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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
. SECTioii "nyo - :VJ'jJ pages is to 28 PORTLAND, : OREGON, ' SUNDAY - MORNING, 1 APRIL L 1908. 11 K ' l f f 1 1 II 1 1 ll II I " I I 'I-W . I f III 'l II ii ii n iiii i i ii - i v ' . . i "i h i ii ii ii lilliltiy " A ILULa 11 WOMEN'S Sc"H0SE25c ipaiiMim now. . Black Gauss Lisle How, finished foot; sises . and.Ott only; regular tim; -&c; speoial.tbe pair.. ....254 WOMEN'S 50c HOSE 35c Mparts! Hn Floor.- Black Richelieu Ribbed Llala Hose, . spliced heel, double soles; . regular value 60o; special, the pair 854 Store Opens 8 A. hi. Fith, Sixth and Washington Sts. Store Closes 6 P. M. A MIGHTY CONGRESS OF SURPASSING SPECIALTY SHOPS WOMN'S 50c HOSE 38c Special jrint Floor. . Bltok Uc Lisle Hose, with em-' broldered boots. .Imported; regular value too; special, the pair. ,..,..384 ; CHILDREN'S 35c HOSE i9c Special .Tin Floor. ' Children's Black Ribbed Cotton 1 Hoee. ' finished foot,-' double . knee; . regular ' " value J5c; special, the pair. . , . , , ltfe mm? Portland, May: 1926 Inclusive A Unique "Expo"- of Oregon Made . Products Boost Oxegon Made" "Miss L7Bernard ' chiefeu in charge and buyei for Jthe great Second Floor Salons of Dress in the OLDS, WORT MAN A KING Stores, leaves on Wednesday next for New York, her second tripjthis season . since January .Thistrip is made "necessary bythe extraordinary early sale; and un nrecedented demand for the authoriUtivelyTcorrect style gar ments confined to this house locally by the foremost suit and wrap makers of New Tork. Miss Bernard expects to return early in May.l Any commissions entrusted to her care by our patrons and left with her previous to Tuesday evening at tne ttore will receive her special attention. , - ; ; r 7 OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. 'WVJPLAtltfiEVlROS FREDERICK HOLMAN, Father t the "Rose City."' . . GARDENERS! A WORD WITH YOU J NEW LIFE FOR PLANTS! A JONIC FOR LAWNS tm --- .:t9 J. w w oonora 50 c RVve secured the sole sellln agency for Portland of this wonderful "New Life of Nature." ' "Bonsja" la need ana recommonaea uj xnm omma ardener of the White Houae srounda at Washington and noted land scape gardeners In the employ of the V. a Government. It Is the greatest discovery of modern time In plant life. It's Nature's plant food and gives new life and vigor to all flowering plants, vegetable, strawberry plants, lawns, trees and shrubbery, etc' Produces a lasting and healthy growth. At the Toilet Sundry Counter, at, caa OOf Enough for a season's ordinary use on small plat, ' miWAY BARGAIN MEDLEY , ' ' Firs Floor. . -" ; . " : ' " And as the French we conquered once. Now give us laws for hats and gowns, The length of eoat.i and the gathers, - .''' Port-cannons, periwigs and feathers. Butler's "HUDIBRAS" adapted. ..... . i- hl list from French Derlwta-a and jnwi anyifiiiis j uv ... - athers to "Tankee Notions- and American Women's Dress Accessories, bandy Hat for Monday shopping bring It with you. Io Cabinet Box Japanese Twilled Writing Paper. Special .....2B . . .. . . ...j. i Ounlal: i . . FketV- : F&ck&fr Square Mp envelope, ojwcmi Rnnka. HDecial .,......,....... 1.. . , . . i . . . 12a ' Solid Wood Back Nail or Hand Bruah. Special tZZ. n . - .i i.i ... IKi x t'elluioid Dressing l omon. " .... 