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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1906)
.., --,r :-'.'. ' I L ' J- - 7 ' 'I " V' ; ' ' ' ' 11 ' . V . mm " , af TT - '' TTTT fl ' 1 tVW '. .' : :, . v ; v w the , Oregon Sunday; journal, portlanp, sunuy - muu, Naughton on ths Fighters Notes of tha. Jbumars ag? of Sports Portland Giants In Training at Stockton ' OnsKon-Bred Dog Wins Fame at Easterri Auto World Boxing and Wrestling .Chatter ; Bowling and Baseball Racing and Shorts Ivrythlaf In , Sportdoas AA.MCXA.1 .Shows Juniors Win Points at M. A. A. C nit oe QUIET WEEK t'JIIi. NAUGHTON WRITES GREAT POINTER IS ! GIANTS WILL BE IH TIIE ilUTOISTS ABOUT BOXERS OREGON BRED i rmc iniiti ii . i . - . 7 . .- ... -. . ' Journal's Expert Corresponden Writes Daily Gossip About . Portland's Players. . . , 1 1 MEN TAKE UP SKATING . t FOR EVENING PASTIME Swfceney, Henderson ' and Walter ' I McCredia Picked Out . as Moat Graceful Performers on tha Rollers j " Mitchell Showing .Up Finely. " fll.nt. will bo Jn fine trim whn thejr . . - vr,mna on B&curdar. April 7, te .in with ik.riBher mlstn-Mtlhc iri.. Th. hnr r hOWUlK . UP, in form and th wek Jut ended h nboen a rerr bur -one. Much wa ae- .rompllahed In the paei ". Ci-edle feels quite ' Well eatlafled with h present outlook though at rlret. he "'swa much at out with the weather man. , J or the llrat two week about every time Mac ordered the boye to Jump Into their uniform and set out on the field for practice, old Jupiter Pluvlue .,n.j h nlante end turned -on the 1 npitiklfr. fiut the old man baa prom rJed to fce good from now on and the "Webfootere are put(n la thelf aood '.i-i,- ' . i ' ' ' . n wrdniidav of last week' tha Giant played a little practice . game - h. !uktan liiah achool boya out ..rwi th Htirh school campua. - At the ' end of the fifth Inning the scorer broke Jl pencil trying to get all the runs and base hits down la the book so the nn mum broueht to an end. The Wiah achool boys soored all goose eggs. The Portland brought In something less thsn 20 runs, the exact number doea int matter. Tomorrow. Sunday, the ()ronins will take their second try st h at vk ton California leaguers. The game will be witnessed by several thou .aand fans and as Manager Moretng f the Stockton champions has sworn to take a fall out or tha Slants, mere will probably be a first-class article of ball dished up. ' ; -So far,, the players .have spent most f their time in chasing long files, bat ting against the vsrious pitchers and In Infield nractice. Great, big. husky Mike Mitchell, who raps most of the flies the outfield, delights in making mna ger McCredle -and Jimmy Hale "run ' their heads off after the sphere. The Indications are, that Mitchell will awina a mlahty vlciooe stick this year lie meets the ball hard and drives It ao fpr that you can't hardly see It By : the war. Mitchell has trained down to 1 IS Bounds and be declares -that he never felt better. Mike too On coflsld- erable weight laat year, at one time tlp ping the scales at 100 pounds. , The colts which have been rounded up by MoOredle are showing up well and there seeme to be no reason why every .ont of them shouldn't do well la fast , company. Moors, the Columbus univer sity twlrler, will probably develop Into one of the fnstent men in the league. Just now McCredle Is using him mostly on third bste. Moore will cover the sack up until the third week when the mants will go to Los Angeles. Then Jud Smith, will fall In and take his regu Ut .berth at the dlffloult corner and Morirewlll be assigned to pitcher's duty. Ths other three young pitchers, Mer I kle. Howard and Gillespie, who are be ting tried out by McCredle, enow every Valgtt of making good. Ail three of these boys Jiave nice breaks o their-belli 'and ' they are developing considerable ' Speed. Merkle Is a San Jose pitcher who has gained considerable experience ,ln the bushes. Gillespie made a good . record pitching up around Grass Val ,,ley Inst year.. Howard pitched for Sa 'lem In the Oregoa-Stat -leagues -He made a fine Impression at Lodl two 'weeks ago in. ths gams with tha Stock ton leaguers, Tim Flood is expected to strive al most any day to take charge of bag No. - (. - He