand y9u will find it possible to secure some very exceptional values, as the prices we have made are extremely reasonable . rl Pretty Tailored Suits $1 WILL BUY A PRETTY TAILORED SUIT at , Roberts Bros.' this week. These suits are made of gray mixtures in Pony and Eton-effects, new circular skirts, in. fact the styles are -precisely the same as voa eret oy, paying $4o.w or more. $lg05(D) FOR SUITS WORTH $16.50 Almost any store will offer a few bargains at the end of the season, but the store that gives values such as these at the bepinnin? of a season is the store that deserves your patronage Eton and Ponyr Suits in.gray mixtures and plain colors.'.-.. - -.7- 7:'-'' FOR $22.50 TAILORED SUITS When we jay that thrvalues are $22.50 we mearr'that this is the average pricejcharged-clsewhere. These-arenew-andTiobbyr cnarming spring styles, H.ton and bhort Coat effects. splendidly finished jackets, -satin or: silk lined."" Materials: are fancy mixtures, chiffon, Panama and broadcloths. . . - . . " V : $15 FOR VERY HANDSOME SUITS Chiffon, Panama, Broadcloths .and .im ported mixtures, handsomely tailored in ' all the new and desirable colorines. also black, short sleeves,, fancy trimmings. , . New Spring Waists As usual the showin g at popular, prices is the most extensive, one' ;n Portland. Almost . too large' a variety to mention. Take it for granted that youH find every new style and every color." White Lawn Waists from f 2.00 down to. .50e Colored Wash Waists from 82.50 down to 50e) Jap Silk-Waisui m black and white, 81.05 up to ..' Lace and Net Waists, copy of imported models .. . 86.50, 88 JSO J'i Women's ; Eadrtei The new spring styles are here more than usual attention has been given to our Skirt Department this season realizing the importance of the de mand sure to be this season on account of in creased demand for separate waists. Especially distinguished for dressiness are the new striking plaids, also voiles, chiffon Panamas and the new grays in plain and mixtures.The prices ranee from 82.50 to 12.50 Exceptional values at 94.50, 85.50, 86.50 New Tourist . Coats Tourist Coats for spring wear, in plaids, checks and stripes, loose back effects 812.50, 815, 816.50 and . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .... ; . , ; .818.50 Rainproof Coats for Women We have them, in loose-fitting "London" sfyles, , also the : tight-fitting, semi-fitting and belted styles", the assortment is larger and the values are better than any we have ever shown before, all .materials are cravenetted, colors are black, ox ford .gray and tan. ; Prices 88.50, 810.50, 912.50, 815,00 and. . . . ..... . . . . . . .816.50 , Coats and Wraps -The-newest linef-Spring Coats, inT)Taciriroad clothrtantdverts and gray mixtures. Choice at' 84.50, 85.50, 86.50 and all the way up to . ... . . . vr: .. . . . .7. ... . ..... ; r. . '.7. 315.00 In Silk- Coats there are the loose effects of black taffeta, pongee "and cloth of -gold 88.50, 810.50, 812.50, 915.00 and...... 916.50 New Dresses for Children VVe have never before shown such an attractive and thoroughly, complete assortment of Chil drenrs Dresses. Now is your opportunity to get the best Easter selections. Dresses of ginghams, percale and white lawn, daintily trimmed in sev- eraj new styles.' prices range as follows 4sct, 75e, 91.00 ........93.50 : Infants Caps An unsurpassed assortment of Children's Caps The largest and best line we have ever had. The prices are. ............... . . . 25 up to 92.50 - - A Sale of Ribbons A" moat complete stock. If -there's a ribbon want you cannot fill from thla stock we would like to know it. There is not a wantabie shade missing,' aa far as we know. We know that you will appreciate .the comprehensiveness of the as sortments. Prices are down to the lowest notch. of course, ' ' ' 20c Taffeta Ribbons 12e 7 Large assortment of imported Swiss Taffeta Rib bons, 5 inches wide, have beautiful lustrous fin ish : regular, selling price 20c '1 7a Special.. 