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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1906)
4r - TOtaosrs -uruirj-irrs. r Kojplre. .. n ... . . .Mm In I BarlMqa. "01. Oliuo" "His Wife's' Crlam't. .::y:r::x:::::r::::li!g Central W. G T. union field tu usual weekly meowing at It room, 00 Oood- nought building, yesterday, afternoon, r The-- count y president,' Mre.-'Whlteeldee, was present and spoke of the fluarterly . .convention 'to be held. Friday at ,8t, Johns, all day and evening. sYn Inter eating ;wnn baa beeiprepared. Mra. Dalglelsh reported the auocessf ulT ban quet held at the T. W. C. A. rooms last "week.. Mrs, M. I Hidden waa . pree ent and made soma Interesting remarks. 'Mrs. May Keller else spoke and several reported regsrdlng the exercises for the nusrterly .temperanca Sunday school "lessons In many churches, i. , - ' Those are real bargains advertised today by Will Wolf Co., lit Morrl son street. -The atore Is in the middle " Tof the block," north side of street," be. twees First and Second, and. within It .' t a mass of men' a, youths' and boys' clothing and Shoes that are being sold . at' price that ought to clean out the , , place, within a weak. The etook will not be held any . account. ,so that bargain . hunter will do . well to take Immediate advantage of the great sale. - There axe ' some women'' waist and aklrta In th assortment received that 'are offered at almost no price at all , ' Th following havo filed declaration with County Clerk Frank 8. Fields that they are candidates for th nomination for precinct committeemen: W. J. MUr ler, Linn ton; Thomas Strain. Mt. ZUm; A. C Emmons, Rlverdale; Frank Me Mahon. Ill East Seventh street north; O. B. Fleming, 10(1 East Taylor street; V- W. M. iConklln, I1T Marguerite avenue; C M, McKay, 101 Bancroft afreet; Judge T. J. Gclsler. 4T1 Chapman street; T. E. Hulme, (14 Seventh street; J. J. Dun - ping. 141 Burnstde street; A. X Rassler, ' North Fifteenth street, and W. N. Burk. West Portland. ,v . ' At a special meeting of th chamber - ef commerce held yesterday afternoon -1S new memos re were elected. The meeting was held for th special purpose of admitting them -end an- adjournment ' wa taken, as soon as this was com plated, ; The new-member -ere aa ,fol- j lows. J. ' w. wusey, ine rnc com" .... panyi Mount Hood Brewery. N. H. 'Nea - bltt, Hagemaa ft Blanehard. J. F. Hurst company. M. . Walsli company, Pacific Ceeat Commercial company. Paclflo .. - Mala! Fiati-actlon.. company. Multtgraph Ietter oompany, Chaiiea autterwortn, M. B. Rankla, Dr. B. B. Wright. ' i Reeolnlloas condemning th proposed , demolition of Castl Rock wera passed . yeetorday - by Multnomah Chapter, baaghters of the Revolution, -and a committee, Mrs. W. K. Thomaa, ohalr ' man, waa appointed to-apprise the own ..'era of th rock of the erganlaatlon'a " action. The wemen met at th rest ' , dene of Mrs. W. C Moon Jr. Mr. 0. : A. Brodle road a paper on "The Arte and ' Craft -of Our Grandmothers. There was aa exhibition of colonial laces, em--broideries and needlework. Miss Mas tick. Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong and Mrs. 4 Barry furnished music . . , i WMM " 'J . Hot an attorney . jior a judge waa in - th courtroom of Presiding Judge Arthur , L. Fraser's department of tho circuit eourt at (:I0 o'clock this morning, the . time set for tho opening of court. There were present three women who had oom '- to appear' as witnesses In a trial. Deputy County Clerk A. Bush and Theodore Wells anr Bailiff Powell. Mr. Powell. - who has been at the courthouse tot year . declares It wa th first time h remember when there waa no member " -, of tho bench or bar In th room of th presiding Judge at th time set for th pening ot court .