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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1906)
aWaeVW 4 BillSTfli'S-STOIiy 10 BE rHEIRD On It Depends Hie Confirmation ; ' ! by the Senafe ae'U.'S. .v . :f Ht , District Attorney. - r ' '! ... ...'..- 1 .,'." FRANCIS J-lHENEYJS: FULL OF, CONFIDENCE Belleres That When Senate Judiciary Committee Hear Both '45ide of the Cue the Portlander'a v Troubles Will Beat an End. " 'V-.T (wasMastas Berate ef Tee Joareal.) " Washington, j D. C. March . A-t-V torney Francis J. Heney. pronator of the land fraud easaa, thlnke that the " senate will confirm ,W. C. Brlatola ' nomination as district attorney for -. Oregon, which. tha prealdent again eent . to tha senate today. , The nomination goes to tha oommltte on judiciary be fore which tha prevloui nomination waa pending whan withdrawn by tha preel ' dant 8ome doubt -ia held "ee )to tha action the eoramlttee will Hake on tha praaant nomination, In vlewiof -the avti denee ; baf ore It 4 concerning 'tha' aliased unprofessional conduct of Bristol." . Attorney F. J. Heney stated' today that ha believed tha committee would act .favorably upon tha nomination and 1 thut Bristol would be confirmed. . Ha said: i --'. J ' "Bristol's aide of the eaae hue never, " Wen made public Whew iris, the pub-; lie as well aa the president wltlitw ctm- vinoed that Bristol, waa- antlrelyi blame- I "f leaa In the transactions, Jn which, he waa ' accuaed of double dealing. Hla aide of the i caaa . will be made publlo' In due .time.'' l.'.:Li . : :, : ,t.; WHITMAN AND PULLMANS .IREADYvFOR CONTEST -i.-t- peeUI Dlapatca to The JeuraaLl '- Vhitnun t'ollece. Walla Walla. Wash.. March1 . Al' la In .readinesa-for. the big debate to be held with Washington Bute college' la the iWhHwianahapel Friday evening. The euestlpn to ba argued la. "Reaolved. That Intercollegiate football in the United 8tatesr should ba "abolished."" "" Whitman -wtll aru-for the. abolition of the- game., being aup-portedy-Roy ,Wolfe..'07;.Roy Perlnger. or. and Walta Bella,-. '08.. A, feature of particular Interest ,1s that Parlnger haa .bean Whltman'e football -captain for tha Pullman will defend tha negative of the question aa proposed 'by wnitman and will be repreaented by Robert Gay, Joe Brlalawn and Frank ,-Kreager. Kreager will be.tJie leader -of the Pull man team, while Whitman's . rebutting will ba dona by Bella. .- '' j- -Thla la tha eighth .intercollegiate de . bate between. Whitman and. Pullman, all aaven of the former, onea fcavlng been won by Whitman. 4 ' ; Tha Judges- will be- J. F.- Burchant and W. T. Meier of, Spokane and J. 11. Mor row of Waltafcurg. . . TO IRrMRS. RIZUTTO FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER . nhi - nunateh . te . Tha. JearnaLl . . ' 'Wall.Wsaia.-Waah, March.2t. Mre. Paulina Rlsutto, who ahot Mre.- Frank Allealo through the head atthe Wbit hr. farm last summer during a neigh borhood quarrel, will he placed on trial" on an attempted murder" charge next ". Tuesday' in ; tha '.Walla -Walla-aupeiior : court.. Judge Brents, yesterday, made up the docket of criminal caaea to ba tried' at -the 'coming-eeaalon 'of court. Five criminal cases will : be. tried, and aeveral civil actions,, r ? , , , .. .. BERT. DENIES THAT 'PLAYERS WILL DESERT tmrtml T)umatch . te- The IssmaLl ' '": San . Franctsco, March - IB. Preeldent Bert .of the . Paclf lo Coaat league thla morning denied the atory. from Portland to the effect that-several prominent players Intend to Jump to the outlawa. "All our men," ha aaid, "with tha ex ception ' of - Flood- and- - Smith,' have signed and reported for training. Flood and Smith are holding .out 'for more money.' and if there are any Jumpers they will be the only onee to desert us." 0 Mita Adelaide - Randolph," ttepdaugh ter of the' late W. C Whitney, who . Vaa 'just become . engaged. vto the lion. .Lionel Lambert, eecond eon of the Earl of Cavan and heir pre watngtia-e U tht 'titi,J .; T 1 -.1 ' V fry - fi;ijii .co;;FEiii;c Both Sid Defiant and Adjourn mnt "Without an Agree ment Expected, ' r lndlanapolla, March Jr. The United Mlneworkera met In eeparata ' aeaaloa thla morning to conaider tha propoal tlon made by F. I Robhlna to nay the .'THOI aval Mellowed' !