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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
7 ;4: TUE "OREGON : SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, .1906. 17 SOCIETY TConttnoed-rrom- BUt "' C recitation. -Molly"! duet, piano ana 1 Jtaim. by th MIhh MttUen. "JVffSS-Sw. - of the oommlttae a ,hrf "f the banquet were untiring In CtSlr' .tforu to glv. an u4 .lulWl evening. Mrs. C. " W. Fffrrl vr iiuUM end Mn. A. H. Trego .-.,. dmi to glva U In behalf of i"",,. A -letter- of greeting nt nU tnewn . from Mn. Imi M. ByXwortl., r,d matron Mr C. W. Kiilar rnuunuuia. - .-- give a eerlee of rjcoptlon. The library entertainment given Wednesday- evening -Church of trnr. Grand twna and Waaoo tJLTl f or tha benefit of tha rauaio proved an antlra aucoaaa. Tha fijr was under tha dlraction of Mrs. Srd ' Hamilton, who was ssslated In iin tha guests by. tha paator. Ray. I Karl DuBole, and a croup of young ""mu, ieiper acted a. librarian and Mtaloauad tha booka aa represented by the gueata Among thoaa Hated were: -The College Widow.". Koeter Olbaon; u.Ha Scott: rno nemnij . lowell: "Darsneaa - ana tmriisus Mary Hand. A ahort musical -program aa rendered, every number Of which given a haarty encore, Refreah manta wara werved in tha lectora room, "hlch was banked with greens. 'Miss Mary Hand served punch. ' . - ifb anueicai prBrmI 1 "Dtar Loutae." Harrla, Juatln Murray; ZbU trio, There Falls tha Rain." Rlty Mra. Hamilton, tna Misses Ren strom.' Baty. Scott and McBrlda; eong. Ifl' i : Land," Crounfleld, -r Lura nltr- quartette, K3ood Night. Beloved." Pmfutt. Mra. - Hamilton. , Mra. . Imogen. Mr Hollowall and Mr. Littler; aong, nrte." Mra. .John Logan. 1; Accom panied Tbomaa Dobaon Jr. - . . ww.,- : Mra. J. C. Alexander of - Pttdmont celebrated her ellver wadding annlver nry laet weak with a luncheon. The table piece wae or pina ana wniiw Mpe ind xne piaca c"r m mrr nuu white ehowefl a wmmni. nm m (.tev-.HSl.l'O,, Tha pa-ta ware: Mn A. P. Shaw, Mra. If. X Shaw, Mra. K. Kr Hanawalt, Mra. S. R. Rupert, Mra. R. Bulllvant, ure. a. r. i.raM, H. Cornell, Mra, R. S. Depennlng. tfri. QP. Depennlng, Mr. C. B. Alox- lnd'. Mra. D. S. KllUngeworth. Mlaa K. KHIingawortn, mrm. . r.u -hmm. Ir. Charlea fatton, ro. c. a. oiapir, Mra. C. r. Potter, mra. m. u. oiroiuig, hra L. E. Holeomb. Mra. M. C. Paget, Mr. A. O. Oolovaon, Mra. Mi B. Church. Mra'." S.N. Nolti, Mra. M. a. Moore, Mra. M. a. Jarvla Mra. M. t Warrington, Kflaa & H. Harrington,, Mr, m. jo. eTMaadayyAftrwoon elnbr waa n- ertatned at tha home of Mrs. A. Crof on. 1J Eaat Sixteenth atract. taat week, kra. Crofton and Mra. A. A. Ballay being he hoteaea. An elaborate luncneon i-aa aerved at-noon, and a- pleasant- oo tal boor Intervened before tha program. Which waa In charge of Mra. Bailey. kct four of tha play rPhllaBtar" waa viewed by Mra. Ml lea and act rive oy Mra. Smith. Character aketchee were lrg aa follows Dion, Mra. Manley; Aretlmia, Mra. JC K. Miner: Kupnraata, Mra. CaheUnan. Mra. Warren B. White irara an outllna of "Tha Haid'a Trag- -dr." Mra. Crofton aang 'Prarrot with Iraalng affect. ' Tha only guaat of tha lub waa Mra. P.. R. McKenna. - Tha- ehrb will meet tint weak with Tra. atanrln Pugh, at S Eaat Everett trae at lt.St o'clock. ; . -. -w w ' ' A pretty olindren'a-party wu glran r Mra. Oaorga Wlldon laet Saturday fterooon lit honor of bar .