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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
V 1 o'rEGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 1, 1803. t. '' i ' THE ,1 ' f . --V7--.-- . OF GIVING If" FINE PARLOR FURNITURE LIBRARY AND LIVING-ROOM FURNITURE- :: ?: -T f s extremely simple, liberal, pleasant and convenient,' "and entirely 'devoid , of the hu i.miliating and bucdensome methods adopted by-some houses. -Our credit system has been brought to its present state of efficiency by careful and diligent study and experience. It is with a feeling of pride that we refer, to the hundreds, yes thousands, who have, at some time or other, taken advantage of , and reaped ' th e many benefits of our liberal credit system as ' applied to the furnishing complete of the home7 6r any part of it. We'deem It. an honor tcf ' extend to you at all tinies the full value of coir mottoes, "Your credit is good, "Make your 0wn terms." In extending credit tn nur many patrnns. wt tianot xonsuic-our own convenience but let thera suggest whatever terms of payment are most suitable, and then endeavor to fully meet their wishes. " This baa proven to be the most satisfactory of all methods as re gards the credit installment system." Our cred It customers are not charged an additional , In- CARPETS AND ALL SIZE RUGS V rBtfCK'S STOVES AND. RANGES. DINING-ROOM FURNITURE BEDROOM FURNITURE 7 HALL AND PORQH FURNITURE : mission furniture; terest for the privilege jt using goods . while' paying for same, and thus Is eliminated an ob jectionable feature hitherto practiced by many installment houses. It would require a whole volume to describe in detail what we have to offer In our manyldepartmenta which combine to ", make house-furnishing complete.. At. all Jim es our stocks In furniture, carpets, draperies, ,". bedding and other household requisites represent all that is most reliable and up-to-date. We are pleased at all times to' welcome visitors to our; store, and we proudly jwsertjthat you will be . "deeply interestedinburTTExpolsition of Furniture styles and Home comforts. KITCHEN UTENSILS GLACIER REFRIGERATORS BISSELUS CARPET SWEEPERS HODGES' FIBER CARPETS AND RUGS McDOUGALL KITCHEN CABINETS MACEY SECTIONAL BOOKCASES INLAID AND PRINTED LINOLEUMS : DRAPERY AND UPHOLSTERY FABRICS LACE CURTAINS AND PORTIERES OFFICE FURNITURE BRASS AND IRON BEDS 4 V. ' EVERYTHING IN BEDDING Y0VR CREDIT I II 0000 j WELCH FOLDING BEDS C0MPLETEH065E-FURra511ER5 MAKE YOUR own TERMS) 1 -THE MALLEABLE- RANGES CROCKERY AND TABLE WARE ' ' FOtDING GO-CARTS LAWN MOWERS .... 4? G1RLLESS . 'PHOIJE NEVER LIES l !i : a a. ai r : .. . kiKewisa ii ikovoi viussipsi visits . ': , or Listens, and Is Always :- ; ' ' "': There'. ALL WIRES IN CABLES ' OR LAID UNDER GROUND Plant Will B LarCet in World ' Operated With All-Cable System People Accuttomed to Automatic "Telephones Refuse to Uh Other. if'. " Upon completion of the ' new tela l phone plant now being Installed In this rtty bjr th Home 'Telephone company, Portland will add another Item to the 'list of important matters' In which she l .. . ' .... , . leads. This telephone System will be what Is known as an all-cable plant. By this Is meant on In which prac-. ttcally ail open wires, cross arms and excessive euylns" of poles required In a less modern nlant are done away with, The wires are inclosed In a leadton cable of -suoh else to accommodate t put number of -pairs, from 10 to as many as (00. The cables are suspended on poles without cross srms and the wires, thus protected; ars free from the many an noyances, difficulties and obstructions always present' with open wire construc tion. Rain and hiifh wind have no ef fect upon a cable system. - - -- "'The automatlo Instrument Is as .far superior to the apparatus used by the old companies as an up-to-date liar' vestcr Is In advance of the old reaper and mower. '. The American Bell Tela phone Company, relylns; upon Its monop oly in th field and the adjudication of Us patent rights, put aside the Idea of making- Improvements to gtvs Its pa trons good telephone service, and de voted Its entire energy for almost 20 years to th organisation and perfec tion of a gigantic monopoly of the busi ness. As a result, the old companies ars handicapped in having., large Invest ments In out-of-date and unwleldly equipment, scattered all over the United States. The Independent companies, taking advantage of this condition, have Instituted an active, aggressive competition and are provided with the latest Improved tp-to-date apparatus. The plant of the Home-Telephone Com- .. II ', . V r' I V tc?.o