- i;, J Edna PaJmatoer reached the city from ha oounty hospital Tuesday night to find herself without homo or xrienos. She la the mother of four .children, who er being taken car of by charitable 'persons. Her husband, la serving a term In th Oregon . penitentiary. In her d I fit real th woman applied for aid at police headquartera. Captain 8lovr aent for Dr, Spenoor, th city physician, who pronounced her a nervous wreck. Hn was sent temporarily to th Olive , Branch mission. - :. Th Astoria ft -Columbia River rail road announces that commencing on th . laat Sunday In April It will run regular ' excursion train every Sunday at th usual special faro ef 11.10 for tho round trip. Trains will leave Portland at an. early hour in th morning and depart - from Seaside early enough in the after , noon to get people horn at a reasonable hour of the evening. . , ' Chief Deputy- Sheriff J. W. Ferguson - declares that few property owners seem Jo realise that the day for settling taxes without having to pay gn add! . tlonal 10 per cent are few. Mr. Fergu 7 son aay that after April S all taxes not paid will be delinquent. A 10 per cent ' penalty will have to be paid after that . time unlees one half of th taxes are .. paid. ' . ' "." Every oandldate ought to' Introduce ' himself to the voters by the publication or hla portrait In tho newspaper. We .are experts In half-ton portrait work. W make , eoleo prints, . th best for newspaper use, and our prioee are the earn a for the ordinary photo. Moore' - eturtlo, Elk' building. Seventh and ; Stark. Open Sunday 10 to l. -, , , ' . Free Lecture (Swedenborglan). Rev. L. O. . tiendenberger of St, Louis, , mis , slonary pastor of the Illinois associa tion, will deliver the following leotdree: Thursday evening, March It, at Audi torium hall, tom Third street, between ' Taylor and Salmon atreeta. Subject, "The Nature of the Word of God end How to Interpret It." T:I0 p. m. Penney Bros. Friday Special. Five big bargains' In wine 11.10 grade of white or red port, at $l per gallon; 11.10 grade of muscat, at $1 per gallon; v 1.10 grade of sherry, at 11 per gallon; 11.10 grade of sauterne, at 11 per gallon. Phone East 1ST. Free delivery. ST0-SI1 Eaat Morrison street : ' Before Judge Sear today Is being tried the case of J. R. Clark and F. A. Simpson, contractors, against school 1 dlatrlet No. II. The eontractora are aulng for $1,114, which they allege I due them for labor and material in the construction of a schoolhoose at' Lents - last fall. . - . Articles of Incorporation for the Oil pert company have been filed l a the '. county ' clerk's office by F.'N. Gilbert, , O. B. Hovenden and J. W. Newklrk. The . company 1 formed chiefly to carry on . mercantile and banking businesses. The ; oaplUl stock la (100,000. , aamaasewsaaaei ,W. C. Hawley, candidal on the Re 1 publican ticket for congressmen from the first district, will speak at Wood men' hall at Mllwaukle, Saturday even ing at I o'clock. .. Tha officials of th rhamber of com- ..merce have been requested by the American. Exporter, an eastern shipping Journal, to supply' a 1,000-word article Liu ' O LUOiii: . in finn Id nnnrn lUDUKUCU Sherman. Clay A Co. Buy Out . Alien A. CllbrtReUTiakr. . Company, v DUNDORE PIANO COMPANY 1 MAY NOT BE CONTINUED Allen ; OUbert-Kaniakr Compcny Will Bs Cpnductad - Undtr Old . Name, S7 . F. N. " GilberWeUa FrtncUco) Houso Wanted Field. 8hrman, Clay A Co., a San Franciaeo piano house, baa' acquired the business of Allen ' ft OUbert-Bamakor oompany, Sixth and Morrison atreeta. Tha deal, which becomes effective May i. Involve more, than m quarter of a million dol lar a The. Dundore piano oompany, cor ner Sixth and Alder atreeta, handle the. Sherman, Clay ft Co. line of pianos. Whether It will continue in business after th parent arm takes charge of tha Allen ft ailbert-Raraaker concern remains to be seen. J. H. Dundore. who has been with Sherman. Clay A Co. for II years, said this morning that he wa not at liberty to talk for publication on that subject. Discussing th deal tbio morning F. K. Gilbert aald: , . 'The acquirement of our business doe not mean that the flrm'a name will go out of axlatenoe.. The boua .will be conducted under the old name. Wiley B. Allen etarted It more than 10 year ago.