--eperate the weatern Pennsylvania mines of tha Pittsburg Coal company. Robblna - Is tha only big operator who haa agreed to make the , advance. Rohhtna haa offered to nav the ad vance demanded not only in the mtnea of the Pittsburg Coal company, bat in ni own mines in rinnij'Kinii.t unio and Illinois: and urged tha miners .to algn the acale whenever It .waa offered, even -though the other mlnea closed. - , The- ol n t oonf eranoe .met.. Ahia altar- noon. Both aides are defiant and an adjournment without an agreement : la expected. Many . outsiders, including women, filled tha galleries. Parker, an Illinois operator, attacnea Mitchell after -the Utter had accused, Parker of being ' aubaervlent to the Illlnoia Central railroad. Parker aaid: "I have seen the time when Mitchell was glad that I was an. officer of the road." , ' ' ' 'What " de , you meaar demanded Mitchell.' - v " I mean that you asked me for free transportation.".. ..- ' V :' It la absolutely a fake." oalmly and dramatically answered themlnere'. pres ident "L demand that you produce evi dence ether than your personal word. ; I demand It-Tou atata what la not true." Parker? atated ' that It; was not tha truth that "Mitchell had aver directly asked him-for transportation, but mem bers of bis family used Illlnoia, Central pannes." ' . . That also la a ralaehood," aaid Mitch- all. The chairman ended 'the contro versy.! Mitchell asked for tha floor and continued: .: "This la tha flrst time, my Integrity m ever- been questioned. The - fact that the first of next month will aea us Involved In a great Industrial war does not warrant your, putting me In that light before the publlo."- .-.r-nr Parker said: : "If Mitchell ever did a' dishonorable thins; In hla Ufa 'I don't know of. It," , -. . j ' Delegate Ryan explained that ha per sonally secured transportation for an estimable young lady living near Mitch-J ell a home. . Parker aaid he would with draw the - statement if Mitchell - never knew of tha paaa-Mitchell aaid lie 414 not know.""- That aet ties it." aaid Parker. John Mltchell'sald: "It la not A per sonal, but 'a publlo question ' whether Harrimaa owna both the Illlnoia Central railway and- the' Madison Coal com pany. F. L. Robblna says, 'higher prioes for coal depend .mora on the- rallroada and , their desire to destroy competition than on any ether factor.' ; I - believe Robblna statement of facta, aa ha la one of the biggest operatora and ahould know -whereof ha apeaka." - Mitchell's motion for tha 101 acale waa voted down, all the operatora ex cept the Pennsylvania operators voting no. Thla vote means that all proposi tions before the Joint convention are disposed of. : . . . , MRS.' LEDOUX SURE TO BE CHARGED WITH MURDER '' ' -' 'Ooerail BtMelal Berviee.)7 ' . ' Stockton. Ca-L. March 2. The report of the coroner'a Inquest which is aet. for tomorrow morning la expected to de velop a good part of the caaa agalnat Bmma Ledoux. - Coroner Bouthworth has his case ready-to preaent te the Jury, which- will, unqueatlonably charge the woman with the murder of McVtcar. The report, of F. E. Ray, a local chemlat, who ' analysed the contenta of all bot tlea found in Mrs. Ledoux'a valise, la in Southworth'a hands and determines posi tively that the woman had a two-ounce bottle of cyanide of potassium less than half, full of the deadly fluid. : The . report of the " Ban Francisco ehemlst, who analysed the murdered man's stomach, shows the tlsauea were saturated with the aama poison and furnishes the . connecting link in the chain 'of evidence the coroner relies upon to show the cause of death. ' BUMPER APPLE CROP ' ' IN SIGHT FOR OREGON - ftoril .Dlepstrh e The Joersil.) La Grande, Or., March 21. Never be fore In the hlatory of Grand Ronda val ley haa there been euch a promise of a good apple crop aa now. The young orcharda are free from pasta, vigorous, thrifty and hardy and the lata cold weather baa prevented the swelling of the buds until It will ba lata enough to prevent frost, ,. ..The Fruitgrowers' union, organised In La Orande a short time ago. Is now making arrangements to secure an ex pert packer to have charge of the large packing plant to ba conducted by the union, through which practically all of tha fruit crop of Union county will pass.' Tha - union will sort the fruit, pack It and aend out nothing but ab solutely first class fruit- Already they have received requests from Montana, Texas, '.Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska wholesale deal era Baking for the exclusive right to handle the union's fruit sales in those atatee, -tt . r- EZRA MEEKER PITCHES - CAMP AT PENDLETON (Special Dlapatcb te The, Imrul.) ' Pendleton.. Or., March it. Esra Meeker, the Oregon pioneer, arrived in thla city - thla morning, on hla- way- to Indiana, by ox team. . Ha will remain in .the city a few daya. and from Pen dleton he will cross the Blue moun tains, by way of Meacham. - Ha states thst he expects to encounter consider able snow in tha mountalne. -i- r't-r Efforts .are being made to raise a suitable monument near, tnls city to mark the route, -of the old emigrant trail, which oronsed tha I'matiHa river Just, below the city and wound over tha ridge between'hera and the Tutullla. . .The people of Echo, which place la lo cated XI -miles west of this city, have agreed, to ralae $1,000 for tha purpose of laying out a city park and erecting a mormment on the route of the old road through the city. , , ; COMMUTES SENTENCE, ACCEPTS RESIGNATION " " - (Joersal aeeta Rervice.) ' 1 . ' Waahlngton, March St. Secretary of the Navy Bonaparte this morning com muted the sentence of Midshipman Marl weather and accepted his resignation.- Silver Lake Central Oregonian: Be ware of the picture man. Don't algn any contracts; don't make any advance payments; keep your xhotographa and will be eafe.-; ; - VJOMl OU in r - v. Foundation ' for the 'New 1 ' Scores of applications are- being re- ral'verf -. hv'..1 fMtv . flunerlntendant. ' of flr-hnnle Wank " Rle-ler t nr-nnaitlona instructors in tne .new eaaiaia-.niKu sonooi. neae appiicauune :rm mil. wimwim ITfiltJuV fitateB.' manV from men and women having excep tional eaueauonai quauncavuone. i nm majority of them will be disappointed, aa ngt more than ; ten lnetructora will be i employed in the institution during the first year, aeveral of whom . wUl be transferred from the Portland High acTlooL . . -' . ' '. : Plane are -ajready.belnt wade for the organisation of the. new High " aohool. t ail nmhahilltvwtnlv-.flrat .vaar .Hlah school students 'and ,the second year students irom tne easi'siue now attending the local High acbool will . be permitted to -attend the new institution - next fait All tha third and fourth year east aide students will finish their course wnere tney now-attend. ' " NEW HELLO HOME WILL- ' COST EIGHT THOUSAND . .i -,- - .- . The bulldlna which will be need, by tha Homo Telephone company, for ' lt east aide station will be a one-story brick atruoture and will cost 8,000. It will ba located, on Eaat Morrison be tween East Eleventh' and Eaat Twelfth streets. The Empire Electrlo Telephone eompany, .which haa tha contract for outtlna in-the plant. Tor tne new com Danr. took out tha permit to erect tha building yeateraay.'. Other ibuUding. permits issuea yeaier- day follow: W. ' Beach, cotuge. Sandy road between . Eaat- Twenty-fifth and Lawrence streets, cost $1,700; Delia Taylor, repairs to residence, Eaat 'Thir teenth between Tenlno and Umatilla streets, cost. $28; J. M. Wallaea, ootUga, Bast Tamhlll .between East Thlrty eeventh and Eaat Thirty-eighth streets, eost tl.EOOt-t. Selllna. reoatrs to store. corner, Belmont- street and Union ave nue, oost $109; W. Bradford, repalre to atora, corner 'East Thirtieth' and -Eaat Belmont streets, coat fit; A. Cregnino, repairs to dwelling. Front between Clay and ' Market streets, cost $10; Ruth Carter, - residence, corner ' Jackson - and Twenty-first streets, cost $S,000; F. M. Toung, residence. East Eighth between Tillamook and . Thompson streets,', eost $1,000; B. Wlnnerman,. cottage, Grand avenue' between Weldler and Broadway streets, coat $1,100: Mrs. I. P.: Conrad, flats) . corner East Ninth and Eaat Couch streets, 'coat $l.000;"Rofck Springs Coal, company, office, corner East Morri son and Bridge streets, coat-$100; E. W. Rowe, three