5X1 'ottle Coke's 60c Dandruff Cure. Special ............. -o9 Bottle Pure Witch HU"I. - uprciai jjjv s Box of t Cakes Dermactne Skin Soap. Special......' .....17 onlng Wax makes Ironing easy. Special, I stlcka OJ Biiver-fiuiea inmioi, mi . " - . Wide Work or Tan Shoe Laccs. Special, pair :0ard Black or White Ball and Socket Dress Snaps, Special. ...... .6 ORRECT GOVJIUNG MEMS RIGHT CORSETS "Who seems most hideous when 1 adorned the most." . Arlosto Orlando Furloso. . rhls writer must have 'had ' his nd on the woman with an' lll-flt- corset.; No matter how elegant n perfect the gown, to become the wr It must fit. A perfect corset ' foundation of fit In feminine , Koyal Worcesters are per- L11 Royal Worcester, "Bon Ton" novelty a high bust corset. "i-i models: meetlna all the re- .mvnia or the new snrln vnwna. te" h,,h In 'the bust and are , 10 encsae and, support 'r than in ..i vv Li ,l nd olute comfort as J carry u line of these pop- Pl- with T "e new lluL h new front lacing. "lid corset, to your figure. ,- ERSTER STYLES FORETOLD TO CHILDREN Baby-to-aUaa Salo: eoond Floe. ' tedious la -this darr As Is the night before some festival. To an impatient child that hath new robes And may not wear them." , v. .-"Romeo and Juliet," Act III. Scene I. More tedious',-stilt." . the night before Easter; "to . tbe child' that hath not summat now to don on that festal day. Bring the balma here that they may be elothed with proper regard both to Style and purse. . Se lect here not only the garb for the gladsome Easter festival, but also t.. .. . wi-jrar ozmisTErara moasa awo . - CaTTT.PBXaT'S COVrTJUCATIOV SBJSSSXS. , , Xaf ants' Chnstenlng Booeei' In many dainty and elaborate designs of trimming.. Priced up to .............. j...... 20.00 Chlld-ea'a White ' Ureases . ages Trom 1 to t years, in Mother Kubbard 'or the long -' French waist effect.. Beautiful comblna-. . tlona of fine white gooda, lace and embrol- ' dery. Priced up to..-. i...$25.00 Ohildrea'g Coaflraiatlon Presses A lot of the , ; prettiest garments Imaginable. .Sixes from 1 to It years. Styles from -the simplest to -the most elaborate, at prices within the, reach of every one. i Spring .Beauty in Hew WASHSTUFFS; - .'" -- First Floor. . "Dress drains our cellar dry ' u And keeps our larder lean; puts out our fires, And introduces hunger, frost and woe, Y'v Where peace and hospitality might reign." - ' Cowpei1 "The Task. Bk. , H."r Cowper must hate been a pessimist, else be lived a century too soon. For eould he have feasted his eyes upon the exquisite beauty1 of the 190 Spring fabrics for. women's dainty . frocks and. dresses and noted the prices af fixed .thereon he eould never have written the above. Proof " . - Strikingly BEAUTIFUL Is EASTER - ATTIRE OF STYLISH WOMAN- A Surpassingly Chic Array of Authoritative Modes In the Big Second Floor Salons -".Dwellers In hut and marble halls) r, -. ;: From Shepherdess up to Queen ' ' .'. . , Oared little for bonnets, and leas for ahsiwaa,' . ' - : And nothing for crinoline.' V . But now simplicity's NOT the rage, - J And It's funny to think bow cold -. The dress .they - wore) in- the Oolden Ave ..1 .- l Would seem In the Age of Qold," . Indeed It would ! for the Easter apparel of the 1106 woman Is marrelonaly beautiful Aretborttattva conceptions emanating from the most skilled designers of two continents are) displayed in the great Second Floor Belong of Dress in a splendid and most varied profusion. Hera is a showing- lndloattve of all that's highly proper In the new creations; an expose which strikingly demonstrates again OXJDs WORTMAN at KINO'S position as the style center of fhe Nnrthwert. . . - " " Three Great Advantages This Store's Patrons Enjoy - First, they are assured that everything is In exact -conformity with Fashion's latest mandates. 