-daughter illdrad'a tenth birthday. - Prograaalva ksla gamea amuaed tha gueata tha flrat art of tha afternoon. Thyrza Brook Ind Willie Connor receiving tha prima. fouee game were tha next antuaament lid drop the handkerchief ana blind tn'a buff made tba little gueata eager tha cooling raf reahmenta aerved I Mrs. Wlldon aaalated by Mlaa Qer- ude Miller and Mra. J. 1. Thorpe. ... Mrs. P O. Dudley of Eaat Ankany entertained a- few frlenda at plat Tueaday . afternoon. Tha. rooma j hra decorated with Oregon grape and ffodila. There wara . four , tablaa and prlxea were won by Mra. Jamea twn and Mlaa Elian Meroar. Tha "teea young frlenda, Mlaa Helen kden and Mlaa AUeen Morrla. aerved the card tablea .--- pn Thursday evening.. March It, Mr.1 Mra, h. at. jiaraliajl .entertained Portaala club at their homo, 396 r-ramento atreet. An enjoyable even- It wa spent by tha membera at whlat. and Mra. zander being awarded tba es. Aa no dancing partlaa are be ' given by tha Portaala club thle on, these home partlea ara enjoyed all. . - . - - -. ' . - w r . Hn. Planch entertained tha 10 lat club In a charming manner laat uraday, March J9. Tha first prtaa a won by Mra. Matblot, tha aecond by riancn, and tha eonaolatton by Mra. ..Alter wniat a dainty luncheon served. The next niaetlna will ba I'll Mrs. Franklin. 701 Savlar ntraat. rtl It. - t-,'., . . iHher of the Mount Tabor aubacrtp- " unces waa given last night at LE BALMS ROYAL 375 WASHINGTON STREET 1 Easter Styles in Millmty, Suits, K Skirts and Coats " v Tnc past year has been a decided quipment and expert ability, which FOUR BIG BARGAIN Jailor-Made Suits Ladies' Jackets1 week. Special price, ,tyle' sPec,aI Pnc $15.00 yt.95 Dress Skirts Vhite Vaists late Vr,iy,s everT dy 5n the In White Waiiti we are ahowing i Special YnliAn c,?ti'r!,, A beautiful line, long or short ! paai m Mohair-Skirts in gray. r . . S" and blue; 7.S0 valueV ",eerM' Se0 our SPec,.al , .! "Wcial price, ' f fl , I '. W.95 98c Lj millinery always a SPECIALTY WITH US.' tha new Woodmen's hall on the eaat side. Mrs. VW BL Potter and Mrs. George It. Rodgera were tha patroneaaes. The danoas ara being given fortnightly and have been Instituted to bring tha Mount Tabor neighborhood into closer social tOUCh. .4. it 'A prbasant lttla party waa glvaa laat Wadneaday afternoon ' by Clarrla Churchill to 20 of her little frlenda. In celebration of bar ltth birthday. Oamea were played all afternoon) and dainty refreshments wara served by Mrs. Churchill at tea tlma. ., . . ; : -Mlaa May Chrleteneen waar given a da llghtful surprise party at har home to Oregon' City laat Saturday evening. The surprise waa arranged by Mlaa Brma Draper and her frlenda and It was made an enjoyable" evening with' games snd refreshments. . . WEDDINGS. . Tha marriage of Miss EllaahalktJJ l oieman ana l.ealte M. Scott Wednes day evening at Calvary Preabyterlaa church waa one, of Interest. Ths cere mony -was quiet, no" cards being Issued, but a number of their friends wara pres snt Rev. w. 8. Gilbert of Astoria, the bride's former paator, . pronounced the ceremony.. There were no attendanta. Tha bride wore a soft gray traveling costume with bat to match and carried violets, - Only tha family gathered at tha home, of the : bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Coleman, 4 North Nineteenth atreet, after tha ceremony. Mr., and -Mra Scott left on tha night train for aa extended tour of ths east and will be at noma the last of May at II North Nineteenth street. : - . " Mlaa Elolae Phillips and Tracy Stoats, both of Dallas. Oregon, war married In Portland, Maroh ,- at tha -United Evangelical ' parsonage, corner East Tenth and Sherman streets. Rev. A A. Winter oflloiatlng. Mlaa Phillips is one of the teachers, In tha public schools of DaJlaa. After a short visit with the brldea parenta In eastern Oregon, Mr. and Mra, Bloats wll make their home In Dallas. -' f . .. ' . . ---J Miss Minnie ; Becker and- Ernest J. Meyer wera married at 171 Sherman street Wednesday by Rev. J. Bowersox. A number of friends witnessed ths ceremony.