The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 31, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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20,906,340 FEET
MarchTtFii Banner Month at
Regards Lumber Shipments -in
History of the Port.
Numantia and. Cambrian King Each
. Carry Flour and About as Much
WU B Exported in AprilThree
Grain Ships May SaiL ..: J
.-.r ' Karen Bz porta. "
; Value.
IIBZ4 bushels flour............ 11K.017
Kii.tOt buahelo whMt 1K.1O0
1I.441.S4 feet lumber.......... 117.((t
Miscellaneous freight., ........ . 11,131
1 T
In the " matter
lumber export
March, 106. ia the banner month in the
history of the port. Including- the fir
ent coastwise, the total ahlpment for
.... i tie i-.jnoutn. , were JUiuil reel.
.' Other vessels- are bains .supplied with
cargoes and -wilt be ready to clear early
In April. If the mill men were In a posi
tion to fill the coast order, there la no
, doubt that April would make even
greater showing than March. -
Only two .grain vessels cleared In the.
Month and two cargoes of flour left
for foreign porta.' The flour wa taken
, exit by the oriental liner Numantia and
the Brltleh. toantahlp Cambrian King,
the latter sailing for Vladivostok. The
Indication are that about the earn
' April. Three grain ehlps are under
' charter and mar get away next month.
The alilpment in detail are a follow:
March S. German steamship Numantia
''Cleared for Hongkong and. way port
, with ;,U4 barrel of flour valued at
; ll,7. 480.411 feet of lumber valued
st 15.100 and enough general merchan
dise te bring the total value of the
cargo to 1141.230.
' March . British bark Mtltonburn
cleared for Liverpool with 1,1(0,000 feet
of lumber valued at 137,000.
March - 10. British - ahlp - Rskasonl
el'ared for Manila with 1.111,111 feet
ef lumber valued-art-tS.4tt
March- 12, British ship Argus cleared
for Queenatown or Falmouth for order
with 16,000 bushel of wheat valued at
i (S0.100.
March 14, British bark Haddon Hall
cleared for Port Natal with 1,0(1,1(1
feet of lumber valued at 111,711
- March : -1 .-- British- steamship- Ilford
cleared for Taku with 3.041.0K feet of
. lumber valued at 124. 704.
March 14. British steamship Vermont
cleared for Shanghai with 1,1(2,000 feet
of lumber valued at 141.000,
J. March , barkentiue James Tuft
cleared for Manila with 1.111,000 feet
of lumber valued at 111.177.
March 27. British steamship Suthsr
' land cleared for Tslngtau with 1,7(01
fret of lumber valued at 111,411.
. March 27. British steamship Aysganh
cleared for Port Plrla with 1,411.111 feat
of lumber valued at 121,111.
March Hi barti.ntlna Amarath cleared
for Bnanghat with 1.400,000 feet of lura-
-.Jier valued at tlS.000. ,.
. March 11. French bark Jules Qoramss
clesred for Queenatown or Falmouth for
v orders with 10.000 . busbela . of wheat
valued at 1(5.000.
March 11. British steamahlp Cambrian
King cleared for . Vladivostok with
(0.000 barrels of flour valued at 1110,000.
The coastwise lumber shipments for
" the month wer as follows: , .. -.
I :-' - , root '
C. T. Sargent. 1,111. 000
Virginia J.. 700.000
Cascade 1T(,000
IXtspatch .......... ......... (00,000
Northland 1(0.000
Johtn Poulan..u..,..,..,,, ,7(0,000
Daisy Mitchell............... 100.000
. Northland 7 . T 1(0,000
Meteor 1,(00,000
Annie M. McDonald.......... 7(0.000
Wm. Bowden . . , 050,000
. 1,141.000
Xnunigrsttoa Inspector - Authorised - to
7 ; Tlgkt X soaped Sailor's Case.
. 3. H. Barber, In charge of the Im
migration office, received a letter thl
morning from the -department at Wash
ington, authorising him to take an ap
peal In the case of the United States
against John ' Quatreveaux, master of
the French bark Jules Oommes, who
wa recently exonerated from blama by
Judge Woiverton for permitting a sailor
afflicted with a contagious disease to
escape from the vessel. The sailor, Jo
seph Morrlsaeaux, was. afterward de
ported to France. "
After the case had been decided -In
-the-loca) federal court In favor of the
skipper, Mr. Barbour laid ' the entire
history of the matter before the depart
ment. ' This action he took after oon
suiting District. Attorney Bristol. . Mr.