cottages, corner Height and Bkldmore atreeta,. cost $4,800. , BROKEN DERRICK MAST'. ' h FALLS INTO A CROWD ' ' E. Curtis waa probably fatally hurt. Levi Beard waa- slightly ' injured and aeveral other . men- narrowly . escaped with, their Uvea . this morning by the falling of a boom mast, forming part of a derrick, at the Toot 'of Ankeny street. The derrick' waa .being operated by the Diamond-Sand eoinpany hoisting brtck from a aoow to the yards at tha foot of Ankeny street.' The llnkpin connect ing with the cable -broke-and the -meat fell among it or-29 - workmen. -An end struck the office occupied by tha Colum bia Digger company , and wrecked the building.,- .. . ... , . v . Curtis.-who is the worst Injured, was struck on the head by the, falling mast. He waa taken to Good Samaritan hos pital. ' He Is single and lived at tha Weatern hotel. v - f f - ACCUSED OF SELLING LIQU0R-T0 MINORS George ' Lusi'ch, t aged II. and ' Gerald Paffenberger, ft, , were arrested drunk Sunday, night by Patrolman. Phillips. Each-waa fined $10 by -Police. --Judge Cnmeron,-who 'Suspended .sentence pro vided they would tell where they pro cured the liquor. Thla ' morning"' the boys admitted that )t - had been - sold them, by M. Rosenthal, manager of tha National Wine company, Fifth and Stark streets; F, H. Kramer, 60 H Fifth street, and Peter' Brewer. Hawthorne avenue and ' Water street . Complaints - were filed against -the. Baloonmen by. Deputy City Attorney Flttgerald and warrants of arreet Issued. . . -.'-. r t ACCUSED OF BEATING "' ! WORSE WITH SLUNGSHQT l ...,.,:,',-u . Captain Slover notified Chief of .Police Grltsmacher thla . morning that he saw Station Officer Parker last evening beat ing a police horse on tha head with a billy.- When taken to task Parker ex plained that the animal bad. become on manageable, v -- Captain' Slover told tha chief that the horsen era hitched a good part of the time because' Patrol Driver Isaacs is un able to handle the one that Parker was beating..- v."' ' v FALL FROM HORSE! ' : f RESULTS FATALLY .. , (Rpeclil bUpetrh te The Journal.) ' t'nton. or., , March . Miss Edna Clark of Union, II years of age, was thrown from a horse while riding Mon day evening and sustained serious In juries on ' the head, which resulted in her death next day, Her head struck a rock as she fell and be never recovered eeneolousneaa, ' ' ' - -t ' UEVl HIGH SCHOOL DRUGS v,, - Eaaf Side"Hlgh School Photo bjr .Many 'who have observed- the progress of, tha- conetructlon--work deolare.tbat the 'tttructura now building will not. be ready for ocoupancy at tha opening Of the term In September, and that it will not be finished before the. end, of the year. - Some -of the school officials' also think thla and are much perturbed over the situation which 'may confront : tha school bord when the fall term' opena. - 'It - will - be - Impoaalbla - to afford - ac commodations for the High school, pupils in the preaent High school building. There are now over 1J00 registered and every nook and corner In tha atruoture la .Decupled,' while five classes are recit ing in tha Ladd and tha Atkinson school buildings.- Next fall , the number of High school students will number at least' 1.300.-, Thla la ever 400 mora than can be - comfortably accommodated on thla aide of the river. , ? .- . If the new building' is not . ready , for occupancy. In . all probability a number f grammar grade pupUa will be trans 170RK TO BE6IH SOON UPOn . IRRIGAIIOK PROJECT . PreparationsMade f or; Construe- ; tlon -of Umatilla Canal ";'v"- i System. :, - - BnaeUl Dlaaateh ts. Tha - Journal. 1 ' Pendleton, .dr., Maroh 1. John T. WhisUer. head of the. reclamaUon work In Oregon, atates that work will soon begin' on the Eaat ' Umitllla Irrigation project. At present the right of . way for the feed canal ia being secured and the engineering plana are being com Dieted.- Aa the feed canal la to' be 16 ml lee long, the securing-of the right. Atltry threatening- me until IJ give ; him van la considerable of an undertaking, The land through which the canal- will run la high and arid for' the most part and will not be Irrigated. .The owners era being paid for the right of way and most of them are acting fair ..with the government. However, .eome are dis posed to hold out for high prices. ; Should nothing occur 'to-block pro ceedings Mr.. Whistler believes btda -for the construction of the canal will be advertised for In May. 