- In 1000 I bought him out land he went to San Francisco, where he opened another house. He died laat fall, but the business there la going on Just the. earn. ... - . : . . "Sherman, Clay A Co. buy me out for two "hsasaon. They cannot well get con trol of tho line of piano Z handle by any ether means.- - They are annloua to enter the northwestern field because they reallce that lta future trade wtll grow with the development of the coun try. Our buslnes la not confined to Port land. We have branch store at Seat tie. Belllnghara, Tacoma, Everett and Spokane. Washington, and agendo- a Salem. Eugene. Albany, HlUaboro, La Grande and Forest Grove, Oregon; Walla Walla, - Colfax, Olympla. ' Ellensburg. North Yakima and Aberdeen. Washing ton; ijewiston and Wallace, Idaho. ' --- Th outstanding eontraat buslneee ef Allen A Gilbert-Ramakar oompany wlQ be handled by the Arm aelllag out, a company having been organised today for that purpose. and three euta on the shipping industry ef Portland. The article haa been pre pared and cuts showing th harbor and ships here were forwarded to the maga sine this morning. -The request for the article and pictures states that the Jour nal realises that Portland la a a Im portant shipping . port and entitled to recognition in th maritime world. . Dr. and Mrs. T. L, Eliot will be ten dered a reception from S until 10 o'clock this eveaing by the Unitarian Women's Alliance, -in the Unitarian chapel. 'Sev enth and Yamhill atreeta. The func tion will be to allow the friends and others to meet Dr. Bliet and his wife upon the eve of their departure-for Eu rope, and wlan them bon voyage. S Mr.. Whitney L. Bols of Hawthorne avenue entertained the . Consumers' league yesterday afternoon. The at tendance wa exceptionally large, and much Interest waa taken In the abort talk by D. Soil Cohen and Mrs. B, H. Trumbull. They were along the general lines of the league work. Miss Mont gomery, president, presided, "Flowering Shrub. 'There 1a great pleasure in having hardy, free-flowering roots and ehruha la one's yard. The new varieties of peonies and Japanese Iris are really handsome and are rap Uy coming to th front. - Ask Portland Seed company. Front and Tarohlll. about them and sand for descriptive catalog. . ',. , ' , -. The Sunday school association ef the fourth Sunday school dtstrlat held a convention In th . First . Presbyterian church last night The meeting waa well attended and Sunday school work wa dlscossed In He ovary phase. Pa pers were read by a number of promi nent workers. H. J, Miller, contracting freight agent of th Astoria A Columbia River road, has been appointed traveling freight agent for the Northwestern to succeed C. J. - Gray, who resigned a abort time ago to accept another position. The appointment become effective April 1. ' Japanese Dusting" Compound, for aprlukllng on floors before sweeping. A highly meritorious article. Trade aupplled by F. B. Beach A Co., th pio neer paint ' oompany, selling the beet things made In palnte and general build ing material, ill First at, oor. Alder. The body of Miss Florence DeWelf, the University of Oregon student who died Tuesday at the Good Samaritan hospital ef typhoid fever, will b taken to th old home of the family In Canada for burial. - Miss DeWolf contracted the disease while In Eugene,' and bad been ill nearly three week. . W Funennan s special car lor au up per Clackamas river points will leave O. W. P. waiting-room. First and Alder streets, next Sunday morning at I o'clock. "Butter's tawn fertiliser rejuvenates the shabby lawn; his sweet , peas and lawn grass got gold modal at the fair, 111 Front, between Yamhill and Taylor, ' Lost The ' man who lost bis eye glaaaee can have them replaced for. II J a perfect fit gcari-nteed. Metsger A Co., Ill Sixth street. Jewelers and opUdana. 'concrete Construction Co., 701 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturer , of conorot stons block. - Contractors for all kinds f cement work. Tel. Main 110, Why pay II to 110 for eyeglasses t We guarantee a perfect tt for. 11. Eyes examined free. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street . : Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oils and line gasolines. Phone East flO. ' Thursday Evening Dancing '. elub Dance tonight, Burkhard hall. Women's exchange. 111 Tenth street, lunch, II to I. . . , ' Baldwin's Health Tablsts. Take them tonight be well tomorrow. Cures constipation. ' tie, Draggtsta. ; ' Milwaukit Country CluLv t Los Angeles and Oakland races. Take Seilwood and Oregon City, cars at First and Aider , r . i M;rcj::l;r";3; CrcC. Tobcrrcv cr.3 ' SctuOay TQ Co ca Ty.;! 71;: 0 Ci'iii i .,.,, . i ,i . MsTi i I . m ' ii i , : ; ; 'v r 1 " trcn a izrr tttzzm r i a a rrtsej tczi crvr..! rr-vzzr vtuae-une oi taej tsr -1 ,.x fir- c? r t tTYtgytr ea a rtcaat trb to t!t litw Ycr!t rxxtxt-CLZZzx TtZtttt cf acyerior gaa!.ty rzi rTtt tttlrtV.t atylt ni- ccijrb? a variety of 23 ftt ttrt' to tt!ct frc3tlac!c ezi wtfta chacka la traa ttyltt trewn tsti wtlf ivaclu t!artw atylaattea t-.j 17 ytili checla la thraa ttylltxir-llna itrbat fa tlack cl vvlltacrown and wtitagray aaq wtite, Un aaa wluta, ttaa tad whltaAttractiv. aarvtcaatia atylaa for waistt tai atfrtwaUt tiU3c f 1.00 and $1.33 val uta at, yarel . 57 c v Sea ruth SSrert Vbdow DlJay Meier a ITrcnli's 044tta Fiiday Surpriso Sdo 'Vdudi to $9 for $3.45 Another great a Sala offertag of SZk Walatt for tomor- row All aaw. oJaairaMa atylaa ia maaaaSaaa an4 toffetaa, trimmed with aMa pUIts. ono4nch tncka, iJn-tackeoJ yokaa, fancy fronts of hematltcfclas tai French knots Ectton front op ivck Colora tire white, pale Mae, navy, green, pink, red, pttTpla, brown, gray, Uadr., red en4 rreen, green and brown. grtm and bine -and Scotch plaida All alxea Great aaaort pent-Valaet eg to $9 -each, on aale tomcr- Orjl t-rrur mtfv at tha riiSeelacilv low tkrice of...... ' tiJ 3 aVJ ; S mh Street Wlsiow Dbljy Meier O Franks 844th Friday Sinrrisc Salo gpz.Mes Pke Hosiery 5 - '. : . . .. 50c and ?5c Vdnes 29c Pair '' - '-' : , -f. .. ..,. : . , Special Marrelooa values la mea'e new Spriot; end Summer Hosiery for to merowg S44tli Frldajr Surpriae agio 1,000 doeeit of the celebrated. "Onyx brand, purchased from America's leading hosiery importers, by the furnishing; goods buyer on a recent trip to the market All the handsomest '". styles shown for this season All new, perfect mer chandise in' great aasortment--Opn-work lace Iisles In tana, grays, black. All ca blue, navy and hello, plain lisles in gray, tan, hello, stripes, plaids and 'Jacquards Black ' and tan embroidered noveltiesSilk alaitaol clocks la tan and black All glees. Regular JOc and 1t it. 1.... t.r- .11 Hit wan at: nalr....-k J. jaWf ' Abo a F-w Fancy CtbaerStw Window Dltplay Voluos in Boys' ClotMrig Boys' Eton Sailor Suits la grey or brown mixed tweeds and eassimereo, agre 4 to 9 yeers; very best styles. Regular $5 value! on f! 1 QK eale at........... Vwlsyea Boys' 2-ptece double-brtiited school suits la fancy ' worsteds and cheviots, extra well made, ages S to 16 years; great special values C'A 1 f ; for this sale st i?HP V Young Men's fancy wort tou,nitt, 9Mini rnixturssswt.......O.OOf gll.SO. gia.OO Little Boys' Junior Norfolk ) Suits in neat gray .. mixture.,. ages 3 to 8 years; great. CO 1 K values at 4,, ...... ........... VsV Little Bovo Russian Blouse Suits, sailor collar and . . white ohield, collar trimmed with white braid, sges 24 to 6 yesrs, also light blue, steel l 1 gray and pink; jlji values for...... V Young Men's all-wool suits, single or double-breasted, grsv mixed tweeids snd cheviots, fff1' Sges lz to 20 yesrs; great values at.iV eW , ,!... il ,,.., ,i i . .. J 1 i Great EastScIo -clT - irw French lurrd-nvada Undama!!3 rM Uk-Kade elomettic Mxxi-a wear on aale at very apedal rrlcea the remainder of the week Wotaan'a hand-made French Cowna. lutael-ega--hroidared, drawn at the neck with eyelet-., and " rijbhori, etahroldered fronta, ahort alaevaa, very