- ..-Mlaa Caalna Becker. . a sister of . the bride, waa - tha bridesmaid and Raymond P. Bellamy waa boat man. Tha hoeteea served a weddln dinner after the eeremony. Mr. and Mra. Mayer win do at noma at 171 Sherman street. 7" . w J. M. Swirsky and brlda, formerly Mlaa Grace Horn, have arrived In Port land from Chloo. California, where they wera married on March 10. Mr. Swirsky la abuslnas man of this' city They will reside at 1(0 H Seventeenth street, corner of Tsylor. . ( , .)- : '".:. i Charles A. Woolfolk and Mlaa Elian E. Emery wars married- Thursday at tha realdenea of D. K. Illff m East Port land, Judga M. C. Oaorga officiating. During the Informal reception following ttrm 1H ft - - .k- ! MUSICAL NOTES. Tha New England Conservatory club held tta last meeting at tha borne of Mra. JM, -Barry af Harrison court. Tha program was old English music, in charge of Mra T. T. Davis,' and was given as follows: . . , ' Paper . . . ...... , . . ; . . .Mrsv Da via Chorus "Bummer Is a-Comln' In".... .... ...... (Canon) Twelfth Cantary Vocal solo (a) "Phyllis." (b) "My True Love Hath My Heart" . (c) "Tha Spring la Coming O'ar tha Maad" E C. Downs Mra. Fletcher Linn. Vocal solo-(a) "Should Ha PpbraM"' . .. .Sir Henry Bishop (b) "Tell Ma, My Heart." ' - Mrs. -Edgar Plpsr. " "' "v Plan solo "Old English Airs"...... j. Fifteenth Century Mra. John Hall. - . Chorus "Now Is tha Month of May" (Old English Dance) Morely Vocal solo (a) "Drink to Me Only -. ty HQ xnino &yea .. . Se venteanth Century (b) Oenavleve." , Mrs. Msx M. Shlllock. Vocal Bolo--(a) "Ths prstty Crea- tuiw"... . , . , .,..... :,b. Storan v(b)."Mary of Allendale". Hook : c) "Tha Lass With tha Delicate - Alr' iimi(,i)i,,,ii.,.,,Dr. Arne . Mrs. Fletcher Link. v Piano solo (a) "Ths Carman's Whlstls" ............ WUllam Bvr ibX"Sarenata" William Bennett Mrs. D. M. Mackle. Chorus "My Sylvia Wears a Rosy n ream -i,,;rr.Tr.-rri.-,.W. Parry Vocal solo (a) "Oh! Willow, Wil low" ............Sixteenth Century (b) "Rule Britannia" Dr. Arne . Mra Hamilton. Chorus "In Thess Delightful, Pleas- ant O roves" Henry PuroeU w ' rMuslo lovers will snjoy ths opara sea son to ba given in San Francisco from April II to April IS by tha Metropolitan Opera ootnpany of Nw York. A num ber of people ara planning to go from Portland, among them being Mra .Wal tar. Reed and Miss Kathleen Lawler. Among the . artists will bo Sembrich, Eames, Fromstad, Walker, Rappold, Ab bott, Alten, Freund, and Homer. Tha list of -men is headed by the -great Caruso. Among tha other great singers ara Plancon, .' Burgstaller, Joumet, Scottl, Campanarl. Oorlts, Blaaa, Van success. We have the most modern enables us to put. forth a class FREE The above ia a view .of the group ' . .'' ,7.7-;.-'7.. " ""7: 7 -7 ' v - iff prire The r-2nd Priae The -3rd Prire The 4th Priae The Sth Pr ie The 6th Prize The' 7th Prize The Mra. T. B; Barker Mra.. Alice Master" Misa Hettie McClair iMiaa M. Spooner Mra. M. W. Ladlern Mr. J. W. Spooner f. C- Horcv Mrs. C. H. Warrenton Clara Safidsmonr" t'r FloTenee" Sonnerfeldt " Mrs Jfosie Woodworth Mrs. M. J. KearrtejT MrsY Geo. A. Squire Ed Rosins ' . , Mrs. Gertrude Longwaite Elmer C .Stnythe ? E. K. Burns ' - ; C. M. Minford " - Mrs. J. S. Mevenson - Tii. r;t.r. Piatin TTons niihlirif-v ennteat should not be confused there will be no raising of prices and the same price is made on the y Rooy. Dippel and Parvls. Ths operas to be given ara "Queen of Shaba." "Car men," "Marriage of Figaro," "Lohen grin," "La Bohemo," "Die Walkure," "Don Paaquala." "Faust," ."Marta," "Siegfried." "Toaca," "Tannhauaer" and "Hansel and OreteL" ., .' 