'However, tha secretary of tha. Interior may Insist that the entire right of way be sec urea fore bide' ara called forr m -whloh further time would ba necessary. In the event called for during May tha actual construction work could be undertaken before the end of June; But this is' on condition that the work-be let ,by contract upon re celot of the first bide. While thle will probably be done there- la nothing cer tain about It. - .! : . ' " - WILL DIVERT GRAIN TO ' COLUMBIA FOR SHIPMENT ' .-. '-' - . f! One of the new enterprises that will aaalat In the rapid development of the up-river-country la the Benton County Irrigation company, recently organised. The company has undertaken tha estab lishment of a -town-and ahlpping. point In Benton-county, . Washington.-directly opposite Umatilla, Oregon. - - .. Strong efforts will be made to.change tha tide of wheat, that la now sent from the country, by . the uphill- rail haul, to the .Columbia for shipment.. The com pany haa an, unusually convenient' and aafe harbor, sheltered and deep, aad proposes to improve it in every possible way.-so that 'grain may 'be- handled cheaply and expeditiously.--' r' i The establishment of a flour mill at this point la also under consideration. Every effort will- be made to make -the unnamed town one of the most' pros perous in-eastern Oregon. . ' UNRULY. POLICE STATION --ELEVATOR TAKES; DROP . ' . ' ' ' That .nobody 'haa been, killed 'la tha elevator at police headquarters aeema to be due more to good luck than to any agency.- Former Chief of Police Hunt was almost killed 4n' the machine on two occasions. Last - evening, while Jailor Rebson-was -descending latha . 11 1.. a rope broke or slipped off a pulley and the elevator dropped aeveral 'feet to the ground, floor, shaking him up badly but not materially Injuring hlmi Had the drop been much farther he would doubt less have been badly hurt. 1 The machine .haa been defective end unruly for a long time. Only a few daya ago It waa given a thorough overhauling by mechanloa. - 81nce. that time it haa worked. more erratically than ever,.,... .Two Democrats Take Pledge One, , (Hpeclal Dlapitrb te The JonroaL) : . Silem, - March 2.r Lewis Savage of Salem,- Democratic candidate for aenator from Marion county, haa filed notice of his candidacy with the county clerk. He takes atatement No. 1. , i , Philip Glover of Sublimity, .Democratic candidate for representative, takes pledge 'No. 1 and favora 'abolition of all normal echools except one, i economy - In state, government and . a, ad mlnlatrat(qn. -; - . ....... ' . lee trie Plant Closes. . ,(Rpecll Dispatrb' to The Jmirnai.) ' ' Union, Or., 'March- J. The Grand Ronde Electric company haa absorbed the Union Electric Light 'company and last evening - for the flrst time Union waa lighted from the' plant kt Morgan lake controlled by the Grand Ronda Electrlo company, tha Union plant be ing olosed -permanently, - y - t ? Journal Staff Photographer.! ferred from the Ha,wthorna to the Eaat Twenty-eighth etreet . achool 'to ' make room In the Hawthorne aohool for Hlth achool , pupils. It . le ' thought - that by Utilising the 'roome provided in thle manner and turning the aasemblyihall into claaa rooma'four classes of High school - puplle could be temporarily ao oommodated. ' ', - .., . '. ' Work on the new.