u Team Work Counts a Lot It's the working together of our many stores throughout the country the taking of large fabric outputs at extremely low prices, the exchanging of important Style Information that makes our clothes stand for real -value to you. . . This Spring we've made unusually fortunate purchases and ob tained some very charming fabrics. ' T . , . Blue-grays, herring-bone effects, in black and colors. When the first warm day comes you are going to wish for a Spring Suit or Overcoat, i If you order one now vre can take plenty of time to make it exactly to your taste end you will have it the day you want it. Newest effects in the Spring fabrics. We want you to see them. Suppose you drop In. You win not be asked to buy. Suits $20 tA $50 Overcoats $20 to ISO r. r. ftOODY, Manager ' ' " ' WUXIAM JaRRtMS SONS, frops. ' 108 Third SC. PORTLAND , Mill. Bumslde street, ' la a steel- And rein forced concrete construction and abso lutely fireproof The upper story will be Used for the automatlo switches, dis tributing boards and central : energy plant. ' There will : be ' over 10,000 switches at ones placed In commission. Ait important operating feature In con nection with the use of the automatic Instrument Is that there is no limit to the number of subscribers that emn, be accommodated. pany- of Portlan4 wtll h the larrest In the world equipped with an all-cable system, which Is peculiarly adapted to the requirements of the automatlo in strument, ' Sasy to Operate It, The subscriber with this telephone operates a dial and calls the telephone of the person wanted. Upon the dial are the figures so, arranged that the subscriber Is able to call the number desired, and after the dial rotates to the last figure, after making the required number of electrical contacts, a button Is pressed and the bell of the telephone wanted Is signaled. 1If the line Is busy, you get a musical ' response from the "Busy Buss." and you know It is the truth. Operation of the Automatic Is so simple a child can use the telephone. A blind man at Riverside, California, has no difficulty In Its dally use. The for eigner, struggling with our language. has found a friend in the Automatlo Telephone, as this machine has no trouble In understanding his "broken English." The electrical power used In talking and ringing Is supplied from the central office and not from the batteries which form the unsightly bulk of ap paratus placed In offices and homes by the old system. If accidents befall the line, a signal is automatically given at the szchangs office, , ,. It has been demonstrated beyond question that, after the people become acquainted with . the excellent service rendered by ' the Automatlo Telephone, they will absolutely refuse to use any other. The so-called "girl-less' central or switching apparatus is an Automatlo mechanism - which performs Its func tions and unfailing accuracy. This little machine has no moods: never tires, gossips, visits, listens or Ilea. But best of all. It does away with all human agencies, and the servlc rendered Is absolutely secrst. There ars no "leaky" party lines. , , Handsome Building. : . The Homo Telephone Company Is con structing Its main office and exchange at Park and Burnaide streets. The bulldlnx. two stories and a basement. 01 feet OH Fork street and 100 feet on Strb-excban tr a re - -belli f ""eonst rue ted at the corner of East Eleventh and East Morrison street and on Union avenue, In Albtna. ;. The Alblna exchange will accommo date the equipment of the Long Dis tance Telephone company, which will reach ' the city - subscribers through trunk lines, thereby avoiding the high tension currents In the heart of the city and securing clear lines for long dis tance service. Kwk Wire VndsrgTouad. The Home ' Telephone company has placed more., undergrounds construction In the otty than Is required by its fran chise. There are about 11,000 miles of copper wire!, underground, with almost as much th aerial cables In the system. There are 130.500 duct feet of conduit and 06.000 lineal feet of trench In the underground system, and Portland manufacturer has furnished all the ma terial used... , The company, having been refused a franchise by the common council of the city, submitted, at great expense and inconvenience. Its case to the people at the munloipal election, held last June- and a right to do business was granted the company by an overwhelming ma jority. A total of 11,104 people voted for it and 80S against it. - The policy of the ' Home Telephone company la to enlist the encouragement and substantial support of local people In the operation