7 ' Arthur Alexander of Portland, for merly of Seattle, has been highly com plimented by Vincent Harper, musical critic of tha Post-InteUlgencer of Seattle. Miss Clara Lewya, contralto, wall known to Portland for her singing during Seattle week at tha fair last summer, sang a song of Mr. Alexan der's, "My Task," at a recent concert where tha program was made up en tirely of -tba compoaltlona of Seattle compose re. Tha Poet-Intelllgencer . has thla to. aay: "Miss Lewys then aang Ar thur Alexander's My Task.' If I were obliged to pick out tha gem of tha aft ernoon which, thank gbodneee, I- am not I might feel strongly tempted to aay that this truly powerful and orig inal song was It. I would Ilka to aay, however. Keep your eyea on Arthur Alexander: ha will be heard from, at this rate.'" i : j -. At. tha last "meeting of" tha Tuaadar Afternoon club Mlaa Latourette and Mlaa Harriet Johnson were tha solo ists. Mlaa Latourette sang a number from Von" Flellts's -aong cycle,"Ell land." Tha eyola will be given In full, together with tha four Indian lovo lyrics, Coolldge's Mother Goose songs, and a group of "German lledsr," before tha olaas Thursday, April II. by mam bars. , ... - ' ..7 A successful piano recital was given laat week at tha Flrat Baptist church by tha pupils of Mlas Grace Wilton. Ths students played their numbers with ex cellent technique and expression. Thoaa taking part on tha program ware Ixiutae Qullllam, BUaia Qui 11 lam. Annla Towna end. Irene Brandea. Norma Graves, Mary Townaend. Rita Allen. Bva Gravea,' Leola Struble, Isebel Beckwltb and, Eunice Town sand. ' -V" , , "- The choir of St. Mary's , cathedral, under tha dlraction . of Arthur Alexan der, gave tha "Inflammatua" form tha "Stabat Mater" (Rossini: laat Sunday with excellent- sf feot. Tha solo waa sus tained by Miss Kathleen Lawler, who was heard to splendid advantage, her voice ringing above chorus and organ on high C at the end. . , '7 7 . ' . .' 7 - - ' .Mrs.. Olga Bartsch Lang, an artist pupU - of Arthur Alexander, .sang Aylward's "Beloved, It Is Morn" at the organ concert at tha Sunnyslda Congre gational church lat week. Her tin affected rendition of the beautiful song was well received. . , Miss .Grace ' Gilbert conducted . - the program at a ooncart' given at Seamen's Institute Wadneaday evening. Besides bar own numbers, Mlaa Harriet John son, Mlas Orenter, MISS Helen Bennett and Alex Samuel gave aonga. All are pupils. of Mrs. Rosa Blocb Bauer. ' - Mrs. Anna Beatrloa Sheldon Is con sidering an offer to sppear In Victoria and Vancouver with Oernrdy, the famous Bohemian 'cell I at. : , An Impulse often hag tali. - , ' - - '' , a sting in Its lnMWERS'('M THE of the first seven priaea awarded by the Eilerg Company in tba great publicity contest jua closed. The winrrara were the following 1 1 ; -.- ' y-:.--.- . . ' ' , '7 ,' , ' ' - No. of Cor- - - - V7 ; -'77-.'-: ;t .' 7 - :; ' .'",:.--:" - -y '77 7 r' ? ' rect Words.' ":; Weber Metrostyle Pianola Piano; won by Frank W. Vaille, Assistant Supt Ry. Mail SerrlcJSLEIevWith .7fftlaiid.,alfl79 Chickenng Quarter Grand; won by - Kimball Baby-Grnd;wc-bMri'j.T-TrBurcnam, A)x W.