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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY LVL.ttNG.' UA7X11 L-V PifflEIIT (OS LASHOOMW 3?. r. r 'if Tffi. n?j?-' 1 Licccuuj5avv,i:i AT SEATTLE Nomination of Portlander Is Vsatch, 1 VVJnslow and " Dodson Four Hundred Cowboys to Psr iiclpati Irl Gathering Twenty " , . v Thousand! Animals.' , Sent to the Senate Admiral : Endicott Made Chief, ArS Today Being Entertained by Sound Students. SLE5 CHINESE BOYCOTT IS'.- THREE STAtirDEBATETT Tff DRTVrPONlS"OFF 5 r.i.T- CONSIDERED IN HOUSE SAME QUESTION. TONIGHT BIO BEND PASTURES CV OrOFEDilTEI ; ' - - , . . 08ISIOI AG A If J no houses U . Business Is Shown te Havg Dropped Off te Prefcall Nethlng Daring the Put Pew , Months W, Shenf- f Wejhlrrton. March . The D reel- dent nominated William C. Bristol of Portland to be district attorney 61 Or. gon. and Roar Admiral Endicott to b chief of the bureau of Tarda and dock. . The senate teday peassd a bill appro - nrlattne SM.OO for tha establishment : . of three life-saving stations, to build ' a talaphona Una fromOray'i harbor to Cape mattery and to , require white T light oa tews in "navigable stream and tha front 1 alt mi . Tha Chinas boycott was considered by tha houaa committee of feretan af - - fair - today la connection with tha yorbaa.bearin bill, amendlna; tha -ax . elusion act to axtriuds . only coolies, "Murray Warner. In business la Shang hai, said that business had Increased up - .-to gepteniber, 1 Set, and then dropped to practloally -nothing. - '. -The Standard Oil company report ehswed that exportation to China had dropped . from4O0MOftJtO-i-ltMO ease of oil ...... Even In the event that tha senate -should decline to confirm the 'nomlna-n t ton of W, --Cr Bristol for United State district attorney. It la still In tha power : or tha president to keep him in offlos. By secliaina to aend In any other noml nation Roosevelt could continue Bristol .In hla position until the senate adjourn ' and aould than reappoint him as a re- eee appointee. The asms , procedure - eouia bo repeated whan tha at eon- - venes for the nest session of con areas. Inasmuch a Roosevelt hst decided that Brlatol Irtha man for the place, there la little doubt that the episode la ended, - and that tha district attorney will retain nie srrioe. . , I'ASVOYJtGEUaiVr r a Buy ecpw AltxAndM Pelltrd, Who Recently DiJd at Bay Center, 8aw North Z west at Its Crudest ;: ' flpteUI lMfMtt Tke learasL) Bay Center, WaatL. March is-Alax-ander PeUard. a Hudson Bay . company .voyageue who eaaio west In llts, died at hla home here March IT, seed's years. Hla death came euddealy and was due to heart trouble. Tha funeral tootr pUoa s Tooaday, March , from the It. B. church, tha Bey. SL C Hartley and B. f. Wade conducting the eervloee. While yet a boy, .accompanied by his younger brother. Kit Pellard, ha ereeeed the Rocky mountains with a company of Hudson Bay voyageura la 114 a, and ; sine that time Mr. Pellard haa lived an tha coast Tha trip by eanoee was a vary haaardoua one. lona bmmi ha. tng to bo made from time to time. Ths Transportation or eaaoea and supplies from tha headwatera of tha Columbia ailed for sraat etrsngta and onduraan on the part of those hardy trappers, but tha task being completed they were Won a hearty welcome at Fort Van couvsr by Dr. John afoLoughltn. Teung Alexander Pellard waa employed In tha stewards' department for asms time, after which ha moved to franca Prairie. Upon the outbreak of war with the Cayuse Indiana he TOluntasred. , In one of tha batUaa ha waa ahot through tha lag. Ha furnished hi own horse anl provisions and never draw a dollar of pay for hla services. -About 11(0 Mr- Pallard moved to Chl- ,. nook, Washlnrton, and there resided until 1IT1. whan ha moved to Brook "field, Waahlnrton, and in 1114 he and : hla family moved to Bay Cantor, Wash lnrton, which haa sines been their