wired - MeCredle-tieerly- a -week ago that he was coming from Denver. Meanwhile Win French is taking care " pt the second station and he is doing ome -remarkably good work. French :can play Infield well enough to "satisfy .' any one and no fears need be enter tained if it becomes necesssry to as-Urn- Win to bag duty during a atnob ' this year. Bert Jones' Is getting his 'arm In groat condition and he says that -, he Is aolng to pitch some good ball this '. year. " Toren." ths pitcher McCredia ae- cured In that deal with Los Angeles last , year. . shows ths greatest speed of . all the pitchers. Every time he shoots the ' lall over It leaves a trail of smoke. ; Mike Fisher has said that in Toren .Portland sot a pitcher of unquestionable .ability. The indications are that the ; raisin msgnate will have cause to change I liis opinion when the Raisin Eaters at - tempt to swing, on- some -of Toren' e fast - ones at Fresno when the season Opens. Den Henderson and Enoch Callff are , throwlnr some pretty nloa curves out at Oak Park every day..-' . : Pat Donahue, the new change catcher , Imported from the-New York Stat league, where he played with Utlca. la 'proving a great find. He is a heady .i man behind the bat and his throwing to the bases la good for sore eyes. Btg ; larry McLeea will have to extend him Melf In order to hold his own with Dona- hue. y- - .- -. ; ' Pet Lister, the new first bsseman ' from Rock Island, is being - closely ' wstched and' McCredle I quite enthu siastic over his showing. Litter Is a , marvel at covering the bag and he has A gooti position at the bat. He la a ball player from the ground up. . . All nf the Giants have made a big hit with the Htockton public. They are a fine, sober' snd gentlemanly lot and nothing but words of praise are heard for th boys on all side. Dome of the boys have mad great hits with th la dle and , when the Webfootera pull their stakes they will leave many sad dened hearts behind.' - Several of th players pass much of their spar time dujvn at the skating rinks. There Is hsrdly a night that you' ean't find Shortstop Sweeney down St ' the Pavilion rink. Th roller ska4ln fail has taken Stockton by storm - and - the Giants have caught th favor good and plenty. They say It is flno axsrclse and that It la proving a great benefit ta them. - Mitchell. Sweeney. French, Jlenderaoa and MeCredl ar among th ! skaters la th bunch. Los Angeles at Present Is Storm f Center ; of Pugilistic Endeavor.-.' - i '.vrr'. . .: ; :"- CANS AND NELSON MAY NEVER MEET IN RIN0 Internal Trouble in Fight Trust May . Result in San Francisco Having No ' Contests for Several Months Gans May Box Turner at Sacramento. Bv W. W. Nsughton. Special Diuatck by Leased Wire la The Journal) San .Franolsco. . March II. Ioa An geles Is surely tha storm .center of pugilism Just at present.' Th deadlock In th San . Francisco fight trust is water -on -th wheel of - Promoter Mo- Carey of the southland, and Ilk a wis fellow, he is making th most of his opportunity.: With Jimmy Brltt booked for on match and Battling 'Nelson for another and with Abe Attell and Frankle Nell algned up for a third attraction. It seems as though th Queensberry tree has been "rifled of Its , most . tempting plums. :...! or course- there is a better cam in alght than any of these, but from pres ent Indications th chances ar about one in a thousand of its ever being ar ranged. - - f mean - Battling -' Nelson and Joe Gans. Of course, if one view the sltuatloa from the highly moral standpoint, Gans hasn't a vestige of right to consldsra- tlon. When .it suited his purpose he made no bones of sdmlttlng that he had figured In several queer fights, and man who owns up to work of that kind should not complain If he is forced to stand in the background and watch hi chlckena coming home to roost ' A 'part of Gans' defense is that lspsee of tha kind he confessed to have been condoned In others, and he is right. For this reason alone there are any number of sporting men who think ' that tha colored fighter should be given a ohano to redeem himself. -t - In th contests he has had. sine h earn west with th ostensible purpose or beginning all over again with a clean slats, ha baa fought like a Trojan and his splendid workmanship ha compelled admiration from many who -are preju- I diced against him on account of his past icoro. . .