- structure is 'pro gressing alowly. The contract waa not let until nearly r a . year had elapaed after the taxpayers authorised Its : con struction. . Now tha contractor; la not using any peat amount of haste tn the work. ". The etone for the building la said to pa alow In being delivered, and work . haa- been" delayed becauae ; tha mills were . not able to furnish - lumber for tha woodwork. It la aaid that after the . summer aeaaon - opena the work will progress more rapidly. - The achool officials will exert every effort to have the,. structure finished. In time ' for the faU term,. ' . ' COMES : FROM SEATTLE TO.ANNOYHIS.WIFE '.John Peyton' came to. Portland from Seattle . yesterday and. caused hla wife, who separated from htm,iahe alleges, on account of hla treatment of her, so much' trouble that a complaint waa reg istered 'at' police .headquarter Ser geant- Cole .waa detailed - by Captain Slover to accompany the woman, aad her young brother home. The complainant works at Gordon's bakery. . She aaid her husband went to thebakery last night and made a scene because he was not permitted to apeak to her privately. . She' aaya ha - waa thrown out of the bakery three times and "afterward 'watted for her. Baying he would make trouble. Ue-wante ,me to eupport hlm,"-eald Mre. Peyton, , "and when he haa: no money will follow me around the eoun- Bome. -. -. .. ' - Peyton le eald'to have followed hie wife. to Dollce headauartere and dieeov- ering - that aha . had entered complaint agalnat him. made hla escape. The po lice are searching for -him. ' . , POLICE DOUBT; THAT ? V BAKER IS A DESERTER Whether . John Baker la '-.a ' deserter from the United . Btatee - army is t a problem which Is interesting- the police. He waa arraated on , description yes terday morning while trying to secure a marriage license by Police Detective SndW and waa afterward identified by a sergeant at r Vancouver .' barracka i and taken there. - Up to the time he left Baker maintained that a mistake had been made. If no word le received from the post by thle evening inquiry 1 will be made. ' Baker wae to marry Mlas May Jordan, tha wedding being prevented by the arrest, . .The girl la inconsolable and declare ithat a gray error haa been made. ' Baker was employed as teamster by Roull Broe. at thalr farm on the Canyon road, Is miles, from Portland. He aaya that he came from South Dakota after Miss-Jordan left that atata, hla-Inten tions being; ultimateiy-to wea,ner.r CLUB CHIMNEYS SMOKE . AND BOYS ARE, BLAMED - Mischievous boys have made eo much trouble " for members of the 'younger social set at tha Irvington clubhouse,1 which Is located a short distance beyond (ha termination of . Tillamook atreet, that complaint waa made to the police yesterday and Acting Detectives Welch, Murphy and Jones were sent to -the acene laat night1 by Inspector Bruin to take the -youthful offenders Into cus tody should they be detected In their pranks.- i " ' ''.' f - ' ' " 1 . Learning of the preaenca of the de tectives the boys stayed away and none were arreeted. It ' la ' said' that they have been in the habit of climbing upon tha "roof of tha clubhouse' and' placing tin cana over tha chimney,, causing, the room to'flU with smoke. , : ji . . JAMES'. M'CAULEY'S WIFE-" ir .:, SAYS' HE IS MISSING T .,. .-(.',,.. . j r jr. '"k.. , l James. McCauley of Ut Porter street is reported to the police 'by hie wife aa missing. . He left hie home Monday night and did not - return. " He . la SI yeera old. and waa employed aa fireman at vhe power house of the , Portland Street Railway. company. , . . . D. Cardonrr . asked the ,pollce today to try to locate Frank Kamler, a aook, who has been . missing since. Tuesday morning.. He took $6 and went after medicine , and. did not ' return to Car donera houa f$a Seventh street. It Is leared that harm has befallen .htm. 1 . ,. Pareata .Though Ker, Seed. : Inqulrtea made by her parents of the local police and printed In The Journal have resulted ' in .notifying Mra , Idella M." Woodbury that' her . father ; and mother . feared ' that ehe and - her hue band might have . been killed In - the railroad wreak near Helena, . Montana, March I. Her parents, who reside in Maine, aaked ' tha .- police - to - ascertain whether' or not Mra. -Woodbury -waa In the wreck. Their- request waa printed tn ' The Journal - and -Mra - Woodbury called at the eflice-today, - She declared that she' wae not In 'Montana-at the time 'of the wreck. Her paranta were alarmed, aha aaid,' because of their failure' to receive Iter letters.- . '- ,-;..