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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1906)
Tl.., C i IJ..ILV Jw J.'ALrf w-.ILAI.'D, "TIIUr.-DAY EVZI.IIJQ. LIAKC.I ll" SIIOItTSELLEIUlOl'J I OEST DUYER Many of 'Hope Are Re f ported Chartee Llvesley ' . 1 : Heaviest Purchaser.- '-J' i. ... . r ., ' FRESH VEGETABLES SCARCE ALONG STREET s' Art , Holding' Unchangtd Al- though . Tone "Is Weaker Mot J Chicken Are Corning No Fear of v Oversupply Jutt Now. i Pront Street, March Th principal fe. tnreo ef the Portland whole! aarkt today are: .' ' , -, . ' ., Preeh vegetable re ther ecare. a Vaal braaka with beey receipt. Praiaia hoc ro-omewhat firmer. . f Base haU although weaker. -- i Buttar market eontinuee weakto."- Oim la etaady to etroog. . t Chicken arrlral art battar. :..'".'.., .u-. V Bharto hoary buyer of hope, , Orange market gla higher.- ; wood awmnt of potato Mth. SB BMW iai CVBI w )aa auaa no . B - taw dart tbara baa been beery brll hop by abort Miter. - CbarkM Urealey baa pur chaeed apwaxda of 1.0U0 baled of bop la tula ft during lac, peat week and other buyer bar boafht for abort account. 'Price paid rang between e and 84 for Choice goede, tba lattar being bow tfta top of tba atarkat. tat baying ay abort IntereeU, according to tba trade, baa baaa all that baa kapt tba merkol tram dropping to a towee toreL Tbaaa Utereei moat bare a carta la trad to rill tlr aau traeu aad ara .ulto willing to pay fractional adrane what tba at kara ara offering. According to Inforiaatlaa aaaorad by Tba Journal today there baa baaa wry bey writing ft oatracta for tba eommg- crop around 10c a poand. Short celkrr ward alao th bayard la thla Hat. - - ' , Track TagataUad Ara Bear. - . "Thar waa aoaaMarabla aearetty la maat llaaa f-fraah TOgatablaa along rtoot atraat today. Baaallaa at aoatbarwabbaga war abaat baaatod aad than waa bat a fraatloaaj aawant of aaalifjowar oa baad U aioot tba raaairo BMta of a largar trad. WaUa Walla aoa Vmam to Mpply tbbi markat with graoa aaloa aad rptsack, bt laral gardaaara will aooa a to a aoalttoa to baadla tba loaai trad. Bafar tb lato (raa laoal faroMra wora aapplytog thk aiarkat wlU aioat of It gred on knit. BtiU AdraaatoB Bt Oraaga Xaxkat, - Prleaa ara atill adraaetng hi tba rang markat.- rtaaiaad to- th -aoath. la .. muck IncraaaeJ and th local trada aoaaplalaa thai mach dalay tooara batora rdar ara flllod. Two waaka go orally aUaaa batwaaa- th tlax ..of rdt aad arrlral of to trait. Thla eaaaad atlll aaathar advaaaa la tha prle aad today valaaa or St a baa h!ghr Boat trait aalla al 3.50. Tb awrkat aow bad llbaral aappllo af ptna applo. Thoa from Mr tic ara ralbat amall aad aU at $40 par doaaa, wkll tb largar aaaa tram Hawaii raadlly brtog S par doaaa, Tl Markat fca Lawar. .- , ' - Bine tb teat report tb arrtrala of vaal war aoaaUarablr laeraaaad and tha markat la waakor with prloaa aboat Vk pound low at. , Drama hoga ara rry carc aaa pneaa ara a fractloa hlghor with tba rary top at a aoand."'- ' Druaid tohttoa hraat nailag taiy' faat, oat dtinaad la good at th prico. Pugt oound aalmon la In batter (apply with ne d poand aakad today. HaUbtit W mora plantlfnl with th prlc He lowar. Baaor elami ara la vary good (apply with prkroa anehaagad. Thar I Ukawlaa planty of crab. Igg Hald Altboaga Woakar. " : Althoagh th tow of tb markat I oaaMar My wkT, th gg market la boldlag ita fomar aotatlona. BuppUoa ara Mill ahowbsg aa toaraaa and atoeka along tb atraat axa accumalatlng to km aitent. Tb poultry altmattoa ramatnd otilt firm with prlcaa aa ararioaalr quotad.' hawipu today war mora llbaral. bat at tbi tlnw tbrr hi a faat of rarcrowdlng tb markat. . i--- Good Karamaat of yatataa Baata. ' .. Th norcmeat of potato to th aoath to improving. Tb call at tb momant la princi pally for cheap grado. which ara tor Arlanna aad Tax dellrrry. ror thla (laa of took tba daalara ara froaly offer lag 40. Tbr I aomawbat of a better feeling for fancy gooila and aa high aa rc la aow being ffered tot trletly Al foaUty. . Her Waakaeaa to Barter Karket. ' Weakneaa la tha batter markat ta mora pro Boaaeed tbaa Cor eoeaa Ubm. Tb heavier arrV rata from California hare takes a large part of th oataMa demand from thla market, and a th local trad I beeomuua damorallaad. V 1 u Aml Mallu kla matA ah from ander. City creamarla bar aot (banged their llata. There I a eteadler tad tlrmaa ton to th ebeee market. Buppllee only fair. Tb trad pay tb following price to treat atraat. Price paid producer ara lee regular omalaaloac . - Grata, floor aal faod. - WHT Cltb. 6oc; red Baoalaa, 4t bloeatem. oDc: ealley. e. liaLKirtN, es.BOS rouea, bm.bvi rew- lug. I ' O0I zk.n. - RH Whet. SZT.001 cracked. t2B.e Be r RTB if M per cwt. OATS Producer' price He. 1 white, IM OOl tgray. 