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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1906)
STCZEiCZ::S AT I A.-a , A,l::::TY CC::Z-ZZS 0E UTKlnnr n" " Hf!rvF-ir; VWU 0R0UP Of.STYlE STORE CLCZZS' AT C TA . DlFFEZm";ST0nE SPEClALn'SnOPS- iPagt PiyJnttd Paragraphs; Prcgnint with Persuasive Prices Pulsating IvitH Pointers of Plentiful and Powerful Economics, Peerless In their Purse-Pleasing Propensities ' . ) ii i i. i i a II ' 1 II - ' I FOR TROUT ; Hundreds of Local , Sportsman t Will Sally Fortrr-4-lenty f r j of Fish Reported. , t Tualatin -river said ' ? t-fT- TO BE THE EARLIEST . Deputy Cam Wardens Patrolling . Stream Lookb( for f Men Who :'r, Can't Wait for Season to. Open y' Bill to, License Fiabertnen Popular. Nsxt Sunday, April 1. ths trbiif Muon will open In Oregon. Hundreds oijocju 'sportsmen will seek their favorlt trout streams, Many will leave the city Saturday nlht In order to be on .the Waters early Sunday morning. ' , Reports received in Portland are to the effect that trout are plentiful In nearly all the streams within easy trav. ellng dlstanoe. This Is said to be ee pecially true of the Tualatin river and ' its tributaries, the. Clackamas and Sandy rivers.' The Tualatin Is said to be the earliest ' and great numbers of -sportsmen ' are ' planning to visit it. ' V For the past 'month tl or mora deputy - game wardens-have been patrolling She streams of the state In order to prevent "taking trout out of season. a. Several arrests havs been - made .'and .-convictions secured. During- the ' remaining ; days before the opening of t ho .season the deputlea will be especially eUrt for the restless llshermen who -cannotj wait ll;for the opening day. 'Two deputies, ars on Dairy creek, another Is" on. Scoggln ; creec, and several -have been patrolling the Clackamas and Its tributaries, wnere - violations . bave been moat frequently .renorted. . - . r . Local sportsmen are becoming much ""Interested In th proposed license for fishermen suggested, by the State Flan ; and Game association. - If is- proposed to frame a bill to be presented at the - next session of ths state legislature, similar to the one ' providing f or i a ' hunter's license, to license every , per son who carries a Ashing rod. The pro--': ceeds from thess license would be used to distribute -and -protect-trout in . the streams of the state. It is the plan of A. H. Oebhardt, sect retary of the Bute run ana ieroe as--soclatlon,'to devote the proceeds of the ' nshlng tax to building a trout hatchery with a capacity or approximately. i,uuo, 000 fry a year. These small trout, dis tributed throughout the state, would In sure! an aounaance oi excellent spon tot all. :.. , - --r The blU to be introduced will provide for the appointment of a state flan and ' game commission by the governor or the legislature, whose duty It shall be to - control the collection and expenditure of 'in license r zvmms u -wunwwi ui a hatchery such as - is . desired can be erected and . equipped for 15.000. and - that 11.000 a year would defray all ex penses. It is argued that if the flsher- i men's. license yielded the same returns - mm v ii v . n u u wi w vu.w w " an" abundance of -money to carry out the project .. Since the hunters' license was -imposed less than a year ago $17.e0 has been collected. - A meeting of ths 8tate Fish and Game association will be held April .for the 4, purpose v of reorganisation. ... It , la . the plan to make.. the state association the hub .societyj' with; auxiliaries In -every community where Interest can be. cre- - feted in the protection of fish and game. , If this plan Is adopted an organiser I will be appointed, whose duty it shall be . to go from one oommunlty to another ; and form -local associations. The mem ' bere of the etate