-Ktveraide Schumann (Exhibition Style) Piano; won by Mr s W. N. Meserve,. Grays Marsha & Wendall Piano: won by Metrost vie Pianola: won by Mrs. O. Kimball Parlor Organ; won by Mrs. T The $100 Prizes were distributed to ach of the following: -- Mrs. M. W. Clarkston Mrs. Chas: McClair Miss Katherine Scurritt .Lena L. Fix" Ruth Carter . Laura Niles ' - Miaa Ona .Totnlinson MraM. W. Cronin 7 Mra. Frank McMeefetMisa Loise Willring Mr. 1. N. Harmes- , - 7 Mrs. R. Matthewaon Mrs. F. H.'Whitefall Mra. Dorothv C. Hod son H-.C. Parson . : S. Tessie Rhodes 7 "' '(. on any of onr instruments to take same instrument to all buyers, and ' . COMING EVENTS. The E. B. R. R. elnb baa Issued In vitations for Its April party at If aw Woodmen's hall. Bast Sixth and Alder streets, for tomorrow, evening. The In vitation bears also an announcement that their "faithful little striped horse will ba a thing of tha past after May T; that upon that - evening ths braying quintet will give their last, thaw fare well party." w 7 - Dr. Esther C Pohl has leaned eartfe for a recaption In honor of Dr. Anna Shaw, Tueaday evening, April I, at 11 Williams avenue. s PERSONAL ' Mrs. Lewis Alderman of McMlnnvtlle spent ths week with her parents. Dr. and Mrs.' 8. J. Barber., at (OS Tamhlll street. Her little daughter, Ruth, waa with her. - - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Allen spent sev. era! days in Salem laat weak visiting relatives. Misa Beaela Kelley of ' Oregon City visited frlenda in . the eltyj the latter part of the week. , :-. The Misses Helen and Jessie Raid, who came from England early last fall to spend tha winter with their aunt. Mrs. J. Thorbum Ross, loft laat Week to attend the commencement exercises at Stanford university. Mr. and Mra 8. W. Herrman have returned home after a eeveral weeks' trip In California. Miss Myrtle Kays of Eugene has been visiting frlenda In thla olty. Mr. and Mra Arnold Levy of 464 Eaat Couch street celebrated their second wedding annlveraary on Tueaday last. Mr. and Mra O. F. Paxton visited In Eugene last weak.- WOMAN SUFFRAGE - ' DISCUSSED Bible Vs. Womaa Saffrago. Portland. Or., March St. To the Edi tor of Tha Journal Permit me to call the attention of woman auffragiata to the fourteenth chapter of Flrat Cor inthians, tha third chapter of tha First Epistle of Peter, tha aecond chapter of the Flrat Epistle of Paul to Tlmtohy. ... WORKINOMAN. A Mail of WaaMl mifkta. McMlnnvtlle, Or., March 10. To' the Editor of The 'Journal In an address by Dr.'. Wilson. - delivered at the union ministerial meeting . In Portland last December I. published In the Psclne Christian Advocate ot February IS, Dr. Wilson takes up - tha eharge made In tha Declaration of Independence agalnat King George that "Taxation without representation la tyranny" and tries to prove that It, haa - no bearing on the woman'e rights question. At the same tlma he Ignores that Immortal prin ciple written In the same declaration, "that all governmante derive their jual powers from tha oonaea! of the gov erned." It a womaa poaeesses prop- ,- I , 1 T, t" Carl J. Homme, Olendale, Of.., Miss Bessie 3. Matthews. Sprarue. O. Haga, Boise, Idaho Edgar E. Coursen, 668 Lpvejoy St., R. C. Flemming : Misa D. Liea Mra, Irene Hubbard. Jesse E. Lucar Miss Vera M. U. Tony,. . I. R. More Alvina Armand T. S. Jansen . Marguerite Burrich -. . Mra..E. B. Rapp 'Mrs - Clarence E. CrewsotMiaa Mae Kelton -. Mrs, A. H. Campton Misa M. Kelton Mrs. U K. Uarley . - Mra. c, K. Miptei with a brobosition alotisr similar linea care f any prize certificates that have that price ia the very ktweat " arty, it la assessed, and taxes are levied upon it. If ahe falla to pay thoaa taxes, the sheriff levies oa her property and sslls it. by virtue of a law In making which she has no" voice. If aha le ao euaed of oiime she Is put In jail and triad tor har offense, convicted and sen tenced to prison, and sometimes to death, by laws and. courts and juries tn creating which ahe has no voles. Dr. Wilson will have to concede to women equal political rights with man or re nounos the foundation principle upoa which American liberty rests. - Doae Dr. WUaon envy the ctvtHaattoa of India and China, where