'A second advantage 1s that the hundreds of models, each differing in expression, have been selected with a refined conception of artistic fitness that Is too often lacking In stocks of ready-to-don garments. -A third advantage Is that we. are In direct-touch with the great. eastern stylo creators who supply only the larger stores of the country, stores with Immense outputs, allowing of the tremendous selling neees. aary to obtain greatest price concessions which unquestionably Insures the lowest possible prices for apparel of the highest class. Demonstration of this advantage Is shown here) daily hourly. The range of price choosing is wide each the best value in Its class. Smart Street SulU'aridvTas ?10.0O, aa good as ?175.00. . T Particularly strong lines of Suits at from $25.00 to $75.00." - ; ';; '" " Chic styles in Coats, form-fitting and tha-swagger-Track Coats in the three-quarter-lengths and box effects, i The" former as low in price as $5.00 and up to $45.00. The sweU Track and Box Coats, $7.50 to $75.00. New Lingerie Waists 7Sf up. J Lace Waists, $5.00 to $55.00. Togo Crep (exclusive with us) in light and , dark colorings, rose pink, old blue with fan, umbrella, -butterfly and other characteristic Japanese designs, for robes and kimonos, at, . yard i ........,................... 1 5 Arlsto Organdie, transparent French styles in exquisite designs at, yard... 20 'Chiffon Crepe in every desirable color and design, patterna exclusive with this house, at. yard . 20 White Llnnette, the new Imitation linen, has the earn e appearance, at, yard... .15 . New White Walstlnga,- yarn mercerised, Pan weaves la dots, stripes and Jacquarda, at, yard............ ..'..1B to BO St. Oaul. Swisses, fine quality, till else dots . and figures,' at, yard.. .....25 to $1.00 .Costume and Shirtwaist Linens, all colors, at, yard ................... .25 to 754 MILLINERY THATS THE VOGUE Every woman In . quest - of a - new : Hat for Easter, owes it to her aelf to .inspect- the - Olds, ' Wort- ; man King dis plays. It's an Interesting raci that no other Portland mil linery e a t a b llahment over showed an equal exposition, either from the stand point of variety or style. It .is tm. HA other local store ever held sucn an imporxan position as arbiter' of styles and setter of vogues. The range of styles is wide. For the first time -in years women? are free to choose becomlngnesa, unhampered by a "period." Now we have an epoch a reign of beauty the rule of oommon sense. - There'll always-be - tendencies as now to - Empire styles; and to hata that either stick out or a tick. In the- -round -crownand-the , sunken garden.' But the story is too long oome and see. This Is the only Portland houae employ ing a New York trimmer, an advantage every woman will understand most readily who de mande the authoritatively correct .We show over 100 imported Hats, another feature in leadership. In addition to this ws show on .. .),. . mh.t ommtndlnf exhibit of smart new creations 'at' 95.00, 96. OO, 97.60 to f 10.00 ever shown by any Port kmiM Come and inspect. We are equally pleased to show or to sell. Hotable Sale of Smart DRESS FABRICS , First Floor Fifth Street Annex. , et thy attyre bee comely, but not costly." . i . . , Lyl "EUPHUES." The cost need not worry .the flattest purse, that participates In thle great bargain offer ing. Two weeks to Easter and these prices will help many a woman who has yet . the "makings" of the Easter gown to buy. Get the goods - to- your- dressmaker tomorrow, plenty of time then to have tbe dress made up for wear two weeks from today. A UlCABXABia laU OF F&rsTO A UMUXB DKXSa OOODB. SILKS to the Fore Fifth Street Annex First Floor. "The glass of fashion and the mold of form. The observed of all observers" j Will be the woman In thT flhlrtwaiat Suit aoon aa the warmer days set In. Shakespeare must have had his mind on the ltos Bummer Shirtwaist Olrl when ha wrote the above lines In "Hamlet" It may seem early to talk about them, but we employ foresight, rather than hlndaight and know that nothing can replace the silk shirtwaist ault for Summer wear ' And 'tis none too early to choose the silks' for thelrf making.