association. realise that unless some Immediate steps are 'taken f to protect the fish snd game Oregon "v will soon lose Its reputation as a sports 7 man's paradise. . " '.' . ' ---r" t COLLEGE GIRLS AND ' BOYS SING TONIGHT - '". i ' - -) . ' The Ladle' Glee club Of Pact lid unl- ; verslty will give a concert thle evening in ths First Congregational church. Thl. li,H la matt tin of 30 of "" the heat singers oVhe conservatory ..of Pacific university, .tt will be assisted by Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman, messo-so-prano, and the Alpha' Zeta mala quartet. """The -first-part- of -4ha. program- will consist of the cantata "The Lady of Shalott," Tennyson's beautiful -poem,' ln muslcal setting, which will be given by the ladles' chorus -with the eololsts. The second part will be "Six Ancient Folk-Bongs of The. Netherlands." and . will be rendered by the full chorus, aa- sis ted .by Professor C. E. . Bradly. and H. H. Markel, soloists. The third and most Dooular part will be made up of .. college glees, by the Alpha Zeta male ; quartet, ladles' quartet, soloist -and ; full-chorus. .. . '. In order that sveryoody may hava an . opportunity to assist In the. raising of ' a fund for a .new girls' hall ao admis sion will be charged, but a collection '-will be taken. -n .--.-..,. , . V ' m SAN FRANCISCO MAN WAILS.FOR'LOSTDOG ..' i l . .. -J-Curran Clark, a. real estate dealer of ' tit Market street,' San Franclsoo, .1 the .owner of -a field spaniel dog. He.hae not possession of the dog, aa somebody ' kindly undertook to rear it properly and teach it delsarte'for him. - But he 'I in great travail of spirit over the dog and has appealed to the police of every city on the coast to help him locate bis .treasure. ,' .;. "When I lost him he was quite fleshy . and . would weight approximately II pounds," read - the communication ' to Chief Gritsmacher. ' ". ." The' remainder of 'the letter conveys " the Impression that Mr. Clark - fears : the dog Is not being fed on tenderloin steaks and bathed -regularly and may . he losing flesh.'1 Owing to Detective' Joe : Day's success ' in locating a -silver ' thimble recently lost. - it - Is' probable ' that he "will be : detailed to try. te ' re i rover his dog-ship. - . - I RIMBALL Pip Organs, ' -America's masterwork, , v found in all the greatest Au- '; - - ditoriums, and in the homes of wealth,1 East and West, ' f ,. are, .. . -,.-. . . . . . .' ' ' BoU Oaly Vy EILERS PIANO HOUSE - "Stens ,t rertlaaa, ' Spekaae, Belee, I ' - : ' Baa .rmaelaee.1 Steokte,' Oaklaad sad ' ' ": ' - AU Otaer lasertaat retats. . I' ."...' . ' . f I . ' ' I'l I '''-T' AtA:Sfll of; VOLIEWS WHITE $4.50 - In so far at bona fide bargain i worth it .. concerned . we've not only got a genuine surprise for . . you, but we want you to. raise your bargain expectation to a very high pitch, and even well astonish the most optimistic. "When we tell you we're going to sell handsome white Shirt waists on Friday for $1.69 that were made to sell up to -oo you may come here fully ex oectine . to receive the values we stateand even more than we promise. The waists are for present and-summer requirements, fine enough for social func tions and everyday after-lunch wear, full ofjthai dainty charm of simplicity which gives; such excellent style for practical wear. Pure linens,', handsomely mercerized madras, figured piques and chic basket weaves in embroidered and tucked styles, open fronts or open backs. . Wide tucks, narrow tucks and dainty clusters vieing with, each otherior supremacy in beauty. All have collars and stocks. Some-are plain tailored, sleeves plain tailored with stiffened cuffs' and. in fancy effects. : Only 400 waists in the lot a fortunate "buy" of a big factory end. Some are slightly mussed by" handling," but one trip' to the" laundry will freshen them to oristine newness .'and beauty. The bireest Shirtwaist Sale of ahe.yeartvaluespito$lWtJSpe DRESS TRimilNGS-Jf8c for $2.00 Sort -, , ".. . 