2T.0O. . riXJU R New eaatrra Oi'tgea aatoat. (S.aod) gft; etralghta. S.0eS.50: eiport, W U; aT y, $8.46! arabam. a. ttMj wbobj wheat. BS.TB: rre. ixie. so.uu; oaiea, ax.Ta, i hnLLBTUFKB Bren, 1T.M per toe) m Id- i linn, $25.00; abort, eouatry. Ill.Mi elty, in So; choo. S1R.00. - HAT Prodocera" price Tlaaarky. Willi marta alley, fancy. 10.031 00; ordlnarr, 7 0O BOO; enter o Oregon. I4 00000; mlted. i.bocjs.ou; cjorer. o.ovaja.w; grara, aa.wa 00; cheat, fa.00. . . v utter, saga aag reaitry, BTJTTBR AT . e. h. Porttoad Bwort dream. 2692H nor, 34Q3Vic. BUTTBR City ereemery, ir7V4a)!Wrj oatdda fancy, 27 He; rdlnary, av; atoro, U9I7. E(Ka No, 1 freak Oregoa, candied, . 1S v. :.' CHEMaV-aw Fall, lata. Uct -? Toang Amerlea, - !- Cheddar, IB., . POULTRX Mixed cblckeao, lee per tb; fancy bene, 14H1A per lb; rooatera, old. 11c 4. per lb I atar. iaa . per lb; fryera, aodlJM per lb; broiler, Rno per lb: dacha, Idc n. 1 I ' - -. .W71H..W K" I awwivw par lb; dreaaed. fie per P roab, a.T0a.O0 per doa; pigeoaa, 1.00 per doe. ' "" Kepa, Wad aad Hide. - - ROPB Ooatraeta, 10 crop. 10c -peg lb - 1P06 Oreyon, prim-to choice, tdlfc; poor rad. TQIet Waahlagtoa, 10c; JV04 ersp. He fc choice. WOOL Contract 180d clip, boat eeatora Br. . gen. 22c lb; 106 clip, valler. eeoraa to me dium, slttHaeMci fin. JBQ27 eaatara Or gon. I0a22e. , " MOHAIR STO J-. . BHEFPKIN8 aheartng, 1(1S0 ehi hH ' Wool, 9n40e each: medium wool, OOQTft ach long wool, TorttllM each. TALLOW Prime, par la, Hiee; M. S a4 1 greaee, ltHe. - - , CHlTTlkl BARK a per r. ' BIDES Dry, Nc I, Id Iba aad a. 1H) THURSDAY PBICES IN ? THE WHEAT MARKET t .... v. - -;.. . 4 Mar. ' , ' July. Chicago ....,. .77 HA t -7J1 A Mlnneapolla ..',.( ,7IH ' d Duluth '-77HB 4 Milwaukee 1TB .11 Kan aaa City.., ,11 d Nw York.,,,, .85 A ..... . Mverpool Hd & Bt. Loul.,,,;, .74B -T.r.V : - ' San rranolaco. IU l.U. d Imbr., ) i!L I u JOURNAL'S DAILY s' TIPS ON MARKETS . . Whll thr la a dlapoalftoa In d aom place whare mohair la not bought to advanoa th prloaa, ' e-thatna rnarkt rmalna tin changed with th ton a trlfla dull. Tbr may be aom lra pro re ment later but daalara aeara uewUltnf to bank on tba tutur. ' Wool la quit strong ' but th view of daaUra and produora ar far apart with llttl trading reported. Th market, bowavcr, la unchanged In prlc. . - : ITU oer lbs drr kin. No. 1. S to IS Tbeltel dry calf. Be. 1, Ba4er 6 lba. Uct aalted hide. ataera. uad. SO lba aad orar.-lOdllle: aiage ana euiw, auuna, iii bid, 10 to SO lba, M: calf, auuod, anr IS lba. lie) reea. anealtad. 1 lea; ealle. la par 1 leae; berMkldea, aalted, eaea. $1.2o)1.7; drr, each, tl.00on.Ml ealt bldoa, eOl goaf (klua. evmmuB, each, lOQlfto; ,agora, eaea, SOcO tt.OO. ' Truita aad TageUUe. POTATOES Beet arted. 70e per aackl pr ducere' price for car lata, COQOOe per ewti ordinary. Hoc; producer' price, 0o; wta, a.60 per erate. " ' OXIOKBjobklnf prle Oregoa, He, 1. II 01.281 producer!' pfl.a. Be. 1, 7(1 86c; Mo; Tut75e; garlic, gitfloo per lb! ontoa aeta. Tc, rRtSH FRUITS Appta. "eulla," 1.7, ordinary. 12.00; fancy. 12.0083.75; oranfea, nerel, IIM0S.M; eeadllng, : banka, 4 SO tc per lb; lemona, ckeiee. .1b$i.lZ per box; faacy, tt.OVlt.M per bail llmea, Meatoaa, II. 1U par 100; pinaapplea, t.bO par doa; tan. gerlne. fl.xft; plaMpplw, aleaieaa, td.SOl Ua- wanaiKoe.uv. larfABLM Taratp. aw, tse per aaeht aack!' Oceano, radlahea. toe Carl fir- ala, tlJ)041.7t per ewt; greea pepper, e.lbj California tomatoea, ta.ln4l.B0; Mexicaa, 0.M etJ.BO; narentpe, aool.eOf atring - beana, SGo; cauliflower, lXWl.aa per Crate) greea peaa, lie per lb; eoreertdtrb. S(STe per lb; artlcbokee. SBcOtl.OO per do; Kothooea lattuee. $l.Hh per heal- - celery, S4.00 per erate; paapkln. 1MI eanaah, lUcl aroata te per lb eranbarrlea. Jareara, lla.Ot per ooi: ioa oar aoo jiuaoiooa, aiv.uv. apar- ', aoTve per id; rnaooro, oj ipiuca,. i i creea oatoaa, toe doaaa bunohea. D1IID raTHTB ImiW. ara oerated. Itdi IBe par lb: aprlcota, ISe per lb; peacbe. 