home. One aon and . three daafhtera survive . him. - Ooo Ooaaty ThertTf biaa. ' Oeeraal Special tWnes.t Chlcaro, March . Tbomaa T. Bar rett, sheriff of Cook county, died this moraine; of cancer of tha throat. Made in Oregon " .IQBlilH IAMOPr' KOVeTTBB ' IIW1UT ' ArUstlcally Conceived and of tha Finest Workmanahlp, . Cut presenta unusual beauty of dealsnlnc aside frma the rlchnees and derided tone of color and brilliancy. From the extensive variety of atyloa and ahapes dls played one can select with greatest ease for - .Suitable Wedding or Anniversary e The prioea will Interest, aa they represent mora thaa 1 ordinary value. . Corner Third and Waahlngtoa .Su. JEWELERS. BILVERRMITHS, ' MANcrACTVRINO . OPTICIANS. "Whsre Quality la at ltd Best," Eugene, Seattle And Uokow it Be J -Scene ef Contests Between Teame in First Of Series ef Aflnttal Meet ings to Be Held. 7 ; : t " ' ' (iMrlil Dlinatrk te Tke lnrul.1 Seattle, March . The Unlveraity .of Oreron dsbatlna team, composed or i C V catch. O. T. Leader and W. C. Win- alow, and J. B. Dodson, col leagues, arrived In Seattle last evening and are being entertained at the unlver aity today. - Debates will bs hsld tonight at Eu gene. Or.; Moscow, Idaho, and Seattle between teama repreaenting the univer sities of Oregon; Washing ten and Idaho, Thess are the first of the . debate to be held annually between tha three anl verslttes undsr the auspices of tha three-cornered debating league: The Question for discussion la te be tha same for all the debates: Rssolved. That tha Interstate commerce commie slon should bo given power to fix rea sonable maximum railroad - rate - in oases brought before it, thess rates to go Into effect within a reasonable time, and to obtain thence onward,. Subject to review by Xfee courts Tha Washington team which Will meat Oregon la composed of experienced de- batora. John Campbell, '01. leader of tha team, had aeveral yeara of debating work at Whitman college and - waa member of tha team which debated Pa cific unlveraity laat year. Ha la rated s the beet debater at Washington. In gram Hughes, - ', waa a member of the team which was from Oregon three years ago. gtaniey arlfflthe, 'ST, de bated against Pacafls last year and haa done stuck club work. The new debating scheme haa groused much Interest Jn a Una of work whloh haa- been - heretofore badly aealeeted. Competition for places en the two team has bssn very strong and the members have worked unusually hard la their I preparation. The judges or the debate arei Judaea ruusrten ana Kmory of the sunreme bench and Judge. Albertsoa of the euae- rlor court ' . The Washington team whldfc wlfr do nate ageinet Idaho at Moscow la com posed - of Floyd -Hatfield, leader," and Margaret Heyes and Charles Hail, col leagues. Hatfield and Hall have each debated against Oregon twice and have each lost one debate to that Institution. Mlas Hsysa dsbatad against Pacific uni versity last year and Is the only women on an Intercollegiate team la tha north- weat. Agalnet this team Idaho will pla?e A.'Montandar, J. D. Matthews M. and Ray Beebler, '0. The decision In the Washington-Idaho debate will bo rendered by President Black of tha Idaho State Normal school. M. .W. Folsom of the Spokane bar and the tntMBMIgohaarTWt bean ubosca definitely. - : - -: U::CLE SAM TO A10 FARMERS KIILIhG squirrels Pests Have Cost Ranchers Mil lions of Dollars by Ravages In Grain Fields. (pMlat biipeteb tons Jearsil.) Pullman, Wash.. March It. The de partment of agriculture at Washington haa undertaken lo solve the .problem ef the squirrel pest, which costs tha fans- era of eastern Washington and northern Idaho millions of dollars by destroying crops. . Stanley Piper, of the biological eurvoyr working under directions pf the department of agriculture, haa been sent here to maks a study Of the habits the squirrel and to experiment In destroying thsm. Professor