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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
Tin: OREGON StniDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY 'MORNINO. APRIL t I80&Y The Leading Opticians1 of ihe Pacific Uorlh- . vesf . .'The more you look for a handsomer or more' stylish or better made Suit, than the illastration shows, the more you won't find it. y ; ; . , " V . , , It's a Hart, Schaffiier C6V M7 Varsity7and there's . nothing to equal it anywhere in this city but in our store ;' or on our customers. ' y.r,iZ j2'ztfi """S""SSBBC3"l v .y " ' - -' ' r' 1 ' ---- - Mafchionest of Londonderry E Keero Elevator Boy . Charges r;MW. Charlotte Beat .MimT ' . -"Black and Blue.'V CHARGED WITH BEiNG ; " v , rzrr: PUBUC NUISANCES. Xatherine PoUlonMade Her Debut When She Sued W. Gould Brokaw , for Breach of Promise Other Sit ter Is Athletic' T"-'7-)' i ... (lptU Ptapatek br Lmm Wire ta Th IootmI) jvw xortu March 11. Tba slstare Polllon war arrested ' yesterday end rraisned Iq the Jef ferspn Market police eourt on : the charge of being publle autiences. Aealnst. the vouneer. Iflse Charlotte Polllon. a, chares of sauult arse, -made ly a ascro elevator boy at their hotel. wno eald that . he bad beea beaUa "black Und blue." . ' . . ' Ulse Katharine Polllon. who. com pered with her sister, la mild In man ner, made her debut In the eourt circles we years ago when she sued W. Gould Brokaw. a member of a wealthy rura lly, alleglna- that he had broken hie promise to wed her. She has since appeared In a continuous specialty in supplementary proceedings to and On ner way to those leral matinees, when she was always escorted by her sister, wno is addicted! to physical . culture. Sometime they encountered an of ficious photographer who wanted enep (hots or - money - and Hiss Charlotte struck right and left, altering features w Bisters movea to xar eansow, hlch ie a quiet family hotel, last Oo tot, paid for a month's rent In ed vince and signed a year's lease. They nd not been there long before things fn to occur. Three waiters, whose Mnrlees were unsatlsfafitory, were put light. Martin Bell, night clerk, who 4 expostulated with the Poillone for piuu no SISTERS P TROUBL TYPE p, FOUR-CYLINDER TOURING CAR. ' Franklin motors give you "actual ready Constant power under real road conditions. Frank-, n cars are American roads-strong, light-weight, simple' and supple; neutralizing' the jars that usually "Waste power, making speed comfortable and safe; free from water-cooling burws; economizing fuel and tires. . , . This JD car does all that any other "thirty" can do and for far less money. , Before you buy a mere paper rating come and see the can of real power and ability. ' . , . Four-Cylinder Runabout .". . . . . . .'. . . .81,500 , Four-Cylinder Touring Car . T.rrr. . 7.82,050 Four-CyUftdet Light Touring Car.. .. 91,000 Slx-CyUnder Touring Car..... ....... 4,150 "! d mepnlt Deoartmeat. ft i bet. glzth sevea ta. In Hr Famous Jewels, entertaining guests beyond the hour prescribed by the rules, escaped an at tack of the younger alster by calling In two polloemea : from ' a -neighboring Utlon. .'... Mark Hewett, proprietor of the Bar stow, served notloe on the Polllon girls last Tuesday that their apartments should be vacated.' - Both of the sisters returned home at 11:10 o'clock JWednee day and the ' elevator boy, Thomas Dumbs, refused to operate the car. The young woman, with one blow, sent him against the grlllwork and seised the controller. . She ran the ear up to the twelfth floor, guiding It with one hand andbeatiag Oumbe, according o bis account, with, the other.. - In the police court the sisters were held la $0S each, oa the charge of be ing a publlo nuisance. r INDIAN TIED TO TREE; .; TORTURED BY.COMPADE (SmHsI Dtopetek by Uastd Wire ts Tee tVemal) Visa 11a,' March St. A hunt is being made for the two Indiana who on Sunday last tied Jese Calhoun, another Indian, to a tree and tortured him for aa hour or more by sticking knives Into his flesh and beating him with clubs and kicking him In the ribs and ktomach. one of his eyes was gouged Out by hie assail ants, and be was