'Tarsi mo. .'.,.'.' A lot of. Colored Embroidered Trimmings -in band, festoons and medallion patterns; suitable for front tabs, stock collars and cuffs; value at T6o to , J, O0.J: .Special, the yard ............. - .. ... .. . ,'.8e) Bargain' Argument i Bixtk Street Aaaea Tlnri rioev. i .: VOUI1 IUW.VaUIIiUI.IM. , tl-lnch Black Cotton Taffeta Umbrellas, with Paragon frame and steel rod; - some with straight Princes bandies, others with-the Opera crooks L regular value, 1 0. Special. each ,..,.im4ii.,i . 98e Latf'?Mecfcwear--Bg Values for 25c :. -r .. v :,'. . Tloot. . - ... ,-: .. - A lot of Fancy Stock with front tab Of Batiste and Point Venlee combined. In cream 'and white,' worth, 40c and Wc. Beautiful Embroidered Batiste '1 Stocks, with front tabs. In an assortment of patterns; worth llo to 80o; also some very pretty bluebell' pattern Baby Irish Stocks, without front;, "worth 60c All will be' placed on Special Sale Friday for, each ...251 LEATHER GOODS BARGAINS ,;.. ..-..,; -. . wass rig . , ,; 'v". ''"', !, ; r wosokii ius SLursmAos see. ''.'-.. A line of Women' Handbags, black and brown leather covered, riveted frame, , strong handle, leather lined, fitted with a convenient slse coin purse. Splen- - did value At 250. .Speclal.'each -984 - WOMBsrS' SO UBATXODS aUsXTS Ste." Black. Seal Leather Belts, made. of two pieces, center seam making them . close fitting; also the shaped and stitched style, new this season. In black .only; slses IS to 10;' regular .value 60c Special, each ....... v 89d " '.-j . wV -,;'"' :'. ivma wowir' io. Buster Brewn Belts In 'patent leather, made with two buckles and dtp front, in black, blue and green;-slaes II to l- Special, at, each 104s ' ' srsaaicr rosna rmxozs to STBajrorxnT' . ' -v HOSIERY: BUYING FIRST FLOOR ....;' WOSOMTS 60 XOSS 89a. Black Ul Hose, very light weight gsuse, fuU finished, garter top. double sols'; regular 10c value. ' Special, the pair .............. ...i ...... . ..32e ! . i VOUIa BOe'HOSa so. ":'' Imported Black Lace Lisle Hose, with embroidered boots; regular value 60c , Special, the pair ,.s.. .30e , ( "oxzxsaxars aoe'xosa isHe. -1 Children' fin ribbed Black Cotton Hose, searalsss, double knee, beet and tos; ( regular. value :0c. Special. .the pelr .... 4 .... .- 12H . .. i i. i, woKBti so sosa strppomTxms , sse. Military. Supporters, adjustable,' can wear In front or on side, j all colors; 'regular value 0c. Special 4,. 851 a wazBi or wmiTa I BAZVTT ' - ' First Floor. a suiTisas xm mite ..Linen i Finish Suitings Mc Yard Tls a season of white. . It's simply wonderful how' beautiful the fabrics are, and In, what . Infinite variety they appear In our Wash Oooda Section First -i Floor Here's a wonderful value in one of the moat desirable fabrics for making up of" charming Summer Frocks shown this season. A tempting convention, of i daintily pretty White Suitings that are so cleverly linen - finished as to deceive all but the trained eye of an expert at doss range. These beau'tlfiil stuffs are, 8 Inches wide. and remarkable value Indeed at , Friday . pTice of . . ...... t t2e yard. XTSMS XMFOBTAJTT Aim UrTBMSTIsTO TO TXBXTTT . OTSWttSS. CHINA MD KITCHEN UTENSILS : ;" : FAXTOT SBOOBATaS- CsOTTA. . . X'- new j line, of Fancy, Decorated and Thin .Transparent China, with beautifully em bossed panel .work, design . of f set with neat gold tracings ths . decorations are a very 'dainty pink . flower ' pattern worked In nat ural color . - , '. ' - . Cake Plates,; H -In. slse, open handles; regular value 16c. Special, each 16 Cake Plates, 10-ln.. slse, open handles;. regular value !5o. Special, each.."..... 