' Every one knows that Royal Baking i
Powder is absolutely pure. ' The housewife '
uses .it with confidence, and he is justified
in so doing. " ' ,
But how few realize r that , Royal T Baking""1
Powder is a direct product bf the healthful
" and delicious grape ! The product of the v
grape, crystallized and ground, is the cream
::zi a of tartar, whTcH forrns the active principle of
every pouna 01 Koyai mKing rowder.
: r ruit properties, are neeatui tor trie nealthf
fulness of the body, and the grape as ;usled
lin .Royal Raking Powder is tAe most valua-
ble and healthtul ot all.
produces food remarkable -both -in flavor
and wholesomeness. V -
Barbour, following the department's In
structlon, -will take an appeaL . TBIStTair.
action will not detain the ship. She Is
loaded with a gralif cargo and will
leave down th. river bound for tbe
United . Kingdom early next week. -Th
Immigration Inspector was also
advised by the department that It would
M useless to bring-prosecution proceed
ings -against - Captain Bowes of this
American barkenUne Amaranth for al
lowing a Japanese Bailor afflicted with
a contagious disease to escsps at Port-
a. ' - . -
Th sum of M. collected from Cap
tain Mclntyr ot the British ship Clan
Qraham, a head tax on a number of
person whom he landed at -this port,
will be refunded by order of th de
partment. ,It was explained that th
persons In question simply passed
through the country an rout to their
homes In Europe, and wer exempt from
taxation. '
Caytaia Beusse of rraaooi t Ambol
la Tug Taraed Tweaty-Tkre.
In tow of the - Harvest Queen, the
French bark Francois d', Ambols left
uo th river thl morning and Is ex
pected to reach port lata tonight ! She
aved her charter by arriving In As
toria a eoupls of days before th time
agreement expired. T. M. Stevens Co.
will load her with a cargo of grain
which will be taken to th United King
dom. - - ...
Captain Beueeer. maatef of th vessel
came up to Portland thl morning on
the train. He la said to b th youngest
deep sea captain ia the French mer
chant marina just- turned 21 Unlike
th . majority - of French, -.skippers- be
speak English fluently. Two hour
after hi arrival he knew the name of
th principal streets and could go to
nearlr any place he wanted to with
out th assistance of a guide. II I
described a being the brightest mariner
that has come to port for many a day.
since the closing of th Lewi and Clark
Th-officer report that fin
weather wa experienced on both the
up and down trip. A full cargo ot
freight was also brought by - th
stsamer. - After th shipments for local
Anna had been discharged at th Couch
a tree 1. dock th vessel moved over to
Montgomery No 1, where a big consign
ment of door, windows and shingles
for sblpmsnt to eastern point will be
discharged. . Th Alliance Is scheduled
to sail on th return trip Monday night
Th Columbia also arrived last night
with a full cargo- ot general mere nan
diss and the usual number of passen
gers. Tonight four other steamers are
expected to reach port rrom Han Fran
cisco. They are the Redondov F, "-A.
Kllburn, Johan Poulsen, and Bee, the
two former. having arrived at: Astoria
bis morning. The other two are due.
With their arrival there will be six
steamers In port to be supplied with
cargoes, for California. . : .
AUlane Bring Sixty-Big M rasseng era
From Barak and Ooo Bay. .
Sixty-eight passengers arrived on the
steamer Alliance last night from Eu
reka and Coos bay, the majority of
th.ra coming from the latter port. Thla
Is the largest number of passengers to
com from the south on the Alliance
hip W. S. Sabeoek Beported te Be Bn.
.. Offed to Take Cargo to Portland. ',
There is a report that the American
ship W. K. Babcock has been chartered
by the Paciflo Coast company to load a
cargo of coal at Baltimore for Portland,
but local officials of , the . firm appear
to doubt Its authenticity. They admit
that the vessel may be under charter
to bring a cargo from the Atlantlo coast
to Seattle, but do not believe that ahe
will be sent to Portland. It la explained
that the Pennsylvania coal is In great
demand at Nome for blackamltbing
and other purposes. - In ths past six
years, three cargoes of coal have been
brought around from the Atlantic- coast
for reshlpment from Seattle to the
north. The W. F. Babcock has a carry
ing capacity of about 2.(00 tons.,
H. Tount. dock agent for the Kellogg
Transportation company, has resigned
after being with the company continu
ously for a period of more than 10 years.