fearfully cut about the head and face.. News of the affair was not received until Boon today, when Cal houn was brought to the county hospital in this city from the hills and placed there-for treatment. A superficial . ex amination showed that several ribs had been broken, beside the other Injuries mentioned. . , Calhoun had obtained a quantity of wine, -and because he refused to let oth ers drink from hie Jug he was seised and bound to tree and later tortured. Hie aeeallants, who are known as "Indian John" and '"Four Bits." after fearfully using him, returned later to complete their work by killing him, but were pre vented, by relatives of Calhoun and a white man named Williams. - HEAVY GALE IN STRAITS OF SAN JUAN PE FUCA . ... ' ..... 1 J ' ' """TSpaiTblepatea- U' The " JoornaLl Seattle. Wash- March II. Word tiaa been received by the Fuget Bound Tug boat company that a south southwest gale le blowing with great "velocity rn the straits ol San Juan de-ruca. ves sels at Port Townsend, Neahbay and Royal Roads are staying In the harbor, fearing to venture out. Thle le all the Information received. ; r 3 csr: . a . - T T rrr a se a t mt u-m sotb $t. Oregon Optical Co. mn M0xanm pmcxjr, ITS roturtk mu, T. M. O. A. Blag. . SXAMZVATXOV I TO GUILD ROAD TO FAIRDAr John Roeene Anftounoes Work Will Start at Once oh New . ... Alaskan Rallroade. TAPS MINERAL BELT,' ALONG COPPER RIVER Another Line Wfll Ron Along Sewmrd Peninsula From. Norn to Kotsebue Sound - Steamer. line to Connect With Seattle. -IT " " (Special Dispatch by teased Wire ta The Jonrmal) San Pranolsco, March II. John Re sene of Seattle, a representative of enor mous shipping interests lp the north west and a member , of the company holding the American Russian conces sions, announced at the-PalaeS hotel this afternoon hie plane for building up the trade of the northwest with Alaska and for the Immediate construction of rail ways which will to pen tip a tremendous new territory along the Tan ana river. Hie plana will be begun at once, end their completion, will greatly benefit both Alaska and the United States. Rosens will go north In a few days and begin the-construction of the Val des and Copper River railroad. This line will start at the seaport town of V aides, and run tip the Copper river to the Interior city of Fairbanks, a place that even with the wretched transporta tion facilities It now has has attained eon slderable growth because of the wealth of the mineral deposits surrounding. It. Along the Copper river are vast cop per deposits, ss yet barely touched be cause of the lack of transportation fa cilities. , It will take many months te finish this long line, but Rosene Intense to build It substantially, so that the trains may run daring summer and win ter, v.:..,.,., . .... - - Rosene also has another railway, the Immediate construction of whloh he an nounced yesterdsy. . He will build the Seward Peninsula railway from Nome across to Kotsebue sound, a distance et OS miles. This Una will also Up a riaid or great mineral weaitn. To in erease the trafflo with Alaska and te properly handle the trafflo he now con trols Rosene has recently purchased four steamships, which he will operate from Seattle..-Theee four are the Orlsaba, Yucatan. Saratoga and the Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania haa been cent from New York around the Horn and la eg. pec ted to arrive in San Francisco la a few days. WOOL BEING STORED IN HEPPNER WAREHOUSES (Sperlal nispatrh te The JoonuL) Heppner, Or., March IL Wool Is be ginning to ' arrive at the . warehouses here, where It will be stored until the sales dsys In the latter part of May and the first of June. A large crop will be produced In thle county this year, and very little le being contracted, stockmen preferring to bold until the sales days, when It will be sold to the highest bid der. " . - : " N. a. Whetstone, a stockman of thle vicinity, has recently purchased a eheep shearing machine, .which he will-put-in operation on hie ranch thle spring. Shearing can be done much faater and a much larger percentage of wool can be gotten with these machines than by shearing by hand. :XXZ33IEX3 ,v- n on Five passengers ; air-cooled motor j .1-speed sliding jrear transmission ; 20 , "Franklin horsepower"; disc clutch ; force-feed oiler on the dash ; 100-inch wheel bsse ; 1,800 pounds ; 45 miles per hour; full head and tail-light; equipment. 