- 4 V I lOIEIXExJ: .V. J Campaignad With Italian Leader a a aa am. ' ala a a t wno p.ronounceg ner vona' i x. : Braveet Woman. ' :: A (Xoaraal Seealal aarlea.t - ,MUhk Ofl . Bl..nM ' Taaala whjte - Mario, ' who ' went " through the Garibaldi. campaign for a .united Italy, la dead at Florence. . Aa a young alrl, named Jeaale White, aba left--her home la.' England atUi In. her. teeha.' to. study art in France and Italy. . She .waa the daughter of a well-known Iale of Wight boat, builder.; ; In- Italy - ahe' made-, the acquaintance '. of the Garibaldi family and' acted aa a -sort of governess-in the Garibaldi household. ' ... ,t In 1867. Miss White waa engaged in Journal is tic work and ' contributed to Engllah . newapapere articles ' dealing with tha political situation, in Italy. About thla time aha married Major. Al berto. Marlo.u one .ot Garibaldi's officer She threw herself with ardor1 into the Struggle for Italian unity, and 'waa lm prleoned with her husband for a month or two,-being banished at the end. After a stay-in America, - Signer' and Slgnora Mario ' rejoined '( Garibaldi's camp. With Garibaldi's "red shirts" Slgnora Mario -went through the' Italian cam paign of 185 and I860.. She had on sev eral ' occasions to escape from dangsr oua situations In disguise, and aha -frequently rlaked her Ufa by taking the place of, others who' were being pur sued and In imminent peril 'of capture. Garibaldi apbke of her aa the bravest woman of modern ttmea, and wasaint. .Victor Ehnmanuel and other' Italian leadera were warm in admiration at her. ' -She - refused -all rewarda for -her services with the exception of two gold medals, which .were struck In her1 honor by eome of the wounded - whom 'ehe -had attended In her office aa lnspectresa of ambulances,1- a post conferred ' upon her on the battlefield by Garibaldi. - - ii WIFE OF MURDERER IS ' f -DEMANDING AJDIV0RCE 'j-.-" . .- i ..,...1. "-' TTlaMir BneHal'aervtaat - Roswell. N. M... March t. There Is little doubt that Mra. Mora Wlggina Harle-of thla city, formerly a reigning balls of El . Paao. Texaa. '.will obtain' a decree of divorce-agalnat her huaband. Dr.' Charles 8. Harle. Tha caaa la to coma up thla afternoon- and, aa the de fendant In tha ault will - not make bia appearance, being unavoidably detained in Mexico, a decree In default will prob ably' be rranted. t .. r. Dr. - Harle and - two other Americana, named' Mason and Richardson, are under sentence of. death In Jail at chihuahua, Mexico, having been eonvloted - or hay ing murdered two men .for -lneuranee money.. It. la. alleged that Mason and Richardson were engaged by a Califor nia life .Insurance tcorqpany to- aollcit bualneaa. It waa ' ahown in1 tha trial that they insured' the lives of two men. Dr. Harle acting In the 'capacity or ex amining i physician. . . Sometime . later the two men 'were decoyed across, ths river Into Mexico 'and there murdered. uDon which their life1 Insurance waa col lected. Strong efforts -are -being- made to have the death' sentence in the caaa of Dr.' Harle-commuted to'llfe Impris onment ' ' ' .' . -l ..I' , .t--"T ... ., . ALL-DAY . I NSTITUTE - AT- -t ; ST; JOHNS J0M0RR0W ' The- County -W. C V: TT. will hold ' aa all day institute-at St. Johns tomorrow whan the following program win oe carried- out: ' ' ' Mornings It 'to' 10:19 o'clock. devo tional; -18:19 to. 11 o'clock, organisa tion; 11 -to 11:30' o'clock, discussion on "Pure" Food": 'll-.lo to II o'clock, mothers' meeting, ' with poem ' by .Mrs. A. 8.. Hawk. '- Afternoon Derotional 'exercises.' Mrs. N. Fullilove; appointment- of com mittees; Loyal' Temperance Legion work. Mra - w. Donaldson,' Mra B. -Lee Fagett "What le Denatured Alcohol T" Mrs, M. C Van Tyna ' . - Evening Devotional exerolses,' by the Oldeonitea; prohibition address. Rev. H. C Shaffer. ' - - LUMBER MILLS SUFFER i;:, FROM CAR SHORTAGE tapadal Mapatch te The Jonraal.) ' Aberdeen. Wajih., March ii. The car shortage still continues, resulting In the frequent' closing' down of tha ehlngle mills. . Tha lack of facilities has caused the Gray's Harbor Commercial company at ' Coamopolls to , ship some of their lumber for local consumption on covered acows. The situation aeems even worse than before the meeting of the lumber men at Seattle, but It la reported that a good many cars are on the way from tha eaat, which - are , delayed .for t lack of englnee. ...''. ... . .'..)";1 1 ? . I 1 i ) - 1" t --.