10 Bread and Butter. Plates;' regular value fl.!16. . . j ' ' "' Hjncmi, OQHn i..-.. .....,wt Ple.Platee; regular value ,11.60. Special, doaen-. Tea Plates; regular value 11.76.' Special, dosen,1 Rowla: rerular value 11.6. SoeclaL. dosen Heavy Sheet Iron" Loaf Breal Pans, t,lnch. Special, each..,.;.. Tf Milk Pans, T-plnt.slse. Special, each. i, ...... '.7t Oas or Oil Toaaters, no smoke or smell, special, eacn. ................. .if ie Coffee Mill a Special, each ....42 t-plnt .Enameled Coffee Pot a Special ............... A ............... .25 -pint Enameled' KetUes. Special .25 4sInt Enamsled Saueepansv .Special ..15 Biscuit Pans, slse llx. .Special -r .............. a 6 WaahBollera, with heavy. copper bottom,' sis No. I.. Special. ......... .79 " Orass Hooks. Special, .28 Oarde'n Trowejs. .Special r,..'.. . . . ...'. .-, .'. .3 J1.15 l.SO 1.15 3 A TALE OF TOMORROWS mm ' s noumpargs insin . . .... . . , Stylish Shoes . . - j i -. , ...... - Prloes quoted her are for the hour advertised only.' Footwear at Special Hourly SaW prloes. Some lots are too small to stand a. day's onslaught of bargain buyers, while the lose on other .makes sales of longer duration unadvisable, Th sols purpose of this sal I . to. advertise -be new. Spring Stocks of smart Footweer, Share th bargains:. ' i - ' SUrtt Street inw Tlrst Ftoo. .. i - i . if, 8 TO 9 A. IH. sisrs rs sxoxs fob ss. "'- Infants Kid Shoes, in red or black, laos or burton, band-turned soles, no -. heels; slses 1 to 6H; our T6 value.; Special at. the pair. .....85 - voioari fLas sxxvFBBa se. Women Comfort. Slippers, mad with or without strap, common sens toe :. and heel, hand-turned sole; our 11.16 value. Special at, th pair 98 10 TO J 1 1.7 M. : woMBirs to ssjo noil fob 3C- Women's Patent Leather or Kid Shoes In about 16 ( different : style; with '. patent or kid-tope, heavy or light soles, any style heel, all slses; values from 11.60 to 11.60.' Special at, the pair .SJ..98 " 11 TO 12 M. ; ' ' - ' ' ' ' woamS' $lts' Ttruars sls. - -' -Woman'a-Comfoxt.JullaU ln.lour.styJee, with .plain .or fancy top, low or . . medium heel; all have heavy turned soles and guaranteed elaatlo In aides; ' our 61T6 value. . Special at, the pair ..... 81.24 S4.00 SalOXS SsXM. Men' ibeet Patent Colt Shoe In Blucher or regular atyle; six different style last, medium or heavy soles; any slse; selected from our regular took of 14.00 Patent Leather Shoe. Special at, the pair 2.8S 1 V;.. . V 1 TO 2 P. M.; I. , t , . , woaoias $5jm sxoas ss.. . ;' Women's hie grade Kid Lace Shoes, -made by Laird, ' Schober Co. . and .' Wright,' Peters Co. Here in either Blucher or regular out. close edge, straight last,' very flexible welt sole, low broad heel; any si. . Our 16.00 - value. - Special at, the pair ,.f 8.85 'V" ' : : 2 to p. m. : : ' : ' ; ' wobebbt's sa.00 to s.oo noaa fob ta.1. Women's very best Shoe, mad In patent leathers, kid and dull leathers, '. with heavy or. light soles, either turn or welt; patent or stock tips; widths AA to C; slses 1H to 6. A splendid assortment of odd lots of good stylish shoe none in the lot worth lees than 11.00 and some as high. a $6.00. Special at, the pair.............. ............82.19 H TO 5 P.M. rm kxb axts box oax.f la frrar styles; mad 'of good, reliable stock, with medium weight soles, - patent or. stock tip, spring, or school' heels. These shoes are desirable for either school or dresa wear and are regular 11.11 value . , Slses 11 V to - i. - Special at, the palr..............-.............. 81.29 Slse 1 toll.' Special at, the pair , 98 5 TO 6 .P. M. ' bots bbst OBAsa tab- aaousx oxAiaT sxoas.' Blucher cut; made with whole quarter, no seams to rip; good heavy soles; mad on th new last; a dandy shoe and our regular. value Slses i to 1. Special at, the pair.. .81.98 Blses. tot. ' Special at; the pair.'. 