71 L Fancy Ribbons 10e Large line of fancy plaid and striped Ribbons, 2 inches wide all the pretty color combinations. On sale Monday an.d. Tuesday at Extra Special Price T - 7 35c Printed Warp Ribbon 23e- ' Silk' Printed Warp Ribbon, in rich colorings, 4 inches wide;-splendid value at 35c O'Xn Special. ; r. tr. ;vi. .77. .7..T. ...... ..OL Women's Easter Neckwear , Beauty and grace are the keynotes of our superb exposition of this year's effects in women's neckwear, and these qualities are charmingly con spicuous in a rare profusion of styles." Women of the most fastidious taste will certainly find something to gratify their dearest penchant in the .extensive assortment. : , Silk Chiffon Stocks, daintily trimmed with fine silk braid and gold beads, in white and the new soft spring shades. Unequaled values 'JEg Silk Stocks with Tabs, elaborately trimmed with fine Val. lace edging. Exceptional 7-- CAr values at 25 and . . ,7. .-. .............. . OUV Chemisettes Dainty Baby Irish Crochet Lace Chemisettes, very popular and splendid C A- values at, each. OUL Chiffon Scarfs Silk Crepe - Chiffon Scarfs, 2 yards long, in white, pink and light f( blue; $1.60 values. Special at; each. .1 ePleUl - Easter Glove Speoials : . i . , The Best Gloves at 91.00 . . ; J. !... Large assortment of women's . three-clasp - un dressed Kid Gloves with silk embroidered stitch ing. All the new shades,' Sixes 5yZ ' to 75, Unequaled values at; (f AA per paif . . . ... ............ . . ..... .... ej)l ellll $i75 Kid Gloves at 91.35.' Three-Clasp Kid Gloves, made of the best se lected skins, neatly finished with Paris point em broidery stitching, all shades, sites CI to 8. - Specjal, per pair. t.. ...... epIeUtJ An Extraordixiary Offering: of Beautiful Einbroidlered Kobes Fully Worth Q0.00, for Only $4.95 ' SEE THIRD STREET WINDOW DISPLAY - A great special purchase"froiHbne of the leading manufac turers ' from St. Gall, Switzerland. Extremely handsome shaped robes of exquisite workmanshipjconsisting of shaped -skirt with embroidery and lace insertion. Waist materials to ' match in the newest and most distinctive effects. Embroidered collars and cuffs. An extensive show ing to choose from. Regular $9 val ues. Special sale price, per suit.'. ...... $4.95 Silks at Prices Defy . ing Competition . "Last week our silk selling touched another hfghwatexjnwkBanother-. illustration of the real 4Uk suprem acy of this store. Not just prices for I they mean . nothing by them- selves but the silks that are the ' most fashionable, tasteful and allur ing, at prices, lower than . y6u can get anywhere else. " Real exclusive ness. in price and quality, and here are more that will be sure to touch your needs - . -' .7... Imported Japanese' and China Silks . : , Imported direct by us saying to you the jobber's commission, a most important item, and placing us in a position to show many exclusive! shades and patterns. Soft Cling jng Wash Silks, are especially de sirable this season. . - - - New rigrured J ap Silks 7 New Jap Wash, Silks, cream ground, in neat pin dots and small colored , designs, absolutely fast colors, one ' of -the - newest - and - most -popular wash silks Unequaled ; ' AQ.r quality at. ............. .7. New Brocaded Jap Silks - Brocaded Jap Silks, 24 inches wide, cream white color, in beautiful pat-:, terns, very" heavy.. Leauti?"yg ful goods at, per yard. v I pL i New Printed Habutai r Silks 23c New Spring Hosiery for Women, 50o Stockings 35o vaxm rom on xouam Women's