( SCeeta Many JPatrosa. ,T In my dally -walka I meet a sufficiency of fight patrons to be able to form opin ions as to what Ideas are popular among sports of that class and I have no hesi-J tanoy In saying . that a Gana-Nelson match would prove a bigger attraction than any other puglllatio event at pres ent In sight Th majority of San Franciscans ap pear to think that Gans Is sincere in his protestations and that his desire -to box th Dan ia born of an ambition to f-prov that he la a real champion of his class and not of a wish to msk a kill ing by devious methods. It is equally certain that Nelson's claim that it Is the odorous reputation borne by Gans that stands In th way of a contest is not accepted as bona fide. Th plain truth of th matter la that Nelson' attitude towards Gsns has caused the durable Dan to appear a good deal less of a hero In tha eyea of number of lovers, of ring pastimes. When tha Battler was fighting his way to th front he was viewed aa a fellow who asked no quarter and gave none- human fighting machine, who, when lir action.-tiever asked tha time of day or the distance Traveled."- , When X Beat Brits. - When,' he crowned a splendid record defeat by hammering Jimmy Brltt to at Colma he was regarded aa th .fighter of The" century t his weight and it was believed tUst he would never back water or split hairs when ' required to meet a pugilist on a pound for pound beats. Well, you csn bring a horse to tha pond. but cannot make him drink. - The only thing ia that as long as ths shadow of Gans falls sthwart the lightweight scene. Nelson and th other men in that; claas should be frank enough to admit that they ar only boxing for the fvloe- ohampionshlp. At the present-writing it la doubtful li San Francisco will have any boxing fault la with - tha truat. . Tntarnafllne 1 strife has brought about a condition of affaire where. the trust members meet, have th minutes of the previous meet ing read and then adjourn. Tha trouble.- it ia understood, is over the appointment of a matchmaker. Cof- I froth wants tha Job and ao does Morris . Levy. Whenever the question la Intro duced "Coffroth snd Brltt vot on wsy, ' while Graney and Levy take the other end of It The Individual members of the trust discuss matches out on th street, but never In meeting, end unless the warring stockholders agree upon someone- to arbitrate their differences. the tie-up is liable to laat th whole year. ' ; L O'Brien, ana Borger. ' t'noff Iclally the truat has been talk ing of matching Jack O'Brien and Sam Berger. The latter, blows hot and cold alternately In regard to turning profes sional, but th latest Is that he will agree to fight O'Brien in May If the "proper Inducements:' are offered. He pleads that he Is as fat as a whale and that he could not get ready to enter the ring before Msy. The generst opinion is that if the trust would settl Us dif ferences and get down to a working basis there would be little difficulty in bringing O'Brien snd Berger together. A Sacramento matchmaker ia working up a go between Joe Gana and Rufe Turner and matter have progreeaed to a stage where It Is regsrded ss certain that the two colored llghtwelghta will box in the city named next month. APOLLO RINK WILL ' HOLD SPECIAL RACES ; Beginning Monday night at th Apollo rink a series of six-day races will be etarted. All th 'entries-win be pro fessional racers.' ; Among those already listed are:" Harrison of Seattle, La Mont of Sacramento, Brent of Minne apolis. Borann of St. Louis, and Joe Waldateln of San Francisco. A prlsa is to be given for tha greatest number of lsps made eaah evening. A puree Is offered for th winner of the entire race. Next Saturday night will be the UnaJ j.f th. rarea, . - Oregon's Jessie Carries Off Prizes From the Pacific to the 7 ; Atlantic Coast. '. WAS BRED BY FANCIER WAMSLEY OF PORTLAND Dog's New Owner Has Shown Her in All Big Eastern Shows,-Where She Defeated Every American-Bred CompetitorHistory of Jessie. ) The. success 'of th crack pointer bitch. Champion Oregon' Jessie II, In the esst the paat year