10 H lt par lb; oaek. Si pa lb boat am nee, to to eO. u drop oa each alxteentb aaeaiirr ein B. Callforal black. aTe pec lb; Oallfo-aia white. tdlSe par lb; dataa, ft par lb; tarda, tl.M per IB-lb boa. -. BraeaHa. Mutt. Zte. ' ' 8U0AB Sack beala Cnbe, $1-06', powdered, IB.P0; fruit graanlated. O(0l dry graaalated,; ooaf. A, t; beet graauUted, 9 60 extra 0, MM; golden C. Ml DyeUew, ts.10; bWa, 10c; H bbla,B; box, 60 ad taaee oa each baale. lea So per ewt lor caah, IS daya; maple, 141M per lb. ' (Abere nrlea apply to aalaa af laoa tha car lot. Car lot at (pedal pileea aobject to aetuatloaa.) HONBV H. per crate. ' 1 i ' COrriB Packata bread, tl ta. ' SALT Cearae Bait aroanav lOOa, tT 00 per tea; table, dairy. SOa. ill 00; 100. tlO.T: im ported LlTerpooL 60a, tlT.Oft; 100a. SldoO; KMe, lia.OOj artra toe. bbla. 3a, Ba. 10a. t.B0t 8S0: bulk, tao lba. t4.00rts.00-, eacka. Boa, asatae; IJTfrpool lump. rock. ia.tcf to: BO-Th rock. .7.00; 100a. td.7S. SRAIN BA08 Calcatta, TH. ICB Imperial Japaa. Be.. . Bel B. , 8He; New Orleaa hud, Tc; Ajax, Be) Creole. BHe. BBABB Sovatl whll. S T54.M larg white, it.M: pink.' tl.78: bayou. f.IO Umaa, tS.Ti; Mexlcaa rede. dt. NUTtWPeaaata, tambec 8 per tbt flrgtala, tHX( per lb roaeted. StttH per lh eoepaaute, SABSOr per doa; walauta. loaf. IB H( per Ibi plneauta. lOailHc par lb: hickory aara, 10 per lb: ebretnuto, eaatera;- U01e per lb: Braatl ante. 14 per lb; alberta. 1 4 Aloe per lb; faaey peoaaa, UM1MI alawBda, Um like.. . - - Palate, Oaal OD. Xte. . ROPB Pur MaalU. 144l Btaadard. UK; Ileal. 11. COAL OIL arl ee Aattil Oaaaa. 1SI4 par gal; water white, troa bbm, 14c per gal; wooden, it per gij keaajigbt.. 17V-aeg. Blue oer nf. OABQUNB td dag, eaeea Sttt faf fair troa bbu le per gal, . , ' . . BENZINB 3-d. caeaa 85 per gal, troa bbla 1(U per gal. TTJBPBKTlrJB la eaaea PS per gaL weedaa bble .V per gat WRIT LEAD Tea lot. T per tb; B00-rt tote, te per lb; lea lot. Sli per lb. , WIRB NAII Proaeat baala at tlBS. ' UNNEEO OIL Par raw, to S-bbl lot. Me) l-bbl lot. Me; ceee. Bte per gal; aeaaln kettle belled, caeee. do per gal; t-bbl loto. frtoi 1-bM lot. Be per gelt groaad Coke, ear lota, (30.00 per ton; lea thaa ear iota. SSO.O per tea. - Keata, Flak Bad rrorlatoB. , FBBSR MEATS Jrroat etreet Boer - areera, t5a per lb) cow. t4 pw Ibt bogs, block, tHo per lb; packere, BSc per lb; bulla, IQ9f per B; real, extra. H per lb; ordinary, 7vSe per lb; poor, ( par lb; mattoa, fancy. ti per lb. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) hama. Id to 14 Iba, 1 per lb; 14 to 1 lba, H per lb: breakfaat bacon, 14H41tH per lb; picnic. Site per B eMUn, tie per lb regaler bnrt clear, uaamoked, 10e per lb; amehed, 11M per Ibt clear becha, aaameked, JOHe per lb; ameked, IlWa per Ibi Cnloa butta, 10 to It lb, anamokwt, I per lb; tmoked, Sc per lb; clear belli, aamokd, 11 per B; meked, IS per lb: beoldara, c per . LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 11 per Tb; Be, llti per lb; BO-lb tin, 11U per lb; (tektn fwderod,' -tOr.--'por-- Ibt-tr'-0lk per lb: eeainouod. 10. 7 He. ctnniu BAuaun ooiumoia riTar, l-io xaiim 1.80; Mb telle, (l.TR; faacy, l ib Sate. fl.pO; H-lb faaer Bat, ti l: riecy l-ib ma, ta7B: Aleak a talk), plak, B0; red. $1.10; aemlaal . tall. 12 06. PIS H Bock cod, Te per Tb; flounder. Be per lb: halibut. Be par lb; crabe. tl0 per do; triced baaa. 11H per lb; cat flak. Te per lb; aalmon, froaea, THe per lb; freah Tree aalama, 11 per lb; herring. Be per lb;' aolee. So per R; akrlmpa, 10c per Tb; perch. Be per Ibi black cod. To par Ib tomeod. Ta per lb; Colombia rieer amalt. S per lb; altar amelt. 7e per lb; lebrtere, IS par lb i fraek mackerel, te per lb; erawneh. td par doe. oxbtbbs Bboaiwata ay, per gal, rx.; par c. tS.TS. CLAMS HardabeTI, per box, t00 taaaf claaa, tt.00 per bet. LIVESTOCK MARKET FIRM 1H ALL BRAKCHES Scarcity of Cattle Arrival . a Boost ' to That Market. . f Price - Maintained. . - Portland Cnloa Itockrarda. March SB. Lie. tock recelpu; , , Hoe a. uart)e. aneep. Today ft t7 lot Week are,.... 301 . M Month axo..... ... B4 as x tar ago iu - no ... la all braarhea of tb Meeetock market tedny ther we a firm ton with prlcee anchanae.1 from reaterdar. There to considerable acereltr of cattle arrlnl at tbe moment and tbbj b) canalng additional atrength to that line. orricici nreetoc price: Ha Beat eaatern Oregon. 17.0041T.S5l blocker and China fata, td.7t , Stacker aa4 (edera. t B0. Cattle Beet eaetera Oregoa (teer, 4.M1 4.W1 beet cowl and heifer. t.7eJ.86 light and medium teer, t.T6Jt3.M; lleht cow, 2.602O: atockr and feeder, M .000 3 JO; bull. tl.ltlXM. ' . nkeeo wetbera aaa mmae. ocoe: mixei (beep. c. C.lree Oood Teal, 1M to BOO poaada, IttC) S rongh and keary, 4cte. ' IJJTZmaT BOSS STBOBS. ' Chicago, March It. Ureetoct recelpU: . llore, Cattle. Sheen. Chicago Xt.Ono S.ftno Kanaaa City..,, n.ion T.ono S,0"0 Omaha , S.BOO 4.B00 IS. 000 Hot at rang with d.eno left over. Receipt a rear ago ware tlOOO. Prle: Mixed. t zOftd 4S; mod, t 90-4S; reagb, tt.SOS t.0: light, fr lrfet.10. ' tertle ereeoy. , Sheep Blow. . i ; ' ' . " v ..." Moaetorr Ksto. - - - ' -Kew Terk. March SB. Sterling rate Do- toaad. 