He recently bought a fine ranch on the
Lewis river, to which he Intends to glvs
his full attention. Chester Kellogg will
fill- tbe- position be -vacated.
- Laden with 8(0,000 feet of lumber,
th steamer Northland sailed this morn
ing for San Pedro. She will not return
to Portland for a number of month,
Having completed her lumber-cargo
for tbe orientthtlbarkantlne' "'Ama
ranth moved Into the stream thla morn
ing and will leave down In a day or
two. - " - - . -- - .-. - -
- After taking on a shipment ef lumber
at the : Alaska . dock the oriental liner
Arabia moved across the river to the
Alblna dock at noon. She will sail for
Hongkong and way ports April T.
Ths schooner Polaris - will eome UP
from the dryjock today to load a cargo
of lumber) for a California port She
will receive her shipment at the East
em at western mill. "'' i
The French bark Jules Oommes, laden
with a cargo of wheat for the United
Kingdom, moved into the stream this
morning. Erie Lind, the longshoreman
who. was hurt on ths Araoia yesteraay,
will soon recover. Men wno work on
ths Arabia say that she bas never been
at Portland without some of them get
ting Injured. They are beginning to re
gard her as a hoodoo. ; ' , '
David B. Ogden, assistant United
States engineer, returned thl morning
from Cascade locks, where he say
th government work la progreaalng sat
isfactorily. It Is thought that the im
provements will - be completed early
next week. .'-
- It Is probable that : the American
barkenUne Koko - Head , will complete
ber lumber cargo today for Shanghai
She will have on board .420,000 feet of
fir, which will be shipped by the Fa
clflc Export Lumber company. - Captain
Edwardsen saya he may clear the ves
sel at the custom bouse this evening; in
which case the lumber shipments for
th month; will be increased to 10,000,-
000 feet
Carrying a full cargo of flour, the
British steamship Cambrian King, Cap
tain Carter, sailed this morning for
Vladivostok. " fc rT
Astoria, March 1L Arrived at ( and
left up at ( a., m. Steamer' Redondo,
from San Francisco. Left up at (:10
a. tn.- French bark Francois d" Ambols
and schooner Virginia. Arrived at l:(0
a. m. Steamer F. A. Kllburn, from San
To draw the fire out of a burn, heal
a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure
bolls, sores, tetter, ocsema and all skin
and scalp diseases, use DeWltt's Witch
Hasel Salve, A speclflo for piles. Get
the genuine. No remedy causes ' such
speedy relief. Ask for De Witt's the
genuine. .': . t
SAcnincES id
FOB llOfl
Woman Forced to Choot Be
tween Justifying Husband
and Defending Namft
Han Snoots to Death Former Friend
and Calmly Lets It Be Known That
He Truti to Unwritten Law to
.' Protect Him. -
. rXMrnal Beadal Sarriea.
Memphis. Tsnn March 11. Mra.
Emma Sheltoa .CtuJmers, 11 years old,
forced - to choose between the defense
of her honor and the justification of her
husband, H. R. Chalmers, who ehot
death her former friend, S. A. Arnold.
whom be accused of stealing Mrs, Char
mers' affection. , said' today that her
good name and -the future of her baby
boy, had the first claim on her. -
After "the killing, Chalmers calmly
let it be known that he trusted 'to the
Unwritten law to protect him.
I saw my husband last night,'' said
Mrs. Chalmers today. "He asked ml
what I was going to do for him. I told
him I could not promise te do anything.
I have told his brother. Drew Chalmers,
ths same thing. ' -
Bo far as I am concerned my hue-
band killed) an Innocent man. I believe
be did It deliberately and am certain
that Arnold did not even know he was
suspected of any wrong. - v , r .
"My -first -dutyis to my;, own name
and the future ef my boy, David. He
Is three years old and 1 love him, I be
lieve, as much as I value my own honor.
Even to eave his father I could not say
that I was guilty of dishonor and blight
the babya life." - - -
Apartment-house owners met at the
Edward Holman Undertaking company's
office, last night to discuss the water
question that has arisen with the de
mand tor apartment houses in this city,
Eight owners attended the meeting.