has been attract ing the attention or all western aog ran oiers who ksep posted on what coast brad onss are doing and there baa never ben another dog bred on the Paclflo coast that ba equaled the remarkable Winning of Jessie. ' Champloa Oregon's Jessie II was brad by Frank F. Wamsley of this city and aha was Whslped May M, H01.. Bh Is sired by Plain Sam. owned by Dr. John K. Danlela of Cleveland, Ohio, and bar. dam la Umatilla queen, and Uma tilla Uueen was sired by Champion Rush of Ladd, a noted bench and field trial winner In th east. - Her dam was Moul- ton Bea, Champion Oregon' Jessie II was first shown by Mr. Wamsley jwhen she was 11 . months old st I San -; Francisco, in April, 1902, where, under Fred Mansell. the noted Kngllsh Judge, she won easily. Th week following she was ahown at the Portland show under th same Judge, asd pleased her owner by winning first In th puppy, novice, limit, open and winners' classes and then finished up by winning th speclsl prise for the best dog of any breed In tha show, de feating all the good ones and the spe cial, good bulldog, Champion Ivl Rustle, who wss second to her for th special prls. , ... 1 la 190 J she met Mr only western de feat, being beaten by her Utter sister, Clatsop - Beauty, at Portland, ' under George Raper, another English Judge, but th week following, under th same Judge at San Francisco,- she went straight through her classes and took first In all of them. , . Ia 104 at San Francisco, under James Mortimer, the .peer of . all American Judges, she won first and winners and her championship and tha following week at Portland under tha same Judge aba again won everything in her classes and in doing so defeated Clatsop Beauty, who had been placed over her th year before, - ' .,'' She was sold at this show by Mr. Wamsley to Thurston R Daniels of Portland, who showed her at San Joae and Spokane and won first all through with her and he In turn sold her to R. B. Adam of Buffalo, New Tork, her pres ent owner. - x .1 Mr. - Adam has shown her f earleasly through all th eastern shows, where she has won out almost every time snd haa defeated' every prominent bitch In America, excepting the recently ' imported English champion bitch Coronation, who was bought at a record price. It is said,. 1 10,000, Just on purpose to defeat Jeaale at th New York ahow last month. She succeeded In doing this only after a hard fight and Jessie had th sstlsfac tlon of defeating all th beat American bitches and of winning a number of handsome silver eups at that great ahow. Bhe also defeated, among others there, the imported English crack, Landsdown Sensation. . ...,..,-. ........ .. - Jessie's last win was a week ago at Buffalo, where shs won all her classes and specials, and Judging from report of her, ah la a better bitch than aver and ha yet a brilliant show career be fore her. - ... . No doubt thla Information will be in teresting to all coast breeders as it shows thst Just as good or better dog can be bred out west as In th.east Montreal la to have a new racetrack after th etyle of the crown track at Belmont Park, New Tork. - Edgar Frank, Multnomah wrestler, who made fins showing against s heavier opponents . ,, L.l Hi 1"', '' ";' - - -" : -'- ' ' " '"" " - - - - "'' ' . ' ! : - ' Oregon Jessie II, Oregon-bred pointer, finest in her claas in America. MULTNOMAH JUMORS MAKE - 6000 SCORES In Recent Athletic Meeting Club Youngsters Show Up Well in Their Doings; - Th figures tave Just been compiled to ahow what th Juniors did at last week's athletlo tournament at th Mult nomah club. -A large number xf Juniors participated in the events and tt 1 quired sore time to arrange tha divis ions and apportion th points properly. The following were th point winners: First division, sis events Charle Henry first, 142; Teddy Holden second. 140; Milton Meyer and Julian Hughes intra, 11. Second division, five : vents Daniel Welsh ilrst, 118; H. Cook aecond. 107; ueorge otten and A. Morris third. 10S Third division, Bv events -H. Wood ward first. 14; Bert Oleasoa aeoond, (; Hal uaeney third, S4. Fourth 'division, flv - events Wamle Wood worth first, SB; A, G. Long second. if; jonn Ludera third, IX. . Firth division, nv events Kdward Ludlow first, ST; Douglas Getty second. ; o. oison third, ts. Sixth division (day), flv vents Robert Krohn Jr.