81.49 HOOD FORTUNE FOR UNDERWEAR BUYERS . Womea's, Boy' Seasonable Specials la ths Knitwear Shops First Floe.. '"; -woaanra u-vbst i.' ''; '- '---- White Lisle Teat, low neck, sleeveless, Swiss ribbed, narrow crochet and silk . tape trimming; regular value 6c' Special, each 19 . WOMSBTS S60 VXSTS Ste. Wblt mercerised gauae Llale Vests, sleeveless, low neck, kllk tap trimmed; regular value 16c. Special.' each .;..59 BOTS BO SXXBTS AXB BBAWBB SSo. Boys' Balbrlggan Shirt and Drawers, long sleeve, shirts.. ankle, length drawers; regular value 60c. Special, each .......35 LADS' & LASSIES' 50c OVERALLS ; 39c Seooad Floor. Olrfs' and Boys' Overalls in navy blue denims,' trimmed with turkey and drill, bib and shoulder straps, age 1 to years; regular value 60c Special, the pair . . .....'............ 3 9 special: in the ribbon aisles r : , Tint, Floor. ' ' : ;' 40 BXBBOXS sse. AH-Ilk Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 4H inches wids; black, whit and color; regular value 40a, Special, the yard .....25 WOMEN'S $2.50 PETTICOATS $1.49 , i , . ... i Seooad Floor Aaaea. Fancy stripe Black Mercerised Sati no Petticoats, with lt-lnch . accordion ' . flounce, 6 -Inch ruffle and under ruffle; regular value $1.60. Special, each .- .f 1.49 WOMEN'S 'KERCHIEFSrBargaln Notes y - t- nrst Floor. . -:.....'..'.: .:. ....i.,.':f. ''- '--'-A SS.00 BOX OF SIX FOB SIS. -.' All linen sheer Handkerchiefs, beautifully embroidered, six assorted pat - teres, in a very handsomely made box; regular value fl.00. Special, box of alx 91.28 Richardson's -Linen Hand Initial and Hemstitched Handkerchiefs; values at 6(o and 40c. Special, each : .25 A GLOVE SALE WORTH WHILE '':.! Flntt Floor. ' , i i ' wokifi s. oo (tiaras slso. '''.. Musquetalre Kid Oloves, S-button length, to be worn with the three-quarter 'length sleeves. In white,-black, brown, mode and evening shadee; regular ' value 11.00.' Special, the pair .. 81.60 THE MAN SHOPPER SAVES A PAIS OF SPBCTaXS IV TXB XAaxBOASXXmia Sixth Street Aaasx --... , First Floe. . . i ....... .f . igsasj toe sosxaBT isvfcW ; A line -of Men' Fancy Seamless Cotton Hos In dot, embroidered effects, black and whit checks and tao; best 10 value. 8peolalsthe palr..,.12H ..--v-,-...'..- Man ijo oou ixnn to. The newest thing In Men's Oolf Shirts, large plaid effects.. In tan. blue and gray. Uth attached cuffs; regular value $1.6. Special, each. ...99 r:A CHIC MILLINERY CONCEPTION: The "Johnny Jones" A hat as' cute as its name is odd (see cut)', . ' a Sailor Hat that seems to become every -face whose .possessor tries it on. Note the stylish lines, 'the saucy tilt, and the new -snort rim in front and the pretty weave, of the. straw. ' This hat has all the fetching attractiveness of a genuine Pa risian creation yet the price' tfr)7n is decidedly Yankee.T7rT7pZoTy And upward. , Special Dress Hats and $5,497 We've prepared for. Friday selling a lot of handsome Dress Hats particularly adapted for voting, misses' wear. Large shapes with hair braid tops and shirred chiffon facings, CO A Q all colors that Fashion favors, at the special price of. 4 is Another Special Millinery magnet is a group of aHover lace crea tions , with shirred chiffon, edge and satin .crown, tastefully trimmed with beautiful flowers. Special value Y i j TaMFTZXO) FBZOBS TO XOKB BBOOBATOBS, , COUCH COVERS and LACE CURTAINS TOT TXa.BAXB.- - ' - - Foam Floor .. X one-Fitters' Bxcaaag. . tT-M oovox covams se-sa. Heavy Tapestry .Couch Covers in Oriental design, size 10x181 Inches; regular value $7.60. f Special, each. -84.95 '-'.' S8.00 IVAOB OVBTAZXa SLIS.. Ruffled' Scrim Curtain with Batteuburg lace edge and. Insertion; regular value $1.00. 