Piper when scholar hare secured hundreds of squirrels. Inoculated tham - with - the germg of a new disease, and released them. They spread the disease among their neighbors and thousands were killed. In Boms seasons It Is estimated the squirrels have deatreyod as much as 14 per cent of the crop of the Palouee coun try. That means from 760.400 te ,000,00 bushels of grain, worth from 1100,00 to I76,0. ROGRAM FOR TEACHERS INSTITUTE AT HALSEY (Sperlal Dlepetca te The Jearsel.i Albany, Or., March It.Supeiintend- ent W. I Jsckson has announced a program for th" local institute to he held at lUlsey Friday and Saturday, April and 1. The program Is ss fol lows: - -"Language." Superintendent Arnold; to be selected, President Mul key; -Supplementary Work: Why, When nd How treed." W. H. Martini "The Teacher's Influence on the Formation Of the Child's Character," Minnie Evens; "Horns Study," I U Baksr; "History," H. Oeddes; "Plsns and Devices In Work."' Ida Maxwell i general questions, Institute. The president of the Ashland Normal school will silver an address Friday evening on a tople to be selected by him self. ELEVEN BULGARIANS ARRESTED FOR CRIME (Jmreel Ipeetel Serviee.) '"': Duluth. Minn, March I. Eleven Bui garlans. wsrs arrestsd at Duluth this morning on suspicion of being oonnentsd with the Minneapolis murdsra Mas man Skutoff, loader of the gang, ad mitted renting the house where the crimes were committed and said that they Isft there Monday afternoon, leav ing the sir victims alive and well. He says that all th dead man were friendly to each other. SAMUEL D. RAMP DIES AT HIS SALEM HOME (SptcUl Dlmfc te The Joaraet.) Salem. Or, March St. Samuel D. Camp, died at hu homo hero this mom. Ing. aged 4 years. He wss born at Brooks, 'Merlon county. In ItiT. Hs leaves a widow and five children, all living at Saism. Ths funeral will be held Saturday at 1' e clecav. . . , . , Royal Baking Powder, is indispensable i to finest cookery and to the comiort and convenience of modern houselceep ing. Royal Baking Povvder makes hot breads, cakes and .7partrj!:1holcioijica'.' Perfectly leavens without fermentation Qualitiet; that are SOXAl BAKINS tjOWDag GO NtWYORlC W SMART-SET CLUB FDR 'FRISCO lT.:iLLIO:mRES Members Secede From Exclusive Burlingame - Club and Or- -ganize San Mateo Club. V- tJearsel apedsl gerrlee.) -San Franctaoo, March I. Sixty of the moat prominent members of the ex clusive Burllngame club, which la the country social Institution of San Fran elsoo's Four Hundred, have become char ter members of the new Sen Mateo club. Oeorge H. Howard loads tha movement and many Influential families arc aiding founding what ta considered an ultra-exclusive laatltutlon. . Mr. Howard Is preparing plans for a 120,000 clubhouse, to be built a mil from San Mateo on the EI Cerrtto tract of the Howard family. Nearly aeven acres of land will be devoted to a polo field, which. Including the coat of the land, will represent an outlay Of fully IfO.OOO. Howard and several other active spirits filled tha charter member hip by Invitation up t 0. The Hat waa then closed and snynosy aeeirlng membership from new on WU1 . have to take their chances by ballot, nd it Is admlttsd that there are people in the Burllngame club who will have a el Ira chance If they have the hardihood to seek admission, . ' Dissatisfaction . ever the actions of Henry T. Soott and Oeorge 8. NewhaJJ in Bailing the polo grounda for town lots caused -the secession. CHICAGO TRACTION LINES' COMPLETE SURRENDER 1 .. Owners Offer to Operate Trol leys on Lease From City or to Sell Properties. ' Uearaat dpevlel gerrlee.) New fork. March !. Acknowledging defeat In tha court of appeals and de siring to save something out of the wrecltbankers Interested In the Chicago Union Traction company are In confer once In Wall street trying te devise a plan for procedure. After they separated, R. R. Alvln, who repre sent T.