- first, 110: William Munly second. 104; Daniel roster third. 101. .' - . SPORTINQ GOSSIP. The Argonaut Rowing : elub ' of To ronto haa decided definitely that It will be represented at th Henley regatta this year. ' ; -, x , - e . e Across th shirt of every member nf the Atlanta baseball club thla year th lettere "Atlanta 114" will be printed In large type. This Is to let the peool know that Atlanta in that rear win hold big exposition. e r e - - " ; - Th sixth annual United North and South ehamplonahtp golf tournament will begin next Monday at Flnehurst. e e .' . . -... A state baseball lean la under way hv Kentucky, to comprise Henderson, Bowling Green, Madlaonvllla, Owena- boro, Clarkavlll and Hopktnavtlla. Jo Teager may succeed Cassldy. th Washington shortstop, who la 111 at hi bom In Chester, Pennsylvania. ,. Manager Cantllllon of th Milwaukee cluh haa rertslnly mapped out a strew-1 uous year for Bateman. - who Is to cover first bass, take hi turn In the box and alternate with Hynea In right ilald. - .- . , - . ..... e i e "Ned Hanlon hands W1UI Keelr a nice one when he aay that ITVee Wil lie" Is th greatest of ball players. There Is trouble brewing In Michigan with both the new Interstate and the Southern.. .Michigan- leagues claiming Kalamasoo. - ..... ....... e e Al Beibech I doing soma great hit ting In- th south with th Boston ex champs. Th championship . - basketball team of Red Wing, Minnesota, haa Just com pleted a 7,000 mil trip through th wast. It won t out of tl games played on th trip. e e : I- - President Heeman of th Terr Haute olub says tt costs from 11 MOO to 110. 000 a season to run a Central league team. , -. ' ...... e e Budd Doble,' th veteran reinaman. haa decided to train hta string of trot ters at Ban Jos again next winter. -..."-. e The New England league,' tha oldest minor baseball league in the country, will start th season - with three new towns. Worcester. Manchester and i Lowell take th place of Concord. and Taunton. - Th Journal ha stated at least a dossn times during th past month that Tim Flood would not Join tha Portland team for th reason that th Portland management refused to pay him the salary that he received laat year, and 1 Flood'a message to Walter. McCredle yesterday confirmed Tha Journal' ere - diction. It Is Impossible to get a ball 1 team together without, treating th men with consideration. . e e ' Th Pad fl a Coast lsagua will begin business on 'Saturday next. - Th sched ule calls for Portland to opsn up the season at Fresno. While th method employed In signing the playera. have not been in a coord with bssebsll princi ples. It is to be hoped that the Me Crd!es will put a team in the field that -will not disgrace this city anothar year. Portland want a good ball team, not necessarily a . championship team, but an aggregation or players that will hold their own In the race and play In ouch a manner that tha management wtll not feel that thla year again It will be forced to accept money under falsa pre tenses. e e . It seems too bad that the beet ball city in tha. coast league will be com pelled to open th season In a one-horse town like Fresno and end the season In the same place.. Something wrong with th schedule framing. THE FAVORITES HAD HARD GOING AT OAKUKD Soufriere ' In Lisbon Handicap "Only Heavily" Played Horse , That Came in First. (Soeeial Dlasatck by Leases Wtoe te The Jfcarssll Oakland, March 41. Today's race re sults were: On snd a quarter miles, 4-ybar-old and upward, selling, purse S400 Harbor (Rettlg), to . won; Major Tenny, aeo ond; Orchan, third. Time. 1:10. Seven furlonga, 4-year-olda and up ward, selling, pursa 1400 Peggy O'Neil, 101 (T. Sullivan). 10 to 1. won; Shady Lad, second; ururttrorpe, third. Tim, 1:10. Flv furlonga, t-yaar-olds and up ward, purs 1600 Ralbert, . 104 (Brua- aal), 11 to , won; Qosslper, second; Judge," third. Tim. 1:01. Flv furlonga, Gebhard - handicap, 1-year-olda, pursa tl.eOO Wolma, 100 (Robinson), T to 1, won; Tony Faust, second; Baxonla, third. Time, 1:01 H. On and a quarter miles. Llabon handicap, 1-year-olda and upward, purse $3.000 Soufriere, lit (Miller), to 10, won; Roycroft aecond; Ed Sheridan, third. Time. 1:0? H. On mile, t-year-olds and upward, pursa 1400 Tada, 101 U. J. Walsh), s to 1. won: Blue Eyea, second; Lily Ooldlng, third.