4M.BJ; SO day. 4SS.S0. f . tleorpeol Oettaa Steady. Mrerrwol. March B)v Cottoa tutor Cloeal toady, 1 point higher. OUTSIDE ACTIVITY IS ADSEHT Chicago Wheat Market Dull With "Holder of Long Stuff Not ' f Caring to Liquidate. LIVERPOOL CLOSES AN ' EIGHTH LOWER TODAY On Account of Elaction Chicago Will Be Closed on Tuesday May. and July Slide" Away. From the Sep . tetnber. . . . -v :.. t. BCLATITB WHBAT TALBBS. Cloee ' Oloo . Cloe Tbur.' Wed. 100. 0to Tbura. M.y..........t .TTUA f .7S14A I1.14U 9 .OOH July .77Ja .73b .lk .004 September..... .TT .T 00 ' Chleag, March B) There eeemed to he aa abeeaee of MUkM actlTlty ra tb wheat markot throughoat th day. Tb pit trader cam to tb oaelualoa ttat oaatera heidora f wheat war making a effort to Uqaldato. - Tkle oug. geeted a eoereeted eondlttoa to May contract, and the abort were quit eonf kleat. Th gen eral market cloaed higher. ' Official (notation by Owrheck. Starr A Cook ompany . , -WRB4T. : Oaaa. --- Blah. . - Lew. - - Cloae. on. nirn. . ' bow. vMet. .7441 ,f7U .7l .77 UA flf 7-3 M J"y..,.S .Tfl Jr ilr OOBN .48 Th " .T OATB, May..; .SO, .SO T-.goat .SOU - M. ..BZ Sk " .M! .skit mha July... Sept... MEM POBK May... July... May... July... Sept... Me. . it er i.M . lata - it.s LA BO. , S 4T S.4B -;. HT . BBB ' ' S.0S ' S 47 . tU i.4T 10 late lt.U 40 SHOBT BUS in i t? r ItT B.n - S.7T . Juiy.. Sept,.... I.BS . S.H . .so ' : its ur rBAJroisco emant bubjcxt. ana rrancimm, March at-OfflchU Bkaratae eloalogi WBBAT. Opea. High. Low. ' Olaaa. May...... Ixcomhar.. BABLXX. May......... I.1 LIS . Lit lit December.. JttB MSI utibfooi. eBAnr itABin. ;r Urerpeel, March . Official arte) . - . WBBAT. . . . ' Open . . Cloee , Cleo Lot - . Thar. Thar. Wed. Tbur. Mar ...... ...e Ad Be V4d o dAd - 444 July m 4t4d 4 Hd 7( 14 . . COBB.' May ...4 11 - 4 Ittd- 4 ld-Wd nxBABT etmr K0Tt3mrr Chicago, March SB. Primary recelptal .. ... ,. , . r -,, Todar. Xear Ara J Buabei. Buahel. Wheat 411.000 .:... Ta.oo Corn , 464,000 400,000 Bhlpawata . . Wheat 141.400 tl. aoo Cora S0. 000 T74.0O0 . Total clearaarea Wheat. 1O4.O09 ' buabei; cora. . 4T4.O00 baabthli eata, S0.000. buakela; flour, sa.OOO barreia. . . . eaAot cab lots. . Chicago, March BK-Qrl aer lot! - "v Car. Orad. Bat. ISOB. Wheat 4 U 18 Corn 11 S 11 B44 S23 Oata ' ...lis SB 1X3 121 Wheat car today Mlnenapnlt, tM Daratb, TS. Xer ( MlnaaepelU, atSi Dulath. S. : , encABo cash wxzat. Chicago, March 1. Oaah wheat: ' . ThorBday. " ' - : ' - ' Bid. Aak.' Wed. Bid. .84 .81 .TT .71 .78 .Tl .71 No. 1 red. ........ ,,......... ,M i .as ared..... , . . No. t hard TT. .80 No. S hard .71 .70 No. 1 northern. ............. .TS . .So ho. t Borthera.... TS .70 hie. Bering .TS , .TS . TOMOPAX MlKIBa BTOCI. loilng: Bid. 1 , . . I SO ; .25 - Bid. Dener ........$1.75 Bcllnac 1.10 OoM Bar ...... 1 00 O. BuU Frog.., .21 Steluway .Ml Con. Cal.-Va.... l.M Opblr 4.85 Mexlcaa 1.10 . Caledonia 88 Rxchoauor ...... .fwv - Norcroea 1.S5 Goldea Orowa., .40 -Great Bend..... .01 ' Reecu Id Black Butt Ex. .04 Tramp LIS Oold Belmoat,.. ,iaB Montgomery .TB Snaeet .MA Sceptre ......' .58 Manhattaa .11 Baylor Humphrey .80 Iexter 1.02U Belmont Caeh Bor Golden Anchor. Horn Jim Butler.... l.M McNamara ... Midway , .. .125 . 2.BS . .64 . J0 .11.40 .18 12 tPl Montana North Star Ob to Too. Ex tea.. Neeada Weet Bad Adam Atleata Bluebell ...... e-r. .04 II .84 .15 .14 ' .25 .144 .47 .10 .44 1.T0 .28 .1 .18 .IT .48 , ltd 1.17 H ewta ......, Columbia Mt.. Ooaouer ...... DtamoadSeld . Wile Gotdnold Jumbe ....... jumbo Bite.. Kendall Oraaay .88 weia weag.... .a Lon Star , .18 Great Bead Bx.. .17 Ot. Bend Annex. .18 Creeceot .88 Cowboy ........ .ISA Leaana May Q' Mohawk Bed Top Baadator BAB ra-ABCISOO LOCAL BTOOXB. ; Ban rraaclece. March 1. Official cloelng. morning eeeekml . . . Bid. . A(k. Contra Coata Water...., 45 4.V, Spring Valley Water. HUI1 Olan toal Electric , 14 14U 80 '4 Olaat Powder.......... 80 Hawaiian Commercial. ........... 88 honoke Boaar..., 114 Rntchlneoa Sugar..,. 14 Makawell Sugar S4H Onome Sugar .. Paanha Snrnr. ............. ...... 18S Union Sngar , IVt Alaeka Packeraf.... BSti oo is it 109 V4 Cellfnral win aaeociatiou. , Paalfl Stat Tlepboa.... ..108 TBTTSS STATES OOTXBBMXKT BOVSB. New Tork, March 20. -qoeeraxant boad: Date. Bid. Aak, Two rerlatered....... do eouDon. ....... ... 180 ina. 1VI 14S ion Vtt Three registered. ..... do ooupon , , Two, amall boa 4a four reclatered....... do eouoon. ........ ,, 108 . .... iont 10T IRIS four reglatered oo coonoa 182S ptatrirt of Colambla Pblllpplna da Cktoaga to Ola Taeeday. OilctrA. March . Oa account ef e lectio day ther will b a eeeelon of th board ot trad Tudy. j. . ' LTTTLB BAlfAOB TO ifBtrrT. . ; ' (Bpecul IMenatrh to Tb Journal.) AIMay. Or., March B Th frort crop f tb raller and In the rlclnlt of Albanr baa not bee rnjnred td aay greet extent, and doaht ere entertained to w be ther any damage wee done. Moot of thooe la a pnaitlon to know allege that It waa mar benefit then a Ine aad that th one lit y ef th fruit will he moat materially ImproTed. If en la eery S5 bad on tre I eef and Bound tb cmp will he lerg one and tb trait ( a Bach bettor aallty thaa hrtfr . May..... T.alw 14U 104J 104 104U ind K8 104 104Z 104 1 1x214 1R84 181 1144 10 110m Comatimot Chort Cellars Art a tpenefit to Producers Just Now Ar Psyinz More for Hops Than Thoss That Failed to Sell. JET CHAHGES ARE RATHER SHALL Tone of New York Stock Market " Very 'Quiet. During the Trad Ing of Today. COAL SITUATION IS : ; STILL THE FACTOR Some Activity In Reading but the Price Cloaca Quite Near the End of Yesterday'a Market Copperi Are Quite Slow. : BBT ADTAKCBS. nuger Swelter Baltimore Oua. raL , St. Feul CAN. W UOflB VU ....... Central Leather..,. Metropolltaa ...... Rep. Stoei Soathara Railway . . Tenn. -Coal ...... Cokx dt Bonthr n.ubah- Berk Inland. ...... do preferred S. r., 84 Pfd.,,.. d 84 pfd.,.,. do let pfd..... PBT( .......... HI MITT L08SBB. Aaaaoad ..' 1 HI Ontario d Weetera. Amalgamated rtlPennaylTanU ...... Atohleoa ......... People Ge Car A roaadry... wPreeeed Steel Oar. Caaadlan HI Seeding eeamT T'll00 Soutbera' 'pariic. . . aie .....,. do Sd pfd. ,..,. do tot pfd Oreat Weetera .... St. L. AS. W., p. tnloa Paela...... V. B. Bubber...... 1). B. Steel do preferred .... kfeteOeotral..'r Hi cair h MtoMOrl Pclde... m Wleeoaala Central. Tbto -weot' -eery trto day Ib -th toek market aad tkc net change la value were ef little - importance. The former leelere were again lu charge of th actlrlty but (aire la a laaa ware really large. Bdadlhg waa th coaler of attrtctloa oa account of th coal altuatloa, but xaoeod eery cautlona dur ing the way. Tradere hardly cared to dab ble la coal tome, although tba trad to Ire ne) bellere that ther WlU b a (trlk of the mlnera. . OfaeiaLootatlaa by Orerbeck, Starr Ceek ompaayi J: DBSCBIPT10B. t Aaacoada htlnlng Co. . Amal. Copper Co,..;,. Atehhwa. 00m...,,... a prfand ..,.,.. Aaa. Car m rouad., ei . do preferred....... Am. Sugar, cow. . , ,. . 2Z 104 S 10X4 lot 140U amalt.- nreferrerf 128 111 ssii mi Ba I timer A Ohio, com. , do preferred Broohlya Rapid Tranatt Caaadlan Pacific, earn. . ChL A Alton, oh do preferred Chi. A Q. W.j com Chl MIL A St. Paul,.. Chi. A N. W., cam..... Shi, Tenmmal Railway, beaapeeh A Onto..... Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. , Colo. Southern, nta... do Id pr far red. .... do let preferred...... Delaware 4 Budsoa...., Oonear A B. com. . 4 preferred......... Brie, com . d Bd prof erred , . , do let preferred..... IlUnohf Central mviu sri'4 si 178U 1764 aeo OO A4 tl 70: SOS 4H 7e 172 Louleellle A NaahriUav. 11 Metropolitan at. By...., Manhattan Ballway...., Mexlcaa Central By.,,,, Minn., Bt P. A Si. It, da preferred. ........ Mlatnurl Pacific... M.. K. A T., com do Bnferred New Tork Central , Cottoa Oil Paderal Smelter, pfd... 141 SSU 85 71 ""5 lOttf 841 10SV Norfolk A Weetera, aom do preferred. .......... North America a N. T., Ont. A Weet.... Pcanaylranla By........ P. O., L. A C. Co Preaaad Steel Car, an.. do preferred Partflo Mall Bteam. Co.. Beedlna, ana,. do ltd preferred., do tot preferred...... Bop. Iron A Steel, cam. do preferred.. ........ Bock lalead, cost....... do preferred.......... Southern By., com a preferred. ......... 100 507 51U. 1IM 80 63 48 155 H 101H 10a Sen there Peel mm 0 preferred. St. l. a a, r., ad pfd.. St. L. A BrWvraom.-tr-.- do preferred TVxae A Paclfte Tenneeeeo Coal A Iron.. Tol., St. L. A W., em. do preferred Cnloa Pacific, com do preferred Centre! Leather, com... do preferred TJ. S. Bubber, eon do preferred.. TJ. B. Steel. Co., com... do preferred Wher A L. B., cob... do Sd preferred do let preferred...... Wleeooela Central, com. do preferred.......... Weetera Cnloa TW.... Wabaah, com.... d preferred.......... Am. Locomotlr........ lis 48W B5H BdVt S4 148 148 Vi 84 55 BO 65 V 155 156 46 ii 41 i 4oat 1044 104 20 2d si ik isH 61 SSVi 49 W no prwinw. . , . Total ale for day. 704,100 ikarea. CaU PMBey lod sTSVt per coat. bobtob corns BtAixrr.. Boat, March M.--OfSclal copper (lotlngl Bid. Id. AdTenrnr ,,.f 4 28 Allonee tttt-. . 88 60 Arcadlaa ,'. 88.50 Atlantic ....1. M50 Bingham .... i9 60 Calumet 804.00 Centennial , . , x 40 Copper Rang. Stl.OO Old noalnloa..9 45.00 Oeceola 108.00 Parrot ., Phoenix Otilacy . Aoyal ... Pant P Sbannoa ' Tamarak M OO - 1.00 84 no 8150 1 el -TBI 107.00 . Paly Weet... 14.00 1.00 18.00 80.00 18.00 8. 