Stockings of black lisle thread in garter top, spliced selvage, crowfoot,' lace ankle or allover lace design, the standard price of which is 50c a pair; tomorrow we will retail three pair for the regular price of two. r .. EXTRA! For the Men EXTRA! . This is becoming a men's store as well as a women's. Men appreciate style and novelty in fix ings. They probably don't watch out so closely for bargains as doe's the fairer sex, but they seldom miss a chance to save. Here is such a chance. The Robros'? A $3.50 Hat for A Hat Quality o,$g.50 A Hat of t Style J Roberts Bros., Sole Agrents -Printed Habutai Silks in an exten sive showing of beautiful floral de signs, perfectly fast colorings, war ranted to wash. Unmatch- CC, able values at, per yard. ... UOC New J ap Wash Silks New Jap Wash Silks, very soft and ; 21" Inches wide," over 40 different shades to choose from, most desira- bleforsprinffand-summer-Waistsr .SpecialMondayjtxw pnlyT . 77. 7 22-inch Jap Silk iap Wash Silk," 22 inches 'wide,' good eavy quality, very durable, all col- . prs. Exceptional values Us at, special price ...... I ...... O L 27-inch Jap Silk ? New Jap Silk, very sbf t and wide, in", extra heavy weight and quality; al ways sold at 65c a yard. AHr , Special for this sale at only . .-4 1 C- Cream and White China 1 Silk Extremely low 27-inch China Silks; sold elsewhere , at 65c.. Our price. ....... . . . .47,' 27-inch China Silks; sold elsewhere at 75c. Our price. . . . ..... ... .5S 27-inch China Silks; sold elsewhere at 85c. Our price..,....,.,. 63 27-inch China Silks; sold elsewhere at 95c. Our price . ........... 72 27-inch China Silks ; sold elsewhere at $1.00. Our price...'. 82 24-inch Pongee Silk. Special . .47s 27-inch Pongee Silk.J5pecial7.G5-S8-inch Pongee Silk. Special. .75s. -24-inch Pongee Silk. Extra, qual ity at . , t . ... ....... v. . 85s - 30-inch Pongee Silk. Extra qual ity at 91.00 , New Cotton Dress 7 , - Goods - , You will find them here in all the popular shadesendless billows of . them. All the, newest fabrics, all the newest. weaves and prices far -belowwhat you'4excepttQ- pay See them you are sure to be inter- ested. : ; Galatea Cloth Large assortment bf light, medium and dark ool- ors. Best values at ......... 1 OC New Serge Suitings-Splendid line of "this popular spring goods, , all 7 shades, rhecks and "stripes. O , Unequaled value at. ....... . .IOC French Shirting A new fabric sim- - liar , to't Scotch flannel, suitable "for children's dresses, shirtsj waists and' pajamas. Excellent bargain 1 J j 10c lien's Fancy Half-Hose, 50c, 75 c, 81.00 Values, 2 Oo An advantageous purchase and its effect on price. Our buyer, while in New York purchased from a noted importer, his entire sample line of Men's Fancy Half-Hose at a-price that averaged less than hlf. An unsurpassed assortment comprising all the latest colorings and patterns, madq JQf, of fine lisle and cashmere, real 50c, 75c arid $1.00 qualities. All at ope price, per pair only. .. . kC at.'. New Dress Gingham Large va riety, all styles, plain - and fancy," famous A. r. C tJrand. Best to be had at .' New - Percales-Large assortment, light, medium and dark colors, all fast dyesl Unequaled values 36-inch Percale Best quality, large J assortment; all light shades for sum- mer dresses and shirts. A'JWn Splendid Values at...... .Llt Shirting--New line of dark shirting in plain, dotted and striped effects. Best quality , 1 9 at ; Apron Ginghams In checks, blue and white, brown and white, black and white. , Good quality at. Calicos, Challies and Lawns -Light, mediuniand dark.colors. . . -. 1? Large assortment at, per yard.Ov Lawns Plain colored lawns in all the wanted shades. Un- equaled values at, per yard.. 1UC ;5c III "v . ' 11'