'Special, the pair 81.15 ITS "OPEN SEASON for NICK-NACKS" 1 At 'aaxgala Brook" SasTl Wares Shops First Floes, ,, ,1 160 Box Shell or Amber Hair Pin. Special . .............. .,. ..... ...lO 160 Cabinet Box' Wire Hairplna. . Special .v.. .... .9 Light-weight Summer Press Shield. Special. paIr....................lQ 60 Paper English Pins. Special .8 63 Card of I dosen Fanoy Metal Dress Buttons, all colors. - Special lO 60o Bottle Pond's Extract. Special .42 to Roll Fine Toilet Paper.'1 Special w. .................B 16o Aluminum Soap Boxes. Special ,.-9 11.60 Real Ebony Hair Brushes. Special .95 16o Fins Smooth Finish Writing Tablets, ruled. S pedal ............,... Box Hurt's Best Holland Linen Bond Papsr; all tints, ' Special ........19 16e Package of 10 Fine White Crepe Paper Napkins. Special ....9 lOo Pair , of Ladles Nickel-Plated Bolssora, , H and 1 Inch. Special, th pair . j ............ . ..................... , . . . . i , . . , ; , , , . .30 Se Cake Klrke's Witch Hasel Toilet Soap., Special 3 EcUpee Fountain Pens, large else barrel, gold .pen. fine chased finish. t. perfect .writer. ' Special, Friday only, each 91.0Q ' ' . .. s : STxaaxxo taxttbs xb- . Smart & Seasonable Stuffs for" Makings' of taster Frocks o Gowns: SUk and IT inches, wide; IT Inches wide; tl 'Inches wide; IT Inches wide; tt Inches wide; Dress Oooda Shop First Floor Ftftk JAP SXLXS. . Special at, the yard..... Special at, the yard...., Special at, the yard...-., Special at, the yard. , our LT( value. Special at.. the yard.... B&AOX SH.X TAFFBTA. t our 11.60 value. Special at, the yard. our- T6o value, our 11.00 value, our $1.26 value, our $1.60 value. .... .-83 ..T6 ..94 81.19 81.44 it Inches wide; our $1.60 value. Special at, the yard....Mwv...8118 77 7, Economy Sate of Handsome. Black' Dress Goods -r- SLIS FOB 9UO BXACX BXBSS KOSS.. " 1 ' A' fin shewing' of Black Dresa Goods In all the faahlonabla wesies, such as . Veiles, Orepe e Farla, Fa nomas, Xea rlstta. Batdsts,' FopUaus, aergea, Armar, ste A Sale which offers an opportunity of whlob you should not fail to take advantage. - All-our $1.6 values. - Special for tomorrow and Saturday at, the yard ... '.k ..81.19 OOX.OBB9 nam MCOKAXBS . SFBOXAUT FBZOBS AXB SATTBBATTS SXXXXXO. These English Mohair are here la an up-to-date color assortment white included - Oar $1.00 value. Special at, the yard. Our $1.16 value. Special at, th yard. Our $1.60 value.' Bepciai at, the yard... Our $1-76 value. Special at, the yard Our $1.00 value. Special at, the yard FOB FBZSATTS IMMlltM( i i and T9 98 1.18 1.42 1.83 Bargains That Sparkle Temptingly Along ; "JEWELRY R0V"y 'V , First Floor Sixth Street Aaaea. . ' . ' ' 'SO FBABZi I1U CVFF FXXS SSe." f " : ' A line of pretty Cuff Pine, mads of beat gold wire, eet with S French' pearls; regular value 60c. Special, the pair ....25 IB OOUAB BUTTOX SBTS lOO, - , ' r . A line of Collar Button Seta, good quality rolled gold tops, with best celluloid '. backs; regular 16c .value. Special, the set 1 le JBWBMCB BBAVTT FXXS 10. -- , An aaaortmenC of Jeweled Beauty Pins, made of best rolled gold wire, with .letting of emeralds,- rubles, turquoise or sapphires; regular lto value. Special . ....10 OIBXS TSe OO&B BZXO MXSX FVBSaa .' A line of Gold Ring Mesh Pursee, with chain handle, for girls; regular T6o valua . Special, each 49 BOTS $1X0 WATOX 'AXB CXAZX SOe. Boys' Nickel. Open Faoe Watches, with ehaln attached; regular $1.00 value. Special . ................89 DO YOU EMBROIDER? A Full Outfit for Wc Art Shop Aaaex Seooad Floor.' Women who embroider will be Interested in this attractive . value embraced In our Spocla! Offer Package. It's a "prise package" Indeed, oonalnlnaa It t a hand somely tinted Cushion. top with plain back, t IT ! of floss In colors for working. Complete c w , lng how the colorings should be used and l lor embroidering these handsome Cushion. . severs! unique and conventional dm m t complete Friday at the very special prue of 1