woman Is not granted' a single right, where they are only tolerated? Dr. Wilson would deny the women the right to vote because ahe Is unfitted to perform polios and military duty. If we deny woman the right to vote for that cauae, why not deny man tha right to vote for the same eauask Are all men fitted to perform military dutyt Not by any moans. In the elvll war out of 1,900 clergymen examined 00 failed to fill the bill. Wouid Dr. WU aon be willing to place the government wholly In the hands of those men who can pass' the examination to enter the army? John L. Sullivan, Corbett, Fits Simmons, Jeffrtee and others of that typo would In all probability paaa that examination. ..' ' The political enfranchisement of women Is bound to come. It belongs to tha evolution of civilisation and en lightenment. It can no more be atopped than you ean eweep back the tides of the ooeen. . MILT. RICHARDSON. "I Newt for - Good Dresser. As Easter approaches and mother earth takee on har new gown of green. It revives that . touch of nature that makee all the world akin. What v to , wear and where to get It aVe paramount queatlons In every-man'a and woman's mind. The boys ss well have that, aprlng feeling for something new and the following fashions ara .positively correct, as dic tated and executed by Hackett. Carhart Company. Blue aergea will ba ae peclally popular tha coming season. They are ahown In the. narrow and me dium wide i wales frdra the very deep dark bluea to tha bright navy, and will be worn almost exclusively ss a dark suit for street and business wear. Tha grave will be a atrong favorite on ac count of their wear .biding propenal tlas. ' Thts wtll' aW be a notable season for wash snd fancy' vesta both double snd single-breasted. Hsckett, Carhart tk Company are offering their producta for tha flrat eeason In the Pacific north wast through the Chicago, the big store In .the middle of the block. It to 71 Third, between Oak and Pine. . CHICAGO BUYS LUMBER : FROM EASTERN OREGON - (flperfal Dtepatc to The Jberoel.) '' Bakar City, Or., March 11. Tba great Increase In the - demand for Oregon white pine lumber Is keeping the Bakar City . and Bakar county mllla running overtime. Every vacant tract of tim ber available le being entered and de veloped. Eastern money la buying tim ber In targe tracts from the railroads and original entrymen.. The Oregon Lumber company, Stod dard Broa, the .Wisconsin . A Oregon GRER7 CONTEST T"v" ,-r r 't vr""! i I! t, . , . , Avc&pokane, wim, '.... n.s.ii,.. River; Wash. ............ ...1. Wash Portland .."J. J. Lythe HoTlaoRev. D. H. Mover Mra. Anna Marshall C. Townser Mra. H. A-'Greiner- Miss Alaa Burkhardt Mrs. W. W. E. Soar. Mrs. Emma C Doaing Miss N." Reeber VV.; E. Stearns ; A. L. Dermar Miss Hilda Riegel ; Mrs.. A. B. Robertson Mrs. Archie DeVaua U Mrs. N. F. Resnor Mrs. F. E. Owener - Hiss Helen Kopser 7 S. B. Stout : . Miss Vcrna Merers - Miss Luctle Zurke-- - .Vi conducted recently by other concerns. been isaued. Our retail prices are positively the same as heretofore; ene. . V " ' . iviTec r v . EILERS PIANO HOUSE 3S1 Washington Street ' , Lumber company, Shockley and several smaller ooneerns are shipping shop lumber and ordinary gratia a aa fsr eaat aa Chloago and Milwaukee ae fast as cars ean ba obtained. Much of the gilt edged material Is manufactured Into saahee and doors -Inzhereast anj re shtppad to Oregon. THREE HUNDRED WOMEN AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE (Annul BpsdU aervtea) - Santa - Cms, Cel., Maroh II. The eighth annual eonferenoe of Pacific coast T. M. C. A. students opened at the Capital hotel today. Three - hundred women were In the mission study classes this morning. POLICY-HOLDERS TO - ORGANIZE IN BRITAIN - (Joaraal Special Service.) London. March 11. Tha Saturday Re view ouggeatg the lnadvlaablllty of par liamentary action in eeeklng financial guarantees from American Insurance companies and suggests that British pol icy holders of the three biggest Ameri can oompanles organise an Independent office here. Do high Ideale always begin at the bottom of the ladder? 