A committee, consisting of Edward
Holman, E. C Jorgenaen and John Mor
gan, was appointed to meet with the city
water board. It t claimed that owners
must psy for water even when the house
Is unoccupied. It Is for the purpose, of
arranging an equitable rate . that the
committee will meet the water board.
- Baraajee Circle
The Barnajee Circle will bold He reg
ular monthly meeting Monday at 1:10
p. m. at the home or Mrs. Nathan Har
ris, 7Z Ollsan street All women are
Invited. .'.M; ..'V , r
JubUea aUafen at draoe CJhnseb.
Th Wtillama original Jubilee sing
re will give a sacred concert in con
nection with the Sunday evening serv
ice at Grace M. B. church. There will
be plantation melodise and tbe religious
song of ths negro. . ,
Francisco. ' Arrived at 10:11 a.
Steamer Bee. from Saa Francisco. '
San Francisco. March 11. Arrived
yesterday flteamer Senator., from Fort-
land. .
Astoria, March 10. Arrived at noon
Schooner John A., rrom Ban jrranoiaoo.
Arrived at 11:10 and left up at 1:1
p. m. Steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay
and Eureka. Arrived at 1:4( p. m.
Sohooner Virginia, from San Francisco,
Balled at t:4( p. m. Steamer Roanoke,
for Fort Los Angelas and way ports.
Astoria. March 11. Condition ef the
bar at 1 a. m., rough; wind northwest;
Weather clouy.
LOT 50x178 The very best busi
ness lot in St. Johns, on Jersey
street,- for ' - -
50 ACRES Finest ground on
the Peninsula, tor platting;, all
cleared; price .
Phone Scott 4061
r v ' s , WW
FXBST STBZB9 Corner lot with
- etory brick building. In good repair
income over (lv per monto.
SXXTX STBXBT 1(0 by 100, Sixth and
Johnson, opposite Unloa depots - la-
come 1171 pee months -
100 BT 100.
. Pays well.
100 BT tOO,
BTBBTB STBSJ1T 1H lota. Seventh
. and Ollsan. streets; an " exoeptlonaly
gooa ouy,
nnu (TUYr-lH by lOO. Thtrd and
Couch Income ever 1400. 100 by 100,
Third and Taylor streets Inoeme M0t,
AXDXm mm-41 by 10 on Alder
well Improved; close ln
WAUXOTJra 10 by lto; Fourteenth
ana irving cneap. . -
FLATS 4 flats. Tenth, between Mor-
rison and Yamhill. . . 4,
BBSZPBBCm An attraeUve house, Just
completed. ' on Twenty-fifth ,
. Kearney, cheap.- -. ) .
Tor farther information see.
Droo!(e h Kiernan
East Portland
OOBXfBB 100x100 en Union eve. near
East Morrison, all solid ground, 11,(00.
- OXQXOB OOBBBB lot on Orand eve,
lOOaiee eerner, with good substantial
buildings, oa Hawthorns a vs., 11S.000.
OOBBBB) lOOxlO on Grand ava, near
East Morrison, good - brick bull Stag,
3(.000. - f
OOBBBB 100x100 on East Morrison
and East (th sta, only 110,000.
The Healy Investment Co.
eieie Abtageoa, iosm Third st.
The eoay home site, lexlOe-foet lot.
cement . walks, parked and graded
streets, one block from Hawthorne ave
nue, 10 mlnutee ride or 10 minutes
walk to heart ot city. Wilt sell a few
at (too; terms. , see owner. -
GeOeX Waggoner
:. ' FXOBB
Farm for sale, II acres, ail -cleared,
flne orchard, assorted fruits; house.
barn (0x41; half mile from Southern
Paclno depot; sidewalk from depot to
farm. -Sickness of owner makes eale
of this place at a sacrlBoe a necessity.
See . .
lie Seoead st. Bear
120 -Acre Farm
Well imnroved. wan watered. Mwt
bulldlnga, flne orchard: only 1IT.I0 per
acre; easy terms; WW frade lor elty
26 - Acre Ranch
Finely Improved, with stock and Imple-
menis; is mnes out, on one graveled
road; near railroad. . ,
Grundy - Melroth Co.