of Its Business. Al ready a great number of Portland people have taken substantial- holdings. The Home Telephone companies of Los An geles, Ban Diego and other points In California, as well as la the eastern and middla states, can be referred to as showing that the policy of this com pany is well advised. . Some Zndnstriee ltronisd. In the construction of the plant, Port land industries affording materia) and labor have been patronised. Nothing that can be obtained in Portland is sought elsewhere. The National Securi ties company of Ixs Angeles and the one most Interested In th construction and management of this plant Is repre sented by Louis J. Wilde, who has of fices in the Lafayette buUdlng, corner Washington end Sixth streets. J; The temporary headquarters of the Home Telephone company is at No. 106 Colum bia building, and the warehouse Is lo cated at Thirteenth and Johnson streets.' The construction work is In charge of William M. Godfrey. The Home Tele phone company Is an Oregon corporation with its principal place of business -At Portland. It Is now constructing an in dependent plant at Albany and has franchises at Balem and other points in the Willamette valley. ' .- , About 0,000 subscribers have been al ready secured and the management Is receiving applications rapidly for an early Installation of the new service this fall - i Fanners who have heretofore been re fused telephone service and connection except on an unfair basis, with the Old company,- are welcoming the telephone competition. - - - - The ' Northwestern Ixmg ' Distance Telephone company1 has been organised and is prepared to construct Jong dis tance lines from British Columbia to California, Work wtll be commenoed in the Willamette valley and - between Seattle and Portland, so that when the automatlo system Is "cut In" at Port land, long distance service will be avail able to these points. . FREDERICK WARDE IN V RECITALS NEXT WEEK The educationally Inclined and peopli generally are looking forward with pleasure to the Shakespearean lecture course to be given at the Marquam thea tre by Frederick Wards Monday, Tuesday- end- WednesdayrApTil-,-ie and" It The course will be under the ausDlees of. ' the Knights-of Pythias. Monday wui do isiKs- ugni ana tn eiks will at tend in a body and give the actor a re ception after the lecture Tuesday win be Knights of Pythias' night, when that order will also give Mr. Warde a re ception after the lecture. A special matinee will be given Wednesday afternoon,- especially to accommodate the schools of the city. The full program IS si follows: Mon day, "The Wit and Wisdom of Shakes peare's Fools": Tuesday, "Damon snd Pythias"; ' Wednesday matinee, The Women of Shakespeare"; Wednesday night (recital), "Julius Caesar." Mr Warde'e visits to the Amerloan Cities during this tour have been triumphs. DR. BR0UGHER J0 TALK " ON STORE GIRL PROBLEM Dr. X Whttcomb Breughel will dis cuss tonight at the White Tenlrple the question, "The Store Girl; Can She Live on Five Dollars a Weekr This Is one of a series which Dr. Brougher hss been giving on several classes of girls, snd their peculiar trials and temptations. For this particular sermon he has been making some special investigations, and has interviewed a number of the young women employed in' the largo stores as clerks, as well as the managers of the depsrtment stores. He has also ob tained the opinions of stenographers, and other young business women. He has received a number of letters on this and related questions, from interested young women. - .. WOODBURN HAS BUT ONE TICKET IN FIELD . fc . a .. (Special Dtsateh to The yoarnsl.t Woodburn, Or., March SI. But one ticket will be voted upon at the annual municipal election next Monday. The ticket selected follows! 1. M. Poormaa; eouncllraen, R. H. goott , I? Qua. ity and Style Combine to make the -: - ALFRED BENJAMIN Line of Correct Clothes for Men the most popular " line sold today Suits $20 fo $35 Topcoats $20 to $35 Ve are Sole Portland Agents 311 MORRISON ST., 0pp. Postoffke' C -s Tobth Troubles TaRc Wings . Before the almost magical touch of expert dentist We are past matters i the dental art and strive to make yoi"i mouth beautiful and comfortable, so fr as teeth no. with the least oossible pai" in drawing or filling, or otherwise attend ing to your mouth's proper equipment Callfof details. ; j WISE BROS. Veto SOtS. V Thlre aaa WasktaftM- Opea ermines god Svadars. ' Work SoM easy Mr mint. . f . and Franole Feller, for two years; II. D. I recorder, J. J. Hall; treasurer, S. C Brown and P. Whitman, for one year; Berry; marshal, Amos Beach.. j