1- ----- r Dotft Duy; Imasiitiuy Service - With Real Money Portland, Crt We are showing an extremely large line, of Blues, Plain and Fancy Grays in the very latest styles. $12.50 7 Corner Third MONEY FROM VICE Gambling Closed In King County . and Georgetown Residents ' Must Now Pay Taxes. POOLROOM AND SLOT- . : MACHINES WILL RUN Unwillincness to Bear Public Cen sure on-Stump Next Fall Causes Administration to Issue Order to , Stop Games That Furnished Funds. fgnaalal MsDateh a The laersal. V - Seattle, Wash., Mar ah IL Gambling eeaaed In King eounty for the first Ume In twe decades at midnight when the Totem gambling club at Georgetown cloeed Its ' doors under orders from Prosecuting Attorney Mackintosh. Three weeke age that official notified the gamblers tb hereafter the statute making the operation of gambling re sorts a felony would be strictly en forced. The gambling nail has been op erated at Georgetown since the gamb lers were, drives -out of Seattle two years ago. .. Georgetown collected $110 a month 11 cense from the gambling hall, 115 a month from a poolroom, lass each a year from IS saloons to a population of S.044 people and le a month from each II slot machines. So large was the revenue that the eitlsene paid no taxes. Revenuee from- vice paid the salaries of the elty officials, fire department. oollce end current expenses. - - Gambling wUl not be again resumed whUe the present county officials are In office. Their unwillingness te beer nubile eensura oa the stump next fall for permitting gambling . to 1 run has caused the prosecuting attorney to Is sue hie closing order after he had re fused to Interfere for more than a year. The pool room will etlll run at George town as will the elot maohinee. TIM FLOOD JUMPS TO THE OUTLAW LEAGUE (Soeelal Dtsnatcb by Leased Wke te Tee Joarae!) . Stockton. Cel.. March II. Manaaer MoCradls haa received a wire from Tim Flood that he wlU not report and It le supposed that he haa Jumped to the outlaws. . Manager , stcureaie says ne wUl set a good man Instsad of Flood. Stocktoa park le flooded. The Giants will go to Modesto to play two games tomorrow and Monday, "mike" uu laapte has been released. Charlie Howard has been eold to the Northwest league. Howard was troubled with e sore arm. ritcner vaeicK ie expected te report daUy. McLean is here end will eoon start In training. . . . INLAND EMPIRE MAY HAVE BASEBALL LEAGUE . , , m A (Seeeia! DMpateb te Tee fearaal) ' .Baker City. Or., March IL A move ment hae beea set on foot which, if carried out, will establish en , Inland Emolre baseball league in the Inland oltlee. Baker City Is the chief promo ter of the movement, prominent bust nsss men have elgnlfled their Intention of contributing to this scheme. The league If organised will be made up of professional teams- rrom uaxer city, Pendleton, Walla Walla, Boise and La Grande. ." " . ' , MANY HOMESEEKERS ' COMING TO HEPPNER '' (Special bkBatra te The JearaaL) Heppner, Or, March II. A good a hare of the homeeeekere who are com ing west thle spring are coming to thle piece, some of them desttnsd te the In terior, where they will eltner buy farma or take up government land. It seems that the large possibllltlee for wheat and stockralslng la this ecu n try offer' Sam PAID EXPENSES Spring Suits to $30.00 Rosenblatt & Co. and Morrison Streets DliatEsrtaCU The Chicago Painless Dentists 303 Washington St, i Corner of Fifth St. OppJerldnj ' Hotel -.. SEE THE Special Rates - on Dental Work Full Set Teeth that flt...B.OO Gold Crowns,- 22-K...... 93.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-K.... ..93.50 Gold Fillings ..fl.OO Silver FUlings..:........ 