Apartment house, rental, per - -month
.... ...... ......9206
sacrifice: :
f 10,000 Te settle an estate ! ant au-
tnorisea to seu a quarter mock, with
elegaikt 10-roora house, . for above
price, and on easy terms. Thla prop
erty le situated on the west side, easy
walking distance to oenter ot elty,
and is worth IK.00O to any one. -
F. FUCKS, 14W First Street
In LecrnlnjJ lo VcIX a
Child ln B Helped -
to habits ot thrift and aavlngT Thea
habits oua-ht to ba trained Into a child ,
at an early age; nothing can add so -much
to the happiness, contentment hnd
character- as learning to lfve wtthln
one's means, with a sunt laid aaldw In
case of necessity. No matter what the
Income, a person la rich who has learned '
this truth. Open an account with us In -your
child's name. The child will find
more piss sure In adding pennies te this
account than in buying sweets.
Title Guarantee &
t( Washington st, cor. second.
City and Suicrbsn Propcmf
eeaeO (-room modern- dweUlng, with
rurnaoe, 1 nrepiaoes, run oemeni paae-
ment. lot eoxluo, on Irving, near 10th ,
street: beautiful aronnda.
94000 t-room modem horns, with far-.
nses- ana nreptace. joi suxsv, ' one
block of Hawthorne avenue, corner -lot.,
close in: a beautiful home. -
9MOO (-room house, new and modern, ;
wild - joi . jouxxuu, corner. l diocss.
from Hawthorne avenue,, on-14th St.
This is a ansn. - ' - - -'
SSMO T-room house, new1 and modern.
tot tpxiev, on setn ana iiawmorne;
here Is a bar rain. .
$1T50 7-room new, modern house, part- .
iy xumisaeo, io juvxivv; nice snruo-
bery and lawn, on Mount Soott ear
line. 10 mlnutee from business oenter -
9000 (-room house, lot 100x10. beaa-
tirui grounas, wrnw oown, oai- -
ance at per eent.
0 (-room new hones, full lot, at St.
Johns: terms. . . ,
tlOoO 4-room hene modem, lot 40 X -100,
Myrtle Park; half cash. -
Two- aesest of (round- on East 14th wtt
a bargain. -
bote on easy terms In all parte of the
Vllj ipr nn.P"m" ' ......
. !
Brooke & Kierhan
Inside Property
Madras Addition
Madras Addition Adjoin XrfUsrelwood,
- the Mow Treat faes Opened. ,
LOTS $123 TO $250
This beautiful treat, all cleared. Ilea
only 100 yarde from Mount Seott ear
line. -.Water -on every lot. Qlltedged
title. - Don't rnlss this opportunity to
secure a footing In the most beautiful
ot all suburban property on the Mount
Scott' car- line a, . splendid chance to
own your own home and pay rent : to '
toureelf. Plate now ready, and may
a had from A. Coupes Hi watt, Laurel
wood, who oontrola the property. Every
let is a snap, and they'll not last long.
II you wish to pick tip $4,000
easy : money . In the next six
months, dont' fail to see this.
Greatest 1 . bargain : in business
property for the money in ST..
OHNS. See ;
.... - jr
MT. SCOTT SETS THE PACE. Th e :rush to this district has amazed on
, ; servers. WOODMERE is in the heart of this famous districts
:: -- Tomorrow we place on the market the most attractive residence
suburb in the vicinity of the great city of Portland.
' Live 'selling is bound to follow this announcement.!
Judgment can be well exercised by buying now.
Don't be contented in a rented home, buy one of ypur own
-with your rent money. ' :rr": .'v '''V' . "; "
20ailjngBldg.. Third, and .Washington Sts. J
' 3 r
' L
A Scene in Woodmere, Looking North From Station.
... ' - a
Porliinfs. Kbst drming Suburb
LADIES It's a perfect dream. ''" ' -VJ' : j 7,
.. GENTLEMEN It's a winner. : " : ' C ;
: Go out tomorrow and see." ;' : v-v ";;r-'-v;-j';ji
Homes built to suit and sold on easy payments. V i " ,
V :; - 't;.;.'.----;',A f3 DOWN, ?3 K MONTH
. Tract restricted; streets graded; sidewalks made; best water;"
.finest electric cars pass through tract every 15; minutes, fare, 5c;
25 minutes from city; schools, churches, telephone; electric lights
.:being installed. ..J. -..v. j; .'; v
AGftT ; a c-rxo sura)AY " 3
'And Week Day, Rain or Shine. ' Office at Station. :