- ' V -f r- - V ra"ir r , ---ft ; ,V' H" 1 - - . ' i r -h,r,.; ,,;, J. ,i ;f ft,,., Rev.'; Anna VL Shaw, : Who With Mise y' land This Afternoon to Take' Part . t j - iaif a-ayerLl II y i-iCHD'CI, waiiLY ULLED h tDAD RUni'JAY ; t-. ' ' '" Mmi Ellen ; Peterson : far.Thrown , Under, Overturned" Buggy ."and Dragjred.s : ' . " . - ' 1 - - i V - - r HORSE - WAS SCARED J AT, STREETCAR) BELL 1 : " , .. r . . . - After ; Dracginc f Her, ' Animal . Kick ' Itself i Loose From Wreckage and ' ' Run Away, Eventually Fallinf .on , Steel Bridge.. I.'.'". '.' . : ' ., .' .-..". '." t, - -"--.-t .;- ":'r. v ''" V- " .-;.-' ' '"' " ; . 1 ""' .. .- ;: . " Mrs. mien Peterson .had a narrow :es2 eape from death or serious. Injury thla morning during 'a trunaway!- She ' was thrown under n overturned buggy and dragged aome distance. Patrolman Golts -extricated ' her from her predica ment' juat aa her horse fell' on, the steel -bridge and broke. Us- hip. The -woman waa . driving : the ' animal at First and .Burnslde atreeta, whan It became frightened- at tha ringing of the bell on a streetcar and' bolted' between, - a -dray -and the car, colliding with the team attached .to; the dray and over turning the buggy. Mra Peterson waa ' cahirht underneath the wreckage. .: ""She -was : dragged only - a - abort die- . tance when, the horse became entangled in the wreckage and kicked Itself loose. : Then It fled up Burnalde etreet to Third and dowa Third . to. tha , steal . bridge. wwviv at , - vwiwevu a w ana nm railing 'In'. euch a position that its 'hip . waa .broken.'. Mrs. Peterson waa taken. into, a store, 'where she was found not to be Injured bwyond , reoe lying - severe brulaee and . a, few aoratoheav The horae waa Shot'cy Golta. . - ": V " Mrs. Peterson. .waa. taken Borne by her. husband,-who la a, member , of . the ra . of Hanaon ai - Peterson,-engaged la-bualneaa at 193 Ruaaall. atreet. . . ' WORK'BEGINS ON THE GRAND. RONDE; ROAD 'fapecUl Dtapatek to The Joarmal.) - Union, Or Maroh-. ID. Ground -was - broken Monday on the right of way-of force of men, teams, and acrapere waa put- to work .and .the force will .be- In creased as fast aa men and teams can be. had. Union-and Cove, will- be con nected by June 1 and. tha road will 'then be extended to La Grande and Hot Lake, There ..le great rejoicing 'In the ( Grand Ronde valley, on Its acquiring .an up-to- date, electrlo railroad. RW. VANDYKE DIES ' ATiCENTRALIA'JODAY '(SpeeUl Dta patch te The Journal.) J . Centraila. . Wash.,.' March - II. R. WV Vandyke died here early this morning. . He waa an old resident of Centraila and a1 familiar1 figure- to-the travelings pub Ho at the depot, having met. all day paaaenger tralna for many, years selling Portland ' and sound ' papers. Hie t son, John, ls'inthe employ of- the -govern , ment at Tacoma In the Internal revenue service. T" " ' ""'""'"" - ABERDEEN DECIDES ' T0 CLOSE DANCE -HALLS ' (peelal Dtfipateh'te The JeameL) ' - . iik.n - u.mli 4S Atia aoefal meeting of the council -It was decided te , repeal tha orainance - licensinc oanca halls. It Is the general opinion that it ' will not cloae the places, but will result In tha loss to the city of $1,600 yearly. It-was also decided not to give 'the po i irt. mIu in'ular that t hay . have asked for,, nor the change to eight-hour shirts. . PACKERS'-CASES TO BE rv ! , TRIED IN SEPTEMBER Chtcaao. March If The court today set tha eecond Monday: In September ' for hearing the case of tha. packare ae corporations. The government's motion for a new trial of the individuals waa overruled, as also was the packers' mo- . tlon for a new trial of the corporations. -: Creeks Tlned lorty J)oIlav, (Rreelal Dispatch' to Tbe Joersal.) Umatilla,.. Or., March t. Oeorgw Tsouraa - and 1 Pete Vlhos, -? the - twe Greeke charged , with robbing freight cars at thla place, pleaded guilty at Pendleton, and each . were sentenced 'to pay a fine of 140. Both paid their Xlaea and were released-from custody- . . . a in hi. j )n '., - ' f ' .-A.. ' V- ' . . 1. 'V- 1 y ! " ' - , a 1 - t i ' i , ' i ' -. . I. , : ; .,.,;.,,,, ; Mary . Anthony, Will Reach . Port- . ! in ' the ' Woman 'a Suffrage . Cam- - i- ' " . , . , f 1 ". I : 'i ' ; 'Vr; . K .'