- Nothing - takes the place of the Silk Shlrtwaiat Suit, though In Itself It takes the place of many another dress and saves lots of laundry work. Acad of the very apeclal values we Include in . A Three Days' Silk , sjuk,-fot r:;; . A mammoth line of Colored Taffeta Silks of splendid quality and In complete color as sortment; our 5o value. Special for Three Days only. the yard i.eOf - ' ias 911kg for STo. . Every piece of our newest Silks In checked - and striped novelties. . This Is without doubt the chance you have been watching for chooae the silk for your new Easter , gown; our tt.Se value. Special at, the yard J ,,,..... y ...n. , ...8T J0O and S1.SS Sress Goods for Ma A Great Bargain Event never before at-' tempted at this season of the year. Hand some new Dress Goods for Spring and Sum mer wear in Shepard's checks, block checks, , broken- checks. Invisible checks in black . and white, brown and white, blue and white and soft gray shadow effects ; regular fl.00 and 11.25 valuea. . Special at the yard,69f Blaok Dree Goods Worth S1.BS for STo. AI1 our fine Black Dress Goods, as Voiles, Etamlnes, Crepe de Paris, Poplin de Chine, 'Crispins. Mohdelalne, Mohalra, "etc.; our 11.26 value. Special for Three Days only, at, the yard 87 MAN OF THRIFT Finds many bar gains , In our "Man's Shop," but seldom better ones than are offered tomorrow. The buyer - of men's toggery ' found a manufacturer of Shirts who was holding a special sale to clean up his summer line preparatory to starting on the fall "run." We append the result of the "meet" Some hosiery and neckwear bargains to keep the shirt values company. "I see the fashion wears out more apparel than the man." Shakespeare "Much Ado About Nothing." And yet man wears out much apparel and needs much. The -apparel bill Is less for the man who buys at this store. , . - - 1 OMIT BAXS OF KXaTS SWXBTS. Men's Hew Too Shirts c A 11ns of Men's New Spring Shirts, six dif ferent styles In plain tan and blue, plaited tan and blue, also plain tan and -blue, with novelty ' cuffs and collar bands, attached and detached cuffs: ahlrta usually selling at $1.00, but priced here at' 75c. Special on Monday, each ....49f ilea's BSo and See Hosiery 16o A line of Men's Hosiery In black lisle, black cotton and black cotton tops, with white soles'; all sixes; values at t5o and I Bo, Special at, the pair ..-..154 ,' ' MSB's 60s) BTeckwea STo. . A bright new line of Men's. Four-ln-Handa, I; - 2H inches wide Silk moire In wine, black, white.. Reeeda-Allce blua-navy- tan, helio trope and green, with Fleur de Us figures; - regular value too. Special, each 27 TWO GREAT SPECIAL SALES MONDAY SMART NEW $i0 and $12.50 COVERT JACKETS $7.49 ' TRIM and TRIG NEW WALKING SKIRTS, $7.50 and $8.50 VALUES, $5.98 REMARKABLE VALUES In the JACKET . . SALE A fine collection of smartest corset-fitting Covert - Coats In all the Spring's splendid showings. ' Short natty lengths, full aatln lined, with over - - lap seams and smartly trimmed with strap pings and buttons. Some have inlaid collars trimmed with velvets, others with collars of covert with tailored stitching. Still others have notch collars. All are built 1A the short and Jaunty tight-fitting effects and have the modlah coat sleeves favored most by fashion thla season. Best regular flO.OO and 112.60 values. Special Monday at a .' choice for ". ....... 9 7.40 A Stirring Sale of Pedestrian Skirts $7.50 and $8.50 Values at $5.98 Two lots, Just the skirts that every woman wants - at this season, when outdoor life takes a new start when long1 walks should be a part of the . every-day program, when much shopping is to be done, and vacation season Just ahead. Lot 1 . la a handsome Panama cloth creation. In black and navy only, cut In 10-gored style with : plaited panels. Lot I Is in pretty fancy tweeds, light and dark gray mixtures, blue mixed and brown mixtures. Cut seven-gored. In plaited and paneled style. Splendid values in a regular way at the usual prloes $7.60 and 11.60 In a Special Sale. on Monday at a choice for. 95.98 PRIZE PACKAGE zv rn axt srsBourwoax SXOF. ...,...:.....;. ; Innsn) aennnfl 