50f , - . , i , . it,. "... . , A 12-year gusrsntee with all work. We " do ' strictly ' as we sdvertlie. Open evenings and Sundays. Bank reference, ' ' CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 2 big Inducements to eaeternere who are making their way te the coast The wheat crops thle eprlng are In fine condition in spite of the late eold nap . which was experienced here and they eet off the agricultural possibilities of Morrow eounty In a very favorable way to all who come in here, to In veatlgate. .. The Commercial club building le near completion. It is being fitted op In modern style and will have a complete gymnasium In connection, apparatus for whloh haa already been ordered. - Muoh od will be done in thle city and eounty by thle body when It le perma nently organised. . . ; v, Ossyrsjbt, Heent News SerrUe, fey Leasee WW te The JewaaLI Belelngfore, March IL Ramore ef 4-the relntrodoetlon -of a reactionary policy In Finland le causing eaeaalnsss here- The Finnish senate 'hae a strong protest against any.ohange In the policy toward inland. a sajtdt torn avsura. Da. fiera In. Pane. . 111., writaai . t nave usea uaiiara s nnow unimmti always recommended It to my frlanda aa i am connaent - mere ie no better made. It le a dandy for burns.' Those who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises. wnicn naai rapioiy wnen Hanaro e nnow Liniment w applfed. It should alwars be kept In the bouse for cease of emerg ency." joe. ewe-, - noia Woodard, Clarke A Co. c I : o-; "O ? fa ( '''.' it f Copvrteht tooby A 5-Pound Wmm Holly Vegetable Fertilizer : ' Tomorrow only, afour store we will ffirt a B-potm3 package of Holly Brand Vegetable Fertlllier as a fre premium with every purchase of three 10c packets of garden seeds. 'V'"' ;'': '"' ' ' Holly Brand Vegetable Fertilirer exactly fits th't needs of truck gardens. .There is no vegetable except celery that does not double in yield when fed with Holly, Vegetable Fertilizer. An important item in Fertilizer Is that your garden does not become contami nated with weeds. Weeds get into the garden. almost entirely from the use of stable manure. , If you want one acre to produce as-much u two, with the same amount of labor to yourself, try Holly Brand Vegetable Fertilizer. v ' We make this premium offer in order to make you acquainted with Holly Brand . Vegetable Fertilizes. Take advantage' of our offer -try Holly Fertilizer on v corner of your garden compare it with the unfertilized portions. - - v .- '. . ; : " TOMORROW ONLY AT OUR STOIUT A FREE PREMIUM V Of a l-lb. packs re ef Holly Brand Vegetable Fertiliser wfth every purchase of three lOo pockets of garden seeds, . Ton may ohoose Lilly 'e finest seed the kind pet 9 ' only la sealed packets, as for Instance, soon specials est . an. malsjee res. . ' . BeMeaeo anaea. - - VtureS gonnd Tom ait o, ZUlirs Blory oabbage, Store, Front and Taylor Sts. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS ARRIVES AT VANCOUVER ' " (ftpwtil Dweetek s Tee Iearaal. Vancouver. B. C, Maroh 1- His Royal Hlghneeo srlnoe Arthur of Con naught arrived In thle elty today en route te England from Japan, Be was received by a civic deputation and pre sented with an addreee of welcome. The line of procession wee tnrongea with people eager to catch a glimpse of the prinoe. The elty le In gala attire. There was a big fireworks display and 111 nm I nation of the city tonight. Japanese toon a prominent part In the celebration. SaUee-Soa Delivered. (8plal Ptapatck by Lned Wh te The Jeerae!) Maw lore, Maron n. -Beaten in its obotructloa tactics at every turn, the Hart Schaffncr 6?,Maii Pacliaoe of the use of Holly 'Vegetable) 9rmm SJsjsee Cone, . sooky rort : Phone Uib 5S1 board ef eleottone today delivered the ballot-boa of tho flfty-flfth election dis trict ef the eeveata assembly district. Kings eounty, to the assembly commit tee on privileges and elections. . WALLA WALLA WILL NOT ' JOIN NORTHWEST LEAGUE (ttpedai Papatrh te The M.) Walla Walla, Wash., March SI. Walla Wall, will not bo a member of the - Northwest league end President Lucas was so notified thle morning. At a meeting this morning IS prominent business men who had subscribed to stock decided te drop the proposition, ss the season was so far advanoed that It would be atmoet Impossible to gel a team together In time. The full amount ef stock bad beea aubeerlbe4 when the notion was taken,