- Morgtn." aldh6thlrtg defi nite had bean done. He said another conference would be held end perhaps others aftsr that It can be stated on high authority that application will be made to the city ef Chicago to leaae lines heretofore operated by the com pany, but whloh have practically re verted to the city. They will also accept the Mueller law municipal ownership certificates In ex change for securities of ths companies. This marks the complete surrender to municipal ownership. For Oouaty Clerk. special Dtopetrk ts The Jesrml.) " ' Baker City, Ob., March 1!. Dow Sheperdaon, a deputy aaaeaeor under essor- Fleetwood, who -has llvsd lu Baker county, for ths past 21 yeara. to day filed his petition for the Republican nomination to the office of oounty clerk. Ho Is ths only candid tte on tha Repub lican ticket. A. B. Combe, the preaent Incumbent, la the Democ ratio candidate. tornado' Kits Xaoetrack. (Jmrrstt gpeelal BrTic.l New Orleana, March II.- A tornado struck the fair-grounda racetrack yea terday afternoon and struck terror to tha people. None were reported killed. AGu- YOITLL HAVE TO HURRY!" ONLY TWO MORE DAYS OF " ;. . ":s THIS SALE I ' . These Men' Shoe houId have reached here six weeks ago but ther didn't. They re the regular S4.00 kind, and consist of Lace. Blucher Cut and Button in Gunmetal and Patent Colt Leathers. They are made on the very latest lasts of best materials through- 1 out. , .. . .- . ' In order to sell them quickly and make room, for our summer . stock of Low Shoes (now arriving) we will sell them at .$3.45 a Pair Complete new lines, all sises. See window' display. Mail orders promptly filled. ' ,. - " "The man who cares for quality will appreciate Rosenthal's. Shoes."' . . . -,.--. TOSENTGiAIL'S Sola Agents HAN AN' and SOYDEN CELEBRATED SHOES. peculiar to it alonte AMERICANS ' ATTACKED IN PHILIPPINES PAFERS JoumaliSt Wins Suit In Native Court Labor -Troubles -Multiply In Islands. ' ISMetal Dieaatek te The JoeraaLV Manila, March t. Since native judges recently acquitted editors ao oused of libeling Colonel Baker, ths na tive press has been severely criticising the eonetebulary and Indirectly con demnlng the government and praising natlvs Journalism. The Renaoimisnto. Intoxicated by Its victory ever the proao outing atuarney, is recklessly attacking everything American. The paper, which Is printed In Spanish and Tagalog, haa a large circulation and -strongly in fluences provincial - officials and labor leaders. Teeterday It attacked Senator Newlande for hla recent articles on the Phlllppinea. . This, it Is believed,' marks tha com mencement of an agitation Intended te dlscourags ths Introduction of capital. Domes, the labor agitator, who Is af filiated with the Renaoimisnto, threat sns to eliminate American planters by preventing them from obtaining labor era Meanwhile thet atevedorea' atria Is unsettled and a hew. strike Is an nounced In a largo tdbaooo factory. SELL EGGS BY THE POO INSTEAD OF DOZEN Chicago to Have, a Law Regulat ing Marketing of Hen Fruit New Iowa Law. (Journal gpeelal Service.) -Chicago, March -. Dealers and pur chasers of sggs In this city applaud the action of the Iowa legislature, which passed a bill reoulrlnn hena to lay eggs of certain weight In effect, of course, the .bill specif lea that eggs on ths market must come up to a car tain standard. It was shown that pur chaaers of eggs are given the worat of n whserthey buy by tn daiear and th Chicago council may pass an ordinance requiring eggs to bo sold by wslght In stead of by . ths dosen. City Weigh master OretiT today selected twd dosen egg at random and there waa a differ ence that .would constitute two eggs In weight. It Is charged that dealers sift their eggs, selling ths large ones at fancy prioea and working off the smaller one upon small purchasers. The Idea of ths bill Is to remedy the Injustice and give housewives what they are paying for. LITTLE FALLS SOON TO ' 7UVE WATER SYSTEM (8pdl Dbpetet to Tie Jearml.) Little Falls, Waah., March !. Now that Ltttle Fall is Incorporated there I a great deal of talk about a water system. The council haa decided to put a system in. O. O. Wads 'has ths foundation laid for a large store building on Ills prop erty on B street. , Miss Margaret Koonts of Portion I here with a largs stock of millinery gooas The Stillwater Lumber company has just Insulted new set works. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Olson entertained a number of mends at thslr homs Monday svsnlng, the occasion being ths anniversary of Mr. Olaon'a birthday. 149 THIRD ; STREET Ling of HorneTDcn to Etand Prom Moec Lako to Qrao Crew, and AoV ancg Aero the Country fo Co lumbia River.: '-r .::---. (Soeeisl DHMtcb to Tfc. Jmirul V Tsocms. March II. What In all nrob- ability will be the last big roundup ef wild horsss in ths United States will take place In Douglas oounty, Wash ington, April t( and IT. Thera are be tween H.0 and l,000 wild horses to catch, and about 40 cowboys and about twice aa many persona from different parts of the state ,wlll participate in the roundup. . A oartv from Taooma. headed by John A. Parker and Newton H. Peer, will tats Part Id ths snort. rnere is a section of country located In Douglas county and bordered on the esst by Moses lake, on the west by the Columbia - rlvez and the- oeuth - by Crsb creek and on ths north by the Great Northern railroad. In which there are something ilk 11.00 wild horses." said Mr. Parker. "The area of this tract la about 4 tnllee square, contain ing ovar 1.000.000 acres of land that la principally sags brushy with her and there low-lying aaad hills. The horse are of tha class newn as mustang po ntes. -They hav been put fas that coun try during tha past t yeara by horse men from all portions of ths weat, who wanted range for their herds, "The. roundup will start .from - Bu phratav and tab a course to tha oast ward, circling around Moos lake. The Una of horsemen Will thera gradually spread out, proceeding southward td Crab creek. When the line of eowboye haa been efretchad f rota Duphrata td ths creek It will begin to advance aoroe tha country to tha Columbia river, im mense corrals will bo prepared In the vicinity of Euphrata, into which the ponies will be driven. - Many of the horsss are branded with tha tnarka ef thslr ewnara, but there are thousand and theuaanda representing the natarai Increase of the herds that have not boen branded, and arc aa wild aa horses aver get. Thess unbranded ansa will h di vided among ths members of the expe dition." , . - RUNAWAY FREIGHT SMASHES IrlTO A I'M Mil, I - ; Mischievous - Boys Diseonneot Air Brakes and Causa Dis i aster Crew Jumps. -I, (geeHal DMeelcb s Tke ImtmL) em Pacific freight from Centre lis. la comma aowa xna stoop ' grad front outn Tacoma to Tacoma laat evening, Mn SWe .n. .M..hMl . m m i 1i I i train on a brtdg aroaslng Fifteenth street. The locomotive of tha freight, the wrecking apparatus and 1 freight car loaded with lumber and ehlnglea were piled Bp fn a miscellaneous heap, om ef the cars sliding art the bridge, No one was hurt. . faiiua V.w Wa1Iaaa .1. f . t -- . w. ww.av.wB urn ni-nnivT ous boys at South Taooma disconnected uw ir nnvvn two as me oarsVt lot madla.tlv aftar .rtfn. di. k hs applied tha brakes, but without of. feet . He then reversed, but could not check the momentum of tha long train. Xlraly Taenia with that old enemy of tha race. Con stipation, often end In Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stem- Ah T.l mnA Rn.l m .Wa n. . . New LlfV-f Ther rfectl'r Vio lets these organ; without pain of die comfort lea at S. O. Saldmore eV Co-druggists. wooDRm,mp SOME HEALTH MAKING HINTS FOR YOU Hilton's Malt Contains the life-giving elements of barley; it . creates a healthy, vigorous, appetite and 19 above all others Jht best of spring tonics plessant and palatable to invalid or convales cent. ' : ; ' ' , r- Pints ..... 