11 nnr , "As good to be out of the World as out of the Fashion." Colley Clbber. No need to be out of fashion when 'tis so easy to he In. The Lingerie Waist Is an In dispensable adjunct to every woman's ward robe this Spring. If you've a bit of tact In needlework we put you In the. way of obtain, ing a superb ; . HMD EMBROIDERED WAIST for READ: Packages containing stamped Lingerie Shirt-' waist of three yards India Ltnon, with suf ficient floss to complete the' embroidery,' full else paper pattern and chart for cut ting and making the waist -Price, complete, each . .91.00 To the Art-ln-Needlecraft During tho past -week -haveicome new Stamped Jacketa. Waists, Hand Bags, Cuffs and Collars for Jackets, Belts. Corset Covers, Chemise, Gowns, Cushion Covers, etc - Fashion and Bargains in ' LEATHER . lt Street Annex First Floor, 'lie U only fantastical that is not In fashion." BURTON "Anatomy of Melancholy." Fashion easy east coat special tomorrow. Bay SO Ooia Fanes for lsa. New style Coin Purse, squars shape, in fine quality soft leather In tan and brown; made with two compartments, with button clasps; " good value at lOo. Special at each.... 194. ' fog Maad Bags Worts sac .' Monday we place on sale a line of Ladles' ' Hand Bags In good quality grain leather. Bags have seven-Inch frames, ball clasp, solid leather handler, la lined with, leather and fitted with coin puree; the black leather bags have gunmetal frames; a good 5o value. Special at each ........... t . . .494. "Buster Browa". Gold Belts In dip front and button - clasp style, . made . of--beet -patent' leather black on under side and rich gold enamel en outalde; our S60 value. Special at each .. 234 ' ' ' 1 : UNUSUAL PRICE MAKING of WOMEN'S UNDERMUSLINS Ann Beooud Floos. . ; , . - ' "You, air, I entertain for one of my hundreds; only I do not like tbe fashion of your garments.' "King LearV Aot, III Many a woman has felt -the same way when looking at the "skimpy"'- and work-slighted un derwear of some stores that .pretend to .carry representative - undermuslin" 'Tinea -- but don't Women are safe In choosing underwear here, for none can enter this store that has not passed 1 critical double Inapeotlon the factory's, and oure. These underrauallns are high class In 'every, way, rhe prices are wonderfully low.,. Will you share the bargains this week. v . r-r-i" Women's S1.00 Gowns flto. ' " Women's Cambric Gowns.- yoke with 14 fine - hemstitched ' tucks, lawn raffle with hem-' stitched edge at yoke, neck and sleeves; or yoke of four rows .of embroidery Insertion, be. , tween four .clusters of v hemstitched tucks, V- shaped neck edged with lawn ruffle; our 11.00 value. Special at eaoh .....694 Woman's SS.00 Gowns SLS. Women's Gowns of very fine Nainsook, made with low square slip-ever neck, and elbow sleeves; neck and sleeves trimmed with em broidery Insertion. Our 12.00 value. Special at,, each .-91.29 ' Women's $11.00 Oambrlo Fettlooata S1.S4. Women's Cambric Petticoats, with extra full 16 inch cambric - flounce, with l-tnch hem and - three clusters of six fine tucks each; also dust ruffle; our 62.00 value. Special at, . each ......... .................... ... 91-84 Womea's TSo Oa Women's fine Cambric Drawers, with s-laoh lawn flounce, cluster of four fine tuoks and fine em broidery edging; our 7 60 . value. Special at the pair 594 In Our Mualln Underwear Stores many new . features are shown. Among them la the adjustable aUrtweAet Dlstenders a necessity with . all Shlrtwalata having the - full blouee effect Prices., each 254 9?.50 Another Bew Feature Is the Three-ta-Ome Gae aaemt Corset Cover, Skirt and Drawers. "'The practical features of thla garment make It almost Indispensable especially for wear with Princess Gowns, There le only one waistband. Made of. fine nainsook and trimmed with fine Valenciennes laces. ... ; ' , ; ' ' '