50 1800 81. frit 18.50 88 50 14. M 40.00 10.00 Kim Hirer ... Trlnlt; ,ltr . . 10.00 rranaun .... Oreeno Cea... Oraaby ...... Maee Mlrklgaa .... Mohawk Nereda Con.. North Butt., Baat Butte... L. S. A Pitta. Pitta. A Dal. rnltea Copper 87.00 Utah 48.STH Victoria ..... Wlnon Wolwln .., TT. B. Mining.. Tenn. Copper, Bnetoa Con ., Cab A Arln., Cel. A Pitta.. Janetloa ..... TOO . 8.25 1.84 80.60 47.00 ' 78 116.00 -25.O0A 15. 00 A , POBTLABT) BABX RATZMEVT. riecrlng Balance 1 ....... fdOl, 80, 21 , 108,147.14 WBBAT IB BMOWB. (Spoehtl Dmnateh to Th loaraol.) ' Weeton. Or March . Sereral handred acre f wheat are being roaowa ta tbi locality, aot from tb hit free, heweecr, but boriue of th nee of formaldehyde to tb treatment of aeed wheat to prarmt Kout It I beUered thai th dtrectlona were not carried oat properly by thorn uelng thla (nciae. Seed hoald h plantod Wit kin 84 hour after being treeted with formiMehyd. Tb wheat thai wee not ruined In thla way I all la excellent condition, which abowa that th atorm did no dmg br. . . . . . fiABTAOt ABOTJITD P08SIL. ' SpclI Dtauatch to The Journal.) roaaU, Or- March aw. dlivce tk breaking ap af tb lucent etorm It ka deeeloned that torga portlohi ef tb fell (rain la Waace, fiber, man, Ollllam. Wheeler and other count lee ha beea practically killed by tb week of oerer froat If waa ah)ected to, aad much reeeodlng ka being done. Whll thu to rery anfortaoete. thing might be war, el nee moat of th farmer are to a preeperoue oauiiou ' BTABeTASt Biaad Thenar. Phone Mela 98. TUB MABOUAM'B LAfT A"pTBACr; I0V . Prtaay aad Sotarday Bikto, kaoreh id ami a, ve-4oeoiau-rneo rei'neo Bataeaey . OXOAUA H. TUu-A'S BIQ MllNOTRELwO The ratoet Vtnatral Oaan aaae eat Znrta IVtM.Nt PhUCto Parquet 180. Parouet vvieo. . l. Balcony 75a and tOe. Oal' Icrr. 85e nd xoe. Bote Box and tage. 91 91 MATIN SB PBIi-KS 25c. 80c. BOO. . TO. SBAT MOW StLUMU DaKcrThestrcr Owgra Thaatta Oas. L. BeJur.ltgr, Xasrhiri aaoT Third rta. Phon Mala 1S0T, - Th Kama f Maalcei BortoMu. Tealght Th Briaky, Breeey and Up-to-DaU Miss f.ew YorlL Jiv A lart Chora of Singing Olrl and BlIXt ALLKN, Comedian, la the Twe-Aet Sro, - "ZIBB OB K0B0M0." Matin Saturday. Laat Performanc. ISe, -Btd, tic 60c Mailt prloaa. Ue. toe. toe. The Bext Week, Starting Sunday Matin, ' XBTPIBB BABOX COMXOT CO. Empire Theatre Herrloea Bad IStk. Bhaaw BUto 11T, Milton W. Seaman. Mar. ' THB POPULAB TUSAXBB. All Thl Week, Matin Stardy, Batata t th Alway raeorlto., .. - BEB BTEBBBICXa, in OLE OLILOON The tret, th beat Swedkth dialect play be fore the America public. . Mr. Headrlck etna entlral new eg hlta, . A geaulne treat to hear him. Brent ng Prlc 18c, Be, Bit, 90e, Matte, 1C toe. vie. Beat "Week, Starilng Bandar Kattoaa, Jka WU B IABU.I." star theatre; WTTX Or MABCB 8. -. r ' , ' rOWTXB BBOTKXBS. - BJLBT LAY10BB. DTOK AND XPF11 OTJISB. : ' TAIBCBILB A MOBTOB. r ' B1BBT fl, ' WILL 0. HOTT.; -- . . - - STABOBOOPB. " 1 Id Cent to Aay Boat Bxeept Boao. ' CraDdJheatre Work ef Mch. 23. THE THBEB . ABMBTBOBOS Oreatest Comedy Trick Blcycllet THE X BUBS MAJtlB tAUBINt7 r, A Mr. BOBTBB. TRX BELL TBIO. a JOBB J. WXLOK.,. babolo Rorv. . . OBAJIDISCOPX. ta th World. PBTCES Keening andjlunday. lac. 984 aad 841 Matin, 16 tt ear aeal aeept boxee. LYRICTHEATRE Beery Atame aa aad Beaalag PerttaBd'a Bepw axaVa ftttMaB) cHsVlkaMa -'- BMOTlOllAli MBLOOBABIA.. - 44 tilaB Wlfet'dB Crimed t rop Acre.- - FOLLOW THB rRqWDx!TI WTJOCS PBBrOBMANCB. AOMIBSION, 10; BBBBBTBO BBAT, 90. APOLLO RINK SBTBTn AJTS Oil 6 DaysL Racing Carnival T." T.'.' na jto fc- - Xr t 8kat Bow. ekt la . tha aiteraoon. Inatruottoa traa. - - JTONKB RiMDALU ' , THE Hobart M. Cable PK ano is the latest addi- , tion to the highest-grside pi ano family; this and' the forty - fire other worthy -American makes, are . Soli Only hy EILERS PIANO HOUSE tteree at Vorttaad, Bpekaae, Beiae, Baa lraala. Stooktoa, Oaklend Bad All Other layertaat Pelaaa. COTTON FUTURES TEN TO THIRTY-SIX POINTS OFF .New Tork. Marck . Cottoa ratara (looed 10 to 84 polata lower. Official --wnotathwa by-Oral toe k, Starr A Cook company i Cloelng One High Lew Thar. Wed. March ........... 1110 1110 loot 107T 1118 April ............ 1111 1111 110 - 10M 1114 May 1128 1128 1111 1111 HIT Jun 1111 1111 1108 1100 1114 July .1114 HIT 1108 Hot 1118 Auguet im in ion lima jioi September 1043 ions ions 1048 101 October 1044 1048 .1088 1084 104t Norember .... 704 load December IO44 1050 1048 1088 1044 January 1051 loni 104T IO40 1030 rcbraary 1051 1061 1061 100 . , . , V Brw Tork Oaah Coffee. New Tork, March 38 Cb eoffe: No. t Bid, It 14) Be. d Santoe. 8c ' BXW TOBB OOBTU BtABXXT, Kew Tork, Marck tS.-Ooff rurura clooed ancaaageo to puleta wwer. uncial prtowi Bid. Aak Bid. Aak. March .....94 40 94.451 AprU 4 40 1 46 rlay 4.70 4 78 on ...... t 75 8 85 July 8 85 9 80 Aug oat .... B.8S 7.00 September ..97.09 17.10 October .... T.10 T SO Noromocr ,. T.zo 7 20 oeeemoer .. T.80 T.81 T.4 January ... T 40 Pbrary T.40 T.90 QU1NIAULT SALMON 1 . RUNNING ON COAST (floeclal DkxiMtcD to Th JouraaLI . Bfoollpa, March 21. Tha run of aal' mon ha bagun and ther la a promlk of llrolr tiro at th Qulnlault agency, wnr tna Indiana ara export naharmcn. Two tradr at tha agncy will dJ In th aalmon durlns the run. Tha flan will ba tha only onea In tha markat ur. til th Brat of Juno, when tha run of ohlnook and eockcya will - bg-tn and will tend to bring down tha prlc of tha royal Qulnlault, Tha proapoct for an unusually rood run la flna. aa th ex tremely high tlde that havo prarallad thla aaaaoa ara av aura Indication of bis run of flab. Th tldaa ara from Ight to tn ft high, and tha Indiana pradlet A oatch that will ba larg. h akeB-BBahxexm aamaa aneaaa unmaamtBeaweami emBamBBBUwaamaaBjB UNITED RAILWAYS GETS FOREST GROVE FRANCHISE !.. 1 . f '. (Special DiapaUh ta Th Journal.) Port Orova, Or, March It. Th city ot Forat Oror granted at tha meeting of tha counoll laat night a (raachla to tha Vnltad Rallwaya oompacy which waa practically tha aam aa tha on flron to tha Oregon Traction company two yara ago, Tha official who rep resentad tha United Kallwaya wars W. B. Larrabea, W. T. Mulr, J, B. Taylor and Ooorgw C. Lemko. Th railway will corn up raolflo hr- nua, following tha aam atraata aa tha local railway, and mult ba sonDlt4 by June 1. 107. . TRANSPORTATION. ALAS II A FAIT ABO rorctAt STBAMSBllf Lear Seattle "mrM AprS t, IT, 97, f B, at., eta Wrangle. .. ' ' "JMMIX," April 14 SB. ' ' . ' ' CALLIBO AT - Ketchtken, Jaaeaa, rMagUa, Bala. Stag. way, Coaaeeta wlrh W. P. A T. roat tor v Atiia, Dawaea, Taaaaa, Boa, . Bs( AO tor Akart Porta. ' Oil er ad foe "Trip to WMderfal A leak, H 'ladlaa BaakeUr." Totem Pole." - ... . tMM ALASKA B. S. 00.. traak Weouey C. SI Oak at. : Agent. rertlaad. Or, .oo o 1 a 11 ii a il Opera ttng IS Pmmgn liuaw for SAN FRANCISCO siwa iingoto Stret. Bt-dafly nrrwo. Cakta. Sit. ateerage. 98. ' 0. H, raOBQrSOV. Area. Pheec Main 488. M TBTBB BT. UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE la akBOctto - With- Bute-- Pottage - Ballway aad Begulate lAae. . for Arlington, Irrtgea, Umatilla. Merer, Wallela - -. - an way raata. , -- - - tOW BATES ABB BBOBTBT SIBTICB. -' rrelght Beeeleed t Aider -Street Deik, A Tor further Informatloa Inquire ef Freak J, gmltn. . Trarne Manacer. 814 Worceater bid. rhon Mala B5 or Begulator Dock, Pboa Mala P14. The Dalles, Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Company "REGULATOR LINE" Boats lar Portland and Tha Dalle dally, axoapt Sunday, at T a. m., arrl- Ing about A p. m., carrying freight and nnngr. Splendid aocommodatlona for outflta and llvtook. ' avaok root af Aid a-, PortiaaAi Toot at eetn m nauea, rtaaao BCala Bid. Vwrtlaaa. Investments IN East Portland OOmnM ItOxlOS on Union aaa. naar Baat Btorrtaoa, all aoltd. around. 99.140. 0X0X0 OOBurxBl lot on Grand ar, 99.900. lOOXlOO eomer, with good bubauntial building-, on Hawthorn ar., 919,909. ' OOBvarBm lOOltt on orand ar., naat Baat Maniaon, food brlok - Building, 911.999. fWaUraTB 160x190 "on Kt ' Morrlaoa and JBt 9th ata only 129,909. - The Hcaly Investment Co. ' B10-S14 AMagtea, IM Third St. You Can Borrow 91.010 of to build with or pay off a mortgaBo, and repay . principal .and lntaraat In SO months by paying par month. Othar auma In propor tion and longer or ahortar tint If da!rd. Call and aa ua abaat-OL CoInmbU Lift d -Trust Company Bajrtk ITaOw QB8(g BaiUlaf- Bungalow Glade Th aosy homa alto, SOxl 00-foot total oomant walka, pnrkad and graded trt. on block from Hawthorn aro nu, 19 mlnutaa rid or 19 mlnut walk to heart of city. Will aU A fw at 0t; uma Sa owner, Geo. E. Waggoner nosra blatjt sssa. see - ;. Brooke & Kiernan 91 Third l'II .;- ';" FOR ;';:-: Inside Property Cbjce Hop Ranch SB 1-B AOBUSI -I .mil from Inacrjendona. on tnro oounty road, two tlphon lino and loctrlo railroad rout; It acra in hops, 4 yoara old; producvd 4. 40 pound laat year: 4.479 nw hop pole; 10 acre In other crop; 8 acre fir timber; ol! th beat. Prlc 9199 par aor; term. hillccx & r:::: ::l IIS t tv, p X7f -tsaB. e-4 -J 1 f T2Ai:rrcrTAT:c '(iTrW.' Ike-aamaaaw -mm i if Trains tt the East Dsay 3 Threugh Pullafaa BUndarS aad toorlet alee. Oaaa k a, Chlcairo. Spahane Jwlet elcaplog-Mre delly to Beaaa Cat. HTSSt JTTi'i" aahatowmm. taaai. frc) la Arrrr. Ctoago-Bortiaed Bneetal Bae . la Huatlngton. dly. 9:lSaa &?.. lyar tar . Beetera r . tat SJB , "-,"rou. Wall - Walla. - rea Northera pelata. dallr. 