25 . Doren .... . f2.50 .With PeptaManganate of Iron , . Pints..... 35f ' Dozen..... 3.50 w. Please Note our Special Prices for This Week On items you use or need tvtty day in the year.- There's no' question Ss to quality sbouTour goodsthe best that money or 40 years' experience can buy.'. . '. :' '7' ' ' " Regular. " ' ' Special. 15c Mustard, per package. .............. 5d lie Sassafras, package ....... ...........Sd 28c Witch Hazel Salve... 10c-Bronchial Lozenges '6c Prs ed-Sa gr Leaves ............ , , 2e 5c Pressed Catnip .... .. ..... . .. .2e 15c Powdered Pumice Stone............. 5 25c Tinctufe Arnica .....8e) Gold Fish Special One beautiful Fantail Gold Fish free . .. with a 50c Aquaria. Price regu . lar 25c' to Wc. ...;vi: ;',,' .U AQUARIA. . .i . . .... .... .50 up GOLD FISH FOOD... .'. . . . 10e Is because it is purer, more wholesome and richer than any other pure cane sugar syrup ever made. Log-Cabin Pendent syrups in flavor and richness, because .'West India cane sugar is used and : in our exclusive process of refining we retain the delidousness of the original WOte '; ' 'v , -''--y: :-V-"": :V- kind. Take no substitute for Log Cabin Penoche. Imitations are flattering- to us but dangerous to your The best candies you ever tasted can be made from . Loj Cabin Penoche Syrup. V. , :".'.::' y t ' A book of new candy aad dessert recipgs, - . Penoche Secrets," seat free for your f ; ": . request on a postal. ' the Towle Maple Syrup Co., Makers of Towl Ftncas L03 Cttb Molutet nn Cttn4 by Dr. Bairg Cderb Syrwp, . Wv'- A1 At.. kaVel sfsffASl Idhfl nr niTT t 'q eye. r vw-arx um m I SaTSSSBl -- 'aaaV f SrFal thewafai setaottenoveraeevore of brow shltia, whiah f contrasted froaa riding on sun aos oars which wer so crowded, sompetlln on the platlorm. I waa unable td veral days, and l ows mf oompiots speak tor several dare, and Xows my ootni recovery soJefr to Druirs Cough Brrop. . - dessle Behnlsa, lkrf Lexingtoo Ave, k'ew 1 Tork. r ss a inr w erWj" rsrv to all readers. . W want yon to have tbsolute epaddeaee ta Jr. Bull' Cough firrnp and, to that end. will senJ yon a sample free. If JOU TAKE HO 8UD8TITUTB. The mbstttttt which a dealer may try to fast ts simpir a very oneapir put up eoagnmuinre tnai pave nitn aootter prout, ixw-i year aeeitX ftet only tag i4 wlUUe 0. 3uU' Oouah Byrmv FHoe. mc, sa. sioaj 4i The unfermented product of semi-ripened Con cord grapes, a delicious, strengthening and ap petizing beverage -yonr doctorjecomrnendj it ' Pints . ... . .25) Dozen..... 92.50 - - - Quarts i r.KOdf Dozen...,. (4.50 Regular. ', - Special. 10c Salto of Tartar. ... . . ..... . ; t... .2e 15c Paregoric 5 25c Castor Oil'......;........, ....... .9d 25c Tincture Jamaica Ginger. ......... ,10e 25c Olive Oil ,13e 100 Quinine Pills, 2-grain... .. V. . . . . . .. .16 10c 2-grain Quinine Capsules,,..,...... ,4 15C Soap Bark. .........v..,..5e) 10c Powdered Alum . . . .. . .. .... . . t:.,..4t 12 .'; . . . . . . . .4d ' TIME TO SPRAY ROSE BUSHES AND FRUIT , .: TREES USE ; : ..;V v, Voodlark Rose and fruit Spray . Prevents and destroys: Aphis, Scale, Stugs Codlin Moth, Leaf Blight and Mildew, Does not harm' the most delicate fruit or foliage. " , - r COMPLETE OUTFIT, SPRAY AND C f fl) - SPRAYER. PRICE. . . .... .1 w- W M the j . I : fl I - f sell ron on ths merttg of Dr. Bull's Cough Then why do you suffer a moment longer run the risk of losing the tooth altogether? When w charge, absolutely nothing for examination and only moderately for actual work, v why do you delay in consulting us spout acmng or aisiigurca isctnr . vv e . confeit we uou l kuow; le .W1SE.BROS ; hUla MS. - - TV re sad Waialagwa. Opea ewatngs ss asoars. wars aasr peraMsts. mm e jy if,. m jn-i ,0.. Needs Refilling? Voodlark- Grape luice 1