rich atylaa Resuiar S3.00 and f 6.00 valaea ' on aale at thla low price of. S3 Women's hsnd-made French Chemise. ' ' hnd-embroH4erad, . yoke effects,- seal- loped edges, eyelets drawn -with -rib- ; Don; vaiirea up te fJ.w r? 1 RC1 on sale at .......O 1 (U 04.00 NSshtgovns at CI. 79 it 1 oft' jrh ' '.,' ' ' 1 Special lot of "Women's Nightgowns, frimmeoS m very, fine embroideries, Jacee, tucks,. insertions, bsadings end ribbons1; long and short sleeves, low, round; square and high necke; regular $3.30 and C 1 $400 values on aale at this low. price. ....... ... V Special lots of. high-grade gowns. Th prettiest styles in large variety. Pru1ar iAM to $710 values are being cleaned ua at this - O O O low price of ?.9S each ......,.,.v,,v;t....n..A.r V-- (iw vw yt we vra w-w-. vbvh ,t. .i.ttri - Croat special sale of women's high-grade white ..Underskirt, trimmed' in very handsome embroideries, fine vaUaees, edgings, insertions, and XTtucko, separate dust ruffles, etc. The. best bargains in. petticoats we -,vr offered Grand special values ,a't ..i:. .u $ I QJOQ Petticoat at U.tA- 13.00 Pettleoata at $7.50 SI 3.00 PetUcoata at S6.C9-S 3.00 Pettlcoata at $1.49 $ 7.30 Pettlcoatt tt $343 - Second Floor - $ 1 8.00 to $32.00 Pettlcoata for $ 1 0.9& gach 3,000 pairs" of 'women's fsncy Hosiery, in green, brown, navy, gray, each' color in thfee styles ellover laee with black fleur de lis, plain lisle with ' striped ankJesvplatn Hole with fancy lac panels: a very large assortment to select from; all sites, unusual value; peir:....v-K-eW Women's Ifose In 'ptain black cotton, double sole,'Hermdorf dyi; 5m , ported Hose of the best, grade, sll sises; regular 50c .values, tl! on sale tt this low price, pair, ., .................. . . .... .. JJU Women's fine gsute lisle Hose, double sole, "high aplice'd heel, - bend eesm, all aiacs; best 30e values,' at.... ............i.,., WV Women'! plain blck and. tan cotton Hose,-elo block lisle Hose; O all sixes; the best 25c values. at, pair.. ........... ....... Children's medium-weight blsck cotton Hose, double knee -- 1 fife sole, all siree; reg. 25c val, on .sale, at thi.Jow jriee, pair.j, .1 ta. Children's fine ribbed cotton Hose, lxl rib, double white maco , . . feet, all aiacs; bast 33e values on sale at this low price, pair. , .. '..... . - - , . , Groat -Riis Ddrsain w 1,000 Saratoga Bath Ruga, washable and guaranteed not to fade; splen did patterns;' very best values in all sues Croat values at ; .' lCx36bi.,yl.23vl.. $ .9? 24x4fl iat.M0 vtl., $1 .97 36x36 fcu., $2.75 vii; $3.20 30x60 bt.tw3.50vtJM 03.43 '. 3x72 In., 43330 yd.. 154,33 .iSp'eclal lot of 300 Nubia WiKon'Rugs; - ', sice 27x34 inches; Oriental'.designs in ' . beautiful coionogs; values cxtraordt- f nary at inie low Sir .53 price. Kalga Art Rugs; handsome, serviceable and inexpensive; Oriental designs and coloring gs: stse vxu . . r in nn . i; $13.50 valuaa tor.... l l VaUV MAY 5END DELEGATE TO ARBITRATION CONVENTION aawaaBaaBSBBwassBS . Th beard ef trade la In eeeelon tat aiteroooa for the purpoo of electing new merobere and tr ansae ting, matters of routine business. The meeting wa called for the pur. nose of naaolng noon SO teen and bnal. neea Anna that have applied for mem bership In tas organisation.' It Is prob able that during the session the pros!, dent will be instructed te name a dele gate to the. International Arbitration convention to so neia at lo aaooona Maw York, on May 10, tl and June 1. Delegatee from every part of the world will be present ' at this convention. Those In attendance upon the gathering will be the guests of A. K. Smiley, pro prietor of the Lake. Mohonk hotel and resort.. '.. "'.'""; " WASHINGTON PEOPLE c LIKED MR. M'MURRAY W W. MeMurrar. who had charge of the Washington eiourslon party on' Its recent trip throagb California, haa last reoatvea a oopy -of a aet .of reeolations of thanks adopted by the party while en the train between Ban Lule Obispo- and Santa Barbara, afr. MeMurray wont as tha representaUve. of the