9:19 9:08 aa ai in 10 rer ta ear - - ! Buutlneten. delly . 8:18 pm T:18 m , , COI.lTMBfA BITBB DITISlOlf. nwaeo end North Benob. taBae Aeh-et, dock, km re I a, a 8.1 iy. ..-. ."""'! oetnrdee. 1 p. ax, amrea 4ht B n. m,, caeept Snnday. TA 14 HI IX BITBB BOTJTB. " Oregoa City d Tamkin rteo C!2!""aaar nata aa Medo. Aah-at. n'cent Seaday wntt mltttag). Arrlr Tjgo p. m. daily, em r. ," BITBB BOTrrm, m,l!L "loo. Ida., aad way point free Blpari. Waeh., a tea mere Snohaa and Lewie, a? 5,I,..,:V m., r pea arrival Tral in. "". Setarday. ArriTe 4 p. Ba. delly PrMar. WrkBLO'rlce.. Thfrd pad WxahlagtoS St. , . TIephcne Mala T'3. . a e W- STINOBB. City Ticket Age art. vaaiw. wonerei reeeenge Age, VIA SOUTH tTnlon Tsrvt . Lear. Arrlra. Orerlend Bipreac Trt la for Salem. Boaebarg. Aak. lead, Saeremeato. Ox den. Sea Praacteea, Storktou, La Angelee, Bl Feee, Orleeee tad th eaat Morning trala enneet at Waodbora dallr ueept Seaday with tral for ' Mount AngoL- Btleertuo Browiwrlll, - Springfield, WeadUng aad Natroa.... Xngene paaoeiiaer eon. 9: pat 'nittaaS 9:99881 t:89p8 nect at Wnedbura with Mount Aagol aad Sllrer- et rtSpa 14:SS aa an am M pa CnreaMla neaeeneer Sharldae - ' rereet Oroee paaeaarr. . 1114:48 -m- 111:8 pa e)lly. HTMtle axcent Sweday. roBTLANn-nawRno nBttBBA 9BBY1CB AKD TAMHILL t)ITIS10r. Leae Pertlaad (depot foot ef Jefrereoa St I dally tor Oawego T: a. m.i 11:80. t.OB. 4:O0. 8 11. S:tS.. 4:80, 10:10. 11:80 B.- Dally incept Sunday I. S:80. 9:90, S:tS, 10:SS a. aw unday enlr. 8:00 a. an. It. turning from Oeweg. ei-rtve Pertlaud datlr ! IO m.) 18. 9:018:08. 8:18. T.88. 8:68. I Id n, m.. 11:111 . m TVallw (except Suadayt. 15. T:SS. 8:80. 11:49 it. aa. Saaday only. M:08 Ot- m. - ' Leae front (ante Sefot for TVella and tntoe. Bvedtate polBt dUy 4:18 p. Bv. Arrlr For, land 14:10. m. Th Ttidependenee-Mnnavrnth Motet Ttoo ooee teo delle to Menmnath aad Alrtl. coanectl' with Seuthera Pacific company' track t Dei. . tea and Independence. . PTrat-clae fere from Partlaad to Sacrament fare t!8 oemnd-ela berth tt SO. Ticket to Paetera polete and Pneap a toe ntr Ticnei urnco wnwr j nirn aaa waow it! toa treete. POO Mala Tlx. - BTTNOBB. . A. Ka, CBir. . City Ticket Agent. Oca. Pea. Age. TIME CARD TRAINS Portlands rrLM biuC " ' Tea ,a Arrlee. Tallow a tone rark-Kaaaaa . ., Clty-St, Lout Special for Chehalfa, Ceetralia, Olym- : , wraje naraar, w.. , ad. Taenma. Seattle, Spo kaoe, LewlatoB. Butt. Bil ling, uenror. vnjena, a.w- aaa City. . Loato aa ' Boatheaat. dlly - SiSBaaj 4i9S 9B- Nerth Coaet Limited, cleo trie lighted, for Taeom. Saattle. Spot aaa. Butte. MlBneenoU. St. Paul aad . the Beat, dally............ 1:00 pet . f:99aa Puget Bound Llmtted. for Chehelle. Centra lie. Tacoma .... and Seattle only, dally w.. d:9tpm 191 pat Twla City Bx proa for Ta roma. Seattle. Spokane, Hearaa. Butte,, St. Pen, Mlnueepelle, Llacela. . St. Joeeph. Kanaaa City. Oma ha. BL Loot. without cheer f care. Ptrect con- nectlone for all potato ' Baat end nthaaraatlr;-r-tt're9 na4AcS aaSV- A. D. CHASLTOM, AeaBteat Oeneeal Paaeea. gar Agent. S3S Miirriaia etreet eeme Third. PwrfloKd. Or. ; Astoria & Columbia s River Railroad Co. ' Cnloa Depart ' " Lear Arrlr Por Maygera. Ralaler. Clat. ' , kaa.'e, Weatport. Cliftoa, Aatorta, Warrentoa. ria. eee. Oearkart Park, Scoald 8:40 am 11:18 tag , uearnari r arm, uaaiaiiaa e.w aa, iiaaw Aetorto ad-Biaabnrv. pre dally .TOpm BM(9 All trelna dally. J. O. MA TO. O. P. aad P. A.. Aatorl. Or. C. A. STBWABT. Commercial Agent. BtS Alder etreet. Pboa Mala BOB. l!lP . Tit COMrtrTABIX WAX. 20verlr3d TrtljDrHy 2 Th Orteatol Ltmlaed. the feat MaH"' T1A BB.tTTLB AMP BPOKAWB. . Pally. Dully. Lear. ' . Arrlr. Portland time rheduto To end from Spokane, St. Paul. Mlnneapell. : Duluth and all point But ria Beettle...... 9:98 9491 11.4 pm 8:40 pm To end from St. Pant, . , Mlnaeanolle. Duluth " ., ' ' nd all polat Baat tie SpehBBB 4:18 pm 8 0 am Oreat Barthora ' Steamaktp Oe, ' Belling from .Seattle for Japea nod China porta aad MaalU, (arrylaf pern eee ara and freight, S B. Klaaeaota. AprU St, . S. S. Deketav Jane T. BIPPOV TtTBIV XAISVA gape MeU Nteeawklp to.) Shmaae Mare will aell from Beettle bat May 1 roe Jape ae4 China porta, oarrytns neaBcngor and trelgbt. . Por ticket, re tee. berth reeerte. 'e.. veU oa er a nor eee K. BTCBSOB. O. P. T. A,. lt T1 tt., Vortland. Oregoa. luaa o-a Q ? p -n r"" " ko k, e i-e ror Com Bay, raret tad f t r K.xt '"-g from Per'ed. h..t tW...J from -n ran. j, 'P. L. f r c i - 'D". d;t, t. k- : 1 n XL J ,nBW,7aT,BBV' I - EAST W