11 i.imw 1 id 1. a .f M 7 7 1 .; Read Our Home TesHmonlala. -We Are Not Obliged to Go Back to - Chicago for Our Testimonials. . ; A WORD FROM A PORTLAND LADY 7 I am very glad to recommend Dr. Lchr'a Hair Diacovery, as I had a most serious case of dandruff and my scalp itched so bad I could not sleep at night. ' After using one bottle I am now entirely free from both, and the new hair is coming in thick. I have Used many other tonica with no good results. I would not take $20 for the bottle I now have if I could not get another, m . v MISS LAURA PETERSON v,-r. ' . - 431 Main St, Portland, Of. -j So writel B. W. Fiaher'of the Fiaher Music Companyi-"I have need most all kinds -of hair restoratives, but found none that would do any good until I tried Dr. Lehr's, it having removed my dandruff, stopped mjr hair falling out and grew In the new hair thick where I waa once very bald. .... "B.. W. FISHER, 190 Third St, Portland, Or." ? SOLD IN PORTLAND ONLY BY ; OWEN RUSSELL, Outside of Portland ask your druggist or barber. If be hasn't It, write to Owen & Russell. 502 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Agents wanted in all towns of Oregon and Washington. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8:30 p. m. Insist on Dr. Lehr's; take no other. 1 Sun days, 10 a, m. to 3 p. m. 1 ' "se-- v- W , .. 1 -f : , - :S 'it ieriaiat'! . yr- r-r-r .-.-...-..t,u ..,..1,075- - ......i,u ,...;i.07d ....1,069 1 Mrs. Chas. S- Wilbur Mrs. 'A. C. McOorey Miss Fannie Person Mrs. A. C McOavfn , Mrs. Geo. H. Jackson Mra. C F. Kolkouff 7 B. Worthton - Mrs, Frank Golhe AH prizes possess genuine value: Sign of the Golden Eagte. The Golden Eagle, the new ment store on the northeast eorner ot Third and Tamhlll streets, held an suspiciously successful opening laet ' evening. -.The store wafgrowdea througHee t the evening and eaoh visitor wsa pre sented with flowers. The excellent pro gram rendered by Newman's famous band and tha display of handsome goods provided a faeat for eyes and ears. -'' During the pas SI days the stora has been completely -remodeled - and . eon,. verted Into an up-to-date department! store. Plata glass show windows add-' to ths general appearance of tba ex-, terior and throughout tha building the) -transformation la completer Although centrally . and . convenient ly located - for f hoppers the Gold en Eagle la outside of the "high rent" ' district and can therefore offer Its clientele the advantage on all . lines. - While not a hundred feet dlatant the busiest eorner In Portland this de partment store can afford to give its patrons better prices than aay competi tor because of the aavtng through low rente and economical managemment. 'That the new department atore Is welcomed In Portland te amply proven by the Immense erowd that thronged the store last evening, and many expres slona at congratulation, for tha membera -of the firm and axclamatlona of pleased surprise over the handsome lines dis played Indicate an awakened Interest In Portland's new department 810x01 ' ' Dr. Lehr's ; Hair Discovery Removes dandruff, atop, itching of the scalp, and will positively grow the hair on tald head. We gTftw the hair and tnen collect the money. It imm "itely atop the hair fall ing sjb-t- r y 9