- Tim, 1:41. . THIS, SEASON'S DATES ; FOR BIQ REGATTAS . Th following dates have bean as signed for thla year's regattas: May 10 Harlem Regatta association. Now- Tork. -, 1 - . .. June 11 Metropolitan Rowtng asso ciation regatta. New Tork. -. -r. June to Schuylkill river, navy re gatta, Philadelphia. , . July 4 New England associativa re gatta. Worcutar, Maaaaohnsatta. July 14 People's regatta, Philadel phia. . August 10 National regatta. Wo res tar. Massachusetts. September 1 Middle state regatta, Nw Tork. '. IKE BUTLER WILL PLAY WITH ATHENA TEAM (Special Die patch t Tee loeraaL) Athena, Or, March 11. On th after noon of April 7 the first game of tha season will be played between the fa- moua Tallow nine, and th- return gam will be played Sunday. . April 1. Efforts ar being mads to have an excursion run to th city from Pendleton , and Walla Walla for this occasion. Frank Wlllard. the old Tellow Kid filtcher, came In from Rearden, Wash ngton, last night and tha veteran Ike Butler will-be th baseman. Th team Is now complete with th exception of tha third baseman, who la expected to arrly Aprils I. . ; , President Hedges of th St' Louis Browns took th trip south with his tam. ' - ' THAT I rEEL -SWELL AND' v - THAT C, P. BISHoP 15 THE 1 . . BoY.S' friend. ; he .sell J :;::r;;"lTX ' f r.. 1,1......:. :,. i JUaST THE R.I6HT KIND oF - -r ..... a CLoTHEaS TOR. ' ME, AND T . -r THEY'RE 600D ENOUGH ' ' I fZW roR ME THEY'RE dOOD , 1 I ... izy. : mJMo& 7 ENoUdH TOR ANY BoY. . ) t tp-. "P - HI Tltl-LIEET State 'Varsity Track Team Will Compete in Meeting Against , v. Washington and Idaho, ' . ' V ' , V ,'-..v . LEMON YELLOW MEN ;V ' ; . IN FINE CONDITION Idaho and Washington Athletes Have ., Been in Training for Soma Time in Preparation for tha Event-r-Puget Sounders Will Row in CaUfornia. (Special Dispatch te Th Journal.) -Seattle, Wash.-March si. Manager Wlnelow of, th University of Oregon track team, who wss a member of the victorious Oregon debating team, while In Seattle practically completed arrange ment with Manager Orlnatead for Ore gon to take part In the three-cornered I track meet to be held at the Unlveraity of Washington. In Max. Idajio has. al ready aouepted th terma, ao tha big meet la now aasured. Th meet will be held on tit university campus and ow ing to th narrow track It wHl be neces sary to limit each team to ten men. The date of the meet will probably be May 10 According to arrangements ail tne expenses will be pooled and after .de ducting tha receipts of th meet, each team will bear one third of th def 1 alt,; - ;.. Speaking of fh Oregon teaia, Man ager Winslow said that It would be th strongest one put out slno 1101, when Heater, Payne, Redmond, 'Foley and Smith were th star performers. "W expect Kelly, KuydendalL Frlssell, Hug. Moullen and McKlnney to do soma great work this year," said tha genial Oregon manager. "We ar badly handicapped, however, by tha lack of a-trainer, aa Haywarda will not be with as until the middle of April. However, Captain Hug haa had sufficient experience to dlreot th preliminary work." Idaho Working- Sard. , ' Idaho Is hard at work under th di rection of Trainer Vandeveer. who was formerly at th University of Washing ton. Vandeveer haa turned oat eome good men in his .day. such as Caulklna, tha Pearson brothers, chestnut and Huntoon. Kdmundaon of Idaho, who made suoh a good showing In th dis tance runs at the Lewis and Clark fair, haa no equal in th northwest, "with the possible exoeptlon of Qreenhow of th Oregon Agricultural oollege. - Sine th overwhelming defeat of th strong SeatUa Athletlo club track team by th University of Washington team, th follower of. th latter hav been much encouraged and claim that con trary to the early prospects Washington will give Idaho and Oregon a hard fight for the northwest championship. Captain Rex Smith defeated th vet eran Day Grant in th high Jump, doing flv feet ten Inches. . Coach Cutler aay b will do six feet befor th and of th eeason and thla ahould take first