Southern Pa clflo oompany and personally looked after the comfort and welfare of thee on the 'trip. The resolutions algaed by Governor Mead follow.' , . - "Resolved,. That we, the members Of the exourclon party frees, the state of Washington, desire to place on record our appreciation of the effort of Mr. William MeMurray to make our visit to CaUfpra beta Piast a4pret-t- W; 1. TvaMffiLL fi CO. 1M-1J3 GRAND AVSNUK . A KG DISPLAY CF SPRING GOODS AT TEIS ST02E ' The big Eaat Side Store hae fairly ' outdone Iteelf In the variety of tprlng Ooods now oa display. Every department shows grsater variety and better eelcetiona than ever In the past. : Dress Goods 104 TO fl.50 YARD A' very striking selection of the i newest shades and weaves at i very popular prices. , W VIU til 9 If UUI SKIrts f 3.50 - TO fSiOO , EACH Tailor-made, ready to wear Skirts.- . .'. StylishWhileWalsls . 7t"4 . Td t.Tw EACH The ; swellest assortment of White Wsists on the market; valuee : are exceptional. . . .. . i Men's Spring Suits f 10.00 TO f lt.SO An as- sortment just twice as" large. as sver before. The styles sre strictly up-to-date snd our prices $2.00 to 5.00 less thsn elsewhere. j-. .a : 7 Women's Oxfords f 2.00 TO f 3.50 A very ex tensive showing of new Tan, Blsck Kid and Patent Leather . Oxfords, in newest styles-., i ' Lace and Button. ' ( "Crawford Shoes lor Men ; 53.50 and 54..00 All leathers. able. . We cannot find adequate words la whloh to espree ear opinion Of hi courtesy and executive ability In car rying out the details of the various feo tares of thla delightful trip. .- "We desire to oonvcy to the Southern Paclflo eompanyour thanks for putting Mr. MoMurray In charge of thla eicur Slon, ana to aiaur the aompaa tat large measure of the unprecedented en joyment we have derived therefrom la due to tie effort We believe that th recults of the trip will be far more beneficial to the people of Washington and ef California than waa ever anticipated- by the. promoters of the excur sion, and we again wish to express our appreciation eZ toe services rendered kj I be ihiropractors i v ' - A m : fit O C: ' n c pit I - : - . . Are perferming marvels in . relieving poor,' suffering humanity. ;.. .) .-. . When the fact is taken into consideration -that the people who come to as are aa a rule-almost without a vestige of hope, and after a 'few chiropractic adjust-mante-era astonished' to find themselves on the road to recovery, then the results attained by thia wonderful science .must be considered something marvelous. ' But there is nothing supernatural-about ttlt ia a -ectenee founded upon absolute and correct knowledge of Uie nerves. - The cause; in ninety-five per cent of disease. is pinched nerves, caused by luxations of tha vertebrae of thO spine. , : ; :; y.- ,;" ' ; ; ,.:,iV . We simply reduce the ' luxetion,? thereby, removing the nerve pressure end allow nature to perform her functione. uninterrupted. -.'. . It ia a very common occurrence to hear a. new patient ssy right away after 'the. first' adjustments "VVell, X believe I feel better' already.- And they certainly do. for the' nervee thi were pinched, have. been released, . and tnsy can not neip put tei-tter. . ; r - ,' V Come 'and be convinced yourself. We charge noth , ing to diagnose ydnr ease, and .can show you, beyond .. a doubt, the cause 'of your ailment, and remove it also. .'Be honest in youf search for health' and you will find. yourself espousing 'chiropractic; ; k s 4 ; . . , ', 'i ' i Wby IJot, Consult ths Chiropractors? I 'lSYMC'.'t&wt tPEcxAusTsli! i. ; :. Roema 110-311 iBtearns Block. Phone Main 67t? . .Office Hoars, $ to 12, 2 to 333, 7 to 9. Mr. MeMurray la providing .for our sontfert and in bringing to our nolle tho. treat reeoureee and-; varied attrac tions ot thla truly -3olde atata.' fer- - (Spwtal Ptovah te 1m J "Pendleton. Or., farch i ). aess men of rtu:to-y .' aasoctation for th purr.' t COPTiMTl bit" - for their; mutual r ler wee ' -t- the a.Baciat elected sevre ----- 4. ' "