place from any of th northern college. Smith la also doing great work in tha daahea and broad Jump, going over It feet In tha latter event. Drowley, a freshman from Taeoma High achool, la throwing tha discus 120 feet. Watson and Hewitt distance runners, also from Taooma, ar doing good work, but hav not taken part In any of the Indoor meats. Th latest acquisition to th track team 1 Holman, who haa been a mem ber of th Whitman college team for several years. . Holman ia a good pole vaulter. In which event Washington haa been vary weak. - , It la pretty weU decided that Waah- Ington will send a rowing crew to Cali fornia In April to compete with Stan ford and Berkeley. Captain Oloater la working the candidates very hard now and tha crew will be chosen next week. The Stanford crew will com to Seattle In May.' " " ' ' - Much - regret ha been - expressed by th bsseball men that Manager Burden of the University of Oregon baseball team has seen fit to cancel th game with Washington. It waa hoped that this year would see tha beginning of sn an nual baseball gam between th two uni versities. - BUSTER'S ADVICE TO C P. BISHOP'. BUaSTER BROWN SToRE IS AT , I: 65-67 THIRD .STREET, PORTLAND. ; - Rainy Weather Prevents Demcrv ... . etrations on Roads Leading ' From the City. HORSEMEN AND AUTOISTS V -DESIRE BETTER ROAC3 Brief Items of ths Atrtomobil World . Arranged . fox Rapid f Reading-. Corey & Cook Anxious for New . ; Oarage to Be Completed. - Th ; paat wkwaa a quiet en la local "automobile circles. - The: M weather and the poor condition. f Ui roada hav mad demonstrating outstta of th immediate elty a dlffloult task. Tha Linn ton road la in poor form at present and there la a load clamor froav horsement and autolsts for th Jmsu. dlate fixing of that popular roadway. - It aeems as If th proper . anterprlst and patriotism ' has arrived -when it la known that among nlna different mas. rslT cars are- being planned to be entered for ' th TanderbUt u this yssr- '.':' - Th autolsts are laughing -pr the experience of local driver during the past week. tl was running his ear along at a fair rate of speed, when ha suddenly came upon an old friend et bla, and befor he could stop tha ma chine it had knocked down tha pedes. trlan 'and ran over him, rolling aha over In tha mud a eoupl of times, rer. tunately. there waa no damage dona ts ear or friend.. . " ." " V e It la not "trad talk" by any mease whan It Is said that the makers of tot highest grade cars cannot make aa many, as they can sell. ' Thar Is a doubt about tha demand for tha best American care exceeding the supply. Both th v Locomobil had tha Pierce plant ar being enlarged this -year as4 other concerns making cars of tha high at grade ar contemplating" - similar moTs. , .. ;b J.. ,,,.rr;.r That Chairman ''JafTersosP da ITont Thompson of th A. A. A. racing boar la not unschooled In diplomacy hu been indicated already by bla move is getting sotn of tha kicker together th racing board, where thay can SgU it out Tha first work of tha new chair man will b to restore harmony, has a masterful suavity that sucoass. : , .... .. ... .. ;. ;.rV, run At Cook are looking with keen anticipation to th fu tura, when their splendid msw garagt win ba ready for occupancy. It Will b one mt tha nnet to ths was. - - e e - Tt is bad enough to have water with the gasoline in tha tactic, bwt usu ally enough gasoline get to m car buretter to do th work. A wors trau bl come during cold sraspa, whan the water free sea and particles ef ioe eloe th outlet ports, or hold th float fast It is unsafe, of course., to us nam far th lea. Hot water and warm rags an th boat remedies for this trouble. SUNNYSIDE DEFEATS BROOKLYN BALL NINE Sunnysld defeated Brooklyn yester day It to IS. Tha-fatur-o tha game waa a triple play in tha laat Inning bT Vlntln and Miller. Th lineup was ss follows: ,.-;, , Sunnyslds, ' Brooklyn, Merrlns ....-..S. Heaooek Miliar V..,.mmmmmmm.. LUX Mountain .......... Wllsot Vlntln ........... lb. . . ........ Cornell Richmond ,.,. ...... pollock Roth lb...;...,... Jones Wyvel .......... .rf. . Sip Beana .' .. .of . m. tVoges McKlnnan .if . m .... Snyder Tha efflclal in tha day. league ar paid tt a BOYS ; .t y .:-; f ' :(t:--J: